# High Court Fey Your magic stems from the mystical realm of the Fey High Court. Perhaps you were blessed at birth for a service your family rendered an Archfey, or maybe at one time your bloodline was cursed by a Fey that left unforseen marks generations deep. Whatever the source, you're gifted with an ancient and tempermental magic. ### Fey Fascination The barest inkling of your heritage shows through your very presence. You can speak, read and write Sylvan, and whenever a creature has been Frightened or Charmed by you, it has disadvantage on saves against spells you cast. Additionally, choose either the Illusion or Enchantment school of magic. Spells from this school count as sorcerer spells for you. ### Courtly Disciple At 1st level, you choose whether your magic stems from the Summer Court or the Winter Court and gain an aura that influences how those around you perceive your interactions. The Summer Court grants expertise to persuasion checks, while the Winter Court grants expertise to intimidation checks. No matter the Court, you lose the ability to lie outright - you automatically fail any Deception check in which you lie outright, but you gain expertise for Decption checks in which you stretch the truth.
| Level | Summer Court | |:---:|:------------| | 1 | Tasha's Hideous Laughter| |  3 | Flaming Sphere     | | 5| Catnap     | |  7 | Compulsion     | | 9| Immolation  | | 11 |  Mental Prison | |  ° | You may cast on self only, and only choose cold damage ``` ``` |Level | Winter Court| |:---:|:------------| |  1 | Command  | | 3 | Dragon's Breath ° | | 5 | Enemies Abound   | | 7 | Phantasmal Killer    | |  9 | Cone of Cold   | | 11 | Eyebite |
### Beguiling Presence Starting at 6th level, you learn how to manipulate your aura. You can spend 1 sorcery point to attempt to Charm(Summer) or Frighten(Winter) a non-fey creature within 30 feet of you. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw, DC10 + your charisma modifier. A successful save negates the spell but does not alert the creature that you tried to influence it, and a failed save causes the creature to be affected for 1 minute. This feature can only be used once per creature per day.
Additionally, for 3 sorcery points you may channel this aura into a more potent application of your fey magic. A Summer Court fey alters their appearance to become alien and beautiful. This ability functions as the Hypnotic Pattern spell, and all creatures that can see the sorcerer must make the save. Creatures already charmed by the sorcerer have disadvantage on this save. A Winter Court fey alters their visage to become alien and terrifying. All creatures that can see the sorcerer must may a Wisdom saving throw against the sorcerer's spellcasting modifier. They take 6d6 psychic damage and becomes frightened on a failed save, and takes half as much damage on a successful one and avoids being frightened. A creature already frightened by you has disadvantage on the save and moves 10 feet away from you immediately on a failed save. ### The Court's Gifts Starting at 14th level, your Courtly magic manifests in new ways. A member of the Summer Court can cast Remove Curse and Daylight as spell-like abilities, each at the cost of 2 sorcery points. A member of the Winter Court can cast Bestow Curse and Darkness as spell-like abilities, each at the cost of 2 sorcery points. Both Courts can cast the Conjure Fey spell once per day as a spell-like ability for 4 sorcery points. In addition, you gain a familiar. The creature functions as in the Find Familiar spell, except its type must be fey, it can speak, you can turn it into a tattoo or accessory, and it must have traits from the Fey Familiar table. \page ### Fey Courtier Starting at 18th level, you gain Fey Ancestry, and you begin to manifest physical marks of your heritage. You skin may have subtle rune-like patterns, change color or glow softly, or your hair or eyes may take on similar properties. You also gain feathered, insectile, or semi-ethereal wings and have a flying speed equal to your walking speed. These wings can be magically hidden at-will. For 5 sorcery points, as an action you can exaggerate your inherited countenance, further changing your appearance and granting new abilities. Your Court determines the exact nature of your new appearance. #### Summer Court A Summer Court sorcerer's countenance brightens, you gain an ethereal beauty, and your voice takes on a melodious cadence. You become surrounded by a colorful sparkling aura, and for an additonal 5 sorcery points conjure a number of bright chromatic motes floating around you equal to twice your Charisma modifier. You can use these motes to make a ranged spell attack as a bonus action. A sucessful hit deals 2d10 radiant damage and showers the creature in glittering light, giving the next attack against the creature advantage. Additionally, when surrounded by this aura you have advantage on Persuasion checks, and creatures within 10 feet of you have disadvantage on saves against being Charmed. #### Winter Court A Winter Court sorcerer's appearance takes on a feral grace and uncannily terrifying vestige, you grow 1d6 inches in height, and your teeth and nails elongate and sharpen. You become surrounded with a dark, shadowy aura, and for an additional 5 sorcery points conjure a number of dark, swirling orbs around you equal to twice your Charisma modifier. You can use these orbs to make a ranged spell attack as a bonus action. On a hit, the target creature takes 1d10 cold and 1d8 necrotic damage. Its movement speed is reduced by 10 feet, and you regain health equal to the necrotic damage dealt. Additionally, while surrounded with this aura, you have advantage on Intimidation checks and creatures within 10 feet of you have disadvantage to saves against being Frightened. ##### fey familiar table | d10 | Animal Type | |:----:|:-------------| | 1 | Pseudodragon | | 2 | Hawk | | 3 | Cat | | 4 | Raven | | 5| Toad | |6 | Fox | |7 |Snake | | 8| Salamander| | 9| Wolf| |10 | Rabbit| ``` ``` ##### Fey Familiar Traits | d4 | Special Trait | |:----:|:-------------| | 1| Softly Glowing Eyes | | 2| Followed by a Perpetual Breeze | | 3| Semi-Transparent | |4| Surrounded by Faint Mist| | - |  ---- | | d4| Special Ability | | 1 | Can create an Illusory Double | | 2| Can see invisible creatures | | 3| Can be used as the point of origin for a spell| |4|Can Detect Magic |