```metadata title: Curse of Strahd description: '' tags: '' systems: [] renderer: legacy ``` ```css /*=======--- Example CSS styling ---=======*/ /* Any CSS here will apply to your document! */ .myExampleClass { color: black; } ``` \page \page
# The Curse of Strahd
### Cast #### Kardus - Bryan Bigelow #### Slata Slakonan - Buddy Bycoski #### Reyna'zi Gordrn - Darlene O'neill #### Ukog - Mark Reynolds #### Ulfhan Bitterboulder - Will Maurer
##### With Special Guests #### Nix - Shirley Emii #### Dandrea - "Roxo"
##### And #### Chris Rindfleisch as The Dungeon Master
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### Table of Contents - **[Prologue - A Call to Action .................................................. 1](#p7)** - **[Chapter 1 - Into the Mists ................................................... 2](#p8)** - **[Chapter 2 - Secrets of the Durst Manor ............................ 4](#p10)** - **[Chapter 3 - The Durst Crypt ............................................... 6](#p12)** - **[Chapter 4 - Monster in the Basement ................................ 8](#p14)** - **[Chapter 5 - Welcome to Barovia ...................................... 10](#p16)** - **[Chapter 6 - A Chance to Rest ........................................... 13](#p19)** - **[Chapter 7 - Fathers and Sons ........................................... 15](#p21)** - **[Chapter 8 - Journey to Tser Pool ...................................... 17](#p23)** - **[Chapter 9 - The Vistani and Strahd ................................. 19](#p25)** - **[Chapter 10 - The Windmill ............................................... 22](#p28)** - **[Chapter 11 - Children's Bones .......................................... 25](#p31)** - **[Chapter 12 - The Gates of Vallaki .................................... 27](#p33)** - **[Chapter 13 - Toys ............................................................... 30](#p36)** - **[Chapter 14 - A Trying Day ................................................. 33](#p39)** - **[Chapter 15 - A Trek Around Town .................................... 36](#p42)** - **[Chapter 16 - Coffins for Sale ............................................ 39](#p45)** - **[Chapter 17 - Race for the Relics ...................................... 41](#p47)** - **[Chapter 18 - The Terror of Strahd ................................... 43](#p49)** - **[Chapter 19 - Wachterhaus ................................................ 48](#p54)** - **[Chapter 20 - The Laughing Dwarf ................................... 52](#p58)** - **[Chapter 21 - A Son's Potential.......................................... 55](#p61)** - **[Chapter 22 - Festival of the Blazing Sun......................... 57](#p63)** - **[Chapter 23 - Wachter History ........................................... 60](#p66)** - **[Chapter 24 - The Fanes of Barovia .................................. 63](#p69)** - **[Chapter 25 - An Early Birthday Gift ................................ 66](#p72)** - **[Chapter 26 - A Time Before Strahd ................................. 68](#p74)** - **[Chapter 27 - Battle of Argynvostholt ............................... 71](#p77)** - **[Chapter 28 - The Mad Mage ............................................. 73](#p79)** - **[Chapter 29 - The Magnificent Mansion ........................... 74](#p80)** - **[Chapter 30 - My Name is Mordenkainen ........................ 77](#p83)** - **[Chapter 31 - Meeting the Martikovs ................................ 81](#p87)** - **[Chapter 32 - Double-O-Ukog ............................................ 84](#p90)** - **[Chapter 33 - A Bird's Eye View ........................................ 86](#p92)** - **[Chapter 34 - The Missing Gem ........................................ 88](#p94)** - **[Chapter 35 - The Faithless ............................................... 90](#p96)** - **[Chapter 36 - Battle on Yester Hill .................................... 92](#p98)**
- **[Chapter 37 - The Invitation .............................................. 93](#p99)** - **[Chapter 38 - Dinner at Ravenloft ..................................... 94](#p100)** - **[Chapter 39 - The Investigation ........................................ 99](#p105)** - **[Chapter 40 - Mother ........................................................ 102](#p108)** - **[Chapter 41 - Moving Forward ........................................ 103](#p109)** - **[Chapter 42 - Strahd's Sibling ......................................... 106](#p112)** - **[Chapter 43 - The Dragon's Plea ..................................... 109](#p115)** - **[Chapter 44 - A Familiar Face ......................................... 111](#p117)** - **[Chapter 45 - Tatyana ....................................................... 112](#p118)** - **[Chapter 46 - Enter the Hunter ....................................... 115](#p121)** - **[Chapter 47 - Tower by the Lake ..................................... 116](#p122)** - **[Chapter 48 - Onward to Krezk ....................................... 119](#p125)** - **[Chapter 49 - The House of Healing ............................... 122](#p128)** - **[Chapter 50 - Aggressive Negotiation ............................. 124](#p130)** - **[Chapter 51 - Jailbreak ..................................................... 125](#p131)** - **[Chapter 52 - Dandrea's Revelation ................................ 126](#p132)** - **[Chapter 53 - Battle for Krezk ......................................... 127](#p133)** - **[Chapter 54 - The Fateful Wedding ................................. 128](#p134)** - **[Chapter 55 - Betrayal ...................................................... 131](#p137)** - **[Chapter 56 - The Dinner Party ....................................... 133](#p139)** - **[Chapter 57 - The Hall of Mirrors ................................... 135](#p141)** - **[Chapter 58 - Into the Labyrinth ..................................... 136](#p142)** - **[Chapter 59 - One Fortnight ............................................ 138](#p144)**
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# Prologue - A Call to Action the Order of the Wilted Rose is an ancient order dedicated to protecting Faerun from the many and varied malevolent forces that threaten it. A group of recently recruited members of the order were preparing to be briefed for their first assignment.

Kardus, an eccentric dwarven artificer, was greatly skilled in the art of crafting items, both practical and for amusement.

Ulfhan Bitterboulder, a grizzled dwarven fighter, was prepared to face any foe and cut down any threat that reared its ugly head.

Reyna'zi Gordrn, a seductive tiefling sorceress, fully embraced her demonic heritage and was willing to use any means to achieve her goals.

Slata Slakonan, a devout dragonborn paladin, was never afraid to take charge and be the first to face any danger.

Ukog, a young halfling monk, having grown up secluded from civilization, was unsophisticated but pure in his innocent optimism.

Their first mission seemed simple enough. The Order had received a request from Duchess Morwen of Daggerford for assistance in either driving off or hunting down a pack of werewolves that were harassing the town. There had apparently been nightly attacks by the monsters for over a week, and in addition to the increasing casualties among the town guard, a number of children had been abducted by the beasts. If any of the children were still alive, Duchess Morwen pleaded for their safe return. With their objective clear, the group prepared for the impending hunt. The Order supplied each of them with a silvered weapon of their choice, ideal for fighting werewolves and other dangerous creatures, as well as a scroll of Remove Curse, just as a precaution. They then all mounted up, and rode off toward Daggerford. \page
# Chapter 1 - Into the Mists With the better part of a day's travel ahead of them, Reyna'zi took the opportunity to try to get to know her companions a bit better, considering this was their first assignment and they had never really met each other prior. Kardus was the first to respond. "I'm an inventor, I'm sure you've heard of me!" He then proceeded to list off a number of his inventions, most of which were preceded with "the exploding...". Slata, overhearing this conversation posed the question, "Is there anything you made that didn't end up exploding?" "Only the inventions that didn't work, ha ha!" Kardus replied with a hearty laugh. Reyna'zi smirked as she added, "I also tend to make things explode, but in a different way." Kardus continued to laugh as Slata raised a curious eyebrow. Ukog, the young halfling didn't want to feel left out. "I'm Ukog!" Reyna'zi turned her attention toward the little monk. "Hello Ukog. You seem pretty young to be with the Order. How old are you exactly?" Ukog thought for a moment then raised both of his hands with a few fingers protruded on each. "This many!" The sorceress smiled softly. "... and what do you add to the group I wonder?" Ukog just smiled back. "I punch things! And what are you? I've never seen anyone like you before." Reyna'zi smiled more broadly as she waved her hand across her body, as if presenting herself for display. "Oh, never seen a tiefling before?" Ukog just shrugged, "I was referring to those things on your chest." the halfling pointed toward Reyna'zi's ample bosom. Reyna'zi laughed as she quickly learned that Ukog had never met a female before of any kind. Ukog then explained he had only known his grandfather before joining the Order. The group continued to banter among themselves, Kardus acting snarky and punctuating every comment with his laughter, Ukog showing his naivety with odd but innocent questions, Reyna'zi inserting innuendo everywhere that she could, and Slata deciding the conversation was too strange to keep up with and riding ahead. Ulfhan remained noticeably silent. Slata, looked back toward the dwarf. "Hey you! You're awfully quiet. What's with you?" Ulfhan just grumbled. "I'd rather focus on our mission at hand than involve myself in this childishness." Kardus then reached into his pack and pulled out a small metallic ball and turned back toward Ulfhan. "Lighten up a bit will ya?! Here, catch!" Kardus tossed the ball, and as Ulfhan caught it, the ball emitted in a high-pitched voice, "I'm Ulfhan, and I smell funny and can't have any fun!" The dwarf fighter huffed as he tossed the ball away, and Slata ended up catching it. "I'm Freckles, I smell funny and... I don't know you well enough to make a good insult yet!" Slata's brow furrowed as he looked toward Kardus. "What is this exactly?" "It's an insult ball! It insults whoever catches it, ha ha!" replied the proud inventor. Ukog piped up, "Oh, me next!" Slata tossed the ball to Ukog, who then proceeded to eat the ball. "That was tasty, do you have any more?" Kardus looked genuinely surprised. "Uh... no kid, I only had the one." Slata then asked what was on all of their minds. "Is that ball gonna explode too?" "Give it time..." replied the dwarf. ``` ``` Ukog then belched loudly, "My stomach feels funny." Everyone then subconsciously guided their horses away from the halfling, not sure what might happen next. As the group began to approach the town of Daggerford, the sun was just beginning to set. They then could see a series of dark shapes rushing with great speed from the town into the nearby woods. Assuming that those shapes must be the werewolves they were tasked with driving off, Slata lead the charge in pursuit. As they chased the shadowy figures, the woods began to get darker and denser, eventually getting to the point that their horses could not proceed. Not wanting to lose the trail, the group dismounted and continued on foot. Before long, a heavy mist began to move in, making traversal of the forest even more difficult. Eventually they could no longer see more than a few feet in front of them. The group carefully felt their way along, hoping to find a clearing. Soon they stumbled their way out from the tree line, and found themselves standing on a dirt road. Unfamiliar with the area, they tried their best to get their bearings, but unfortunately couldn't make out any landmarks through the fog. Suddenly, in the distance, they could see a dim light. As the group approached, they could see the light was coming from a lantern. A lantern that was held by a young girl, and next to her was an even younger boy, sobbing and clutching what appeared to be a stuffed toy. The girl appeared to be flagging the group down, so they continued toward her. As the group got closer, they could then make out the outline of a sizable mansion, with the young children standing by the main entrance gate. The little girl introduced herself as "Rose", and the crying boy next to her was her little brother "Thorne". When asked what they were doing outside, Rose explained that their parents had gone down into the basement of their home to deal with a monster. She and Thorne were left upstairs in order to watch over their baby brother, Walter. Unfortunately, when the monster started to make horrible noises, Thorne got frightened and rushed outside. Rose followed after him to make sure he was okay. Now they were both too terrified to go back into the house. "Will you go in and check on our baby brother for us?" Rose asked politely. \page
Overall the group agreed to help, but Reyna'zi was cautious. Considering that they had just been chasing a pack of werewolves, she thought that perhaps the children themselves may just be werewolves in human form, trying to lure them all into a trap inside of the manor. She had a plan to test the theory however. She requested for the others to restrain the children temporarily as she drew a small knife. Slata was a bit taken aback by the request. "What are you doing?!" "I'm going to give the children a small cut on their arm with a non-silvered blade. If they immediately heal, then we'll know for certain that they aren't normal children. If they bleed, then you can just heal them up." Reyna'zi explained. Slata begrudgingly agreed as he helped hold the now screaming children as Reyna'zi drew the blade across each of their arms. Sure enough, blood quickly began to run down their arms. Within seconds, Slata used his Lay on Hands ability to heal the children of their wounds. The children cowered back from the group, not wanting to be hurt anymore as they were assured that their little brother would be found. Reyna'zi and the others then proceeded past the front gates and into the manor. In the main foyer, they were greeted by a series of portraits of stone-faced aristocrats, as well as a small plaque with the name "The Dursts" written in gold lettering. They also took notice of the Durst coat of arms, a golden windmill on a red field. Upon entering the main hall, the group was impressed with the grandeur of the place. Though unlit, there was a large black marble fireplace as well as a red marble staircase which climbed up to an unknown number of floors above. Wood paneling along the walls were carved with idyllic scenes of frolicking nymphs and satyrs. Upon closer inspection, between the nymphs and Satyrs, there were a number of serpents and skulls worked into the ornate paneling. "I like this place..." Reyna'zi mused as she admired the carvings. There were a number of adjoining rooms as well and the group decided to begin exploring. The first room they entered appeared to be a den, filled with hunting trophies. Stuffed taxidermy wolves populated the room as well as the head of a stag which was mounted above a fireplace. They took notice of a weapons cabinet that appeared to hold a number of crossbows of varying sizes plus a few boxes of bolts. While the group asked if anyone knew how to pick locks, Ulfhan simply smashed his hand through the glass paneling, allowing them to easily grab the ammunition and hand-crossbow. Unable to remove the larger weapons from the cabinet however, Ukog tried his hand at getting the doors opened. Everyone underestimated the halfling's strength however as he punched the side of it, causing the entire thing to collapse in on itself and crash to the floor. Kardus dug through the wreckage and recovered the damaged crossbows, but was quickly able to mend them back into usable shape. The group then made their way into the dining room and kitchen, still marveling at the setup. A crystal chandelier glittered over the large dining room table. The pantry appeared well-stocked, and in the corner they all noticed what appeared to be a dumb waiter. Kardus poked his head in and peered up inside, and it looked as if the dumb waiter could go all the way up to the third floor. Being the only one small enough to fit, the group volunteered Ukog to take a ride in the dumb waiter up to the third floor to scout ahead. ``` ``` Ukog did as he was told and hopped into the small compartment and pulled on the attached cables to hoist himself to the third floor. He then hopped out and found himself in what appeared to be a large bedroom. It didn't take long however for Ukog to notice the deformed man hanging from a rope near the bed. "Hello? Are you okay?" the monk asked, and received no response. He called down to the others, "I'm in a bedroom, and there's a guy here... Not very talkative though." The rest of the group told Ukog to stay put and they went to make their way up the stairs. As they all got to the second floor, they all began to hear the sound of a baby crying on the floor above, followed by the sound of footsteps. They presumed the cries belonged to Rose and Thorne's baby brother and quickly made their way up to the next level. At the top of the stairs they came to a balcony with a dusty suit of armor overlooking it. As Ulfhan made his way past the armor, it suddenly began to move and swung a punch toward him. Ulfhan drew his sword, but another swift hit from the armor knocked it from his hands. The animated suit of armor then lunged at Ulfhan and pushed him over the edge of the balcony, sending the dwarf tumbling down to the first floor. Ulfhan managed to land on his feet, but was still shaken a bit from the fall. Kardus drew a crossbow and fired a couple bolts at the armor, but his shots merely bounced off of the steel plating. Slata drew his dual shortswords and proceeded to whale on the armor, but could barely scratch it. Reyna'zi then cast a fire bolt and made a direct hit, causing the armor to melt slightly from the heat of the blast. Coming to investigate what all the noise was, Ukog appeared from the master bedroom. Seeing the others attacking and failing to do much damage to the assailing suit of armor, he rushed forward and landed a punch, sending a piece of the armor flying off and clattering to the ground. The little monk then proceeded to climb into the armor through an opening and pummeled it from the inside, causing the armor to fall to pieces. As Ulfhan finally made it back up the stairs, he could see the threat had been neutralized. Ukog then looked at the others with a bit of confusion. "Why didn't you just punch it? It's clearly more effective than whatever you were trying to do!" The others chuckled mildly, slightly insulted but glad that the fight was over. Kardus then collected the damaged pieces of armor, figuring he could make use of them at some point. They then all followed Ukog back into the master bedroom. Once inside, they quickly discovered the "guy" that Ukog had mentioned earlier. The body was hung by its neck, dressed in regal clothing, but was extremely deformed and hideous. A letter was grasped in its right hand. Upon inspection it appeared to be a suicide note written by Gustav Durst. In the letter he seemed regretful for things he had done, and mentioned that his wife, Elisabeth, had become a monster. He also apologized greatly to his children, Rose, Thorne, and Walter, in that he would not be able to see them grow up. As the group pondered this, Slata explored the room further and took notice of the vanity. There was a jewelry box containing a couple necklaces and rings, but also another letter. This one addressed to a Mrs. Petrova from Elisabeth Durst. Elisabeth seemed to be thanking Mrs. Petrova for the idea of using "an innocent" to deal with a fiend. It would seem something far more sinister was at hand in the Durst home besides a "monster in the basement." \page
# Chapter 2 - Secrets of the Durst Manor Having had enough of the creepy house thus far, the group decided it was time to try to find baby Walter and get out as soon as possible. They went to investigate the room they had heard the crying coming from earlier, though the noise had mysteriously stopped. Once inside they discovered cowering in the corner, a young woman in what appeared to be a maid's outfit. She also appeared to be... ethereal. Reyna'zi was the first to draw up the courage to try to speak to the woman. They learned from her that her name was Margaret, and she was the Dursts’ nursemaid. When asked how she had apparently died, she seemed confused and unable to answer, likely not even realizing she was a spirit. They asked her about the Dursts themselves, and Margaret seemed quite fond of the children and their father, Gustav, but when the topic of Elisabeth turned up, her smile faded and she simply said, "It is not my place to speak ill of the lady of the house." Kardus smirked in understanding and muttered under his breath, "She was totally banging the father." When asked the whereabouts of baby Walter, Margaret motioned toward the nursery, but urged the group to leave him be as she had just gotten the baby to sleep. Ignoring Margaret's warning, Slata made his way into the nursery and peered into the crib. He found a small baby-sized bundle and proceeded to pick it up. After unwrapping the blanket he found... nothing. There was no baby. As the group turned to question Margaret, they found she had also vanished. "Alright... I'm getting tired of this creepy-ass house." grumbled the paladin. Still having not found Walter, or a way into the supposed basement, the group decided it was best to continue exploring the manor. As they took a closer look around Margaret's room, they discovered a false wall which lead to a staircase leading up to an attic. Unable to come to a consensus as where to go next, the group decided to split up. Kardus and Slata made their way back down to the second floor while Reyna'zi, Ulfhan, and Ukog headed up the hidden staircase. As they entered the attic, Reyna'zi, Ulfhan and Ukog found a door with a heavy padlock on it. Reyna'zi carefully aimed a fire bolt and successfully blew the lock off of the door. They peered inside and found what looked to be a children's playroom. There were two small beds, an assortment of toys and games, and even a detailed dollhouse that seemed to be a replica of the very manor they were currently exploring. They also discovered something unexpected. Two small skeletons, laying in the middle of the floor, wearing ragged clothing that looked oddly familiar. Suddenly they were startled by a small voice coming from behind them. "Are you here to play with us?" Ulfhan and the others whipped around and were confronted with the ethereal forms of... Rose and Thorne, the same two children they had initially met outside. Reyna'zi humored the children and said she would play with them, along with Ukog, if they answered some questions. It was clear after some conversation that this pair of ghost children were not the same two they had spoken to earlier. When asked what happened to them, Rose explained. "Our parents sometimes would go down to the basement to deal with a monster down there. When they did, they would lock us in here for safety. They would always come back though... except... when they didn't..." Rose then looked down sadly towards the two skeletons, giving some indication that at least she and Thorne were aware that they had passed on. When asked where Walter might be, Rose recalled that she last remembered her mother taking Walter down to the basement with her, prior to being locked into this room for the final time. Reyna'zi then asked where the basement was, as they had not yet discovered any doors leading down that way. Rose revealed that the way to the basement was hidden, and she then floated over to the dollhouse. She pointed to a spot that seemed to correlate with another room somewhere in the attic, and they all heard the sound of a door unlatching and swinging open elsewhere on the floor. Reyna'zi then thanked the two spirits and promised they would return once they had found what happened to their baby brother. Rose and Thorne seemed appeased and held each other as they sat on one of the beds. Meanwhile, down on the second floor, Slata and Kardus had found there way into a library. On a desk they found a partially burnt note that had written on it "Bulwarton's Words can open the way." With this clue in hand, Kardus started browsing the bookshelves to see if the name "Bulwarton" appeared anywhere. Sure enough he discovered among a series of books about architecture, "An Architect's Art, by Archibald Bulwarton." Kardus pulled on the book and felt some resistance as a metallic click locked the book into place. A nearby bookshelf then swung open, revealing a hidden room behind it. Slata peered inside and found more shelves of books, though these looked very different to the ones in the rest of the library. These were all adorned with eldritch runes and ominous symbols. Glancing over the titles, all of them appeared to have something to do with occult rituals and necromancy. One of the tomes stood out as it was written in a language that neither Kardus nor Slata could understand. They decided to claim the tome in case it could prove useful, assuming someone in their group could read it. At the back side of the hidden room there was a large chest, and there appeared to be a human skeleton partially sticking out of it. Upon closer inspection they found the skeleton was wearing tattered leather armor, and appeared to have a few darts stuck within its rib cage. They deduced that the man was trying to break into the chest and set off a trap which resulted in his death. Luckily the trap mechanism no longer seemed to be non-functioning. Clutched in the skeleton's left hand, was a letter. This one was addressed to Gustav Durst, and it seemed to be ridiculing him for his infidelity, and called him pathetic for thinking his evils could so easily be forgiven and forgotten. The letter was signed by a Lord Strahd von Zarovich. Inside the chest, Slata and Kardus found a few more interesting items. Besides a few spell scrolls and a couple blank books, they also found some documents. \page
One appeared to be a deed to the manor, and another seemed to be the deed to a windmill. A third document appeared to be the will of Gustav and Elisabeth Durst. In the event of their death, all of their property was to be left to Rosavalda and Thornbolt Durst. Back in the attic, Reyna'zi, Ulfhan, and Ukog found themselves in a storage room, filled with a number of pieces of furniture all covered with dusty sheets. They also discovered a large trunk that seemed to be unlocked. Reyna'zi opened it from a distance using Thaumaturgy, and inside they found what appeared to be a skeleton wrapped in a bloody sheet. The skeleton was wearing a tattered maid's uniform, and had marks indicating the person had been stabbed repeatedly. Ulfhan shook his head in dismay, realizing this must be Margaret's remains. In the corner of the room, Ukog spotted an open door that appeared to lead to a small spiral staircase. Peering down, it looked like the staircase continued all the way down through the house. They presumed that this must be the secret entrance to the basement, and decided it would be best to regroup with the others before proceeding down. Back on the second floor, Slata and Kardus continued checking room by room, and eventually found themselves in a conservatory. Other than a large harpsichord in the center of the room, there was not much else of interest. Just as they were about to leave however, Slata and Kardus heard the sound of whimpering coming from beneath the instrument. Kardus peered underneath and saw a dog, cowering in fear. Kardus took pity and pulled out one of his rations and tried to lure the dog out. The dog then perked up and approached, eagerly eating the ration. ``` ``` Kardus smiled, "Well, I guess we have a dog now. I'm naming him Potato!" Slata smirked, "I say we should name him Po-tah-to." The two playfully argued with each other as the dog followed them through the manor, his name tag hanging clearly off of his collar with the name "Lancelot" printed on it. Soon everyone regrouped up in the attic and they took some time to share what they had discovered with each other. Ukog happily played with the dog, calling him "Mr. Popo", while Kardus and Slata shared the documents and the magical tome they had found. Reyna'zi took the tome and said she could understand the text, as it was written in Infernal, a demonic language. After skimming through it for a few minutes however, she could hardly contain herself as she started laughing. "This book is useless garbage. None of the summoning rituals in here would actually work! Clearly written by amateurs or con-men." She tossed the book aside and wondered if the other tomes in the secret room contained more of the same drivel. Once everyone was prepared to continue, they made their way down the staircase, descending floor by floor until they moved into the darkness of the basement. Slata ignited a torch, and found that they were in what looked like a crypt of some sort. They also could hear an ominous chanting, coming from somewhere deeper underground, though it was far too faint to make out what was being said. The group slowly made their way through the tight and twisting halls of the crypt and couldn't help but notice the awful smell of death and decay that assaulted their senses. Suddenly, growling noises could be heard as clawed hands burst out of the ground all around them. The group then found themselves stuck in a hall with snarling undead creatures, ready to attack! \page
# Chapter 3 - The Durst Crypt Stuck in tight quarters with no way of escape, the group had no choice but to fight their way through four hungry-looking ghouls. Ulfhan drew his sword and quickly dispatched one of them by slicing it in half, then proceeded to his next target, but watched as it retreated and disappeared down another corridor. Reyna'zi was becoming overwhelmed by one of the creatures as it slashed at her with its claws, but Slata managed to hold it back before it could land a hit on the sorceress. Reyna'zi then retaliated with a fire bolt that left the ghoul writhing on the ground as it burned. Kardus drew his crossbow and took a couple shots at another one of the creatures, but the bolts did little to slow it down. Ukog then rushed in and pummeled it to the ground. "I told you before, just punch them!" Suddenly the ghoul that had evaded Ulfhan earlier attacked Slata and Reyna'zi from behind, having used another hallway to flank them. Thankfully Ulfhan rushed in and landed the finishing blow, decapitating the creature. He then severed a few of the ghoul's fingers, and pocketed them, much to everyone else's disgust. "Trophies..." Ulfhan muttered. With the danger apparently over for the time being, the group took a moment to catch their breath and ensure that everyone was unhurt. Once they were ready to move forward, they continued into the next chamber. There, they were greeted with the sight of a large statue. It was of a tall man with a gaunt face, draped in a cloak. His left hand was raised, grasping a crystal orb, while his right hand was patting the head of a wolf. Since the orb looked potentially valuable, Slata reached up to grab it, but felt an immediate chill run down his spine as his hand seemed to be pushed away by some unseen force. ``` ``` Kardus also made an attempt, much to the same result. Ukog attempted to grab it as well, but he suddenly had a look of pure fear on his face and just stared at the orb for an uncomfortably long time. Ulfhan then quickly covered the orb with an empty pouch, and Ukog was set free from his stupor. "Best we leave this alone and move on!" barked the dwarven fighter. Lancelot, or "Potato", as the group had started calling him, began to sniff along one of the walls of the room and started pawing at it. Slata took notice and investigated more closely, and discovered a secret passage where the dog had been scratching. The passage lead to a ladder which lead to a locked trap-door. Upon opening the door and peering out, Slata found himself back in the den of the first floor of the manor. "Well, looks like we have a quick way back out if we need it." Slata then closed the door and rejoined the group as they proceeded deeper into the crypt. The ominous chanting continued to grow louder. The next chamber they discovered appeared to be a makeshift bedroom. There was a large bed with a footlocker, which the group immediately began to investigate. As they began to rummage through the footlocker, a scratching sound began from behind one of the walls. Suddenly a new creature burst out from the wall. They all nearly choked from the stench emanating from the creature. It looked like a deformed woman wearing a noblewoman's dress with a dark cloak draped over it. Much to their surprise, the creature then spoke. "What the fuck are you doing her in my room?!" Unsure how to respond, they asked the creature who it was. "I'm Elisabeth, who the hell are you?!" The conversation continued for a bit as the group tried to make sense of what was going on, while Elisabeth proved to be abrasive with every response. Eventually the topic of Walter came up. "Oh, that useless bastard child? Well... I guess he wasn't so useless in the end..." Demanding to know what she meant by that, Elisabeth simply replied "Why don't you go deeper and find out?" as she cast a wicked looking smile. Unable to stand her much more, Slata lunged forward and punched Elisabeth in the face, knocking out of few of her rotten teeth in the process. Elisabeth snarled and swung wildly with her clawed hands, which Slata narrowly avoided. The fight ended quickly though, with Ulfhan stabbing Elisabeth clean through the chest, and cleaving upward through her torso. He then collected her fingers as well for good measure. With Elisabeth disposed of, the group proceeded to look through the footlocker and found a number of useful items, including a spell book, some healing potions, a cloak of protection and some other supplies. In particular they found a set of thieves' tools. Kardus was the only one proficient in using the tools, and he already had a set of his own, so Ukog volunteered to take the new set. "I don't know how to use them though." Kardus just chuckled. "Don't worry kid, you just put the tools in the holes." Reyna'zi couldn't help herself by interjecting a suggestive, "Oh my..." \page
Eager to continue exploration, Slata took the lead and marched onward down the next corridor... until he fell through a section of floor and was nearly impaled on a bed of spikes in the pit below. With some rope, Reyna'zi was able to lower herself down and help carry Slata back up out of the pit. Some healing magic later and the paladin was back on his feet. They all agreed the lesson learned here was to always keep an eye out for traps. In the next chamber, they found a series of small bed chambers, each of which contained a bed and a locked trunk. Being wary of traps, the group checked every single trunk and found no trace of any possible dangers. Kardus then took Ukog and gave him a lesson in lock picking. Ukog was surprisingly skilled considering he had no experience and was able to open a couple of the trunks with ease. "I put my tool in the holes, just like you said!" the halfling exclaimed. Kardus congratulated the kid, feeling just a little bit of pride in his teaching. Searching through the trunks, they found very little useful, however Reyna'zi stumbled across a moldy-looking logbook. It contained a series of names, descriptions, and additional details like, "struggled profusely" and "no sedative used." "Hey boys... I think we found ourselves a list of sacrifices." Reyna'zi inferred. It was still unknown what exactly this cult was attempting to do, but it was clear ritual sacrifice was a regular occurrence. ``` ```     Moving on, the group eventually found themselves in a corridor filled with a number of chambers, all closed off by large stone slabs. Each slab had a name engraved on it. One by one they read them off. Elisabeth Durst, Gustav Durst, Rosavalda Durst, Thornbolt Durst, Walter Durst, and the last slab was left blank. Taking the effort to open each chamber revealed that they were all empty. This made sense as the group now new the location of the remains of the entire Durst family, with the exception of Walter, though Reyna'zi guessed they would find him once they found the source of the chanting. The group continued deeper into the crypt, following the sound of the chanting as it got louder and louder. They then found a stairway that lead even deeper underground, and of course the chanting was coming from there. Gathering their courage to move forward, the group made their way down the steps. They emerged in a round chamber, adorned with numerous small alcoves, all of which contained some cryptic artifacts. A knife carved out of human bone, a shrunken halfling head, a severed hag's finger, and several other creepy items. It was then that the chanting became loud and clear. The voices were repeating the same phrase over and over. "He is the ancient. He is the land. He is the ancient. He is the land..." \page
# Chapter 4 - Monster in the Basement From the chamber the group was in, there were only two possible paths to take. There was a long tunnel, slanting downward that seemed to be where the chanting was coming from, and there was one other side hall. The group agreed to save the chanting for last and they all moved to the side hall to investigate, which lead to what appeared to be a prison. There were a number of cells with rusted gates and chains mounted on the walls. In one cell they discovered a skeleton, still stuck within its manacles. Slata noticed a glimmer coming from the skeleton's hand, and found it was wearing a gold ring. He promptly plucked it off and pocketed it with the rest of the loot they had collected thus far. With no other places to explore, they decided it was time to face whomever was the source of the chanting. Slata and Kardus instructed "Potato", the dog who had been following them around faithfully since he was found back in the conservatory, to stay behind, as it was probably going to be dangerous up ahead. Oddly enough, as the group entered the tunnel leading toward the chanting, the ominous noise ceased. The new silence was more disturbing as it likely meant their approach had been noticed. At the end of the tunnel, they found a portcullis, blocking entry into a large chamber that appeared to be partially submerged in water and was surprisingly empty. Looking around the chamber, there was a raised platform that ran around the perimeter of the room, as well as an altar of some sort in the center, while the rest of the room was covered in roughly two feet of water. On the far side of the room there appeared to be a large pile of compost and other refuse. Mounted inside the wall, just to the left of the entrance there appeared to be a crank that could be used to open the portcullis, but unfortunately it could only be reached from inside the room. Slata and Ulfhan then used their brute strength to force the portcullis open and managed to raise it, however they could feel resistance, indicating that it was going to close as soon as they released it. Kardus then slipped into the room and pulled out a crowbar. He smirked to himself as he quickly infused it before jamming it into the crank to keep the portcullis in place. "There, it should stay open now!" The artificer smiled broadly as the crowbar began to emit sound. "Freckles smells! Freckles smells!" Slata sighed and shook his head, remembering that "Freckles" was the nickname that Kardus had given him. "Is that really necessary?" he asked. Kardus just laughed and pat the paladin on the shoulder as the others began to explore the chamber. Ulfhan walked the perimeter platform, keeping an eye out for any hidden doors that the previous occupants may have used to escape. Reyna'zi made her way over to the pile of refuse, the stench of which discouraged her from looking any more closely. Kardus approached the central altar to get a better look at it. It appeared to have carvings of ghouls all along its sides, with deep channels embedded in the top. Hanging about five feet above the altar, there were long chains with manacles. It was pretty clear what this altar was used for. As Kardus was about to step away from the altar, he was startled by the sound of numerous dark voices echoing from around the room. "One must die! One must die!" Everyone looked around frantically for the source of the voices, but could see nothing. The chanting continued however, "One must die! One must die!" Reyna'zi, being somewhat familiar with sacrificial ceremonies had an idea of what the voices wanted. "Oh Potato! Come here boy!" she called. The dog trotted down the tunnel toward the chamber in response. Knowing what Reyna'zi had in mind, Kardus immediately protested. "NO! We are NOT sacrificing Potato!" As if in response to this outburst, a number of dark figures suddenly materialized along the outer platform. There were thirteen in total, apparitions of cultists in dark black hoods, their faces completely obscured. The chanting got louder, faster, and more insistent. "ONE MUST DIE! ONE MUST DIE! ONE MUST DIE!" Kardus growled in anger and pulled out a mace from his belt. "YOU ALL SUCK! YOU ALL SUCK!" he shouted, in time with the other voices, as he brought the mace crashing down onto the altar, chipping off a piece of it in the process. The voices suddenly came to a stop, then began a new chant. "Come demon, we awaken thee. Come demon, we awaken thee." Noises began to emanate from the refuse pile as something large began to emerge from it. A giant mass of flesh, eyes, mouths, and gore began to move into the chamber. Everyone drew their weapons and began to attack the cultist figures. Slata and Ukog managed to dispatch a couple quickly, causing the apparitions to disappear. "That was fun! I want to make more of them go poof!" shouted Ukog. Reyna'zi began to make her way up the platform steps, but the giant mound of flesh managed to creep up behind her and lashed out with slithery tendrils, capturing her arms and legs and restraining the tiefling. She struggled to get free but the monster was far too strong, and she was slowly pulled into the mass of flesh as it then engulfed her entirely. \page
Seeing this, Ulfhan rushed to Reyna'zi's aid and slashed at the abomination with his sword, but didn't seem to be doing much damage to it. Kardus glanced around and watched as Slata and Ukog continued to attack the apparitions, and began to notice that the cultists didn't seem to be putting up a fight. As a test he just casually walked away from them and they did not pursue. "Just as I thought. Ignore the cultists, we need to kill that thing!" Kardus called out to the others as he fired a crossbow bolt, which seemed to simply disappear into the mass of flesh. Ukog, having far too much fun making the cultist apparitions go "poof", ran right past the monster, paying it no mind. This was a mistake as it lunged toward the halfling and knocked him over with ease, sending him face-planting onto the platform. Inside the creature, gasping for breath, Reyna'zi continued to struggle to escape. She then noticed something odd. Inside the monster's guts there seemed to be a small hollow area, and she was amazed by what she saw inside. There was a crying corpse of a baby, with five thick tendrils attached to it, connecting it to the rest of the creature. Having an idea of what to do, she cast Sword Burst. She saw a few of the tendrils get severed, but a couple held strong. She cast the spell one more time and managed to cut the remaining ties to the baby. Suddenly the mound began to quiver and seemingly melt as it steadily fell apart into the water. Reyna'zi gasped for breath as she emerged from it while Ulfhan helped her to her feet. The remaining cultist apparitions all then vanished. All that remained of the monster was a, now silent, corpse of a baby. "Walter, I presume." Reyna'zi stated as she looked upon it with pity. Just as they were all beginning to catch their breath from the fight, Ukog suddenly leapt to his feet and snarled as he charged toward Kardus, swinging at him wildly. "Take that Hairy!" Ukog shouted, in a strange voice that was not normal for him. Kardus put up his guard and was genuinely confused. "Hey kid! What's the matter with you?!" Ukog continued shouting obscenities as he sent a flurry of punches at Kardus, knocking him out into the water. Slata couldn't believe what was happening and stood motionless as he tried to comprehend it all. Ulfhan rushed over to Ukog with his guard up, and Reyna'zi came up behind in an attempt to calm the halfling down. "Ukog?... If you calm down, I promise you can ride on my shoulders again like you did before." she said as soothingly as possible. "Shut it nosy! I'm gonna rip off one of your horns and shove it up your ass!" Ukog exclaimed. Reyna'zi likely would have blushed if she wasn't already completely red in skin tone. "You're going to shove what up my ass?" Ukog then started to take swings at Ulfhan, till Slata finally got out of his stupor and knocked Ukog unconscious with the butt of his sword. He then resuscitated Kardus. "Quick, someone tie the kid up before we wake him, and find out what the hell is going on..." Ulfhan used a bit of rope from his pack and restrained the halfling. Once Ukog awoke, he looked around confused. "What happened? Why am I tied up?" Kardus grumbled, "You punched me in the face kid... repeatedly." Ukog looked even more confused. "Why would I do that?" Ukog asked, his voice had returned to its innocent sound. It was clear Ukog had no memory of what had happened and the others could only guess that he must have been possessed somehow. ``` ``` Reyna'zi then asked Slata to use his divine sense to see if he could pick up any traces of evil beings around, in case the spirit that had possessed the boy was still lingering. Slata however couldn't sense anything like that, but he was picking up something undead, and it seemed to be coming from Ulfhan's direction. Ulfhan then pulled out of his pack a string with all of the fingers he had been collecting earlier. "I'm guessing you're sensing this. A bunch of undead fingers I'm keeping as trophies." Not in the mood to mess around, Kardus pushed Ulfhan on the shoulder. "Then toss it over there and see if Freckles' undead sense goes away!" Ulfhan hesitated for a moment then tossed the fingers across the chamber. Slata looked puzzled. "I can sense the fingers over there, but I'm still getting something on you, Ulfhan." Reyna'zi then said with a giggle, "Clearly the solution here is Ulfhan needs to strip!" Ulfhan just grumbled and angrily retrieved his trophies. "This is all a waste of time. We should be focusing on what happened to Ukog!" Ukog then grunted as he flexed and the ropes suddenly popped off of him. "There. I got tired of waiting to be untied. Can we go now?" The others agreed it was time to leave the awful place. Kardus scooped up the remains of Walter and they all made their way back out of the manor. Once outside, it seemed to be early morning, though the sky was overcast. Just outside of the main gate, there was an unexpected gift waiting for them. A small wooden box with a letter attached. The letter read, "Thank you for cleaning this vermin off of my domain. Your efforts are appreciated, even if for just one night. Please accept this small gift to help your recovery. Welcome to Barovia." It was signed simply by 'S'. Inside the box were five healing potions. Ulfhan scowled and marched off by himself for a few moments. Kardus took the corpse of baby Walter and proceeded to bury him beside the house. He then quickly carved a small stone with a warning on it. "Baby turned into monster by parents, don't dig up!" Ensuring that nothing else evil may crawl its way out from under the house, Reyna'zi cast a fire bolt and lit the house on fire. They all stood back and watched as the manor slowly became engulfed in flame. Ulfhan returned to the group and sighed heavily. "I certainly hope you're all up for this." After being asked what he meant by that, Ulfhan began to explain. "I have a confession to make. I'm not actually a dwarf. I was once a man, and I used to live here in Barovia... I lived here... and I died here." "Oh great!" Kardus said with snide sarcasm. "One of you tried to kill me, another wanted to sacrifice the dog, and now one of you is a freakin’ lich! The only person I trust around here is Freckles!" Ulfhan shook his head, "I'm no lich... this would be far easier if I was. What I don't understand is why he would do this." As the conversation continued, Ulfhan revealed that the care package they received came from the ruler of this land, but he was pure evil and couldn't be trusted. Remembering the letter addressed to Gustav Durst earlier, they deduced that 'S' stood for "Strahd". Because of this, Ulfhan refused to take any of the healing potions from the box. "Fine, more for me then!" Kardus said as he claimed Ulfhan's share. They continued their discussion as they all settled for a short rest, watching the manor steadily burn to the ground... \page
# Chapter 5 - Welcome to Barovia Looking over the smoldering remains of the Durst Manor, the group decided it was time to move on and hopefully find someplace safe to rest. With the heavy mist finally subsiding a bit, they could make out the outline of a town about a mile away. Figuring it was as good a destination as any, they began to head out. As Kardus began to trudge ahead, something fell out from his sleeve and clattered to the ground. "Uh oh... that's not good." he muttered. Slata picked up the object and asked what it was. "It's a piece of my arm, clearly!" Suddenly, Kardus' arm went limp and fell completely onto the ground, revealing it was a mechanical prosthetic. Slata stepped back, startled. "What?! You have a fake arm?!" Kardus grumbled at what seemed like an inane question. "What, and you don't?" The dwarf then picked up his detached arm and smacked the dragonborn with it. Seeing this display, Ukog rushed over and started tugging on Kardus' other arm. "Does this one come off too?" "NO!" Kardus shouted, "... and if you try to kill me again, kid, we're gonna have problems!" The group then proceeded toward the town. As they approached, they could see another dark shape looming in the distance. High up on a cliff overlooking the town, they could see two tall spires of an enormous castle. The town seemed insignificant compared to the great structure. As they entered the town, Ukog glanced up and noticed a raven sitting on a rooftop. It appeared to have blue-tipped wings. The raven cawed once then flew off into the town. "Look, a bird!" the halfling pointed out. The others glanced up at it halfheartedly as they tried to get their bearings. One thing became abundantly clear about this town as the group walked along the streets. The town was quite barren, and many of the homes and shops appeared to be boarded up and abandoned. There were a few townsfolk milling about, all dressed in dark, drab clothing. Some gave the group suspicious looking glances, but then continued about their business. "This is the Village of Barovia..." Ulfhan pointed out, "... and I should probably mention that the people here likely haven't seen anything like us before. Barovia is populated mostly by humans." Slata then felt a small tug on his left hand. He looked down and saw a young girl with bright eyes looking up at him. "Hi!" she said once he noticed her. "Hello there little one, how can I help you?" Slata asked courteously. "Can I ask you a question? What are you?" Amused by the curiosity of the young girl, the group took turns introducing themselves and explained what races they all were, though it was clear she seemed most interested in Slata and Reyna'zi. Ulfhan and Kardus to her just looked like "short, hairy men" and Ukog just seemed like another kid. They talked with her for a bit and learned that her name was Nadya and that most people in town just kept to themselves. She mentioned that there were some other children for her to play with, but "not as many as there used to be." Before they could get more details however, a woman's voice called out from somewhere in town. "Nadya? Where are you? You know what I've told you about running off!" Nadya then shouted an apology as she rushed back to her mother. She did however manage a quick goodbye. "Bye Mr. Dragon Man, bye Miss Tea Fling, bye everyone else!" Happy that they seemed to have made a new friend, the group continued down the street. As they rounded a corner, they caught sight of a little old woman, pushing a rickety looking wooden cart. She stopped as a man approached her, handed her a coin, and she presented him with what appeared to be a pastry of some sort. The man smiled and bowed, thanking the woman profusely. "Thank you so much, Granny." "Oh, think nothing of it dear. Always pleased to help a regular. You take care now!" the old woman smiled and resumed pushing her cart as the man disappeared back into his home. She perked up once she noticed the group. "Oh! Looks like we have some travelers in town. Would you happen to be interested in purchasing one of my pies?" Slata and Ukog immediately began to drool as they looked over the cart. The old woman continued, "I have meat pies, some with a potato base, and if you have a sweet tooth I also have some that are maple nut." Slata nodded eagerly, "I'll take a maple nut pie please! How much are they?" The old woman chuckled, "Oh, I normally charge a gold a piece, but tell you what, since you're all new here and you look like you could use a good meal, why don't you have this one to share among yourselves, on the house." The old woman kindly offered a pie to Slata for free, which he took graciously. "Thank you pie lady!" "Oh, you can call me Granny. Everyone else does." With an eyebrow cocked, Ulfhan asked with an accusatory tone, "A gold per pie seems awfully expensive." Granny didn't lose her happy demeanor as she responded. "Oh, I know it seems a little steep, but that's because my pies have a tiny bit of magic baked into them. These are Granny's patented dream pies! Anyone who has a piece is guaranteed to have pleasant dreams the next time they sleep." Granny continued on, explaining how there was so little happiness in the world, she was just doing her part to help people feel a little better, even if it was only when they rested. Ukog then asked if he could have a pie too. "Oh, one for yourself?" Granny asked. "I did intend for you all to share the one I gave you, but if you wish to buy another you are welcome to." Ukog then reached into his pocket and dug around a bit, before pulling out a piece of lint and offered it to the woman. Granny just chuckled again, "Oh, aren't you precious!" She proceeded to take the lint and pocket it, then cut an individual slice out of one of the pies and handed it to the halfling. "That was awfully nice of you." Reyna'zi interjected. "What can I say? I have a soft spot for children." Granny replied, with a wide toothy grin. \page
Not wanting to take up much more of the old woman's time, the group asked her for some directions around town. She pointed out Bildrath's Mercantile, the only shop that was still open in the village, as well as the Blood on the Vine Tavern, the best place for food and drink. They all then thanked Granny and bid her farewell as they decided to head to the tavern. "Don't be strangers now!" said Granny as she rolled her cart down the next alley. As the group approached the Blood on the Vine tavern, they noticed that the sign outside had been defaced. It originally said Blood OF the Vine, but the 'F' had been scratched over with an 'N'. Once inside, they saw that the tavern was just as barren as the rest of the town. At one table in the corner there were three women wearing colorful dresses, far more vibrant than the clothing they had seen on the rest of the village populace. The women glanced over at the group, but then turned back to their own conversation. The only other occupant sitting at a table was a young man with tired looking eyes. He glanced over at the group, but looked on with surprise as the dog, Potato, followed in behind the others. "Lancelot? Is that you?" The dog barked happily and trotted over to the man who leaned down to give him a pet on the head. "I thought you were lost for sure! Thank you all for finding him. Please, have a seat and let me get you all a round of drinks!" The man insisted. As they all settled at the table, the man introduced himself as Ismark Kolyanovich. He called over to the bartender, Arik, to bring over a pitcher of wine. Arik then brought over a tray with a pitcher and several glasses for everyone, without uttering a word. Ukog downed his first glass quickly. "This funny water is really good..." After that Reyna'zi requested that Arik bring over a pitcher of water as well for the young halfling. After initial introductions, Ismark asked the group how they came about finding Lancelot, and they explained how they had discovered him in an old manor about a mile outside of the village. Ismark's eyes widened in shock. "You went to the old Durst place? Most people say that place is haunted!" The group confirmed the suspicion and assured Ismark that the problem was resolved, as they burned the house to the ground. Ismark chuckled a bit. "Oh, the place burnt down again huh?" ``` ``` He went on to explain that the Durst manor had burnt down numerous times over the years, but after a few days it would always re-appear as if nothing had happened. This only added to its reputation as a haunted house. "I have to admit, I'm surprised you found Lancelot in there. I figured he ran off along with his owner." Ismark then recounted that Lancelot belonged to a teenage girl named Gertruda. She was a very sheltered girl due to her mother being overly paranoid and protective. A couple months prior, Gertruda had had enough and ran away from home, venturing off into the mists. "Unfortunately, anyone who goes off into the mists usually doesn't return, except as a corpse. Lancelot disappeared shortly after Gertruda did, so I presumed he went off after her." Noticing that he seemed a bit preoccupied, the group asked Ismark about how things were going for him. He explained that his father, the former burgomaster of the village, had recently passed away a couple nights prior and he was still dealing with matters surrounding that. Ismark continued, "I am impressed you managed to survive going in to the Durst manor... In fact, I have a request I'd like to ask of you." Ismark then leaned in close and whispered, "Though I would rather not ask about it here..." He motioned subtly toward the group of women in the corner, who periodically glanced in their direction then went back to their business. Reyna'zi nodded in understanding. Clearly Ismark didn't want to discuss certain matters in front of those women. He then offered for the group to accompany him back to his home where he could speak more freely. He also offered for them to spend the night, as he had plenty of room. They all agreed and finished their drinks. Ukog then wandered off into the corner of the room and proceeded to urinate. The others looked on in amazement and apologized to both Ismark and Arik. Without saying a word, Arik simply grabbed a mop and began to clean up the mess. As they prepared to leave, Reyna'zi hooked her arm under Ismark's, and winked playfully as she escorted him out, making a point to say "Goodbye ladies..." addressing the women in the corner, who looked back with complete disbelief on their faces. Ismark lead the way to his home on the edge of town. As they got closer, it looked like the place had been a war zone. All of the windows were broken out and boarded up. There were numerous scratch marks along most of the walls. The plant life around the house had been trampled and there were a large number of footprints, both wolf and human-made. Ismark approached the front door and knocked. A female voice called out from inside. "Who is it?" Ismark responded, "It's me, Ireena. I've brought some guests." They could then hear the sound of numerous deadbolts and locks being undone before the door finally swung open. A young woman with long auburn hair and a red scarf around her neck greeted them. Ismark then introduced her as his sister, Ireena Kolyana. As she closed up the door behind them, Ismark lead the group into a well-furnished den. "Please, make yourselves at home." As the group tried to settle in, they couldn't help but notice the odd smell of death lingering in the air. Ismark then took a seat and addressed the group. "Thank you for agreeing to come here. I didn't want to discuss these matters at the tavern. Those women you saw were the owners. They're also vistani, and I don't trust them. \page
Many say they act as spies for the devil himself." Reyna'zi then asked for clarification. "The devil... you mean Strahd?" Both Ismark and Ireena flinched a bit at the mention of Strahd's name. "I'm sorry, but saying his name is considered a bad omen. So we simply refer to him as the devil." Ismark explained. Reyna'zi compromised and said she would refer to him as 'S' instead. Ismark continued. "You are aware that the devil is the lord of this land. He is also a vampire. Sometimes, when the mood strikes, he is known to take people as consorts." Reyna'zi nodded, then confirmed for the others that basically it meant he would claim people as lovers, then turn them into vampires themselves. "Recently, he has taken an interest in my sister. I would like to save her from such a fate, and that is why I am turning to you." Ismark pleaded. "I need you to escort Ireena to someplace safe. Someplace as far away from here as possible. Can you do that?" The group tentatively agreed but asked for additional information. As far was where to go, Ismark suggested the town of Vallaki. "It is far more heavily guarded than Barovia, and the church of St. Andral is there. It is considered hallowed ground. Even the devil can't set foot there." They then asked what the intention was, for Ireena to stay at the church forever? Ismark admitted he hadn't thought that far ahead. It was then that the group agreed that the ultimate solution would be to eliminate Strahd as a threat. When asked if he would be joining them, Ismark shook his head. "Regrettably, no. With my father gone, I need to take up responsibilities as the new burgomaster." Ulfhan then asked if Ismark wished for them to deliver a message to the burgomaster of Vallaki on his behalf, perhaps asking for assistance. Ismark had doubts, saying that the burgomaster would likely not be willing to part with any resources that were being used to protect Vallaki, but would be open for discussion if he actually agreed to it. Ulfhan then reminded Ismark that in dealing with the devil, they were all in this together, referring to all residents of the land. Ismark nodded in understanding, though it was clear he seemed discouraged regardless. Ulfhan then asked if there was anyone Ismark knew who could help fight back against the devil. He could only think of the legendary vampire hunter, Rudolph van Richten, but he may truly be just a legend and nothing more. The group then asked Ireena what her opinion of all of this was. "As much as I don't want to leave my home, I understand it is too dangerous to stay here, and I can't keep hiding in these walls forever. The one condition I have is that I want my father to be properly put to rest before I go anywhere." Ismark sighed and looked to the group. "That is another matter I wish to ask about. I'm sorry to make such a request, but would you be kind enough to help me carry my father's body to the church for a proper burial?" Ismark then pointed to a side room, revealing a simple wooden coffin. This also explained the odd smell in the air as the body had already begun to decay. The group agreed to help, but first thing in the morning. They were exhausted from the past couple of days and needed a good night's sleep. Ismark agreed, but insisted that they be on their way as soon as possible right after. When asked what had happened to their father, Ismark explained that during the past couple weeks, ever since the devil began pursuing Ireena, there were nightly attacks against their home. Wolves and ghouls would circle the house, breaking out the windows and scratching at the walls and doors all throughout the night. While they never actually made it into the home, it was still a terrifying ordeal. Ismark and Ireena's father, Kolyan Indirovich, couldn't take the stress any more and his heart gave out. Ever since he had passed, the attacks thankfully seemed to have stopped. Once hearing that there were some undead creatures involved, Reyna'zi recommended that they cremate the body, in order to avoid the possibility of their father being raised as something horrible later. The siblings agreed. It was still some time before nightfall and the group decided they wanted to stop at the local store to sell off some of the loot they had collected and replenish their supplies for the journey ahead. They asked Ismark if he could provide any additional funds for their effort and he agreed, offering them fifty gold as payment. They then exited the manor and promised to return before nightfall. The group then made their way to Bildrath's Mercantile, the one and only shop still remaining in business in the entire village. Inside they were greeted by a middle-aged man with a white beard. "Ah, new customers! Welcome to Bildrath's Mercantile. I'm Bildrath, how can I help ya?" The group then proceeded to barter with the man, selling off many of the valuables they had picked up in the Durst Manor. They then decided to shop for the supplies they needed. "Aw crap!" exclaimed Kardus. "I forgot my crowbar back in the basement. How much for a new one?" Bildrath then smiled with a mischievous sneer. "That'll be twenty gold." "That'll be WHAT?!" Kardus shouted, unable to believe that the price was so high. "Hey, if you can't pay the price, I guess you don't need a crowbar that badly." Bildrath said with a bit of a smirk. Kardus was flabbergasted at the price, but could appreciate the man's business model. It wasn't like they had alternative options. Reyna'zi and Slata both approached the man, making themselves look as imposing as they possibly could and managed to intimidate him down to a fifty percent discount. It was still an astronomical price, but at least it was something they could afford. Kardus also requested if Bildrath had any spare scrap metal laying around. The shop owner said he had plenty and Kardus purchased a crate full of it. Unable to carry it himself, missing the use of one arm still, Kardus asked if it could be delivered to the burgomaster's manor. Bildrath nodded and called out into a back room. "Hey Parriwimple! Got a delivery for you to make!" A huge man, nearly seven feet tall and built like a brick wall suddenly appeared in the doorway. "Yeah?..." The large man asked. "Parriwimple, take this crate of metal scraps over to the burgomaster's house." Bildrath instructed. "Okay..." the man said slowly. He then paused as he looked at the group, then a small smile spread across his face as he raised his giant paw of a hand. "... Hi..." He then took the crate and walked out, the ground trembling beneath him as he stepped. Bildrath just shook his head. "He's my nephew. The boy's a bit slow in the head, but he's strong as an ox!" With their business done at the shop, and still some time before dusk, the group decided to head back to the tavern to get a bite to eat, and perhaps even talk up the vistani owners as well... \page
# Chapter 6 - A Chance to Rest After getting severely ripped off at Bildrath's Mercantile, the group made their way back to the Blood on the Vine Tavern. As soon as they entered, the three vistani women owners, who were right where they were previously, addressed the group, Reyna'zi in particular. "Well well well, back so soon? Did old Ismark the lesser strike out already?" Reyna'zi just smiled as she took a seat at the table right next to the women. "Oh, quite the contrary, he's actually quite good in bed." The three women had looks of shock and disgust on their faces, unsure how to even respond to that. Reyna'zi continued, "I could show you a good time too if you're interested." Her tail whipped back and forth, drawing attention to her... assets. The woman who spoke out earlier simply scoffed, "I'll pass.", however one of the others had a noticeable blush forming on her face, which Reyna'zi made worse by winking at her. Slata then took a seat next to Reyna'zi, "I might take you up on that offer." he chuckled, only half-joking. "Later dear..." Reyna'zi replied. Kardus and Ulfhan walked over to the bar. Arik was standing there, wiping down glasses. "Hey bartender, give me your finest ale!" Kardus requested. Arik then poured him a glass of wine and handed it to the dwarf. "Not that I'm not appreciative, but you seem to have gotten some wine in my ale!" Ulfhan muttered, "You better get used to it. Wine is the staple here. I never even heard of ale till I came back as a dwarf in your homeland." Ulfhan then proceeded to order some food, which had surprisingly reasonable prices compared to what they had just witnessed at the shop, and even the pastry lady. Reyna'zi, refusing to leave the three owners alone, asked them how they managed to keep in business with prices so low. "It's not that our prices are low, it's that everyone else is price gouging." The group continued to question the owners, trying to draw out as much information as they could. When asked about the vampire, they responded with, "Oh, you mean Count Strahd von Zarovich, Lord of Barovia!" adding a bit of flourish to the name. "I thought saying his name was a bad omen?" Reyna'zi asked. The owner scoffed again and replied, "You've been hanging around the Barovians too long. There's no harm in simply calling the man by his name." When asked about directions for leaving town to get to Vallaki, the owners pointed out they should head on the south road out of town and end up crossing a bridge that would lead to a crossroads. There they could take a road that could lead up to the castle, or continue on to Vallaki. They also mentioned that there were many dangers on the road. Wolves and other creatures of the night were common, and there were plenty of instances of people disappearing on their travels. One of them then chuckled, "Heck, even staying on the streets in this village at night is a dangerous prospect." When asked why they bother sticking around in a place so dangerous, one of the owners lets slip that they have nowhere else to go. They then explained that they used to be part of the vistani, a race of gypsies that travel in caravans around the country and live in encampments. ``` ``` However they caused a bit of trouble once, which they refused to speak about, that resulted in them being outcast. The village of Barovia was the only place they could settle into because the other towns, Vallaki and Krezk, were very strict about keeping vistani out. When asked why the towns were so unwilling to let people in, the owners responded, "The same reason they think uttering a man's name is going to make him drop out of the sky and destroy them. Superstitious nonsense!" Feeling some pity for the women, the group asked if they could potentially talk to the vistani people and find a way to allow them back in to their good graces. One of the owners just shook her head, a flash of anger on her face. "There is nothing we want from them. We are fine just as we are." The group finished up their meal and decided to head back to the Burgomaster's home. As they prepared for the night, Ulfhan and Ismark agreed to take turns keeping watch, specifically over the body of Ismark's father. Kardus retrieved his delivery of scrap metal and tapped on Ireena's shoulder. "Hey Rusty, I need to get my arm put back together, but I could really use an assistant." Ireena's eyes lit up with curiosity and agreed to help. "I've never done anything like that before, but it certainly does sound interesting." Kardus then dragged the crate to a spare room and set up a makeshift workbench. Reyna'zi chose to take one of the spare bedrooms and bid goodnight to everyone as she sauntered up the stairs. She then stopped and glanced over at the paladin. "Oh Slata..." Slata looked up at her curiously, admittedly having not been paying attention as he was too busy scowling at the fact Kardus had managed to get Ireena to help him for the night so easily. "Yes?" he replied. Reyna'zi then said suggestively, "...We're going to bed now..." with an emphasis on the word "we". Slata then perked up in surprise, "Oh...of course. Time for a real workout then." Ukog then asked curiously. "Are you two going to spar?" Reyna'zi humored the halfling's innocence. "Um...yes, we're going to spar." "Cool, I want to spar too, can I come?" "No!" both Reyna'zi and Slata said sternly. "Okay... but if you need any help, you let me know." Ukog said, with some disappointment in his voice. Reyna'zi then giggled, "Sure... I'll bang on the wall if I need you." Slata shook his head, "Don't tease the poor kid..." Ukog then took a room for himself, and everyone settled in for the night. The following morning, Ulfhan and Ismark were awakened by a loud crash. A door exploded off of its hinges and flew down the stairs, crashing into the wall. Then loud, heavy footsteps could be heard descending the steps as a large, apparently mechanical suit of armor came into view. Ulfhan, fearing this was some sort of intruder drew his sword and got in front of Ismark for his protection. Then Kardus' hearty laughter echoed through the home. "IT WORKS! MY MASTERPIECE WORKS! ISN'T IT GLORIOUS?!" Everyone else congregated on the balcony as they looked on in amazement at the contraption. "You... you made this, abomination?!" Ulfhan asked, almost disgusted by it. "Of course I did! I was inspired by that suit of armor we fought in the haunted house, and I knew I had to have one. So I used its remains, plus some extra pieces." \page
Kardus was acting like an excited child, "OH, guess what I named it!" "You named it?!" Ulfhan asked incredulously. "BUBBLES! Oh yeah, I also made this. I call this one Giggles." Kardus then produced a small, spider-like machination that crawled around the floor, then back into his pocket. Slata, rubbing sleep from his eyes, asked, "Why Bubbles?" Kardus thought for a moment. "Cause I like making bubbles in the bathtub!" "... And why giggles?" "... Cause I giggle when I make bubbles in the bathtub!" Ulfhan finally sheathed his sword. "I don't trust it." Ireena came out of the room where Kardus had been working with a broad smile on her face. "I'm actually surprised it's working. It is an impressive creation." Kardus patted her on the shoulder with his newly repaired prosthetic arm. "I told you we could do it, Rusty!" Ukog then walked up to Bubbles curiously, listening to the whirring and clicking of the gears inside. "Hi Bubbles!" Kardus chuckled to himself. "I don't think Bubbles is going to be particularly talkative, kid." Ukog seemed to ignore the dwarf as he started to laugh. "Oh, that's funny Bubbles." Kardus looked on in confusion. "Wait... you can understand Bubbles?" Ukog nodded, "Yeah, can't you?" Kardus contemplated this for a moment. "Ask him who he thinks the greatest inventor in the world is." Ukog then asked and Bubbles continued making mechanical noises. "Bubbles says Nikola Tesla, but he exists in another dimension from ours." Kardus laughed, "I've created sentience!". He then whispered softly to the others close by, "The kid is crazy..." ``` ``` Ukog then looked over at Kardus. "Hairy, I left you a gift on your workbench." Kardus smiled, almost having forgotten. "Oh yes, I got my insult ball back!" He pulled out the metallic sphere as it proceeded to speak, "Freckles smells...and so do I?" "Remind me to clean that later" Kardus said with a chuckle. After the excitement of Kardus' new invention died down, Ulfhan and Reyna'zi approached Ismark and asked him the same question. "Are you familiar with Tser Pool?" The dwarf and the tiefling looked at each other in surprise. Ismark responded, "Yes... Tser pool is on a side road, one of the crossroads on the way to Vallaki. I believe there is a vistani encampment there. Why do you ask?" They then revealed that they both had a similar dream. A raven had guided them to a camp in Tser Pool, where they saw an old woman wearing a dark purple cloak inside of a tent. She said "Come see me in Tser Pool to learn what the future holds." Overhearing this, the others admitted they had similar dreams themselves. Ismark shook his head. "I don't trust them... but it may be for the best if you visit that encampment during travels. Find out what that dream was about, plus I think It'd be safer to be around people than to be out in the wilderness come nightfall." Having finally gotten some decent sleep for the first time since their journey began, the group had one last matter to attend to before they could escort Ireena to Vallaki. It was time to put Kolyan Indirovich to rest... \page
# Chapter 7 - Fathers and Sons With everyone awake, Ismark insisted it was time to carry his deceased father to the church for a proper cremation and burial. He requested for a few of the group to help him carry the coffin. Ukog believed he could lift the coffin himself, but proceeded to drop it as he tried to prop it up onto his shoulder. Ismark cringed as the coffin slammed to the floor. He then kindly patted the halfling on the shoulder, "I think you might have to leave this for some of the taller folks this time." The others agreed as Ulfhan and Slata volunteered to help. Kardus ordered Bubbles to help in his stead, while Reyna'zi took position in the rear to help guide the coffin as they lifted it. She then told Ukog to help by leading the way through the village to ensure everyone stayed out of their way. Ireena was prepared to leave as well, but Ismark ordered her to stay inside for safety. She protested at first but conceded. The others questioned if Ireena would truly be safe by herself and decided that Kardus could stay with her while they all went to the church. Kardus agreed and recruited Ireena to help him clean up his work space from the night before. Ismark and the rest of the group then began their trek across the village toward the church. Ukog insisted on finding the "pie lady" again, but she didn't seem to be doing her rounds for the day yet. Ulfhan fibbed to the Ukog, telling him that he thought the pie lady would be making a stop at the church, which convinced the monk to continue in that direction. Ismark then mentioned there was something he should warn them all about prior to getting to the church. "Don't be surprised if you happen to hear some... disturbing sounds coming from the undercroft." Of course they were all curious as to what he meant, and Ismark then recounted a story. About a year ago, there was another traveler from a foreign land who came to Barovia, similar to the group themselves. He was a wizard, who claimed he was there to destroy the devil. He was also very charismatic and managed to rally a number of townsfolk to his cause, including Ismark himself. Eventually the wizard lead a charge against the castle. Ismark wanted to join but his father forbade him, saying the wizard was a fool for thinking he could destroy the devil so easily. Ismark admitted that his father ended up being right. As soon as the vampire showed himself, half of the townsfolk fled in terror while those who stood their ground were quickly disposed of. The priest's son, Doru, was one of the few who stood with the wizard. After the battle had ended, Doru found his way back home, but he had been changed. He had been transformed into "one of them", having been bitten by the devil himself or one of his minions. The priest managed to lock Doru in the undercroft of the church, and that is where he remains to this day. Ever since then the priest has been praying to the morninglord for a miracle to heal his son and change him back to normal. Ismark sighed as he admitted he didn't think anything like that was possible. Reyna'zi concurred with his thoughts, as she wasn't aware of any way of reversing being turned to a vampire. ``` ``` As they approached the church, they could see that it was quite weathered and run down, much like the rest of the village. Ulfhan took a moment and approached the front steps. In silence, he knelt down and placed his hand on the step. After a pause he then returned to the others. Ismark opened the front door and they began to carry the coffin into the building. The inside of the church was in deep disrepair. The smell of mold and mildew permeated the hall. They all froze as a chilling, inhuman scream emanated from beneath the floor. Slata muttered, "Definitely didn't like that..." Ismark nodded in agreement and urged them to press onward toward the chapel. Inside, they found that most of the pews were damaged if not completely destroyed, seemingly torn apart by some sort of creature or group of creatures. Kneeling by the altar was the priest, wearing dirty and tattered robes. He glanced back at the group as they entered, but went back to his prayers, as if he was completely ignoring their presence. Ismark approached the priest and requested his assistance in giving his father last rites for burial. The priest agreed but wished to finish his prayers first. Ismark respected that and returned to the group to wait. It was then that they heard another scream from below, "FATHER! I'M STARVING!!!" The priest was visibly shaken and muttered repeatedly to himself, "Just ignore it. Just ignore it. Just ignore it..." He had dark circles under his eyes, looking as if he hadn't slept in days. He finally got to his feet and introduced himself to the group as Donavich. He also apologized for the screams, but the group quickly assured him that no apology was necessary. It was not from his own doing. Ismark explained how it was decided that they wanted his father cremated, just as a precaution. Donavich understood and began to collect some wood to build a fire. The rest of the group helped by bringing the coffin outside to the cemetery, and also collected debris from the broken pews to use as kindling. The priest opened the coffin momentarily to say some prayers over the body. Listening carefully, Slata, Reyna'zi, and Ukog all recognized the prayers as those used by worshipers of Lathander back in Faerun. It would seem Barovia may worship Lathander as well, but under a different title, the morninglord. Once Donavich had finished, Reyna'zi ignited the kindling using a small fire bolt. They all stood in respectful silence as the fire slowly spread and eventually engulfed the coffin. Ukog glanced toward the opposite side of the cemetery, and noticed outside of the fence line in the middle of some heavy mist, there appeared to be a tall man dressed in black, his head bowed in prayer. Suddenly they all heard the sound of footsteps coming up behind them. Everyone turned to see an elf approaching them. He was tall, wearing dark, regal looking clothing, his hair slicked back in a ponytail. "Good day to you, Ismark." The elf greeted. "My master and I offer our condolences for the loss of your father. Where is miss Ireena I wonder?" Ismark hesitated a moment, then answered, "Sh... she wasn't feeling well this morning, so she stayed home." "Ah, what a pity. Then if you would be so kind as to deliver this letter to her, it would be most appreciated." \page
Ismark accepted the letter and gave a soft thank you, though his face betrayed his true feelings. He was clearly uncomfortable with the presence of the elf. "I have other business to attend to. Good day to you all." The elf said politely as he looked over the entire group, locking eyes with each individual for a moment. As he did so, they all began to hear the awful sound of thousands of voices crying out in pain and agony. Slata and Ukog seemed to be caught off guard and said nothing. Reyna'zi, upon hearing the voices stared right back at the elf, uttering a soft "Oooh..." as if they didn't faze her, but intrigued her instead. Ulfhan responded by tugging his helmet down slightly, hiding his eyes as he gripped the hilt of his sword tightly. The elf then left the cemetery, the voices faded as he did so. Ulfhan then staggered over to the wall of the church and held his head in his hands, breathing heavily. Reyna'zi trotted over and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Ulfhan, I'm sure whatever feelings you're going through right now are difficult, but I really think we should all get back to the house right now. If you don't think you can make it, I can try carrying you." Ulfhan regained his composure. "I can walk... but we aren't done here yet. What does that letter say?" he asked Ismark. Ismark then began to open the letter, "I'm not sure, let's find out." Reyna'zi then stopped him as reached out for the letter herself. "Stop... Let me read it, in case there is some demonic trickery going on with it." Having not thought of that possibility, Ismark handed the letter to Reyna'zi. She opened it and read it out loud.

