## Rod of DM's Privileges _Wondrous item, artifact (can only be used by [NikkiNerdsOut](https://www.twitch.tv/nikkinerdsout))_
When you hold this majestic rod signifying your indomitable creative power over the world, the cosmos and everything else, you realise that you are pret–ty awesome. _**Rule 1: The DM lies. **_ As a reaction to being asked a question about the world, you can wave this rod, dispelling any effect the **zone of truth** spell may have on you. _**Rule 2: The DM retcons.**_ By banging this rod like a gavel, you can reconfigure what mortals perceive as the unerring truths of history and geography. You can cast the **modify memory** spell as a ritual, targetting everyone sitting at the same table as you. _**Rule 3: The DM steals.**_ By resting your head on this rod, you may draw from the wellspring of lore from across the multiverse. You become inspired by the creations of the plethora of masters who came before you, and with this rod, you are able to pen, transform and learn from their works. _**Rule 4: The DM rests.**_ No one is truly all-mighty, even those responsible for cosmic creations deserve time for rest. By placing a gentle kiss upon this staff, you may cast the **sequester** spell and place all the world into suspended animation, where it waits with anticipation and patience, until the day you choose to return. It's not really goodbye! There's plenty more space on the page and the ink is yet to dry.
Art from _'Rod of Rulership'_