```metadata title: Death Dealer description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## Death Dealer *Wonderous Potion, Rare* : This vial and syringe contains a watery black substance reminiscent of liquid obsidian. Seemingly ferrous, and even giving the illusion of containing shards within. : This fluid is fast acting, only requiring a reaction to administer it to yourself or a creature within 5 feet of you. Once administered, the creature under the effects of this fluid cannot become Unconscious as a result of reaching 0 hit points for 1 minute. Instead, they immediately gain a ward that lasts for 1 minute, this ward has hit points equal to the creature's level + their proficiency bonus, and when that creature is subjected to damage, the ward instead takes that damage for them, reducing the ward to 0 hit points dismisses the ward, but the creature remains immune to falling unconscious as a result of reaching 0 hit points. : Death saves rolled while under the effects of this potion are increased to DC15. Once the effects of this drug wears off, the creature immediately gains 1 level of exhaustion, and suffers an immediate 1 failed death save until their next long rest.