```metadata title: Mipp's Very usefull toolbelt description: >- MippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMippMipp tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## Mipp's Very usefull toolbelt ### 1-10 #### Forge masters eye abilities that increases ones crit rate to a certain number (19-20/18-20) now increases the crit range by half the number(rounded up) it would (so a 19-20 would now rather increase the crit range by 1) #### Soul Forge Mipp's work is truly divine. when mipp adds masterwork properties to a weapon / armour she can ignore the prerequisites of said items (eg: heavy armour / two handed / smth else ) **MIPP CANNOT DO THIS TO OTHER PEOPLE'S ITEMS / GIVE SUCH ITEMS TO OTHERS** #### all according to keikaku (editors note Keikaku means plan) whenever any damage rolls mipp does rolls lower than 3 mipp may reroll it. whenever mipp rerolls mipp must take the new roll #### weapon's expert Mipp may ignore anny downside to a masterwork property (eg: small creature can wield heavy weapons without disadvantage) #### smith's precision Mipp's critical range increases by half her proficiency bonus by a maximum of 4 #### True Masterworks the masterwork bonus that mipp applies to any weapons or armours is doubled (+1 becomes +2, +2 becomes +4 and +3 becomes +6 #### slime of many skills but few words Mipp may only speak ooze,a dialect of Primordial. Ooze to those that speak Primordial sounds like a butchered version of Terran and Aquan. To everyone else, it is a bubbling, slushing language that sounds more like boiling mud then it does a language. ### 11-20 #### ayo?? you trying to avoid my damage? get that shit out of here weapons that mipp creates ignores Ressistance & treat Immunity as ressistance to damage only when mipp wields them. absorbtion remains as absorbtion \column #### mass enhancement you increase the ammount of masterwork properties you can add to a weapon/armour by 50% rounded down #### assimilation you may make all the damage types your weapon damage you are doing into one of the damage types tha you are doing (so if you are dealing piercing, fire, lightning, necrotic. you can make all the damage into one of the damage types) #### true strike Mipp knows how to utilice her abilities to the fullest. any ability, property, spell, that kind of thing that makes it so mipp deals extra damage on a critical hit, now does damage on a regular hit. ### 21-30 #### NO REFUNDS! if someone uses an ability that makes it so that mipp's attack/damage gets turned onto a different target (including mipp) that fails. this can be done at a maximum amount of times equal to mipps proficiency bonus. #### protective design Mipp gains temporary hp equal to 10x the amount of masterwork properties of the equipment Mipp is wielding at the start of combat (you cannot gain the benefit from multiple weapons in case you are wielding multiple weapons) #### Magic Item collector Mipp's magnum opus doesnt count for magic item slots ### 31-40 #### DICE DICE EVERYWHERE whenever you critically hit a creature and roll the highest possible for a single dice, you may roll another one of those dice. this cannot be repeated more than once per hit #### healthy ooze you gain 3 times your level maximum health, and you gain 3 more per level after