# Crafting & gathering: # Alchemy & Herbalism
##### A guide to using ##### The Alchemist's Supplies & Herbalism Kit

##### Suplemental Rules for D&D 5th Edition ##### Created by Lyydia and Revised by Joe2chillo
# Alchemy & Herbalism These rules are intended to supplement the official D&D 5th editon rules for crafting and gathering with the alchemy and herbalisim kits and skills. The offical rules have very little information around these activities which allows us to venture out and make a system that is both fun and engaging while also being easy to use. The goal of this rule set was to do just that. The rules here will allow for a level of play that will engage the players without bogging down your game with too much overhead. The skills should feel real and fun for they players. Below you will find rules for gathering incredients and crafting potions and other items. While an Herbalist can gather plants for use in these items she is limited in the types of items she can craft. The alchmist however can craft more advanced magical potions but relies on the herbalist to gather the needed supplies. Sometimes potions require ingedients harvests from certain beasts or monsters. Someone skilled in survial may attempt to gather those materials from a defeated foe. Some of these herbs and creatures may also be used in poisons but the process of creating such poisons is somewhat different (see poison rules document). # Recipes
Both Herbalist and Alchemist will make theire creatons from recipes they know and learn. Each will have a toolkit with the necessary equipment needed to create these recipes. They only need gather the required materials.
## Using a Recipe An asterisk ( * ) next to a recipe means that the item is not an official item in D&D, and is considered playtest material and subject to change. The cost of a recipe includes any mundane ingredients and equipment, which are assumed to be included with the appropriate tool. Each Recipe will have incredients listed of a specific effect type. The effects are found in the descriptions of the plants in Appendix A. Each ingredient effect will have a potency. You must have enough potency of the ingreident to make the receipe. Example: If a receipe calls for "Protection (10) you will need 10 potency worth of components from any variety of sources of plants and creatures. ## Starting Recipes When you gain a tool proficiency, you learn 3 Common recipes associated with the tool. ## Developing New Recipes When your proficiency bonus increases, you can add a new recipe to your recipes known. This recipe must be of an appropriate level or lower, as indicated by the Discovering Recipes Table below. ##### Discovering Recipes | Proficienc Bonus | Recipe Level | |:----:|:-------------| | +2 | Common (3) | | +3 | Uncommon | | +4 | Uncommon | | +5 | Rare | | +6 | Very Rare | ## Learning Found Recipes When you come across a new recipe, you add it to your recipes known. Doing so requires time and money spent in experimentation, as indicated by the Learning Recipes Table below. ##### Learning Recipes |Recipe Level | Time | Cost | |:----:|:----:|:---:| | Common | 1 workday | 50 gp | | Uncommon | 5 workdays | 100 gp| | Rare | 10 workdays | 150 gp | | Very Rare | 30 workdays | 200 gp | ## Crafting Potions and other items with Alchemy and Herbalistm Once you have the ingredients you need you are ready to create you potion or concoction. You will need a stable surface to work on where your work wont' be distrubed be that a table in your lab in your home, the floor of your room in an inn, or a tree stump in the woods. Keep in mind that the more complex a potion is, the longer it will need to brew. Preperation may take several hours but brewing could take days or weeks to complete. Most potions take at least 8 hours to put together and the remaining time the potion must brew, age, or cure. Often this can be done be simply keeping the potion bottled for the remaining time needed allowing you to continue your adventures with the potion safely stowed away in your kit, though in some cases the DM may require the potion to have to sit in a safe location for the remainder of the brewing process such as a lab. \page
Alcemist's Supplies
When you attempt to make something you will need a receipe. The recepie will tell you the DC needed to create it. You will need to roll a successful Alchemey or herbalism skill check in order to successfully make the potion as well. Make an Intelligence ability check and add your proficency bonus from your Alchemist supplies or herbalism kit. If your DC is greater than that needed for the receipe, you succeed. You then only need to wait the remaining time tlisted on the receipe for brewing to complete. Some receipes may require you to add certain compoenents perodically during the process which will require you to check in on it. Each potion has a monatary cost as well. A DM may choose to have a player purchase that value worth of materials from a shop or if they perfer a more streamline method, they may simply have the player deduct the cost from their character's wealth. This is measued in gold pieces (gp). Of course a character who purchases the materials can purchase as much as they want in advanced so they have the materails handy when they are ready to make their creation. The DM may choose to keep these purchased items vague (ie. supplies to make healing potion), or more specific if they wish. The ingredients listed in these receipies can always be substitued for something equivalent. The Alchemist or Herbalist may have to do research or role a successful check to see if they can determine an appropriate subsitute (DMs descrestion). Keep track of these subsitutes for furture reference. Finally, sometimes complicatons arrise during the crafting process. The DM may role on the Crafting Complications table (XGE, or create their own), or come up with other complications as party of your game. Be ready for anything!