"Dearest Ireena,

It is with the deepest grief that I learn of the death of your kind and noble Father; and, especially, that it is affecting your young heart beyond all sensation. In this sad world of ours, sorrow eventually comes to all; and, to the young, it comes with the bitterest agony, because it so often takes them unaware. Your elders, no doubt, have learned to ever expect it.

I am anxious to afford some alleviation of your present distress. Perfect relief is not possible, except with time. You surely realize now that you will never smile again, is not this so? And yet it is a mistake. You are sure to be happy again. To know this, which is certainly true, will make you some less miserable now. I have had experience enough to know what I say; and you need only believe it to feel your heart warm once again. The memory of your dear Father, instead of an agony, will yet be a sad sweet feeling in your heart, of a purer and holier sort than you have ever known before.

Please present my kind regards to your afflicted brother.

Your lord, master, and love,
Strahd von Zarovich"

``` ``` There was a brief moment of silence before Reyna'zi then exclaimed, "What a bunch of bullshit!" They all remained at the cemetery for a few more minutes as the fire slowly died down, leaving only ashes behind. Ismark thanked Donavich and they all proceeded to head back to the burgomaster's home. Slata however ducked back into the church momentarily to explore the few other rooms, finding two bedrooms, an office, and a room that contained a trap door that was padlocked shut. Beneath it he could hear the screams of Donavich's son, Doru. The paladin contemplated trying to break open the door to let the boy out, but Ulfhan and Reyna'zi managed to talk him out of it. They explained that the boy wasn't well, but there wasn't anything they could do about it right now. Back at the house, they caught Kardus and Ireena up to speed with what happened. Ismark reiterated that Ireena should prepare to leave as soon as possible with the others. Ulfhan began to pace the house, looking out each window, keeping an eye out for the elf from earlier. Reyna'zi then proposed an idea to Ireena, that perhaps they should try to disguise themselves as each other, so that Reyna'zi would be more likely to be targeted on the road. She then asked Kardus if he might be able to make a set of fake horns and a tail made out of metal. Kardus thought on it for a moment, and within minutes of picking up a few spare pieces of scrap metal he managed to fabricate a wear-able set of fake tiefling horns and a tail. Ireena and Reyna'zi both then disappeared to Ireena's room to get dressed. Reyna'zi suggested that Ireena take her armor, but Ireena said there was no need, as she pulled from her wardrobe a breastplate. Ireena also withdrew a rapier that she admitted to having some skill with but was by no means a master. She then tried on the fake horns and hooked the tail onto the back of her breastplate, letting it hang down behind her. Reyna'zi then went to work making a makeup like paste out of some flour to cover up her red skin, then proceeded to color Ireena's face to a rosy red tone. Reyna'zi then borrowed one of Ireena's commoner dresses and a cloak, ensuring she could keep her horns covered. The two women then rejoined the others and showed off Reyna'zi's handiwork. At a quick glance, Reyna'zi was quite passable as a human, and Ireena looked almost just like a tiefling. Though since most people in Barovia have never seen a tiefling before, it was unlikely they'd be able to tell the difference anyway. Ismark then gave his sister one last heartfelt hug before the group prepared to leave. "Good luck, be safe. Send me a message when you make it to Vallaki." The group asked Ismark if he would be safe by himself. He assured them he would do his best and make sure the house remained as secure as it currently is. With that, the group proceeded to sneak out the back of the house as to avoid having to go through the village to get to the road. As they made their way to the south road, Reyna'zi couldn't help but ask Ulfhan what was up with that elf earlier. Ulfhan gave her a stern look. "That elf is a minion of the devil. He is evil and dangerous. Do not underestimate him. If he wanted to, he could kill all of us without hesitation!" Reyna'zi grew quiet as the question came to mind, "How then would we even prepare for if we were to see him again?.." \page
# Chapter 8 - Journey to Tser Pool The group continued their trek down the south road, eventually crossing a stone bridge over a flowing river. Reyna'zi approached Ulfhan and asked him what his suggestions were if they were to run into that elf again, since he seemed to have some past experience. Ulfhan thought for a moment and said ominously, "Be prepared to hide, or run. If we get cornered we may have to defend ourselves, but I'd much prefer it if we could avoid fighting him until we're ready to be the ones taking the offensive." The dwarf then mentioned how in the elf's presence he heard the screams of those who have fallen to Strahd, including some of his former companions. Reyna'zi nodded, acknowledging that she had heard them too. Ireena then apologized to the group, feeling it was her fault that they were all being dragged into this mess. Reyna'zi reassured her it wasn't her doing, something clearly had to be done about "the Devil." Time passed, and by early afternoon the group found themselves at a crossroads. Off on the side of the road they discovered an old gallows. The wood was moldy and rotting, and two nooses swayed lightly in what little breeze there was. Ukog rushed up and grabbed onto the ropes, swinging from them. "This is fun!" Ulfhan just scowled at the structure while Reyna'zi muttered. "That thing should probably be destroyed. I'm gonna burn it. Any objections?" Ulfhan remained silent then nodded with a confident, "It needs to burn." The others instructed Ukog to get off of the ropes, which he did begrudgingly, but then he looked on in shock as Reyna'zi cast a fire bolt, leaving the gallows smoldering in flames. "Why did you do that?" Ukog asked sadly. "It had to be done, it was an evil structure." Reyna'zi explained. Ukog frowned, "It wasn't evil, it was fun!" The halfling then grew quiet while the others looked to the road signs to decide their path forward. Seeing a sign that pointed toward Tser Pool, they all agreed it was to be their next destination. As they began to walk, Ukog then addressed Reyna'zi, though he didn't sound like himself. "Hey Nosy. If we pass another gallows, I'm gonna string you up to it and burn you to a crisp." The monk's voice was much lower than normal, while also being slow and deliberate as he spoke. The group was caught off guard by the sudden change. Ulfhan even seemed concerned, thinking Ukog seemed a bit more sluggish than usual. "You look like you could use a little help, why don't you walk beside me for a bit?" Ukog refused and referred to Ulfhan as "Chunky", pointing out the the dwarf's natural heaviness. Reyna'zi then offered for Ukog to ride on her shoulders, which he always seemed to enjoy in the past, and the monk agreed. "Time to go, horsey..." Ukog bellowed in his lower tone as he slapped the tiefling on her back. Reyna'zi growled in response, "I am NOT a horse!" While the others were preoccupied with Ukog, Slata was looking out into the surrounding forest, and noticed some dark shapes moving between the trees. They were silent and low to the ground. "Hey guys, I think I see something moving out there!" Slata alerted the others. Reyna'zi positioned herself behind Ireena and cast "blade ward" in preparation. ``` ``` Ulfhan drew his sword and got closer to the tree line, keeping a watch for whatever creatures Slata saw. Roughly eighty feet away from the road, Ulfhan spotted a large dark mass climbing up onto a rock formation. The mass then unleashed a loud, deep howl that echoed around them. The howl was answered by a dozen smaller howls, as dark shapes began rushing towards the group out from the woods. "Wolves!" shouted the dwarf as they drew closer. Kardus was the first to intercept as two wolves closed in and lunged at him. He managed to fend one off, batting it away with his mechanical arm, but the other clamped onto his good arm and fought to wrestle him to the ground, but the dwarf stood defiantly. Kardus smashed the wolf with his mace as he called for his steel defender, Bubbles, to assist. The mechanical suit of armor stomped heavily toward another oncoming wolf and swatted it away. On the opposite side of the road, Ulfhan and Slata stood their ground as they proceeded to cut down more of the pack. Ireena drew her rapier and froze in the middle of the road, unsure of what to do as she watched the pack of wolves enclose on either side. Reyna'zi then grabbed Ireena's arm from behind, and made it appear as if Ireena was casting a spell. Then a fire bolt blasted a wolf in the back just as it was about to take another bite out of Kardus. Ireena was confused at first but understood what Reyna'zi was trying to do, and she took a defensive stance, aiming to keep the sorceress defended while she would attack from a distance. Ukog then bellowed, "Good job fire horsey!", just before punching Reyna'zi in the back of the head, leaving her dazed. The tiefling scowled up at the halfling. "If you hit me one more time, this horsey is going to buck you off!" Ukog then held on more tightly, "You are welcome to try..." as he proceeded to punch her in the head again. Having had enough of his behavior, Reyna'zi proceeded to grab the halfling and threw him with all of her might toward another oncoming wolf. In mid-flight, the monk extended his arm and punched the wolf with full force as he came to a stable landing. As more wolves started to fall at the hands of the group, the large mass on the rock, an enormous dire wolf, began to make its approach. Reyna'zi then proceeded to cast Witch Bolt, making a direct hit on the dire wolf, causing it to halt its approach as dark lightning coursed through it. Seeing that the group was more than it had bargained for and its pack dwindling in numbers, the dire wolf let out a mournful howl and began to retreat deeper into the forest. The few wolves that were remaining also made their getaway. Ulfhan thought he could pick off one more before it could escape and drew his crossbow. Unfortunately it misfired and the bolt lodged itself directly in Slata's posterior, causing the paladin to cry out in pain. Slata grumbled as he pulled out the bolt, with Ulfhan putting his crossbow away in embarrassment. With the pack of wolves either dead or long out of sight, the group relaxed and began to heal the wounded. There was one more matter on everyone's mind however, as everyone made accusing glances toward Ukog, wondering why he spent more time hurting the group than helping. \page
Any attempt to get an answer out of the monk was met with sarcasm and attitude. Reyna'zi and Ulfhan tried to discern if there was some sort of foul magic at work causing Ukog's odd behavior, but they couldn't detect anything magical in nature. After collecting hides and rations from the wolves they had killed, the group continued on the path toward Tser Pool. In the back of their minds, they all wondered how much of a liability the young halfling might become. Could they trust him? As the skies began to grow dark, the group came upon an encampment near a lake. There were a few brightly colored tents, a number of covered wagons, as well as the sounds of music and merriment coming from around a roaring campfire. As they approached, a large man in colorful vistani garb called out to them. "Welcome travelers! You're just in time, dinner is about to be served. Come gather round, there is plenty for all! I'm Garahja, it's a pleasure to meet you!" As Ulfhan expressed his thanks for the hospitality, Ukog approached the man, "Hello, I'm Ukog! Will you be my friend?" The rest of the group shared confused glances as Slata became livid, wondering just what the heck was going on with the kid. Reyna'zi apologized to Garahja, explaining that they had just had a rough run-in with a pack of wolves and it seems to have had a strange effect on the halfling. Ulfhan then followed up with asking if there was anything that Garahja might know about the halfling's odd behavior. Garahja pointed toward a large illuminated tent near the lake. "You'll want to speak with Madam Eva. She's been expecting you." Realizing that Madam Eva must be the woman they all saw in their dream previously, they each made their way over to the tent. As they entered, an elderly vistani woman in a purple cloak addressed them all. "It's about time you got here. Glad to see you have answered my call. Welcome Reyna'zi Gordrn, Slata Slakonan, Kardus, Ukog..". Then as Ulfhan entered, the woman addressed him by an unfamiliar name. "...Atanase Stoica." The others looked back at Ulfhan with confusion. The dwarf then acknowledged that that was his name, from his previous life. The old woman chuckled, "The body may be different, but the soul is all the same." Ireena then followed into the tent. "Ah.. Ireena Kolyana. You are welcome to listen if you choose to, though my business is with these five." said Madam Eva. The group agreed to let Ireena listen in on whatever was to be discussed. Madam Eva then proceeded to pull out a deck of tarokka cards, similar to the ones they had all seen in their dream with her previously. "The cards tell all. What does your future hold for you I wonder." She then drew five cards and placed them face down on the table in front of her in a cross formation. She then grew silent for a time as she seemed to fall into trance like state. The group remained quiet as Madam Eva then presented the cards one by one, giving a cryptic reading from each. "This card tells of history. Knowledge of the ancient will help you better understand your enemy." Madam Eva then flipped the first card, revealing "Traitor". "Look for a wealthy woman. A staunch ally of the devil, she keeps the treasure under lock and key, with the bones of an ancient enemy." "This card tells of a powerful force for good and protection, a holy symbol of great hope." ``` ``` The second card was flipped, revealing "Avenger". "The treasure lies in a dragon's house, in hands once clean and now corrupted."     "This is a card of power and strength. It tells of a weapon of vengeance: a sword of sunlight." The third card was flipped, revealing "Elementalist". "I see the shrines of murdered gods! Help the land find its peace and it shall reward you with the power you seek. Start in an amber palace of darkness." "This card sheds light on one who will help you greatly in the battle against darkness." The fourth card was flipped, revealing "Broken One". "Your greatest ally will be a wizard. His mind is broken, but his spells are strong." Kardus then muttered under his breath, "Oh great, just what we need, more broken people!" The others shushed him as Madam Eva continued her reading. "Your enemy is a creature of darkness, whose powers are beyond mortality. This card will lead you to him!" The fifth and final card was flipped, revealing "Innocent". "He dwells with the one whose blood sealed his doom, a brother of light snuffed out too soon." Madam Eva then came out of her trance. "There you have it. I do hope this reading will help guide you all on your quest." The group admittedly felt more confused now than they did before. When asked if she could help give more clarity on the meaning of the readings, Madam Eva shook her head, "I've told you everything the cards have told me." They then asked if she had any insight as to Ukog's personality shifts, she was also unable to clearly answer. "Perhaps in time that answer will reveal itself as well." Madam Eva then urged the group to go back to the campfire and to try to relax, and have a good night's rest. They had a long road ahead of them. Ulfhan thanked her once again for her family's hospitality and said he would take some time to think about the readings some more, and may return with more questions before they leave the coming morning. As they left the tent, Reyna'zi asked Ulfhan if they should refer to him as Ulfhan still, or use his real name. "I am Ulfhan now. I would prefer to keep my real name hidden for the time being." he replied. The group agreed to just forget about the other name entirely. For now, it was time to focus on having a pleasant evening around a campfire. \page
# Chapter 9 - The Vistani and Strahd Garahja greeted the group as they exited Madam Eva's tent. "Ah, I do hope your visit with Madam Eva was fruitful!" They all remained quiet till Reyna'zi spoke up, "Her visions seem of great importance but are difficult to interpret." Garahja nodded, "Yes, Madam Eva's readings can be very cryptic, but if she guided you all here then it must be for a good reason. She's never steered us wrong before. She is one of our peoples' greatest diviners." Garahja then invited everyone to gather around the campfire and partake in a meal of roast boar and wine. For dessert, Ukog took out his piece of pie that he received from Granny back in the village and proceeded to shove his face into it. Seeing this, reminded Slata that he had an entire pie still sitting in his pack. "Alright, who wants a piece?" asked the dragonborn. Ulfhan, Reyna'zi and Kardus all decided to pass, though Ukog seemed excited for more. Slata shrugged and split the pie with the halfling. "Suit yourselves!" Kardus then addressed Garahja, "Out of curiosity, what are your feelings on the big guy in the castle?" The large man shrugged and responded, "I certainly don't pay him much mind. Strahd is the ruler of this land, and the vistani people respect that." Kardus probed further. "So, hypothetically speaking, if you knew someone were to try to usurp Strahd, what would you do?" Garahja smirked, but didn't shy away from answering. "Well, hypothetically, I wouldn't be inclined to stop them, but I also wouldn't be joining them either. The vistani have an understanding with Strahd and we certainly wouldn't want to disrupt that." The group, now curious, asked what kind of understanding the vistani have with Strahd. Garahja gathered his thoughts for a moment before speaking. "Long ago, before Strahd von Zarovich was lord of Barovia, he was a general, leading his father's armies. He saw this valley that we all live in as the perfect location to crush his enemies, and there was a great battle fought here. During the skirmish Strahd fell, and ancestors of our people rescued him. They dragged him off of the field and kept him hidden, nursing him back to health. Once recovered, Strahd was able to lead his troops to victory. From that day forward he always had gratitude to the vistani people, and he shows us that same respect to this day. That is part of why the barovians fear us. They think the vistani are servants to Strahd, and that is not so. He just allows us to live as we always have, and in return we accept him as the lord of this land." The group then asked Garahja if he knew any stories of others who had opposed Strahd in the past. The man chuckled, "That I do actually! A mighty wizard came to this land over a year ago. I remember him like it was yesterday. He stood exactly where you're standing. A very charismatic man, he was. He thought he could rally the people of Barovia against the devil Strahd. He stirred them with thoughts of revolt and bore them to the castle en masse. When the vampire appeared, the wizard's peasant army fled in terror. A few stood their ground and were never seen again." The group listened intently as Garahja continued. "The wizard and the vampire cast spells at each other. Their battle flew from the courtyards of Ravenloft to a precipice overlooking the falls. I saw the battle with my own eyes. Thunder shook the mountainside, and great rocks tumbled down upon the wizard, yet by his magic he survived. Lightning from the heavens struck the wizard, and again he stood his ground. But when the devil Strahd fell upon him, the wizard's magic couldn't save him. I saw him thrown a thousand feet to his death. I climbed down to the river to search for the wizard's body, to see if, you know, he had anything of value, but the River Ivlis had already spirited him away." Ulfhan then asked for the wizard's name, but Garahja couldn't remember it. The vistani man then asked the group a bit about themselves, such as where they hailed and how Barovia was treating them. Ulfhan, trying to keep his true past secret, explained that he came from a very proud people who lived in a far away land, and that he was always eager to explore new locations. Garahja smiled, "That's good, cause you'll have plenty of time to explore Barovia, being your new home and all." As it got later into the night, Garahja and the other vistani offered bedrolls to the group to sleep on for the night. Ulfhan made a point of thanking them for their hospitality, then the vistani all proceeded into their tents for the night. The group now having some time alone, Ulfhan checked with Ireena to see how she was holding up. He mentioned how impressed he was with how she handled the fight with the wolves earlier, noting that she seemed to follow their tactics well and proved to have some skill with her sword. Ireena smiled and explained that her brother had taught her some swordplay as they grew up. While she wasn't as skilled in fighting as the rest of the group, she didn't want to feel useless either. The group then offered to teach her more in the art of fighting and self-defense if she wanted, if for nothing else but to feel more confidence in herself. She thanked them all for the offer, but then specifically asked Kardus for some guidance on shaping metal. She was fascinated, watching him work the other night when she assisted in repairing his arm. She expressed interest in learning some more technical skills, and thought maybe with his teachings she could start a small project for herself, like a piece of jewelry. Kardus agreed to give her guidance and figured jewelry was a simple enough project for a beginner. Ulfhan then asked Ireena more about her brother, Ismark. He understood that the man had a lot to deal with, and asked Ireena if she had any idea as to what might convince him to do the right thing, referring to possibly joining forces with them in taking down Strahd. Ireena wasn't sure, figuring Ismark needed time to process recent events first, then perhaps he would be willing, but she honestly believed that fighting Strahd and winning was not a possibility. Ulfhan then tried to reassure her that there was a time of peace before Strahd, then surely there could be a time of peace after. \page
Ireena smiled, grateful for Ulfhan's positive outlook, though Reyna'zi didn't share the feeling. "You may all be able to find peace with the destruction of Strahd, but I'm not sure I can." The others asked Reyna'zi curiously what she meant by that. The sorceress sighed then opened up to the group. "My parents were murdered when I was young, and I have no idea who did it, or if they might still be after me." The others remained silent, thinking over this new revelation, and decided it was time to settle in for the night. Ulfhan offered to take first watch, and Reyna'zi volunteered for second, while all of the others had already fallen asleep. Ulfhan's watch went by uneventfully, however as Reyna'zi watched over the camp, she was startled when Ireena suddenly shot up from her bedroll, breathing heavily and clearly frightened by something. Reyna'zi went over to offer comfort. "Are you okay?" Ireena composed herself and nodded. "I'm sorry... just a bad dream." Reyna'zi was curious. "Did someone visit you?" Ireena shook her head, "No. Just... bad memories I can't get out of my head." Ireena then asked Reyna'zi if she could stay on watch with her for a bit. They sat in silence for a time, but then Ireena started to confide in the sorceress. "A couple weeks ago, I was going for a walk in the village and I bumped into a young nobleman. He introduced himself as Vasili von Holtz. He was tall, handsome, quite charming really. Pretty much everything I could want in a man. We talked for a bit and he said he was on business from Vallaki and that he'd have to leave soon. He requested that I see him one more time before he left... and I said yes. Later that evening I met with Vasili just outside of the village. He then said he had a confession to make, because he couldn't bear to lie to me. He said he wasn't who he said he was. Then he transformed in front of my very eyes, and the next thing I knew... the devil himself was standing before me." Reyna'zi placed a hand on Ireena's shoulder as the girl seemed to be getting shook-up up from recounting the story. "My memory gets really fuzzy around then, and I don't really remember what happened after that. All I can remember is his eyes. The intensity of his stare... and that is what I saw in my dream. The next thing I do remember was waking up back at my home with my brother and father standing over me. I told them what had happened and they forbade me from leaving the house. The next night... he came. It was strange, he just walked up to the house and knocked on the door just like anyone else. I stayed upstairs but listened to the conversation. The devil asked my father if he could come in to see me. My father denied him and slammed the door in his face. The following night was when the attacks started... and they continued every night until my father's heart gave out, then they stopped." Ireena sighed as she held back tears, "If I had just stayed home that day, none of this would have happened!" Reyna'zi reassured her that none of this was her doing. Strahd had tricked her, and he was the one to blame. She did express one concern though, considering how it seemed Strahd had already imprinted himself upon Ireena, that perhaps their idea to disguise themselves as each other might not be help. Ireena agreed it was likely more trouble than it was worth. Ireena then went back to sleep and Reyna'zi went to get a volunteer for the next watch. She tried to wake up Slata, but the paladin was sleeping heavily and didn't budge. She then tried to wake Ukog, but was met with the same response. She then shrugged and walked over to Kardus, waking up the dwarf. "Your turn to stand watch, I'm going to sleep." Kardus looked around bleary eyed and grumbled, "Bubbles! Stand watch." He then proceeded to fall back to sleep. The following morning, Slata and Ukog seemed more chipper than normal, saying they had the best rest they had ever had. Both spoke of very pleasant dreams and were eager to get on their way. Ulfhan expressed interest in following the path down the river to take a look at the falls that Garahja had mentioned previously. He wanted to see if he could find any evidence of the battle that the wizard and Strahd supposedly fought a year prior. They all investigated around the falls, but nothing stood out as unnatural. If there was any evidence from the fight, it had either been washed away or blended in to the natural surroundings. Ukog however stumbled across something in the mud along the river. He discovered a small wooden figurine in the shape of a humanoid, carrying a spear and had deer-like antlers protruding from its head. Reyna'zi looked at it curiously. She had seen similar figurines in her past, usually used as tributes to gods by primitive civilizations. She wasn't familiar with the particular deity, but she presumed this figurine represented a god of some kind. Other than its symbolism, the figurine itself was nothing special, as she didn't detect any magical properties. They pocketed the figurine, figuring someone would have more knowledge as to what it might be. Not finding anything else significant at the falls, the group returned to the encampment at Tser Pool and asked Garahja about the figurine. He said it didn't look to be of vistani origin, or even barovian for that matter, but suggested it might belong to the wild folk. Ulfhan nodded in agreement, then elaborated that the wild folk were more or less part of the wildlife of Barovia. They were known to be hostile to travelers and he was unaware if they had their own settlements within the forests or mountains, or if they were simply nomadic. Reyna'zi then remembered something and asked Garahja about the gallows that they had passed on the way to the encampment. The vistani man explained that those gallows were used for executions by the village of Barovia in the past, but hadn't been used in decades and went into disrepair. Once Reyna'zi revealed they had burned the gallows down, Garahja responded with, "Ah, good riddance then!" She then asked if there were any famous executions carried out at the gallows, but Garahja was unaware of any. Reyna'zi then had a private discussion with Ulfhan, trying to make some sense about Ukog's recent personality shifts, both in the sacrificial chamber under the Durst manor and after burning down the gallows. They were still uncertain as to what the cause was, whether the boy was being possessed by spirits, or was having adverse reactions to particular spells being cast. They then decided to run a little experiment. Since they had to pass by the site of the gallows again to continue on their way to Vallaki, perhaps Ukog's personality would shift this time as well. The group bid their farewell to the vistani, once again thanking them for their hospitality. \page
Garahja told them that everyone is a friend to the vistani unless you break their trust. He also mentioned the next major vistani encampment was near Vallaki around Lake Zarovich, and if the group stopped by to let them know the Tser Pool encampment wishes them well. The group then proceeded back toward the crossroads. Ulfhan and Reyna'zi put their plan into action as Reyna'zi kept back from the group a bit and cast sword burst, to see if that spell had any impact on Ukog's personality. The spell seemed to have no effect. As they approached the charred remains of the gallows, Ulfhan walked up to them beside Ukog and ensured the halfling took a nice long look. "How do you feel, Ukog?" Ukog shrugged, "A bit hungry, but otherwise I feel fine." Ulfhan and Reyna'zi felt a bit discouraged, having not learned any more about the young monk than they had already known. They decided to put it in the back of their minds and press onward. Around mid-day, the group crossed the stone bridge near the top of the falls that they had investigated earlier. They took great care when crossing, making sure not to fall accidentally into the one thousand foot canyon below. As they progressed along the road, they could see the remains of a cobblestone path leading to the east. In that direction they could make out the spires of Castle Ravenloft. Feeling an urge to get as far away from the castle as possible, they continued on their chosen path. ``` ``` Soon they came upon an impressive sight. Jutting from the impenetrable woods on both sides of the road, high stone buttresses loomed gray in the fog. Huge iron gates hung on the stonework. Two headless statues of armed guardians flanked the gate, their heads now lying among the weeds at their feet. As they approached, the gates seemed to open magically on their own. Ulfhan and Ireena assured the group that these gates have always stood here, and allow passage further into the valley. There was another set of gates to the east from the village of Barovia, but those gates never opened. Reyna'zi felt that the gates were a bit ominous, but took the first steps through, followed quickly by the others. The gates then closed just as mysteriously behind them. As the group continued on their path, they were then greeted by the distant muffled sound of squeaks, caws, and clicks ahead of them. Moving ahead along the road they beheld a great commotion through the mist. A huge swath of tumultuous motion; there were hundreds of tiny creatures swirling, dipping, diving, and rising in a cloud of black against the gray of the fog. It took the group a few seconds to realize what the participants were. Hundreds of bats seemed to be pitted against hundreds of ravens. They clawed and bit at each other. The ground was already littered with dozens upon dozens of their dead. They watched in awe as the massive battle continued, till Ulfhan turned to the others. "We need to step in. I feel deep down that we can't just sit here and watch this carnage. The ravens need our help!" The others agreed, and began to formulate a plan of attack... \page
# Chapter 10 - The Windmill Ulfhan drew his sword and charged headlong into the frenzy of wings and feathers. He swung wildly toward a cluster of bats, but was unable to connect with any of them. Kardus joined as well, knocking a few bats out of the sky with his mace as Bubbles swung lazily into the swarm. Ukog drew his shortsword and leapt into the fray, slicing a number of bats cleanly in two, and then proceeded to punch a few others, sending them careening off into the darkness of the woods. Reyna'zi summoned a blade of shadow and managed to slaughter a few bats as well, while Slata took it upon himself to stay back and keep Ireena protected. Seeing that the strange new arrivals were attempting to aid them, the ravens took advantage of the opportunity and decimated a large number of bats, thinning their ranks significantly. It wasn't long before all of the bats either lay dead on the road, or had fled for their lives. As the group caught their breath, the surviving ravens all gathered around them, landing on the ground and perching on heads, shoulders, and outstretched arms. The birds all cawed in unison, making it clear that they understood what the group had done for them and were thankful for it. After a few moments of observing the group curiously, the flock suddenly all took flight and disappeared into the forest. Reyna'zi approached Ulfhan and asked him curiously, "You insisted that we help the ravens. Might I ask why you felt the need to do so?" Ulfhan contemplated for a moment before responding. "I believe what we just witnessed was an omen. I think the ravens symbolize the people of this land, and the bats symbolize their oppression by the devil. As we just saw, I believe with our actions, we can help the people of Barovia break free." He then explained how ravens were considered good luck among the Barovians, and to ever harm one would guarantee misfortune. Reyna'zi then asked if Ulfhan knew of any specific gods or goddesses worshiped in Barovia that were represented by ravens, but the dwarf was unaware of any. She then wondered if there were any family lines that might have ravens as their crest or coat-of-arms. It was then that she remembered something and dug out an old letter they had found in the Durst manor when they had first arrived in Barovia. The letter was addressed to Gustav Durst and was signed by Strahd himself. She then felt a pit in her stomach as she took a closer look at the wax seal, Strahd's seal. It was of a stylized raven. Reyna'zi then expressed her concern that perhaps they had just helped the wrong side. Ulfhan grew quiet, but still believed they had done the right thing. The group continued on down the road as the sky began to grow dark. It was nearing nightfall and they needed to find someplace to make camp. As they exited the forest and followed the road along a hillside, they spotted a decrepit old windmill perched on top of the hill. "That looks like as good of a place as any!" Reyna'zi quipped as she lead the way up the hill. As the group got closer, they noticed what appeared to be light coming out from some of the windows of the windmill. It would seem the place was not completely abandoned as they had first thought. They continued their approach and noticed another raven, this one sitting above the door to the windmill, cawing at them as if in greeting. The noticed this raven had blue-tipped feathers on its wings, similar to the one Ukog had spotted back when they first arrived in the Village of Barovia. Not sure who or what might be inside the windmill, Ulfhan took up an ambush position beside the door while Reyna'zi called toward the door, "Is there anyone there?" The raven then fluttered off from the door as a scratchy female voice shouted back from inside. "Who is it?!" After a quick explanation of who they were and that they were just looking for a place to stay for the night for safety, the door to the old windmill slowly creaked open, and the face of an ugly elderly woman peered out. She looked over group and paused for a moment. "We don't usually have visitors... but I guess you can come in." The old woman opened the door the rest of the way and allowed the group to enter. Once inside they found the first floor of the windmill had been converted into a makeshift kitchen. There was a large brick oven that took up most of one side of the room, while crammed into the remaining space were a peddler's cart, a chicken coop, a cabinet with flowers painted on its doors, a large trunk, and piles of assorted baskets, dishware, and other clutter. The warm, sweet scent of something baking in the oven hung in the air. The old woman cleared off a chair that was hidden beneath a pile of dishware and presented it to the group, offering at least one of them someplace to sit. The group took turns introducing themselves and thanked the old woman for her hospitality. "Oh don't worry about it, I'm just sorry that I can't accommodate you more. We don't usually have many guests here. You can call me Bella by the way." When asked why she kept saying "we", Bella explained that she lived in the windmill with her sister and mother. She added that her mother was out and would likely be back sometime soon, then proceeded to shout up the stairs. "Sister! Come here and say hello to the guests!" A similarly scratchy and irritated sounding voice called down from the upper floor. "Bella, I'm busy!" Bella then retorted, "Well stop being busy, and come say hello!" She then turned back to the group and shook her head, "My sister can be stubborn sometimes." The group and Bella then took some time to get to know each other, and the group learned that Bella and her family ran a baking business where she and her sister made pastries and their mother would travel to the local towns to sell them. The group then made the connection that "Granny", the old woman selling pies back in the Village of Barovia must be Bella's mother. They then questioned how such an old woman was able to travel so frequently without any trouble, as they had seen firsthand how dangerous the roads could be. Bella shrugged with a chuckle, "All I know is she's always made it back in one piece, so she must be doing something right!" Suddenly there was a loud crashing noise that came from the upper floor, as if something heavy had fallen and broken. Bella was startled and shouted up the stairs. "What's all the racket up there?!" There was no response, but then new sounds could be heard. \page
The sounds of small footsteps rushing across the floor. Then coming down the stairs appeared two small children, a young girl and a boy. The girl had long dark hair and bright eyes and held the boy's hand as they scampered down the stairs. Looking frantically into the room, the little girl froze as she her eyes became glued to Slata. "Mr. Dragon Man!" The girl cried out as she and the boy leapt down the last few steps and rushed over to the paladin, huddling behind his legs. Slata smiled as he suddenly remembered seeing the young girl before. It was Nadya, the girl from the Village of Barovia who expressed curiosity about his and Reyna'zi's races. "Save us from the mean ladies!" Nadya cried out while cowering in fear. Bella looked visibly hurt by the comment. "Mean?! Is that what you think of us after we were kind enough to take you in when your parents had had enough of you?" Another set of footsteps came hobbling down the stairs as another elderly woman appeared, with a scowl on her face. "Come back here you little....oh!" Apparently having been caught off guard by the group's presence, the woman stopped in her tracks and smiled coyly. "Heh...hello." Nadya then spoke up again, "They're gonna make us into pies!" Bella and her sister looked shocked as the group eyed them with suspicion. "Chi...children have such active imaginations..." Bella stuttered with a nervous laugh. Ireena grabbed the children by their hands and carefully guided them toward the exit as Reyna'zi, her eyes aflame in anger, slowly approached the two old women. "You are going to tell me precisely what is going on here!" The tiefling's voice boomed, making the two old women cower back onto the stairs. The two sisters then began to mutter to each other. "I think the jig is up, Bella..." "Yes...I think you're right..." "Shall we take care of this before mother gets home?" ``` ``` "...Yes, I think we shall..." The two old women suddenly began to transform, their faces turning older and uglier while heir fingernails elongated into pointed claws. Ireena rushed out the door with the children as the others drew their weapons. One of the hags then pounced from the stairs toward Reyna'zi, catching the sorceress off guard and leaving a deep bloody gash along her body with a swipe of her claws. Slata came to Reyna'zi's aid and tried to fend off the monstrous old woman. Bella charged toward the others and took a swipe at Kardus, which he narrowly sidestepped. Ukog quickly ducked between the old woman's legs and attacked her from behind, knocking her to the ground. Ulfhan then took advantage of the opportunity and stabbed his sword down into Bella multiple times. Kardus ordered Bubbles to pummel her, but its arm suddenly became locked in place, unable to move. Kardus cursed to himself as he tried desperately to fix his creation. Bella's sister glanced out the front door and saw Ireena retreating with the two children in tow. "Bella! The children are getting away!" Bella shouted back from the floor. "Then go after them you fool!" Bella attempted to get up and lunged toward Ulfhan, but lost her balance as she fell back to the ground with a thud. Her sister then carefully backed away from her opponents then rushed to catch up to Ireena. Slata and Reyna'zi then quickly followed. Seeing that the others were leaving the windmill, Ulfhan looked to Ukog and Kardus as they continued to attack the hag on the floor. "You guys got this, okay?" He then joined the pursuit of the sister. With a clear route of escape finally open to her, Bella got back to her feet and stumbled out the door as Kardus and Ukog continued to assail her. A swift punch to the back of her knees from Ukog sent her tumbling to the ground again just outside the door of the windmill. \page
The battle continued until a sudden shrill voice cried out, "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF ALL THIS?!" Everyone froze as they turned to see the source of the voice. There they saw Granny, along with her familiar wooden cart and a deep angry scowl on her normally cheerful looking face. Bella and her sister both looked surprisingly nervous. "Mo...Mother! These people came and tried to take the children!" Granny just sighed and shook her head, "And you thought FIGHTING THEM was the best solution?!" Bella and her sister both looked like they were physically stung by their mother's shouting. "But...we thought that..." Granny then interrupted their attempt at an excuse, "NO! You didn't think, and that is the problem! Now STAND DOWN!" Granny then suddenly reverted back to her usual kind self as she addressed the group. "I'm terribly sorry about this, my daughters aren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed... I'm sure there is no need to resort to violence to resolve this matter. Now, let me make sure I have this straight, you all want to take the children away, is that correct?" Reyna'zi, still bitter about the situation, explained exactly what had transpired, including that Granny and her daughters were being accused of using children in the making of their pies. Granny just chuckled and nodded. "Yes, everything you said is absolutely correct!" The group was shocked that the old woman was freely admitting to the accusation, then the horror dawned on them that the pie Slata and Ukog had consumed did indeed have children as part of their ingredients. Granny then continued. "So, I presume you wish to save these children from that fate, yes?" Ulfhan then replied, "Not just these children, but all children from here on out." Granny shook her head, "I'm afraid I can't just give up my livelihood that easily, so let's focus on the immediate matters shall we? If you want these children, I say you can have them... for a price." Ulfhan grumbled smugly to the old woman "I don't think you're fully comprehending this situation. You aren't exactly in any position to negotiate." Granny just chuckled, her smile never wavering. "I'm giving you an option, it's up to you if you take it or not." ``` ``` Ukog, remembering how it helped previously, pulled out another piece of lint from his pocket and offered it to her. Granny just chuckled again and shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to need something a bit more valuable... something more personal... But before I get into too much detail, let's make sure we're all on the same page. You want to bargain for the lives of these three children, yes?" "Two children" Reyna'zi corrected. "Oh! Wait just a moment..." Granny said as if she had just remembered something. She then opened a compartment on her cart and pulled out a burlap sack with something wriggling inside of it. She dropped it to the ground and re-emphasized, "Ahem... three children." Granny then leaned back on her cart while everyone now hung on her every word. "Now... I've been doing this kind of thing for a very long time and I've made all sorts of deals with different folks. Since I like you people, I'm going to give you options as to what you might be willing to part with in exchange. Now of course, different things have different values. To make things simple, let's say I have three levels of deals I am willing to make. The higher the level, the greater the value. If one of you is willing to make a level one deal, then you get one child in return. If one of you feels particularly generous and wants to make a level three deal, then you get all three children in one shot. Sound fair?" Reyna'zi, deciding to play along, expressed that she didn't want to make any sort of deals without knowing what was at stake. Granny nodded, appreciating the tiefling's business sense. "Of course. Allow me to list your options. At level one, you can offer your body, your courage, your heart, or your memory. At level two, you can offer your final breath, your hope, your luck, or your tongue. At level three, you can offer your swiftness, your victories, your vitality, or your voice." Granny then gave a broad smile, "Now which one of you would like to begin negotiations?" Reyna'zi responded with a smile of her own. "I will, and here is the deal I'd like to make. We take the two children we originally planned to take, and in return, I offer this." She then lifted her hand and fired a witch bolt at one of the hags. The fight resumed... \page
# Chapter 11 - Children's Bones The bolt of magical energy flew past the shoulder of the hag as she ducked to avoid it, then she charged the sorceress and swiped with her claws. Reyna'zi narrowly avoided the razor sharp nails as the hag strafed around her. Bella, still on the ground from Ukog's incessant pummeling, shouted to her mother for assistance, "Mother! Help me with the little one!" Granny sneered and approached the halfling menacingly. Ukog looked up and smiled, "Hi Granny! Do you have more pie for me?" The old woman snickered, uttering "Oh, I have something far better for you!" as she reached out and touched a bony finger to Ukog's forehead. Ukog looked around confused for a moment, "Oh?... Like what?" The crooked smile on Granny's face melted into a scowl as whatever hex she attempted to cast on Ukog seemed to have failed. The distraction was enough for Bella however, as she got back to her feet and glared at Kardus, who was blocking the doorway back into the windmill. She then muttered an incantation and pointed at the dwarf. Suddenly Kardus vanished, and in his place was a small frog that began to hop around in a circle. Bella chuckled as she turned her attention back to the others. Slata and Ulfhan formed up alongside Reyna'zi as they whittled away at Bella's sister, swiping and stabbing with their blades. Seeing that her other daughter was getting surrounded, Granny muttered a familiar spell, and Ulfhan was the next to vanish, transformed into frog. Ireena looked on nervously as she guided the children further down the road to take refuge. The boy that Granny had presented in a burlap sack managed to wriggle his way out and rushed to meet up with Ireena and the others for safety. Ukog, still convinced that Granny had a gift for him continued to ask her, "What were you going to give me?" Granny simply snarled in annoyance as Bella slashed him with her claws from behind, leaving a deep gash in the monk's back. Ukog seemed dazed for a moment, but his eyes then flared with anger as he charged toward Bella, shouting a string of obscenities in a crazed voice. Reyna'zi smiled as she recognized this change of behavior in the halfling. "You picked on the wrong person!" Bella was taken aback at the sudden aggression as she tried to avoid being pummeled. Granny then moved in and took another swipe, knocking the young Ukog unconscious to the ground. "Enough of that!" Slata continued to assail the third hag and watched in shock as Bella unleashed an array of magical bolts that slammed into Reyna'zi, dropping her to the ground. The paladin swallowed nervously as he realized he was the only one among his companions that was still standing, while all three of the hags were closing in on him. Ireena, seeing no other option, told Nadya to keep watch on the other children and to be prepared to run as she drew her rapier and rushed to join Slata. "Any bright ideas?" Slata looked back at Ireena incredulously. "Don't die?" he replied. Suddenly a black shape swooped past Ireena's ear from behind. She glanced up and saw the raven with blue-tipped wings as it cawed and rose into the sky. ``` ``` Then Ireena felt a gust of wind as a huge mass of feathered creatures followed the same path, swooping past her. An entire flock of ravens joined the battle as they split into three groups and began to swarm the hags. Granny and her daughters began to scream and flail around as they were surrounded and nipped at by dozens of sharp beaks. "AH! Get away you filthy things!" Kardus and Ulfhan transformed back into their normal selves as the hags' concentration on their spells was broken. Kardus rushed over to Ukog's aid and resuscitated him. The halfling seemed dazed as he rubbed his eyes. "Hi Hairy! I must have fallen asleep..." Kardus chuckled and helped Ukog to his feet, "Time to get back into the fight, kid!" Ireena ran over to Reyna'zi and grabbed a healing potion out of the tiefling's bag, then proceeded to force the liquid into Reyna'zi's mouth. Reyna'zi awakened and thanked the girl as she got back to her feet. Bella's sister, having an anxiety attack from being bombarded by the swarm of ravens, shouted a spell incantation and pointed a finger in a random direction. Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the air, electrocuting all of the ravens around her. Ulfhan unfortunately found himself in the path of the bolt and felt a surge of energy course through him, leaving him shaken. He then growled in anger as he raised his sword and charged the hag. In one powerful strike, he beheaded her and the hag's body dropped to the ground while her head rolled a few feet beside it. Bella screamed in horror as she watched her sister fall, while Granny simply looked on in annoyance as she cast a sleep spell on the ravens that were harassing her. Seeing that the group now had the upper-hand, Bella began to panic and uttered another incantation, before suddenly disappearing. The swarm of ravens around her dispersed as they could no longer sense her. "Come back here you coward!" snarled Granny as everyone began to close in on her. Granny then glared at them all, "You've won this time... but you will rue this day, I swear it!" She then disappeared as well, leaving no trace as to where she had gone. With the fight seemingly over, the group took some time to recover, administering healing to those who needed it. Reyna'zi thanked Slata for the healing he provided, but then walked over to Ireena, staring her in the eyes as she approached. Ireena glanced back puzzled, then nearly gasped as the sorceress leaned in close, kissing her deeply, as a thanks for the earlier assistance. Ireena was left frozen, her eyes wide with a blush forming on her cheeks. Nadya then rushed over to Slata as the paladin eagerly picked her up. The little girl hugged him and planted a small kiss on his cheek, "Thank you Mr. Dragon Man!" They also all expressed their gratitude to the ravens for their assistance. The birds seemed to bow in acknowledgment before fluttering off. As night closed in, the group decided it was best to stay in the windmill. Before heading in, Reyna'zi looted the decapitated corpse of the hag Ulfhan had killed, and discovered what she recognized as a soul bag. She then proceeded to burn the body, leaving nothing but ashes. \page
Once inside the mill, the group took a few moments to investigate the area. They discovered a trunk full of toads, which Kardus proceeded to set free, as well as a cabinet filled with a number of baking ingredients and mystery concoctions. Reyna'zi pocketed a few of the more interesting bottles, each with a hand-made label, including "Youth", "Laughter", and "Mother's Milk", but tossed everything else from the cabinet into the fire of the oven. They all decided to ensure that if the hags were to return that they wouldn't be able to resume their operations. Ulfhan took out some aggression on a pie cart by destroying the wheels, while Ukog assisted in demolishing the rest of it simply for fun. The group continued to explore, moving to the upper floors of the mill. The second floor contained the grinding mill, still filled with the latest supply of a white powdery substance. Ulfhan found a scrap piece of paper on the ground, and discovered it was a recipe for dream pies. They all looked over the recipe, and felt a pit in their stomachs as one of the primary ingredients was "finely milled children's bones." ``` ``` They cleared out the mill of any remaining powdered bone and burned it along with the other ingredients. On the third floor they discovered the wooden crates that the children had been imprisoned in. They looked to have been stacked on top of each other, but Nadya confirmed that they managed to knock them over, breaking open the locks and allowing them to escape. There was a single moldy-looking bed that contained a few pieces of cheap jewelry, as well as a ladder that lead up into an attic. Reyna'zi took a peek into the attic and found it was mostly filled with cobwebs and abandoned birds' nests. There were also a few holes in the roof that allowed her to peer outside. Behind the windmill, a few hundred feet down the hill, she noticed there were four large standing stones, arranged in a cross formation. She made a mental note to investigate those in the morning, but for now it was time to rest. Ireena took the children back downstairs to try to get them comfortable for the night, while Kardus set up a makeshift workbench to do some maintenance on his arm. The others took turns keeping watch as they all tried to get a good night's rest. \page
# Chapter 12 - The Gates of Vallaki "Hey guys! Check this out!", Ukog shouted from the rooftop of the windmill as he proceeded to leap off of it and come to a surprisingly soft landing on the ground below. "I'm going to do that again!" the halfling exclaimed excitedly as he began the climb back to the top. The others, still wiping the sleep out of their eyes simply watched the monk have his fun, since they figured it wasn't causing any harm at least. Ireena tended to Nadya and the other children, offering them a few rations for breakfast. Reyna'zi walked over to Ulfhan, who was staring off down the hill behind the windmill. "Something the matter?" She asked. Ulfhan pointed toward the tall standing stones that Reyna'zi had initially spotted the night before. "I'm curious about those stones. I've never seen anything like them before." They both decided to go take a closer look. As they approached, they found the stones seemed to sit around the perimeter of a natural circle, where little grass grew on the inside. Looking closely at each of the stones, they saw each had a carving of what appeared to be a city, but each was slightly different. One appeared to be covered in snow, while another had leaves, a third had an array of flowers, and the final stone had a sunburst in the sky. "The four seasons..." Reyna'zi concluded. Ulfhan looked back at her a bit confused. "Seasons? What do you mean by that?" After a some awkward conversation, it became clear that Barovia, as Ulfhan knew it, didn't have the four seasons like Reyna'zi was familiar with from Faerun. "Other than the short time I spent in your land, I've never even seen the sun." Ulfhan explained with a hint of sadness in his voice. "What you see right now is all I've known as far as I can remember. Overcast and dark." Reyna'zi then pointed out that clearly that wasn't always the case. The fact that the stones existed with those depictions of the seasons, likely meant that Barovia at one time had a normal sequence of seasons. Ulfhan concluded that the current state of things had to be due to the Devil's interference. This would also imply that the stones existed from a time before the devil ruled the land. Ulfhan recalled the wooden figurine that Ukog had discovered back at the falls. He pulled out the figure and stared at it thoughtfully, the antlered humanoid carrying a spear. "And what do you have to say about all of this?..." Investigating a bit more closely, Reyna'zi spotted a couple ravens perched atop the stone that seemed to represent the fall season. The birds were pecking at a bit of food. It was then that the sorceress glanced down and saw a small pile of something on the ground. Upon closer inspection she realized it was a handful of children's teeth. She sighed in disgust and left them where they were, deciding it would be for the best to return to the others and continue on their journey. They were only a few short hours away from the town of Vallaki, where they could finally get Ireena to the safety of the Church of St. Andral. However they had a new issue to deal with, as far as what to do with the children they rescued from the hags. ``` ``` Ulfhan insisted that they had to be returned home to the Village of Barovia, but Nadya protested. "I don't want to go back home. My parents gave me to that mean old lady!" The group couldn't believe what they were hearing. "Your parents gave you to her?!" Nadya continued, explaining that because her parents couldn't afford to pay for dream pies any more, Granny accepted Nadya as payment instead. Freek, the boy Nadya had escaped with, confirmed that he too was given away by his parents to the hags. Anton, the little boy that Granny had brought inside of a sack, didn't have any parents to speak of and was simply a street urchin that the hag had picked up. Ireena hugged the children close, reassuring them that they would be okay. "I believe Vallaki has an orphanage. That would probably be the best place to take them." The others agreed, and they all made their way down the road, away from the horrible windmill. About one hour away from Vallaki, the group came upon another traveler on the road. The man was dressed in a bright green vest, had a lightly trimmed mustache and beard, and carried a shortsword at his side. He was leading a horse that had what appeared to be a dead elk laid across its back. The man smiled as the he noticed the group's presence and gave them a welcoming wave. "Morning folks! Hope all is well!" The group returned the greeting, with Reyna'zi congratulating the man on his apparently successful hunt. "Oh yes, we should have food for another couple days at least. Seems we're all traveling the same way, I do hope you don't mind an extra traveling companion for a bit?" It was clear by his clothing that this man was likely not Barovian, but just to confirm his suspicions, Ulfhan spoke up first. "There is safety in numbers my friend. Also, Garahja sends his regards..." The man just chuckled a bit, "Ah, so you've been to Tser Pool then! My name is Arrigal, my brother and I lead an encampment on the other side of Vallaki." The group then chatted with Arrigal a bit, learning what they could about the area. When asked about current affairs in Vallaki, Arrigal didn't have much of an answer. Being Vistani, he wasn't allowed in the town and only knew what rumors he could hear from travelers coming in and out. The one thing he had heard was that it seemed a lot of people were unhappy with the current burgomaster, whoever it was. Ulfhan then asked Arrigal if he knew anything about any crazy wizards in the area. Arrigal looked puzzled for a moment, but then nodded to himself as he did have a thought on the matter. "Crazy wizard huh? Sounds like the mad mage might fit that description." Arrigal then explained that there was a bit of a legend in the area of people sighting a mage emerging from the woods near the base of Mount Baratok. People apparently witnessed him firing lightning from his hands into the lake to kill the fish. Arrigal did caution them however, "I don't know if he actually exists, but if you go looking for him... be careful, it sounds like he isn't too friendly". Eventually Arrigal posed a request to the group. "Hey, if you're all going to Vallaki, would you be willing to do me a favor?" Kardus, being cautious, said it would depend on what the favor was. \page
Arrigal smiled and nodded, "That's fair, and no worries, it isn't anything too strenuous. In Vallaki there's a toy shop run by a man named Blinsky. My niece's birthday is coming up soon and I was hoping to get her something a little special. If you think of it, could you stop by the shop and pick out something you think she would like? If you bring it to the encampment I'll pay you for it, plus a little extra for the trouble." Not wanting to disappoint a little girl on her birthday, they agreed to make a stop at the store. Arrigal thanked them graciously and added that his niece's name was Arabelle, and she was about to turn seven. Soon, they could all see the outline of the town of Vallaki emerging from the fog ahead. Arrigal stopped hesitantly. "I'm afraid this is where we need to part ways. I don't think you'll want the guards at the gate to see you affiliated with me. I'll cut through the woods here to the encampment." The group thanked Arrigal for his consideration, and bid him farewell. As the group approached Vallaki, they could see the town was surrounded by a fifteen-foot tall wall, made out of a series of logs with the tops sharpened into spikes. Two shadowy figures of guards could be seen standing beyond an iron gate. Around the entrance were a series of pikes planted in the ground, each with the head of a wolf skewered on the end of it. The group was startled as a voice barked at them from above. "Halt! Who goes there?" An armored guard leered down at the group from over the wall. After a few awkward moments, Ireena stepped forward. "My name is Ireena Kolyana, daughter of the late burgomaster of the Village of Barovia. I've come...", she paused as she seemed to have to think about what to say. "... I've come on a pilgrimage to pray for my father at the Church of St. Andral." The others glanced at each other, noting that Ireena said nothing concerning Strahd or her seeking refuge. The guard responded. "I am sorry for the loss of your father, miss Ireena. I'm sure the baron will offer his sincere condolences as well once he hears the news... and who are these others that accompany you?" Ireena continued, "These are my traveling companions, and protection. Also we have these three children who are in need of a place to stay. We rescued them from some hags who intended to do them harm. I understand Vallaki has an orphanage that might be able to care for them." The guard confirmed, "Yes we do. Right near the church actually, you'll just have to speak with the headmistress to make arrangements." The guard then shouted to the others below him, "Open the gate!" The gate slowly swung open and more guards ushered the group inside. One asked everyone to gather around as he produced a rolled piece of parchment, and held it before him. He had a look of annoyance on his face as he cleared his throat and began to read. "By order of his Eminence, Baron Vargas Vallakovich, burgomaster of Vallaki, in order to ensure the continued peace and prosperity of the great and joyous town of Vallaki and the security of its fine citizens, all visitors and residents shall comply with these laws in addition to those observed by common custom within the valley of Barovia. Referring to a certain tyrannical individual, who lairs within Castle Ravenloft, by his given name is forbidden within Vallaki walls. None shall speak this name aloud or carry written documents bearing this name. If this individual must be mentioned, he shall be referred to simply as the devil. ``` ``` This noble town holds a festival each week in honor of the resident's general merriment and continued support of the burgomaster, Baron Vargas Vallakovich. As guests of Vallaki, you will not be required to aid in the preparation for our festivals. However, your attendance and participation in each and every festival is absolutely mandatory for the length of your stay. Failure to attend will be in strict opposition to Vallakian law. The next great Vallakian festival, the festival of the blazing sun, will be held in three days time in the town square. Failure to comply with any Vallakian law will mark you as criminals to our town and you will be punished as such in accordance to our justice system. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask them." The guard took a breath after that lengthy introduction. Kardus couldn't help but ask, "How many times do you have to read that in a given day?" The guard grumbled, but maintained his professionalism, "More times than I would like." Not having any urgent inquiries other than directions toward the church and the shopping district, the group proceeded to another guard who registered them with the town. He explained that the papers were for identification purposes as well as declaring any weapons or other equipment that enter the town. The papers also provided in great detail the general laws of Vallaki that all citizens and visitors were expected to follow. Fully registered and ready to move on, the group proceeded down the main road of Vallaki, which would eventually lead them to the Church of St. Andral on the other side of town. They asked Ireena if she was in a hurry to get to the church, or if they could stop at a few places along the way. Ireena was more than willing to explore the town a little as it was only mid-day at that point. As they walked, they began to notice a number of posters seemingly cluttering up wall space among many of the buildings. \page
