## Artificer Specialization: Field Medic Field medics are the arcane compromise between divine healers and skilled physicians. A field medic is trained to administer first aid in high stress situations, utilizing both magic and medicine in order to treat injuries in the field. Field medicine, or better known as first aid, is an old concept for society but a fairly new artificer tradition. ### Measured Medicines When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you learn how to optimize the use of your tools in order to treat more patients. You can use Healer's Kits as a spellcasting focus. Healer’s Kits you own have their maximum number of uses increased to 12. The number of uses increases as you become more competent, increasing to 15 at 5th level, 18 at 9th level, 21 at 13th level, and 24 at 17th level. ___ In addition, you may restock any Healer’s Kits you own by buying various medical supplies worth half the price of a Healer’s Kit. ### Field Medic Spells Starting at 3rd level, you always have certain spells prepared after you reach particular levels in this class, as shown in the Field Medic Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells for you, but they don’t count against the number of artificer spells you prepare. ##### Field Medic Spells | Artificer Level | Spell | |:----:|:-------------| | 3rd | Armor of Agathys, Detect Poison and Disease | | 5th | Hold Person, Misty Step | | 9th | Beacon of Hope, Remove Curse | | 13th | Aura of Life, Dimension Door | | 17th | Hold Monster, Rary's Telepathic Bond | ### First Responder Beginning at 3rd level, your training as a field medic grants you the following benefits: * You gain proficiency in martial weapons; * You have advantage on initiative rolls; * Your speed is not halved when carrying or dragging one willing creature; and * As an action, you can spend a use of a Healer’s Kit and a Spell Slot to restore 2d4 + Spell Slot level d4, up to a maximum of 7d4, hit points to a creature you touch. ### Walking Pharmacy By 3rd level, you can spend 1 hour magically creating convenient and effective medicines. You expend a Spell Slot and 5 uses of a Healer’s Kit to create a dose of medicine with one of the following effects: * Grants temporary hit points equal to Spell Slot level d8 + your Intelligence modifier that lasts for 1 hour; * Restores Spell Slot level d6 + your Intelligence modifier hit points; * Grants advantage on ability checks or saving throws for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Slot level you expended; or * Grants resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Slot level you expended. ___ You can create more than one dose of medicine every time you do this, expending a Spell Slot for each dose created. Each dose of medicine lasts for 1 day or until administered. A creature may administer this medicine as a bonus action to themselves or another creature within 5 feet of them. ___ When you reach certain levels in this class, you can create medicine of a certain Spell Slot level without expending a Spell Slot a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier: * 1st level Spell Slot at 5th level; * 2nd level Spell Slot at 9th level; * 3rd level Spell Slot at 13th level; and * 4th level Spell Slot at 17th level. You regain all expended uses of this feature after you finish a long rest. ### Extra Attack Starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. \page ### Veteran Medic Starting at 9th level, you have become an adept field medic: * You only need 3 uses of a Healer’s Kit instead of 5 to create a dose of medicine; * Your speed is not halved when carrying or dragging two willing creatures; * Once on your turn, when you take the Attack action, you can administer a dose of medicine to yourself or another creature as part of that action; and * When you heal a creature using your First Responder feature, you can use the highest number possible for each die. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. ### Medical Science Starting at 15th level, your mastery in field medicine is unparalleled: * Medicine you produce now restores hit points equal to your artificer level when administered; * As an action, you can spend a use of a Healer’s Kit to end the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned condition on a creature. You can do this a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, and you regain all expended uses after a long rest; and * You can increase the potency of the medicine you create. You can spend 10 minutes to modify one dose of medicine you have: the dice or duration of that dose is tripled. You can only have one modified dose of medicine at a time and once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. ___ > ##### Credits > Subclass by: u/[ScionofHouseIronstar](https://www.reddit.com/user/ScionofHouseIronstar) > > Art by:[Swim bit on artstation.com](https://www.artstation.com/swimbit)