# Alcemist's Supplies ## Using Alchemist's Supplies Proficiency with alchemist's supplies allows you to produce useful concoctions, such as potions and oils. ### Contenets Alchemist's supplies include two glass beakers, a metal frame to hold a beaker in place over an open flame, a glass stirring rod, a small mortar and pestle, and a pouch of common alchemical ingredients including salt, distilled alcohol, powdered iron, and purified water. Some of these consumables ingredients may need to be replenished once used. Your DM may ask you to track these items. I ask your DM how much of each item you have. ### Skill Checks If you have proficiency in alchemist's supplies, you can use your tool proficiency to give yourself advantage on certain skill checks. #### Arcana Proficiency with alchemist's supplies allows you to unlock more information on Arcana checks involving potions and similar materials. ``` ``` #### Investigation When you inspect an area for clues, proficiency with alchemist's supplies grants additional insight into any chemicals or other substances that might have been used in the area. ## Crafting Potions & Alchemical Concoctions To create any of the following items, an alchemist kit must be used. Proficiency in alchemist kits allows you to add your proficiency bonus to checks to their creation. ### Common Recipes (DC 10) Creation of these items costs 25 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 1 workday of time. ##### Alchemist's Fire This sticky, adhesive fluid ignites when exposed to air. As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the alchemist's fire as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames. **Ingredients:** Fire (10) \page
##### Potion of Climbing When you drink this potion, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to climb. The potion is separated into brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of stone. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors. **Ingredients:** Climb (10) ##### Potion of Swimming: * When you drink this potion, you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour. During this time, you have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks you make to swim. The potion is separated into teal, light blue, and indigo layers resembling a deep ocean. Shaking the bottle fails to mix the colors. **Ingredients:** Water (10) ##### Smokebomb As an action, you can throw this smokebomb up to 30 feet away from you. On impact, smoke begins to billow from it, creating a heavily obscured area within a 10 foot radius and a lightly obscured area for a further 5 feet. This smoke dissipates after 1 minute, or until it is blown away by some external means. **Ingredients:** fire (5) ##### Vial of Acid As an action, you can splash the contents of this vial onto a creature within 5 feet of you or throw the vial up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the acid as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage. **Ingredients:** Damage (Acid) (10) ### Uncommon Recipes (DC15) Creation of these items costs 100 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 3 workdays of time. ##### Oil of Slipperiness This sticky black unguent is thick and heavy in the container, but it flows quickly when poured. The oil can cover a Medium or smaller creature, along with the equipment it's wearing and carrying (one additional vial is required for each size category above Medium). Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. The affected creature then gains the effect of a freedom of movement spell for 8 hours. Alternatively, the oil can be poured on the ground as an action, where it covers a 10-foot square, duplicating the effect of the grease spell in that area for 8 hours. **Ingredients:** Movement (14), Oil or Grease ##### Potion of Animal Friendship When you drink this potion, you can cast the animal friendship spell (save DC 13) for 1 hour at will. Agitating this muddy liquid brings little bits into view: a fish scale, a hummingbird tongue, a cat claw, or a squirrel hair. **Ingredients:** Charm (15) ``` ``` ##### Potion of Fire Breath After drinking this potion, you can use a bonus action to exhale fire at a target within 30 feet of you. The target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The effect ends after you exhale the fire three times or when 1 hour has passed. This potion's orange liquid flickers, and smoke fills the top of the container and wafts out whenever it is opened. **Ingredients:** Fire (15) ##### Potion of Growth When you drink this potion, you gain the "enlarge" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The red in the potion's liquid continuously expands from a tiny bead to color the clear liquid around it and then contracts. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this process. **Ingredients:** Transmute (15) ##### Potion of Giant Strength When you drink this potion, your Strength score changes for 1 hour. The type of giant determines the score. The potion has no effect on you if your Strength is equal to or greater than that score. This potion's transparent liquid has floating in it a sliver of fingernail from a giant of the appropriate type. | Giant Type | Str Score | |:----:|:----:| | Hill | 21 | | Frost or Stone | 23 | | Fire | 25 | | Cloud | 27 | | Storm | 29 | Ingredients. Ability (Str) (16) , a sliver of fingernail from a giant of the appropriate type. ##### Potion of Resistance When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to one type of damage for 1 hour. The damage type depends on the special ingredient added. **Ingridents:** Protection (5), Damage (Type) (10) ##### Potion of Waterbreathing You can breathe underwater for 1 hour after drinking this potion. Its cloudy green fluid smells of the sea and has a jellyfish-like bubble floating in it. **Ingredients:** Water (15) \page
Potions Cont.
### Rare Recipes (DC 20) Creation of these items costs 500 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 10 workdays of time. ##### Midnight Oil* A small flask of inky black oil that resembles a night sky when viewed in a certain light. When the midnight oil is used to light a lantern, it emits bright light for 5 feet and dim light a further 5 feet for 8 hours. If a creature stays in the light emitted by this oil for the full 8 hours, they get all the benefits of a long rest without needing to sleep, provided they only engage in light activity such as reading, studying, talking, etc. **Ingredients:** Damage (Radient) (24), Oil, ##### Oil of Dragon's Bane This oil can coat a single weapon for 3 uses, or up to 3 pieces of ammunition can be dipped in the oil for 1 use each. A dragon that takes damage from a weapon or piece of ammunition covered in the oil takes an additional 6d6 damage from the attack. The oil dries after 1 hour and becomes inert. **Ingredients:** 1 Vial Dragon's Blood, Damage (Poison) (15) ##### Oil of Etherealness Beads of this cloudy gray oil form on the outside of its container and quickly evaporate. The oil can cover a Medium or smaller creature, along with the equipment it's wearing and carrying (one additional vial is required for each size category above Medium). Applying the oil takes 10 minutes. The affected creature then gains the effect of the etherealness spell for 1 hour. **Ingredients:** Movement (20) ##### Potion of Clairvoyance When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the clairvoyance spell. An eyeball bobs in this yellowish liquid but vanishes when the potion is opened. **Ingredients:** Damage (Psychic) (20) ##### Potion of Diminution When you drink this potion, you gain the "reduce" effect of the enlarge/reduce spell for 1d4 hours (no concentration required). The red in the potion's liquid continuously contracts to a tiny bead and then expands to color the clear liquid around it. Shaking the bottle fails to interrupt this process. **Ingredients:** Transmute (25) ##### Potion of Gaseous Form When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the gaseous form spell for 1 hour (no concentration required) or until you end the effect as a bonus action. This potion's container seems to hold fog that moves and pours like water. **Ingredients:** Air (25) ``` ``` ##### Potion of Heroism For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 temporary hit points that last for 1 hour. For the same duration, you are under the effect of the bless spell (no concentration required). This blue potion bubbles and steams as if boiling. **Ingredients:** Life (15), Damage (Radient) (10) ##### Potion of Invulnerability For 1 minute after you drink this potion, you have Resistance to all damage. The potion's syrupy liquid looks like liquefied iron. **Ingredients:** Protection (20) ##### Potion of Mind Reading When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the detect thoughts spell (save DC 13). The potion's dense, purple liquid has an ovoid cloud of pink floating in it. **Ingredients:** Damage (Psychic) (20) #### Flask of Petrification As an action, you can throw this flask up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact. Make a ranged Attack against a creature or object, treating the flas as an improvised weapon. Upon hitting the target, it burst coating the target. The target must make a DC14 consititution saving throw. If they fail they are petrified until a spell such as greater restoration is used to remove the condition. On a successful save the creatures movement is halved until the end of their next turn. **Ingredients:** Petrification (20) ### Very Rare Recipes (DC 25) Creation of these items costs 1,000 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 30 workdays of time. ##### Oil of Sharpness This clear, gelatinous oil sparkles with tiny, ultrathin silver shards. The oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to 5 pieces of slashing or piercing ammunition. Applying the oil takes 1 minute. For 1 hour, the coated item is magical and has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. **Ingredients:** Damage (Physical) (30) \page
Herbalism Kit.