They displayed messages like, "Don't say his name, and things stay the same." and "Good Vallakians follow the rules, lest the devil come and release his ghouls!" One thing every poster had in common was at the bottom they all had the slogan, "All will be well. By order of the baron". As they approached the center of town, the group found themselves entering the shopping district. The first shop they came across was called, "The Beast's Rose", but had no clear indication as to what kind of shop it was. Her curiosity raised, Reyna'zi ventured in. Inside were an assortment of beautiful dresses on display. A young woman with flowing blond hair, wearing a dress just as elaborate as those on display greeted the group. "Hello there, my name is Lottie, how may I help you?" Reyna'zi asked if there was anything the shop offered similar to the outfit she was wearing, but a bit more elegant. The shop owner pondered for a moment, then lit up as she seemed to come to an answer. "Actually, I think my husband is finishing up something that would be right up your alley!" The woman then peered into a back room and called out to someone. "Oh Gili, that piece you've been working on, is it finished?" There was a deep grunt, that barely sounded like a word but could be felt through the floor. Suddenly, filling the doorway, was a huge man, nearly seven feet tall with arms like tree trunks. His brow was thick with a permanent scowl, and he lurched toward the counter, each step reverberating through the floor. He then produced, with a very delicate gesture, a tight leather outfit that he draped gingerly across the counter. Reyna'zi's eyes lit up and she smiled. "I'll take it!" The man smiled and waved with his massive hand before disappearing into the back once more. Lottie seemed overjoyed. "Excellent, I'm glad you like it! My husband just adores making pretty dresses and such. If you'd like to try it on, we have a changing room over here..." Before Lottie could finish, Reyna'zi had already begun to strip, right in front of everyone. "Oh...oh my." Lottie turned a bright red as she quickly turned away. ``` ``` "Could someone please tell me when she's done?" Once she had changed, Reyna'zi admired herself in her new clothes. They were tight and form-fitting, but allowed for easy movement. Perfect for adventuring. "One more thing to check..." she said, as she walked over to Slata. "Hey Slata, what do you say to this?" The tiefling then stretched, arching her back as she puffed out her chest as much as she could, the leather creaking ever so slightly as she started to break it in. The paladin's eyes went wide, his jaw dropping at the sight presented to him. Reyna'zi then giggled and smiled toward Lottie, "It's perfect, thank you!" The next stop they made was at Thimdul's Armaments, a weapon smith's shop. Inside they were greeted by an elderly man with a scruffy white beard. One of his eyes was clouded over entirely, looking almost pure white, while his other eye was a bit lazy, and it wasn't clear where he was looking at any particular time. Despite his age, he seemed straight and to the point as he bought up some of the group's unneeded gear. Ulfhan then requested if he could purchase a silvered spear and halberd. The smith, named Rowley, said he could absolutely have a spear and halberd silvered, but he would need about fifty silver pieces each to use as material and he could only produce one per day. Ulfhan requested the spear to be made first and perhaps after that he may have a more special project in mind. Rowley seemed intrigued and agreed to work on the spear, saying it would be ready the following day. Slata expressed interest in some improved weapons and armor, but unfortunately Rowley explained he couldn't make anything better than what Slata was already carrying. He also mentioned that he was mostly a weapon smith, so improved heavy armor was out of the question. That being said, Rowley had heard of a master armor smith working in the town of Krezk, so perhaps Slata would be better off checking there. The dragonborn was a bit disappointed, but appreciated the lead. Meanwhile, Reyna'zi had been venturing around the shop, and a particular weapon had caught her eye... \page
# Chapter 13 - Toys Reyna'zi grinned as she spotted a black leather whip on display among the other weapons. Thinking it went perfectly with her new outfit, she purchased the whip, then requested if the smith could create a clasp to add to her outfit so that she could wear the whip on her hip. Rowley chuckled, "Of course, that won't take much time at all!" He then called back to one of his assistants who went quickly to work hammering out a simple metal clasp. The assistant emerged from the back room a few minutes later and asked where Reyna'zi would like it installed. The sorceress leaned slightly to the side and caressed her hip to indicate the spot. The assistant hesitated a moment. "Oh, uh... this would be a lot easier to put on if I had the garment separately... I don't suppose you have something to change into temporarily? Or you could come back lat.." Before he could finish his sentence, Reyna'zi interrupted, "No need." then proceeded to disrobe right in front of everyone and handed her pants to the blushing assistant. Slata had a difficult time not taking advantage of the free show in front of him, while the others politely looked away. Rowley, being mostly-blind, didn't seem to notice what had happened, or at the very least didn't let on that he saw anything. Ukog, being his usual innocent-self decided to join in. "Oh, is it bath time?" He then proceeded to disrobe as well. A few moments later, the assistant returned, holding Reyna'zi's modified garment out in front of him as he looked up toward the ceiling. "Here you go ma..ma'am." Reyna'zi thanked him and got dressed, then happily hooked her whip onto its holder. She then asked Rowley if he knew of any apothecaries in the area. He was aware of one, but the shop was unfortunately back around the gate where the group had first entered the town. Reyna'zi tucked this information in the back of her mind for later. Having finished their business at Thimdul's Armaments, the group waited for Ukog to get his clothes back on then proceeded toward the toy shop. The building seemed rather dark. Through two large windows they could see an assortment of toys piled on shelves, as well as a few banners bearing the slogan, "Is no fun? Is no Blinsky!" Once inside, the group was greeted by a portly man with a beard, wearing a moth-eaten jester's cap. "Welcome, friends, to the house of Blinsky, where happiness and smiles can be bought at bargain prices. Perhaps you know a little child in need of joy? A little toy for a girl or boy?" Besides Blinsky himself, the shop was also occupied by a small monkey wearing a pink tutu climbing among the shelves. Ukog, unable to resist, hopped up on the shelves and proceeded to chase the monkey around the store. Blinsky chuckled but told them to be careful not to damage anything. Reyna'zi then took Nadya by the hand and asked her to look around the store for anything she thought a little girl might like, and to also pick something out for herself. Ireena followed suit with the two boys. Browsing along the shelves there seemed to be a large variety of toys, though it became clear they all had a particular style. ``` ``` There was a headless doll that carried a sack containing attachable heads, one of which had its eyes and mouth stitched shut. There was a miniature gallows with a weighted hanged-man figure. There was a set of nesting dolls, and as they got smaller the dolls got older, until the smallest one was a mummified corpse. There was a spinning mobile of bats with flapping wings. There was a ventriloquist dummy that looked remarkably like the devil Strahd. There was even a wind-up merry-go-round, but instead of prancing horses it had wolves chasing small children. There was one other toy that stood out in particular, which Reyna'zi proceeded to pick up. It was a doll with red skin, tiny horns, a devil tail, and a rather revealing outfit even though the doll wasn't anatomically correct. Reyna'zi puzzled over the doll for a moment as she determined it looked remarkably like her. Slata immediately took interest in the doll and tried to grab it from Reyna'zi. They both struggled over it until Blinsky rushed over and snatched the doll away from them. "I'm sorry, this doll not for sale!" The toy maker then placed the doll back on the shelf. "It is a special order for Izek." "Who the heck is that?" Slata grumbled. "...And why does the doll look like me?" Reyna'zi added. Blinsky performed a double-take, glancing between the doll and Reyna'zi herself. "Huh... it is quite a resemblance. Izek is captain of the guard." Even more curious as to why the doll looked like Reyna'zi, the group asked Blinsky if Izek had ordered any other dolls that looked different. Blinsky explained that Izek had been requesting him to make a doll like this every month for some time, and it was always the same doll but Izek would sometimes provide additional details to add, like the horns and the tail. When asked how much the dolls cost, Blinsky seemed to get nervous. "Well... Izek and I have a business arrangement... I make him dolls...he doesn't burn down my shop." Reyna'zi asked if she could deliver the doll to Izek, but Blinsky quickly refused. He didn't want Izek to show up suddenly and have no doll to offer him. \page
Reyna'zi instead asked Blinsky to pass on a message to Izek that she would be staying at the inn. When the topic turned back to getting toys for the children, Ulfhan questioned how business had been going for Blinsky, since it seemed most of the toys wouldn't be the most desirable. Blinsky admitted that business hadn't been good recently. The last sale he had made was a couple weeks prior to a "nice circus man" who bought a doll, and thought that Blinsky was lonely so ended up leaving him the monkey. When asked for an appropriate toy for a little girl, Blinsky recommended some of the dolls or plush animals. They saw a doll that looked mostly normal but was clearly dressed in stereotypical vistani garb, which the group agreed would not be appropriate for Arabelle, who was of the vistani people herself. The stuffed toys consisted mostly of snarling wolves. Reyna'zi then asked Blinsky if he'd be willing to make a custom toy, and Blinsky was overjoyed to have a new order. The group came to a consensus and asked Blinsky to make a stuffed dragon, with green skin. Blinsky's eyes lit up as he immediately started planning the design in his head. He promised them the dragon would be ready in a few days, just in time for the next festival. Nadya and the boys picked out a few toys they liked, then the group continued on their way.    It was getting to be late afternoon and the group decided it was time to get the kids to what would hopefully be their new home. They made their way over to St. Andral's Orphanage. After knocking on the front door, they were greeted by a middle-aged woman, her hair done up in a tight bun. She introduced herself as Claudia Belasco, the headmistress of the orphanage. Once the group explained that they had three children in need of a home, Ms. Belasco invited them all inside. She called over a teenage girl named Fanya and asked her to introduce Nadya and the boys to some of the other children. After a quick discussion as to where Nadya and the boys came from and what lead to their current situation, Ms. Belasco nodded in understanding and assured the group that the children would be well cared for and that they were welcome to visit at any time to check up on them. Ulfhan then offered to donate some of the extra wolf meat they had been carrying around to the orphanage, to which Ms. Belasco was grateful. She mentioned it was very rare for food donations of that quality and quantity to be given. Ulfhan then asked if there was anything else the orphanage was in need of, or anything the group could help with. Ms. Belasco hesitated a moment but ultimately said no, though Reyna'zi could tell there was something bothering the woman. Reyna'zi then requested to speak with Ms. Belasco privately, saying there were some more details she wanted to share concerning Nadya and the boys, though in reality it was an attempt to find out what the headmistress was hiding. Ms. Belasco agreed and lead Reyna'zi into her office. With some persuasion, Ms. Belasco did begin to open up. "It does seem you have the children's best interest at heart... In recent weeks there have been a number of unfortunate incidents here at the orphanage..." She went on to explain what had been happening. A few weeks prior, three young boys who were residents of the orphanage ran away and were currently missing. The previous week, another young boy named Cedrik had fallen to his death from a second story window. ``` ``` The death was deemed an accident but Ms. Belasco thought otherwise. In addition to those tragedies, a number of the children in the orphanage had developed bruises and scratches on their bodies, and no one had any knowledge as to where or how they had received them. The oldest boy, Millivoj, who used to be a resident of the orphanage and now worked to support it, had grown deathly ill over recent days and was no longer responsive. Ms. Belasco refused to believe that all of these things were mere coincidences. Reyna'zi then asked if there were any new residents who came within that time frame. Ms. Belasco said no, the last addition to the orphanage was a young boy named Felix and he had been a resident there for a few months. She explained that Felix was a troubled child. His parents had been murdered and the culprit was never caught. Any time she had tried to speak with him, he had always been very distant. Even the other children considered him a bit strange. Cedrik, the boy who had fallen to his death, was known for bullying many of the smaller children, including Felix, though Felix never seemed to respond to the teasing at all, which drove even Cedrik to ignore him after a time. When asked if there were any more details about Cedrik's death that might prove helpful, Ms. Belasco revealed she had found a small locket on the boy's body which he had never been known to be in possession of before. Reyna'zi asked to see the locket and Ms. Belasco withdrew it from a drawer in her desk, commenting that she believed it to be evil. It was a simple tin locket with a chain. There was an 'X' carved onto the outside, and on the inside was an inscription written in what appeared to be celestial, though Reyna'zi wasn't familiar enough with the language to be able to read it. She asked if she could show the locket to her companions, in case one of them might be able to read the inscription. Ms. Belasco hesitantly agreed. Returning to the others, Reyna'zi quickly explained what she had learned from the headmistress and showed them the locket. Unfortunately none of them could read the inscription. They then decided it would be best if they take a look at Millivoj, the sick boy, to see if they could treat his illness at all, then Reyna'zi wanted to have a chat with Felix. She felt she might be able to connect with the child since she had also seen her parents murdered in front of her. Ms. Belasco lead them all into Millivoj's bedroom. The young man lay in the bed restlessly, his body feverish and covered in a cold sweat. Given the circumstances and the nature of the illness, the group was able to determine that it was magic based and not contagious. Slata cast detect magic, and he could sense an aura of necromancy coming from the boy, as well as the locket that Reyna'zi was holding. They used one of their scrolls of remove curse to try to help the boy, but it had no effect. Reyna'zi then decided it was time to seek out Felix. Ms. Belasco gave her directions to the child's room and the sorceress made her way upstairs to the children's dorms. Inside the young boys quarters, Reyna'zi saw no sign of Felix. She then began to peek under the beds, and discovered some runes carved into some of the bedposts. She recognized them as being written in infernal, and they roughly translated to "dark dreams". She noticed that of the five beds in the room, only four of them had the runes. The only bed without the runes belonged to Felix. \page
With her curiosity raised, Reyna'zi continued investigating the remaining rooms, and found that all of the beds had the same runes carved into a bedpost. The final room was a nursery. Fanya was there, helping to sooth one of three infants who were resting, as well as a young girl who was reading quietly. Reyna'zi felt some relief when she saw the cribs had not been vandalized with any runes. Having not yet found Felix, Reyna'zi asked the two girls if either of them knew where he was. The younger girl, Tessa, said that he was probably in the attic, as that is where he liked to go most of the time to be alone. Reyna'zi called for her companions to join her as she ventured up into the attic, but instructed Ireena to stay with the children for now as a safety precaution. Reyna'zi had a feeling that things might get violent. As she climbed into the attic, sure enough she spotted a young boy sitting by the only window. He sat quietly as he whittled a wooden figure with what looked like a kitchen knife. "Felix?" The boy just glanced over slowly then went back to what he was doing. Reyna'zi approached and spoke more sternly. "Felix... why did you murder your parents?" The boy stopped his whittling, then glanced back with a smile. "Because it was fun..." ``` ``` Reyna'zi continued. "Why did you kill Cedrik?" Felix shrugged. "I don't understand why everyone is making such a big deal out of it." Reyna'zi then asked another question. "Why did you carve runes into all of the other children's beds?" Felix's grip tightened on the knife as he turned to glare at Reyna'zi. "I think someone is starting to ask too many questions!" The group was startled as Felix's voice had suddenly deepened. Reyna'zi felt she had a clear idea as to what was happening. "Why are you making Millivoj sick?" Felix just smirked and shrugged, before the deep bellowing voice returned. "What can I say, inhabiting the body of an eight-year-old gets tiresome after a while." Suddenly the light coming from the attic's far window seemed to dim of its own accord, suppressed by an unnatural, invisible force. A dark, putrid smoke began to exude from Felix’s skin, wafting from his body as an impenetrable shadow. As the boy's body slumped forward, the shadow began to take form, arms stretching out from the central mass in solid, black claws. A demonic face grinned, baring rows of razor sharp teeth. "Mortal ants! I have seen the shadows of the great powers moving through the dark seas around this sphere. Your paltry magics are nothing!" The group braced themselves as the demon lunged toward them... \page
# Chapter 14 - A Trying Day Luck was on the group's side as they were able to quickly surround the demon and bombard it with attacks. Ukog ducked beneath the dark figure and positioned himself by the lone attic window then stabbed the demon from behind. Slata and Ulfhan moved in along its sides and sliced at it with their blades. The demon shrugged off the blows, but then Kardus smashed it in the face with his mace, which he had recently infused with magic, and a bright light seemed to flash where the mace collided, sending the demon reeling back. Clearly confused as the "mortal ants" seemed to have the upper hand, the demon smirked with a deep sinister chuckle. "Alright, I guess we'll have to do this another way..." The entity shrunk away as its smoke-like body re-entered the body of young Felix. The boy, his eyes now glowing with a dark energy tightened the grip on the kitchen knife in his hand and swiftly held the blade up to his own throat. The demon's voice bellowed, "Stay back! Or this boy's blood will be on your hands!" The group glanced around at each other, unsure what their next move should be. They didn't want to hurt the young boy but needed to get that knife away from him. Ukog attempted to grab the boy from behind, but the child managed to evade. The demon growled as Felix drew the knife closer, a trickle of blood appearing on his neck. "STAY BACK! I'm warning you!" The possessed child then set his attention on Reyna'zi. "You! You have the locket, I can sense it... Give it to me!" Reyna'zi remembered the small tin locket that she received from Ms. Belasco. "I do have the locket..." she replied, "... and I'll give it to you, but only if you give me the knife first." The demon growled in frustration, "Show me the locket first... then I'll consider it." The tension was high as Reyna'zi thought for a moment but then surprisingly began to smile. "Okay then..." She then proceeded to reach up, and pulled down her vest sharply, causing the material to rip as she exposed her upper half to everyone in the room. Slata gasped, unable to pull his eyes away while the others simply looked on in confusion. The possessed boy seemed unmoved by this display. The sorceress then pulled the locket out from her pocket and raised it to her lips. "If you want it... come and get it." She then dropped the locket into her mouth and winked playfully at the child. The boy's eyes furrowed as the demon growled once more. "You dare MOCK ME!" Taking advantage of this momentary distraction, Kardus then rushed the young boy and plowed into him, knocking the knife to the floor as well as sending the child crashing through the attic window. Ukog, who had been standing behind Felix, ended up going out of the window as well, though he didn't mind much as he had been contemplating jumping from it simply for fun anyway. Kardus then quickly pulled back his sleeve, revealing his mechanical arm as a few small spider-like constructs emerged from it. They leapt off his arm as tiny propellers extended from their backs. They flew toward the falling boys and latched onto them, slowing their descent to the ground below. Landing safely in the yard behind the orphanage, the possessed Felix and Ukog began to regain their bearings. Suddenly, heavy stomping sounds could be heard from above as Bubbles came crashing out of the attic window as well, leaving a sizable hole where the window had been. Tiny propellered constructs helped ease the heavy mechanical armor's fall, but it still shook the ground upon landing. Felix looked up at the massive suit of armor in front of him, and his eyes widened in fear as a giant metal fist careened towards his face. Bubbles proceeded to knock out the young child with enough force that the demon had no choice but to retreat from the boy's body, reforming into the dark shadowy figure. The demon looked around in a panic, but it didn't last long as another shape emerged form the attic window. Ulfhan leapt from the attic, aiming his sword in a downward strike. His blade met its mark and sliced cleanly through the demonic entity. It froze for a moment as its body slowly slid apart along the cut, then both halves exploded into dark clouds of smoke. The entity had been defeated. Ms. Belasco, Ireena, and a crowd of curious children emerged from the back door of the orphanage. "What was that noise?! What happened?!... Oh dear!" Ms. Belasco rushed over to the unconscious Felix and tried to wake him up. Kardus shouted from the attic, "He might have a bit of a headache, but he'll be fine!" Soon, Felix's eyes began to open. The dark glow they had earlier was no longer present. He glanced around the yard, as if he was looking at it for the first time. He then hugged Ms. Belasco close and began to bawl into her shoulder, crying "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." The group then spent some time explaining what they had discovered and what happened in the attic. Confident that the cause of the trouble, the demon, had been dealt with at least for the time being, the group decided to check in on the victims. Looking in on Millivoj in his room, it appeared he was sleeping much more soundly. His fever had receded and he was no longer in a cold sweat. Ms. Belasco was relieved, and was sure he would be back to his old self soon. Reyna'zi and Ulfhan then decided it was time to go talk to Felix. Upon entering the boy's room, he seemed to be in slightly better spirits. He was no longer crying, but still teary-eyed. He cuddled a pillow close as Ulfhan and Reyna'zi approached him. After a brief conversation, they learned that Felix had discovered the locket while out walking with his parents. When he opened it, is when the demon took hold of him. From that point forward, Felix was trapped inside of his own body. He could see and experience everything that was going on, but had no control over his actions. He was forced to watch helplessly as the demon killed his parents. Cedrik, the boy who picked on Felix at the orphanage ended up stealing the locket from him. The demon made Cedrik pay with his life by pushing him out of the second floor window, but was unable to retrieve the locket again before Ms. Belasco discovered it. Ulfhan and Reyna'zi re-assured the boy that he was no longer in any danger. The locket would be taken away and something like this would never happen to him again. It would take time for him to recover, but they reminded Felix that he had friends at the orphanage, people who cared about him and would take care of him. Felix managed a short smile but then laid down to rest. \page
It was getting late in the day and the group wanted to get Ireena to the Church of St. Andral before finally calling it a night at the inn. Along the way, Ireena posed a question. "Do you guys go looking for trouble, or does it just seem to find you?" The general consensus ended up being that when you are adventurers trying to help people, you are bound to run into trouble on a regular basis. Finally at the church, the group is greeted by an elderly man in religious robes. "Ah, so nice to see some new faces. I am Father Lucian. Are you here to pray to the Morning Lord or do you have other matters to discuss?" The group introduced the priest to Ireena and she explained her plight. The devil had an interest in her and she fled from her home in the Village of Barovia as it was no longer safe. She had heard that the Church of St. Andral was hallowed ground, and that the devil would not be able to reach her. Father Lucian listened intently and his face grew more pale as the story continued. He then instructed Yeska, a young altar boy, to go watch the door in case anyone else was to enter. His voice dropped to a whisper. "As much as I'd like to offer you the sanctuary that you seek, I'm afraid I can't." When asked why, Father Lucian explained that the sacred relics that sanctified the grounds of the church, the bones of St. Andral, had gone missing. Without them, the church was no safer than anywhere else. Kardus was quick to point out the priest's failure in protecting something of such great importance. Father Lucian nodded with a look of defeat. "You are right, of course. I have failed in my duties here. As a priest to the Morning Lord, I am to safeguard the location of the relics, and I'm afraid I failed to keep that a secret." When asked who he had told about the relics, Father Lucian explained that he gave away the location of the bones to Yeska, the young altar boy. "Yeska expressed interest and concern over the sanctity of the church, and to reassure him I told him about their hiding place. Once the bones went missing I immediately confronted the boy, though my skills in interrogation aren't the greatest. He admitted to sharing the location with someone else, though he refused to tell me who." Considering how late it had become, the group decided it would be for the best to pursue the missing relics another day. Ulfhan suggested that even though the church was no longer hallowed ground, that Ireena could still take refuge there in order to remain in hiding. Reyna'zi however disagreed, suggesting that Ireena should stay with them for protection. The two argued their points. Ukog and Slata remained silent on the issue but Kardus interjected, "I know this is strange for me, but I have to agree with Horns on this one. Ireena will be far safer with us." Ulfhan continued to hold strong in his belief that Ireena should stay put at the church. As long as she was out in the open, she could potentially attract the attention of the devil Strahd. "We need time, allies, weapons. We are simply not ready to face something like him! Not yet." Reyna'zi grew frustrated. "Fine. You guys decide, I'm out..." She then stormed out of the church and headed toward the inn, alone. Ulfhan sighed and approached Ireena and decided it was her choice as to what she wanted to do. While she admitted to being a potential liability to the group, she also felt that as long as she was with them, that she stood a far better chance of surviving, siting their past dangerous encounters as proof. ``` ``` Ulfhan conceded and left the church along with the others. Meanwhile, at the Blue Water Inn, a frustrated Reyna'zi entered a bustling taproom. She caught the attention of a few drunken patrons as she approached the bar and settled into a seat. The bartender, a woman with curly brown hair greeted the tiefling. "Ah, a new face! What can I get for you?" Reyna'zi pulled out a few silver pieces and slammed them onto the bar top. "Your strongest stuff, and keep'em coming." The woman raised an eyebrow curiously as she took the money and returned with a couple glasses of wine. "Looks like you've been having a rough night." Reyna'zi smirked and shook her head as she confided in the woman. "A rough couple of days really. Been attacked by wolves and hags, learned that some jerk in town is making dolls of me, then had to expel a demon out of some poor kid at the orphanage, and on top of all that... I ripped my brand new leather vest today." She then points out the rip she had inadvertently caused earlier. The bartender smiled and spoke reassuringly. "Well, we all have bad days from time to time, and if you want, once things slow down a bit here I can patch that rip up for you, no problem!" The woman introduced herself as Danika Martikov. Alongside her husband, Urwin, she owned and ran the Blue Water Inn. Reyna'zi thanked Danika for her kindness and ordered another glass of wine. Danika continued, "I apologize for the steeper prices, our supplies are running a bit low... speaking of which, Urwin, honey?" Danika called into a back room and a man with scruffy brown hair and a mustache peered out. "Yes dear?" "Any word on the wine shipment yet?" Danika asked. "Not yet I'm afraid" replied Urwin. Danika then sighed in frustration. "Look, honey, I know you don't want to ruffle any feathers cause they're family, but I'm trying to run a business here! I can't have people coming in wanting drinks and have nothing to offer them. Would you please reach out to your father and find out what's going on?" Urwin agreed to do so, though reluctantly. Danika turned back to Reyna'zi, "Sorry about that. You see, Urwin's family owns the winery here in Barovia, and their last shipment to us is just over a week late. Urwin and his father had a bit of a falling out a number of years ago so they don't really speak much, but you know how families are." Reyna'zi frowned slightly. "No, I don't... but I get it. If you want, I could always speak to his father for you if he's giving you trouble?" Danika laughed, "Oh, you want to give that old crow a piece of your mind eh? Well, to be honest I don't know if the shipment just got lost along the way or if the old man is just being a prick all of a sudden. But... that being said, if you do manage to find our shipment or at least get some wine to us, I'd be most appreciative of it... Though don't fret over it." Reyna'zi smiled and said she and her companions planned on being in town at least a couple more days, so they would consider heading out to the winery to check on things. "Besides, if helping you keeps me drinking, then it is definitely worth my time." Shortly thereafter the rest of the group along with Ireena, much to Reyna'zi's relief, entered the bar. Danika greeted them all and took their orders. Suddenly a couple young men dressed in relatively fancy clothes, and clearly intoxicated, shouted out toward the group. "Hey... get a load of the freak show that just walked in!" Danika grumbled from behind the bar. "You boys be nice, these are paying customers." \page
She then turned her attention back to the group. "Don't pay the Wachter boys any mind. They can be rowdy, but they're harmless." Much to all of their dismay, Nikolai Wachter staggered over to the group and placed his arms along Ulfhan and Kardus' shoulders, partly to help hold himself up. "Hey now... I didn't mean anything by that freak show comment... Can you guys hold your liquor?" The dwarves smirked and expressed how their proud race was famous for being able to drink large amounts of alcoholic beverages, but the young man seemed to completely ignore their comments. "Hey Dani... where's Bluto anyway? He knows how to party!" Danika shook her head. "Bluto hasn't been here in a few days. People say he's out fishing on Lake Zarovich again, but lord knows why... not like he ever catches anything out there." Ulfhan, in an attempt to get something useful out of the drunken man hanging on his shoulder, asked if he was a member of THE Wachter family, clearly indicating the name had some weight to it. Unfortunately the man was too drunk to really give any useful information. Ulfhan then offered him a free drink just to get him to leave. "You know man?... You're alright." the young man replied before stumbling back to his table. Suddenly a boisterous voice echoed from the tavern entrance. "Have no fear, for I have returned!" Everyone turned toward the doorway as a colorfully dressed half-elf entered and approached Ulfhan's table. "... And did I hear someone was offering free drinks?" Ulfhan stammered, explaining that he was just showing a bit of respect to the Wachter boy specifically, to which the half-elf laughed and patted Ulfhan on the shoulder. "Ah, no matter. A round for everyone, on me!" A few cheers could be heard among the patrons as the half-elf made his way over to the bar and settled himself between Reyna'zi and Ireena. "So, who might you fine people be? Never seen you before. My name is Rictavio. Entertainer, story-teller, and circus ringmaster, at your service!" He then took a deep bow before settling back in his seat. Kardus chuckled to himself, "Entertainer eh, why aren't I entertained yet?" Rictavio smiled and responded, "Ah, perhaps I should tell you the story of the time I killed an owlbear using nothing except my feet!" Reyna'zi smirked, "Is it because you took your shoes off?" Rictavio laughed heartily, "Ah ha, so you've heard that one before! How about a magic trick then? Does anyone have a copper?" Ulfhan, curious to see where this was going played along. "I have a copper, let's see this trick of yours." Rictavio waltzed over and picked up the copper Ulfhan had placed on the table. "Now, watch carefully..." With a few quick hand gestures, the copper piece seemed to disappear. "Oh, but what is this behind your ear?" Rictavio reached alongside Ulfhan's head, and produced a gold piece and handed it back to the dwarf. Ulfhan was impressed, and wasn't sure if there was any actual magic at work or if Rictavio was simply very skilled at sleight-of-hand techniques. ``` ``` Ukog started jumping with his hand raised, "Ooh, do me too, do me too!" Rictavio chuckled and shook his head. "I'm sorry little one, I only do this once per show." Ulfhan took the opportunity to ask Rictavio a bit about himself. Rictavio explained he was a traveling entertainer and had been in Barovia for a little over a month. With the steady schedule of festivals in Vallaki, he had plenty of work opportunities, so he has stuck around. He would eventually move on once either he had had enough or the townsfolk grew tired of him. Ulfhan then asked if Rictavio would be kind enough to let them know whenever he did plan on moving on, to which he politely agreed. Meanwhile, Reyna'zi couldn't help but stare at the two Wachter brothers from earlier. With the wine finally having an effect she got up and sauntered toward their table, and gave them a "come hither" look. The two brothers shared glances at each other, almost unsure what to do, till eventually one of them stood up and staggered over to the Tiefling. She proceeded to embrace him, kissing him deeply as she proceeded to dip him down toward the ground. As she let go, the man fell to the floor, completely passed out. Proud of herself, Reyna'zi repeated the process with the other Wachter. Seeing this, Rictavio commented, "Wow. What do I have to do to get treatment like that? Or would I have to act like an ass like them?" Shortly after, Rictavio retired to his room on the upper floor, bidding the rest of the patrons a wonderful night. As it grew later into the evening and the activity started to die down, Danika took Reyna'zi back to the kitchen area and proceeded to repair her vest, as promised. Once they returned, Ulfhan spoke with Danika a bit about some of the individuals they had met that evening. Asking about the Wachters, she explained that Karl and Nikolai were heirs to the Wachter family, but they personally didn't have any interest in maintaining the family's noble reputation. They would rather just have a fun time, hence them usually spending their evenings getting wasted in the tavern. Their mother, Lady Fiona Wachter, on the other hand was still highly respected. Danika also said in a quieter tone that Fiona was one of the few people in town who would outwardly speak against the baron and even disobey his laws and be able to get away with it. Due to her high social status, even the baron was too afraid to actively pursue her. When asked about Rictavio, Danika explained he had been staying at the inn for roughly a month, and that he was always very loose with his money, as the group had seen. He was staying in the one private room that they had available at the inn. Reyna'zi then asked Danika if the captain of the guard, Izek, ever made visits to the inn. She said it was very rare to see Izek around unless he was looking for someone, and heaven forbid if you were one of those people he was looking for. If he wasn't out acting as the baron's personal attack dog, he would stay at the baron's mansion. Having had a long and tiring day, the group paid for their rooms for the night and made their way upstairs... \page
# Chapter 15 - A Trek Around Town The group made their way to the rooms on the second floor of the inn. Ireena and Reyna'zi disappeared into their room and closed the door, but not before Ukog managed to slip his way in. Ulfhan and Kardus entered the adjacent room and got settled in, while Slata seemed a bit disappointed he wasn't invited to spend the night with Reyna'zi as he had grown accustomed to. Kardus settled onto a bed and laid bubbles down on the bed next to his as he began to do some maintenance work on his arm. Ulfhan took a seat at the table in the corner, keeping a watch out the window for any suspicious activity. All of a sudden, the sound of a bed squeaking could be heard coming from the girl's room. Slata cursed slightly under his breath as his imagination went wild, wondering just what he was missing out on. Meanwhile, in the girl's room, Ukog was happily jumping on one of the beds, causing it to squeak as Ireena and Reyna'zi sat next to each other on the other bed, giggling in amusement. Ireena then glanced over at Reyna'zi and asked, "Back at the church, after you spoke with Ulfhan, you seemed to get upset and stormed off. Is everything okay?" Reyna'zi remained silent for a time as she gathered her thoughts. "Let me explain where I'm coming from... I've never had anyone help me before... not voluntarily anyway. Being a tiefling, there tends to be a lot of prejudice against my kind. When I was unconscious back when we fought those hags, you not only helped me recover, but you put yourself at risk in order to do so. No one has ever done anything like that for me before... and because of that, I feel an obligation... a need to protect you. I would put my life on the line to keep you safe." Ireena nodded in understanding. "Thank you... very much Reyna'zi. Even though we've only known each other a few days, I feel safer traveling with all of you. Despite all of the close calls we've had, as a group we've managed to pull through and survive. I don't think I would have made it this far without all of you, so once again, thank you." Ireena placed her hand on top of Reyna'zi's in reassurance, then Reyna'zi leaned in and kissed Ireena once again. Ireena blushed, still a bit shocked by the suddenness of it. "I think I'm still going to have to get used to that." Reyna'zi giggled softly with a sly smile. "We'll keep it slow for now." Ukog then hopped off the bed and addressed the girls. "You're my friends, and I'll protect you too!" Ireena smiled and thanked the young halfling as well. Reyna'zi then asked Ukog to open the door and invite Slata in. As Ukog opened the door, Slata fell into the room onto the floor. He had apparently fallen asleep against the door as he sat outside of the room. Reyna'zi offered to share her bed with Slata, with the condition that they were only going to sleep, and nothing more. Ireena allowed Ukog to sleep next to her as there was plenty of room. The following morning, Slata made his way back to the room next door and approached Kardus' bed. He then proceeded to punch the dwarf playfully as a wake up call, but cursed in pain as his fist connected with something hard and metallic. Kardus then arose from the next bed over. "You're gonna have to hit harder to get through that!" Slata then realized he had just punched Bubbles by accident. Kardus then added, "Bubbles seemed uncomfortable, so we switched beds." Not feeling like arguing how a construct could possibly feel uncomfortable, Slata and the rest of the group made their way downstairs. Once outside, Slata noticed a well just to the left of the main tavern entrance. Kardus smirked to himself as he snuck up behind the paladin and gave him a push with his mechanical arm. Slata then stumbled forward and fell into the well. The air was quickly filled with the sounds of a cursing dragonborn and the hearty laugh of an amused dwarf. Once inside, the group was greeted by Danika who appeared to be busy prepping the bar for the day, and Rictavio, who had just emerged from his private room. Danika asked Rictavio if he wanted his usual, and he confirmed. The group then gathered around a table and spoke quietly among themselves, trying to plan out their next steps. Reyna'zi had a great interest in stopping at the apothecary shop they had heard about as well as checking out the stockyard, while Ulfhan remembered he had a new weapon waiting for him at Thimdul's Armaments. So it was decided they would do a bit of shopping first then make their way back to the church to investigate the missing relics. Danika re-emerged from the kitchen and handed Rictavio two apples as well as a small wrapped bundle. He thanked her and bid them all a farewell, saying he would see them again around lunch time, then proceeded out of the front door. Reyna'zi was curious to learn more about the half-elf and decided to follow him without drawing his attention. She watched as he exited the tavern then immediately took a hard right turn around the corner of the inn, then disappeared into a side door. Reyna'zi walked quietly in an attempt to peek inside without being noticed, but before she could get close she spotted Ukog walking right past her who then followed Rictavio through the door. She sighed to herself as her plan fell apart before it had even began. Reyna'zi then tried to play it all off, calling Ukog's name as if she was looking for him, then happened to "discover" him when she entered the room. Once inside, she saw it was a small stable with a handful of stalls. Up above in the rafters there was a fair number of ravens, who appeared to be nesting in the building. Rictavio was standing by the only stall that was occupied, feeding the apples he had to an old gray mare. He acknowledged Reyna'zi's and Ukog's presence but didn't seem to mind them being there. He explained that the mare belonged to him, and that he used her to pull his wagon when he traveled. After a few more minutes of small-talk, Reyna'zi and Ukog rejoined the rest of their group and proceeded into town. The first stop they made was at Thimdul's Armaments. There, Ulfhan received his first weapon order, a silvered spear. They were informed that their other orders, a silvered halberd and a set of manacles were in progress and would be ready in one more day. From there, the group decided to venture through a different part of Vallaki that they hadn't explored yet. They eventually passed by a large mansion, which seemed to have an even larger building looming behind it. \page
Ulfhan recognized the mansion as the one belonging to the burgomaster. He explained that the building behind it was used as a shelter during times of crisis, though it looked like it had been more heavily fortified since he had last seen it. Moving on, the group eventually found their way to the Town Square. There were a large number of townsfolk going about their business, some glancing at the group suspiciously. They saw in the center a large wooden platform with rows of stocks set up around the perimeter. Many of the stocks were filled by men, women, and children who were all wearing plaster donkey-heads. This was clearly a form of public humiliation intended as punishment for whatever crimes they may have committed. On top of the platform was a gallows with three hanging nooses, ready and waiting for the next public execution. As the group continued through the square, they spotted a trio of men, pushing around a wheel-barrow filled with stacks of posters. One of the men was tearing down old posters while another was putting up new ones. The group watched as the old posters being torn down seemed to refer to the previous festival, reading "Come One, Come All! To the Greatest Celebration of the Year: The Wolf's Head Jamboree". Kardus grumbled, "Damn! We were too late, we missed the greatest celebration of the year! How can they top that?" The new posters being put up read, "Come One, Come All! To the Greatest Celebration of the Year: The Festival of the Blazing Sun." Kardus paused as he read the new poster, "... Hey wait a minute. How can THIS be the greatest celebration of the year? I think someone is pulling my leg!" ``` ```
The men putting up the posters chuckled to themselves at the commentary. "Best not to question it. Every celebration is the greatest of the year," one of the men said as he rolled his eyes. After a brief conversation, the group learned the men worked at Yonvich and Sons, a book shop and printing press. The baron kept them busy with printing new posters for every weekly festival, though their true calling was making reprints of old books. Hearing this, Ireena seemed intrigued but remained silent. Ulfhan asked if they had any books on history or arcana, however they admitted that their stock was pretty low. As they continued on their way, Ireena came to stop. "Um... you guys go ahead to the stockyard. I kinda want to do a little shopping." Ulfhan immediately rejected the idea. "I thought you said you wanted to stay close to us for safety?" Reyna'zi then stepped in. "How about I go with her, is that okay, Ireena? Then we can just all meet up later, in say an hour?" With that agreement, Ireena and Reyna'zi disappeared up the alley back toward the shopping district. In the meantime, Kardus began to feel hungry and started to seek out somewhere to grab breakfast. He spotted a small bakery stand that was being run by an elderly woman. With their past experience under their belt, Kardus wasn't willing to take any chances. He immediately started interrogating the woman, making sure that no children or parts of children were used in making her goods. She was taken aback by the accusations and a bit confused and frightened by the dwarf. \page
Once it seemed guards were starting to take notice, Kardus backed off and settled for purchasing some cinnamon buns and threw some extra money her way for the trouble. Ukog tried to barter with some lint, which the woman declined, but gave him a pastry as well since she was already given extra money anyway. "Thanks Granny!" said Ukog happily. The others weren't sure if the halfling was truly confusing this elderly woman with the same "Granny" whom they fought earlier, or if he just decided to call all elderly baker women "Granny". A short time later, Ireena and Reyna'zi rejoined the group and they all made their way to the Arasek Stockyard. The visit turned out to be disappointing as Reyna'zi had thought the place would have animals for sale but it turned out it was more of a storage facility. Slata and Ukog took notice of a large wagon with "Rictavio's Carnival of Wonders" painted on its side. They were curious to check it out, but the owners of the stockyard told them to leave it alone, as it didn't belong to them. The group then made their way over to the apothecary's shop. It was tucked away, far from the main road in a secluded section of the town, but they eventually saw a sign for "The Third Eye Potions and Sundries". Inside, they were greeted by Anya Trevali, a half-elf with a dark complexion and gaunt facial features that made it appear she may have some vistani heritage. While she was friendly enough, she seemed to have little tolerance for small-talk and was strictly interested in business. Reyna'zi asked Anya if she was familiar with any type of arcane components that could be used to blind someone temporarily, with the intent of mixing it with sand and making a makeshift weapon out of it. Anya thought for a moment and recommended a bit of giant hogweed, which was known to cause blindness to those exposed to its sap. Reyna'zi purchased five vials worth of the weed to make use of later. The sorceress then pulled out the three bottles of unknown concoctions that they had retrieved from the old windmill, curious if Anya could identify them. With her experience in crafting and experimenting with her own potions, Anya was able to identify the effects of the three liquids. The one labeled as "Laughter", if ingested, would infect the drinker with a case of "Cackle Fever". A disease that would make the victim prone to uncontrollable fits of laughter leading to exhaustion. The bottle labeled as "Mother's Milk" was actually a poison known as "Pale Tincture", which if ingested would make the victim's health slowly deteriorate over time, potentially leading to death. The last bottle, labeled "Youth" was surprisingly not malicious in nature. Anya showed through example on herself that if ingested, it would cause the drinker to physically appear younger and more attractive for twenty four hours. Reyna'zi then asked out of curiosity if Anya had anything along the lines of a love potion. Anya seemed to scoff slightly at the thought and said she didn't deal with potions of that kind. However, she did mention an old woman named Jeny who lived in a shack just outside of town who might be able to accommodate that kind of request. Jeny's been known to dabble with more obscure potions and natural remedies. After purchasing a few medicine kits that were distributed among the group, ``` ``` Ulfhan noticed that Anya had a small selection of more unique looking arcane ingredients, particularly some that looked like monster parts. He pulled out the ghoul and ghast claws that he had been carrying around and asked her if there were any uses for them. She explained that ghoul and ghast claws had the potential to paralyze individuals even if the creature they belonged to had long since passed. Ulfhan then asked if they could perhaps be weaponized. Anya seemed intrigued, and mentioned that perhaps a weapon smith could craft something out of the claws, but being an unusual material, only a master craftsman would be successful. After spending the first part of their day shopping around town, the group agreed it was time to return to the task at hand and investigate the missing bones of St. Andral. Father Lucian greeted the group warmly as they returned to the church. He called over Yeska to speak with them, hoping that they may be able to find out who the boy had told about the hiding place of the relics. Ulfhan took point and appealed to the boy's faith in the morninglord, explaining that if he came clean and told the truth that his god would forgive him. Yeska seemed hesitant and agreed to tell but only if the person he told wouldn't get in trouble. Kardus interjected, "We promise that... no authorities will get involved." Yeska looked a bit frightened but eventually broke his silence. "Millivoj... I told Millivoj about the location of the relics." The name was all to familiar to the group, as they recognized it belonged to the sick young man back at the orphanage who seemed to be recovering after they had defeated the demon there. Yeska went on to explain that Millivoj had asked him to find out the location of the relics, and he then persuaded father Lucian to reveal the secret. Father Lucian shook his head and sighed. "I had a feeling it might have been Millivoj. Once I discovered the relics were missing, Millivoj stopped showing up to tend the grounds of the church. I heard he was sick and I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt." With their next lead in hand, the group prepared to return to the orphanage... \page
# Chapter 16 - Coffins for Sale The front door to the orphanage opened and Ms. Belasco smiled in surprise as she saw the group. "Oh, back to visit so soon?" Ulfhan explained that they had something to discuss with Millivoj. Ms. Belasco confirmed that the boy seemed to be doing much better and he was in the process of getting dressed for the day. She lead them all to his room and knocked on the door. Millivoj, a tall young man with dark hair and dirty looking clothing answered. Ms. Belasco introduced the group to him as the people who helped deal with the problem the orphanage had been dealing with and were the reason that he was feeling better. "I guess I owe you some thanks. I feel better now than I have in weeks!" Happy to know that the boy's health had improved, Ulfhan then began to question the boy on the whereabouts of the bones of St. Andral. He explained they were investigating at the church and Millivoj's name came up. The boy stood silent for a moment and invited the group into his room to speak privately. "Since you saved my life and it sounds like you've already spoken to Yeska, I guess there is no point in hiding anything..." Millivoj took a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing. "You want to know about the relics?... I took them... and I sold them." Ulfhan struggled to contain the anger he felt at such blasphemy. "You... took sacred relics... the one thing that kept this town safe from evil... and you sold them!? Why!?" Millivoj stared back at the dwarf confidently and explained that once he started getting sick he was unable to do the jobs he usually did around town, and was therefore not getting paid which meant he wasn't able to provide for his brothers and sisters at the orphanage. He said someone gave him a good offer for the relics, and he took it. Reyna'zi tried to calm the situation and asked who Millivoj sold the bones to. "The coffin maker. Henrik van der Voort." The boy then gave the group directions to the coffin maker's shop, right near the stockyard. Having their next lead, Reyna'zi was content to move on and leave the boy in peace, understanding that he made a poor choice that seemed right at the time and offered him two gold as a kind gesture, but Ulfhan gave Millivoj a short lecture on the sins of stealing, especially from the church. Millivoj apologized for any trouble he caused and Ulfhan reassured him that if he needed any help in the future to just seek them out. The group then made there way back across town to the coffin maker's shop. The two story building looked unwelcoming. All of the window shutters were closed tight, and only the lone hanging sign in the shape of a coffin gave any indication that it was a place of business. Ulfhan tried to open the front door and found it to be locked. He then knocked and was greeted by a gruff voice. "Go away, we're closed!" The group tried what they could to persuade the owner to open the door, even intimidation, but the door remained locked tight. Kardus shrugged and made his way to the door. "I know one way to open it..." He reeled back and punched the door with his mechanical arm, nearly breaking it off of its hinges. ``` ``` Henrik, a tall middle-aged man with a thick gray beard, stood there in shock. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Ulfhan and Reyna'zi began to interrogate the man, demanding to know where the relics were and even threatened to get the town guards involved. Henrik denied knowing anything and scoffed at the thought of guards, saying he could get the group arrested for breaking and entering. Reyna'zi then tried a bit of bribery, offering to pay Henrik back for whatever he spent to get the relics, and he was having none of it, continuing to deny he knew anything about them. It was clear the man was going to remain defiant, so the group proceeded to bind his hands with some rope and sat him at a table in the corner of the room while Slata, Ukog, and Kardus began to search the rest of the building. On the first floor they found a room filled with empty coffins, and another with a few cabinets filled with nothing but useless items that Henrik had collected over the years. Slata then proceeded up the stairs to the second floor and entered what looked like a storage room. There were piles of lumber an about a half dozen crates all labeled as "junk". With Ukog, Kardus and Bubbles following close behind, Slata pried open one of the crates and was shocked by what he saw. It was filled with soil. "That's odd..." Before the paladin could finish his thought however, an arm suddenly burst out of the dirt in the crate. Then a humanoid creature emerged, it had pale skin, red eyes, and sharp fangs and claws. It hissed at Slata as the other crates in the room began to shake. Suddenly five more crates burst open, revealing similar creatures. Slata and Ukog drew their blades as Kardus quickly pulled out a bottle of alchemist's fire and heaved it at one of the creatures. It screeched as it became engulfed in flames. Kardus the ducked as Bubbles leapt over him and charged the creature to land a heavy punch to its chest. Downstairs, Reyna'zi, Ulfhan and Ireenall glanced up as they could hear the shouting an commotion from the upper floor. Reyna'zi drew a dagger and held it against Henrik's throat, and asked menacingly, "Why, are my friends screaming?" Henrik simply gave her a cold stare. "Go ahead an do it. It'll be better than the fate that awaits you." Reyna'zi smirked, "Oh no, you're not getting out of this that easily. We're going upstairs." She then proceeded to drag the man across the floor toward the stairwell. Back on the second floor, Ukog rushed one of the other creatures and skewered it with his sword, then followed up with a couple quick punches, but the creature seemed unfazed. The creatures then began to retaliate. Two ran past Ukog and Slata toward the doorway, while others surrounded Bubbles and proceeded to swipe at the construct with their clawed hands. Kardus watched in horror as his creation was ripped apart, leaving nothing but a pile of scrap metal on the floor. Slata then screamed, "NO! Bubbles!" as he fended off another one of the monsters. The paladin was getting backed into a corner and he looked desperately for a means of escape. \page
He saw a window nearby and decided to take the chance. He leapt through the window and came crashing to the ground outside. On the first floor, Ireena looked to Ulfhan with concern. "That didn't sound good." Ulfhan agreed and instructed her to run to get the town guards. Ireena bolted from the building while Ulfhan drew his spear and made his way over to the stairs. After watching Slata make his exit through the window, Kardus knew that Ukog would likely take the hint and follow suit, so he uttered a soft "Good luck kid!" as he backed his way out of the room and slammed the door closed. He then held it with his mechanical arm to try to keep the monsters contained in that one room. Kardus looked down to see Ulfhan and Reyna'zi making their way up the stairs. "Find the bones, I'll hold them off as long as I can!" he barked. Reyna'zi dropped Henrik at the bottom of the stairs and made her way past Kardus to search the last remaining rooms. Ukog, pleasantly surprised to see that Slata jumped out of the window was more than eager to do the same. He gave a playful wave to the monsters as he jumped out of the window and landed gracefully on the ground outside. Back upstairs, Kardus held the door tightly as he could feel one of the creatures trying desperately to wrench it open, but he managed to keep it closed. He then felt a chill rush through him as he heard the sound of glass breaking from beyond the door. "Oh crap..." Slata made his way back inside on the lower floor and met up with Ulfhan. He quickly explained that there were vampire monsters upstairs and Bubbles was destroyed. Seeing Henrik on the floor, Slata searched the man in case he may have had the relics on his person, but he only found keys to the building. Kardus warned that he heard glass shattering from inside the room with the vampires and perhaps they may be fleeing to the outside and could circle back into the building. Slata then held the door near the bottom of the stairwell closed to prepare for that possibility. Ulfhan then pointed his spear at Henrik and demanded to know what was going on, but Henrik remained silent. The dwarf then pulled the man to his feet and started guiding him forcefully toward the rear door of the building. "You are coming with us." Kardus continued to hold the door as he shouted to Reyna'zi. "Any luck finding those bones yet?" Reyna'zi made her way into what appeared to be a bedroom and quickly searched the wardrobe. Inside she discovered a hidden compartment which held two pouches. The small pouch was filled with coins, while the second pouch contained a collection of bones. "I found them!" she exclaimed, then proceeded to ignite the furniture in the room with a scorching ray, intent on burning the shop to the ground with the monsters inside while she and her companions made their escape. Outside, Ukog made his way to the front of the building and heard something strange coming from up above. He glanced upward and was surprised to see a couple of the monsters clinging on the outside of the shop and moving along the walls of the upper floor. "Wow... wish I could do that!" the monk thought to himself. Suddenly, as Reyna'zi turned to leave the room with the bones of St. Andral in hand, one of the creatures burst through the window and attacked her, leaving deep scratches along her body. ``` ``` A second quickly followed and grabbed Reyna'zi from behind. It drew back, opening its mouth wide with fangs extended and attempted to bite her, but Reyna'zi quickly whipped her head back, fending it off with one of her horns. Kardus glanced back over his shoulder as he heard the commotion coming from the room Reyna'zi was in, but was immediately drawn back to the door as it was ripped off of its hinges, and his arm almost along with it. The dwarf smiled nervously at the two monsters staring at him. "Uh... Hi?" He then quickly pressed a button on his arm and a shield of energy appeared before him, just in time to deflect the claws lunging for his neck. He then shouted down the stairs to Slata and Ulfhan. "Reyna'zi needs help! Get outside, I'll throw her out the window if I have to!" Slata followed the direction and rushed out the door to get into position as Ulfhan continued to guide Henrik out of the building. Kardus began to plot out his next move, knowing he had to act quickly if they were all going to get out of this alive... \page
