##### Table Of Contents: - **[1 The Golden Fiddle](#p2)** - **[2 The Mirror ](#p3)** - **[3 The Body ](#p6)** - **[4 The Key](#p8)** - **[5 The Cauldron](#p9)**
\page # The Golden Fiddle ### Pact of the golden fiddle Your patron finally grants what you want- prodigial talent. Choose a skill and a tool. You gain proficiency in them, and you double your proficiency bonus with that an artisans tool or an instrument. Your tool counts as a spellcasting focus, and any check made with the tool or skill can't roll lower than 10. Lastly, you can cast an enchantment spell of any level you can cast without expending a spell slot if you spend one minute using your tool. This spell doesn't require any components, but you need to be using the tool normlly- you'd have to play a harp if that was your tool. Once you use this ability, you can't use it until your next long rest. You can spend a short rest to recall your tool if its on the same plane of existence. >**Design notes**: This is supposed to be the classic pact- selling your soul for great talent. This pact was designed for feylocks and fiendlocks in paticular. WHile this is designed to be an instrument, it could easily be worded better. I also hesitated putting no prerquisites on multiclassing into bard, but aa warlock would already have 13 charisma (probably). ## Golden Fiddle Invocatons: #### Mesmerising performance: Prerequisite: Golden Fiddle pact, 5th level By performing for one minute, you can cause creatures of your choice within 20ft to either be charmed if they fail a wisdom saving throw. They have advantage if you or your enemies are attacking, or have advantage on the next skill check or attack roll, as your performance inspires or mesmerises friends and foes alike. Charmed creatures stop being charmed if they are attacked by you or an ally, or after an hour. You can also do this as an action, but this special use can only be used once per rest. An indifferent creature becomes friendly if they hear your performance, until given a reason not to. \page # The Mirror ### Pact of the Mirror: Your patron grants you an enhanced mirror that has several properties. Its most basic property is taking things from the mirror zone. As an action, you can steal someones reflection. You point the mirror at them, and as anaction, you take the persons appearance. Your clothes change- but no magic items have magical power, skin, voice and all physical properties change, until your disguise is perfect. Your memories and aren't changed however. The target takes your appearance. You have advantage on deception checks to pass yourself as that person. However, both of your true appearances are shown in any mirror. This for lasts for an hour. Alternaticely, you can store a persons reflection: you point the mirror at someone, and they must make a charisma saving throw. On a failiure, he loses his reflection, and you store the reflection in your mirror. You can have a number of reflections in your mirror up to your charisma modifier. Once you use you used a non-stored reflection, you can't do this until your next long rest. Another option with this mirror is to use it to handle the mirror form of an object. As an action, you can reach into the mirror. You can pull out a shdow clone of any object within 30ft. It has the same non-magical properties, and lasts for a minute. This also counts as a component for clairvoyance and scrying. You can spend a short rest to recall your mirror from anywhere on the plane. > **Statement** I was wondering whether it should count as a shield with all the reflectiveness, etc, but thought that providing 2 benefits in a lengthy pact was enough. ## Mirror Invocations: #### Polished Surface: Prerquisites: pact of the mirror As a reaction to being targeted by an attack, you can reflect a ranged attack to another person. Make a new attack, treated as if you were casting a ranged spell attack with the range of the original attack. For example, you could catch an eldritch blast beam, and reflect it to anyone iethin 120ft using your own spell attack, but treating it as if the originall attacker cast it. You can use this reaction a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per short rest. #### Refuge in the Reflection: Prerequiste:15th level, pact of the mirror Your mirror has grown powerful enough that you can go into the mirror realm temporarily. Yoy can cast etherealness once without spending a spell slot, which you regain after a long rest. Alternatively, you can reduce the duration to 1 minute, and bring along a number of creatures with which you are holding hands. Alternatively, you can enter the complete mirror realm. You can use this mirror- and therebye ending any effects it has- suchas a shadow clone- to gain the properties of a rod of security\page >While holding this rod, you can use an action to activate it. The rod then instantly transports you and up to 199 other willing creatures you can see to a paradise that exists in an extraplanar space. You choose the form that the paradise takes. It could be a tranquil garden, lovely glade, cheery Tavern, immense palace, tropical island, fantastic carnival, or whatever else you can imagine. Regardless of its Nature, the paradise contains enough water and food to sustain its visitors. Everything else that can be interacted with inside the extraplanar space can exist only there. For example, a flower picked from a garden in the paradise disappears if it is taken outside the extraplanar space. For each hour