##### Potion of Flying When you drink this potion, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed for 1 hour and can hover. If you're in the air when the potion wears off, you fall unless you have some other means of staying aloft. This potion's clear liquid floats at the top of its container and has cloudy white impurities drifting in it. **Ingredients:** Movement (20), Air (15) ##### Potion of Longevity When you drink this potion, your physical age is reduced by 1d6 + 6 years, to a minimum of 13 years. Each time you subsequently drink a potion of longevity, there is 10 percent cumulative chance that you instead age by 1d6 + 6 years. Suspended in this amber liquid are a scorpion's tail, an adder's fang, a dead spider, and a tiny heart that, against all reason, is still beating. These ingredients vanish when the potion is opened. **Ingredients:** Life (40) ##### Potion of Invisibility This potion's container looks empty but feels as though it holds liquid. When you drink it, you become invisible for 1 hour. Anything you wear or carry is invisible with you. The effect ends early if you attack or cast a spell. **Ingredients:** Movement (15), Air (20) ##### Potion of Speed When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the haste spell for 1 minute (no concentration required). The potion's yellow fluid is streaked with black and swirls on its own. **Ingredients:** Movement (35) ##### Potion of Truesight * When you drink this potion, you gain truesight for 1 hour. **Ingredients:** Damage Damage (Psychic) (40) # Herbalism Kit ## using Herbalism Kits Proficiency with an herbalism kit allows you to identify both magical and nonmagical plants and safely collect their useful elements, and to create healing salves, potions, poltices and tinctures. ### Contents An herbalism kit includes three pouches to store herbs, clippers and leather gloves for collecting plants, a mortar and pestle, and five glass jars. More jars can be purchased but you will need to store them properly. ### Skill Checks If you have proficiency in herbalism kits, you can use your tool proficiency to give yourself advantage on certain skill checks. #### Arcana Your knowledge of nature and uses of herbs can add insight to your magical studies that deal with plant creatures and your attempts to identify potions. #### Investigation When you inspect an area overgrown with plants, your proficiency bonus can help you pick out details and clues that others might miss. ``` ``` #### Medicine Your mastery of herbalism improves your ability to treat illnesses and wounds by augmenting your methods of care with medicinal plants. #### Nature and Survival You can identify most plants with a quick inspection of their appearance, smell, and their surrounding environment. ## Crafting Salves, Potions, Poultices, & Tinctures To create any of the following items, an herbalism kit must be used. Proficiency in herbalism kits allows you to add your proficiency bonus to checks to their creation. ### Common Recipes (DC 10) Creation of these items costs 25 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 1 workday of time. ##### Antitoxin A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs. **Ingredients**: Poison (10) \page
Salves, Potions, Poultices, & Tinctures
##### Potion of Healing You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs. **Ingredients:** Heal (14) ##### Soothing Salve * A sticky, sour smelling salve that can be applied to wounds. When you expend hit dice to recover hit points while using this salve, you recover an additional 3 hit points for each hit die expended. This effect lasts for 1 hour after applied. **Ingredients:** Heal (10) ##### Healing Poultice When applied the receipient may roll 1 extra hit die during a short rest. **Ingredients:** Heal (12) ##### Potion of Life * Drinking this potion grants you temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier (min. 1 hp). These extra hit points last 1 hour or until removed by damage (damage removes temporary hit points first). **Ingridents:** Life (14) ## Uncommon Recipes (DC 15) Creation of these items costs 100 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 3 workdays of time. ##### Pomander of Warding * This ball of aromatic spices and perfumes fills an area with a 15 foot radius with a strong scent for 24 hours after being unwrapped. Undead creatures of CR 2 or lower that enter this area must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or be turned, as detailed in the Turn Undead cleric feature. Once prepared (8 hours) it can be stored in a glass jar to cure for the remainder of the 3 day period. **Ingredients:** Protection (15), Holy Oil, Sage ##### Potion of Greater Healing You regain 4d4 + 4 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs. **Ingredients:** Heal (28) ##### Poultice of Poison Extraction When applied over the course of a short or long rest this poultice will extract poison from the receipent ending the poisoned condition. **Ingredients:** Heal (12), Damage (Poison) (10) ##### Potion of Endurance * A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains advantage on Constitution saving throws for 1 hour. **Ingredients:** Ability (Con) (20) ``` ``` ##### Greater Potion of Life * Drinking this potion grants you temporary hit points equal to 2 hit die + your Constitution modifier. These extra hit points last 1 hour or until removed by damage (damage removes temporary hit points first). **Ingridents:** Life (28) ### Rare Recipes (DC 20) Creation of these items costs 500 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 10 workdays of time. ##### Elixir of Health When you drink this potion, it cures any disease afflicting you, and it removes the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned conditions. The clear red liquid has tiny bubbles of light in it. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs. **Ingredients:** Health (30) ##### Potion of Superior Healing You regain 8d4 + 8 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs. **Ingredients:** Health (42) ##### Tea of Refreshment * This warm drink removes one level of exhaustion from whoever drinks it. **Ingredients:** Life (5), Ability (Con) (25) ##### Tincture of Werewolf's Bane * Any lycanthrope that drinks this tincture must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the lycanthrope takes 3d10 necrotic damage and must change to its humanoid form if it was not already in that form, after which the lycanthrope cannot change form for 24 hours. On a success, the lycanthrope takes half that damage and is not under any additional effects. **Ingredients:** Transmute (25), Damage (Necrotic) (5) \page
Gathering & Harvesting
##### Salve of Petrification When applied to the body of a creature that has been petrified (petrified condition), over the course of a short rest or 1 hours time, this salve will removed the petrification condition. **Ingedients:** Petrification (35) ##### Superior Potion of Life * Drinking this potion grants you temporary hit points equal to 4 hit die + your Constitution modifier. These extra hit points last 1 hour or until removed by damage (damage removes temporary hit points first). **Ingridents:** Life (42) ## Very Rare Recipes (DC 25) Creation of these items costs 1,000 gp, in addition to the ingredients listed, and 30 workdays of time. ##### Potion of Supreme Healing You regain 10d4 + 20 hit points when you drink this potion. The potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs. **Ingredients:** Health (56)
##### Potion of Vitality When you drink this potion, it removes any exhaustion you are suffering and cures any disease or poison affecting you. For the next 24 hours, you regain the maximum number of hit points for any Hit Die you spend. The potion's crimson liquid regularly pulses with dull light, calling to mind a heartbeat. **Ingredients:** Ability (Con) (15), Health (10), Damage (Raident) (15) ##### Supreme Potion of Life * Drinking this potion grants you temporary hit points equal to 6 hit die + your Constitution modifier. These extra hit points last 1 hour or until removed by damage (damage removes temporary hit points first). **Ingridents:** Life (56) ##### Potion of Greater Restoration Drinking this potion has the same effect as the Greater restoration spell. If more than 1 condition is effecting the recepient of the potion the removed effect to be removed may be stated or if the DM wishes, it can be random. **Ingridents:** Life (25) Ability (Con) 15 # Gathering & Harvesting ## Gathering Herbs When searching for, indentifying, and gathering herbs, their are several types of checks that can be made at the DMs discretion. If the herbalist is not proficient in any of the skills mentioned below they may still add their proficiency modifer form there herbalism kit proficiency. #### Searching When searching for herbs a Wisdom (Perception) check should be made. However if looking for a particular herb in a specific location the DM may find that an Intelligence (Investigation) check is more in order. If the player is searching while on the move this check should be made with disadvantage. The DM should first determine the rarity of the plant which may be found by rolling on the Plant Rarity table below. Then the DM can choose a plant of that rarity from the approprite Plants by Region table to see what type of plant the player can find in their location. Based on the rarity of the plant the DM can determine the needed DC to locate that plant. ##### Plant Rarity | 1d100 | Rarit of Plant | |:----:|:-------------| | 01-40 | Common | | 41-70 | Uncommon | | 71-90 | Rare | | 91-100 | Very Rare |

#### Gathering When gathering herbs you have found roll either a general Wisdom check or Intelligence check applying your proficency modifer for your proficency with the herbalism kit. A Wisdom check may be more appropriate if the herb being harvested is one that the herbalist is familuar with, either because they have harvested it before or throught their studies which is reflected in the receipes they have aquired. An Intelligence check may be more appropriate if the herb being harvested is new to the herbalist and they have not attempted it before. Ultimatly the DM has descretion on the type of roll used. When gathering an herb you receive a base number equal to the quanity in the herbs description (1d6, 1d4, 1d3, or 1d2). Depending on how well or poorly the player rolls they may be able to gather more or less of the herb. See the harvesting VS DC table. ##### harvesting Vs. DC | Base | >-5 | 0-5 | 5-10 | >10 |:----:|:------:|:----:|:----:| | 1d6 | 0 | 1d6 | 1d6+3 | 2d6 | | 1d4 | 0 | 1d4 | 1d4+2 | 2d4 | | 1d3 | 0 | 1d3 | 1d3+ 1d2 | 2d3 | | 1d2 | 0 | 1d2 | 1d2+1| 2d2 | \page
Gathering & Harvesting
#### Identifying When Identifying plants of any type the herbalist should role an Intelligence (Nature) check applying their proficency bonus for their herbalist kit if they are not proficient in the Nature Skill. Rangers should have advantage on any roll when identifying in their favored terrain (exculeds Revised Rangers). ### Buying and Selling Herbs The below table shows the cost to purchase a single unit of an herb of any given rarity. This is a baseline price which may change depending on the game and the location the group is in. When selling herbs the base price is half the sale price. Again this may change based on the game and location. Additionally the DM can use the Sallable Magic Items tables on page 130 of the DMG subsituting the listed prices below. ##### Herb Prices | Ingredient Rarity | Base Purchase Price | Base Sell Price |:----:|:-------------:|:---------:| | Common | 5gp | 2gp 5s | | Uncommon | 10gp | 5gp | Rare | 50gp | 25 gp | | Very Rare | 150gp | 75 gp | | Legendary | 500gp | 250 gp | #### Potency Each plant harvested has a potency determined by it's rarity. When making potions or other concogtions, a crafter can use fewer of a more potent plant. For example, a Potion of Healing requires 14 Healing components. This could be achieved with 14 healing plants with a potency of 1 or 3 healing plants with a potency of 4 and 1 with a potency of 2.

#### Effects Harvested materials from not only plants but creatures have an effect. A potion or other concogtion requires a certain potency worth of compoents that have these effects in order to create them. The effects are: **damage, climb, charm, ability, movement, petrification, heal, Life, transmute, water, air, protection, special**. Note that damage types will have a subtype such as acid, fire, lighting, ect. Ability will have a subtype of Str or Con. Special ingredients will be listed on the receipe. \page
Plants by Region
