# Fighter: Gladiator
Masters of battle, gladiators can turn any skirmish into an entertaining spectacle, through their use of exotic weapons and unusual techniques. Always on their guard and with limitless energy, they take very oppurtunity to win every battle, and look amazing doing it.
Those who call themselves galdiators consider battle to be entertainment of the highest form, knowing how to use their weapon as a bard uses their instrument.
##### Subclass Features
| Level | Features |
| 3rd | Active Entertainer, Exotic Technique (2) |
| 7th | Exotic Technique (3), Oppurtunist |
| 10th | Crowd Pleaser |
| 15th | Exotic Technique (4), Exotic Mastery |
| 18th | Vigiliant Performer |
### Active Entertainer
When you choose this subclass at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the performance skill. If you are already proficient in performance, choose between persuasion, deception or intimidation instead.
In addition, when you are wearing medium armor, you can use your strength modifier instead of your dexterity modifier to the armor's base AC (with a maximum of +2)
### Exottic Technique
At 3rd level, you are especially capable with particular weapons. These weapons, however, are uncommon on the battleifelds, as gladiators reject rapiers, longswords, battleaxes and greatswords to use more exotic and exciting weapons.
You gain 2 techniques from the list below. You gain an additional technique at 7th level and again at 15th level.
#### **Net**
The DC for the saving throw for nets thrown by you increases from 10 to The saving throw DC is equal to:
**8 + your proficiency bonus + your Str or Dex Modifier**
When you make a ranged attack with a net, you can choose to use strength in place of dexterity for the attack roll.
Attacks you make with a net within 10 feet don’t suffer from the disadvantage applied normally from short or long range.
If a creature leaves your reach, you can use your reaction to make an attack with a net you are holding
#### **Pike**
If you are wielding a pike, you can spend a bonus action to increase the weapon’s reach by 5ft until the start of your next turn.
#### **Trident**
If you are wielding a trident with one hand, you can choose to deal 3d2 piercing damage in place of 1d6.
If you are wielding a trident with two hands, you can choose to do 2d2+1d4 piercing damage in place of 1d8. This damage also applies to thrown attacks made with 2 hands.
#### Glaive
Glaives wielded by you lose the heavy and two-handed properties, and become versatile (1d8/1d10). The reach effect of glaives only applies when wielded with 2 hands.
Glaives you wield gain the finesse property, allowing you to use dexterity for attack and damage rolls in place of strength.
#### Sling
When wielding a sling, treat any 1 or 2 rolled on the damage die as a 3.
You don't get disadvantage from close range for attacks made within 5 feet of a target with a sling.
#### Scimitar
Scimitars wielded by you gain the thrown (20/60) property. When thrown, they deal 1d8 slashing damage in place of 1d6.
In addition to your interaction with an object on your turn, you can choose to draw, sheathe, pick up, or drop a scimitar.
#### Dagger
If you are wielding a dagger which you have not yet attacked with this round, it functions as a shield, providing +2 AC.
Attacks made with daggers you wield deal 2d4 damage to creatures that are restrained or grappled, in place of 1d4.
#### Warpick
If wielded with one hand, warpicks you attack with get +1 to hit.
If wielded with two hands, you can add a d4 onto your attack rolls made with a warpick (retains its 1d8 damage).
#### Greatclub
Damage dealt with greatclubs you wield is changed from 1d8 to 1d12.
If you are wielding a greatclub, once per turn instead of adding your proficiency bonus to your attack roll, you can add it to the damage roll. This decision is mae before the attack roll.
#### Flail
If you spend your action to ready an attack with a flail, you gain advantage on the readied attack.
You cannot be disarmed when wielding a flail, and can choose to deal 2d4 damage in place of 1d8.
#### Whip
The damage for whips you wield increases to 1d6.
If you miss an oppurtunity attack with a whip and a holding a one-handed ranged weapon or a one-handed melee weapon with the thrown property in the other hand, you can make an attack with that weapon as a part of the same reaction.
### Oppurtunist
You immerse yourself in combat, striking at every available oppurtunity, and being at the forefront of the action at all times.
Starting at 7th level, you can add your charisma modifier to initiative rolls.
Furthermore, you can take 2 reactions per round, up from one. These reactions are most often used for oppurtunity attacks, but can be used in any way a reaction can (you can still only perform one oppurtunity attack at a time).
### Crowd Pleaser
Every battle you fight is a theatrical show of might and valor, swaying the audience and threatening those around you.
Starting at 10th level, When you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points, make a Charisma(Performance) check. This check has advantage if attacking with a weapon chosen as your exotic technique, and is counted as a roll of 20 if you get a critical hit with the weapoon. Choose a number of humanoids within 120 feet up to your charisma modifier (minimum of 1) to be moved by your display of gore and grace. These targets have their opinion of you shaped in the following ways, neither of which are considered magical:
You intimidate an onlooker with a bloody display of gore and ravage. If the target was hostile towards you then it must make a charisma saving throw with a DC equal to the outcome on your Charisma(Performance) check. If it fails the saving throw, then it is frightened of you for 5 minutes.
You impress a spectator with your grace and elegance on the field. If the target was not hostile towards you then it must make a charisma saving throw with a DC equal to the outcome on your Charisma(Performance) check. If it fails the saving throw, then it is charmed by you for 5 minutes. It does not realise that it was charmed by you, even after the effect ends. If the target is attacked by you, then the effect ends.
This feature can be used twice between each short or long rest.
### Exotic Mastery
Starting at 15th level, Once per turn, you can add your charisma modifier to the attack or damage roll of a weapon with which you know an exotic technique.
In addition, you know the compelled duel spell and can cast it a number of times equal to your charisma modifer per long rest. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Charisma, but it counts as nonmagical to overcome resitances. The saving throw DC is equal to:
**8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier**
### Vigilant Performer
You are endlessly moving in combat, chasing down enemies and attacking at every oppurtunity.
Starting at 18th level, there is no limit to how many reactions you can take in a turn.
Furthermore, enemies always provoke an oppurtunity attack from you when leaving your reach, even if they take the disengage action or are moved against their will.
When you make an oppurtunity attack, you can move up to half your speed as a part of the same reaction.
Your movement on the battlefield never provokes oppurtunity attacks from other combatants (except for other creatures with the vigilant performer feature).