Arachna by LarsEliasNielsen on DeviantArt
## Ar̃achi
###### *"Similar to the other races within the rocky planes I have travelled, though these ones seem to be a product of corruption long passed." -Diamon the Archiver*
Ar̃achi are a race of spider like people that are bipedal with spiked limbs that stick out from their back. This is what they use for climbing, fighting and other various actions that one need. They have many small differences between eachother like the amount of back limbs may vary from Ar̃achi to Ar̃achi.
### Ar̃achi and Xectoid split
The Ar̃achi come from the same long lost ancestor of the Thri-kreen and the Xectoid people. Sometime far back in the race's history a group of Thri-kreen and Xectoid started to worship the spider god lolth.
This ferverant worship in the spider god took hold of their minds and bodies much like the drow and the Yuan-ti with their snake god, transforming the former people into their own race over time. Eventually they became the Ar̃achi that roam the worlds today.
### Relations between the new and old
It is not uncommon for Ar̃achi to be part of civilisations that make up their former selves from long ago, many Ar̃achi still reside within Thri-kreen and Xectoid tribes and cultures. Their temperment is not the same as the other races as they do not vie for others through competition or seek a solitary lifestyle as a whole. Ar̃achi are more known to be social and careful with their actions.
The actions of their past still remain as when an Ar̃achi and a Xectoid or Thri-kreen have children, the child will always be Ar̃achi due to Lolth's influence even if the Ar̃achi does not worship her.
### Ar̃achi worship of Lolth
These days most Ar̃achi don't particularly need or have to worship Lolth as her influence has already taken hold of the race in a permenant way. Some do still worship her as a form of tradition bu this has become a minority as the eons have passed by.
## Ar̃achi Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma increases by 2 and your Constitution increases by 1.
- Age. They mature at around 4 years old and live to around 50 Years.
- Alignment. Ar̃achi have tendencies that make them chaotic but they can be found all over the spectrum of allignments.
- Size. Ar̃achi stand at a height comparable to humans, roughly around 4-6ft. Your size is Medium.
- Speed. Your walking speed is 30ft.
- Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Abyssal and Thri-kreen.
#### Toxins Within
Your body is used to toxins and poisons from the fluids you produce. You have Resistance to Poison damage and are immune to the Poisoned condition.
#### Spiked Limbs
On your back you have 2-8 spiked limbs that protrude from your back. These limbs are prehensile, meaning you can freely controll them. These limbs have multiple uses but the main ones are they allow to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving your hands free. This gives you a climbing speed equal to your movement speed.
These limbs can also be used to attack with as natural weapons that deal 1d4 piercing damage, or be used to grapple creatures while leaving your hands free. You can grapple one medium or smaller sized creature in this way.
#### Spider Web
You produce silk web that is extracted through your abdomen on your lower back (In place of a tail) that you can use to do two things.
You can cast the Web Spell an amount of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus without spending a spell slot or material components. Your constitution modifier is used for the spellcasting ability score for this spell.
You can spend 10 minutes to create enough spider silk webbing that you can weave into either a net or 10ft of rope.
Humanoid Bug Concept by
Tube from Artstation