# Plants By Region
The below tables should be used to determine what type of herb a player may find when searching in a particular region.
##### Forest & Jungles | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | Effects | Potency | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:------:|:-----:| | Bittersweet | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | Ability (Con), Charm | 1 | | Throot Tree | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | Damage (Physical/Poison) | 1 | Redcap Mushrooms | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | Heal, Life | 1 | Timewarded Roseweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | Water, Damage (Poison) | 1 | | Vibe Mint | Common | DC 10 | DC 15 | 1d4 | Heal, Ability (Con) | 1 | | Chromatic Loploss | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | Movement, Transmute | 2 | | Dappy | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Aegis Bulb | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Bloodweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Brightflare | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Feathered Foil | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Pentacle Sage | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Wandering George | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Whistleweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Xentik Creeper | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Burstblade Clove | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Cat's Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Black Ivy | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Blood Tree | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Blue Wonder | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Creed | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Demented Direkleaf | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Fairy Stool | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Ghost Blossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Laxblossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Masters Throot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moon Nettle | Rare | DC 20 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Moonhallow | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Silver Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Suchiru Sakura | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Veinrot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Black Lotus | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Demons Smock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Devil's Gambit | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Demons Tongue | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Neverbloom | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Nightmare Root | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Sinners Hemlock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Yelling Buttons | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Yellow Terran | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 |
Plants by Region
##### Arctic | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Gausswort | Common | DC 10 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Hikers Friend | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Keening Ragweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Timewarded Roseweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Aegis Bulb | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Feathered Foil | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Whistleweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Wandering George | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Throot Tree | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Xentik Creeper | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Snow Hops | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Chromatic Loploss | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Burstblade Clove | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Cat's Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Demented Direkleaf | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Fairy Stool | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Laxblossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Masters Throot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moonhallow | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moon Nettle | Rare | DC 20 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Suchiru Sakura | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Silver Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Black Ivy | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Blood Tree | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Ghost Blossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Veinrot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Frost Lichen | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Devil's Gambit | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Demons Tongue | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Sinners Hemlock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Yelling Buttons | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Yellow Terran | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Black Lotus | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Nightmare Root | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Dragon's Fork | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 |
##### Coast | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Gausswort | Common | DC 10 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Hikers Friend | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Keening Ragweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Timewarded Roseweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Vibe Mint | Common | DC 10 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Bittersweet | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Throot Tree | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 |
Plants by Region
##### Coast Cont. | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Aegis Bulb | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Feathered Foil | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Whistleweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Wandering George | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Xentik Creeper | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Chromatic Loploss | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Dappy | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Demented Direkleaf | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Fairy Stool | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Laxblossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Masters Throot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moonhallow | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moon Nettle | Rare | DC 20 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Suchiru Sakura | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Silver Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Black Ivy | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Blood Tree | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Ghost Blossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Veinrot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Burstblade Clove | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Cat's Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Devil's Gambit | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Sinners Hemlock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Yelling Buttons | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Yellow Terran | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Black Lotus | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Nightmare Root | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Lowland Bloom | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Mother's Milk | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Demons Tongue | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 |
##### Underdark | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Gausswort | Common | DC 10 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Hikers Friend | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Keening Ragweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Timewarded Roseweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Bittersweet | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Throot Tree | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Fog Plum | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Aegis Bulb | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Feathered Foil | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Whistleweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Wandering George | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Xentik Creeper | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Chromatic Loploss | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 |
Plants by Region
##### Underdark Cont. | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Dappy | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Dark Corn | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Demented Direkleaf | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Fairy Stool | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Laxblossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Masters Throot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moonhallow | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moon Nettle | Rare | DC 20 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Suchiru Sakura | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Silver Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Black Ivy | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Blood Tree | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Ghost Blossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Veinrot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Burstblade Clove | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Cat's Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Pale Cap | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Devil's Gambit | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Sinners Hemlock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Yelling Buttons | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Yellow Terran | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Black Lotus | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Nightmare Root | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Demons Tongue | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Dragon's Fork | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Singing Nettle | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Antichroma Glasstalk | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 |
##### Desert | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Gausswort | Common | DC 10 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Hikers Friend | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Keening Ragweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Timewarded Roseweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Bittersweet | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Throot Tree | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Aegis Bulb | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Feathered Foil | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Whistleweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Wandering George | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Xentik Creeper | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Chromatic Loploss | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Dappy | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Demented Direkleaf | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Fairy Stool | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Laxblossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 |
Plants by Region
