```metadata title: Blue Weaver description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` #### Blue Weaver *3rd-level Necromancy* **Casting Time:** :: 1 Action **Range:** :: 60-Feet **Duration:** :: Concentration up to 1 Minute. **Components:** :: V,S,M (a Silver Needle worth 1sp.) **Classes:** :: Warlock, Wizard You conjure a spectral visage of yourself formed of blue strands known as a Weaver, in its hand the needle produced for this spell, consumed and turned into an ethereal blue. : This Weaver appears at a point you choose within range, and as a Bonus Action on each of your turns, you may move this weaver to a point you can see within range. As part of that bonus action, or as a Bonus Action on your turn, you may grant a number of Temporary Hit Points to a creature within 5 feet of the Weaver equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. These temporary hit points cannot exceed the creatures max hit points.