# Chapter 17 - Race for the Relics Kardus rushed from the hall into the bedroom where he saw Reyna'zi cornered by two of the vampire creatures, one of which had her in its grasp, preparing to attempt another bite. The dwarf grabbed the monster from behind, much to its surprise, and proceeded to heave it out of the window, releasing Reyna'zi from its hold. "Time to get out of here!" he shouted. Reyna'zi nodded then grabbed Kardus by his good arm and then proceeded to leap through the window, bringing the dwarf with her as he complained under his breath. As they escaped the room, small propellered constructs emerged from his prosthetic arm and clung on to them both, lowering them safely to the ground outside. Ukog then appeared from around the corner of the building. "Hi guys! What are we doing now?" Kardus then barked at the monk, "We need to get these bones to the church, kid, just run!" Ukog nodded and rushed away from the building. Just as Kardus and Reyna'zi were about to follow, two more of the creatures leapt down from the building and attacked. Reyna'zi fell to a flurry of claws and dropped the bag containing the bones to the ground. One of the monsters picked up the bag and fled while the others followed it toward the town. Kardus knelt down and used a potion of healing to help Reyna'zi recover as Ulfhan and Slata regrouped with them. It wasn't long before they could hear the screams of Vallaki townsfolk as the monsters made their way into the streets. Wishing they had more time to breath, Reyna'zi and Slata rushed to try to catch up to the creature with St. Andral's bones. Kardus ran back into the shop shouting "Don't wait for me, I'm going to try to fix Bubbles!". Ulfhan took Henrik, the coffin maker, and tied him to a post in the Arasek stockyard to be dealt with later then joined Reyna'zi and Slata in their pursuit. As townsfolk screamed and fled from the rampaging creatures, the group could see Ukog running ahead down the street, completely oblivious to the horrors behind him. Heading in the opposing direction however was Ireena, followed closely by a group of town guards. They all froze as they saw the monsters taking swipes at some civilians. "What manner of beasts are these?!" questioned one of the guards. Ireena could not answer but she was finally able to see her companions in pursuit of the creatures. She pointed them out to the guards and they then drew their spears and proceeded to charge. Ukog, who was caught in between and curious as to what everyone was running toward, turned around just in time to see the creature with the bag of bones approaching him. Remembering Kardus saying something about the bag earlier, Ukog intercepted the monster and bombarded it with a series of punches, hitting it hard enough to send it flying back toward his companions. The rest of the creatures and the guards clashed. One monster leapt onto a guard and sunk its teeth into him then ripped his throat out, while his comrades looked on in horror. "Morninglord help us..." The lead guard called back down the street as loud as he could so other guards in earshot could hear him, "Get the captain and reinforcements! HURRY!" ``` ``` Ulfhan issued an order to his companions, "Get the bones!" as he rushed to aid the guards and joined the fray. He drew his newly acquired spear and skewered one creature, but as he spun his weapon in a flourish to take another stab, he accidentally tripped himself and fell to the ground, much to his embarrassment. "This damned dwarf body!" The monster took the chance to retaliate but its claws scraped harmlessly across the dwarf's armor. Meanwhile, Reyna'zi turned her attention to the creature with the bones, hitting it with a cast of Witch Bolt as well as Tasha's Mind whip, making it tremble in both mind and body. It hissed at her and quickly retreated, climbing up the wall of a building and onto the roof. Ukog proceeded to follow the monster, using his agility to quickly scale the wall and begin to chase the beast across the roof. He watched as the creature leapt from the roof of one building to the next and did his best to keep up with it. Back on the ground, the town guards were not faring well. Any damage they seemed to inflict on the creatures didn't last as it appeared their wounds were healing instantaneously. They watched helplessly as more of their number were quickly ripped apart by claws and sharp fangs. From further down the street, reinforcements finally began to arrive. Leading the charge was a tall man with a shaved head, a battle axe on his back, and a large, deformed right-arm. It was red and massive, almost looked demonic in nature. Reyna'zi couldn't help but take notice and smiled to herself, wondering who this handsome hunk of a man was. One of the guards by his side looked up and noticed the creature rushing across the tops of buildings, with young Ukog in pursuit. "Izek, sir, the roof!" Hearing that name, Reyna'zi felt a mix of emotions, realizing this was the man who was commissioning dolls that looked like her. Izek looked up and raised his demonic arm. A flame appeared in the palm of his hand which he then heaved toward the monster on the roof. It ducked at the last moment as the ball of flame soared over its head then it continued to flee. Reyna'zi's jaw dropped, part of her now infatuated with this man. "Follow it, and don't lose it!" Izek barked at his minions as he continued to rush to the aid of the other guards on the ground. Izek and his men were not the only reinforcements to join the fight as a heavy stomping sound could be heard rapidly approaching. Kardus rejoined the group, running alongside his repaired construct, Bubbles. "Hey, what did I miss?" The dwarf ordered Bubbles to smash the creatures from behind as he pulled out his hand crossbow and took aim at the monster fleeing with St. Andral's bones across the rooftops. He managed to nail it in the shoulder, but the bolt did little to slow it down. Seeing that their captain had arrived, the dwindling number of guards engaged with the monsters began to fall back to regroup. Ulfhan took a moment to assess the situation and growled in anger as he saw the vampire creature with the bones was escaping them. He then drew his heavy crossbow and took aim at the monster, then quickly fired two shots, emphasizing each trigger pull while angrily chastising his companions, "I THOUGHT I told you to...GET THE BONES!" The creature was staggered as the bolts ripped through it, but it remained standing. \page
    Ukog, finally catching up to the creature, managed to get around it then performed a back flip, kicking the bag of bones right out of its hands into the air. He then proceeded to pummel it in its face with a flurry of blows, nearly taking its head of as the monster finally crumpled lifeless to the roof. The monk then caught the bag as it fell right into his arms. Ireena cheered quietly to herself, having been watching the whole chase from cover in an alleyway, while the rest of the group felt some relief that the bones were back in their control. Ukog jumped down from the building and stuck the landing with ease. Ireena rushed over to him and gave him a quick hug of appreciation. "Great job Ukog! Come on, we need to get these to the church." Ireena and Ukog then rushed off down the road. The five remaining vampire creatures hissed and began to disperse into the town, scattering around as they proceeded to attack any townsfolk they ran into along the way. Izek began to give orders to his men to split up and chase down the monsters while also instructing any civilians to clear the streets. Reyna'zi, finally having a chance to get close, approached Izek. Once he caught sight of her he froze, his eyes wide in apparent shock. "So... I hear you like dolls..." the sorceress quipped. Izek remained stunned, even took a step back as Reyna'zi got closer to him, muttering "What trickery is this?" under his breath. ``` ``` Reyna'zi then did her best to intimidate him while also informing him of the whole situation. She ordered him to kill the creatures, as well as deal with the coffin maker who was to blame for the whole ordeal while she and her friends returned the sacred relics to the church. Once the initial shock seemed to wear off, Izek nodded. "We need to speak later..." Reyna'zi confirmed and told him she would be at the inn. As Izek joined with his men to hunt down the remaining vampires, Reyna'zi, Ulfhan, Slata and Kardus rushed to catch up to Ireena and Ukog. They could hear the screams of Vallaki civilians coming from all around them as the monsters were terrorizing the town, but as they got closer to the church they began to notice more people were just standing in the streets, staring up at the sky. Suddenly a woman shrieked in terror and began to run, triggering a panic as people shouted, "He's here!", "It's the Devil!", "We're all gonna die!" The group looked up and saw what everyone was frightened of. In the dark gray sky, galloping through the air was a pitch-black steed, with a mane and tail made of flame and red glowing eyes. Mounted on this nightmare was a tall man with pale skin, long black hair, and was wearing a dark cloak with a crimson red vest. Ulfhan was the only one who recognized this person, but everyone in the group knew who this had to be. Strahd... \page
# Chapter 18 - The Terror of Strahd Ulfhan, Reyna'zi, Slata and Kardus rounded a corner to see Ireena and Ukog rushing toward the church. They were about thirty feet from reaching the entrance when Strahd, the devil himself, landed right in front of them. Ireena froze in her tracks, terrified of the sight in front of her. The vampire lord turned and smiled at her as he dismounted from his steed. "Ah, my love, so good to see you again..." The rest of the group approached cautiously, as Strahd glanced over to them. "... And her traveling companions! Such a pleasure to finally meet you all in person." Ukog, not fully comprehending who was speaking to them, did as he usually does when he meets someone new, "Hi, my name is Ukog. Do you want to be my friend?" Strahd turned toward the monk and smiled as he made eye contact, "Of course, little one, we already are friends." Ukog immediately followed up with a question he had been dying to ask the second he saw the black horse that Strahd was riding. "Can I pet the horsey?" The rest of the group groaned to themselves, knowing that nothing good could come from this, but at the same time they weren't surprised by Ukog's actions. Strahd laughed softly in amusement. "Such innocence... Of course you may pet Bucephalus. Come here." Ukog was overjoyed and trotted over toward the dark lord as Strahd stepped aside, and Ukog began to pet the horse. "He can take you for a ride if you wish..." Strahd suggested. Ukog's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really?!" Reyna'zi immediately interjected. "No, Ukog, it's too dangerous! You have this need to jump off of things when you get high up." Strahd, surprisingly enough acknowledged the sorceress' concern. "Yes, she is right. You can go for a ride but you must promise to hang on tightly, with both hands, can you do that?" Ukog nodded enthusiastically. Strahd then put out his hand, "Now why don't you let me hold that bag for you in the meantime?" The groups' hearts collectively sank as they realized what was about to happen. Ukog agreed and handed the bag containing the bones of St. Andral over to the vampire. The bag they had fought so hard to reclaim was handed away as an afterthought. Strahd thanked the monk and helped him climb up onto Bucephalus' back. The horse quickly rose up into the sky and began to circle the town. Ukog's cries of delight echoed as he had the time of his life. Strahd smirked to the group, giving them a knowing glare, making it clear to them that he played to the half-lings childish desires to get exactly what he wanted. He then held up the bag holding St. Andral's remains and spoke quietly. "Gabriel Andral... We never did see eye to eye on many things, and even in death you managed to defy me... but no more." The bag suddenly became engulfed in a blue flame, and within a few seconds the bag and its contents were gone. Strahd turned his attention back toward Ireena, "I must ask you, is this really the life you want to lead? Following around a group of outsiders from one danger to the next, never knowing if you'll see the next day? I can offer you so much more..." Reyna'zi rushed to Ireena's side and held her hand tightly, doing her best attempt to comfort the girl in the face of her greatest fear. Strahd continued, "Come with me. I can ensure your safety better than anyone else can, and I can offer you a life of love and luxury the likes of which most can only dream of." Ireena then finally broke her silence. "Never... I'll never go with you!" Strahd smiled and nodded in acknowledgment. "You say that now, but in time you'll realize that this is the best option you have. When you change your mind, I will be there for you...". Bucephalus completed his flight around the town and came to a landing near its master, with Ukog grinning ear to ear on his back. Strahd turned back to the half-ling, "Did you have fun?" Ukog nodded enthusiastically, "I want to go again!" Strahd reached out to help the young monk down, "Perhaps another time. Bucephalus and I have other matters to attend to." Ukog sighed in disappointment but then thanked the vampire lord and hugged him around his legs. Strahd smirked ever so slightly with a hint of amusement or possibly disgust. He then mounted his steed and addressed the group once more. "As for the rest of you... do take good care of miss Ireena for me. I'm sure we will meet again." Then just as suddenly as he had appeared, Strahd rode up into the sky and vanished. Reyna'zi could feel the tension in Ireena's grip give away as Strahd made his leave. Kardus and Ulfhan decided to check inside the church to make sure Father Lucian was well. They found the priest huddling behind the altar. Father Lucian was thankfully unharmed and grateful to the group for checking up on him. He then gifted them six vials of holy water he had just finished preparing. "I am sorry I couldn't have given these to you sooner. I'm sure they would have been helpful, given the circumstances." Ulfhan apologized to the priest as well for failing to return the relics. The dwarf then asked if it was still possible to re-sanctify the grounds of the church without having the bones of a saint. Father Lucian was unsure if it would be possible but would do what research he could as well as pray to the morninglord for an answer. When asked if there was anywhere else in Barovia that might offer a safe haven for Ireena, Father Lucian mentioned that perhaps the Abbey near Krezk could provide assistance. Reyna'zi was curious about what Strahd had said earlier when he was about to destroy the bones. He mentioned a name, "Gabriel Andral." Father Lucian explained that Gabriel Andral was St. Andral's full name. In his life, Gabriel was a devout follower of the morninglord who fought against Strahd when he became the devil. For many years he helped protect the innocent from the devil's minions using his own home as a place of refuge. Gabriel would eventually die while protecting his people. The morninglord saw fit to make Gabriel a saint, and the church of St. Andral was built on the same land where his home once stood, with his remains stored in a hidden crypt below. Suddenly, the head of a town guard popped in through the door of the church. "Is everyone alright in here?" When asked for an update on the situation, the guard explained that Izek and his men were able to kill two more of the vampire creatures from earlier but the others seemed to have fled over the walls of the town. Izek had issued an order for the streets to be cleared so his men could do a final sweep of the town to make sure there weren't any more hiding. \page
The guard then suggested that they all return to their homes or a place of shelter in case things took longer than expected. The group left it up to Ireena what she wished to do. "I... could use a drink" she said with a partial smile, still a bit shaken from her encounter with the devil. With that settled, the group made their way back to the inn. Once there, Danika offered the group some much needed refreshments while they could overhear a few of the locals discussing the events of the day. "Is it true? Was the devil himself here?!" "I swear, I saw him with my own eyes, and where else would those monsters have come from?" "I saw his demon horse flying right over my house, I did!" One familiar face was that of Rictavio, as he made his way over toward the group's table. They asked him if he had gotten caught up in any of the day's commotion. "Thankfully I was already on my way back here to the inn once I heard the screams." In an attempt to take their mind off of things and perhaps gain some more information about the area, they asked Rictavio if he had been around Barovia much. He explained he has spent most of his time in Vallaki, but has traveled around a little beyond that. When asked if he knew anything about vampires, or anyone else who might know about how to deal with them, Rictavio made mention of Rudolph Van Richten, the same legendary vampire hunter than Ismark had mentioned back in the Village. Rictavio said he had heard a rumor that Van Richten had come to Barovia to hunt Strahd, but it was anyone's guess if there was any truth to it. The half-elf then asked Ulfhan if he could spare a few minutes of his time, and the two proceeded to a quiet corner of the tavern. Firstly, Rictavio congratulated Ulfhan and his companions on their bravery in standing their ground against the devil and his minions. "I have seen a lot of amazing things in my time, but being able to stand up against the devil without fleeing in terror, now that is quite a feat." Ulfhan thanked him, but could tell that that wasn't the only reason the entertainer had called him over. "Of course, you are quite insightful..." Rictavio continued. "I am fulfilling a promise I made to you. You wished for me to let you know when I planned on leaving Vallaki... Well... I plan on leaving Vallaki, as soon as possible." Ulfhan then asked if the devil's appearance had anything to do with his decision. "Yes... but not for the reasons that you may be thinking. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Vallaki is a bit of a powder-keg, with all of the tension between the burgomaster and his people. I have a hunch that the devil literally dropping out of the sky might just be the spark to light the fuse. I, from both a professional and personal standpoint, want to be as far away from that mess as possible." Ulfhan could understand Rictavio's concern and wished him the best on his travels. "One more thing, before I go... a bit of advice." Rictavio then leaned in close to Ulfhan and whispered, "At lake Baratok, there is a tower... I think it might be in your group's best interest to check it out sometime." When asked why, all the half-elf said was, "You'll know when you get there." The two then shook hands and Rictavio retired to his room for the evening. Once Ulfhan rejoined the others, Ireena exclaimed, "Oh! I almost forgot. I bought gifts for you all. Just a little show of appreciation for everything you've done for me." They then remembered that Ireena and Reyna'zi had gone off shopping alone earlier. ``` ``` Ireena then pulled out a couple pastries which she handed to Ukog and Slata. "I know you guys like your sweets, and I couldn't find anything else I thought you would like, so, enjoy!" Slata and Ukog quickly devoured their gifts with thanks. Ireena then pulled out two books. "I stopped at Yonvich and Sons after they told us about the book shop. Kardus, I saw this and thought you might be able to make some use of it." She then handed him a book titled "Tunstall's Guide to Precious Gems." Kardus thanked her as he flipped through the book, and the gears in his inventive mind began to turn. Next, Ireena looked to Ulfhan, "I know you were hoping for something on Barovian history. I couldn't find anything like that in the book shop, but I thought you might like this." She handed him a book titled "Misty Lands", a collection of Barovian poetry. Ulfhan gave his thanks and began to leaf through the book, recognizing a few of the pieces, though there was one that stood out to him. It had no credit as to who the author was, which struck him as odd. Reyna'zi noticed the curious look on the dwarf's face and asked him what he was reading. Ulfhan then read the poem aloud.

Where is my lady, the maiden fair With eyes like stars and raven hair There she stands in a ring of stone Where she waits for me and me alone

Through forest and glade and wood so deep Where truths are known and secrets keep She begs a gift, and give I do For never was there one so true.

Where is my lady, the cunning and bold Whose wit does bite like winter's cold There she stands in a ring of stone Where she waits for me and me alone

Through hill and mountain and highest peak Where storms rule strong and life is bleak She begs a trial, and try I do For never was there one so true.

Where is my lady, playful and sly With a laugh that's light and a step that's spry There she stands in a ring of stone Where she waits for me and me alone

Through swamp and marsh and lonely bog Where death comes slow as a creeping fog She begs my heart, and die I do For never was there one so true.

They sat there in silence as they absorbed the words. Reyna'zi pointed out the repeated mention of rings of stone, and both she and Ulfhan immediately thought about the stone monoliths they observed by the windmill. They wondered if perhaps this poem was giving some hint or insight as to the meaning behind those stones. They decided it was likely another question for another day. Still having some time left in the day and not being allowed to leave the inn, the group started to plot out their next day's activities. \page
They knew they had a couple orders to pick up at the smithy's shop. Reyna'zi then grumbled as she pulled out her whip and placed it on the table. "I really wish I had something stronger." Overhearing this, Kardus reached over and picked up the whip. "Let me take a look at that..." After examining it a bit, the dwarf pulled out a bit of parchment and a pencil and began to sketch out something. With a few "hmms" and "haws" he eventually had a satisfied look on his face. "Yeah... that should work." Kardus then ripped off a corner of the parchment, scribbled something on it and handed it to Reyna'zi. "Shopping list!", he said with a grin. Reyna'zi looked at the bit of parchment and could see a word that resembled "longsword." She looked at the dwarf in confusion. "A longsword? Like, any old longsword?" Kardus then sighed as he explained, "Well, you see, they make short ones, and long ones... You need a long one." Reyna'zi kept her comments to herself while Slata snickered from across the table. Ukog then tugged on Kardus' arm. "Can you make me a weapon too?" Kardus shrugged, "Depends on what you're looking for." Ukog smiled, "I want something to help me punch things harder!" Kardus thought for a moment. "That shouldn't be too hard... let me see your hands." The dwarf proceeded to take some measurements of Ukog's hands then scribbled something out on another piece of parchment and handed it to the monk. "Shopping list!" Ukog looked at the parchment with excitement, "We need to find someplace with scrap metal!" Unexpectedly, the door to the tavern burst open, and in marched Izek, flanked by nearly a dozen town guards. He glanced around the room and spotted the table where the group was sitting. "That's them!" he barked to his men. The patrol of guards moved in and surrounded the table. "The baron wishes to speak with all of you. We are going to escort you to his manor. I'm afraid this is an order and not a request." The guards urged the group to stand, pulling their chairs out from the table as they all shared uneasy glances with each other. As the group, along with Ireena, were all escorted out of the tavern one by one, Izek stopped one of the guards who was guiding Reyna'zi toward the door. "Leave her... I'll deal with this one personally." Izek then separated the sorceress from the group and guided her toward the stable behind the inn. Once inside and ensuring they were alone, Izek then closed the door behind them. Happy to finally have this man alone to talk to, Reyna'zi immediately began to ask the question burning in her mind. "Now, would you mind telling me what the deal is with the dolls..." She gets cut off as Izek turns and glares at her. "Who are you, and where did you come from?" Not to be intimidated so easily, Reyna'zi stood her ground and growled back, "You made us sign those damn papers when we came into this town, why don't you just read those?!" Izek sneered and glanced down at her scantily-clad body, seeing the papers tucked into her belt. He reached town and pulled them free, then flipped through them, though the angry-looking glare never left his face. He then tucked the papers back into her belt with a huff. "Tell me... is this real, or some sort of illusion meant to torment me?" Reyna'zi seemed a bit confused by this comment, but assured Izek that she was most definitely real. "The horns, the tail, my amazing body... it's all real. Not some sort of illusion or disguise. Now would you..." As she tried to get her own question out, Izek continued to ignore her, beginning to pace slowly back and forth. His eyes would occasionally glance between her and his own personal space as he began to mutter to himself. "If this isn't a trick... it can't be possible... could it?" As she waited for Izek to come to some sort of decision on how to proceed, Reyna'zi settled onto a bale of hay with her arms crossed. Izek followed suit and sat directly across from her, looking more inquisitive than he did before. "How old are you?" Reyna'zi spit back, "First of all, it is rude to ignore my questions. Second of all, it is even MORE rude to ask a woman her age... But if you insist, I'm thirty-four!" Her eyes began to turn black as she was getting tired of this interrogation. Izek continued, "What is your earliest memory." Reyna'zi wasn't sure how to respond. "I... I don't have any early memories..." She noticed a change in Izek. He seemed less aggressive and more desperate, like he was trying to determine something. Suddenly his eyes lit up as if he just remembered something important. "On the back of your neck... do you have a mark, in the shape of a flame?" Reyna'zi gasped and reached up behind her head, rubbing the spot on her neck that did indeed have the mark he was referring to. "How do you know about that? It's under my hair, not even Slata knows about it!" Izek's eyes seemed to soften as she spoke. "So you do have the mark?" Reyna'zi nodded, growing angrier as this man seemed to know more about her than she normally allowed people to know. "Yes, now how do you know about it?!" Izek was struggling to hold back tears as he began to reach out to Reyna'zi with his non-deformed hand, but then pulled back hesitantly. "I know... because you're my baby sister..." Reyna'zi couldn't believe what she was hearing. "But... I don't have a brother. I watched my parents die and I never had any siblings!" Izek then stood up and helped Reyna'zi to her feet. "I'm sorry, there is a lot to explain but we need to catch up to the others. I promise we will speak of this more later." \page
Infuriated that Izek had the nerve to drop this kind of information on her but not have time to talk it through, Reyna'zi stormed off ahead of him, her eyes still pitch black. As she rejoined the group, they took notice of the change in attitude. Kardus spoke up, "Hey lass, you got a bit of a thing going on with your...uh..."as he motioned in the general direction of his own face. "I don't want to talk about it." She grumbled. The group was lead to the baron's manor and directed into a large den. There were an assortment of padded chairs and a large fireplace with the head of a snarling grizzly bear mounted above it. Ireena and the others took a seat, though Reyna'zi chose to remain standing, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed. Izek followed suit at the entrance to the room, uncannily taking the same pose that Reyna'zi took, though seemingly coincidental. Shortly after, the baron himself made his entrance. He was a shorter man with a receding hairline. He wore armor and had a rapier at his side as if her were prepared for battle. Flanking him on either side were two large mastiff's. They settled obediently next to him and growled at anyone else who got close. "Now then... would one of you care to explain to me, what the HELL happened in my town today?!" The baron shouted at the group. Finally getting a chance to vent her frustration, Reyna'zi proceeded to give the baron a rundown of everything that had happened to her and her companions ever since they entered Barovia nearly a week prior. Ulfhan then took a few moments to emphasize the danger Vallaki was now in considering the one safe place, the church, is no longer able to protect them from the devil's evil. The baron then took a few moments to process all of this information before responding. "So let me get this straight. You all came to Vallaki for the purpose of finding refuge for miss Kolyana, specifically from the devil himself... and in less than a day of your arrival, the devil literally dropped out of the sky and showed himself here for the first time in over a century!" All of the group's stomachs began to sink as they didn't like where this conversation was heading. "... So as far as I can see, the ONLY reason that the devil came and caused a panic... is because of YOU!" The baron pointed an accusing finger at Ireena. "While I did know your father, and I highly respected the man, I'm afraid, miss Kolyana, that you are a liability to this town. Therefore I have no choice but to BANISH you from Vallaki from this day forth. Your companions as well." The group attempted to protest but then Izek spoke up. "Um... not that I'm questioning your authority, sir, but there may be a complication with that order." Baron Vargas looked back at Izek with confusion. "I don't know Izek, banishment seems pretty straight forward to me!" Izek then glanced over at Reyna'zi and she nodded, knowing exactly what he was about to bring up. "Sir... I'm reasonably confident that one of miss Kolyana's companions... is my sister, sir." "Wait... what?" uttered Slata, which seemed to accurately represent the thought going through all of their minds at that moment. Vargas responded, "Sister?... You mean the one you keep babbling on about, your dreams and such?... Well, I don't care who she is, she's banished with the rest of them." The room then echoed as Izek slammed his fist into the wall, leaving a sizable hole. "NO!" he shouted, as the baron seemed taken aback. It was clear by the look on the man's face that Izek had never spoken back to him like this before. ``` ``` "Sir, I've spent years thinking that she was dead, and now that she is back in my life I absolutely REFUSE to lose her again!" Reyna'zi then pleaded in an attempt to calm the situation, "It is late, at least let us stay the night then we can leave first thing in the morning." Izek agreed this would be a better situation. "At least let me have the night to speak with her." Vargas remained silent for some time then finally responded. "Out of respect for you, Izek, your...sister..." it was clear that Vargas was almost disgusted by using the term, "... may stay, but on one condition. She is to remain under your watch at all times! As for the rest of them, BANISHED! Get them out of my sight!" As the other guards from earlier poured into the room to escort the group out to the gates, Izek placed his hand on Reyna'zi's shoulder. "I'm sorry it had to be this way... but it will be for the best." Reyna'zi then shrugged him off. "I'm not just leaving my friends. I'm going with them at least to make sure Ireena gets out okay." Izek began to protest, but not wanting to upset his newfound sibling, conceded. "Fine. I'll escort you with them to the gate, but then we'll need to return here." As they were all lead toward the town gates, Kardus slowly made his way over to Izek to speak privately. "So, eh, had a pretty tense moment in there?" Izek just huffed in response, "I did what I had to do." Kardus continued, "You know... He's gonna ditch her as soon as he gets a chance, right? It's pretty clear your boss doesn't care about us at all." Izek couldn't disagree with that sentiment. Kardus then asked Izek how long he had been working with the baron and why. Izek explained he had been with the baron since he was a young boy. Due to his deformation, most people were afraid of him, but Vargas took pity and treated him like a son. Where others saw a monster, Vargas saw potential, which lead to Izek being in his current position. Kardus mulled over this for a moment, then replied, "You know... You know this town pretty well. And you've got the loyalty of the guards... I don't see why you couldn't be in charge of this place." Izek looked at the dwarf, having not heard that kind of supportive comment from anyone before. "You may have a point..." Kardus patted Izek on the shoulder and rejoined the others. As they all were nearing the northern gates of the town, a tall man wearing regal looking clothing, with short-cut hair and a well-kept beard approached the guards. "Excuse me gentlemen, I was wondering if you could help me with something?" The guard leading the group gave the man a cold shoulder. "Not now citizen, we're escorting these individuals to the gate for banishment." The man persisted, "Ah... but it seems to me you are mistaken. I don't see anyone here! You must have already done your task and were on your way to the tavern for a drink or two." The man then proceeded to hand the guard a pouch that seemed to hold a significant amount of coin. The guard paused and looked back toward Izek with fear, clearly tempted to take the bribe but not wanting to incur the wrath of his captain. Izek, much to the guard's surprise then said, "I think the man is right. You've all fought hard today and deserve a drink!" The guards then happily took the money and made their leave of the group. The man with the bribe then addressed them. "My name is Ernst Larnak. I serve Lady Fiona Wachter, and she requests an audience with you all..." \page
# Chapter 19 - Wachterhaus As Ernst proceeded to lead the group to the home of the Wachter family, Reyna'zi whispered to Ulfhan, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you say something before about lady Wachter being someone we did NOT want to talk to?" Ulfhan nodded, "That is true... though it doesn't seem like we have much of a choice at this point... and to be fair, things may have changed since I last remember. Best to hear out what she wants" Reyna'zi then suggested that Ulfhan lead the conversation, so that she wouldn't accidentally begin to vent again and perhaps overstep her bounds. Ernst guided the group toward yet another large manor, though this one seemed slightly less well-kept than the baron's home. They also noticed the lack of town guard presence outside of the home. Ernst unlocked the front door and ushered everyone inside. They were all lead to a parlor room, which held three large sofas in front of a hearth with an assortment of Wachter family portraits on display. Nearby there was also a lavish dining room table filled with glasses of wine and a selection of hors d'oeuvres. "You were expecting us?" Ulfhan asked in surprise. Ernst nodded, saying that his primary task was to guide the group to the home, so their presence was anticipated. Soon after, a middle-aged woman wearing a regal looking gown with a high collar, her hair done up in tight buns, entered the room and greeted them. "Good evening to you all. I am Fiona Wachter, and I am glad you have all accepted my invitation." She then paused as her eyes glanced over at Izek. "Izek... this is an unexpected surprise." Izek just shot a glare back at her and grunted. "Today seems to be full of surprises." Fiona then invited them all to make themselves comfortable as she settled at the head of the table. After they all introduced themselves, Ulfhan opened the conversation, asking why Fiona wished to speak with them. She explained that she likes to keep informed of goings-on in the town, and when she learned that a group of outsiders had entered, she very much wanted to learn more about them. "Under normal circumstances I would have given you all more time to get accustomed to Vallaki before sending an invitation, but due to the incidents today, I knew our dear baron would force my hand... He is nothing if not predictable." Fiona then asked the group what their thoughts were concerning the baron and the town in general. Ulfhan, not wanting to speak for the rest of the group, admitted that the baron seemed to be a bit misguided in his policies. He did not seem to have the peoples' best interest at heart, especially considering he wanted to send away a group of individuals who fought to defend the town against evil. Fiona nodded in understanding, "It would seem we have an agreement in that respect." Ulfhan mentioned that he was familiar with past rulers of Vallaki, and that things seem to have gotten worse over time. Fiona seemed mildly amused, "Oh, the Vallkoviches have been tyrannical for quite some time, though it seems their methods change. Vargas' father ruled with an iron fist. He made sure that the people feared him, and remained obedient in order to avoid his wrath. Thankfully he passed early in life, and when Vargas took control it seemed like a breath of fresh air at first. But now he uses fear in a different way. He uses peoples natural fear of Strahd against them, manipulating them into obedience." Fiona went on to explain that she tried a diplomatic approach to influence change by arranging relations between her daughter, Stella, and Vargas' son, Victor. "Unfortunately it seems the boy isn't much different than his father. After a few weeks of dating, Stella returned to me mentally broken. I don't know what that boy did to her or how to remedy it." Fiona then went on to say that it was clear the only way to make things better in the town would be to remove the Vallakoviches from power. As the group commented among themselves, they couldn't fully disagree. Fiona then looked over to Izek and asked for his thoughts on this matter. Izek remained silent for a time, but eventually responded, "Vargas has been like a father to me for many years... but even I can admit that his decisions don't always have the peoples best interest at heart..." He says this as he glances toward Reyna'zi. "So if he must be removed from power for the town to be safer, then I can support the idea." Fiona managed a faint smile, thanking Izek for his support. Kardus then interjected. "Alright, talk is all fine and dandy, but do you have an actual plan to execute on all of this?" Fiona nodded and explained. "There are three types of people in Vallaki. Those who support the baron and everything he says. Then there are those, like myself, who disagree with the baron's methods and are willing to speak out against him. The majority however are those who disagree with the baron, but are too afraid to speak out in fear of being punished. I feel that after today's incident, many of those people will be less likely to remain silent, given a little push in the right direction." Fiona then suggested that the best time to strike would be during the next festival. People were already on edge due to Strahd literally dropping out of the sky. If someone were to speak up during the festival they may be able to win the crowd over, then someone could bring the Baron down a notch publicly. Fiona continued, "This all assumes of course that the town guard are willing to let the people speak. Usually as soon as someone begins to act out against the baron they are put down quickly." Izek then mentioned it would be possible for him to ensure that only guards loyal to him would be on duty at the festival, and as long as he gave them the order beforehand, they would hold back and allow the public to speak out, even if the baron protests it. Ulfhan then brought up a concern. "For sake of argument, if you do manage to win the crowd over and get them turned against the baron, we don't want chaos. We need to be able to safely remove him from power and get someone else to take control. But who would be capable of doing so?" Kardus then threw out the idea, "I think Izek could do it. He definitely has the peoples best interest at heart and he will fight for them." Reyna'zi then turned to Izek, "But is that even something you would want?" Izek admitted that while he has fought for the town and has been a leader of the town guard for some time, he has never had any experience in a true political position. \page
After a few more minutes of discussion it was determined that Izek could become burgomaster as long as he had experienced advisors, perhaps even Fiona herself giving her input. It was even suggested her sons could be added to the town guard so that their influence could spread from there. Fiona then interjected, "I agree this is a good course to take, but I can see one problem. Izek, unfortunately, doesn't have the greatest reputation among the people. Many Vallakians fear him, almost as much as they fear the devil. His years acting as the baron's personal attack dog have contributed to that. In order to be a successful leader he will need to respect and support of the public." After thinking for a few moments, she then proposed a solution. "I suggest that once the crowd turns on the baron, that Izek should be the one to physically detain the baron. Then the people might see him as a hero." After another half hour or so discussing the plan, they all seemed to agree to move forward with it on festival day. Since they were all technically banished, with the exception of Reyna'zi, it was agreed that they should all lay low for the next day. Fiona then said they were welcome to stay at her home for as long as they needed. "My sons rooms can be prepared for guests since they spend most of their nights out and about town anyway. Also you are welcome to use the couches down here if need be. I need to attend to some other matters, but should you need anything, you may ask Ernst and he can provide it for you. You are free to move about the first and second floors, but my daughter's room and the master bedroom are off limits." Ulfhan thanked Fiona for her hospitality. Before she could make her leave, Kardus approached Fiona and spoke privately. "You do realize that taking down the baron needs to be fatal... that's the only way." Fiona nodded with a hint of a smile. "Oh... I am quite aware of that." Meanwhile, Ulfhan took a few moments to speak with Ernst. Ulfhan made it apparent that he knew Ernst was quite skilled in the work he does, and was curious as to why he chose to serve the Wachters when he could easily do well for himself. Ernst explained that the Wachters paid well, and as long as they kept him happy then he would remain loyal to them. Izek then informed Reyna'zi that it was time for them to head back to the baron's mansion. "If I don't return soon, he will think something is amiss, even more so if I return without you." Reyna'zi understood and quickly spoke with the others. "I can move freely through the town. Is there any shopping you need done? I can do that first thing tomorrow and bring over the supplies here." Everyone gave her their money and orders. Reyna'zi then approached Ireena, gave her a soft kiss and assured her she would be okay. Slata seemed a bit put out. "Hey... where's mine?" Reyna'zi then smiled and grabbed the paladin's crotch firmly and kissed him as well. "Slata... you take good care of Ireena now... cause if anything happens to her... I will kill you..." Slata felt mixed emotions as Reyna'zi maintained her smile with a slightly crazed look in her eyes, letting him know she was quite serious. She and Izek then left the mansion. On their way back to the baron's home, Reyna'zi took the opportunity to continue the conversation that she and Izek weren't able to finish previously. "Alright... what's the deal with the dolls?" Izek sighed a bit in embarrassment. "It's a long story..." ``` ``` He then explained a bit about his and her past. Izek was born with his deformed arm. Some considered it demonic in nature. Despite that, his parents still loved him but feared the ridicule of the public. So they tried to hide his deformity by bandaging it. "I guess they felt it was easier to explain their son being a cripple than a freak." When Izek was twelve years old, his parents had another child, this time a daughter. But unlike Izek, who had a single deformity making his arm seem demonic, his little sister appeared to be a full on demon. She had red skin, horns, a tail, the whole package. Their parents still loved her dearly, but knew they could not hide the fact of what she was from the public. Not wanting to face the ridicule, their parents decided it would be best to flee Vallaki and try to find someplace where they could raise their children freely. They waited until nightfall and bribed the guards to let them out of the town without any questions, then fled into the woods. Unfortunately they were attacked by a pack of wolves. Izek became separated from his parents and baby sister. Despite his young age, he was still quite strong and had learned some of the magical capabilities of his deformed arm and was able to kill or at least scare off the wolves that were attacking him. His parents however weren't so lucky. Izek discovered their torn up bodies and tried to find his baby sister, but she was nowhere to be found. He thought the worst, that she must have been carried away by the wolves. Distraught and with nowhere else to turn, Izek made his way back to Vallaki. The guards took him to see the baron and Vargas took pity on the boy. "He took me into his home and treated me like one of his own children. Where others feared me, he saw potential." Izek continued his story, saying that after the incident that claimed his family, he began to have dreams of his little sister. At first he thought they were just the result of him grieving, but as time progressed the dreams persisted. The weird thing however was that as he grew older, so did the image of his sister in his dreams. "I thought I was going insane, or perhaps the gods were tormenting me. Making me feel guilt for the sister I could have saved and didn't." Izek explained he was desperate to make the visions stop. One day, after meeting Blinsky, the toy maker, Izek came up with the idea that perhaps if he could have a physical manifestation of the vision in his head, he could get rid of the vision itself. \page
So he began to have the dolls created. "Imagine my surprise then when one day out of the blue, the vision in my mind is suddenly standing in front of me..." Reyna'zi listened intently to Izek's story, and tried to make sense of it all. "So, you're saying that my parents were killed... but they were killed by wolves?" She then explained how she remembered her parents being murdered when she was very young. But then again, she remembered them being tieflings like herself, and not human, which only lead to more uncertainty. Shortly after, Izek brought Reyna'zi to his room on the second floor of the baron's manor. "You may take the bed for the night, I don't mind sleeping on the floor." Reyna'zi glanced around the room and was awestruck by the sheer number of dolls in the room. Shelves were lined with dozens of them, indicating Izek had been having the dolls made for years. Reyna'zi couldn't help but feel unnerved by seeing so many dolls with her likeness. Even stranger were some of the dolls that seemed to be dressed in outfits that she used to wear but hadn't even seen since she was much younger. "Okay... you need to burn these...all of them." Izek nodded, looking down in shame. "Yeah... seeing them now with you here, they are kinda creepy." As it grew late and Reyna'zi prepared for bed, her eyes couldn't help but drift to Izek as he began to undress in front of her, removing his armor. She was surprised to see he had a back tattoo. It seemed to be a decorative design that tried to integrate his demonic arm with the rest of his body. "Where did you get a piece like that? It's very impressive..." Reyna'zi said with a hint of flirtation as she approached him and traced her fingers along the design. Izek smiled softly to himself as he answered, "You like it? I know a guy, a retired guard who does tattoo work as a hobby." Reyna'zi asked if he could potentially make a tattoo that glows. "Not sure... but I could take you to him tomorrow and you can ask him, if you're interested." ``` ``` Back at the Wachter manor, Ulfhan stayed on the first floor, occupied with his own thoughts. Slata and Ireena took one of the open bedrooms and were playing a game of chess. Slata decided to make it more interesting by having it be strip-chess, and was already down a few pieces of clothing while Ireena remained completely clothed. "My brother and I used to play chess all the time when I was a child." Slata just put on a smile despite his inner disappointment. "Of course you did..." Kardus set up shop in the other bedroom and was tinkering with Slata's shortswords. The paladin continually complained that he wanted stronger weapons and Kardus said he could certainly make them stronger. Slata was a bit apprehensive, figuring there would be some sort of catch to it, but ultimately gave in to the pressure and allowed the dwarf to work on them. Kardus just chuckled to himself as he continued his work. Ukog, left to his own devices, decided to search the house for pie. Having no luck on the lower floor, he explored the hallway of the second floor. As he passed by one room, the monk felt something grab his foot. He jumped back and saw a hand quickly slip back under the door. A timid voice then came from the room. "Little kitty wants to play!" Ukog looked on curiously, "A little kitty? A little kitty that can talk?" He tried to open the door, but it was locked. Using the skills that Kardus had taught him a while back, Ukog pulled out his set of thieves' tools and muttered to himself, "put the tool in the hole...", and proceeded to unlock the door. He opened it and was surprised to see a teenage human girl, standing on all fours. As she spotted him, she hissed and quickly ducked beneath her bed. "Are you the little kitty?" Ukog asked. The girl peered out curiously but remained under the bed. "I'm Ukog, do you want to be my friend, little kitty?" Growing more curious the girl crawled out and hesitantly approached the halfling, muttering "Little kitty's name is Stella." He reached out and scratched her behind the ear, which resulted in her curling up on the floor in front of him. "You don't look like any kitty I've seen before, Stella. Do you want to come with me to look for pie?" Stella seemed hesitant to leave the room. Ukog then pulled out a bit of rope and dangled it playfully behind him. Stella then playfully mewed and pounced at the rope, rolling on her back and batting at it. Ukog smiled and continued down the hall, with Stella chasing the rope behind him. They came to another locked door which Ukog swiftly unlocked. Inside were a number of book cases as well as a desk and a cabinet, but the most notable thing were the eight normal cats lounging about. Most of them seemed to ignore the duo, but others began to growl as they got close. Stella hissed back at the felines which seemed to confuse the animals. Ukog tried to make friends by dangling the rope some more, which did attract a couple of the cats. He noticed that one of them had a key attached to its collar. Curious if it might lead to pie, Ukog snagged the key for himself. As he explored more of the room, he noticed one of the shelves seemed misaligned with the others. As he gave the shelf a push to fix it, the shelf began to swivel, revealing a hidden room. Inside he discovered an iron chest. "Ooh, a pie case!" Ukog exclaimed. He tried the key he grabbed from the cat earlier and it fit perfectly into the keyhole on the chest. Ukog opened it excitedly but was disappointed to not find any pie. Instead all he found was a collection of human bones, and a large tome with a raven insignia on the cover. \page
Thinking the picture of the bird looked interesting, the halfling took the book then left the chest alone. Ukog closed everything up in the library and made his way back to the hall, with Stella following close behind. He made his way to the final locked door and picked the lock without issue. Inside he saw a man sleeping soundly on a large bed, as well as wardrobe. Wondering if there might be pie inside the wardrobe, Ukog quietly tip-toed over to it and opened it up. Inside he found assorted fancy footwear as well as a black ceremonial robe. What drew his attention however, tucked on a high shelf he saw another iron chest. He carefully removed it from the shelf, but this time had no key to open it with. So the monk proceeded to pick the lock, and just as he heard it click, he felt a sudden stabbing pain as a needle shot out from the keyhole. Ukog began to feel a bit lightheaded, but managed to shake off the feeling. Inside the chest there was still no pie, but he did discover a couple bags with coins and a bunch of papers. They appeared to be a set of deeds, a journal, another old tome that appeared to be falling apart, and an equally old letter. Ukog left the paper bits alone but pocketed the coins. "Now I have pie money..." he whispered to himself. After closing everything up and sneaking back out of the bedroom, Ukog made his way to the room Kardus was working in. Kardus grinned with pride as the shortswords in front of him appeared to have a glow to them. "Hey Hairy, look what I found!" Ukog said excitedly as he approached the dwarf. Kardus turned around just in time to see Stella walking in on all fours behind Ukog. As soon as she caught sight of the dwarf, she hissed and scampered back out of the room. Not quite sure what he just saw, Kardus turned to Ukog. "Kid... what have you been doing?" Ukog then explained, rambling quickly, "I was looking for pie, but then I found this talking kitty who I made friends with and she followed me, and we went to what I thought was a pie room, but it wasn't a pie room, it had a lot of books and other kitties in it. Then I found a secret pie room behind the bookcase and there was this chest that I opened with a key one of the kitties gave me, and inside I found a bunch of bones and this book with a picture of a bird on it!" Ukog then showed Kardus the tome he had acquired. Kardus then just shook his head, "Good kid... now PUT IT BACK!" Ukog looked disappointed. "But, but I..." Kardus didn't want to hear it. "No, put it all back precisely how you found it." At that point, Ulfhan entered the room, having heard the scampering of Stella earlier. "What's going on in here?" Ukog then recited a shortened version of his search for pie, and Ulfhan expressed some curiosity in the tome. "Ukog, let me take a look at that." Ulfhan looked at the tome and recognized the insignia as Strahd's seal. Flipping through the pages, it appeared to be written in some sort of text he couldn't understand. It didn't appear to be a common language, but a lot of arcane symbols. Then something occurred to him. "Ukog... where did you say you found this again?" Ukog repeated that he found the tome in a chest with a bunch of bones. "Hey Kardus... do you remember our card reading from Madam Eva?" Kardus nodded in confirmation. "Remember what it said? Look for a wealthy woman, she keeps the treasure under lock and key with the bones of an ancient enemy." ``` ``` Kardus then interjected, "Yeah... it also said the woman was an ally of the devil. Considering we're staying in her house for a couple days I think stealing anything would be a horrible idea." Ulfhan agreed. "Okay Ukog, show me where you got this and we need to put it back." Ukog looked disheartened. "Okay... do I have to put my pie money back too?" Ukog then showed the dwarves the bags of money he had found. Alarmed they both exclaimed "YES! We need to put everything back exactly as you found it." Ukog, Ulfhan and Kardus exited the room, but then felt a chill as they heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Kardus rushed over and saw Fiona had returned. Thinking quickly he addressed her. "Ah, Fiona, glad you're back. I was thinking more about this plan of ours and wondered if we could go over a few things?" Fiona agreed and invited Kardus back down to discuss the matter. As Kardus began to follow her he glared at Ulfhan and silently pointed at him then toward the other rooms down the hall. Ulfhan got the hint and urged Ukog to quickly get the items returned to their original places. Ukog lead the way to the library, reclaimed the key from the cat, opened the secret entrance, placed the tome back in the chest the placed everything back as it was when he found it. They then made their way over to the master bedroom. Downstairs, Kardus was trying to stall for time, insisting on drawing a map of the town square and pretending he was having trouble remembering the layout. Fiona sighed, "Could we please discuss this more in the morning? I am quite tired." Kardus stammered and eventually said, "Alright... I guess we can wait on talking about the plan to rescue the people of this town from a horrible ruler." Fiona rolled her eyes, feeling defeated as she then took control of drawing the map. In the master bedroom, Ulfhan froze as he saw a man sleeping in the bed. He whispered to Ukog to be very very quiet. Ukog made his way over to the wardrobe and reached up for the iron chest, but accidentally lost his grip as it came crashing to the ground. Ulfhan tensed up, thinking for sure they just outed themselves, but curiously enough the man in the bed did not stir at all. Counting his blessings Ulfhan urged Ukog to hurry as the halfling placed the money back in the chest then put everything back as it was. As they exited the room, Ulfhan caught sight of Stella, scampering back into her room. He looked at Ukog confused. "Who was that?" "That was the talking kitty!" replied Ukog. They quickly went over and closed her door as well just as Fiona and a flustered Kardus made their way up the stairs. Once he could see that everything seemed to be back in order, Kardus relaxed and bid a goodnight to Fiona. She then disappeared into the master bedroom as Kardus rejoined the others. \page
# Chapter 20 - The Laughing Dwarf Kardus breathed a sigh of relief as re-entered his room along with Ulfhan and Ukog. "Whew... that was close. Is everything back?" Ulfhan nodded, "As much as we're going to manage at this point anyway." They then began to discuss the how Ukog's discovery could potentially put a hitch in their plan. The dwarves agreed that while the baron was no longer fit to rule over Vallaki, they could not allow someone like Fiona Wachter to take control either, as they might as well be handing it over to the devil himself. Unfortunately they also agreed that she was likely the only person in town with enough influence and resources to be able to successfully take on the baron. Ulfhan mentioned that the Wachters go back a long time in Vallaki's and even Barovia's history, so just their name alone carries a lot of weight. Kardus remembered Ulfhan saying previously he didn't trust the Wachters, and seeing their connection to Strahd now, he could see why. "Old families that have a bit of legacy to them tend to make the same mistakes over time." Kardus then revealed to Ulfhan a bit more of the plan he had been orchestrating. "I've tried my best to engineer this situation to our advantage. The way I see it, the only way we can come out on top of this is to let the two sides fight each other, then we deal with whatever is left. Fiona is gunning for the Baron, and it is clear she has some sort of plan to carry out. She didn't seem comfortable moving forward with it without our support, but I don't think she would have proposed the idea if she didn't already have something in the works. Unfortunately we don't know all the details. I suggest we play along, let her think that she is the one using us, let her take down the baron, then we can focus on taking her down ourselves." Ulfhan seemed uneasy. "Have you ever tried to shoot down an arrow that's coming right at you with your own? If your arrow misses its mark, despite your effort, there is still going to be an arrow coming at you. Metaphorically speaking, let's just hope these two arrows collide the way you think they will." Ulfhan then brought up his concern that Fiona may have more resources at her disposal than they realize. He explained how the Wachter family goes way back in Vallaki's and even Barovia's history, and just the name carries a lot of weight with it. They are respected and likely have a lot of support behind the scenes. Kardus then brought up the fact that Ulfhan seemed apprehensive about speaking to the Wachters at all initially, and Ulfhan admitted that he did not trust them. Kardus then mused, "The thing with old families that have a bit of a legacy, they have a tendency to make the same sorts of mistakes over time." Ulfhan couldn't disagree. It was then that the dwarves both realized that Ukog was no longer with them. They were too engrossed in their own conversation they hadn't noticed the halfling had wandered off. Kardus sighed heavily as he quickly made his way out of the room, cursing under his breath as he tried to track down the monk, while Ulfhan remained in the doorway, to keep an eye on the second floor. Meanwhile, downstairs, Ukog continued his search for pie. He had fully explored the dining room, the parlor, the den, the kitchen, and even a storage area, but no pie could be found. He then opened a door to the servant's quarters and nearly ran into Ernst, who stood over him. "Excuse me, are you lost?" Before Ukog could speak, Kardus came trotting up behind him and grabbed the kid by his shoulder. "Uh, sorry about that... this little one is a handful. C'mon kid, it's time to go to sleep." Ukog nodded and proceeded to lay down on the floor where he stood. Kardus just groaned and proceeded to drag the halfling through the house and back up to the second floor. The sound of Ukog's feet knocking against each step of the stairs echoed through the halls. Slata poked his head out of his room, "Keep it down! We're trying to sleep." Kardus then sneered and tossed Ukog in the direction of Slata's room. Slata quickly closed the door and Ukog's unconscious body slammed into it, then slumped to the floor. Kardus shrugged and tossed a blanket over the boy. "Eh, good enough." Overnight, Ulfhan remained near the door of Kardus' room, ensuring he could keep an eye on Ukog if the halfling decided to wake up and start wandering around again. In the odd hours of the morning Ulfhan could hear the sound of voices entering the front door of the manor. While he couldn't make out the words, he could recognize them as belonging to the two Wachter boys, Karl and Nikolai. They began to come up the stairs, but suddenly stopped as a third voice joined them, this one belonging to Ernst. After a few moments, the boys returned to the first floor and the noises ceased. The next morning, Ukog was eager for pie and ran down to the kitchen. He saw the cook and proceeded to put in an order for the biggest pie he could make. Ulfhan apologized on Ukog's behalf but the cook didn't seem to mind. He said he wasn't used to making pastries, but he could see what he could whip up. Shortly after there was a knock on the back door of the manor. Reyna'zi had returned along with a collection of supplies that she purchased from the smith. She delivered Ulfhan his silvered Halberd, and also proudly displayed her new manacles which she wore along her belt. She then gave Ukog a longsword and a box full of scrap metal to take to Kardus, which Ukog did so excitedly. After their initial greetings, Reyna'zi asked where Ireena was, and suddenly Slata came bounding down the stairs carrying Ireena on his shoulders, both of them giggling playfully. "Put me down, silly!" Slata chuckled as he let Ireena to the ground and she immediately greeted Reyna'zi. The sorceress responded by giving the girl a warm kiss and a hug, "Glad to see you two are doing well." She then gave Slata a kiss as well, a reward for taking care of Ireena as he promised. Slata couldn't help but pry, "So... where's Izek?" Reyna'zi explained that Izek went off to attend to some business of his own but would be coming back to the manor later to pick her up, so for the time being she had some time to spend with the rest of the group. Ulfhan then took Reyna'zi aside to one of the rooms upstairs, in order to speak privately. He gave her the details of what Ukog had discovered the night before and discussed the plan that Kardus had brought up. Reyna'zi then shared some new information she was able to gather from Izek before she came to the house. \page
She explained that Izek wasn't particularly trusting of Fiona, however he did understand that the Baron was no longer fit to lead. Apparently what Fiona had said about Vargas' father being a tyrant was absolutely the truth, and Vargas was beginning to act more like his father by the day. Izek had said that the meeting they had with the Baron previously was him on a "good day" which did not bode well for days when he couldn't control his temper. That being said, Izek didn't want to see the man dead, but believed he should be imprisoned, and serve out his time for misleading and mistreating the public. Eventually they began to discuss what would happen to the town once the baron was removed from power. Of course they intended Izek to take control, but Reyna'zi admitted that Izek wasn't a leader. He truly was an "attack dog". He wouldn't have the experience to lead the town without someone influential to advise him. Otherwise leaving him without support would only lead to Izek being overthrown himself. Ulfhan also brought up the complication of the Baron's son. By law, if the Baron himself was removed from power, his son would have to take over. Reyna'zi revealed what she had learned about Victor. Apparently he was a true introvert and very rarely left the house. If Fiona's intent was to take down the entire Vallakovich line at the festival, it is highly likely that Victor wouldn't even be there. Ulfhan scoffed a bit, "I thought it was mandatory for everyone to attend the festivals, but I guess the laws don't necessarily apply to everyone." Reyna'zi continued, according to Izek, there was also apparently some bad blood between Victor and his father, so if Victor was to take control and Vargas was imprisoned, there is no guarantee that Victor would just immediately release his father. By the end of the conversation, Ulfhan and Reyna'zi agreed they needed to gain as much information as they could before the festival. They needed to learn about what resources Fiona may have at her disposal. While some of the town guard may be loyal to Izek or the Baron, many others may be in her pocket. Ulfhan said he would try to have further discussion with Fiona herself and perhaps coerce her to reveal some of this information with the promise of their support in return. Reyna'zi then tasked herself with speaking with Izek more to try to learn as much about the Baron's son, Victor, as possible. Would he potentially be a benefit or a hindrance to their plans? Ulfhan also requested that Reyna'zi make a couple more stops in town while she had the freedom to move about. He quickly wrote out a letter and handed it to her, instructing her to give it to Father Lucian at the church. Ulfhan then asked for her to look to the book store to see if they had anything related to Vallakian history, in the hopes there may be some precedent set that they could use for guidance in their current situation. Ulfhan then took a very serious tone with Reyna'zi. "I know, ultimately, our goal here is to take down the devil... While I know this town may not matter much to you or the others... it means a lot to me that we do what is best for the people here." Reyna'zi tried to reassure him, "While taking down Strahd is something out of our reach at this point, I feel that this situation in Vallaki is something we have the power to do something about. We will get through this somehow." Ulfhan then added, "And whatever the result, we will need Vallaki's support in the fight that is to come." ``` ``` Reyna'zi nodded in agreement, "I spoke to Izek about that this morning as well. In his opinion, to take on Strahd, we would need an army." Ulfhan remained silent for a moment before uttering, "He's absolutely right." Ulfhan and Reyna'zi rejoined the others as they gathered in the kitchen to partake of the breakfast and pastry being provided by Fiona Wachter's cook. Soon, they heard the heavy thuds of footsteps coming down the stairs, and Kardus appeared around the corner, carrying a few bundles wrapped in cloth. "What are you carrying there?" Reyna'zi asked curiously. Kardus simply smiled, "I have developed new ways to kill children" he chuckled. "This bundle is for Slata, this long one is for you lass, cause I know you like 'em like way." Reyna'zi smirked and thanked the dwarf as she received her gift. Ukog, finally taking breaking his attention from the food momentarily, "Is the last one for me?!" Kardus smiled, "Sure is, kid!" Ukog then ran over excitedly and grabbed his bundle. Slata uncovered his first, revealing his shortswords, though they looked a bit different. Just under the hilts was an engraving with the image of a laughing dwarf holding a hammer. "Wow... what did you do to them?" Kardus just shrugged. "Give them a try, see how they feel!" Slata then held the swords, juggling them back and forth in his hands, then took a few practice swings ensuring not to hit anyone. "They feel a bit lighter, but very balanced." Slata then stepped outside for a moment and took a few practice swings on an old tree, and proceeded to leave a few deep gashes on the trunk while effortlessly dicing through a branch. The swords emitted a slight glow as his strikes connected. "Ooh, why are they glowing?" \page
