# Twin Soul Twin Souls are commonly seen as twins or life partners, but not all twins or life partners are twin souls. In actuality they are the same soul fractured into two pieces and split between two bodies. Twin Souls are very rare, and they have many issues regarding their fragmented soul, which makes adventuring Twin Souls even rarer. Below is the information regarding playing a Twin Soul, and their features. ### Outer Realm Descendants Twin Souls have the general appearance of humans, but with a larger variety of hair and eye colors. This is due to them being descendants of a race that comes from beyond the known realms. The Shisui, a race of planar travelers will occassionally come to Faerun and find a human partner. The issue is that while they are compatible the Shisui aren't part of our world, and as such their souls, and those of their descendants, face issues when staying in our world for extended periods of time. This causes the Twin Soul to appear as two bodies with one fragmented soul. ### Shared Apperances Twin Souls always take the form of their human parent, but show the variety of hair and eye colors of their Shisui parent, ranging from bright reds to dark purples and everything in between. Twin Souls are also always of the same gender as a pair, there are no boy-girl twin souls. ### Twin Soul Features **Ability Score Improvements. ** Your Constitution score increases by 1, and one other score of your choice increases by 1. **Age.** Twin Souls typically do not live more than 40 years, their shattered soul causes problems as their physical bodies begin to age and their split life force cannot compensate. **Alignment. ** Twin Soul alignments vary widely from one to the next. One pair could be Lawful Good and the other could be Chaotic evil. **Size.** Twin Souls stand between 5 and a half feet to 6, they typically weight 180 pounds. Your size is Medium **Speed.** Twin Souls have a speed of 40 feet (Refer to Natural-Born Cooperation) **Two Bodies.** When you make a Twin Soul you create your ability scores as if you were making one character, both halves share these scores and use them to calculate AC, attack modifiers, damage modifiers, and skill modifiers. In addition you calculate both halves AC based on their abilities and armor. In addition, any physical conditions such as Poisoning, being knocked Prone, or Restrained through phsyical means like rope, only affect one half of the pair. **Easily Exhausted.** Class features that are limited in use can be used by either half, but the mental exhaustion taxes them both heavily due to their fractured soul, so you cannot use the feature again on either half until you regain it as stated by the feature. **Shared Vitality.** Due to their fragmented soul being split between their two bodies the pair of each Twin Soul share the same life force. When calculating Hit Points, your total remains the same as if you were calculating for one character. In addition, any physical damage that afflicts one half shows on the other, such as a cut in one's arm will appear on their other half's arm. When either half takes the damage it comes from the same hit point pool. If the hit pool is reduced to 0, both halves collapse and are considered to be dying. When rolling a Death Saving throw, you roll one dice and use it for both halves. If they should reach a point where one might die, both perish due to their shared life force. Healing and Sustaining effects used on one half affect them both and Restore or Sustain both halves as their life force is no longer in jeopardy. Magical Effects that are afflicted to one half, such as being cursed or Restrained through magical means, affect both halves. In addition, if both halves are caught in the affected area of a spell they roll one saving throw but each half takes the appropriate damage. ### Natural-Born Cooperation Twin Souls have learned to work together on most tasks in life having been together since birth. Twin Souls get the normal amount of actions, however there are a few differences: **Cooperative Speed.** Both halves can move when you take a move action, but you must split your movement speed between the two, this can be done in any way (One can move 5ft, while the other moves 35). **Partner Tactics.** When you have both halves within 5 feet of the same creature they gain advantage on their attack rolls against that creature. **Shattered Strength.** With a shattered soul comes a shattered strength as each half is not strong enough to compete with an individual. When calculating damage, each half deals half the normal damage (rounded down) a creature might with the same weapon, ability, or spell effect (Such as a Paladin's Smite or Warlock's Hex spell). However, when taking the Attack action, both halves can make an attack. If they obtain the Extra Attack feature, they both make the extra attack when they attack. When wielding two weapons, both halves can make their off-hand attacks as part of the same Bonus action. In addition, when spellcasting, both halves must maintain concentration and focus in order to cast. It consumes their full Action for them to cast a spell, but it deals full damage. If either half takes damage they must roll a concentration saving throw to maintain concentration on their spell.