spent in the paradise, a visitor regains Hit Points as if it had spent 1 Hit Die. Also, creatures don't age while in the paradise, although time passes normally. Visitors can remain in the paradise for up to 200 days divided by the number of creatures present (round down). When the time runs out or you use an action to end it, all visitors reappear in the location they occupied when you activated the rod, or an unoccupied space nearest that location. The rod can't be used again until ten days have passed. . However, this recharges on a long rest, can bring a number of creatures equal to your charisma modifier, lasts for 8 hours. the landscape is either a 1 mile radius if used outside, or the strucuture if in an urban place, or the room if that is undefined (like in a dungeon). >I thought about makinf this concentration, but you could pass concentration to anhyone else, but that would be a hastle to write > this is meant to be like a sort of ritual with holding your hands in a circle around the mirror. ### Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Prerequisite: 9th level, pact of the mirror Your mirror can now trap creatures, objects and spells alike. You can use an action to give this mirror the properties of a mirror of life trapping, >When this 4-foot-tall mirror is viewed indirectly, its surface shows faint images of creatures. The mirror weighs 50 pounds, and it has AC 11, 10 Hit Points, and vulnerability to bludgeoning damage. It shatters and is destroyed when reduced to 0 Hit Points. If the mirror is hanging on a vertical surface and you are within 5 feet of it, you can use an action to speak its Command Word and activate it. It remains activated until you use an action to speak the Command Word again. Any creature other than you that sees its reflection in the activated mirror while within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be trapped, along with anything it is wearing or carrying, in one of the mirror's twelve extradimensional cells. This saving throw is made with advantage if the creature knows the mirror's Nature, and Constructs succeed on the saving throw automatically. An extradimensional cell is an infinite expanse filled with thick fog that reduces Visibility to 10 feet. Creatures trapped in the mirror's cells don't age, and they don't need to eat, drink, or sleep. A creature trapped within a cell can Escape using magic that permits Planar Travel. Otherwise, the creature is confined to the cell until freed. If the mirror traps a creature but its twelve extradimensional cells are already occupied, the mirror frees one trapped creature at random to accommodate the new prisoner. A freed creature appears in an unoccupied space within sight of the mirror but facing away from it. If the mirror is shattered, all creatures it contains are freed and appear in unoccupied spaces near it. While within 5 feet of the mirror, you can use an action to speak the name of one creature trapped in it or call out a particular cell by number. The creature named or contained in the named cell appears as an image on the mirror's surface. You and the creature can then communicate normally. In a similar way, you can use an action to speak a second Command Word and free one creature trapped in the mirror. The freed creature appears, along with its possessions, in the unoccupied space nearest to the mirror and facing away from it. but they are stuck in the mirror for 8 hours.Alternatively, when you are targeted by a spell that affects only you, you can use a reaction to nullify it, as in *counterspell*. However, if it succeeds, the spell is instead stored. The spell is now a warlock spell for you, but doesn't count against the number of spells you know. You forget this spell after your next long rest. Lastly, you can put an object inside. BY spending one minute handling an object that is no bigger than large, you can place an item inside the mirror zone. It can only be affected from inside the mirror zone, and can't be seen, unless the mirror reflects light in the right position, in which case you can see a spectral image. You can use an action to retrieve the object. Items that are part of a whole- such as caltrops- count as one object. You can store a number of tems equal to your warlock level, but only a number of spells and creatures equal to your proficiency bonus. For example, a level 14 warlock could store 14 items, of which up to 5 can be spells or creatures. \page >I hesitated whether to put the ability of putting items in the mirror, which would appear in the corresponing location, but that would be too powerful \page # The Body ### Pact of the Body Roll a d6, or choose from the table below a quirk ##### Quirks: | d6 | Quirk | |:----:|:-------------| | 1 |Small wounds automatically heal themselves, leaving no trace | | 2 | In certain light, you look like your patron | | 3 | Your body seems unaturally strong| | 4 | You have a much higher alcohol tolerance compared to your size | | 5|Parasitical body parts sometimes move by themselves | | 6 | Small severed body parts regrow on the next long rest | Your patron enstills a parasite into your body- a peice of themselves. You gain an unarmored defense equal to 10+your charisma+your dexterity modifier. Furthermore, you can choose an eye or an arm. If you choose an eye, you gain darkvision, and you can add your charisma modifier on checks that rely on sight. If you choose arm, your hand now counts as an arcane focus. You can use your charisma instead