Kardus just smiled. "A little bit of magic." Slata was overjoyed at the massive improvement to his blades, but then paused cautiously. "Wait a minute...you aren't usually this nice... what's the catch?" Kardus just shrugged again, "No catch... just make sure to behave yourself. If you're a good lad, then your swords will do well by you." Slata accepted that and gave Kardus a big hug, leaving the dwarf clearly a bit uncomfortable. Reyna'zi opened her bundle next, and revealed what appeared to be a longsword, though clearly modified. "It's a very nice blade... but what happened to my whip?" Kardus smiled, "Just push the little button!" Reyna'zi looked closer and saw a small button under the hilt, with the image of a laughing dwarf holding a hammer. She pressed it and the weapon began to emit mechanical sounds as the blade extended and separated into scales with a loose line connecting them, giving it a whip-like frame. "I call this a whip sword. Give it a shot, lass!" Reyna'zi beamed with delight as she stepped outside and took a few practice slashes at the same tree Slata had used. She watched as the blades dug into the trunk easily as the whip lashed around it. Feeling a bit of resistance she asked, "How do I get it unstuck?" "Just push the button again!" Kardus replied. ``` ``` Reyna'zi did so and the whip then retracted, tearing through the wood as it reformed back into a single blade. "I love this, Kardus... Can I give you a hug or would you prefer a handshake?" Kardus raised his foot toward Reyna'zi, and she giggled as she did the same, lightly tapping their soles against each other. Ukog had already unwrapped his gift, a set of iron knuckles to wear on his fists to inflict extra damage. He gave a few practice shots to the very same tree, then gave Kardus his second hug of the day. "Thank you, Hairy!" Kardus was getting significantly more uncomfortable at the sudden affection. Not long after, Izek returned to retrieve Reyna'zi. Slata gave him a stern glare as he stood there, smoke beginning to emit fromm the dragonborn's nostrils. Izek returned the glare. Reyna'zi tried to diffuse the situation and gave them both a kiss before leaving. On the way to the street Izek muttered, "What's his problem?" Reyna'zi just smiled and rolled her eyes a bit. "Just a bit of jealousy I think." Izek gave her a confused look. Reyna'zi explained, "I've slept with him once, and as far as he knows, I did the same with you." "Ah." Izek grunted. Then a slight smile crossed his face as he proceeded to smack Reyna'zi on her backside in clear view of Slata. Reyna'zi simply giggled, enjoying the attention and the little bit of mayhem she was causing. She then set off back into town with her new tasks at hand. \page
# Chapter 21 - A Son's Potential A couple hours passed before Reyna'zi returned to the Wachter home. She spoke to Ulfhan privately as she dug a couple items out of her pack. "You owe me big time for this." She handed the dwarf a response letter from Father Lucian, as well as a bundle of documents titled "Records of Vallakian Law". The sorceress explained she had to sneak those documents out of the Baron's personal library. Ulfhan was impressed and thanked her. "I'll read through these and see what I can discover." They then quickly discussed how Reyna'zi and the rest of the group would meet up together at the festival the next day. Ulfhan suggested sending a letter to Izek early in the morning with a coded message that would include instructions on how they should proceed. Reyna'zi suggested a couple phrases with a double meaning so that she could recognize what was true instruction and what could be ignored. With that plan in place, Reyna'zi had to make her leave back to the Baron's manor with Izek. Ulfhan thanked her once again for her assistance, "See you on the other side of all of this." After taking some time to read through the documents, Ulfhan gathered the others into Kardus' temporary workshop. He then explained the official laws around naming a new Burgomaster. The currently serving Burgomaster would have to designate an heir, either a blood heir or a person of their choosing. This heir would take over the title of Burgomaster should the currently serving one pass away or voluntarily resign due to advanced age or illness. If by some chance no heir was designated then the ruler of the land, or a representative of such would choose the next Burgomaster. Ulfhan frowned as he uttered the last line. "We can't let the Devil choose the next Burgomaster." After some intense discussion, the group decided the best plan would be to let Fiona and her people kill the Baron, as that certainly seemed to be her intent, then somehow get her out of the picture, then quickly try to track down the Baron's son, Victor. They could attempt to convince the boy that he should designate someone else, namely Izek, to take over the title. At worst they might have to force Victor to sign the appropriate documents, but once that is done then there will be some legitimacy to Izek's claim as Burgomaster. Kardus quipped, "If we're lucky, Victor may not want anything to do with politics and he'll be more than willing to sign over the responsibility." While they still felt a bit uneasy with the plan, the group was happy to at least have an idea of how to move forward. It was nearly dinner time and they figured they could try to get a little more information out of Fiona. When asked what her plan was for them to get into town without being spotted, Fiona offered for them to wear some simple black robes that she had on hand. "It won't be perfect, but if you split up and blend into the crowd and keep your faces hidden from the guards, I doubt anyone will recognize you." Ulfhan then asked what exactly they should do and when should they do it. Fiona just smiled softly and explained, "All I need you to do is help support my claims against Vargas when the time comes, and I doubt anyone will be able to argue them. As far as when... you let me worry about that. I'm sure an opportunity will present itself." Realizing he wasn't going to get much more information out of Fiona, Ulfhan then requested if they could get a letter to Izek and Reyna'zi with details on the plan. Fiona agreed that if Ulfhan could get a letter to her before morning that she would have Ernst deliver the letter, first thing. Once Fiona went to bed, Ulfhan and the others regrouped one more time. Since it seemed they were going to be allowed to split up on their way to the festival, they thought that perhaps they could have Ukog double-back, sneak back in to the Wachter manor and steal that tome he had discovered earlier. That would be one less thing they would need to worry about if everything at the festival went south. Meanwhile, at the Baron's manor, Reyna'zi and Izek were in the middle of an awkward dinner with Vargas, his wife, Lydia, and his son, Victor. Trying to be polite, Reyna'zi thanked Lydia for allowing her to join them for the meal. Lydia, with a vacant smile on her face, replied, "Oh it is no trouble at all... So, you and Izek are related I hear?" Reyna'zi nodded reluctantly then proceeded to re-tell what happened to her as a child, using Izek's version of the story. "So... now I have a brother I never even knew I had." Lydia, with the same blank smile on her face responded, "Oh... well that's nice." Vargas seemed to be going out of his way to ignore everyone else at the table, scarfing down his meal. Victor, similarly seemed to be focused on his personal space, just staring at his plate. He was thin, pale skinned with dark hair that covered part of his face. Seeing this as her chance to try to learn what she could about the boy, Reyna'zi asked, "Victor, I'm curious what kinds of arts or areas of study you are into. Writing? Music? Magic perhaps?" The boy continued to ignore her, though at the mention of magic, he did glance in her direction. Seeing that she might have found something to draw his attention, she began to hint that as a sorceress it was sometimes difficult growing up with her natural arcane abilities, learning to control them and finding her limits, and eventually how to surpass said limits. She explained she found it helpful to seek the guidance of others who were more experienced, and even teaching others could help solidify her own understanding of the arcane. Vargas grumbled and got up from the table then stormed off out of the dining room, clearly not pleased with the topic of conversation. Victor then asked his mother if he could be excused and also left the room, though paused at the door and glanced at Reyna'zi once more before making his exit. As it grew late, Reyna'zi returned with Izek to his room and prepared for bed. A couple minutes had passed and there was an unexpected knock on the door. Izek answered it, and on the other side was Victor, holding what appeared to be a small tome with a collection of hand-written notes. "Excuse me, Izek. Is your sister still here?" Reyna'zi greeted the boy, happy that he decided to come speak with her more out of earshot of his father. She asked Victor if the spell book he was carrying was his. He explained he had borrowed it from someone and he was trying to teach himself whatever he could out of it and had been experimenting up in the attic. \page
Victor then asked her if she had any experience with teleportation circles. Reyna'zi unfortunately did not, but said she would be willing to try to help him if there was something he was having trouble deciphering or understanding. She was curious however as to why he was interested in teleportation. Victor then admitted that he simply wanted to get away from everything. His family, the town, he wanted nothing to do with any of it. Reyna'zi then smiled, "Well... how would you like to travel with us? I would certainly appreciate having someone to talk to about spells that have a bit of a... darker nature to them." Victor seemed to be considering the idea, but then shook his head. "My father would never allow it." Reyna'zi then whispered, "Who says he needs to know?" Victor then managed to crack a sly smile at the thought. The boy then shared with Reyna'zi the pages in his book devoted to teleportation circles. Reyna'zi then read it through step by step, more for her own sake, but as she did so it seemed that something clicked in Victor's mind. His eyes lit up excitedly. "That's it... I think I know what I've been missing. Thank you!" Reyna'zi said she was more than happy to help and reminded Victor that if he did want to join the group, he was welcome to. Victor then quietly left the room and trotted down the hall. The following morning, Izek and Reyna'zi left the manor early so Izek could begin organizing security for the festival. He handed Reyna'zi a letter, saying he received it just before they left the house. ``` ``` Reyna'zi read the letter, seeing it was the coded instruction from Ulfhan. When the time was right, Izek would need to call Fiona out as a traitor to the town. As far as them meeting up, the letter stated that Ulfhan and the others would be wearing dark cloaks with hoods. Izek then proceeded to burn the letter to ashes in his demonic hand to dispose of the evidence, then lead the way to the town square. On the way, Reyna'zi spotted Blinsky, the toy maker, with a small stand and an assortment of toys on display. He flagged her down excitedly. "Your plush dragon is complete, see?" Blinsky reached below the stand and pulled out a green plush dragon with wings made out of cloth. "But wait...it gets better!" There appeared to be a small plastic nozzle embedded in the back of the dragon's head. Blinsky leaned down and blew into it, causing a red ribbon to come unfurling out of the dragon's mouth. Once Blinksy stopped blowing, the ribbon retracted back inside the toy. "Can't have a dragon that doesn't breath fire!" he said with a huge grin on his face. Reyna'zi couldn't help but giggle in delight. "This is perfect! I'm sure Arabelle will love it. Thank you for the excellent work!" Blinsky shook his head, "No, thank you! Now that I have a design, I can make more." Reyna'zi tucked the toy in her bag then continued with Izek into the town square. She could feel anxiety starting to build, not having any idea how the day would play out. \page
# Chapter 22 - Festival of the Blazing Sun Reyna'zi followed Izek into the town square, taking note of the guards who were stationed around the perimeter. There were a few locals making final preparations to the area, such as hanging colorful banners, setting up chairs, benches, and even crates for seating. Everything was arranged to draw attention to a wooden platform with a fifteen-foot tall scaffolding rigged above it. "What's this festival called again?" Reyna'zi asked Izek. "The Festival of the Blazing Sun... I don't know where Vargas gets these ideas either." he grumbled. Some more commoners started to arrive and they all looked apathetic at best, miserable at worst. Reyna'zi then felt raindrops hit her arms as she looked up toward the darkening sky. She could sense the collective sigh from the gathering crowd as they felt the storm moving in. Meanwhile, back at Wachterhaus, Fiona, Ernst, and the rest of the group prepared to leave for the festival. Fiona's two sons, Nikolai II and Karl, approached her. "Mom? You're actually going to one of these things? You usually skip out." Fiona just smirked. "Today is a special occasion. I'd like you two to stay here to look after your sister, understand?" The two young men smiled at each other. "Sweet, we don't have to go!" They high-fived each other before saying farewell to their mother. Ulfhan, Ukog, Slata, and Ireena all put on the dark hooded cloaks that Fiona provided. Kardus draped one over the top of Bubbles before putting one on himself. "That'll have to do." They had all agreed that splitting up to travel to the festival would look less suspicious, so Ulfhan, Kardus, and Bubbles accompanied Fiona and Ernst, while Slata, Ireena, and Ukog took a different route. Once the two groups had separated a bit, Slata, Ireena, and Ukog ducked down an alley and stopped for a moment. "Alright kid, remember the plan?" Slata asked Ukog. "Go get the book again, then I get pie!" the monk replied cheerfully as ever. Slata nodded. "We'll wait for you here, now hurry up!" Ukog then trotted off, doubling back to the Wachter manor. The front door had been locked, but Ukog made short work of picking it with his thieves' tools. He quietly made his way up the main stairwell to the second floor, keeping an eye out for either of the two Wachter boys, but neither seemed to be around. It only took a few minutes for Ukog to return to the hidden room in the library, retrieve the tome with Strahd's insignia on it, then put everything back into place. Ukog was about to leave, but then thought that if he was going to get pie for the tome, maybe he could get more pie for more tomes. He then broke his way back into the master bedroom and opened the chest hidden in the wardrobe. He retrieved the two pouches of money as well as all of the papers and books held within. Ukog then closed everything back up and made his way back out to the street. As he exited the manor, the young halfling suddenly felt something clinging to his back. He quickly spun around, tossing whatever it was off of him. A small, red, devilish looking creature appeared out of nowhere. It snarled at Ukog and whipped around a scorpion-like tail. Ukog said hello to it, but it proceeded to disappear just as suddenly as it had appeared. ``` ``` Ukog was confused, wondering what he did wrong to scare away the little creature, then just shrugged and ran back to regroup with the others. Shortly after, the entire group had made it to town square and began to find seats among the crowd. Slata and Ireena decided to hang back away from the stage, while Kardus positioned himself and Bubbles around the center of the crowd. Ulfhan stayed near the perimeter by the guards, while Fiona and Ernst took their places in the front row. Reyna'zi stood near the stage alongside Izek. She couldn't make out where her friends were in the crowd, with the exception of the tall imposing form of Bubbles in the center. Being small, Ukog was able to make his way through the crowd over to Kardus. "Hey kid, did you have any trouble?" Ukog shook his head as he proudly showed off his bag which contained the tome as well as the other papers and money he had stolen. Kardus congratulated the kid, took the tome out for himself then rewarded Ukog with a piece of pie he had saved from the previous day. Ukog quickly devoured his prize, then said "I also saw a little red man!" Kardus was confused and suggested that Ukog go tell Ulfhan what he saw. Ukog made his way over to the other dwarf and told the same story. Ulfhan assumed the boy must be hallucinating and told him to simply keep an eye out for anything strange. \page
Under threatening skies, a parade of unhappy children dressed as flowers trudged through the muddy streets square, leading the way for a group of sorry-looking men and women carrying a ten-foot-diameter wicker ball. The burgomaster and his smiling wife, who held a sad bouquet of wilting flowers, followed the procession. As weary spectators watch from their stoops, the ball was borne to the town square. There, it was hoisted and hung from a fifteen-foot-high wooden scaffold, and townsfolk took turns splashing it with oil. Before the wicker sun could be set ablaze, the sky tore open in a sudden downpour. "All will be well!" cried the burgomaster as he brandished a sputtering torch and marched defiantly through the rain toward the wicker ball, only to have his torch go out as he thrust it into the sphere. A singular laugh erupted from the crowd, drawing the burgomaster's fiery gaze as well as gasps from the townsfolk. The laugh came from Bobby, the same guard who had managed to survive the encounter with the vampire spawn the previous day. Thinking quickly, Reyna'zi cast fire bolt and ignited the wicker ball. Vargas was caught off guard and looked back in confusion. Reyna'zi gave him a quick wink as he glanced in her direction. Despite the help, the burgomaster was already fired up from being laughed at. "Bring that guard to me!" Bobby swallowed nervously as he knew he was in trouble. Just as some of his brothers in arms were about to follow the burgomaster's orders, Reyna'zi cast darkness around Bobby. Suddenly bubble of pitch blackness appeared around Bobby. "I... I can't see! Where am i?!" he cried out. Ukog, thinking this looked like fun, ran into the ball of darkness. "Hello!" said Ukog, and Bobby screamed. "AAAHH! Who was that?!" The crowd began to grow uneasy, wondering what was going on. Reyna'zi proceeded to stir the crowd up more as she used thaumaturgy to cause the ground to tremor and sounds of wolves howling to echo from within a nearby well. The crowd began to panic, thinking that they were once again under attack. Fiona however was unfazed, simply smirking as she knew precisely what was happening. The baron repeated shakily, "Everyone... please calm down... All will be well, I assure you!" Fiona then stood up, made a few hand gestures, and began to speak, her voice amplified so the entire square could hear her. "Oh be quiet Vargas, you blowhard!" Vargas was taken aback as Fiona made her way in front of the stage and turned to the crowd. "Ladies and gentleman, I believe that all of you have had enough of listening to this man. He claims that these inane festivals and fake smiles will keep you safe, and anyone who says otherwise is incarcerated, or worse! He insists that as long as you obey him, that all will be well. But yesterday, the devil's minions, and the devil himself breached the walls of Vallaki. Vargas, your words mean nothing!" A murmur began to spread throughout the crowd, as insults toward the burgomaster began to emerge. Vargas tried to fire back, "The only reason the devil appeared, was because a group of outsiders had something he desired!" Fiona quickly retorted, "Yes, a group of outsiders who fought AGAINST the devil and his minions in order to keep you all safe! They should be rewarded for their efforts, but would you all like to know what our dear burgomaster did to thank them? He had them BANISHED!" ``` ``` The crowd quickly began to turn on the burgomaster as chants of "Down with Vargas! Down with Vargas!" began to echo throughout. Vargas tried to argue more, but suddenly froze, not moving or speaking at all. Fiona grinned. "It would seem the burgomaster has nothing left to say. I say, we make an example of him!" The crowd cheered as a few individuals rushed the stage. They were wearing dark hoods and proceeded to bind the burgomaster as well as his wife who put up little resistance. Fiona continued rallying the townsfolk. "Today, the reign of the Vallakoviches will end!" She turned to the terrified looking wife and asked, "Where is that sociopathic little brat of yours, Victor?" The woman gave no response. Fiona turned back to the crowd and shouted, "Five hundred gold to anyone who brings Victor Vallakovich to me! Storm the manor! Burn it to the ground if you have to!" With this, dozens of townsfolk stood up and began to march toward the Burgomaster's manor. Izek, now fearing things had gone too far, approached Fiona. "This wasn't part of the pla..." Izek's words got stuck in his throat as he also stood frozen in place. Fiona simply smirked, "Ah... Izek, of course the very personification of the burgomaster's oppression would come to his defense... I say we make an example of him as well!" Seeing that Izek was in trouble, the guards finally began to take action, but were quickly intercepted by more townsfolk wearing dark robes and hoods. Seeing this as their time to act before things got any worse, Kardus quickly raised his mechanical arm and fired a small metallic capsule into the sky. It burst and rained little sparks of light that landed and flickered weakly on everyone near the stage, making them easier to distinguish from the mass of people either joining the mob or fleeing back to their homes. Bobby finally found his way out of the bubble of darkness and sighed with relief. "Oh thank goodness... what the heck is going on?!" he exclaimed as he watched the chaos begin to unfold. Suddenly a man in a dark hood rushed up to Bobby and placed his hands on the guard's face. Bobby screamed in agony as his skin began to rapidly decay and melt away. Within seconds, Bobby laid twitching on the ground as his life left him. Other guards met similar fates as they clashed with the hooded individuals. Ukog peered out from the bubble of darkness, and began to use it to his advantage, hopping out to strike at the hooded figures before quickly ducking back in to the darkness to hide. Reyna'zi approached the stage and cast scorching ray, blasting streams of fire at the men dragging Izek, the baron and his wife onto the stage. They screamed and cursed as they struggled to extinguish themselves. Ulfhan joined the fray and skewered one of the hooded men with his spear, then with a flourish managed to knock out another with the butt of his weapon. Fiona laughed as she watched the display. "So, you've all decided to change sides then? I guess I shouldn't be surprised." With another few hand gestures and muttered incantations, a series of black and red imp-like spirits appeared out of nothing and began to swirl around Fiona. The spirits proceeded to attack anyone that Fiona deemed hostile. In the middle of the crowd, Ireena and Slata watched as the townsfolk moved chaotically around them. Ireena spotted more people in hoods standing nearby, but Slata advised her to keep her guard up until they made a move. \page
Kardus moved into position closer to the stage, then raised his mechanical arm. A thick green chemical shot out from a hidden compartment and doused two of the hooded men. They screamed as the acid began to burn through their clothing and skin, leaving them in crumpled heaps on the ground. Kardus smiled with grim satisfaction as he ordered Bubbles to smash any other hooded individuals nearby. Back near the stage, Ernst emerged from the crowd and attacked Ulfhan from behind, but his blade was thwarted by the dwarf's thick armor. Just as quickly as he appeared, Ernst retreated back into the chaos. Guards continued to fall as the hooded individuals overwhelmed them with sheer numbers. Ireena tapped Slata on the shoulder as the hooded men near them began to move toward the stage. Slata nodded and both he and Ireena ambushed them, cutting one down immediately while Slata heavily wounded the second. The man stared back at the dragonborn in anger. Looking right into Slata's eyes the man barked a command "Flee!" Against his better judgment, Slata then felt a sudden urge to comply, somehow entranced. Unexpectedly, Ireena rushed the man and ran him through with her rapier. As the man fell to the ground, Slata snapped back to his senses. He thanked Ireena for the assist then tried to re-assess their situation. They watched as the angry mob moved passed them in the direction of the burgomaster's home. Back near the stage, Fiona laughed triumphantly as the imp-like spirits circled around her, gnawing and clawing at anyone she deemed a threat. The baron's wife was the first to fall victim to their onslaught. The baron, no longer frozen but still bound struggled to get free while he too was being attacked by the spirits. Ukog finally popped back out from the darkness and shouted, "Hey everybody, what's going on?" Kardus, being the only one in earshot to the monk, came up with an idea and shouted "Hey, you see Fiona over there? She's withholding pie from you!" Ukog gasped as anger flared up in his eyes. "She...she what?!" The halfling then charged toward the stage. He pulled out a dart and lunged it toward Fiona. Fiona's laugh was suddenly cut short as the dart embedded itself in her neck. Fiona grasped at her throat in shock while the spirits surrounding her all faded away. She looked on incredulously as Ukog rushed up to her. "GIVE ME PIE!" he snarled as he proceeded to punch her hard in the gut, doubling her over. The monk then followed up with an uppercut, jamming the dart all the way through Fiona's throat, sending her reeling back and falling to the ground, gurgling as blood pooled beneath her. Ukog breathed hard as he regained his composure. Kardus looked on in amazement, his jaw dropped at the focused ferocity that the kid just showed. "You know what?... I'm not even mad!" quipped the dwarf as he made his way closer to the stage. Reyna'zi, still fighting to free Izek, cast witchbolt against the nearest hooded man, sending a surge of lightning through him. Suddenly Izek was able to move again. He stood tall over the hooded man and drew his battle axe. With one swing, Izek nearly cleaved the man in two. Izek thanked Reyna'zi as he rushed out into the crowd to try to aid any of his guards who were still alive. Ulfhan followed and drew his halberd, determined to finish off any of the remaining hooded individuals. Kardus then got close to the stage and took aim at the one remaining hooded man nearby. He fired another stream of acid, covering both the hooded man, and the unfortunate baron who was right behind him. "Oh no... how horrible... I swear I didn't see him." Kardus, said with some noticeable sarcasm as both the hooded man and the baron screamed while they burned. Seeing that his employer had fallen in the battle, Ernst began to retreat out of the town square, but was suddenly grappled by Bubbles. "Let go of me you confounded contraption!" Ernst, being an agile fellow managed to slip his way out of the construct's grip and continued to run. Both Vargas and Fiona were dead, though the crowd didn't seem to notice as the angry mob continued toward the baron's home, determined to capture Victor. While much had happened in a short amount of time, the fight was not yet over and the future of Vallaki was unclear. \page
# Chapter 23 - Wachter History The battle in the town square raged on. One of only two town guards still standing fell to the onslaught of the hooded men, while the other held his ground, fighting for his life. Izek charged to rescue his subordinate and hurled a ball of flame at one of his assailants. The rest of the group picked their targets and managed to drop a few more of the attackers. Seeing that their numbers were dwindling, many of the hooded individuals fled to the safety of the angry mob, disappearing into the crowd. Ukog managed to save the remaining guard by punching his attacker so hard in the back that the man flew forward and impaled himself on the guard's spear. Amidst the chaos, Ernst continued to flee. Kardus shouted out to the man, "Hey, we're not holding all this against you... If you need a job, look us up!" Ernst turned back momentarily with a look of mild confusion, but nodded to the dwarf in acknowledgment, then continued to make his escape. With the town square finally under control, the group watched the angry mob steadily make their way toward the baron's home, intent on finding Victor Vallakovich. Izek grumbled, "There is no way the few of us can stop them. I'm going to round up the rest of the town guard and bring some order to this mess!" He gave orders to his subordinate and they both ran off deeper into town. Ulfhan lead the way for the group to follow the mob, in an attempt to perhaps calm them down, or maybe track down some of the hooded assailants hiding in their midst. By the time the group caught up to the mob, they had already begun to break into the late baron's home. The few servants still working in the manor fled out of a side door while the mob surrounded the building. Kardus and Ukog happened to look up and noticed a flash of purple light shine out from a third floor window. Ukog thought the light looked pretty, while Kardus tapped on Reyna'zi's shoulder. "Hey lass. Anyone in the Vallakovich household a magic user? A bit of a light show going on in there!" Reyna'zi looked up toward the window as well, then smiled softly to herself but said nothing. Not long after, members of the mob who had entered the home began to rush back out as flames and smoke became visible through windows on the first two floors. The crowd erupted into cheers as they watched the fire spread through the home. The group could do nothing but watch as the manor slowly went up in flames. Eventually they all heard the sound of heavy footfalls rushing down the street. Izek along with a full regiment of town guard approached the scene, barking orders to the crowd to disperse and return to their homes or they would be arrested on the spot. This convinced the crowd to finally break up. Ulfhan watched closely and managed to pick out one of the hooded men from earlier, heavily wounded and limping away. Reyna'zi handed the dwarf her set of manacles and gave him an encouraging, "Get him!" Ulfhan got the attention of one of the guards and they both tackled the hooded man to the ground. Once the man was restrained, Ulfhan interrogated him threateningly. "Who are you working for?" The man just sneered, "I work for myself!" ``` ``` Reyna'zi then tried her hand at intimidating an answer out of him by using thaumaturgy to make her eyes a blood red. "Answer me... who do you and Fiona work for?" The man replied, "I serve Fiona... she serves a higher power." Once the rest of the mob had dispersed and things seemed to calm down, the guard escorted the restrained man away. Izek said he would be taken to the reformation center and put into temporary holding. They would deal with him later. When asked exactly what the center was for, Izek explained it was the equivalent of a prison. Reyna'zi suggested that due to how the baron ran things there were likely a lot of people who were imprisoned unfairly, and they should be released. Izek agreed, though admitted he had no jurisdiction inside the center itself. He would need to coordinate with the reformers to get anyone released. Kardus patted Izek on the shoulder, "Well, it is your jurisdiction now!" It was difficult for Izek to process, but the group made it clear that he was the only person with authority to run the town at this point, and he needed to act quickly to establish order. They looked to Ireena for her advice, being a burgomaster's daughter. She advised that establishing a home base of sorts would be the first step. Then word would have to spread to the public that Izek was the new burgomaster for the time being, even if some people might not be too keen on the idea. Then over the coming days, make changes to the laws and act on those changes to earn the trust of the people. Once they see that Izek is changing things for the better, the public will likely support him. As far as establishing a home base was concerned, Kardus suggested the Wachter manor. "It is the second largest and most influential home in town, right?" Reyna'zi then added that it shouldn't be too hard to persuade Fiona's sons to offer their home to Izek during this time. Izek agreed, saying they could always threaten the boys with jail time for being possible collaborators with their mother. Ulfhan then took out a piece of parchment and drafted up a proclamation of Izek taking control of the town. "Sign this, and we'll get copies made up and posted around town." Izek nodded and gave his signature. Before leaving, they all gathered around the baron's manor, watching as the few remains of it burned into ash. Reyna'zi held Izek's hand and asked if there was anything precious to him in that house. Izek thought for a moment and shook his head, looking back at his sister and squeezing her hand gently. "No... not in the house anyway." Reyna'zi kissed him softly on the cheek. Ulfhan watched the flames silently, even as the others began to leave. Kardus walked over to him in an attempt to console him. "Don't worry about it... the town can always rebuild." Ulfhan shook his head. "This house used to be a lot more than what it became. It will take a long time to rebuild what was lost I'm afraid... Let's go." Ireena, Slata and Ukog proceeded to the Yonvich and Sons book shop to get copies of the proclamation made, then proceeded back to the inn to start spreading the news. Meanwhile, Ulfhan, Izek, Reyna'zi and Kardus made their way back to the Wachter manor to confront the boys. \page
Reyna'zi knocked on the front door, and Karl Wachter answered. Before he could even get a word out, Reyna'zi effortlessly pushed her way into the house, saying nonchalantly "You boys missed quite a bit. There was a riot in town square, the baron's house got burned down..." Kardus then followed that up with a very curt, "Your mom's dead!". Karl stood dumbfounded as he tried to process all of the news being thrown at him. "What?... Wait... mom is dead?" Nikolai II peered out from around the corner. "Hold up, what do you mean mom is dead?!" Reyna'zi proceeded to take both of the boys, her arm draped over each of their shoulders and guided them to sit in the parlor. "Now now, let's just sit down and have a nice chat." The others followed in shortly and explained to the boys that their mother instigated a riot against the baron and unfortunately was killed during the chaos. Ulfhan then chimed in saying they would need to investigate the house for any more evidence of Fiona's misdeeds, and the boys should cooperate if they didn't want to be considered as being involved. Confused and frightened by the whole situation, the boys handed the keys to the manor over to Ulfhan, and he along with Kardus and Izek proceeded to head up to the second floor. Upstairs, they all checked in on Stella who remained locked in her room. She hissed and hid under her bed, unwilling to come out. They then proceeded to retrace Ukog's steps and found the chest containing the collection of human bones. "We definitely need to ask who these belong to." In the master bedroom, Kardus noticed the man sleeping in the bed and proceeded walk over to wake him up. He poked the man a few times, but there was no response. Checking for a pulse yielded no results either. "I think this guy is dead. Looks pretty fresh too." After turning the man over, Izek expressed some concern. "That's odd... This is Nikolai Wachter, Fiona's husband... but he died three years ago..." Worried that there was something sinister at work, Ulfhan proceeded to bind Nikolai's arms behind his back, just as a precaution. They eventually made their way back downstairs where Reyna'zi continued to console the boys over everything that has just happened. "You boys certainly have some explaining to do. Who were all those people in hoods that were working for your mother? Where did she learn magic from? Why is your dead father upstairs? Who do those bones in the chest belong to?!" Getting bombarded by these questions the boys became even more confused and distraught. Suddenly a voice came from the back coat-room. "Those boys won't be able to answer you. But I might be able to." Ernst then emerged into the parlor. The boys asked Ernst if everything the others were saying was true. Ernst confirmed, "Yes. There are many things about your mother that you do not know, because she purposefully kept them from you." Ernst then looked to Izek. "I'm willing to share whatever I know, but only on the condition that I will not be considered to be a part of uprising that happened today." The group glanced around at each other for a consensus and agreed, "We don't remember you doing anything to harm anyone." Ernst smiled and leaned back against the wall. "Let's take each question one by one, shall we?" Ernst began. He explained that the people who were following Fiona's orders were all civilians of the town that had a dislike of the burgomaster. ``` ``` Fiona had organized them into a cult specifically for the purpose of overthrowing Vargas and bringing about a new age in Vallaki. Of course her intention was to take control of the town herself, but that clearly didn't go as expected. "Wait... that doesn't make any sense!" Karl exclaimed. "How could mom have been a leader of a cult without us knowing about it?!" Ernst just smirked as he addressed the boys, "You probably knew it as her "book club"". Karl and Nikolai II both muttered "Oh..." and understood immediately and resumed their silence. Ernst then explained that every week or so, Fiona would meet with members of the cult under the guise of it being a book club in the Wachterhaus basement. The entrance to which was hidden inside the rear coat-room. Curious, Kardus, Ulfhan, and Izek went down to explore the basement. Other than a few cots and a hidden room with a pentagram engraved on the floor, there was nothing of particular interest. When asked if the cult members would continue to meet even with Fiona gone, Ernst could only speculate. "They certainly wouldn't return here, but perhaps the more ambitious of the cultists might try to re-organize somewhere else." The group asked if there was any way of knowing who was involved in the cult. Ernst smiled, "I may be able to come up with a list of names." Izek nodded, "That would help ensure we round up the rest of them." They then asked Ernst how Fiona came to learn such magical abilities that she was displaying. He explained that when Fiona was in her teen years, she went on a trip to the village of Barovia to form political connections. On her way she decided to make a detour to Castle Ravenloft. She was curious to meet the lord of the land that everyone was so afraid of. According to Fiona, Strahd was a very gracious host. He seemed to appreciate her intelligence and charisma and offered to make her a consort. Fiona declined the offer and proposed that she would be far more useful as an informant, keeping Strahd aware of goings on in Vallaki. \page
In exchange, Strahd gave her a number of spell tomes as well as an imp familiar. Kardus and Ulfhan remembered Ukog mentioning seeing a small imp-like creature. Ernst confirmed that it was likely the familiar. When asked if Fiona was actively reporting to Strahd, Ernst wasn't positive. "If she was, it was likely through the familiar. I never saw her send any correspondence that I was aware of." "So what's the deal with her husband then?" the group asked curiously. Ernst explained that Nikolai Wachter had passed three years prior due to illness. Fiona loved him very much and while there was a funeral service, she actually kept the body in her master bedroom. She proceeded to cast gentle repose on it regularly, keeping the body from decaying. "She continued to sleep with her husband in her bed even after his death." Reyna'zi then gasped in disgust. "Slept with it?...as in...". Nikolai II and Karl both immediately began to retch at the thought. Ernst shrugged. "I cannot confirm nor deny what sorts of activities Fiona did with the body, but one thing I do know is without her to keep the body preserved, it will proceed to rot so I recommend giving your father a proper burial sooner rather than later." When asked about the bones hidden in the chest upstairs, Ernst said they belonged to a man named Leo Dilisnya. He proceeded to tell a story about Fiona's ancestors. The Wachter family goes back a long time, predating Barovia's history. They had always been supporters of the Zarovich family even under the rule of Strahd's father. Another family that supported the Zaroviches was the Dilisnya family. Leo Dilisnya was an advisor to Strahd when he first conquered the valley that became Barovia Some time after Strahd had established his rule, Leo organized a coup against his lord. During a major gathering at the castle that had many of Strahd's supporters present, Leo had his men assault the event in an attempt to kill Strahd and as many of his followers as possible. The coup ultimately failed, but not without significant losses on both sides. Lovina Wachter, Fiona's ancestor, who was only a young girl at the time was one of the survivors of the attack. Her family however was slaughtered in front of her. ``` ``` While all of Leo's men were either killed during the battle or executed afterward for their involvement, Leo himself managed to sneak away and go into hiding. Lovina would never forget that day and would never forgive the man who took her family from her. Many years later, when Lovina was an adult, she managed to track down the whereabouts of Leo Dilisnya. She then hired an assassin to hunt the man she had hated for so long. The assassin was successful, and upon Lovina's request, Leo's remains were given to her. To ensure that there was no way for Leo to return through magical resurrection or any other means, Lovina locked his bones away in a chest and passed them down as a family heirloom of sorts for generations to come. No longer having any questions to ask Ernst, Kardus re-iterated his interest in perhaps hiring the man. His skills in acquiring information seemed quite useful. Ernst admitted he might be willing to work with the group, for a fee of course. With a little bit of coercion, Reyna'zi was able to convince the Wachter boys to front the money while Ernst could offer his services to Izek for the time being. If the group had anything specific they wanted Ernst to look into, they could work out separate deals when the time came. Ernst and Izek agreed to the arrangement. In the midst of the conversation they also managed to get the boys to agree to allow Izek to use their home as a base of sorts considering the baron's manor was destroyed. "It will make you two look good publicly after the chaos your mother caused." One last matter to address was that of Stella. Kardus and Reyna'zi in particular wanted to see to it that she got the help she needed to hopefully become a normal girl again who didn't act like a cat. The group convinced the boys that they could not help her, and keeping her as is wasn't fair to her. "The best thing is for her to come with us, so we can try to find someone with the kind of power that could cure her condition." The brothers agreed as long as the group promised Stella's safety. Despite their irresponsible nature, the Wachter boys did seem to care deeply for their sister. As the day began to grow late, the group decided to meet up with their other companions at the inn so they could process the events of the day and plan a way forward. \page
# Chapter 24 - The Fanes of Barovia On their way back to the inn, Kardus, Ulfhan, and Reyna'zi decided to make a few other stops. First they paid a visit to Thimdul's Armaments, where Kardus bought a bunch of materials for projects he planned to work on during the night. Reyna'zi did the same and proceeded to hand her supplies over to Kardus, requesting a few more items as she was already impressed with the sword whip that the dwarf had produced. Ulfhan decided to trade in his heavy crossbow for a longbow and some arrows, finding it to be a little easier to handle. From their, Ulfhan and Kardus visited Father Lucian at the church, while Reyna'zi ventured off just outside of the western gates of town to visit the little shack that the apothecary had recommended to her. Ulfhan asked Father Lucian who the best authority on the Morninglord would be. The priest explained that the best authority would be a Dawnmaster of the Morninglord, but unfortunately there hadn't been a Dawnmaster in Barovia since St. Andral himself. He then recommended that Ulfhan seek out the Abbot in Krezk. While Father Lucian had never met him before, he had heard rumors that the Abbot was quite powerful and capable of performing magnificent miracles, which lead the priest to believe he must be more knowledgeable in the ways of the Morninglord. Kardus originally intended to ask about Stella Wachter's condition, but after hearing about the Abbot, decided that he would likely be the better person to have a solution. Meanwhile, Reyna'zi stopped at a little shack just outside of the town that appeared to be more of a wagon with its wheels popped off than a permanent structure of any kind. Next to the building was a large boar, apparently sleeping as it snored away loudly. Once inside, Reyna'zi was greeted by a little old woman with questionable hygiene. Her hair was a tangled mess, her teeth were crooked and jagged and had a bit of a greenish color to them, but otherwise she seemed friendly enough. Glancing around the cramped space there were a large number of vials, bottles, and small cauldrons filled with concoctions of all different colors. The woman introduced herself as Jeny, and Reyna'zi asked if it was possible she might be familiar with the celestial language. Jeny confirmed, though admitted she might be a bit rusty. Reyna'zi then pulled out a small tin locket, the one that the boy, Felix, had been in possession of back at the orphanage. Reyna'zi explained that the boy had been possessed by a demon and apparently came from the locket, and she was curious what the writing inside of it said. Jeny took a look and explained that the writing was a binding spell. Apparently a cleric must have tangled with the demon at one point and was unable to defeat it, so instead bound the demon to the locket as a way to contain it. Now that the demon had been disposed of, the spell no longer had any effect. "So you've got yourself a plain old locket with some pretty writing on it!". Reyna'zi then expressed some interest in learning about poisons, and poison making. Jeny then proceeded to throw together a basket of vials and chemicals as well as some mixing tools and presented them to Reyna'zi. "That should be enough for you to get started with." Reyna'zi paid the woman for the supplies and bid farewell, then returned to meet up with the rest of her companions. Everyone regrouped back at the inn. Danika and Urwin were both pleased to see that everyone had survived the events of the morning. "We were worried when you didn't come back after you were taken to see the burgomaster." The group was treated to a round of drinks and a meal. Brom and Bray, the two young sons of Danika and Urwin, took a liking to Slata who entertained them with small puffs of smoke out of his nose. Danika just smiled and said offhandedly, "For someone so imposing, he certainly has a way with children." Since there was no one else in the tavern, the group took the opportunity to speak to Danika, knowing she could freely say whatever was on her mind. When asked about her feelings with Izek taking control of the town, she admitted it was a controversial decision, but from her point of view, she and Urwin would continue to focus on their business regardless of who was in charge. The group suggested that perhaps she and Urwin could act as advisors to Izek, giving him some insight into the overall morale of the town, since they had a good sense of the people and their opinions. Perhaps they could even offer suggestions of changes that could be made to town policies to make things better overall. Danika agreed that that would be a wonderful idea. "The sooner Izek makes changes for the better, the more likely the townsfolk will start to support him." Reyna'zi then pulled Danika aside and mentioned that she believed leaving Ireena as an advisor would be beneficial as well, at least temporarily. Being a burgomaster's daughter, she would have a better understanding of the political side of the job that Izek simply didn't have. Danika agreed that that would be an excellent idea, and promised that she and Urwin would keep an eye on Ireena for the group if they had to continue on their travels. Reyna'zi thanked Danika and made arrangements for Ireena to stay in the private room that Rictavio had vacated. "The Wachter family will provide the funding for as long as she needs it." Concerning Ireena, Kardus turned to her and asked what her plans were moving forward. Ireena said she assumed she would continue to travel with the party since using the church for safety ended up being a bust. Kardus understood, but then mentioned, "Just be aware, danger has a tendency to follow us wherever we go." Ireena nodded and got quiet after that, keeping to her own thoughts. After a bit of a meal, Ukog asked if there was any pie available. Danika mentioned there was some in the kitchen and had Urwin prepare a slice for the young monk. As Ukog ate happily, Reyna'zi purchased the rest of the pie and handed it to Kardus who proceeded to tuck it away in his belongings. They found that pie was a useful resource for keeping Ukog focused and on task. Reyna'zi then asked if Danika had any recipes for making a simple filled pastry while on the road. Danika thought for a moment then produced a recipe for making a basic dough with minimal ingredients to which any kind of filling could be added, the dough folded over, then baked over a fire. "Nothing fancy, but should be tasty enough for travel." \page
Reyna'zi then invited Ireena upstairs to discuss something with her privately. Ireena returned after a few minutes, then Reyna'zi about an hour or so later. At that point the group was discussing with Danika what she knew about Lake Zarovich, to the north. When asked about the "mad mage", she mentioned she had heard rumors of people saying that had seen an old man in robes shooting lightning bolts into the lake. "But... most of those people were drunk, so take that with a grain of salt." When asked about dangers in or around the lake, Danika said that during the day they would likely have no trouble. "The wolf hunters do a good job of keeping the areas around the town clear. At night though, who knows what you could run into out there!" She elaborated that the hunters made their living off of keeping the wolf population down. They would sell the meat and hides back to the town, and could also be hired out as guides or trackers. The group thought it might be a good idea for Izek to hire them on his payroll as potential scouts. Reyna'zi then happened to remember talk of a fisherman in the area. Danika then explained, "Oh, you mean Bluto! He's well known as the town drunk but also spends most of his days out fishing on the lake. Though recently he hasn't had much luck. He stopped by the tavern yesterday and started mumbling something about making an offering to the "fish gods" to turn his luck around. Not sure if he was just joking, or if his frustration was getting the better of him. Once I cut him off due to our wine running low, he got huffy and stormed out." As the evening grew late, Ukog remembered he had a bunch of other papers and things he had taken from the Wachter manor. The group decided to head up to Ireena's room to take a closer look at the items. Ulfhan began to skim through the letter, journal, and tome while Reyna'zi and Kardus looked through the stack of deeds. Kardus' eyes lit up when he saw what the deeds were for. It appeared they were all for properties owned by the Wachters that had been notarized by Strahd himself centuries ago. One was for the manor, but the two that caught the dwarf's attention were a logging camp and a mining quarry. "These would be extremely helpful for the town, and for us!" The group agreed and decided that they could try to convince the Wachter boys to pass ownership of these properties to the town as repayment for the damages caused by their mother. Kardus then grinned as he immediately began to sketch out ideas for inventions that these new resources could be used to build. Meanwhile, Ulfhan seemed deeply intrigued by what he was reading. First, the letter was addressed to a Lovina Wachter from a Vasili von Holtz, basically thanking her for her years of friendship. Ulfhan remembered the name Lovina as Fiona's ancestor that Ernst had mentioned earlier, but had no idea who Vasili von Holtz was. Reyna'zi and Ireena however passed glances at each other when the name was read. "Do you two recognize that name?" Ireena then retold her story about how she first met Strahd. She met him in the guise of a young noble, named Vasili von Holtz. So it was safe to assume that the same Vasili von Holtz was actually Strahd in disguise, which further cemented the Wachter family connection to Strahd. Ulfhan then skimmed through Fiona's journal. It documented her visit with Strahd, which Ernst had also mentioned, but there was an additional entry that was quite interesting. ``` ``` "It looks like Fiona met with Madam Eva as well. There she was given a prophecy that an outsider would bring about a new age in Vallaki. Their coming would cause great upheaval, and a purge like no other. Once the purge was done, the blood of the outsider would cause the sun to shine again on the town. It looks like she concluded that meant the outsider would have to be sacrificed for the good of the town." Kardus then interjected, "Wait... so she intended to kill us after the riot this morning?" Ulfhan shrugged, "It certainly seems that way." Kardus just frowned, "That's not cool." Ulfhan then moved on to the old tome. "This... is definitely interesting. It looks like this tome has some details about the nature goddesses that the wild folk, or forest folk used to worship prior to the Morninglord's presence here in Barovia. It makes a lot of mentions of "The Three Fanes" and "The Ladies Three", not sure if they mean the same thing or not. Then it describes the ladies themselves. The Seeker of the Forest Fane represents the coming of the future. The Seeker is the representative of foresight and soothsaying, peering into the future with timeless eyes. Often represented by ravens, intelligent birds who watch over the valley from on high, much as the Seeker herself watches over the future. The Seeker is described to resemble a tall, beautiful woman with dark skin that absorbs light, making her look like a moving shadow. Her eyes were a pure, sightless white without irises or pupils. Instead of hair, she has a mane of raven feathers." Ulfhan continued with the descriptions. "The Weaver of the Swamp Fane represents the remembrance of the past. The Weaver acts as a nature historian, remembering everything that the land itself remembers. The Weaver is the keeper of time within the valley. The Weaver is described as a petite, sprite-like woman with a playful air about her. Her skin is a pale yellowish-green. Her smile contains rows of razor-sharp teeth, and her hair, white like spider's silk would seemingly float around her head, as if she were constantly under water." Ulfhan then continued to the last goddess. "The Huntress of the Mountain Fane, unlike the Seeker or the Weaver, has no connection to the passage of time. The forest folk of old didn't seem to have a concept of the present, only focusing on the future and the past. The Huntress represents the dark underside of time, namely death. Death however is not synonymous with evil. The forest folk viewed death as a natural occurrence that should be accepted, and not feared. The Huntress, who is also the eldest of the Ladies, is described as being tall, athletic and muscular. Her skin is a dark gray, with long locks of white hair that drape over her shoulders much like snow coating the mountains. From her temples, two large stag antlers extend from her head." Ulfhan then thought for a few moments. "Reyna'zi, do you still have that wooden figurine we found a while back?" Reyna'zi pulled it from her pack and they all took a close look at it. Noticing the antlers, the muscular build, the long hair and the spear, the wooden figure certainly fit the description of the Huntress. By then it was getting late, and they all decided it was time to get some rest. Ireena settled into her room and locked the door for safety while the others went to their respective quarters. Kardus eagerly began tinkering on assorted projects while Ukog passed out quickly. \page
Ulfhan took a seat by the door to the room and sat in silence. Even as Kardus finally called it a night and fell asleep himself, Ulfhan remained awake. While he admittedly didn't have to sleep like the others, Ulfhan always did manage to find a sense of meditation during the night to rest his mind. Tonight however he was finding difficulty in doing so. A lot of thoughts from the past couple days were weighing down on him. The next morning, Reyna'zi woke up refreshed and was eager to see if Kardus had completed the items she had requested. She walked down the hall and peered into Kardus' room to find that Kardus and Bubbles were nowhere to be found. She then heard some odd noises coming from outside and peered out the window. There she saw Kardus taking aim at a nearby tree with a heavy crossbow. The dwarf pulled the trigger, and a bolt of purple light fired out from the weapon and blasted right through the trunk of the tree. Kardus chuckled to himself in satisfaction, "Ha! Take that vampire scum!". Reyna'zi made her way outside to meet up with him, "So, I'm guessing this is one of your new toys for yourself?" The proud artificer looked back at Reyna'zi and nodded. "Damn straight! You saw Ulfhan the other day. I can't have the lich out-doing me!" Ukog unexpectedly appeared as he leapt down from a second floor window. "Hey! What's going on?" Kardus just smiled and instructed the monk to stand by the tree and place an apple on his head. "Now hold still..." The dwarf fired another shot and the bolt passed right through the apple, making it explode all over Ukog's head. Ukog just grinned as he licked up the remains of the fruit. "Cool! Do it again!" Suddenly, Slata's voice barked from the second floor. "Will you guys keep it down! Some of us are still trying to sleep!" Startled by the interruption, Kardus accidentally pulled the trigger on his crossbow as it was pointed toward the inn. Slata ducked as the bolt ripped through the wall next to the window he was peering out of. ``` ``` Kardus stood in stunned silence as the dust cleared then quickly pointed at Ukog. "He did it!" Reyna'zi giggled and patted the dwarf on the shoulder, "I'm sure we can get the Wachter boys to pay for that." Some time later after everyone had awakened, the group made their way back to the Wachter manor. They presented the boys with the deeds they had discovered, and with some minimal convincing were able to get the logging camp and mining quarry procured for the town. Kardus then presented Izek with a few sketches he had prepared of designs for new siege weapons that could be built using the new resources. "I call it, Kardus' patented Pup-a-pult!" Izek wasn't quite sure what to make of the designs, but Ernst, who had been looking over Izek's shoulder, took ownership of the sketches. "I think I'll hang on to those. I can see what the artificer has in mind." He then gave Kardus a nod of acknowledgment. Ireena met up with Izek as well and began to formulate a plan of how to start making positive changes to the town quickly, in particular abolishing some of the former Burgomaster's more ridiculous laws. She also suggested having a meeting with the reformers who ran the reformation center to go about getting some people released who were arrested over for breaking said laws. "The faster you earn the townsfolk's trust, the sooner they will support you as their new leader." Reyna'zi then made the suggestion that for the time being Izek should refer to himself as the caretaker of the town, rather than immediately jumping to Burgomaster. Izek and Ireena agreed, as the circumstances around him taking power were far from conventional, and having a different title would be fitting. With all of their current affairs in order, the group was happy to finally move ahead on their journey. They made their way to the north gate to head to Lake Zarovich. Ulfhan mentioned there was an old weapons and supply cache hidden there from during his past life that could prove useful. \page
# Chapter 25 - An Early Birthday Gift As the group made their way out of the north gate, Slata stopped momentarily and called out to the others, "Hey... check this out!" He muttered a few words and made some hand gestures, and suddenly a giant lizard with a saddle on its back appeared next to him. It looked around curiously then flicked its tongue as it rubbed its head up against the paladin. "Everyone... this is Samira. She's my new steed!" He then gleefully hopped onto the lizard's back and proceeded to run a couple circles around the group. With her sharp claws, Samira was able to easily scale the outer wall of Vallaki. Near the top, Slata waved to the two guards on duty, much to their surprise. He then guided Samira back onto the path and picked up Ukog, then plopped him onto Samira's tail. Ukog laughed playfully as he rode the tail while it swayed back and forth. With that bit of excitement out of the way, the group proceeded to Lake Zarovich. As they approached, they were able to spot what appeared to be a small rowboat in the middle of the water. Rowing the boat was an older gentleman with an unkempt beard who was wearing old, tattered clothing. Reyna'zi called out to him to say hello. As soon as the man noticed the group was there, he began to act erratically, as if they had startled him. He stood up in the boat and began to pull up a burlap sack onto the side. He seemed to be struggling with it a bit, when suddenly an ear-piercing scream of a little girl came from the bag. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!" The man, even more startled, proceeded to kick the bag over the side of the boat and it splashed into the water. The screaming ceased. The group quickly moved into action as Slata grabbed Ukog and heaved the halfling as far as he could into the lake. Ukog then sped his way under the water and managed to grab the sack before it had sunk very far. Reyna'zi cast a "fly" spell on herself and she proceeded to leap from the shore and glided over to the boat, landing right into it. She snarled at the man who was desperately trying to row away, then pulled out her whip and proceeded to lash the man around his neck. She then carefully flew back to shore, towing the boat behind her as the man choked and wheezed, failing to pull the whip off of himself. Back on the shore, Ukog dragged the bag up onto land and Ulfhan quickly cut the bag open. Inside was a young vistani girl, her hands and ankles bound, coughing and gasping as she expelled water from her lungs. Ulfhan cut the girl free and helped her recover, letting her know that she was safe. Once she had a chance to catch her breath, the girl thanked them all for helping her and introduced herself as Arabelle. The name was familiar to them as that was the name the Vistani traveler, Arrigal, had mentioned as being his niece. When asked what had happened, she explained that she thought the man was her friend and was going to teach her how to fish, but then he tied her up and put her in the bag. Once the boat had been re-tied to the partially destroyed dock on the shore, Reyna'zi took great pleasure in bringing the man over to the group for interrogation. They demanded to know why he tried to drown Arabelle, and he replied, "Why do you care? She's Vistani, she hardly counts as a person!" Even though the group told her to stay back, Arabelle marched right up to the man and cursed him out. "May all wine turn to water in your mouth, you drunken wretch of a man!" Reyna'zi smirked, "I like her! She's got sass." Ukog followed up by walking over to add his input, "Trying to drown people isn't nice!", and he proceeded to punch the drunk in the face, knocking the man out. With the interrogation ended prematurely, the group ended up strapping the man to Samira's side, like a piece of cargo, with the intent on bringing him along with Arabelle back to her home at the nearby vistani encampment. Before leaving however, Ulfhan still wanted to check on the old supply cache that he remembered being somewhere nearby the lake. Kardus and Bubbles accompanied him while Reyna'zi had Ukog and Arabelle help her gather ingredients for pies and potions. Reyna'zi also took a moment to give Arabelle the stuffed dragon that they had purchased for her for her birthday. Arabelle was overjoyed with the toy and thanked them all, though Reyna'zi pointed out that she should thank her uncle once she got a chance as it was by his request. Slata, meanwhile, kept watch on their knocked out captive while also using the free time to do a bit of his own fishing in the lake. Ulfhan lead Kardus around the lake and began looking closely at the trees until he spotted a carving of a sun, the symbol of the morninglord. "We're getting close, should be about two hundred yards this way." Kardus then asked if the cache was protected by explosives, to which Ulfhan said no. This then instigated a lecture from Kardus about the importance of keeping ones belongings safe by always having them protected by an appropriate amount of explosives. "I would rather see my creations destroyed than in the hands of an enemy." Soon after, Ulfhan lead the way into a deep hollow hidden behind a series of bushes. Inside there was a large wooden door, though it appeared to be a bit warped. Upon closer inspection it appeared there was a piece of parchment tacked onto the door, though only a corner of it remained. Ulfhan then knelt down and began to brush away the dirt from the ground. He explained that there was a hidden compartment used for delivering and receiving items from the cache without needing access to the main room. As he brushed away the soil, he found the rest of the parchment which must have fallen at some point. Written on the parchment was a message, one that made Ulfhan's heart sink. "To any who discover this place, please know this now serves as a resting place and memorial to the brave souls who took a stand against tyranny and ultimately failed.  While they were corrupted by evil in life, may the cleansing fires in the name of the morninglord allow their souls to find peace." Now even more determined to get into the cache, Ulfhan took his halberd and swung it at the door, carving out enough of a hole to reach in and unlock the door from the inside. Even with this effort, the door was still difficult to budge as it had swollen into the frame. Ulfhan asked Kardus from some assistance and with some extra leverage from his mechanical arm, Kardus was able to get the door to swing open. \page
What they found inside however was not what Ulfhan had been expecting. There were no racks of weapons, or chests of equipment. Instead all that remained was a pile of ashes and bones. Ulfhan just shook his head in disbelief. "I... I need to get out of here." Ulfhan turned to leave while requesting that Kardus take a look around for anything he could find. Kardus stooped down to take a closer look at the pile of ashes. He found a bit of intact jawbone that appeared to have long fangs for canines. The dwarf just sighed and nodded as he muttered, "vampire spawn" to himself. He guessed that some of the Barovians involved in the resistance that Ulfhan was a part of were turned by Strahd, and they ended up getting trapped and burned to death inside the cache. Digging through the ashes, Kardus did come across something of value. He discovered a partially melted golden medallion with two sapphires embedded in it. He smiled as he pocketed the jewelry, thinking he might have some use for it. Kardus then took a few minutes to perform a ritual to detect magic. With that he was able to sense something magical coming from the corner of the room. Upon further investigation he found an satchel that had been mostly buried. Inside it contained some healing potions, vials of holy water, as well as a couple spell scrolls. Within the hidden compartment outside of the main door, Kardus found a prayer book and a wooden holy symbol of the morninglord. Back outside, Kardus showed Ulfhan his findings, including the "Religious mumbo jumbo". Ulfhan kindly asked to hang on to the prayer book and the symbol for the time being. Seeing that his companion was upset, Kardus put an arm over Ulfhan's shoulder and asked, "So... what did we learn today?" Ulfhan grumbled, clearly put off by the question. "That things are hopeless and Strahd is going to destroy us all?" Kardus shook his head, "No...", then proceeded to make a small explosion like motion with his hands. Ulfhan sighed as his brow furrowed, "We should protect our belongings with explosives like you said." Kardus then patted Ulfhan on the back, "Atta boy!" Once everyone regrouped, they began to head off toward the vistani encampment. Ulfhan walked in silence, and it was clear to everyone that something was bothering him. Samira nuzzled up next to him as they walked. Ulfhan managed to return the affection with a soft pat on her head. "Thanks... giant lizard...thing." Reyna'zi whispered quietly to Kardus to ask about what had happened, and he explained how the cache wasn't all it was cracked up to be and Ulfhan seemed out of sorts ever since. Suddenly, Arabelle pointed across the lake and shouted, "Look, the mad mage!" Everyone turned just in time to see a large elk getting a drink from the lake. It then turned away and bounded back into the woods leading up to mountains. Arabelle explained that she wasn't really sure if it was truly the mad mage, she had just heard that he would transform himself into an elk to avoid being bothered. As the afternoon became evening, the group approached the encampment. Through the woods on the western side of Vallaki, there was a small hill. Around the base of the hill were a number of small structures, while on top was a circle of colorful wagons. Arabelle pointed to the top of the hill and said that was her home. As they made their way up, they passed a few individuals dressed in dark cloaks, watching silently from the doorways of the structures at the base of the hill. ``` ``` They didn't seem hostile, so Slata greeted them a wave as they passed by. Once at the top of the hill, Arabelle rushed into the camp shouting "Daddy! Daddy!, I'm back!" A large man with a scraggly looking beard rushed out from one of the tents and immediately ran toward Arabelle, scooping her up into his arms and hugging her close. The man later introduced himself as Luvash, Arabelle's father and brother to Arrigal. Once Arabelle recounted the whole incident at the lake, Luvash gave each member of the group a big hug and a kiss on each cheek, thanking them dearly for rescuing his daughter. "I had everyone looking for her and I am grateful that she is okay. From here on, you all are family! Please, make yourselves at home and let me know if there is anything you need!" Arrigal appeared from the tent as well and nodded to the group with a wide smile. Arabelle rushed up to hug her uncle and showed off her new dragon toy. Arrigal seemed pleased and requested Arabelle to go play for a bit, as he and her father had to discuss some matters with the newcomers. By then, the man who had attempted to drown Arabelle was waking up. Arrigal and a group of vistani men took him and dragged him off into a tent for interrogation. Judging by the look on Arrigal's face, it was clear the man would not leave the tent alive. Afterward, Arrigal returned to the group and shared what information he was able to get. The man's name was Bluto, and he apparently believed that he could turn his luck around by making a human sacrifice to the fish gods of the lake. Luvash once again thanked the group and insisted they be rewarded. They tried to decline, "We just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Anyone else would have done the same." Luvash became serious for a moment and with complete sincerity uttered, "No, they wouldn't have. All those people in that town over there would not have lifted a finger to help my daughter. Even less likely once they knew who she was!" While the group felt it was harsh to believe that no one in Vallaki would have been helpful, it was clear that the racial tension between the vistani and barovians had taken its toll. Reyna'zi then assured Luvash and Arrigal that Vallaki was going to change for the better, and perhaps relations between the two groups could improve. The brothers seemed open to the idea but were also cautious. Insisting on giving the group a proper reward for their deeds, Luvash guided them over to a large covered wagon. He threw back a tarp, and inside there were all manner of chests, boxes and assorted items. There even appeared to be a decorative throne sitting in the back. "This, my friends, is our treasure wagon. It contains valuables and unique items we've acquired and traded for over time. Please, pick something you like and it is yours!" Kardus took a few minutes to perform a ritual to detect magic and was able to determine that the only magical item in the wagon appeared to be something inside of a rolled up rug. The group decided to take the rug, and Luvash had it pulled from the wagon and tied to Samira for travel. The group then took a few moments to speak to Arrigal, catching him up on what had happened during their time in Vallaki. When asked about the cloaked individuals at the base of the hill, he explained that they were a colony of dusk elves. "They're said to be the oldest living folks in barovia. They're quiet and keep to themselves, but they're friendly enough." This peaked the group's interest in paying a visit. \page