##### Desert Cont. | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Masters Throot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moonhallow | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moon Nettle | Rare | DC 20 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Suchiru Sakura | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Silver Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Black Ivy | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Blood Tree | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Ghost Blossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Veinrot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Burstblade Clove | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Cat's Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Desert Winds | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Ashblossom | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Devil's Gambit | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Sinners Hemlock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Yelling Buttons | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Yellow Terran | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Black Lotus | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Nightmare Root | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Demons Tongue | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Hells Toll | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Demons Smock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 |
##### Grasslands | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Gausswort | Common | DC 10 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Hikers Friend | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Keening Ragweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Timewarded Roseweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Bittersweet | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Throot Tree | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Vibe Mint | Common | DC 10 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Aegis Bulb | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Feathered Foil | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Whistleweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Wandering George | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Xentik Creeper | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Chromatic Loploss | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Dappy | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Bloodweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Pentacle Sage | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Demented Direkleaf | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Fairy Stool | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Laxblossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Masters Throot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moonhallow | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 |
Plants by Region
##### Grasslands Cont. | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Moon Nettle | Rare | DC 20 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Suchiru Sakura | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Silver Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Black Ivy | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Blood Tree | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Ghost Blossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Veinrot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Burstblade Clove | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Cat's Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Blue Wonder | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Laughing Grass | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Devil's Gambit | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Sinners Hemlock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Yelling Buttons | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Yellow Terran | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Black Lotus | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Nightmare Root | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Demons Tongue | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Lowland Bloom | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Demons Smock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 |
##### Mountains | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Gausswort | Common | DC 10 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Hikers Friend | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Keening Ragweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Timewarded Roseweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Bittersweet | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Throot Tree | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Aegis Bulb | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Feathered Foil | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Whistleweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Wandering George | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Xentik Creeper | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Chromatic Loploss | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Dappy | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Ashblossom | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Brightflare | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Hightop Bloom | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Ironberry | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Demented Direkleaf | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Fairy Stool | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Laxblossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Masters Throot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moonhallow | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moon Nettle | Rare | DC 20 | DC 25 | 1d2 |
Plants by Region
##### Mountains Cont. | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Suchiru Sakura | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Silver Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Black Ivy | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Blood Tree | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Ghost Blossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Veinrot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Burstblade Clove | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Cat's Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Devil's Gambit | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Sinners Hemlock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Yelling Buttons | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Yellow Terran | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Black Lotus | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Nightmare Root | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Demons Tongue | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Mother's Milk | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Singing Nettle | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 |
##### Swamp | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Gausswort | Common | DC 10 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Hikers Friend | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Keening Ragweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Timewarded Roseweed | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Bittersweet | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Throot Tree | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Redcap Mushrooms | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Fog Plum | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Lockjaw | Common | DC 10 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Aegis Bulb | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Feathered Foil | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Whistleweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Wandering George | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Xentik Creeper | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Chromatic Loploss | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Dappy | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 10 | 1d6 | | Pentacle Sage | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Gillyweed | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Midnight Tears | Uncommon | DC 15 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Demented Direkleaf | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Fairy Stool | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Laxblossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Masters Throot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moonhallow | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Moon Nettle | Rare | DC 20 | DC 25 | 1d2 |
##### Swamp Cont. | Plant | Rarity | DC to Locate | DC to Harvest | Base Quanity | |:----:|:-------------:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----:| | Suchiru Sakura | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Silver Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Black Ivy | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Blood Tree | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Ghost Blossom | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Veinrot | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Burstblade Clove | Rare | DC 20 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Cat's Tongue | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Laughing Grass | Rare | DC 20 | DC 15 | 1d4 | | Devil's Gambit | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Sinners Hemlock | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Yelling Buttons | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Yellow Terran | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Black Lotus | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 25 | 1d2 | | Nightmare Root | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 | | Demons Tongue | Very Rare | DC 25 | DC 20 | 1d3 |
Harvesting Creatures
# Harvesting Creatures
When attempting to harvest a creature there are a couple of checks that may be made. Note that the below roles are outside the realm of expertise for the Herbalist or Alchemist and proficiency modifiers for toolkit proficencies should not be added. If the harvester is proficient in any of the below mentioned skills however they still get their proficiency modifer added to the roll.
#### Identifying Useful Parts If you do not know of the specific part of a creature you need or you want to identify a part of a creature that may have useful properties for a creation, roll a general Intelligence Check. In some cases the DM may find it more suitable to role an Intelligence (Arcana) or (Nature) check depending on the type of creature you are attempting to harvest. #### Obtaining the Creature's Parts When attempting to harvest a part of a creature role a Wisdom (Survival Check). Rangers should have advantage on any roll when harvesting from their favored enemy. ``` ``` ### Buying and Selling Creature Parts The table below shows the cost to purchase a single creature part. Creatures, unlike herbs have a wider array if parts and rarity and there is the difficulty in which they are obtained. This table breaks up the prices to purchase these parts by creature CR. The prices list here are the base price to purchase and sell items. The DM may use their judgement in adjusting these prices based on how hard they are to obtain the the part of the creature that has been obtained. For instance successfully harvesting a heart may be more difficult than harvesting a claw, and there for the heart may be worth a little more. Again, when selling parts the Sallable Magic Items table on page 130 of the DMG is always useful.