of strength whenever you make a strength check, and on a number of attacks equal to your proficiency bonus. >I wanted to make attacks use charisma, but that would be OP. This is stronger than blade, but balanced by the fact that they don't get the blade invoctions. If you haven't noticed, this is going for a Vecna Style. This pact is intended for undead and hexblades. ## Body Invocations: ### Reactive Prerquisite: 7th level, pact of the body Your body grants you extreme reactiveness-, that provokes a reaction from a slight touch. The marilith can take one reaction on every turn in a combat. ### Restorative Virus Prerequisite 9th level, pact of the body Your parasite now heals yourself. You automatically regenerate unwillingly lost features. You learn the lesser restoration and cure wound spells. You can cast them targeting yourself only, and it recharges when you kill a creature of cr higher than 1/2. The spell is cast at level 2, and uses charisma instead of wisdom
### Poweful limbs: Prerequisite: 7th level, pact of the body Your virus spreads to give you a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, as your body secrets a sticky soloution that allows you to blimb walls. You have advantage on any checks that relies on you to climb, or hanf on somehwere, such as holding on to a branch on a cliff. You can also use your charisma instead of strength score for anything related to jumping, and you can jump as far as you can, regardless of your walking speed. ### Enhanced Illness: Prerequisite: 7th level, pact of the body Your parasite reaches new power. If you have the eye mutation, you can spend a minute meditating, and regain a warlock spellslot. If you chose the arm mutation, if you hit an attack with a melee weapon, you can cast chill touch as a bonus action. >I considered putting a limit on the chill touch, but then I realised that you're trading agonising blast, with no extra attack. This ups damage. For the eye, i considrerd giving it x-ray vision, but that was already an invocation ### Magical Malady: Prerequisite: 12th level, pact of the body You now gain both mutations- the eye and the hand. While you have both the eye and the hand, on yourself, you gain advantage on initiative rolls, as well as the effects of both the hand and the eye. You gain immunity to poison and disease. ### Philanthropic Mockery: Prerequsite: 15th level, pact of the As an action, you can gouge your eye, or lop off your hand, >DMs, consider letting Mage Hand have more versatility at this point and give it to another, and that person must try and put it in them (pushing). By saying the command word- which is the first word you said after becoming a warlock. >This could alternatively be the warlocks's name. This would then be akin to a True Name a god- i.e: Vecna- by trying to hide the activation phrase They then get any benefits put into the hand. You can also put any number of spells known into them, in any equal distribution, and a number of spell slots. The wearer can then cast the spells with the spellslots put in. They regain spellslots at the end of a long rest, but the amount you put in. \page >For example, Urugnarkis a 20th level warlock. He puts in 3 spell slots into the hand and, the eldritch blast, grasp of hadar, and scrying spells within. He gives the hand to Ted, the fighter. Ted can now cast eldritch blast at will, and has 3 spell slots. He uses them all on scrying, and the next day, he regains 3 This however has a curse. Any person other than you must make a consitution saving throw against your spell save. On a failed save, they look more like undeath. The extent is up to the dm, but after 6 failed saves, they are unrecognisable. The effects can be removed by recuperating, under downtime in the phb, or greater restoration. Every success removes one failed save. However, after 6 failed saves, the effect is permanent- only removable by wish, or a way chosen by the dm. At the next long rest, yiu can try and take back your hand or eye. If they user wants to keep it, then the warlock and the user must make a charisma check contest. ON a success to the warlock, the appendage grows baxk during the long rest. \page # The Key ### Pact of the Key Your patron grants you a skeleton key. You learn the knock and arcane lock spells, and can cast them as rituals, without components. In addation, you ca cast those spellswithout expending a spell slot a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. Lastly, this key counts as thieves tool, with which you have expetise, but only with this key. This also counts as a focus for all teleportation spells. If you spend one hour trying to pick a new lock, the key teleports into the lock, if it was lost on the same plane of existence. >Skeleton Key: A key designed to fit many locks by having the interior of the bit hollowed -google dictionary. I.E: A master key ## Key Invocations: ### Inflitrator: Prerequisite: pact of the key Your key lets you be a better infiltrator. As an action, you can teleport up to 120ft to an unoccupied place you can see. Youcanuse this action a number of times equal to your charisma modifier ### Forgotten: Prerequisite: 9th leve, pact of the key As an action, you can make someone make a wisom saving throw. On a success, they forgot thet they ver met you. Treat them as if its the first time they meet you, but they can be influenced by your companions, reputatio, etc before you are met. Once you take this action, you can't take it until your next long rest.