# Chapter 26 - A Time Before Strahd While Slata was busy cooking the fish he had caught earlier over a fire, Ulfhan lead the others down to the base of the hill to speak with the dusk elves. They found a few of the cloaked elves congregated around one of the structures and introduced themselves. One disappeared into the doorway and returned shortly after. "You may speak with Kasimir if you desire." The elves moved away from the door and allowed the group entry. Once inside, they noticed it was a small but cozy looking home. There were a number of alcoves containing carvings of assorted elvish deities, as well as a large tapestry with forest symbology hanging over one wall. Sitting in a chair by the fireplace was another hooded figure of an elf. "I apologize I don't have much in the way of seating, but please make yourselves comfortable." The group chose to either sit on the floor or stand. Ulfhan then opened the discussion by introducing the group, saying they were just passing through and wished to talk. Kasimir seemed willing to answer any questions the group may have. When asked how long the dusk elves had been in Barovia, Kasimir explained they had been there for over seven hundred years. "We were forced to settle here even before Strahd had fully conquered the land." Ulfhan, full of curiosity asked, "Was Barovia different then than it is now?" Kasimir confirmed that there was a time when the sun did shine, and the valley went through the normal cycle of seasons. "It wasn't until after Strahd became the monster that he is today that Barovia became the dreary land that it is now." Ulfhan followed up with questions concerning the nature goddesses of the wild folk. Kasimir admitted he wasn't too familiar with them as the dusk elves had their own deities they worshiped, but he was aware that the people of the valley did worship nature goddesses until after Strahd conquered the land. "Then the morninglord was introduced and became the predominant religion of the land." Ulfhan was admittedly surprised that it was due to Strahd that the words of the morninglord had reached the land of Barovia. When asked to learn more about the dusk elves themselves, Kasimir explained that they used to have a vast empire in another land, but Strahd's father, King Barov, ended up expanding his power and ultimately defeated the dusk elves and subjugated their people. When asked about Rahadin, Strahd's servant, Kasimir scowled. "That one turned traitor during the war against king Barov. He is a key reason why we fell so easily." Reyna'zi asked curiously if Strahd himself had hurt the dusk elves at all, beyond just continuing what his father had established. Kasimir gave her a hard stare and pulled back the hood of his cloak, revealing that one of his ears was missing. "King Barov simply brought us under his rule. Strahd has ensured that our people will be eradicated. This small community you see here is all that remains of our kind...and all that ever will be." Everyone grew quiet as Kasimir's implication sank in. They noticed that of all the elves they had seen, none of them were women. Slata, after having wandered around the vistani camp for a bit ``` ``` trying to find where everyone had gone, finally caught up and poked his head into the building and joined the others. The conversation continued as the group asked a bit more about how Strahd came into power. Kasimir explained that Strahd was leading his father's armies against one of their remaining enemies, the Order of the Silver Dragon. "The Order's stronghold was based in this valley, and Strahd managed to drive them back here with the intention of wiping them out. While it was a fierce fight, Strahd's forces succeeded in defeating the Order and laid claim to the land. Strahd then named the valley "Barovia", after his father, and established control. Strahd was always a tyrant, but it was a number of years later that he became the devil that he is now." When asked if he had any knowledge on how Strahd became what he is, Kasimir had no answer. Slata expressed curiosity in learning more about the Order of the Silver dragon. Kasimir suggested they could investigate the old stronghold, which was currently in ruins but still stood overlooking a cliff to the south. Kasimir then asked a question of his own. "You all sound like you plan on trying to fight Strahd. What makes you think you can succeed where so many others have failed?" Kardus admitted that they wouldn't know unless they tried, and whatever the outcome will be will be. Reyna'zi then added that she was used to her people being oppressed and persecuted, and to see so many different groups of people, not just a single race but an entire land's worth of inhabitants being oppressed by a single person, she couldn't just stand by and allow it to continue. Seeming to be pleased by their answer, Kasimir then continued. "Then what if I was to say that, hypothetically, if you were able to slay Strahd... that you will not have been the first to do so?" Ulfhan glanced at the others a bit confused. "Wait... so you're saying others have been successful?" Kasimir nodded. "It was many centuries ago, but there have been a few occasions of outsiders, like yourselves, coming to Barovia and successfully killing Strahd." With this new revelation, the group of course asked what happened after. Kasimir explained, "The clouds went away, the mists receded, and peace returned to Barovia... for a time. Then within days... maybe weeks, the mists would return, the clouds would return... and Strahd himself, would also return." Ulfhan sighed in despair and shook his head. "So... are you saying it is impossible to defeat Strahd for good then?" Kasimir shook his head. "I wouldn't say it is impossible, but I will say it is going to take more than simply killing the devil to put him down permanently. I believe there is a greater power at work here, but the nature of it I am not aware." Seeing the doubt cross all of their faces, Kasimir continued, "I do however have an idea as to where we may learn the answers to our questions, though it is a gamble. I know in the mountains to the south, there lies the amber temple. It was built as an archive and is said to hold many secrets to forbidden knowledge. Some believe that is where Strahd gained the power he wields now. I'm thinking perhaps the secrets to destroying him may exist there as well, among other things. \page
I've wanted to pay a visit there myself, but the trek there is not an easy one, and going alone is a fool's endeavor." Reyna'zi and Ulfhan then both recalled the tarokka reading they received from Madam Eva. One of the readings mentioned "Start in an amber palace of darkness". Kardus then inquired, "When you say it is not an easy journey, do you mean it as in "Ow, my legs hurt", or "I might get eaten by a beholder" kind of difficulty?" Kasimir seemed puzzled for a moment, then shrugged. "Both, I guess." Everyone stared at Kardus in stunned silence to which he responded, "What? My uncle Charlie was eaten by a beholder... bad way to go." Ulfhan then explained how it may be some time before they make the trip, the group would likely make a point of going to the temple. Kasimir then requested if he could accompany the group whenever they decided to go. "I believe we all could learn many things from that temple, though my goals may differ from yours." When asked what he meant by that, Kasimir explained that he hoped the temple may hold the secret to truly resurrect someone from the dead. When asked why he was curious in learning such a power, Kasimir recounted another story. "Many centuries ago, my sister, Patrina, actually courted Strahd for a time. Her intention was to become his bride, outlive him, then use her position of power to help restore our people to some of our former glory. However when Strahd turned into the devil, he began to corrupt her mind and wished to turn her into a monster like him. We did the only thing we could do to save her from herself." Kasimir grew quiet as if he was recalling a horrible memory. "We ended her life, and that is what brought Strahd's wrath upon us. That incident is why there are so few of us left. He made sure to leave some of us alive with no chance of repopulating to ensure we would have plenty of time to regret. Recently I have had dreams of my sister's spirit calling out to me. She is trapped within the crypts of Ravenloft. I wish to be able to free her, perhaps even bring her back, for the good of our people." Kardus expressed his concern about bringing someone with ambitions of power back from the dead, worried they all may end up swapping one tyrant for another, but he let the thought go for now as it wasn't an immediate threat. After having learned much from the old elf, the group said their goodbyes and made their way back up to the vistani encampment for some dinner. Kardus approached Luvash and asked, "Hey, any chance in your trading you may have something to drink besides wine? Like maybe some good old dwarven ale?" Luvash thought for a moment and disappeared into one of the wagons. He returned shortly after with a small cask of ale. Kardus actually recognized the name and vintage and was overjoyed to crack it open. "Thank you very much! A good old taste of home." Kardus then encouraged Ulfhan to have some, forcing a mug into his hand. Ulfhan hesitated for a moment, but then went along with it. "Of course! It has been so long since I've tasted excellent dwarven ale..." Ulfhan took a swig and tried his best not to vomit from the unfamiliar flavor. He then forced himself to swallow and put down his mug down. "It...uh...it's good... good stuff." Kardus just chuckled, "More for me then! Ha ha!". Feeling a bit jolly after having a drink, Kardus decided to take a closer look at the rug he had acquired from the treasure wagon. He unrolled it with a snap of his wrist, and something came tumbling out from the rug. It appeared to be a puppet, dressed like a court Jester, and it was doing repeated cartwheels before coming to a stop with its hands up in the air, as if it was saying "Ta da!". Kardus, Bubbles, and Ukog all clapped at the display, to which the puppet then bowed. Kardus was highly intrigued, "Well I'll be... this little guy looks like a construct of some kind." The dwarf took a close inspection of the puppet as it too stared back at him with beady read eyes. Ulfhan just smirked and said, "Wow, what a great reward you picked out for us, Kardus.", dripping with sarcasm. The puppet then looked over at Ulfhan, walked up to him, then proceeded to kick the dwarf in the shin. Kardus chuckled then asked the puppet some questions to find out what it was capable of. He quickly learned that it seemed to understand common, but could not speak or write. The puppet instead would communicate through hand gestures and actions. "Can you fight?" Kardus asked. The puppet then proceeded to kick Ulfhan in the opposite shin, much to Ulfhan's dismay. Kardus then asked the puppet if it had a name, to which it replied "yes", but it had no way to communicate what it was. "We'll just have to name you then!" After everyone in the group who cared to offered a suggestion, the puppet seemed to like the name "Chucky". Ukog asked if Chucky wanted to be his friend, to which the puppet nodded and ran up to hug the halfling. Ulfhan then grumbled, "Alright... he can tag along with us for now, but I'm gonna keep a close eye on it. The puppet seemed to overhear that as he stared back at Ulfhan, and proceeded to point to both of his own eyes then back at Ulfhan to indicate, "I'll be watching you too!" \page
As the group started to settle in for the evening, Reyna'zi asked, "Would you guys be willing to help me with something?" Reyna'zi then went on to explain how she had managed to read the fist part of the Tome of Strahd. "It was strange, it was like I was taken back to a moment in time, and I was able to speak to Strahd when he was a young boy... well, not actually Strahd... but I guess a memory of him of sorts. It seemed like he could understand me and react to me, but I'm not sure what, if anything he would have retained." When asked what she learned from it, Reyna'zi mentioned that apparently Strahd was worried as a young boy that he might not live up to his father's expectations. "His father seemed quite strict and expected a lot of his son. Strahd seemed to have a stronger connection to his mother who seemed to offer more praise than his father. He also was apparently expecting a baby brother soon that his mom said he would need to teach everything he knew to." Reyna'zi then explained how right after that she re-appeared in her room, unaware of how much time had passed. The others said it could not have been more than an hour or so because Reyna'zi returned to dinner before anyone could get worried about her. Getting back to what she needed help with, Reyna'zi asked if someone could assist her with deciphering the next chapter, as she had already attempted it the night before and failed. Kardus, while not being as advanced in true arcana was willing to help the sorceress out. After spending the next four hours or so studying the tome, suddenly the words on the pages began to transform into common. "Guys! It's happening!" Reyna'zi alerted. The pages then fluttered open to the center of the book as mist began to billow out from the pages. Soon everyone inside the tent was engulfed in the mist. Ulfhan shouted that he didn't like the look of this, but his words fell silent. No noise could be heard except the deep sound of Strahd, narrating. "I was the warrior, I was good and just. I thundered across the land like the wrath of a just god..." The mists then faded, and the group found themselves standing inside of a large tent. In the center of the tent was an enormous table with a scale model of the map of Barovia built into it. The peaks of the mountains stretched nearly five feet above the table while the valleys sunk low into it. To their left, they saw the familiar figure of Rahadin, the dusk elf that served Strahd. To their right was Strahd himself, though he appeared different. He was less pale, and looked significantly younger. He was wearing scarlet armor adorned with angelic golden feathers etched in gold leaf. Strahd then gestured across the table, "Commander Gwilym, the table is yours." On the opposite side of the table, a young woman clad in plate armor with blonde hair, named Aleksandra Gwilym, addressed the group. "It has been a long time coming, but we've finally managed to drive the enemy back to their main fortress, located on top of this hill, on a cliff overlooking the valley. The Order of the Silver Dragon are proud, and they would rather face us in battle than wait for us to starve them out. At the base of the hill, where we are now, is the village of Zmei. The people here are all commoners and will not stand in our way, and we will do what we can to protect them. Lord General Strahd will hold the rear of our forces from the village. Commander Rahadin will hold the base of the hill and watch the treeline to ensure we are not routed. I will lead our main force up the hill, challenging their remaining forces directly. Any questions?" Still a bit confused, the group glanced around at each other. The only question they could ask was, "Um... where will we be during the battle?" The woman replied, "You lietenants have been given the honor of choosing whom you wish to follow." With no further questions, the conversational chatter of the camp built to a roar. The group blinked they were suddenly all standing amid a quaint farming village, many of its buildings wreathed in flame. Dozens of soldiers adorned with ravens were locked in combat against knights in silver and blue armor. Strahd sat atop a stocky, black mare, pointed his blade forward, and shouted 'Advance!' As he did so, a javelin struck his side and he was knocked to the ground. Ahead of the group, they could see Rahadin and Aleksandra galloping off toward their posts, unaware that their lord has fallen. The group decided to join Aleksandra on her charge toward the front line and left Strahd to his fate. On their march up the hill, Ulfhan expressed his displeasure with the idea of who they were apparently going to be fighting for. Reyna'zi tried to re-assure him. "I know this seems strange, but I get the feeling that once we are done with this battle that things will proceed. Don't look at this as doing something right or wrong, instead I think we are supposed to absorb as much information as we can. That being said, we need to treat this fight as a real battle, because I don't know what might happen if we die here." Ulfhan nodded though did not have a good feeling about what was to come. \page
# Chapter 27 - Battle of Argynvostholt The group continued to follow Aleksandra and the rest of her forces up the hill. As they neared the peak, they could see a mass of troops that made up the opposing side. Soldiers dressed in gleaming silver and blue armor, and leading them was a man with flowing blonde hair. Aleksandra halted her approach and addressed the man. "Why am I not surprised to see you here Godfrey? Surrender now and I may be able to spare your life." Godfrey then replied, "You know I can't do that. Our cause is just, and even if we are to be destroyed here, the Order will fight to the last." Listening to the conversation, it became clear that Aleksandra and the opposing commander, Godfrey, were siblings, caught on opposite sides of the war. Aleksandra sounded the charge and both masses of soldiers converged. Knights clashed all around them as the group kept close to Aleksandra while she beelined directly to the enemy commander. Reyna'zi muttered a quick instruction to her companions, "Try to restrain Aleksandra, I want to talk to Godfrey if possible." Ulfhan nodded while Kardus shot a confused glare toward the sorceress. Slata just shrugged, "Whatever you say..." while Ukog seemed a bit lost, "What are we doing?" Reyna'zi then sighed in frustration, "You see that woman there?", as she pointed to Aleksandra, "... I'll make you pie if you attack her." Ukog seemed puzzled, "The woman we're charging with?". The halfling then glanced to Kardus who overruled, "You'll get pie if you attack the blonde guy on the other side!" Reyna'zi gave Kardus a cold stare while Ukog started to feel even more confused with the conflicting information. Looking for one last opinion on what to do, the monk looked to Ulfhan. Ulfhan just said, "Attack the woman, and we'll see what happens." Aleksandra charged Godfrey as he raised his blade which began to emit a gentle glow. Their swords met and a shock wave echoed across the hill, nearly knocking Aleksandra off her feet, but she stood firm. Ulfhan and Ukog then began to bombard Aleksandra with attacks from behind, much to her confusion. "What are you doing?! Traitors!" Unfortunately most of the Order's troops could not see that Aleksandra's followers had begun to turn on her as they began to move in on the group, stabbing at them with their spears. Slata got winged by one, to which he retaliated harshly with a slash across the man's chest, dropping him to the ground. Kardus backed away from the main fight and wondered to himself just what might be possible inside this strange book world. He put his hands up in the air and shouted, "Come to me, giant magical crossbow!" A few of the surrounding soldiers paused and watched the odd display as Kardus waited a few moments, and nothing happened. "Oh well, so much for that then. Guess we can't summon anything we want." Seeing the chaotic mess in front of her, Reyna'zi then cast darkness which enveloped Aleksandra, Godfrey, and most of the group. She then shouted, "Stop this fighting at once!" Suddenly, a small orb of light appeared in the middle of the darkness and then quickly expanded, till the bubble of darkness was completely gone. The light came from Godfrey who appeared to have dispelled the effect. "Who gave that order?!" he shouted, to which Reyna'zi gave him a quick wave. Aleksandra, angered by the apparent betrayal of her own men, swung wildly with her sword and beheaded one of Godfrey's troops. Slata, now remembering who he was supposed to be attacking, picked up the body of the soldier he had just killed and proceeded to smash him into Aleksandra's back twice, before letting the soldier's body drop back to the ground into a heap. Another member of the Order seemed to be taking Reyna'zi's words to heart and took a defensive stance and slowly backed away from the group. Ukog, caught up in the moment, proceeded to punch the man since he had tried to stab the monk with his spear earlier. Seeing that her plan was starting to fall apart, Reyna'zi just shook her head and cast fly, raising herself high up into the air, "That's it, you guys do whatever you want. I don't care any more." Ukog looked up to her and asked innocently, "I still get pie, right?" Reyna'zi glared down at him and shouted, "NO! There will be no pie!" Ukog looked visibly hurt as he shouted back in a deep, depressed sounding voice. "I'm very disappointed in you, nosy... just like your parents." Reyna'zi barked back, "My parents are dead, you idiot!" The monk retorted, "They died because of their massive disappointment!" Ulfhan groaned, realizing Ukog had once again changed personalities, and he had heard this tone of voice once before. Despite all of the chaos, Godfrey was curious about this enemy soldier who was calling for the fighting to stop. He then shouted, "Everyone, stand down!" His men remained cautious, but began to back away from the group. Ukog was hearing none of it however as he prepared to make another attack. Kardus then rushed up behind Ukog and attempted to grapple him, "C'mon kid, time to calm down!" Reyna'zi then landed near Godfrey and was about to speak, but suddenly the entire battlefield was silenced by the sounds of loud booming and a thunderous roar coming from the fortress at the top of the hill. Everyone watched as an enormous dragon appeared, it's silver wings gleaming in the sunlight. Kardus was overcome with excitement to see a real life dragon as new design ideas immediately flooded his mind. Then, the mists began to surround the group once more, indicating that this chapter was coming to an end. Reyna'zi quickly shouted to Godfrey, "Listen to me! Your leader is going to be destroyed! Have him flee!" Godfrey gave her a look as if her words got through, but suddenly the mists obscured her view. The narration of Strahd's voice then overtook them all, "...but the war years and the killing years wore down my soul as the wind wears stone into sand." As the mists receded, everyone was back in the vistani camp. Reyna'zi watched as the words of the chapter fell into place on the pages in the tome, and a new spell began to appear. The ritual spell, "Unseen Servant" was added within the tome. Everyone glanced at each other, looking for confirmation that what they just witnessed actually happened. Ukog, still in his deeper voice, hopped up onto Reyna'zi's shoulders. "Make my pie, woman!" He then punched her in the back of the head. Reyna'zi growled, but agreed to do so, just to make the monk stop. Ukog however continued to punch her until suddenly Reyna'zi fell to the ground, unconscious. \page
"Serves her right!" Ukog grumbled. Kardus approached cautiously. "Uh, kid, that wasn't cool!" Slata, in an attempt to distract Ukog, asked him if he wanted to go into the camp and see if they could find some pie, or at least get some more ingredients. Ukog agreed and they both left to explore the camp. Ulfhan shook his head, "This is getting to be a bigger problem." Kardus nodded in agreement as he extended his mechanical arm, and a green foam-like substance suddenly spurted out from it, covering Reyna'zi. She then coughed as she regained consciousness. "What happened... and what am I covered in?" she asked in disgust. "Patented healing wounds foam... though I wouldn't let it stay on your skin for very long", Kardus warned as he put on a glove before wiping off the end of his arm. Reyna'zi sighed and proceeded to leave the tent. "I'm going to go find somewhere to wash up..." her voice trailed off. A few minutes away from the encampment, Reyna'zi managed to find a small stream. It wasn't deep enough to fully dip into, but was enough to wash up in anyway. She disrobed and began to wash herself off, not only the green chemical she was sprayed with, but the stress of the day as well. Suddenly she heard a "psst" come from the woods nearby. "Hello?... Who's there?!" she asked. She then looked on in surprise as between two trees, the form of a young man seemed to appear out of nothing. It was Victor Vallakovich, though he looked a bit worse for wear. After a quick catch up, she learned he had used his teleportation circle to escape from the angry mob that attacked the manor. He didn't know where the circle would take him, and it ended up dropping him into the middle of Lake Zarovich. He then spent the next day and a half trying to keep an eye out for Reyna'zi and her companions since she invited him to travel with them. Though, being from a noble family, "roughing it" in the woods wasn't exactly his forte. ``` ``` Reyna'zi then invited Victor to get washed up as well, being kind to give the boy privacy, though she didn't mind if he glanced at her naked form from time to time. Reyna'zi then gave Victor an update as to what was going on, including that both of his parents had been killed in the riot and the town was now under control of Izek with guidance from Ireena. Victor seemed apathetic to the whole situation and didn't even flinch when she mentioned his parents were gone. Shortly after, they made their way back to the camp, though Reyna'zi suggested Victor try to keep a low profile. She wasn't sure how the vistani might react to the son of the baron who openly alienated their kind. Once they got back to the tent, Reyna'zi introduced Victor to Ulfhan and Kardus. "This is Victor, he's going to be joining us." Kardus' brow furrowed, "I don't recall making that vote, lass." Reyna'zi shrugged. "There is no vote. I'll be taking responsibility for him." Victor attempted to make a formal introduction, shaking Ulfhan's hand. "And... your name is?" he asked to Kardus. The dwarf just grumbled, "None of your damn business, kid." He then stomped off out of the tent. Reyna'zi tried to reassure the boy, "Don't mind him. He's a little eccentric." Ulfhan then asked Victor a bit about why he wanted to leave Vallaki and travel with them. Victor explained, "I hated my family... hated the town... and I just want to be anywhere but there. Miss Reyna'zi seemed to give me that option, so I took it." Ulfhan seemed apprehensive, but agreed, "Well, luckily anywhere but Vallaki is exactly where we're going." Later on, Slata and Ukog returned with more pie ingredients, and Ukog seemed to be back to his normal self. Ulfhan tried asking the monk some questions to see what he could and could not remember, and once again it seemed he had no recollection of anything he had done when his personality switched. Ulfhan sat back and pondered on this line of thinking some more, and saw Reyna'zi was equally in deep thought, though it was likely for different reasons... \page
# Chapter 28 - The Mad Mage Later that night, as the group settled in to sleep, Reyna'zi waited patiently, pretending to rest herself until she knew the others were sleeping soundly. She then awoke Victor and motioned for him to follow her quietly out of the tent. Ulfhan, who had taken up position by the entrance and had no need to sleep, watched the two curiously. Reyna'zi motioned for him to follow as well. Once outside they were able to speak in hushed whispers. "Care to tell me what's going on?" Ulfhan asked curiously. Reyna'zi then explained that due to the events of the past day, she felt a very low level of trust with the rest of the group. "I don't know what's wrong with Ukog, but the fact he was able to attack me with little to no remorse and has no memory of it, the fact Slata did nothing but stand by as Ukog continued to hit me, and to top everything off, Kardus snubbing me and Victor when I came back... it's too much for me right now... I need some time away to think things through." Ulfhan acknowledged that Ukog's behavior was a continuing problem and concern, but also pointed out that Kardus had a tendency to snub everyone at times. "Regardless, I don't think splitting the party right now is the best thing to do. We both know it is dangerous out there." Reyna'zi acknowledged Ulfhan's concern, but explained how all she intended to do was to go investigate the situation at the winery. "With some luck it should be a simple matter to resolve and we can get the wine shipments going again. In the meantime, you guys do whatever you see fit, and we can meet back up in a few days. By then I think I'll have worked through the feelings I'm having right now." Ulfhan still felt apprehensive, but accepted that Reyna'zi was going to do what she thought was necessary. "To be honest, part of me wants to join with you." Reyna'zi however quickly retorted, "No... the others need you. You're the sane one that is keeping them on track towards our ultimate goal." Ulfhan and Reyna'zi then bid each other farewell, and agreed to meet back up at the crossroads near Krezk in roughly three days. The next morning, Ulfhan relayed the information to the others. Kardus shook his head, "She took Victor with her, huh? Not the smartest decision if you ask me." The dwarf then explained that he used his sending stone the previous night to get a message to Ernst to ask the former work staff for the burgomaster in Vallaki if they had any information about Victor. "Ernst responded and apparently the maid said some of the other servants would go missing once they got too close to Victor... It wouldn't surprise me if the next time we find Reyna'zi she's just flayed open somewhere. But she made her judgment call." With time starting to tick away, the group decided to head back to Lake Zarovich and explore the base of the mountains to see if there was any truth to the rumors of the "Mad Mage" residing there. When they got to the lake, Kardus hopped in to the rowboat that Bluto had used the previous day. "Seems sea-worthy enough!" Slata and Ukog decided to cross the lake riding Samira, Slata's giant lizard steed, while Ulfhan and Bubbles carefully boarded the rowboat. ``` ``` The boat sank a few inches as Bubbles stepped into it. "Uh... this should be fine... I think..." Kardus said with cautious optimism. Thankfully the boat remained afloat as they crossed to the opposite shore. Once at the base of the mountain, they all began to follow the only path that was available. It was a steady incline up into a twisting canyon up the mountainside. They climbed slowly, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary. As they began to approach a fork in the path, high up on the canyon wall, they spotted what appeared to be an old man with wild hair and a scraggly beard wearing ragged gray robes. The man waved what appeared to be a small tree branch at them, as if it was a staff, and he began to shout "You can tell that devil of yours that he will not get me so easily! You should have stayed in bed today!" The mage then began to mutter some magical incantation. The group quickly began to take cover behind stone outcroppings, shouting to the man that they weren't allied with the devil and actually wanted his help, but the mage didn't seem to pay them much attention. Ukog rushed to the canyon wall and climbed up to the man and proceeded to try to hug him, in an attempt to show they meant no harm. Just as Ukog's arms were about to wrap around the man, the mage suddenly vanished, leaving Ukog hugging himself. They all glanced around wondering where the man had gone to, until Ulfhan heard a noise overhead. He glanced up just in time to see the mage, hovering twenty feet over them, his hands primed in an attack posture with a blue glowing energy. The mage sneered and shouted, "TAKE THIS, MINIONS!" Suddenly, Ulfhan, Slata and Samira were engulfed in a massive blast of ice and cold. Ulfhan managed to brace himself, withstanding the attack. Unfortunately Slata fell to the ground, his scales covered in frost as Samira appeared to be frozen solid into ice. Ulfhan used a healing potion to get Slata back to his feet, while Kardus took aim with his crossbow, using a nearby rock for stability and managed to get a few direct hits on the mage, knocking him out of the sky. Slata, after shaking off the chill, rushed to try to catch the mage as he fell, but unfortunately missed as the man crashed to the ground. Ukog then leapt down off the wall and tried talk to the mage, but seeing that he was still acting aggressively, Ukog proceeded to punch the man repeatedly until he was knocked out. Ulfhan then quickly restrained the mage, tying his hands with rope. With the apparent "Mad Mage" in their custody, the group agreed that he must have had shelter of some sort somewhere nearby. They continued following the path up the mountain, and it wasn't long before they came across an unexpected sight. They saw a large mansion, looking very out of place sitting inside a wide area of the canyon. The mansion itself was well-lit and seemed to be flickering in and out of existence as they watched it. They all then decided to take a short rest as Ulfhan went to work waking up the mage. They thought it would be for the best to try to speak to the man before exploring the odd, clearly magical, mansion. \page
# Chapter 29 - The Magnificent Mansion Kardus, Slata and Ukog all stared at the mansion in awe. "Quite a fine piece of work to see out here." Kardus commented. Ukog looked up at the dwarf with a smile. "Can you make me one?" Kardus just chuckled, "Sure... just give me nine days." Meanwhile, Ulfhan proceeded to shake the Mad Mage in an attempt to wake him up. "Ah! Get away you fiends!" the mage shouted as he began to struggle against his restraints. Ulfhan tried to calm the man down but he seemed too preoccupied with attempting to escape. "You think simple ropes can hold me?!" The mage continued to struggle for a few moments, making no progress, then sighed and stared at Ulfhan suspiciously. "You win this round..." Ulfhan continued to try to convince the mage that they were friends and willing to help, but the mage either refused to listen or spouted off nonsense. When Ulfhan mentioned Strahd, the mage seemed to get more distraught, muttering "Hopeless, impossible, no escape..." The group agreed they weren't going to get anywhere with the mage in this state. While Ulfhan discussed with Slata and Kardus what they should do next, Ukog has already started making his way toward the mansion. Noticing the halfling had wandered off, the others quickly followed. Kardus took the mage and hung him to Bubble's back, draping his restrained arms around Bubbles' neck for support. "Unhand me you...oh... a metallic fiend....this feels rather nice actually... cool to the touch." Kardus just smirked as the mage rambled on. Upon entering the main door of the mansion, the group found themselves in a grand hallway. Floating orbs of light illuminated the room, while a large red rug ran the length of the hall. There were two doors on the west wall, one on the east, as well as another on the northern end of the hall that appeared to be covered over by a brick wall. Kardus instructed Bubbles to knock through the wall, which the construct did with relative ease, revealing the door behind it. The door was highly secure, with four individual locks on it. Kardus then patted Ukog on the shoulder, "Do your thing, kid!" Ukog smiled as he pulled out his set of thieves' tools. "I'm gonna put the tool in the hole!" Ukog then attempted each lock, but was unable to pick any of them. "It's not working". Kardus just shook his head in disappointment. "Now's not the time to fail to perform." Ukog then tried punching the door, but as he did so his fist seemed to be blocked by a force field of energy that lit up as he connected with it. Deciding to move on and leave the locked door for the time being, the group made their way through one of the western doors which lead down another corridor with three additional doors at the end. One room appeared to be a stairwell leading up over one hundred feet to the next floor. They decided it would be best to finish exploring the first floor before climbing higher. Peering into the next room they discovered a pentagram carved into the floor. As they tried to investigate further, Strahd von Zarovich suddenly appeared inside the pentagram. It startled the group for a moment, putting them on guard, but once they realized that the dark lord didn't appear to be moving, they realized it was an illusion. Slata walked up to the image and it faded away. "Why would the mage want to see an image of Strahd?" asked the Paladin. The others thought perhaps he was trying to study his enemy. Moving on to the next room, the group discovered three large statues depicting monstrous looking beasts with sharp claws and fangs. The statues were arranged in a triangular formation. As the group entered the room another illusion appeared, this time of a bald, middle-aged man with a well-trimmed goatee wearing gray robes. The man shouted, "You shall never defeat me, fiend!" as a bolt of lightning shot from his fingers and hit the center statue directly in the chest. The illusion of the man then vanished. Suddenly, the statues all began to move, turning toward the group and preparing to attack. Kardus moved in to engage one of the statues, smashing it with his mace as it retaliated with a couple swipes of its claws, which Bubbles was able to deflect before they could meet their mark. Ukog rushed toward the statue that was hit with lightning previously and was able to quickly dispatch it with a flurry of punches and kicks. Slata drew his swords which began to glow with magical energy as he slashed at the statues, leaving deep gashes wherever he struck. Ulfhan lunged in with his spear to make a direct hit, but felt surprising resistance as his spear seemed to do nothing to the statue. Seeing the trouble Ulfhan seemed to be having, Kardus presumed the statues could only be damaged with magical weapons. The dwarf then pulled out his heavy crossbow and tossed it over to his companion. "Hey, Lich, catch!" Ulfhan then quickly rolled backwards, catching the weapon and taking aim. He then pulled the trigger and a bolt of energy flew toward the statue, blasting right through its center, leaving a gaping hole. Ulfhan just smiled, "I like this... you might not get it back!" The group then made short work of destroying the two remaining statues. Ulfhan handed Kardus back his crossbow. "I like it, but I think I prefer my spear... now if only that could be made magical somehow." Kardus then grinned as ideas began to spark in his mind. Ready to continue exploring, the group opened the door the statues seemed to be guarding, and they were shocked to find instead of another room there was a swirling blue vortex. They all glanced at each other, unsure of what to make of the new discovery. Ukog decided to test the vortex by taking a bit of rope and tossing it in. He then pulled the rope back without issue and it seemed to be undamaged. Seeing this, Slata then picked up Ukog, held onto one end of the rope as he tossed the halfling into the vortex. The others looked on in shock as Slata pulled back the rope... but Ukog didn't return with it. "Uh oh..." Kardus shrugged and turned back toward the exit, "Well, we lost Ukog, time to move on then!" Ulfhan, showing a bit more concern wrote a quick note for Ukog informing him to stay in one place until they could find him, then tossed the note into the vortex. \page
Elsewhere in the mansion, a second vortex materialized out of nothing as Ukog came flying out of it and landed gracefully on the floor. He glanced around and found himself to be inside of some kind of library. The vortex then quickly disappeared, leaving the monk trapped where he was. The library was octagonal in shape with tall bookcases filled with numerous tomes. Above each book case was a colored rune. Ukog had no clue what the runes meant however and instead took an interest in a ladder on the side of the room that appeared to lead to an upper floor balcony. Once he reached the top, Ukog discovered another door. He opened it and was immediately struck by a bolt of lightning which sent him flying back and falling from the balcony to the library below. A little shaken from the bolt, hair standing on end, Ukog decided not to try that door again. Kardus and the others continued to explore the rest of the first floor. They discovered a kitchen and a dining room that were occupied by ghostly servants. They appeared to be going through the motions of preparing and serving a meal, though no food was actually present. In a storage room, they found an assortment of barrels. Most of them were rotted and destroyed however one seemed perfectly intact. Kardus instructed Bubbles to open the barrel, and as they did so a bellowing scream of anguish and despair emitted from the barrel. Bubbles quickly closed the barrel back up to stop the noise. The group then decided that this mansion was a bit strange and proceeded to move toward the stairs to venture to the upper floor. As they passed through the main entry hall once again, Ulfhan thought he could hear some noise coming from the other side of the locked door they couldn't pass through earlier. Upon closer inspection he thought he could hear Ukog muttering to himself on the other side. Ulfhan called out to Ukog and the monk responded. They were able to determine that the vortex lead to the room on the opposite side of the locked door. Ukog attempted to pick the locks from his side and managed to unlock one of them, but the others still proved too difficult. Ulfhan told Ukog to stay put until they could find another way into the room. As Ulfhan and the others wandered off, Ukog continued to investigate the library since he had nothing better to do. Looking at the books he began to notice some of them were less dusty than the others. He decided to pull one of them, titled "Living with the Undead: A Necromancer’s Guide". As he did so, Ukog discovered the book wasn't actually a book at all, but instead acted as a lever. When he pulled the book, he heard a loud clicking noise, then the book automatically returned to its original position. Nothing else seemed to happen, so Ukog went to the next book that seemed odd. He pulled a book titled, "Protecting those You Love through Abjuration", and it too acted like a lever. This time however after a similar clicking noise, Ukog vanished from the library and re-appeared in a completely different room. At that same time, Ulfhan and the others were carefully making their way up a spiral staircase that lead over one hundred feet up to a second floor. As they reached the top they opened the door, and were shocked to see Ukog standing on the other side of it. "What?! How did you get up here? Didn't we just leave you downstairs?!" Ukog shrugged. "I don't know what happened, I was in a room with a bunch of books. ``` ``` I looked at one book, and it made a clicking noise, then nothing happened. Then I looked at another book, and now I'm here." The group just glanced around at each other as they finally came to accept that this mansion was a strange place. The room they had entered appeared to be a laboratory of sorts. A number of beakers of chemicals and assorted books were strewn about. There was also a small bird-cage that contained what looked like a black cat with leathery bat wings. Kardus went up to the cat curiously and offered it a piece of his rations. The cat was hesitant at first but ate the food and began to purr. Kardus saw the cat had a small red collar with a tag engraved with the name "Urik". "I'm taking you with us!" Kardus then went to strap the cage to the back of Bubbles where the mage was still hanging from, and as soon as Urik caught sight of the mage it began to hiss and growl while making swipes with its paw from inside the cage. Kardus immediately backpedaled and decided it would be better if Ulfhan carried the cat around, to which Ulfhan reluctantly obliged. As they were about to leave the room, Ukog spotted a piece of parchment sticking out from one of the books. Curious, he pulled it out and showed it to the others. Upon inspection it appeared to be a piece of a journal written by the mage himself. The parchment had been ripped and only a portion of the entries could be read. They wondered if the missing pieces were elsewhere in the mansion. As the group continued their exploration they entered what looked like a bedroom. Besides a large bed and armoire, there was also a tall mirror that was propped against the wall as if someone meant to hang it but never did so. The mirror itself had a hairline crack that went vertically right down the middle of it. As the group all glanced at the mirror, they could see images appearing within it. On the left side of the mirror, they saw a bald middle-aged man with a well-trimmed goatee, wearing flowing gray robes in combat with what looked like a large red devil creature. The man was fighting the creature with ease, casting a plethora of spells with a sly grin on his face. On the right side of the mirror was what looked like the same man, but with long wild hair, fighting a pale-skinned nobleman. The group gasped as they recognized the nobleman as Strahd. In the mirror, Strahd proceeded to counter the mage's spells blow for blow, and soon was holding the man up by his neck hanging over a cliff near a waterfall. Strahd sneered as he threw the man down, hurtling hundreds of feet to the ground below. After that, the images vanished. Ulfhan, curious to know more about the mirror, approached it to get a closer look. As he did so, he froze as he began to see images that the others could not. After a few brief moments, Ulfhan began to hyperventilate and shouted, "No... get this away from me!" Wanting to help his friend, Ukog rushed over to the mirror, but he too froze as he glanced into its surface. After a few moments, the halfling simply growled and punched the mirror, smashing it into pieces as he slowly backed away and slumped into the corner of the room, holding his head in pain. "I... I wouldn't do that... Not grandpa..." Ukog muttered to himself. The others could see the boy was clearly distraught and asked what was the matter. Ukog explained he saw himself fighting his grandfather and finally winning in a sparring match, and how he felt happy. \page
Then however he saw himself hurting his grandfather, hitting the helpless man until he stopped moving. Ukog began to tear up, "I wouldn't hurt my grandfather like that...". The others glanced at each other skeptically and Kardus commented, "Um... actually you probably did." Ukog then glared at the dwarf as his voice suddenly bellowed out, "Shut your trap, Hairy, or I'll shut it for you!". Ukog then groaned, holding his head as his voice returned to normal. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to say that... I don't know why I did that." Ulfhan approached Ukog and knelt down to his level, placing a calming hand on his shoulder. "Ukog, is it possible that you did hurt your grandfather like that?" Ukog replied, "I don't remember doing anything like that though... I'd never hurt my grandpa. I wouldn't hurt anyone like that..." Curious to delve deeper, Ulfhan informed Ukog that he has hurt them in the past, which Ukog denied. "Remember how Reyna'zi left this morning? It's because you hurt her." Ulfhan continued. Ukog looked up at Ulfhan with sadness in his eyes. "I did?... But I don't remember doing anything like that... my head hurts." Ulfhan explained to Ukog that sometimes it would seem like his personality would change and that is when he would hurt people, but also wouldn't seem to remember anything. ``` ``` Ukog had a few more outbursts of profanity but then quickly apologized as he continued complaining about his head hurting. Ulfhan was intrigued, "So, you remember the things you're saying now?" Ukog nodded, "yeah, but I don't mean them." Ulfhan continued, "How does it feel when you say those things?" Ukog thought for a moment, "I feel like... I'm losing control of myself." Ulfhan then suggested that maybe Ukog is starting to recognize when he is losing control and can perhaps stop himself from doing so. "The next time you start to feel yourself losing control, just tell us, and we'll do what we can to help. Anything would be better than you hurting us." Ukog nodded, "I don't want to hurt you guys... I'm sorry." Ukog broke down into tears and they all decided to take a break before continuing to explore the mansion. Kardus pulled Ulfhan aside, "By the way... what did you see in the mirror? Cause you seemed pretty freaked out." Ulfhan sighed, "I saw... when I died. It wasn't pleasant". They both glanced over at Ukog who seemed to be calming down. "You really think he's gonna have better control over himself?" Kardus asked. "Only time will tell." \page
# Chapter 30 - My Name is Mordenkainen After everyone had calmed down from their experience with the mirror, the group decided to move on in their exploration of the mage's mansion. As they entered the next room, they were caught off guard by what appeared to be bolts of lightning firing randomly across the north end of the room. Ukog perked up and pointed toward a door that was partially ajar. "That's the door I tried to come in earlier, but the lightning hit me and knocked me back into the room with the books!" Looking around the room, taking care to not get close to the area with lightning, the group noticed that the trap appeared to be blocking access to two doors including the one leading to the library. One door on the opposite end of the room seemed to have a clear path to get to it, while the southern wall held a number of stone slabs with runes written on them. Kardus approached the wall of runes and nodded in understanding. "I know what these are. Each of these runes represents a school of magic!" Investigating more closely it appeared that the stone slabs could be pushed like buttons. The dwarf pondered to himself. "Lightning...lightning... that would be Evocation, right?" He asked as if he was looking for confirmation though was clearly just talking to himself. Kardus pushed the slab displaying the rune representing Evocation, then suddenly was struck by a bolt of lightning that shot from across the room. The dwarf was shaken, his beard standing out on end, and his face slightly blackened from bolt. "Nope... not that one!" Slata chuckled to himself as he helped Kardus with a bit of healing magic. The group then decided it would be best to leave the rune slabs alone for the time being and to move on with their exploration into the one door they could get to. They soon found themselves in another hallway that lead to two additional rooms. The first room they discovered appeared to be another bedroom, though much more furnished than the previous one. There was a writing desk with journal sitting on it. Ulfhan picked it up to investigate and found the pages to be blank, however there was a scrap of parchment inside that did have writing on it. It looked similar to the piece they had picked up earlier and found the two scraps fit together, though unfortunately the full journal page was still incomplete. They deduced that the third and final piece of the journal page must be somewhere within the mansion. Kardus opened a door that lead into a walk-in closet that was filled with dozens of identical gray robes, ranging in quality from dirty and torn to brand new. Kardus chuckled and grabbed one of the newer looking robes and attempted to put it on. With his short stature it didn't fit particularly well, but he decided to keep it anyway. Meanwhile, Ukog was investigating around the bed and found another scrap of parchment sticking out from beneath the mattress. Ukog couldn't make much sense of it and showed it to the others. The parchment read, "The human condition is frail, like the human mind, but it can be protected through mastery of Abjuration. The Necromancer’s Enchanting eyes alter the minds of those around him. There is no escape from his Enchantment. I have done everything to stop the Illusions he has created in this realm, but even the most powerful Evocation was useless against the Necromancer." While they puzzled over the passage, the group pressed onward. In the next room they discovered what appeared to be a bath tub, though instead of being filled with water it was filled with a dark red liquid. "That looks like blood," Slata muttered. Kardus turned and proceeded to leave the room without investigating further. "I say we leave it alone, who's with me?" Ulfhan and Slata agreed, but unfortunately Ukog had already wandered over to the tub. The monk dipped a finger into the liquid curiously, as the fluid proceeded to gurgle and move, rising up from the tub. "I didn't do it!" Ukog shouted as he rushed toward the door. Slata watched as a large creature, seemingly made out of the blood itself lumbered out of the tub and lunged toward him. The paladin drew his swords and held his ground against the creature as it proceeded to envelope his body and restrict his movement, crushing him within its grip. Slata shouted for help while his companions had already begun to flee down the hallway. They sighed and reluctantly turned around to join the fight. \page
Ulfhan charged the red, blob-like creature and lunged with his spear, which proceeded to be swallowed up into the body of the monster. Kardus managed to grab hold of Slata and used his mechanical arm to pry the paladin out from the grasp of the blood monster. Ready to retaliate, Slata slashed with his swords and proceeded to slice off a piece of the monster as his blades glowed with a radiant light. This angered the creature as it then slammed its weight against Slata, knocking him off his feet. Ulfhan then drew his halberd in a second attempt to hit the monster, but it proved to be more agile than he expected as swing after swing proceeded to miss. In a rage, Ulfhan attempted to bash the creature with the butt end of his weapon, but swung too wide and ended up clocking Slata in the back of the head as the paladin was trying to get off the floor, knocking him out cold. Kardus just looked at Ulfhan in disbelief while the fighter looked away in embarrassment. Ukog then rushed into the fray and managed to knock the blob away with a series of punches, but then took notice of Slata on the floor. "Why is Freckles sleeping?" he asked curiously. Kardus slapped the paladin awake as he drew his crossbow and fired a couple energy bolts that seemed to absorb into the creature, doing little damage. Once Slata came to and was able to get back to his feet, he lead a charge alongside Ulfhan to drive the creature back. Together they managed to whittle the monster down, slicing off bits of it leaving puddles of blood all over. Ukog then leapt directly at the creature, punching and kicking furiously as he finished it off, sending the monster's final bits splattering around the room. After making sure that everyone was okay, they all collapsed to the floor and decided to take a short rest before returning to the lightning room. Ulfhan took another look at the piece of parchment and re-read the odd passage written on it. He wondered if perhaps it was a hint as to how to solve the room with the lightning. He noticed that a number of words on the parchment were capitalized when they didn't grammatically need to be, so there was a chance that it was done intentionally. Kardus confirmed upon further inspection, the capitalized words all matched up to schools of magic. Following that logic, they determined that perhaps the order of the words was giving a sequence to follow with the buttons in the lightning room. "There's only one way to find out!" Kardus barked as he lead the way back to the room with the lightning. The dwarf held his breath as he pushed the first slab in the sequence, "Abjuration". As he pushed the slab, Kardus winced, half expecting to be hit with another bolt of lightning, but thankfully it didn't happen. He sighed in relief and asked Ulfhan to give him the next one in the sequence. Using the parchment as a guide, Kardus pressed each slab in the order given and each time the slab would click into place then release. After pressing the final slab, the lightning at the north side of the room suddenly dissipated. The group cheered as they had successfully solved the puzzle. With two new rooms to explore, the group decided to leave the library for last since it would require climbing back down to the first floor. In the other remaining room, there wasn't much to see except a large chest. Slata was eager to pick up some loot so he marched toward the chest. Suddenly the floor gave out from beneath his feet and Slata fell into a pit, skewering himself on spikes protruding from the bottom. As the paladin cried out in pain, the floor then rose back into place, leaving Slata trapped in darkness. Ulfhan tried to pry open the floor but was not having much luck. Kardus nudged him out of the way and tried using his mechanical arm to break through the floor, but even that proved to be difficult. Tired of messing around, Kardus then ordered Bubbles to open the floor back up. The construct knelt down and pressed the floor open with ease, then held it in place. Seeing light again, Slata shouted "Get me out of here!" Ukog, wanting to be helpful, proceeded to jump right into the pit, but didn't realize there were spikes on the bottom as he too proceeded to get some unexpected piercings. While Ulfhan worked on digging out some rope from his pack, Ukog and Slata took the time to look around the bottom of the pit. They noticed a stone slab on the wall that seemed a bit loose. Ukog punched it and uncovered a hidden alcove. Inside was a small chest. Inside the chest they discovered a few potions of greater healing, as well as a ring that had a carving of a brain on it. Ulfhan and Kardus lowered a rope into the pit and helped rescue their companions. As Slata began to show off the treasure they had discovered, Ukog leapt over to the large chest, landing on top of it and avoiding the pit. Ukog then discovered his feet seemed to be stuck to the chest. "Uh, guys... help!" Suddenly the chest began to move and rise up as its lid opened, revealing not treasure, but a gaping mouth filled with teeth. "A mimic!", Kardus shouted as he quickly drew his crossbow and fired two bolts at the monster chest. Just as quickly as it had begun to move, the mimic slumped and drool spilled out from its lid as the two energy bolts burned right through it. Ukog pried himself away from the sticky creature and rejoined the group. Finally having a chance to catch their breath, Slata had Kardus take a closer look at the ring he discovered to see if it was magical at all. Kardus was able to detect abjuration magic coming from the ring and said he would need till morning to be able to identify the ring's properties. With the rest of the second floor of the mansion explored, the group made their way into the library that Ukog had been teleported into previously. Almost immediately they spotted a similar set of runes that they had just dealt with in the room with the lightning trap. Ukog pointed out how one book on each shelf seemed to be less dirty than the others, and the books seemed to correspond to the runes above each bookcase. In the center of the room was a podium with a single book laid open on top of it. The book was open to a page with another mysterious passage. "I know the Necromancer’s minions are everywhere. They chatter in the walls of this Illusion. The Necromancer can Conjure them at his will. He upsets the balance of the realms and I shall seal myself in the safety of this place until my powers are restored." Following the same logic used to solve the lightning room puzzle, the group began to pull on the books based on the appropriate rune, starting with necromancy. Each book would act as a lever, causing a loud clicking sound, then the book would move back into place. Once the final book was pulled, one of the bookcases swung open to reveal a hidden room. Inside the room was a single book sitting on a desk. Inside the book was a scrap of parchment, which happened the be the last remaining piece of the mage's journal. \page
With all three pieces in hand, the group was able to put together the journal page and read the entries. Entry 1 As a traveler of the planes ensuring balance throughout the realms, I was not completely taken by surprise when the strange mists enveloped me and swept me off into another realm. The land has an overall gloomy feel to it as if the mists themselves drain the hope and happiness out of the people that call this place home. After gaining what information I could from the locals in the village of Barovia, named after the land itself, I believe I am now in a demiplane, cut off from the realms by an ever present mist that surrounds it. It is quite fascinating, though the locals are frustratingly closed and ignorant about their own situation. None seem to know why the mists surround them nor do they seem to care, only remarking that it has always been as such. They are a dismal, subdued people who are content with their lot in life for they have known no other and they are too fearful of the presence of “The Devil Strahd”. So much so that they are unwilling to tell me much about him other than that he is their ruler and lives in Castle Ravenloft high in the mountains that loom over the village. I must learn what I can about this devil and lead these poor souls to make a stand against him.
