```metadata title: the Ruby Hairclip description: I swear I am not planning some nefarious shit with this tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## the Ruby Hairclip ![hairclip](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f5/9a/76/f59a76e5019ed0c7f7592a056d075e0d.jpg) {width:300px,mix-blend-mode:multiply} --- the hairclip contains the crystalized blood of one of the first Vampires ### Passive #### what is love? Salva gains a bonus to hit equals to twice the amount of death saves needed for salva to die. ### 0-15 Fledgling Parasite #### Bloody Heart salva's max hp is now 0, she does not go unconsious due to being at 0 hp and cant die from massive damage ,class features that says you are bellow a certain hit points (like bellow half hp) now work if you are at 0 hp #### Wombo combo if Salva kills an oponent and has resonance active, she can transfer the mixing to a new target without it costing a reaction. #### the sorrow of a sacrificed Coven salva nolonger dies from instant kill effects (power word kill and effects that says you die if certain scores hit 0), additionally features that makes you drop to 1 rather just resets your death saves and procs when she is hit by an attack **THIS COUNTS AS HEALING FOR POURPOSE OF FEATURES THAT STOPS HEALING**. #### the blood is united upon killing a creature with a natural or unarmed strike she may gain an amount of temporary hp equals to their Max hitpoints. this THP lasts until salva long rests ::::: ### 16-30 Bloodbound Knight #### misogony salva treats creatures as objects when it comes to features and effects #### self sacrifice when an ally within salva's movement speed is targeted by an attack she can use a reaction to take their place, becoming the target of the attack. if salva takes the damage, the attacker takes 1/4th the damage back. #### Threads of Decay If salva has the Vision holder class she gains a unique Vision Called "Decay" which deals necrotic damage. #### catch these hands Salvas unarmed attacks function as whatever type of weapon is needed for features you possess that require a specific weapon type. ### 31-40 Bloody Baroness #### Hearty soul salva gains an aditional amount of death saves equals to one half her constitutionMod #### blood of Jure Grando salva adds half her proficiencybonus multiplied by her rebirth tier to saves and ac #### lord of blood for every being salva kills, she may decide to consume all their blood, doing so will temporarily give salva an aditional action akin to the extra action of the haste spell --- These may stack upp to a limit to salva's dexterity Modifier