##### Harvested Parts Prices | Monster CR | Base Purchase Price | Base Sell Price | |:----:|:--------:|:---------: | <1 | 5gp | 2g 5s | 1-4 | 10gp | 5gp | 5-8 | 50gp | 25 gp | 6-12 | 100gp | 50gp | 13-16 | 250gp | 125gp | | 17 -20 | 500gp | 250gp | 21-24 | 750gp | 325gp | 25-28 | 1000gp | 500gp | 29-32 | 2000gp | 1000gp \page
Appendix A | Gatherable Plants & Fungi
# Appendix A: Gatherable Plants & Fungi #### Aegis Bulb This grey flower looks much like a poppy, however the bulb of the plant looks like a hunk of slightly rusted iron. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Damage (Physical) **Locations:** Any #### Antichroma Glasstalk This clear crystalline plant grows stalks of solid glass and have little tiny flowers growing in little curls along the stalk. Inside of this fragile plant there is a liquid capable of permanently removing dye from any item. It is the only chemical capable of removing the dye of Chromatic Loploss. Once the dye is extracted the stalks may be used in some potions **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 25 **Quanity:** 1d2 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Petrification **Locations:** underdark, caves #### Ashblossom This tiny flower is bright red with a yellow center, and is found growing only in hot environments. It deals 1d4 fire damage when ingested, but it can be used to brew many fire-related potions by a knowledgeable alchemist. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Damage (fire) **Locations:** desert, mountain #### Bittersweet This plant is a creeping vine that grows two separate pods, both are edible and look exactly the same except for a small white streak over the bitter ones, some of the pods are sweet, and some are bitter. **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** Ability (Con), Charm **Locations:** #### Black Ivy Black ivy is rare, but extremely poisonous. Its leaves can be ground into a thin paste and spread upon surfaces to injure those that touch it. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Damage (poison) **Locations:** Any #### Black Lotus The flower known as the black lotus is legendary. Its properties allow it to be used for a number of purposes, but creating a poison out of the nectar is one of many uses. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 25 **Quanity:** 1d2 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Damage (poison), Petrification **Locations:** Any #### Blood Tree This rare tree has a redish bark and a thick red sap which is very posionous. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Damage (poison), Life **Locations:** Any #### Bloodweed A very useful plant, Bloodweed looks much like Aloe Vera in that it is several pointed stalks with small sharp ridges, however these ridges are dangerous as they secrete a powerful blood thinner which can cause you to bleed to death from a small cut if you aren't careful. The slimy substance inside of the plant acts as a powerful clotting agent, and looks much like coagulated blood and is a key ingredients for Healing Poultices and potions of Life. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** heal, Life **Locations:** forest/jungle, grassland #### Blue Wonder This tiny deep blue mushroom glows brightly with natures energies. The mushroom is difficult to harvest as it easily can fall apart. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Ability (Con), Petrification **Locations:** forest/jungle, grassland \page
Appendix A | Gatherable Plants & Fungi
#### Brightflare These plants are usually used to light campfires, it has bright yellow orange flowers growing across a thin deep red stalk, they grow to about 1 foot long at full length these plants are hot to the touch. Hidden within its stalk, there is a chemical which burns very hot and very bright. some people carefully uproot these plants and bind the stalks together to create very bright torches (30 ft bright light 30 ft dim light), some people also use a leeching process to create a useful chemical that can be used to create Alchemist Fire, or if processed properly can be used in other fire based potions. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Ability (Str), Damage (fire) **Locations:** forest/jungle, mountain #### Burstblade Clove This clover looks much like a mundane clover, however the heads of them are shaped like sword blades instead of the rounded heads of a clover. Only four leaved Burstblades have a magical effect, much like a four leaved clover having an effect on one's luck. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** heal **Locations:** #### Cat's Tongue This small white flower grows amoung the bases of trees. The stalk has a cat tongue shaped leaf below the flower which acts as a stimulate when consumed. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** movement **Locations:** #### Chromatic Loploss These sunflower like plants come in a variety of colors. They grow very fast and die off quickly making the window where they can be harvested very small. It will take some luck to find them at just the right time. A very potent dye can be made from them but their seeds contain magical properties as well. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** movement, Transmute **Locations:** #### Cranhazel This ivy grows on large trees. It has a glistening skin and a soft sparkling ointment inside. The oinment can be extracted for use in some potions **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** special, Transmute **Locations:** forest/jungle #### Creed This silver colored thistle secretes a poison from its skin that can be harvested into a vial and can be transferred through the skin. If improperly harvested the target must make a DC 15 Con save or be poisoned for 1 hour. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Charm, Damage (psychic) **Locations:** forest/jungle " " #### Dappy This bright orange yellow flower has a similar effect to Cannabis when it’s oils are heated to a very specific temperature. When smoked, it dulls the pain receptors in your body, granting 1d8 temporary hit points for 1 hour. It also is a mild hallucinogenic, causing the affected to gain disadvantage on saving throws against mind affecting effects for the duration. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** heal, Life **Locations:** #### Dark Corn A narcotic plant that resembles black corn, but grows low to the ground and only in the underdark. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Damage (poison) **Locations:** underdark #### Demented Direkleaf This small weed, has brownish red leaves with sharp needle like points along them. These plants can be found anywhere someone has died an unatural death. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Damage (necrotic), Damage (Physical) **Locations:** Any, Anywhere someone has died \page
Appendix A | Gatherable Plants & Fungi
#### Demons Smock This dark red flower has a long stalk with several flowers branching off the top, similar to the appearance of the mundane Ladies Smock, hence the name. When the root of this plant is chewed (it tastes like bitter almonds), it gives you a beguiling appearance granting you advantage on all charisma based checks for 10 mins. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Transmute, Charm **Locations:** forest/jungle, desert, grassland #### Demons Tongue These leaves grow best near locations where people have died such as battle fields but can also be found anywhere someone has met an untimely death. The leaves obsorb the escaped life force of those who have passed. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Charm, Damage (poison) **Locations:** #### Desert Winds Beneath the desert sands grows a fungus that draws moisture from its surroundings. The spores of this fungus can be gathered and stored for later use as a poison. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Damage (poison) **Locations:** desert #### Devil's Gambit This spotted grey mushroom has deep red spores underneath its head. The spores have restorative properties **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Life, heal **Locations:** Any #### Dragon's Fork This tall plant has a long stalk with leaves are fork shaped like a dragon's tongue. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 25 **Quanity:** 1d2 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Damage (poison), Life **Locations:** arctic, underdark ``` ``` #### Fairy Stool This small pink mushroom is most often found in fairy rings. Ingesting it causes blindness for 1 minute on a failed Constitution saving throw (DC 20), along with vivid hallucinations. Used for Potion of Truesight **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** special, Protection **Locations:** Any #### Feathered Foil This small plant can grow anywhere but usually in more rockey terrains. The plant can be identified by its small purple flowers and feather-like green leaves. Both the flowers and leaves have different magical properties. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** air, Climb **Locations:** Any #### Fog Plum This small bush grows a purple plum like fruit which is very tasty. When the tree flowers the flower can be squeezed which releases a gaseous smoke that can be harvested for potions. The seeds from the fruit are also useful for healing. **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** air, heal **Locations:** swamp, forest/jungle, underdark, Any Cold #### Frost Lichen This well known lichen can be found in arcitic terrain but will grow almost anywhere in winter months when it is below freezing tempatures. The lichen has a blue-white appearance. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Damage (cold), Protection **Locations:** arctic #### Gausswort This moss grows in graveyards and battlefields. It can be found almost anywhere where theres is a graveyard. The moss has a dark green color and magical properties. **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** Climb, Damage (necrotic) **Locations:** Any \page
Appendix A | Gatherable Plants & Fungi
#### Ghost Blossom A rare white flower that releases a faint white mist when it blooms, creating the appearance of a stereotypical ghost. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Damage (poison) **Locations:** Any #### Gillyweed This well known weed is found in deep lakes and ponds. When properly prepared it can be used for waterbreathing potions among other useful potions that involve water. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Water **Locations:** swamp, Water #### Hells Toll Hell’s Toll: Also called Dante’s Rose, this is a spiky red thistle, always grows with exactly six hundred and sixty six needles across all its leaves. The blossom itself grows into a black crown when fully ripe. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 25 **Quanity:** 1d2 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Damage (fire) **Locations:** desert #### Hightop Bloom This flower found in higher elevations can be identified by its bright yellow flowers which are very sticky. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Charm, Climb **Locations:** mountain, forest/jungle, Higher Elevations ##### Overdose If you take more than three Hightop Bloom within a 24 hour period, you must make an Con Saving Throw (DC 14) or are put under an effect identical to Phantasmal Force, the creature or object created is determined by the Dungeon Master. #### Hikers Friend This large grasslike stalk grows along roads that have been well traveled, and they can provide respite to those who are weary. Eatting a stalk will heal 1 HP. If you eat more than 3 however you must make a DC 12 Con check or be poisoned for 1 hour. **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** heal, Life **Locations:** Any #### Ironberry These berries grow on mountains high in iron content, these grey berries grow like grapes on Ironberry Bushes. The Berries can even be forged into an armor. They also can be ground and used in some potions **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Petrification, Protection **Locations:** mountain #### Keening Ragweed This white ragweed grows in dark places, when it senses living creatures around it, and it is in a dark place, the plant releases an ear-splitting wail, all other creatures within the location of the ragweed must make a DC 13 constitution saving throw or drop to 0 hit points, after it has released this wail, it turns to ash. To harvest a DC 13 stealth check must be made. Also the check to harvest it should be made with DEX. This ash glows dimly, and can be used to make a glowing ink, and it can be ingested to grant the imbiber Truesight out to 10ft for 1 minute. **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** Protection, special **Locations:** Any #### Laughing Grass This tall grass with white tips releases spores when you walk through it that causes those who breathe them in to start uncontrollably laughing. You must make a DC11 con saving throw or laugh loudly and uncontrollably for as long as you are within them. If dried and burned, the smoke carries and enhances the laughter-producing properties of the plant, anyone breathing in the smoke must make a DC 15 con save or suffer an effect similar to Tasha's Hideous Laughter. Additionally, if processed properly it can be used in a variety of potions **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** air, Damage (psychic) **Locations:** grassland, swamp, forest/jungle #### Laxblossom This brown flower acts as a powerful laxative. Causing those who allow the petals to melt under the tongue to instantly empty their bowels and their bladder, as well as their stomach contents. However, a skilled herbalist can combine this with other ingredients to produce healing properties as well. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Life, Damage (poison) **Locations:** Any \page
Appendix A | Gatherable Plants & Fungi
#### Lockjaw A weed that grows in swampy areas. On its own, the weed only causes mild numbness, but once refined it is a decent paralytic. **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** Damage (poison) **Locations:** swamp #### Lowland Bloom Similar to Hightop Bloom this deep blue flower has pain dulling effects and can effect as well as some other magical proprities **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** movement, heal **Locations:** coast, grassland #### Masters Throot This strange vine like pant grows along the ground. It is stringy and can be boiled and strained for it's magical properties. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Transmute **Locations:** Any #### Midnight Tears A Large black flower that drips a poisonous nector. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Damage (poison) **Locations:** swamp #### Moon Nettle This rare nettle absorbs moonlight, growing best in areas where the skies are clear. When made into a tea and imbibed, if the drinker is a druid they regain all of their uses of the Beast Shape class feature. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 25 **Quanity:** 1d2 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** air, heal **Locations:** Any ``` ``` #### Moonhallow Growing in graveyards of consecrated soil, or near holy places, Moonhallow absorbs sunlight, and releases it back to the sky during the night, causing it to give off a yellow glow, this mushroom of the Agaric family looks exactly like a death cap, save for the glow it gives off. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Petrification, Damage (radiant) **Locations:** Any #### Mother's Milk This plant has a think stem with a milky substance in it. It can only be found on Islands in the high peaks of the mountains on the island. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 25 **Quanity:** 1d2 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Damage (poison) **Locations:** coast, mountain #### Neverbloom Found in thick forests and jungles this flower grows in the shade of large trees. It has a black flower that’s petels do not open unless it is exposed to sunlight which does not generally happen. Howeveer when it does, it can be harvested for it's magical properties. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Petrification, air **Locations:** forest/jungle #### Nightmare Root Nightmare root comes from a plant deep within the abyss. When ground into a paste, it can be mixed into food or drink without significantly altering its taste, color, or odor, but it does add the texture of fine sand. Those that consume the root find themselves haunted by the greatest fears upon falling asleep **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Damage (Poison) **Locations:** Any, Abyss or someplace with a demonic taint #### Pale Cap Deep within damp caves and frequently in the underdark, there is a rare fluorescent mushroom that slowly secretes a thick, acrid substance **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Damage (Poison) **Locations:** underdark, Caves \page
Appendix A | Gatherable Plants & Fungi