Entry 2 From my subtle prying of the villager’s minds, I have learned that this “Devil Strahd” is no more than a vampire who gained a position of power. He hides himself behind a curtain of mystery and a fearsome presence that has led these simple Barovians to believe his power is omniscient. He is clearly clever given what he has accomplished here and unfortunately the land does seem to favor his kind as true sunlight does not shine upon it. However, vampires have many other weaknesses all of which I have studied at great length for I have dealt with vampires before and they are no match for my powerful magics. With a bit of assistance from the locals, I can easily dethrone this undead monster.
Entry 3 It took much longer than I had the patience for, but I’ve managed to convince enough of the villagers to assault Strahd at his Castle and end his tyranny over this realm. One villager in particular, Priest Donovich’s son Doru, shows promise. He would have made a fine adventurer given the right upbringing. Sadly, his father, though a holy man, is petrified of Strahd so much so that he will not even speak the vampire’s name, for fear that it will summon him. It will be a pleasure to destroy this fiend and show these people he was nothing more than a blight upon their land hiding in his ominous castle.
Entry 4 I have lost everything. My staff is broken, my spellbook lies I know not where, and the bright boy Doru has given himself over to The Devil. The vampire matched my wit and my magic spell for spell. I am utterly useless to these people, my attempts to assist them only brought about more misery. Am I now trapped in this land? I cannot live with the villagers any longer, the shadow of my failure is etched upon each of their faces and every corner Strahd’s minions watch me. I shall hide in the mountains where none shall find me. ``` ``` In time I will forget. Perhaps a spell will aid me and force me out of this misery. After reading the journal, it became clear that the mage's madness may have been self-inflicted. He was too depressed with his failure and tried to forget it all with magic. After some discussion they determined that perhaps may be able to reverse the effects with magic as well. They all then made their way back out of the mansion and decided to set up camp for the night. They would attempt to restore the mage's mind in the morning. The next day, Kardus started the morning by identifying Slata's ring as a Ring of Mind Shielding. He explained it prevented outside forces from reading your mind or telepathically communicating with you unless you allow it. Next, Slata went over to the mage who was struggling to remove his bonds, and cast lesser restoration in an attempt to reverse whatever the man had done to himself. Surprisingly, the mage stopped struggling. His eyes no longer looked crazed but instead became very tired and sunken. The mage looked down at his hands. "What mess have I become?" Confident that he was no longer a threat, Ulfhan cut the mage's bonds. "Who are you people?" the man asked. The group explained that they were adventurers who are trying to liberate the land from Strahd, and that thought he might be able to help them. The mage chuckled, amused at their optimism, "Why do you think I would be of any help to you? What made you come looking for me anyway? I didn't think anyone knew I was out here." The group explained that they had heard a number of rumors that there was a powerful mage hiding out in the mountains, and Madam Eva had given them guidance that he would be a valuable ally to them. The man cocked his brow, "Madame Eva? The gypsy fortune teller? Heh, I'd take her readings with a grain of salt if I were you. She told me that I would be integral in the defeat of Strahd, and look where that got me!" Kardus then pointed out, "Perhaps she didn't mean it would work the first time? I mean, you're still alive." The mage then stared at Kardus for a moment, then nodded as he accepted that explanation. "Perhaps you are right... Where are my manners, I haven't even introduced myself." The man stood up looked down on himself in disgust, then cast prestidigitation to clean the dirt from his robes. "My name, is Mordenkainen, and it is a pleasure to meet you all." As the group continued to speak with Mordenkainen, they were able to inform him of many aspects about Strahd that he was unaware of. They explained how they had learned from Kasimir of the dusk elves that Strahd had been killed before but always returned, as if some greater power was at work. Mordenkainen smirked with a huff, "Well... so glad I knew about that before going to face him... It truly was a foolish endeavor on my part." They continued to explain how they were told about some place called the Amber Temple, that may hold clues as to how defeat Strahd for good. Mordenkainen nodded, "My biggest mistake was underestimating my enemy. The more you learn about him, the better off you'll be. If only we could learn more about his past, how he gained such power." Ulfhan then mentioned that they had found a tome that seemed to contain precisely that information. "Excellent! Have you learned much from it? Do you have it with you?" Mordenkainen asked excitedly. \page
Kardus then sighed heavily and cursed to himself while Ulfhan explained, "Unfortunately no. Another companion of ours is currently in possession of the tome. We're supposed to meet back up with her in a couple days." Mordenkainen encouraged the group to continue to decipher more of the tome, as its secrets would certainly prove helpful. "I wish I could help you more but I'm afraid as I am right now, I am but a mere fraction as useful as I could be." Mordenkainen apologized. He explained that his spellbook was missing and that he must go on a search to find it. He insisted he must do the search alone as the power held within it would prove very enticing to most individuals and he had to ensure it didn't fall into the wrong hands. "When the time is right, I will come find you before we face Strahd." Kardus then handed a sending stone to Mordenkainen to ensure they could keep in contact,"I'm sure a wizard of your stature knows how one of these works?" Mordenkainen nodded and accepted the stone. "Oh, and before we part ways, allow me to thank you for helping me find my resolve." The mage then uttered an incantation and made a few hand gestures. Suddenly Ulfhan, Kardus, Slata, and Ukog all began to glow momentarily. "I have bestowed upon each of you a charm of heroism" Mordenkainen explained. "Use them wisely." With that, Mordenkainen then made his way down the mountainside as the mansion slowly vanished from existence. \page
# Chapter 31 - Meeting the Martikovs After bidding farewell to Mordenkainen, formerly the "Mad Mage", the group decided it was time to return back to Vallaki to check in on everyone in town. "We still have a couple days before we're supposed to meet up with Reyna'zi" Ulfhan reminded. Kardus was preoccupied however as he had taken the cage with the winged feline inside of it. He knelt down and opened the cage while offering some more of his rations to the animal. The cat, which was apparently named "Urik" based on the name on tag on its collar, eagerly ate the rations and proceeded to rub itself up around Kardus' legs while purring. Kardus uncharacteristically smiled for a change in response to the affection. Urik then proceeded to stretch, flap his wings, then flew off into the wilderness, disappearing into the trees. Kardus waved goodbye, "See you around! I'll have more rations for you later!" Slata simply smirked, "I don't think it's coming back." Kardus scowled at the paladin and barked "HE'LL BE BACK!" A few hours later, as the group was making their way back across Lake Zarovich, Ulfhan noticed movement on the opposite shore. It appeared to be someone on horseback who was waving them down. As they approached, the group was able to make out who it was; Victor Vallakovich. This surprised them as they thought he had left with Reyna'zi the previous morning. The boy was waving frantically at them, shouting, "Help!... Reyna'zi needs help!" As soon as they got to sure, the group crowded around Victor demanding details. Victor explained that he and Reyna'zi had gotten a horse and a guide from the vistani camp and then rode most of the day toward the winery. On the way however they ran into some trouble. They were attacked by a group of wild men and some plant monsters of some kind. "Reyna'zi ordered me to rush back here to get you guys for help!" Kardus seemed skeptical, "You're saying Reyna'zi needed help, and she sent you back to get...us?... Are you sure about that?" Slata urged the others to hop onto the back of his giant lizard steed, Samira. "If my girl's in trouble, we're going to help! What direction were you heading?" Victor pointed out the road he and Reyna'zi had been following and Slata immediately rode off on Samira to the rescue. Ulfhan requested the reigns of the horse from Victor and took the lead while Victor rode behind. All together they sped down the road that would eventually lead to the winery, in the hopes they would find Reyna'zi before it was too late. By late afternoon, the group found themselves passing the crossroads near Krezk, the place they were originally supposed to meet back up with Reyna'zi. Along the way, Ulfhan tried to get more information as to what happened. Victor explained that as they were riding, the guide's horse fell and the vistani guide was tossed to the ground, but otherwise unharmed. The horse had been attacked by some sort of plant creatures hiding in the forest. They were shooting massive thorns, which acted almost like crossbow bolts or arrows. The horse unfortunately bled out quickly due to its wounds. Further down the road there was a massive dead moose and there were wild men sitting around it performing some sort of ritual. Victor continued, saying that once the wild men had spotted them, three more rushed them and attacked. They fought for a short time but the wild men proved to be far stronger than they anticipated. That was when Reyna'zi ordered Victor to take the horse back to the camp and to bring the rest of the group back for assistance. Ulfhan let this information sink in as they approached the area of the attack. The dwarf's eyes widened as he could see a number of bodies strewn about the road, but had no way of identifying them. "Hold up everyone. We should scout things out first. Be ready for anything." Kardus patted Ukog on the shoulder, "Hey kid, you feel like being sneaky? Why don't you go scope things out?" Ukog eagerly hopped down off of Samira and crouched low as he quickly made his way up the road, mumbling "sneaky sneaky... sneaky sneaky" to himself. A few minutes later, Ukog returned to the group with his report. "I saw a dead horse, then a dead guy, both were filled with lots of holes. Then I saw three big dead guys. They were burned and had big cuts on them. Then I saw an even bigger animal, and a couple more dead guys. They looked like they had been cooked too long!" Ulfhan asked Ukog if he saw any sign of Reyna'zi, but the monk saw nothing. Believing that the area was clear of threats, the group made their way closer to investigate and confirmed most of what Ukog had reported. The horse and its vistani rider were the first corpses they saw, both laying in dried pools of blood with numerous puncture wounds throughout their bodies. Further ahead there were a couple small craters with large circular singe marks surrounding them, indicating at least two fiery explosions. Ulfhan smirked as he presumed those to be Reyna'zi's handiwork. Three of the larger wild men were partially burned but also had gash marks across their bodies, caused by either a blade or perhaps even large claws. Two other wild men looked to be completely burned to a crisp, but also had gash marks along their backs, indicating they were attempting to retreat when they were killed. The large animal was indeed the body of a dead moose, as Victor had mentioned, its entrails spilled out onto the road. As the group began to look for clues as to what might have become of Reyna'zi, two ravens suddenly swooped out of the woods and flew past them. Ulfhan noticed one of them had blue-tipped wings, making him wonder if this was the same raven they had seen in the past. The ravens flew off into trees on the opposite side of the path, and as Ulfhan glanced in the direction they followed, he noticed a light, or perhaps a reflection of something glinting in the woods. The more he watched it, the more his curiosity grew as it seemed to be intentionally grabbing his attention. Ulfhan cautioned the others to stay back as he slowly made his way through the trees toward the reflection. Soon he was able to make out the form of a person, holding a piece of a mirror in order to give a light signal. "Excuse me!" the figure shouted. "Was wondering if you might be able to help us? We could certainly use some adventuring types like you!" Ulfhan responded with caution, "Come over here, then we can talk." Surprisingly enough, the man made his way over to the group. He was casually dressed in commoner's clothes, and seemed to be in his early forties. \page
"Hello there! My name is Adrian Martikov, pleasure to meet you." Kardus then piped up, "Martikov? Any relation to the inn keepers in Vallaki?" Adrian smiled and nodded, "Yes, you must have met Urwin. He's one of my younger brothers." Ulfhan then came to the realization, "Wait a minute. Does that mean you're part of the family that owns the winery?" Adrian confirmed, though with a saddened look. "Yes, and that's part of why I've reached out for help. My family and I have been driven out from the winery and we need help taking it back." "Driven out by who?" Ulfhan asked. Adrian went on to explain that a group of wild-folk along with an army of blights assaulted the winery. He and his family held them off for a few days but the monsters just wouldn't let up, and the Martikovs eventually had to retreat into the forest. "My family is camped out nearby if you'd like to rest up and discuss things more there." Adrian added. The group thanked him for the offer but they were curious if Adrian knew any details about what had happened along the path where they found the numerous bodies. Adrian shook his head, "I'm afraid I didn't see what happened, but I came to investigate after hearing the sounds of battle. Most everyone was already dead except one person, who we took back to our camp to care for." Ulfhan grew hopeful hearing that news. "We're actually looking for a friend of ours, named Reyna'zi. Did you find her by chance?" Adrian thought for a moment, "Depends, does she have red skin, horns...?" Kardus then interjected, "...and is completely insufferable? Yeah, that's her!" Adrian chuckled, "Yes, we have her back at our camp. She was in pretty rough shape but I think she'll pull through." A short time later, Adrian was leading the rest of the group into his family's camp site. There were more people there than any of the group had expected, including a few men, a woman, and four children. Adrian took a few moments to introduce his family, consisting of his elderly father, Davian; his sister, Stefania, along with her husband, Dag, and their four children; then lastly his youngest brother, Elvir. Off to the side of the camp, the group spotted a pile of leaves that had been turned into a makeshift bed. Laying on top of it, was an unconscious Reyna'zi. She had bandages along her torso, covering what looked to be a deep slash wound that had been stitched up. Slata rushed over to see how his companion was doing. Stefania, who had been caring for Reyna'zi, spoke quietly, "It was a little touch and go for a while, but I think she'll pull through. She woke up a little bit ago but fell back to sleep." Slata then knelt over Reyna'zi and proceeded to shake her awake, much to her annoyance. "Ow...stop...you're making it worse!" Slata gave Reyna'zi a big hug, just happy to see she was safe. As each group member took their turn reuniting with Reyna'zi, the others discussed with Adrian more about the attack on the winery. Adrian explained that the wild-folk didn't usually pay them much mind, but he had heard rumors from travelers on the road that the wild-folk had been congregating near Yester Hill over the past month. "Then out of the blue, about a week or so ago, they just attacked us in force. We weren't prepared to fight off a full on assault like that." When asked more details about the blights, Adrian explained that they were basically plant monsters that could shoot thorns as projectiles. ``` ``` "There were dozens, maybe hundreds of them. No matter how many we killed they just kept coming. They seemed to be under control somehow by one of the wild-folk. He was carrying this strange staff and looked like he was issuing orders, though I couldn't understand his speech." Adrian continued, saying that he and his family retreated when the winery was breached. "Thankfully we all made it out safe, but we've been camped here for three days trying to come up with a plan to retake our home, but haven't had much luck. To put it simply, we need help from a group like yourselves who can fight back." The group suggested they wait until morning and scout out the area around the winery to get an idea of what they would be walking into, then try to come up with a plan from there. Ukog was eager to be sneaky again and agreed to be the scout. Adrian volunteered to draw up a quick sketch of the winery layout to use for reference for possible points of entry. Kardus then asked, "If the blights are plant based, I'd assume they're weak to fire, right?" Adrian then urged the group to try not to use fire if possible. "While I'm sure it would be effective, it would likely destroy our vineyards in the process. That's our livelihood. Without the vineyards, we're done." Sometime later, as everyone started to settle in for the night, Ukog wandered over to Reyna'zi. The young halfling looked distraught as he asked timidly "Nosy?... Did I hurt you?" Reyna'zi nodded softly, "Yes, you did... but not as bad as what happened to me after." Ukog, glanced downward in self-reflection, "I don't remember doing it... but I'm sorry." Reyna'zi smiled softly and leaned over, kissing the monk on top of his head. "It's okay. I'll be alright." Ukog seemed appeased and quietly walked off. Reyna'zi then motioned to Ulfhan to come over to her. "I need to talk to you." Ulfhan settled next to Reyna'zi, curious what she had to say. "Ulfhan... something happened." The dwarf looked at her curiously. "What happened?" Reyna'zi took a moment, as if she was building up the nerve to continue. "I... I think I died, and she sent me back." "Who sent you back?" asked Ulfhan. Reyna'zi continued, "The Raven Queen...". Reyna'zi then explained about her encounter with the wild-folk, confirming what Victor had mentioned earlier. She fought them the best she could, casting two rounds of fireball to blast them all, but it just wasn't enough. "I took an axe to my gut and I fell... then I saw her." Ulfhan mentioned that all of the wild-men were dead when they found the site of the attack, and Reyna'zi said thoughtfully, "Then the Raven Queen killed them." Reyna'zi continued, saying the Raven Queen told her it wasn't her time yet and that she must kill Strahd. "I thought at first she was with Strahd, but she got so angry that I would even think to associate her with him. She called him an abomination!" Ulfhan nodded with a smirk, "That he is." Reyna'zi's tone then changed to sound more concerned. "Then she said that Strahd had been cheating death for too long and he must be destroyed... but so are you, Ulfhan! I can't let her hurt you!" Ulfhan thought for a moment then shook his head. "I wouldn't say I'm cheating death. More so I'm on borrowed time. I think once I complete my mission, then my time will be up." Reyna'zi held his hand silently for a time. "I think we're both the same in that respect now... Though I'm curious, what happened when you died before? What did you see?" Ulfhan seemed reluctant at first, but opened up to the sorceress. \page
"I saw... something. She wasn't the Raven Queen though. She was in the form of an elf. She has... offered guidance since I woke up in this different body. What did the Raven Queen say to you?" Reyna'zi explained that all she was offered was more power. A random thought occurred to Ulfhan and he reached into his pack and pulled out the old tome that they had acquired from the Wachter manor. He then looked up and re-read the entry on one of the fanes of Barovia, namely, "The Seeker". "The Seeker is described to resemble a tall, beautiful woman with dark skin that absorbs light, making her look like a moving shadow. Her eyes were a pure, sightless white without irises or pupils. Instead of hair, she has a mane of raven feathers." Ulfhan then turned back to Reyna'zi, "Does that describe who you saw?" Reyna'zi shook her head. "No... The Raven Queen was tall and lanky, with a large white skull with bright eyes peering out of the sockets. And she was covered completely in black feathers." Ulfhan then shrugged, "Well... I'm not sure what greater power may be trying to help us, but I think we should take whatever we can get." Reyna'zi agreed. "And whatever happens, even if we don't live to see it ourselves, we need to make Barovia a better place for everyone." Ulfhan nodded, "Together, right?" Reyna'zi smiled and returned the nod confidently. "Yes, I think so." Their discussion continued for a time as Ulfhan got Reyna'zi up to speed with what the rest of the party had been up to. ``` ``` He explained how they had found the Mad Mage, and recruited him to their cause. "Unfortunately he felt he was only at a fraction of his usefulness and set out on his own to find his missing spellbook. He'll be in touch and said he'll be ready when we need him." Ulfhan then asked Reyna'zi how things were with Victor. "Do you trust him?" Reyna'zi thought for a moment, and nodded. "I do... One hundred percent. I asked him to go find you guys and bring you back, and he did. That's all I need to know." When Ulfhan expressed some of the concerns from the rest of the group, Reyna'zi explained, "I think Victor really just wants to move on from his past and forge his own path. While he absolutely is interested in gaining more power... I think it stems from a curiosity, and not any maliciousness." On the topic of moving forward, Ulfhan was curious if helping out with the winery was really a good use of their time and effort. Reyna'zi then pointed out that it would likely be a good idea to get the wine supply flowing again, because then they could be seen as heroes to not only Vallaki and the Vistani, but even Krezk as surely their supplies must be running low as well. Ulfhan chuckled and ultimately agreed. "We can use as many allies as we can get, and if bringing wine to the masses is what it takes, so be it!" With a bit of levity to end the heavy conversation, Reyna'zi drifted back to sleep, as she would need her energy to rejoin the others in the morning. \page
# Chapter 32 - Double-O-Ukog Early the next morning, the group prepared to scout out the winery to see just what they were dealing with. Adrian kindly provided a rough sketch of the winery and the surrounding vineyards. Taking care to remain hidden within the forest tree line, the group made their way toward the winery location. Once they were within sight of the Vineyards, Kardus walked over to Ukog. "Are you ready, kid? This stuff should make you invisible for the next hour. Make it count!" Kardus then sprayed another concoction of chemicals out from his arm onto the monk, and Ukog seemed to disappear. "Okay, I'll be super sneaky sneaky!" he quipped as he jogged off toward the nearest vineyard. As they waited for Ukog to return, the rest of the group occupied themselves with other activities. Reyna'zi ventured into the woods to find potion ingredients, Slata spent quality time with his steed, Samira, Ulfhan kept watch over the winery for any suspicious activity, while Kardus and Victor both sat quietly and engrossed themselves in some reading. Ukog stealthily made his way to the lone rode that lead to the winery between the vineyards. He watched carefully and noticed within the vineyards there seemed to be a number of shapes slowly moving. He watched for a time and could make out some humanoid-like creatures apparently made of wood and other plant materials. They seemed to be moving in a repeating patrol pattern, back and forth. To test if they responded to sound at all, Ukog proceeded to pick up a rock and threw it toward the edge of the vineyard away from himself. Once the rock hit the ground, all of the plant creatures froze and turned in the direction of the rock. After a half minute or so, they resumed their patrol. Ukog then continued making his way closer to the winery. Ukog approached the building and began to work his way around the perimeter, glancing into any windows as he passed though didn't see any signs of anyone inside. He eventually made his way to a stable, and proceeded to slide the main door open. This drew the attention of over a dozen plant creatures that quickly scrambled out from the vineyards and approached the building. Ukog watched silently as they moved closer and suddenly paused as they all seemed to survey the area. It took longer this time, but after a few minutes the creatures returned to hiding within the vineyards. Ukog then entered the stable and saw two draft horses that appeared unharmed. Out of curiosity Ukog reached into one of the horse's feeding bags and munched on a handful of their feed then proceeded back outside. Ukog continued to make his way around the building till he ended up back where he started, surprised that he had yet to spot anyone within the winery itself. He made is way carefully up onto the loading dock and spotted a door that appeared to have been pried open and wasn't closed properly. He squeezed his way past the door and found himself inside the main interior of the winery. There were four large fermenting vats that stood twelve feet tall and eight feet wide. A set of stairs lead up to an upper balcony that lead around the perimeter of the room and had doors leading to the rest of the second floor. As Ukog crept through the room, he heard the sound of wood creaking above him. Glancing upward he spotted a dirty looking human woman. Her hair was matted and filled with twigs and leaves, and she was covered in dirty and dried mud. She was holding a vile and poured some dark syrupy liquid into one of the vats. Ukog continued silently through the room and spotted something small scurrying across the floor. It seemed to be a creature made out of twigs and it disappeared behind one of the other vats. Ukog discovered another stairwell and made his way stealthily to the second floor. He found himself in a hallway with a bunch of doors leading to other rooms. He approached the door at the end of the hall and proceeded to open it. The monk was startled as he found the room was occupied by a filthy looking man as well as two creatures that seemed to be made out of vines. The man was digging through a desk as if searching for something and was holding a staff of some kind. As soon as the door was opened he turned and was immediately suspicious. Ukog swiftly retreated down the hall as the man came out of the room to investigate. Unable to sense Ukog's invisible presence, the man disappeared through another door and began shouting in a language the halfling could not understand. Ukog took the opportunity to peek into a couple more rooms, finding what appeared to be living quarters. One in particular had a number of toys strewn about the floor, including a rocking horse that was colored to look similar to Strahd's flying steed. Ukog considered grabbing the horse for himself, but once he heard footsteps returning to the hall he decided to flee back down the stairs and out of the winery. Back at the tree line, Ulfhan was starting to get anxious, "His hour is almost up. I wonder if Ukog is in trouble." Slata, who was lounging against Samira shrugged. "The kid will be back, he's good at sneaking around." Suddenly, Ukog re-appeared right behind Slata and shouted "BOO!" The paladin yelped and ran away, making his way up into a tree to escape whatever had startled him, much to Ukog's amusement. Relieved the Ukog had returned without issue, they all regrouped to find out what Ukog had learned. He pointed out that there were a large number of plant creatures inside the vineyards, and while he hadn't investigated every room in the winery, he spotted at minimum two wild folk as well as some other plant creatures inside. Ukog continued, saying he saw one of the wild folk pouring something into the wine. Kardus groaned in concern, "We better tell the Martikovs that their wine supply might be contaminated with something." When asked if the wild folk were armed with anything, all Ukog remembered was the staff one of them was carrying. Reyna'zi nodded, "That must be what they're using to control the plant creatures." For the next hour, the group brainstormed on ideas of how to proceed. They knew they had to get to the wild man with the staff, but approaching the winery was going to be dangerous. Kardus suggested they make a distraction to lure as many of the plant creatures out as possible, then just fry them with fire, and hopefully it would be enough to clear a safe path forward. Slata offered to have Samira act as the diversion, even though it could prove deadly. \page
Reyna'zi and Ulfhan proposed on the side of caution that perhaps this task was too dangerous to even risk tackling. "Maybe we just leave this for now and come back when we have more allies to fight alongside us?" Kardus grumbled, "I don't particularly care either way, but I will be kind of upset if we wasted all this time planning just to back out now." ``` ``` Slata seemed gung-ho to continue, and Ukog expressed interest in saving the winery so he could ask to keep the toy horsey. "Alright, I guess that decides it then, we're doing this." They all glanced out at the winery, preparing themselves mentally for what they were about to do. \page
# Chapter 33 - A Bird's Eye View Reyna'zi looked out at the vineyards and the gears in her head continued to turn. She glanced over to the others and asked, "Slata, how much weight can you carry?" Reyna'zi then proposed an idea. She could cast the fly spell on Slata, and he could potentially carry her and even Ukog on his back over the vineyards and land directly in front of the winery where they could quickly make their way inside without alerting the blights patrolling the vineyards themselves. "That could work, but I'm not sure three people would be enough to handle everything inside the winery." Ulfhan cautioned. Victor then spoke up, "Uh... I can also cast fly." Reyna'zi smiled as the plan quickly came together. Slata and Ulfhan, the two strongest in the group would have the spell cast on them, and they could proceed to carry other members of the party over to the winery. "The spell lasts for ten minutes, so that should be enough time to make two trips, which would be exactly what we need to get everyone transported over safely." Reyna'zi confirmed. They all agreed this would be the best course of action and they would concern themselves with getting back out of the winery when the time came. With luck, once they dealt with the leader of the wild folk, they would eliminate the threat of the blights. Ready to put the plan into action, Reyna'zi and Victor cast their spells. Slata and Ulfhan then began to float into the air, taking a moment to get used to the sensation. Slata then lifted up Bubbles while Ukog clung to his back, and Ulfhan grabbed a hold of Kardus and lifted him up into the air, much to the artificer's displeasure. "AH! NO! I don't like this. I DON'T LIKE THIS!" Kardus complained. Slata and Ulfhan then rose dozens of feet into the air and carefully traveled over the vineyards, thankfully not drawing any attention from the blights on the ground. ``` ``` They carefully landed just outside of the loading dock at the winery. Ukog quickly ran in and hid behind some barrels, while Kardus crawled stealthily under the wagon for cover, grumbling to himself but thankful to be back on solid ground. Bubbles moved to the side of the dock then stood motionless. A few minutes later, Slata and Ulfhan returned with Reyna'zi and Victor then they all regrouped inside the loading dock and proceeded to sneak in through the door that appeared pried open. Kardus took the lead with his crossbow drawn, and peered around the corner into the large fermentation vat room. There he spotted the female wild folk that Ukog had mentioned seeing earlier. Unfortunately, she spotted Kardus as well and started shouting in a language that Kardus couldn't understand. "Uh... hey, I think they know we're here... and why the hell did I take the lead?!" Kardus said in hindsight. A battle then ensued around the fermentation vats. Reyna'zi made the first strike by firing three scorching rays at the wild woman, leaving her severely burned. Ulfhan charged in, using the last few moments of his ability to fly to his advantage. The wild woman retaliated however as she produced a powerful shock-wave that knocked Ulfhan back about ten feet. Suddenly, out from one of the fermentation vats, dozens of tiny creatures seemingly made out of twigs swarmed and began to climb over Ulfhan, covering him. They poked and prodded at the dwarf with sharpened points, but they couldn't penetrate his heavy armor. Ukog then joined the fray, punching and smashing away a few of the small plant creatures crawling over Ulfhan. Ukog then spotted the wild woman and threw a dart, making a direct hit as it skewered her in the throat and she dropped to the floor. \page
Seeing Ulfhan was still being swarmed by the small blights, Victor moved in and shouted, "Hang on, I want to try something!" Reyna'zi watched the young man curiously as he began to cast a spell she was not familiar with. Suddenly about half of the creatures climbing on Ulfhan rapidly began to decay and rot, falling away into dust on the floor. Victor smiled as his blight spell seemed to work just as he intended it to. Another wild folk, this one a male, popped out from behind another fermentation vat. He chanted an incantation and suddenly a patch of vines burst out from the floor, wrapping around Ulfhan and Ukog's legs. Ulfhan managed to break out from their grasp, but Ukog didn't seem to notice the problem until it was too late and he became restrained by the vines. Slata then rushed in and helped Ulfhan by slicing through the rest of the small blights with expert precision. Kardus took a couple shots with his crossbow at the wild man, but the man proved more agile than Kardus expected as he dodged both bolts. More plant monsters unexpectedly joined the fight as two creatures seemingly made out of vines burst through doors on the north and south sides of the room. Reyna'zi blasts one of the creatures with a fire bolt but it doesn't seem to slow it down at all. Victor then decided to try the same spell that worked on the little blights again against one of the larger creatures. Victor smiled in sadistic glee as the blight writhed and shriveled up, rotting before the young man's eyes as it collapsed to the floor. Reyna'zi shouted praise to the young wizard. "Good job! Use what you know works!" Slata then came to Reyna'zi's aid and sliced clean through the second of the larger blights. Kardus then lined himself up and took aim at the wild man once more. He held his breath and pulled the trigger as the bolt hit the wild man directly in the chest and proceeded to skewer and pin his body onto the door behind him. Bubbles stood guard at the entrance to the room, but was suddenly slammed by an unexpected shock-wave from further down the hallway. Ulfhan doubled back to where they had first entered the room to see what had attacked Bubbles, and found yet another wild man. This one however was carrying an odd looking staff, seemingly made out of a pitch black tree branch. Ulfhan swiftly drew his halberd and knocked the man out with a few quick hits to his head. With all immediate threats seemingly dealt with, they all took a moment to catch their breath. Ulfhan proceeded to restrain the wild man while Reyna'zi placed the shock collar around the man's neck. "We'll try interrogating him later. Let's make sure the rest of the winery is clear." While the group split up to check the rest of the building, Reyna'zi picked up the staff that the wild man had been carrying. She sneered in disgust as she held it. It was spongy and soft and had a strange red residue that stuck to her hands. It surprisingly reminded her of blood. Slata came over and asked what Reyna'zi thought of the staff. "Feels strange. Kinda seems evil just looking at it." she replied. Slata then nodded and drew one of his swords and swiftly swung it at the staff, breaking it in two. As he did this, blood began to spew from the broken halves as an ear-piercing otherworldly scream emanated from the staff. It was loud enough to be heard a mile away. ``` ``` Meanwhile, Ulfhan happened to be glancing out a window and noticed that all around the vineyards, all of the blights seemed to be exploding into wooden shrapnel in response to the scream. After a few moments the noise finally stopped and so did all movement within the vineyards. "Hey guys, I think our problems getting out of here have been solved... what happened?" Slata explained that he and Reyna'zi thought the staff was evil and therefore it should be destroyed. Reyna'zi just sighed as she was once again covered in a strange sticky liquid. "I'm going to the well... I need to clean up." After she had time to freshen up, Reyna'zi and Ulfhan made a final pass on all of the rooms. Down in the basement they found a supply of wine bottles that seemed unharmed. In the barrel shop Kardus took ownership of stack of metal bands intended to be used for barrel construction. "I could certainly make use of these... and I'm sure the Martikovs won't mind me taking this metal as a form of payment." the dwarf snickered. Upstairs they all found a printing press where labels for the wine bottles were made, as well as a few bedrooms. Ukog gleefully grabbed the toy horse and proceeded to ride it around as he traveled. The last room appeared to be a master bedroom of sorts. The large bed had a headboard carved in the shape of a raven with large outstretched wings. Reyna'zi asked Ulfhan curiously, "What's with all of the ravens?" Ulfhan shrugged and explained, "Well, everyone knows about the ravens. They're everywhere and they're considered good luck!" Reyna'zi expressed concern however, "But, isn't the raven Strahd's symbol? Wouldn't that give them a negative connotation?" Ulfhan stammered a bit, "Uh... of course not, that's different and unrelated." Reyna'zi didn't seem convinced but let the topic drop. Back at the fermentation vats, Ukog pointed out the vat that he saw one of the wild folk pouring something into. Ulfhan salvaged a couple spare water skins from the wild men and took wine samples from the vats for comparison. Ulfhan then tried to have a conversation with the wild man they had captured. After waking up, the man was distressed and shouted in a language that no one in the group could understand. Ulfhan tried his best to convey that he didn't want to hurt the man but didn't seem to be getting through to him. Ulfhan then had an idea, and took out the small wooden figurine of the humanoid with antlers, which he believed to represent one of the three nature goddesses. He thought that perhaps the wild man would recognize the imagery. The man paused and seemed to take an interest in the figurine, reaching up in an attempt to hold it. Ulfhan cautiously pulled it away however, and that seemed to anger the wild man. The man proceeded to spit onto the figure and said something that clearly sounded derogatory. Ulfhan was curious about that response, thinking perhaps there was a separation among the tribes of wild folk. He expected them to revere the goddesses, and not show such disrespect to their image. Confident that they had liberated the winery, the group proceeded to head out to reunite with the Martikovs, but were surprised to see they were already at the treeline. "We heard some inhuman scream and we were wondering if something happened!" The Martikovs eagerly rejoined the group as they returned to their home, preparing to see what damage the wild folk had caused. \page
# Chapter 34 - The Missing Gem The Martikovs were quick to begin assessing the state of the winery. Elvir began to walk the perimeter of the vineyards while Stefania and Adrian checked each room in the building. Davian took the opportunity to approach the group and thanked each of them for their effort in re-taking the winery. "You folks are good people." The old man then called up to his daughter on the second floor, "Stefania! Bring down the chest so we can pay these kind folks!" Ulfhan expressed his concern in not wanting to take anything away from individuals who needed help, to which the others agreed. Davian just grumbled, "Aw bird shit! Martikovs don't accept charity. If you help us, we're gonna pay you back!" Shortly after, Stefania arrived with the chest from the upstairs bedroom. Davian fished around inside it for a moment then handed the group a small pouch of gold. Kardus then mentioned how he may have taken some of the metal from the barrel workshop and Reyna'zi brought up the fact that Ukog kind of grew attached to the rocking horse he discovered. The Martikovs were more than willing to allow those items to be taken as well as a form of payment. Reyna'zi did agree however to purchase some new toys for the kids from Blinsky's back in Vallaki, which seemed to excite the children. The group then informed the Martikovs about the potentially tainted wine, specifically the vat that Ukog saw one of the druids pouring something into. Adrian dabbed his finger into a sample of the wine and tasted it. He immediately spit it out then confirmed it had been poisoned. "You can tell from the burn." Kardus then suggested he would be able to purify the wine, though it would take him the night to make preparations to do so. Adrian thanked him, grateful that they would be able to salvage the wine supply they had to be able to catch up on their late deliveries sooner rather than later. On the topic of making deliveries, the group offered their assistance in getting the wine delivered to Vallaki, the vistani encampment, as well as Krezk. Adrian accepted the help and suggested that it would be for the best if they accompanied the wine delivery to Krezk as it would give them an excuse to get inside. "Krezk is a bit of a closed community. They won't let anyone in unless you have business that could be beneficial to the town. A late wine delivery could be just the thing to let you past the front gate." Eventually, Ulfhan's attention turned back to the wild man they had captured earlier. He explained to the Martikovs that he had attempted to question the man but wasn't getting anywhere due to a language barrier. Davian then piped up, "I used to know a bit of druidic... Might be a bit rusty but I can give it a shot." The old man approached the druid and began to speak in the same foreign tongue that no one else could understand. The discussion seemed to get a bit heated, particularly when attention was brought to the wooden figure that Ulfhan had shown the druid earlier. Once the conversation seemed to have finished, Davian gave a quick summary. "What I got from him is that we're all going to die in the name of "The Dark One." ``` ``` I told him that his actions were an insult to the nature goddesses, but he spat back that the goddesses were dead, and only the Dark One remains." Davian continued, "I used to be on friendly terms with some of the wild folk back in the day, and they were always devout followers of the three ladies, the goddesses of nature. But it would seem this particular tribe doesn't follow the old beliefs." While Davian is talking, the druid suddenly begins to choke as blood spills from his lips. He falls to the ground, convulsing while Adrian rushes over to him. Within seconds the druid stopped moving and Adrian confirmed that he was dead. "Bit off his own tongue and choked on his own blood... sick." Shortly after, a door slammed open violently as Elvir rushed into the room. He shouted, "ADRIAN! It's GONE!" Adrian's shoulders drooped, making him look completely hopeless as he shook his head. "Damn...just what I was afraid of." Not understanding what the Martikovs were referring to, Reyna'zi asked "What is gone, exactly?" Adrian hesitated and glanced toward his father. Davian shrugged and barked back, "What are you looking at me for?! These people proved themselves, tell them what they need to know!" Adrian then proceeded to explain that what was missing was a magical gemstone. "Centuries ago, our family was gifted three magical gemstones. Some say they were gifts from the three nature goddesses, but regardless of where they came from, they had the power to cause life to flourish where it otherwise couldn't. We kept the gems planted in key locations around the winery to keep our vineyards alive and healthy despite the fact we are lacking any form of sunlight. Over time however, the gemstones have been stolen from us. The first disappeared about ten years, and we have no clue as to who might have taken it." While Adrian recounted the story, Dag, Stefania's husband, tapped on Reyna'zi's shoulder and whispered to her, "Urwin was supposed to be on watch when the gem was stolen. Davian blamed him for the loss and that was when they had their falling out." Adrian continued, "The second gemstone was taken about a month ago. The good news is we have a solid lead on who took it, but the bad news is it is someone we do not have the capability to take on." When asked who took the gemstone, Adrian explained that they saw tracks leading to the East toward the swamps in the old ruins of Berez. "There's a powerful witch who lives out there named Baba Lysaga. If she has to gem, then it's as good as gone. No one who ventures out into the swamp ever comes back!" Adrian then concluded that the third and final gem must have been taken by the wild folk who had taken over the winery. "We had heard rumors recently from passersby on the road that they spotted wild folk congregating near Yester Hill. If I were a betting man, I'd say that is where they've taken it." When asked what they knew about Yester Hill, Adrian explained that it was a hill to the West that the wild folk tribes used to use as a burial site. Adrian then pleaded to the group, since they had already shown themselves to be capable of dealing with wild folk, if they would be willing to investigate Yester Hill and retrieve the gemstone. \page
"Without at least one gemstone, our vineyards will die out within days, and that would be the end of us." The group agreed to help, but would plan to head out in the early morning after getting a good night's rest. As the evening hours rolled by, each member of the group found something to keep themselves occupied. Reyna'zi, Victor, and Ukog went to forage for potion ingredients. Kardus continued to study his book on gemstones and smiled to himself as the gears in his head continued to turn. Slata spent some quality time with his steed, Samira, while also sharpening his swords. Chucky, the jester puppet construct, managed to have fun entertaining the Martikov children with tumbling and balancing acts. Ulfhan approached Davian and asked if the old man could teach him any druidic, so that he may eventually communicate with the wild folk. Davian agreed to teach a few basic phrases, which was really all they had time for. As everyone regrouped and began to settle in for the night, Reyna'zi pulled out the Tome of Strahd and began to study the next chapter. Over the next few hours, with the help of Bubbles, Reyna'zi managed to decipher the chapter, and just as it had done before, mist began to billow out from the book and engulf everyone in the room, whisking them all away to another place and time. Strahd's booming voice once again provided narration. "My army settled in the valley, renamed for my father as we took power over the people in the name of a just god, but with none of a god’s grace or justice." The group then found themselves standing just outside of a large castle. The front gate hidden behind an enormous fifty foot tall red curtain. The weather was surprisingly clear and sunny. Reyna'zi watched as Victor looked around with wide eyes, clearly confused. "What?! Where are we?" She tried to calm him, explaining that they were all inside of the tome. "Just try to relax and learn whatever you can." They were soon joined by a handful of individuals on horseback. Rahadin was the most recognizable of the newcomers, as well as Aleksandra Gwilym, the woman who they had previously followed into battle against the Order of the Silver Dragon. The remaining two men however the group had not seen before. The first wore what appeared to be religious garb along with a necklace displaying the symbol of the morning lord, a sunburst. The man introduced himself as Gabriel Andral, Dawnmaster for the morning lord. The group immediately recognized the name. Gabriel Andral, the saint whose bones they had tried to reclaim in order to re-sanctify the church within Vallaki, only for Strahd to show up and destroy them. The other man, looking rather full of himself and wearing a large, gaudy, golden lion head pendant around his neck, was Leo Dilisnya. While not quite as recognizable of a name as Andral, Reyna'zi recalled the story Ernst had told them all back at the Wachter mansion. Leo Dilisnya was responsible for organizing a coup against Strahd and his supporters. One of Fiona Wachter's ancestors, who was a young girl at the time, had survived the attack but her family was not so fortunate. Years later she then hired an assassin to hunt down and kill Leo, and she kept his remains as a family heirloom. His bones were stored in the same chest where Ukog first discovered the Tome of Strahd. After a few moments of idle chatter, Strahd appeared from behind the curtain. Everyone grew silent as he performed some sort of ritual on the castle grounds. He knelt down and scooped up a handful of soil, dirt crumbling from between his knuckles. He then drew a red, black, and gold dagger with a sinister curved blade. Strahd pointed the blade briefly toward the North, East, South, and West, before plunging the dagger into his mud-caked palm. A mix of blood and dirt dripped as he squeezed. "I am Strahd, I am the Land." He repeated the mantra three more times, once in each cardinal direction before looking to the clouds and speaking, "Draw near and witness. I, Strahd, am the land." The scene began to fade away as Strahd's voice returned. "All goodness slipped from my life. I found my youth and strength gone, and all I had left was death..." The group then found themselves inside of what appeared to be a lavish study. Everything was immaculate, down to even the fireplace poker being polished. Strahd was present, sitting in a chair, resting his head on his left hand with a letter clenched in his right. Gabriel Andral soon entered with a saddened look on his face. "I am terribly sorry I didn't have better news to bring you... Perhaps you should come with me down to the chapel to pray. I could do you some good." Strahd seemed reluctant but ultimately gave in and followed Gabriel out of the room, leaving the letter on the chair. Once they were sure they were alone, Ulfhan immediately picked up the letter and read its contents. Apparently Strahd had invited his mother, Queen Ravenovia von Roeyen, to travel from his homeland to Barovia. Tragically she grew ill and passed away during the journey. The letter informed Strahd of this news and mentioned the caravan would arrive within seven days and a proper burial could be done during that time. Reyna'zi recalled that her encounter with Strahd as a young boy revealed he had a closer relationship with his mother than his father, so this death likely hit him hard. Suddenly the door to the study opened and Strahd returned. He glanced around the room as if he sensed someone had been there but said nothing. He then pulled the poker for the fireplace and a hidden doorway opened within the fireplace itself. Strahd swiftly disappeared through the secret door, and the scene faded once more as the door shut behind him. "Escape from the isolation of death was impossible. In my many years, I learned that the brightest days cast the darkest of shadows." The group then found themselves back at the winery, ready to get some rest before marching off to Yester Hill. \page
# Chapter 35 - The Faithless The following morning, Reyna'zi asked Davian Martikov a question about something that had been on her mind for some time. "I noticed you have a really elaborate raven carving on the bed upstairs. Is there some significance to that?" Davian simply shrugged. "It's an old family heirloom, but nothing more than that. It's well made, and I guess whoever built it had a liking for ravens." Reyna'zi smirked and continued on, "What is the deal with the ravens anyway?" Davian seemed caught off guard by the question and even Ulfhan seemed confused. "What do you mean exactly? They're everywhere, and we generally regard them as good luck!" Reyna'zi nodded, but expressed her concern, "The thing is though, Strahd's symbol is also the Raven. So how can they be both a symbol of good and a symbol of evil?" Ulfhan just shrugged off the comment, "Oh... that's different." Davian then tried to offer some insight, "I would like to point out that just because someone's family has chosen to use a particular symbol as their crest doesn't necessarily associate everything about that symbol with that family. But what do I know?" Reyna'zi continued the conversation for a bit, bringing up their past encounter where they helped a flock of ravens fight off a swarm of bats and it seemed ever since then they have been seeing ravens with blue-tipped wings. Kardus, who had been sitting quietly and listening, glanced over and noticed that Davian had a look of curiosity on his face when the mention of the blue-tipped winged ravens came about. Davian then simply sighed and shook his head as if in disappointment. Kardus then asked Davian if he had heard of such a thing, like a sub-species perhaps. Both Davian and Ulfhan denied any knowledge of some special species of raven with blue-tipped wings. Reyna'zi continued, "It just seems like we keep seeing them, and it's almost like they are guiding us. Surely that must mean something." Kardus then warned, "You do realize those same ravens may have been guiding all of the other failed adventuring parties that have come to Barovia, so I wouldn't get too hung up on that." By the end of the conversation, Kardus produced another sending stone and offered it to Davian. "If you and your family could ask around, or if you have any other information that might prove useful, use this to contact us." Once everyone was fully awake and ready to travel, the group headed out toward Yester Hill to see what the wild folk were up to and to try to retrieve the stolen gem stone for the Martikovs. As they approached the hill, they saw a steep path rise up to a plateau that was almost four hundred feet high. Dark clouds loomed overhead, with the occasional bolt of lightning striking the ground around the plateau. Ukog was once again volunteered to scout ahead with his proven ability to sneak around. Reyna'zi cast fly upon him and the monk eagerly flew up into the sky and began to circle high overhead. After a few minutes, Ukog narrowly avoided being struck by a bolt of lightning and flew back down to the group. He reported that he saw a wall of rocks that surrounded the perimeter of the plateau with the exception of one entrance and exit. ``` ``` In the middle of the circle there was a tall wooden statue of what looked like a man in a cloak with fangs, and there were about half a dozen druids chanting around it. Reyna'zi recalled her first encounter with the wild folk and their ritual to raise an undead moose. "If they're performing some sort of ritual, it can't be a good thing." They also noted the statue's resemblance to Strahd. Ukog also mentioned that behind the main circle there was a large dead-looking tree. Without much more detail to go on, the group made their way up the path. On the hill, at roughly one hundred foot intervals, there were a series of stone cairns that circled around the hill. The presumed the piles of dark stones were meant to mark burial sites of wild folk. Ulfhan paused suddenly as he began to hear whispers on the wind. The others looked at him curiously as they could hear nothing. "Hold on a moment..." the dwarf said as he glanced around. "Who are you?" he asked. Ulfhan seemed to then converse with the voice of a spirit that only he could hear. He was guided toward one of the stone cairns. He knelt down and removed a few of the stones that were loose, and revealed skeletal remains as well as a spear. Ulfhan said the spirit was urging him to take the spear, but Reyna'zi requested to cast gentle repose on the skeleton first. "Just to make sure we don't get any undead surprises." After she performed the ritual, Ulfhan reached in and grasped the spear. Ulfhan suddenly felt an immediate connection with the spear, as if he was chosen to wield it. He then asked the spirit, "Where are the goddesses?" After receiving an answer he then asked, "Are their still wild folk who worship them?" Ulfhan then nodded and gripped the spear tightly as he then lead the way back up the path. The others were of course curious what just happened. Ulfhan explained he was speaking to a spirit of an ancient wild folk chieftain named Kavan, who once wielded the spear he was now carrying. Kavan said the old nature goddesses were gone, and that their memories had been desecrated by "the dark one". There were however a tribe of wild folk who still worshiped the goddesses, but they were in hiding, apparently driven off by the splintered sect of wild folk known as "the Faithless." Ulfhan then glared up the path with a look of determination. "If we defeat the faithless here, then the other tribe of wild folk may return and be allies to us in our fight against Strahd." Reyna'zi smiled and placed a hand on Ulfhan's shoulder. "So, are you ready to fight now?" Ulfhan nodded, "Yes... I think I'm more ready now than I ever have been." With that, Ulfhan lead the way toward the top of the plateau. As they reached the entrance to the stone circle, the group spotted the druids chanting around the enormous wood statue. Reyna'zi began by sneaking around the perimeter to get a closer look, but suddenly right in front of her, a large wild man wielding an axe popped out of a hidden hole in the ground. He gave out a loud war cry and five others appeared from similar holes around the plateau, ready to attack. Kardus immediately took a sniping position and pulled out his heavy crossbow, firing shots at any target he could see, piercing the wild men with magical bolts of energy. \page
Ulfhan charged, wielding his newfound spear to meet his foes head on alongside Bubbles. Bubbles punched one of the wild men as a blue glow emitted from the construct's gauntlets and left a coating of ice around the spot where it hit. Kardus smiled and shouted, "Bubbles got a new upgrade!" Ulfhan then attacked the wild men with a flurry of spear strikes as he danced around them. As he dropped one of the men to the ground, Ulfhan felt a sudden surge of energy, noticing the spear seemed to be drawing some of the wild man's life force directly into him. Nearby, Ukog rushed in and proceeded to punch one of the wild men in the groin, nearly doubling him over as he then proceeded to finish the man off with an uppercut to the face. Meanwhile, Reyna'zi quickly cast Chill Touch as a large ghostly skeletal hand popped out of the ground and grabbed the wild man in front of her, freezing him momentarily, but the man managed to shake off the cold and struck Reyna'zi hard with his axe, nearly knocking her out again. A second wild man charged in, intent on finishing her off but Reyna'zi quickly cast Blade Ward on herself and managed to withstand the strike. ``` ``` Slata rushed in to the rescue and proceeded to strike the berserker repeatedly with holy smites from his swords, but the man just would not fall. "Why won't you die?!" Slata shouted as Samira came up behind him and promptly bit the wild man's head off. Slata smiled and gave his steed a pat. "Good girl!" Victor came to Reyna'zi's aid as well, casting Fly on himself for speed and casting Blight on the remaining wild man. He watched with glee as the man's body proceeded to decay and fall to the ground as a corpse. Slata then helped Reyna'zi recover with some healing magic as she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "You and I are going to have a fun night tonight..." Suddenly, the battle was interrupted as loud cracking sounds came from the wooden statue. The druids stopped their chanting and stood back as the statue burst apart. An enormous tree blight emerged from the statue, roaring as a green glow emitted from its mouth. The wild folk all seemed to cheer as the group looked on in surprise and horror. Ulfhan glanced over to Victor and shouted, "Victor!" he then pointed toward the monster, "Blight!" Victor looked on, his eyes wide with shock. "Um... well... I can try..." \page
