# Fiendish Perversion Morality in the D&D universe often has actual power over the world due to gods and fiendish lords. When a evil character proves themselves, they may be called to serve a horrible power. These are the equivalent for each class that can be gained after level 20. ## Heavenly Body When you reach 20th level, you may be called by a fiendish being to serve them as their hand in the material plane. If you are able to travel to the home plane of this fiend and pledge fealty to them and their domain then you will be granted fiendish powers. Once the pilgrimage is complete, you will gain the following traits: ***Fiendish Alignment:*** Your fiend lord can be one of three types that offer special gifts: * Devil: The lawful devils are expert contract writers and you gain the same understanding. If you speak to a creature for one minute and can touch them during the duration, they have disadvantage on saving throws against your spells and abilities. * Yugoloth: Avoiding conflict is the most neutral path in a fight. As an action, you and any equpiment you are wearing or carrying can magically teleport 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see.
* Demon: Altering your form is the most chaotic way demons can express their power. As an action, you can magically transform yourself into a chimera for 10 minutes. If you drop to 0 hit points in this form, you revert to your original form and take any left over damage. Once you use thie feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. ***Rejuvenation:*** When you die, you gain a new body in 1d10 days. The new body appears in the plane of your fealty. If you are slain on this plane, you will permanently die. ***Helling Existence:*** You are considered fiend instead of a humanoid. You also no longer require sleep. ***Unholy Flight:*** You gain a flying speed equal to twice your walking speed. ***Magic Resistance:*** You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. ***Devil's Sight:*** Magical Darkness doesn't impede the your Darkvision. If you don't have darkvision you can now see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Everything you see in darkness is in a shade of red. ***Hellish Resistance:*** You gain resistance to fire damage. ***Level 21:*** Your hit point increase similar to how it would upon a level up normally. Additionally, you gain a new class feature listed below. ### Pride Demonic artificers gain the following trait. ***Hellfire Weapon:*** You develop special weapon with fiendish magic. You can fire or expel a bonemelt spray in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d10 fire damage and 4d8 acid damage and take 1d10 fire damage and 2d8 acid damage until the creature or another creature within 5 feet takes their action to scrape off the acid. On a success, the creature takes half damage and avoids the acid sticking to them. Once you use thie feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest. ### Wrath Demonic barbarians gain the following trait. ***Burning Rage:*** As a reaction, while you are raging you can turn one attack that deals fire damage into healing. ### Envy Demonic bards gain the following trait. ***Discerning Eye:*** You gain truesight out to 30 feet. ### False God Demonic clerics gain the following trait. ***Turn Righteous:*** Your Turn Undead Channel Divinity now also effects celestials. \page ### Drude Demonic druids gain the following trait. ***Nether Beast:*** When you use your wild shape ability, you can choose either a beast or fiend. ### Gluttony Demonic fighters gain the following traits. ***Hell Bound:*** When you land a critical hit with a weapon attack you can choose to give yourself disadvantage on the following attacks but they will automatically crit on a hit. Regardless of other effects they may give you advantage, if you choose to use this trait it will always result in disadvantage on the rolls. ### Sloth Demonic monks gain the following trait. ***Damning Defense:*** When you use your patient defense and a creature still hits you with an attack, you can cast *hellish rebuke.* ### Dishonor Demonic paladin gain the following trait. ***Aura of Hate:*** When a creature you designate starts their turn within 30 feet of you they must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must move to it's nearest ally and take the attack action. Once the creature has been effected by the aura they are immune to the effect for 24 hours. ### Murder Demonic rangers gain the following trait. ***Ferocious Hunter:*** When you roll intiative, you can choose one creature within 90 feet that you can see and they are considered one of your favored enemies until you take a short rest or roll intiative again. ### Greed Demonic rogue gain the following trait. ***Gates of Hell:*** When you attack a creature and have not dealt sneak attack you can choose to give yourself sneak attack before you roll for the attacks damage. You can use this feature of number of time equal to your Dexterity Modifier (Minimum 1).
### Damnation Demonic sorcerers gain the following traits. ***Soul Manipulator:*** When a creature drops to 0 hit points due to a spell you cast using your metamagic, you regain 1 sorcery point. ### Lust Demonic warlock gain the following traits. ***Nether World Magic:*** Choose a 1st level spell from the warlock spell list. You can cast that spell at will at first level without expending a spell slot. ### Forbidden Fruit Demonic wizards gain the following traits. ***Sinful Knowledge:*** Choose a 1st level spell from the warlock spell list and add it to your spellbook. This spell does not count against the number of spells prepared. You can also now add warlock spell to your spellbook.