#### Pentacle Sage This leafy herb can be harvested and used in a variety of potions though it makes a tasty seasoning as well. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** heal, Protection **Locations:** forest/jungle, swamp, grassland #### Redcap Mushrooms This red-capped mushroom can grow to the size of a small dish. It deals 1d4 poison damage when ingested, but can be used to brew healing potions by a careful herbalist. **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** heal, Life **Locations:** forest/jungle, swamp #### Silver Tongue This fungus grows in strings across the ground, like hundreds of tiny rivers of silver flowing through moss and stones, small white blossoms grow from this stringy mycelium, these tiny antennae shaped blossoms can be eaten to grant user an unearthly beauty, and great skill in the arts, allowing those trained in the bardic colleges to recover 1 inspiration die. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Charm, Ability (Con) **Locations:** Any #### Singing Nettle This vine has sharp, stinging hairs covering it. If touched or if there is a failed attempt to harvest the target takes 1d4 piercing damage. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 25 **Quanity:** 1d2 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Climb, Protection **Locations:** mountain, underdark, Caves #### Sinners Hemlock This hemlock gives off a soft raident glow. It can often be found on holy ground such as near churches and temples. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 25 **Quanity:** 1d2 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Petrification, Damage (radiant) **Locations:** Any ``` ``` #### Snow Hops When used instead of normal hops in making beer, these hops cause the alcohol they are made from to constantly stay ice cold. Also you gain the ability to materialize snow in your hand for as long as you have alcohol in your system. You can make up to three snowballs from one glass of Snow Hop Beer. They can also be used in the creation of cold based potions. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Damage (cold) **Locations:** arctic #### Suchiru Sakura Otherwise known as Steel Sakura, this cherry blossom tree is incredibly dangerous, the tree itself is made of solid Adamantine. The leaves are small pink cherry blossoms, made from razor sharp titanium shards that swirl and shift in even the slightest breeze. If someone is near these blossoms when the wind blows, they take 6d6 damage from the whirling tiny blades, they may make a DC 15 dexterity saving throw to half the damage. The trees are held in high value by blacksmiths for the titanium the petals are made from. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Damage (Physical) **Locations:** Any #### Throot Tree This large grey willow tree grows deep blue leaves and vines. The branches are often used by the law to deal lashes for crimes committed. They leaves are also poisonous. **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** Damage (Physical), Damage (poison) **Locations:** #### Timewarded Roseweed This rose is named after the shape of its blossom, when in full bloom they appear to be the shape of an hourglass. It is a component for wizard's time spells but has other magical properties as well. It grows close to water and the stems are very moist. **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 10 **Quanity:** 1d6 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** Water, Damage (poison) **Locations:** Any \page
Appendix A | Gatherable Plants & Fungi
#### Veinrot A Dark flower which can only be found growing from rotting Organic matter. **Rarity:** Rare **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **3 **Effects:** Damage (poison) **Locations:** Any, Only grows on rotting organic matter. #### Vibe Mint This blue mint plant gives off a sweet scent that can be caught from many feet away, and when a leaf of the plant is allowed to melt beneath the tongue, you are granted the ability to see auras for three hours. When you look at someone's Aura, you see their mood, and current intent without needing to roll. You have advantage on Insight checks while under the effects of the mint. It can also be used in healing potions and helps physical endurance as well. **Rarity:** Common **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **1 **Effects:** heal, Ability (Con) **Locations:** forest/jungle, coast, grassland #### Wandering George This mold is named after the human who first discovered it when he walked into his house and saw a slice of toast destroying his house. When this mold touches an object, and is given a couple of days to spread, it causes the object to animate and gain a flight speed of 10ft, and the item immediately attempts to destroy any other object in its vicinity. This effect lasts for 8 hours or until the object is destroyed. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** movement, air **Locations:** Any #### Whistleweed Found near water, this plant naturally grows as a perfect whistle, when blown, this whistling plant creates an ear-splitting noise that can be heard from up to a mile away, and causes 2d6 thunder damage (DC 16 con save to half) to everything within a 10ft radius of the user. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Damage (Thunder), Water **Locations:** Any, Near Water ``` ``` #### Xentik Creeper This long creeping vine has ant-like mandibles across its form, any terrain it grows across is considered difficult terrain, and when someone walks through it they must make a DC 12 strength check or be entangled by the mandibles (as the spell Entangle), and a DC 13 Dex check to avoid taking 1d8 piercing damage from the biting vines. **Rarity:** Uncommon **Gathering:** DC 15 **Quanity:** 1d4 **Potency: **2 **Effects:** Climb, Transmute **Locations:** Any #### Yelling Buttons These look just like button mushrooms, but when they are picked they always sound like the plucking sound is reverberating across the area. When eaten, these mushrooms make you speak at three times your normal speaking volume. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 20 **Quanity:** 1d3 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** heal, Damage (poison) **Locations:** Any #### Yellow Terran This is a bright yellow puffball, beneath its skin is a shiny jet black circular object, connected to the skin by small tendrils. This black sphere, has a very interesting effect making anyone who eats it lighter. The person becomes 1/2 their normal weight. This effect lasts for 10 minutes. **Rarity:** Very Rare **Gathering:** DC 25 **Quanity:** 1d2 **Potency: **4 **Effects:** Life, movement **Locations:** Any \page
Credits and Change Log
## Credits and Log While searching for a rule set for herbalism and Alchemy that will work for my game I found several ideas in rulesets that I liked. This document borrows from some of those while also adding some of my own design and flavor. ### Credits Lyydia: Crafting & Gathering: Alchemy, Herbalism, & Poisons A Guide to Using the Alchemist's Supplies, Herbalism Kit, and Poisoner's Kit https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-L7N3qQqUZNNLIeVT5Zx Grimfold Bristlebrand: The Adventurer's Guide to Herbs and Plants https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SJ_LWhN0Z Matthew Eckart: Poisons for 5th Edition https://www.dmsguild.com/product/204711/Poisons-for-5th-Edition **Note:** I use this document for poisons which is why I did not tie poisons into my own creation. I did include some of the plants menioned in this document though for congruency. ### Art Alchemist's Satchel by Tibor Sulyok https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xeE4W

Potions by Julie Davidson http://vocestudenti.altervista.org/giornale/pozioni-in-rosa/
Alchemist's Vial by Lindsey Look http://www.dndadventure.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/potion.png

Alchemist's Vial by Lindsey Look http://www.dndadventure.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/potion.png

Alchemy Lab
Piazo publishing

Gnome Alchemy by Earl Graey https://www.deviantart.com/earl-graey/art/Gnome-Alchemy-683697711
"Ritual Preparations" by Wilthierna - deviantart

Fantasy Flower
by Brynn Metheney - the mora river project.

Phoenix from Mordenkaine's Tome of Foes page 199

"Crafting & gathering: Alchemy & Herbalism A guide to using The Alchemist's Supplies & Herbalism Kit" is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC." ### Change Log 4/3/10: Version 1.0 completed