# School of Engineering The School of Engineering is a revolutionary new school of Wizardry. It strives to combine mathematics, chemistry, and general knowledge of physics, with the arcane knowledge of the Wizard. Wizards of Engineering strive to reach new levels of comprehension of the world around them. ## Mechanically Inclined Starting at level 2 your skill with mechanical devices allows you to use your Tinker’s Tools to attempt to open mechanical locks and disarm mechanical traps. You also gain the requisite proficiency with Tinker's Tools, or another tool proficiency if you are already proficient. ## Portable Forge Part of the reason that you have become an Engineer is because you are a prodigy with craft; you've learned how to construct items on-the-go. At 2nd level, you can craft non-magical items twice as quickly during downtime, and can use rests during an adventure to make progress toward an item. To craft an item while adventuring, you can spend one short rest per day to make 10 gp of progress towards an item. You will not benefit from a short rest (using Hit Dice, etc.) when you use this feature, and other individuals can't help you make progress toward an item during this rest. In addition, you are able to tinker with your latest work during brief moments. At the end of a long rest, you make 10 gp of progress towards an item. You do not make this progress during downtime. This feature assumes the adoption of the rules specified in the section Crafting an Item in XGtE (p.128), which is also found in Appendix B: Crafting Rules. However, your DM may have different rules for crafting non-magical items in your campaign. Discuss crafting for your game with your DM to amend this feature as appropriate to your campaign. ## Waste not Want not At level 6, you become an expert at knowing the precise amounts of materials you need for a design, and how to properly create it. When creating an item you don't require any extra material more than the base weight of the finished product. ## Technomancy At 10th level, you learn the unseen servant spell. You can cast this spell without expending a spell slot, and you do not need to provide material components. During a short rest, you can command your unseen servant to craft a non-magical item instead of you. The servant makes progress toward crafting the item, and you still benefit from a short rest. ``` ``` ## Prodigous Enchanter Starting at 14th level, once per short or long rest, you can recharge a magic item or gadget that has charges. To restore charges, you need to concentrate for one minute and expend a spell slot. This spell slot must be a minimum level equal to the spell stored in the item (i.e. a wand of magic missile needs a minimum of a level one slot, while a wand of lightning bolt requires lightning bolt.) The number of charges restored to the item is 1, with spell slots of a higher level add one per spell level. This ability cannot exceed the maximum charges of the item.