T*he weapon and warrior danced, the blade leaving her hand, pirouetting, sweeping, returning, following her every move with graceful precision. It could have been mistaken for mere art, if not for the arterial spray and the screams.*
*The Warhammer sat silently beside the throne, waiting. Its master had died to poison, and all those that had tried to wield it since were… inadequate. Perhaps it was time to do some searching personally, rather than simply waiting around. The Warhammer shook slightly, and began to rise…*
A Sentient Weapon. Many stories tell of a blade that chooses its wielder, that is more a companion to the hero than a mere tool. From deep in forgotten crypts to the throne rooms of warrior kings, these weapons are the animus of battle made metal and magic, with personalities as unique as their forms.
### Made, not Born
All Sentient Weapons have creators, but whether they know them is another story. It could be a powerful mage, a commited artificer, or perhaps even the Weapon was gifted to a devout follower directly by a diety.
### Built for Purpose
All Sentient weapons were built for a reason. Perhaps as a gift from a powerful mage to his liege, perhaps as a tool to turn the tides of a war, perhaps it descended to a chosen hero as a medium for a god's blessing.
### Sentient Weapon Traits
Your Sentient Weapon character has a variety of natural Abilities, the result of its magical nature.
*** Ability Score Increase:*** Your Constitution score increases by 2.
*** Age.*** Although Sentient Weapons (henceforth referred to simply as “Weapons”) do not tend to age, their personality grows with time. The amount of time a Weapon has spent in the company of other beings will have an effect on how mature its personality is; a Weapon that has been awakened and around sentient creatures for 20 years can be considered in possession of a mature mind.
*** Alignment.*** Weapons tend to be true neutral, seeking only a wielder or companion that can draw out their full power. Some Weapons may be cursed or inhabited by evil spirits, causing them to be evil by nature.
*** Size.*** You are Small, unless you pick a heavy weapon for your Weapon Body, in which case you are Medium.
*** Speed.*** You have a flying speed of 30 feet. You cannot travel more than 10 feet above the ground unless affected by the fly spell or similar magic.
*** Blindsight.*** you have 60 feet of blindsight that only senses living or moving things, sensing movements in the air around you. A crystal in your cross guard, runes across your haft or similar magical element lets you also see and hear as normal.
***Weapon Body.*** Your body is a weapon, literally:
* When creating a Sentient Weapon, choose any weapon from the weapons list in the player's handbook. Your body is an example of this weapon. The weapon you choose decides what subraces you may choose between: Versatile, Finesse, Heavy or Ranged.
* You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
* You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe.
* You are immune to disease.
* You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep.
* You are unable to wear armor or clothing, magical or non-magical. you may wear a single ring on your handle or haft.
*** Natural Weapon.*** You function as a magical weapon:
* You count as a +1, +2, or +3 weapon (take your proficiency score and divide it by two, rounding up.)
* You may attack with your body, using it as the weapon you chose for your Weapon Body.
* You may choose to be wielded by those you trust. As a standard action you may grant the person wielding you a number of extra attacks equal to the number of attacks you can make with an attack action, fighting with them as one. The wielder may choose to use your modifiers for these attacks, or their own.
*** False Appearance.*** While you remain motionless and aren’t flying, you are indistinguishable from a magical weapon. An Identify spell will identify you as a Sentient weapon, and give an idea of what level of spells you can cast and how many attacks you can perform.
*** Magical Manipulation.*** You know the Mage hand cantrip and may cast it without any Verbal or Somatic components as a bonus action.
*** Telepathy.*** You are able to telepathically communicate with creatures within 60 feet of you, so long as you share a language with them.
*** No Hands.*** You cannot perform the somatic components of spells unless you take the War Caster feat.
*** Maintenance.*** When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn't render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.
*** Anti-magic Field Susceptibility.*** When you are within the range of an Anti-magic field your speed is halved and you lose access to the Magical Manipulation and Magical Speech traits.
*** Languages.*** You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language known by your creator.