```metadata title: Ronin description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` # Ronin ## Agile Discipline Quick movements, calculated evasive footwork, and trained to dodge attacks quickly. Starting when you take this Subclass at 3rd level, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Wisdom Modifier so long as you are not wielding a Shield or Wearing Armor. : In Addition, you may take the Dodge Action as part of your Cunning Action if you have not moved that turn, you cannot move however if doing so. ## Steady Blade At 3rd level, when you take the Cunning Action to Steady Aim for an attack and successfully deal sneak attack damage to a creature with it, you gain a second Bonus Action until the end of your turn, and regain your base movement speed for the turn, this second Bonus Action may only be used to take a Cunning Action. ## Sudden Strike At 9th level, you learn to strike in a flash, taking your opponents by surprise, and take advantage of the openings they have before they can even act. : On the first round of combat, make a single Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, all enemies in initiative must then make a Wisdom (Perception) check, those who fail do not notice your sudden strike. If the first attack you make on that round is against a creature who both has not had a turn in combat yet, and failed to notice your Sudden Strike, that attack against them is a Critical Hit. ## Steady Mind At 13th level, your mind is honed to be as sharp as your blade, when you make an Intelligence or Wisdom Saving Throw, you may treat the rolled result of 9 or less from a d20 as 10. If you do, you do not have access to your bonus action on your next turn. : In addition, if you are under an effect that ends when you succeed on an Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw, you may choose to succeed as a Bonus Action on your turn. You may only take this Bonus Action once, and may take it again when you finish a Long Rest. \column ## Crimson Dance At 17th level, the Roaring Tide of your weapon can continue, followed up by Crimson display of attacks. : The Second Bonus Action you recieve from your Steady Blade feature can now be used to make an additional attack. Roll half the number of sneak attack dice for your level (rounded up), this second attack deals extra damage equal to the rolled result. : You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish a Long rest.