# Chapter 36 - Battle on Yester Hill The battle resumed between the group and the berserkers while Reyna'zi turned her attention toward the massive tree blight. She cast a fire bolt that made a direct hit on the tree, that barely seemed to slow it down at all, however she noticed something else out of the corner of her eye. The light from her attack revealed a couple shadowy figures climbing down from the stone wall behind the tree blight. Victor then built up his courage and flew up to get within range of the tree monster. He once again cast the Blight spell, and the creature roared as a number of its limbs began to whither and decay and fall off of the main trunk. "That's it, Victor! Keep it up!" Reyna'zi shouted in encouragement as the boy smiled with a bit of sadistic glee in the power he was wielding. Ukog and Ulfhan made short work of the remaining berserkers while Kardus took careful aim at the massive tree blight with his heavy crossbow. With expert precision, he fired two bolts, one in the bottom of the tree and one at the top. The force of the second bolt caused the tree to stagger as a massive crack formed vertically down its trunk. The creature roared one last time as it proceeded to fully split right down the middle and fell apart into two pieces. A large green gem proceeded to fall out from its innards, its subtle glow fading. At the sight of their creation being destroyed, the druids immediately began to flee. Not wanting them to escape, Ulfhan lead the charge to try to stop them, shouting to the others "Knock them out! I want them alive!" Reyna'zi took a moment to thank Victor for his help in defeating the monster, then warned him that she saw movement in the shadows earlier that didn't belong to the druids. "Keep an eye out while we mop up the remaining wild folk." Ulfhan managed to get ahead of the druids, standing in a threatening defensive stance. He was quickly dispatched however as one of the druids cast Thunderwave, knocking Ulfhan to the side of the road as he watched a few of the druids flee down the path. The remaining three druids weren't as lucky as Slata ran down one of them while riding his giant lizard steed, Samira, and nearly sliced the man in two with his blades. A second druid was knocked to the ground by a well placed crossbow bolt from Kardus. The third was hit with a fire bolt from Reyna'zi and his robes proceeded to catch on fire, making him run around erratically. Ukog caught up to the druids who were nearly dead and asked if he could be friends... then proceeded to punch both of them hard, leaving them lifeless on the ground. Slata then rushed over to the druid who had just finished extinguishing himself and knocked him out using the butt of his sword. Ulfhan thanked the paladin for the assistance and requested the druid to be tied up for questioning, along with any other survivors. ``` ``` While the rest of the group were dealing with the druids, Victor carefully watched the area where Reyna'zi had spotted the shadowy figures earlier. Suddenly an arrow came whizzing out of the darkness. Victor quickly reacted and cast a magical shield around himself, narrowly avoiding being skewered as the arrow bounced off harmlessly "I'm being attacked!" the boy shouted. Reyna'zi and the others then quickly ran back toward Victor. Reyna'zi was the first to get close and asked Victor to retrieve the gem stone that fell out of the tree. She then asked the shadowy figures to identify themselves, but there was no response. Victor returned with the gem stone and Reyna'zi asked if he had any non-lethal spells that he could use to entice the shadowy figures to come out of hiding. Victor smiled slyly, "I think I know one..." The boy stepped forward and made a few hand gestures and muttered some incantations that she did not recognize. The boy then issued an order, "Come forward, whoever you are." Suddenly out of the shadows there appeared a black panther with wings. It growled softly as it eyed the group. Victor turned to Reyna'zi with a look of disappointment on his face. "Uh... I don't think it worked." Reyna'zi looked at the panther curiously and called over to Kardus. "Kardus, you mentioned a flying kitty earlier... is this it?" Kardus looked on in surprise. "I don't think so, unless it grew about ten times its size in a couple days!" Reyna'zi then tried to address the remaining figure one more time. "We don't want to have to hurt you. Show yourself!" Finally, the figure in the shadows came up next to the panther, petting it lightly on its head. The figure appeared to be an elvish woman wearing dark leather armor and a hood. After a brief bit of awkwardness in trying to learn the woman's name, Reyna'zi discovered that the woman was actually mute, and communicated through body language. Her name was Nix and she didn't seem to mean any harm. She was also receptive as the group proceeded to introduce themselves. When they began to discuss going back to the winery with the gem, Nix and her panther companion, Nox, seemed to grow excited and wished to accompany the group. Ulfhan then said, "Okay, I guess we're ready to head back, but let me go restrain the other druids we have for questioning." Once Ulfhan approached the two druids that Ukog had "befriended" earlier, he saw they were already dead. Ulfhan grumbled, "UKOG! We need to talk. Why did you kill them?" Ukog shrugged, "They were my friends!" Ulfhan then looked at the monk incredulously. "Is THIS how you treat your friends?!" Reyna'zi then smirked and nodded, "Uh... yeah! He totally does." Ulfhan then sighed in defeat. "You're right... I'm not sure why I expected anything different." The dwarf then requested of Ukog that he not kill anyone unless someone else in the group says it is okay to do so. With that, they all began to continue on their way with magical gem in hand, as well as a couple potential new allies. \page
# Chapter 37 - The Invitation Before moving back toward the winery, the group decided to continue beyond the circle of stones at the top of Yester Hill to investigate the small grove that Ukog had spotted during his scouting. There they found a large and rather intimidating looking tree. It had dark black bark and was seeping sap that looked thick and red like blood. Reyna'zi noticed the tree seemed very similar to the staff they had retrieved from one of the druids back at the winery before Slata destroyed it. Ulfhan was silent as he walked around the perimeter of the tree. Looking toward the ground, he could tell there seemed to be some sort of structure beneath the tree with no obvious way of getting into it. The dwarf then pulled out the small wooden figurine of the warrior with antlers, and looked to it as if it may give him answers as to the significance of the grove. He couldn't explain how, but Ulfhan had a sudden sense that the figurine had a distinct connection to the location, as if ancient spirits were attempting to guide him. Slata reached out with his divine sense and he could tell that the ground they were standing on was once a holy site, but had been desecrated. With that knowledge, Reyna'zi proceeded to blast the tree with a fire bolt to ignite it. The group then spent some time taking a short rest as they watched the tree burn. Once the fire had dissipated, the tree still stood but was no longer leaking the blood red sap and instead looked more petrified. Feeling satisfied with what they had accomplished at that point the group began to make their way back to the winery. Ulfhan took one more moment and glanced back at the tree, then planted Kavan's spear into the ground. Speaking softly to himself, Ulfhan muttered "With this spear... I will reclaim this land." At the winery, the Martikovs were overjoyed to learn of the group's success in retrieving the magical gemstone. Elvir immediately took the stone to plant in a new location in the vineyard in order to keep it sustained. Davian then thanked the group for their effort by offering a pouch of assorted small gem stones. Kardus grinned ear to ear as he knew they could prove useful for further upgrades to Bubbles. Ulfhan then asked for Davian's assistance in interrogating the surviving druid. The druid admitted defeat but refused to acknowledge any gods other than "The Dark One". Ulfhan then thrust Kavan's spear toward the druid's throat, and said with confidence, "The nature goddesses will return! You best change your ways now, and rejoin the faithful." The druid seemed a bit intimidated by the display and grew silent. The group decided it would be best to let the wild man go so he could spread the message to the rest of his clan. They considered sending someone to spy on the druid to see where he would go. Davian then interjected, "I think I can take care of that. I have some little birds who like to tell me things." The old man winked and glanced upward toward the ravens sitting in the rafters. As the day drew to a close, Reyna'zi spent the afternoon foraging for potion ingredients while many of the others took time to relax. Nix and Nox made their introductions to the Martikovs as the children seemed excited to pet the panther. Chucky, the living construct of a Jester also expressed his interest in staying with the Martikov children. They enjoyed his antics and Chucky loved being a source of entertainment. The group said their goodbyes to the construct, even Ulfhan to everyone's surprise. "Goodbye Chucky... you'll be missed", said Ulfhan with just a hint of sarcasm. Chucky then went over to Ulfhan and hugged him around the shin, just before giving him a final kick, which was a fitting representation of their relationship. That night, while Reyna'zi and Slata slipped away to the stables for some quality time and the others camped out inside the winery, Ulfhan decided to rest outside. He stared up at the sky, imagining the stars that were obfuscated by the clouds. After hearing the voice of Kavan earlier and the feelings he had near the holy site on Yester Hill, Ulfhan began to feel more aware of the nature around him. Strahd wasn't only oppressing the Barovian people, but Barovia, the land itself, was under his influence. With that mindset, Ulfhan felt a new resolve in his fight to defeat the devil. Early the next morning, Ulfhan noticed a small dark shape flying through the sky in his direction. As it approached he could make out the shape of a small black cat with wings. It landed on the ground and walked right up to him, rubbing itself along his legs. "Is this the same cat we found with Mordenkainen?" Ulfhan thought to himself. He then noticed a letter attached to the cat's collar. The letter had a recognizable seal upon it, which filled Ulfhan with dread. The letter had Strahd's seal. Ulfhan quickly called out the rest of the group as he held the cat by its collar to ensure it didn't fly away. Reyna'zi opened the letter and read it to the group.

"My Friends,

Know that it is I who have brought you to this land, my home, and know that I alone can release you from it. I bid you dine at my castle so that we can meet in civilized surroundings. Your passage here will be a safe one. I await your arrival.

Your host,
Strahd von Zarovich"

The group glanced around at each other, clearly disturbed by the sudden invitation. Kardus broke the silence with a chuckle, "Sounds like a good time, when do we head out?" Ukog then pointed out on the road near the winery there appeared to be a black stage coach with two horses, and no driver. "Our ride, I would assume" Reyna'zi muttered. "This is clearly a trap." she warned. Ulfhan thought for a few moments and shook his head. "I don't know... If we go, I don't get the sense he has any intent to harm us. If he did, he could easily do so without bringing us to the castle." After some deliberation, the group decided to accept the invitation, leaving Nix, Nox, and Victor with the Martikovs for the time being. "If we're not back in a few days... you'll know what happened." With that, the rest of the group approached the dark carriage. \page
# Chapter 38 - Dinner at Ravenloft Slata climbed up onto his giant lizard steed, Samira, while Reyna'zi mounted the horse she had borrowed from the vistani, and they proceeded to follow the black carriage that the rest of the group chose to travel in. There was no driver, but the horses pulling the carriage seemed to know where they were going as they rode swiftly down the path back toward Vallaki. Reyna'zi called out to the carriage, in an attempt to see if they could give it any sort of direction, and requested that they stop near the vistani encampment by Vallaki first. Surprisingly enough, the horses slowed down and stopped right at the base of the hill where the encampment was located. Reyna'zi took a few moments to speak to Luvash, the head of the camp and informed him of what had happened with the winery. He mentioned that when they hadn't heard back from Reyna'zi or the others in a couple days they sent out a scouting party and discovered the horse and guide who had been killed by the wild folk and blight ambush. He was happy to learn that the group was all safe and that the winery was back in working order. Luvash also allowed Reyna'zi to keep using the borrowed horse for the time being, as part of repayment for saving his daughter, Arabelle. Reyna'zi then explained that she and the others were on their way to Castle Ravenloft to meet with Strahd, and asked if Luvash had any experience or information on what they could expect. Luvash explained that he and his brother, Arrigal, had been to the castle on a few occasions, mostly for trade purposes. He did mention though that if Strahd himself had invited them, then there must be some importance for them to be there. "Best not to keep him waiting for too long." Luvash wished them all luck and bid them on their way as the carriage continued on its path eastward. Ulfhan watched the landscape pass by as they moved. He found it fascinating how peaceful it seemed to be traveling by carriage with no interruption. Other than the fact they were going to see the devil in person, he almost felt safe. With that in mind, he made sure to keep his guard up. While he was curious as to what Strahd wanted with all of them, Ulfhan certainly wasn't ready to trust him. As the day faded into evening, dark clouds swarmed overhead. Thunder boomed and lightning struck in the distance as they could see the spires of the castle come into view. A steady rain began to fall as the carriage approached the castle gates. After crossing a bridge and entering through the front gates, the horses pulling the carriage came to a halt. The group was greeted by Rahadin, "Welcome to Castle Ravenloft. The master has been expecting you." Alongside Rahadin was a short man with a bit of a hunched back, who appeared to be a miss-mash of animal parts. The side of his face had lizard scales, his ears were that of a panther's, he had a webbed foot like a duck, and his arms were covered in dog fur. "Cyrus, take the animals over to the carriage house" Rahadin ordered The short man, Cyrus, waddled his way over toward Samira and paused with a wide smile as he looked at her and Slata. "Well I'll be... if it isn't the second and third largest lizards I've ever seen!" Unable to resist, Reyna'zi asked, "And what's the largest?" Rahadin sighed and muttered, "Please don't encourage him...", but it was too late. Without skipping a beat, Cyrus said with a hearty laugh, "The giant snake in my pants of course! Ha!" Rahadin recomposed himself and asked the group to follow him inside as the master was waiting. As they entered the main foyer, they could hear the sound of a pipe organ being played somewhere deeper in the castle. Rahadin lead the group through the main entry chambers, the first of which had a number of wyrmling statues, while the second was adorned with gargoyle sculptures as well as a fair number of cobwebs. Reyna'zi commented on the cleanliness of the castle and her dislike of spiders, but Rahadin ignored the comments as he continued to lead. It wasn't long till Rahadin opened a door into a vast dining room. There was a long table laden with expensive place settings: porcelain plates, glass drinking vessels, gold utensils, and silk napkins placed with pin-perfect precision. Table tents with each of the group member's names marked their seating places, with unnamed spaces between each of them. At the center of the opposite wall stood a massive organ. Its pipes blared out a thunderous melody and seated at the organ was a single caped figure pounding the keys in a state of rapture. The figure suddenly stopped, and as a deep silence fell over the dining hall, the figure turned to face the group. "Welcome friends, and thank you for accepting my invitation. Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Count Strahd von Zarovich, Lord of Barovia. I do hope your trip here was, uneventful?" \page
The group explained that their trip was safe as promised, and introduced themselves in return. Strahd then continued, "Please, make yourselves comfortable. Dinner will be served shortly once the rest of the party has arrived." The group grew hesitant, curious as to who the rest of the party would be. "The other denizens of my home of course. I sense a lot of apprehension among you. I urge you to relax. If I wanted you dead, you already would be." After some attempts at small talk, Reyna'zi was the first to ask what was on all of their minds, "Not to sound ungrateful, but why exactly did you invite us here?" Strahd simply smiled, "Straight to the point, I can respect that. While I did invite you here with the intention of us being able to get to know each other a bit better, anyone who knows me well knows there is always an ulterior motive. There is some business I'd like to discuss with all of you, but that can wait until after dinner." Suddenly the door to the dining room swung open once more, and there stood Rahadin with three women and a man. The four newcomers saw the group at the table and immediately their eyes began to glow red. They bared their fangs and hissed, preparing to strike. Strahd glared at the four of them, and with a simple clearing of his throat, they all stopped in their tracks and reverted back to their normal state. Strahd said sternly, "These people are my guests. As long as they continue to behave themselves, they are under my protection and are not to be harmed, is that understood?" The man and women all nodded in confirmation. Strahd then smiled and began introductions, "I'd like for you all to meet my brides." The first to enter the room was Anastrasya. She had a pale complexion and wore a flowing red dress with a low cut top, revealing a fair amount of skin. She smiled brightly and made her way over to sit in between Slata and Kardus. Slata couldn't keep her eyes off of her, much to Reyna'zi's annoyance. Anastrasya however didn't seem offended, and in fact ate up the attention, ogling Slata in return. ``` ``` The next to enter was Ludmilla. Unlike Anastrasya who seemed to be flaunting her body, Ludmilla looked far more regal in her appearance and behavior. She had dark skin, looking to be of vistani descent, and wore a white dress along with a golden circlet in her hair. She politely greeted the group and sat on the opposite side of Slata, and across from Reyna'zi. Anastrasya and Slata continued to flirt with each other, while both Reyna'zi and Ludmilla shared a mutual eye roll.
The next to enter was Volenta. She was shorter than the others, with black hair and a yellow dress. The thing that stood out most about her however, was that the upper part of her face was covered with a half-mask that looked like a skull with horns, either that of a devil or perhaps even a tiefling. She quietly approached the end of the table where Kardus was sitting with Bubbles next to him. Volenta took one look at Bubbles and muttered softly, "It's in my spot." Bubbles turned toward Kardus and shrugged as it stepped back away from the table, and Volenta proceeded to sit down. \page
Lastly, the gentleman named Escher entered the room. He was dressed in formal noble attire with a mane of dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He proceeded to sit next to Reyna'zi, which she did not mind, however she couldn't help but notice Escher's eyes drifting toward Slata with a look similar to Anastrasya's. Reyna'zi giggled to herself, thinking this dinner was going to be an interesting one.
Once the four were seated there was still one open space remaining at the table. Strahd looked over to Rahadin and asked, "Where is miss Gertruda?" Rahadin replied, "She seemed to be having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction." Suddenly the sound of running heals clacking against the tile floor echoed down the hall. "Coming... I'm coming!" Slightly out of breath, a young girl apparently in her teens appeared in the doorway. She was slightly out of breath and was working on adjusting the back of her purple party dress. "Oh wow, so many people! I've never been to a formal banquet before. You're so kind to me!" She says to Strahd as she takes her seat at the remaining place setting between Ulfhan and Ukog. Ukog immediately turned to her and said, "Hi, I'm Ukog, do you want to be my friend?" Gertruda smiled from ear to ear, "Hi Ukog, I'm Gertruda, and I'd love to be your friend!" Ulfhan pondered to himself as the name Gertruda seemed familiar to him. Eventually he remembered that back in the Village of Barovia Ismark had mentioned a girl named Gertruda had run away from her home and was likely dead after wandering off into the mists. Ulfhan and the others had retrieved her dog, Lancelot, from the Durst Manor when they had first arrived in Barovia. Ulfhan kept quiet however, not wanting to draw any attention to this fact quite yet. With the entire dinner party arrived, dinner was finally able to be served. A woman dressed in a maid uniform came into the room with a wheeled cart, carrying numerous platters of food. A king's banquet was served including all sorts of meats, breads, fruits and vegetables, and even a few pies which Ukog immediately dived into. ``` ```
The maid, named Helga, asked if anyone would like some wine and poured some from a fresh bottle for anyone who was interested. Kardus grumbled, "No dwarven ale aye?" Much to the dwarf's surprise, Strahd actually said, "I think we do still have a couple casks of dwarven ale down in the wine cellar. Helga, would you be so kind to bring up one of them for our dwarven friends here." Kardus grinned as he glanced toward Ulfhan, remembering how much Ulfhan "enjoyed" his last taste of ale. After everyone else was served their drinks, Helga pulled out an unmarked bottle and proceeded to pour into the goblets for Strahd, his brides, and Escher. The liquid was crimson red, but seemed thicker than wine. "Please, help yourselves, there is plenty here for all" Strahd said as the group proceeded to eat. They noticed however that neither Strahd nor his consorts took any of the food and only focused on their drinks, with the exception of Gertruda who was eating rather sloppily, scarfing down her food like a starving animal, similarly to Ukog who was sitting next to her. Strahd scolded her in a fatherly tone, "Gertruda, manners at the table please." With her mouth half full, Gertruda muttered a muffled apology and tried to eat more quietly. Ukog however continued on without a second thought. Slata, noticing the known vampires at the table weren't eating, but Gertruda was, asked the first question that came to mind. "So Strahd, is Gertruda a vampire or no?" The room grew silent as all of the other consorts clearly looked uncomfortable. Reyna'zi proceeded to kick Slata under the table for asking something that could be considered rude. Strahd simply chuckled and said, "Don't be ridiculous." Everyone proceeded to share a nervous laugh, except Gertruda who seemed genuinely amused. She then whispered to Ulfhan, "Of course that's ridiculous... I know vampires aren't real." Ulfhan bit his tongue as he knew there was a long discussion to be had in that case. \page
The rest of the dinner went relatively smoothly as much as any dinner could be expected. Reyna'zi asked Strahd a bit about his past. Strahd explained that the last time he saw his homeland was when he was a young boy, just before being sent off to war to lead his father's armies. As a conqueror, his father, King Barov, made numerous enemies and Strahd lead the fight against them. One of the enemies was the Order of the Silver Dragon. Their main stronghold was located within the valley that became Barovia, and Strahd was able to defeat them there. Once done he decided to settle in the valley and claim it as his own. Reyna'zi asked if he ever thought his father was proud of his accomplishments. Strahd said, "I certainly hope he would have been. Unfortunately my father passed while I was fighting his wars for him. He was already gone by the time I claimed this valley in his name." Ulfhan was curious to learn more about the castle itself. "It is very impressive. Was it always here or was it built once you conquered the land?" Strahd explained that the castle was built for him specifically. "The architect was a man named Fidatov. He designed and built a number of structures found throughout the valley. His family estate is near Krezk, though the last of his line died off about fifty years ago." Ulfhan then turned to Gertruda and asked her quietly how she felt about leaving home. She explained she felt liberated, as her mother kept her very sheltered. "I wanted to see the outside world but mother would never let me. So one day I decided to run away. That's when Strahd found me and showed me this wonderful castle and invited me to live with him. Then I fell in love" Slata spent his time flirting with the women at the table, particularly Anastrasya who couldn't keep her hands off of him. She asked him about himself and Slata explained he used to be part of an order of knights that kicked him out. "So now I fight evil wherever I can find it in the hopes they'll let me back in." Anastrasya looked impressed, "So you're military? And a bad boy..." She grinned and whispered in Slata's ear, "I like bad boys." Escher simply nodded as he too hung on every word Slata said. Reyna'zi couldn't resist and whispered to Escher, "If you want an in with Slata, I can hook you up." Escher chuckled, "I might just have to take you up on that offer." Slata glanced across the table with a look of confusion, "Wait, what?", which only incited more giggling from Reyna'zi. Ludmilla kept glancing over toward Kardus and Bubbles. "So, it's my understanding that you are a guild master. What is your craft?" Kardus explained that he is basically an inventor. Ludmilla continued, "So, that contraption over there is an invention of yours?" Kardus smirked and looked over at Bubbles. "You hear that, she called you a contraption!" Ludmilla then questioned, "So, there's more to it then? I thought it was just animated armor." At this point, Kardus glared at her, almost fuming. "Animated armor?! Do you have any idea, how much complex mechanical ingenuity goes into designing a fully autonomous construct like this?!" Ludmilla's eyes brightened and she smiled, "No... but I would love to learn more." Kardus then proceeded to rant about his creation and while everyone else seemed to try to tune him out, Ludmilla listened intently. Volenta remained quiet for most of the meal, but then asked half-way through to Strahd, "May I have a pheasant?" ``` ``` Strahd seemed surprised, but said there were plenty on the table. Volenta then reached for one of the cooked pheasants but did not eat it. Instead she proceeded to dissect it with expert precision, leaving it in pieces on her plate. Once she had completed her task she asked if there were any more. Strahd motioned toward the platter on the table, "There are still a few left, yes." Volenta then shook her head, "No, I mean live ones. This is more fun when they're still breathing." There was a bit of awkward silence at the table, but Strahd said, "Ask Cyrus, I'm sure he can get you a live one if you'd like." Volenta seemed pleased and sat quietly with a mildly sadistic smile. Reyna'zi then asked Strahd a more personal question, how it was like having multiple brides. "Are you able to spend time with them equally?" Strahd nodded and said he tried to make time for all of them, though through a quick glance around the table, the brides and Escher seemed to grow more quiet and reserved after that question. Eventually the dinner and conversation wound down and Strahd stood up and requested his consorts to leave. "There is business I wish to discuss with my guests." Anastrasya, Volenta, Escher, and Gertruda all said their goodbyes as they made their exit. As Ludmilla began to leave, Kardus finished his rant, "Be sure to read Eldrins Grim Automations, 5th Edition to learn more." She agreed to add it to her reading list, then made her exit with Rahadin closing the door behind her. Strahd then asked the group a very open question, "What did you think of them? My brides." The group agreed they were very nice and charming in their own way, but were curious as to why he was asking. Strahd then explained, "A few nights ago, I paid a visit to Madam Eva, the vistani fortune teller. She informed me through a tarokka reading that one of my consorts is betraying me... and that is why I've invited you here." Strahd proceeded to explain that he wished the group to perform an investigation on his behalf to try to find proof of who the guilty party was. "Don't get the wrong idea, I am certainly capable of figuring this out on my own, however my methods wouldn't be subtle. I'd prefer to find the culprit without disrupting the lives of the others. I think a resourceful group of adventurers like you may accomplish that." When asked what exactly Strahd viewed as betrayal, he said, "Anyone giving information to those who don't deserve it. Speaking out of turn to individuals I have not given them permission to speak to." Strahd confirmed that he suspected that whoever was betraying him was doing so within the grounds of the castle. While his brides did occasionally leave Ravenloft, it was rare and never without permission. Ulfhan then asked a question they were all thinking. "What if we refuse to help?" Strahd shrugged and replied, "I would be disappointed, but then I'd have Rahadin escort you out from the castle and the carriage would take you back wherever you want to go. Accomplish this task however, and you may name your reward. If it is within my power to grant, I will." With that explanation it was clear that the option was to help Strahd, with a chance of gaining a boon, or refusing him and getting nothing. One by one, the members of the group agreed to help. \page
Strahd smiled. "Excellent. A guest room will be prepared for you all to stay in for the night. For your investigation, you will have limited access to the castle, and full access to my consorts." Slata grinned at the thought of "full access". The group then asked if Strahd had any thoughts of his own as to who the most likely culprit could be. "Unfortunately I do not, the only one I know is innocent is Gertruda. She is far too naive to be able to plot against me. It is certainly one of my brides, or Escher." Strahd then re-iterated his rule from earlier. ``` ``` "As long as you are non-aggressive during your time here, then you are under my protection. Break this trust however, and attack someone within my home unprovoked, then whatever happens to you is none of my concern. This rule goes both ways however. If by some chance a member of my household attacks you first, you are not only allowed to defend yourselves, but I encourage you to kill them. I will not hold that against you." A bolt of lightning and a crash of thunder accentuated the comment as the rain fell harder outside. It seemed the group would be spending a night in the home of their enemy... \page
# Chapter 39 - The Investigation With the conversation coming to a close, the group reluctantly agreed to investigate Strahd's consorts, if for no other reason than to have a chance to explore the castle. Strahd nodded in approval, "Excellent. Should you get lost or need direction to any particular part of the castle, just call out for Rahadin. He will escort you wherever you need." Strahd then ushered the group out of the dining room and closed the door, leaving them standing unattended. Reyna'zi glanced around in disgust at the cobwebs lining most of the hall. "Well... I know the first thing I'm doing." She proceeded to cast small fire bolts, igniting and burning away the webs, feeling the stress leave her as they disappeared. "That's better!" she said contently. Ulfhan took the lead and suggested they all investigate the rest of the first floor before going anywhere else. They made their way back to the main entryway, making note of different sets of stairs leading up to higher floors, then made their way down a long hall filled with statues of soldiers. Ulfhan looked closely at each one, trying to see if any of the statues looked familiar to him, but they were all blank-faced. At the end of the hall was a large set of double doors, and just above the doorway was a carved wooden symbol of either a rising or setting sun. Upon opening the doors, the group found themselves inside of a large chapel. Tall stain-glassed windows adorned the walls, many of which were cracked or broken. Pews laid in disarray around the main floor. At the opposite end of the chapel was a large altar, decorated in carvings of angels and vines. Sitting atop of the altar were numerous religious implements as well as a silver statuette. Unexpectedly, laying near the statuette was a slumped over humanoid corpse. Upon closer inspection the body was wearing a black fur-lined cloak and a suit of chainmail. There was also a mace sitting on the floor nearby the body. It appeared that whomever the body was was attempting to claim the silver statuette, but died where he stood. Kardus quickly performed a ritual to detect any magical energy in the room and he was able to sense the statuette and the mace were magical in nature. "Do you think Strahd would be upset if we took anything laying around?" Reyna'zi thought it would be better to ask than to make any assumptions. She called out for Rahadin, who appeared within moments in the doorway of the chapel. When asked if the group would be allowed to take anything, he responded, "Anything that is taken from the castle will be considered theft. However should you find any remains of past... guests... you may take what you like as I doubt they will have any more use for their belongings." With their questions answered, Rahadin left the room and Reyna'zi proceeded to pick up the mace and carefully removed the cloak from the corpse. Glancing around the room for anything else worth investigation, Slata saw a balcony nearly fifty feet above the floor. "What do you suppose is up there?" He then smiled as he picked up Ukog without warning. "Hey kid, take a look for us!" Slata then proceeded to heave Ukog into the air as high as he could. ``` ``` Ukog, with a bit of added momentum by jumping from Slata's grasp manage to catch onto the ledge of the balcony and climb over it. Ukog was immediately confronted by two thrones, each of which had a dry and decayed corpse sitting upon it. "There are two people sleeping up here!" Slata called back, "Sleeping, or dead?" Ukog then picked up the corpses one after the other and threw them over the balcony, sending them crashing to the chapel floor below. "Dead... clearly dead." Ukog then called out, "Do you want to see the big chairs they were in?" Before anyone could answer, the halfling, with surprising strength, began to fling the thrones over the balcony as well. Slata managed to catch them to keep them from smashing into the floor. Suddenly Rahadin reappeared in the doorway with a scowl on his face. "Could you all please refrain from destroying the master's property." Slata smiled sheepishly as he carefully set the throne down, unharmed. After a brief apology, Rahadin disappeared back down the hall while Ukog made his way down a set of stairs that lead from the balcony back into the chapel. "That was fun!" Satisfied with having explored the first floor, Ulfhan lead the way up the stairs to the balcony Ukog had just come from, and proceeded through the doors into the next hall. They all continued to marvel at the numerous statues and pieces of artwork that adorned the castle, while Reyna'zi continued to burn away the cobwebs that seemed to infest most of the halls. Ulfhan, keeping an eye out for possible secret doors, managed to find one behind the skeletal remains of a castle guard. Beyond the hidden door was a surprisingly clean hall and stairwell. As they continued to explore, the group stumbled upon what appeared to be sleeping quarters. Inside was Helga, the maid who had served the dinner earlier. She seemed startled by their presence, to which they quickly apologized and left her alone. Following the stairs upward to the third floor, the group was met with doors that were locked as well as an entryway into the north tower that seemed blocked by a magical force field, preventing their passing. Not wanting to get too ahead of themselves, the group made their way back to the second floor to finish exploring there. The next room they entered was a large and spacious ballroom. Inside they saw Anastrasya, dancing seemingly on her own amidst a bunch of ghostly apparitions of various nobles. Anastrasya smiled with a wide grin as she asked Slata to dance, which he agreed to without much coercion. She explained that she always loved to entertain and host parties, but with so few visitors to the castle she would summon spirits nightly just to pretend there was someone else there. "They aren't very talkative though." At one end of the ballroom was yet another throne, but is was facing away from the rest of the room, instead facing towards the south wall. Reyna'zi asked Anastrasya if there was a reason for this, but she replied with a shrug. "No idea, it's always been that way!" Reyna'zi was curious and decided to explore the south wall, and sure enough found a hidden door directly in line with the throne. Anastrasya seemed impressed that they had discovered the door, but didn't seem upset at all by it. \page
With some quick exploration, the group found that the door lead to archer outposts along the outer wall of the castle. It seemed they hadn't been in use in quite some time. Ukog, still feeling mischievous after being scolded about throwing around the thrones in the chapel, decided to do the same with the throne in the ballroom. "Hey Freckles! Catch!" The monk heaved the throne toward Slata and Anastrasya who were still dancing. Slata froze, fearing they were both about to get slammed into with the throne, when Anastrasya nonchalantly reached up and caught the throne with a single hand. "Please don't throw this around, I don't think my husband would be happy about it." She then replaced the throne with little effort. Ukog was genuinely impressed with Anastrasya's strength and offered to arm-wrestle her. She giggled and declined. "Sorry, I'm not much of a fighter." The group then took some time to ask Anastrasya questions concerning her, her relationship with Strahd, as well as the other brides. They learned that Anastrasya was Strahd's youngest bride, with Ludmilla being the oldest, followed by Escher and Volenta respectively. When asked how she met Strahd initially, Anastrasya explained that she was hosting a party with the high nobility of Vallaki, when Ludmilla actually approached her and invited her to meet with Strahd. With her feminine charm, and desire to mingle with the highest nobility in the land, it didn't take much to convince Strahd to make her his new bride. She then smirked, "I bet Ludmilla is upset about little Gertruda though. She didn't seek her out, Strahd found her on his own." When asked to elaborate, Anastrasya explained that Strahd only ever had three brides at any one time. If he was grooming a new one, that meant one of the others was about to be replaced. "What happens to the ones who are replaced?" Reyna'zi asked curiously. Anastrasya explained that they were sealed away down in the crypt. "I imagine it must be horrible down there. Like being buried alive and not being able to die." The group all glanced at each other as they all realized that gave each of the brides a motive for wanting to betray Strahd. It only makes sense that they would want to avoid that fate if possible. Anastrasya surprisingly didn't seem concerned however. "I'm not worried about being replaced. I'm too much of a prize for Strahd, and I keep him happy. Ludmilla is old and boring, and I can tell he doesn't really love her any more. I'm willing to bet she's gonna be gone soon and she knows it." When asked about the other consorts, Anastrasya mentioned that Volenta was less likely to be replaced because she allowed Strahd to indulge in his more primal and vicious side, and Escher had nothing to be concerned with. "Escher isn't really a bride anyway, but Strahd keeps him around for... obvious reasons. To put it frankly... Escher has something the rest of us don't." Having finished their questioning and having a better idea of the situation with the brides, the group decided to continue on exploring the castle, with the exception of Slata. "You guys go ahead... I want to keep dancing for a bit." Slata chuckled as he dipped Anastrasya, her giggling in return. The others decided to leave the paladin be with his newfound date. ``` ``` The group made their way to the south tower, and decided perhaps they should go to the lower levels of the castle before heading up to their guest room for the night. As they entered the first level basement, they were approached by Cyrus, the small man who seemed to be made up of numerous animal parts. "Hey! What are you all doing down here?" Cyrus grumbled.The group explained they were just exploring a little, and Cyrus seemed content with that answer. "So what'd you think of that slop at dinner earlier huh? Made it all myself, but only cause the master asked for it. I'm making some real food now if you're interested!" Curious to hear what Cyrus had to say, the group humored him and followed the man into a kitchen area with a large cauldron boiling. Ulfhan asked what Cyrus was making. "Got some stew in the cauldron at the moment. Should be just about ready!" Ulfhan then glanced over into the cauldron and was shocked as three zombies suddenly lurched up from the pot. The next thing the dwarf knew, Cyrus had rushed over and began beating the zombies back into the pot with wooden club. "Uh... Could probably use a few more minutes, heh!" Cyrus chuckled. \page
The group then questioned Cyrus about what he knew about Strahd and his brides, and Cyrus confirmed pretty much everything that Anastrasya had mentioned, particularly the fate of former brides that Strahd lost interest in. When asked where they might find the other brides, Cyrus pointed toward a room down at the other end of the hall. "You'll probably find Volenta in there. We call it "The hall of bones". She had me help with making decorations and furniture for the room. She's got quite the artistic eye, ya know!" Suddenly, Cyrus had to excuse himself away from the party as the sounds of moaning zombies emanated from the kitchen. The sounds were followed up by the cursing of an angry Cyrus as he beat back the monsters into the pot once more. Deciding to pay Volenta a visit, the group approached the door to her room, but were surprised to hear the muffled sound of voices coming from beyond the door. Reyna'zi went up to the door and listened closely. "I can hear Volenta... and a voice I don't recognize... damn, I can't make out what their saying." It was then that Reyna'zi turned to the raven that had been sitting on her shoulder since they were all back at the winery. "Think you can listen?" she asked the raven as it hopped down on her arm and put its ear to the keyhole in the door. Ulfhan looked on curiously. "I was wondering where you got that raven from." Reyna'zi shrugged, explaining that she didn't know. ``` ``` She just had a dream about the raven queen giving her some new magical abilities, and now she had a raven clinging to her shoulder wherever they went. "I named him Cormac." Reyna'zi said with a grin. Content that Cormac had heard enough of the conversation to be useful, the group decided to enter Volenta's room. As soon as they entered, Volenta look startled and quickly spun around, her hands tucked behind her back. "You! what are you doing here?" Volenta asked, clearly annoyed at having been bothered. Reyna'zi then walked up to Volenta and noticed that with each step, Volenta would retreat, keeping her back toward the wall. Sensing that Volenta was clearly hiding something, Reyna'zi asked her straight out, who she was talking to behind Strahd's back. Volenta of course denied speaking to anyone. Reyna'zi then asked her raven to repeat the conversation. Cormac then proceeded to mimic Volenta's voice along with the voice of whomever she had been speaking to. It sounded like an old woman's voice, asking about how "Her little boy" was doing. The raven continued with Volenta's response, mentioning how Strahd had invited the group to dinner and how she and the other brides were not allowed to touch them. Hearing this, Volenta's eyes began to glow red. "I really wish you hadn't heard any of that..." With a quick hand motion, the door to the room slammed shut and locked, while Volenta bared her fangs, ready to attack! \page
# Chapter 40 - Mother The hall of bones was true to its namesake. All of the furniture and decor had been constructed almost exclusively out of human bones. As the door to the room magically slammed shut, Reyna'zi, Ulfhan, Kardus, and Ukog found themselves trapped with an angry vampire bride, Volenta, who had been caught in the act of speaking to someone from outside the castle without Strahd's permission. As they all began to brace themselves for attack, the sounds of bones rattling echoed all around the room. Four skeletons rose from the piles of bones littered about, and proceeded to attack, wielding rusted shortswords. Ulfhan was flanked on either side but was able to deflect every blow with ease. Ukog was able to avoid any swings in his direction and retaliated with powerful punches, causing the skeletons' bones to crack and shatter, much to his delight. Volenta then rushed Reyna'zi as the sorceress quickly cast witchbolt at the vampiress. Unfortunately the spell didn't connect and Volenta slashed Reyna'zi with her claws, leaving a deep bleeding gash along her arm. Volenta seemed to salivate at the sight of blood, to which Reyna'zi teased her by licking a bit of it herself that had dripped down her fingers. As a few of the skeletons fell to pieces under Ukog's onslaught, a larger skeleton rose up, wielding a scimitar and a shield. It rushed Kardus and attempted to bash him with the shield, but the dwarf braced himself and held out his mechanical arm, catching and stopping the shield mid-charge. "Heh, well isn't that cute!" Kardus gloated, but quickly regretted as the skeleton managed to land a couple slashes from overhead. Ukog then rushed in from behind, leaping directly into and through the skeleton and landing with both of its femurs caught in his mouth. The skeleton toppled over into pieces. While the others made short work of the remaining skeletons, Ulfhan ran to Reyna'zi's aid as Volenta continued to swipe at her, leaving Reyna'zi heavily wounded. Despite landing blow after blow with his spear to Volenta's back, Ulfhan just could not draw her attention away. It was then that Ulfhan noticed a small hand-mirror, seemingly tucked up in the back of Volenta's dress. Volenta then lunged toward Reyna'zi, grappled her and proceeded to sink her fangs into Reyna'zi's neck. Ulfhan cursed to himself as he watched his companion collapse to the ground unconscious, while Volenta licked the blood from her lips. Ukog, full of energy from smashing through skeletons then rushed in and proceeded to beat Volenta repeatedly with the two bones he had been carrying. She snarled and tried to swipe at the monk, but was beaten back into a corner. Suddenly the door to the room burst open, as Strahd himself entered the room with an angry glare on his face. "Stop this at once!" his voice boomed as everyone halted in their tracks. Volenta looked up at her husband, pleadingly. "They started it!" she growled. Strahd stared back at her, then glanced at Reyna'zi's unconscious body on the floor. In a calm and stern voice he replied, "I highly doubt that." Strahd them slowly approached Volenta and motioned for the others to move out of the way. Ulfhan picked up Reyna'zi and moved aside. "Who have you been speaking to?" Strahd asked. Volenta's eyes clearly showing fear through her skull mask as she stammered for an answer. "N..no one." Strahd wasn't convinced. "You are a terrible liar, Volenta, and you WILL answer me. Who have you been speaking to?" Volenta had her back pressed up against the wall as she seemed to cower in front of Strahd, too timid to answer. "I will not ask again, tell me who you have been speaking to." The tension in the room grew as Strahd interrogated his bride. "She...she won't let me." Volenta squeaked out. "Who is she?!" Strahd demanded. Volenta began to look almost sickly, as if she was choking on her words, determined to speak but something was preventing her from doing so. Her body began to twitch and convulse as she was clearly struggling. Dark black blood began to drip from her nose. Volenta then managed to utter a single word, "...Mother..." when suddenly her head exploded in a shower of gore, Strahd taking the brunt of it. As Volenta's headless body slumped to the ground in front of him, Strahd stood in silence. The others glanced around at each other silently, unsure of what they should do or say. Strahd then muttered quietly, "Well... that's disappointing...". He then glanced back over his shoulder toward the group. "Please... leave us for a moment... I will speak with you all back in the dining room." Taking the opportunity to leave, the group made their way out of the hall of bones. Kardus prepared his green healing foam to revive Reyna'zi, but then stopped when he remembered how upset it made her last time. "Maybe use one of her healing potions instead!" After getting Reyna'zi back on her feet and retrieving Slata from the ball room, the group returned to the dining room, where Strahd was waiting. "I'd like to apologize for what transpired earlier. I had no idea that Volenta would be the one to step out of line." The group then asked if Strahd had any ideas about who Volenta had been speaking with, particularly if he had any living family. Strahd confirmed that the last of his living relatives passed a long time prior. Reyna'zi then suggested that the voice Volenta was speaking with may have belonged to the witch who lived in the ruins of Berez. Strahd thought on that for a moment and concluded that he would investigate further on his own. He also claimed the hand-mirror that Volenta had on her, which appeared to be the method of communication. "You have my thanks for completing the task I had set for you, so it is only fair I uphold my end of the bargain. You may name your reward." After taking a bit of time to deliberate, and convincing Ukog that asking for Bucephalus "the fire horsey" was not a useful reward, Kardus posed the question, "I don't suppose asking you to leave Ireena alone is on the table eh?" Strahd smirked, "If you wish for me to no longer pursue miss Kolyana, then it is done... but if your desire is for us to not end up together, then I'm afraid that is beyond my control. You see... Ireena and I are destined to be together, and nothing you or I do will prevent that from happening." Not liking the sound of that, Kardus then posed a new question. "Is it possible then we could just hold on to this boon as a future favor from you?" Strahd thought for a moment and nodded. "Yes, that is acceptable. Once you know what it is you desire from me, you may ask for it." \page
# Chapter 41 - Moving Forward As the negotiation of a reward from Strahd came to an end, he had another proposal for the group. "Since you have all proven capable of accomplishing a task set before you, I have another request, though this one will be more open ended. It is up to you if you wish to pursue it or not, but if you do you shall be rewarded greatly." While they were all eager to leave, the group decided it was best to at least hear out what the count had in mind. "Are any of you familiar with a man who goes by the name, "Van Richten"?" Strahd asked. Ulfhan mentioned that they were familiar with the name but had never met the man in person. Strahd continued, "He is a self-proclaimed monster hunter of some well renown, and it has come to my attention that he has entered my domain with intent to try to kill me." Strahd then chuckled to himself, "If he wishes to hunt me, he is welcome to try. I look forward to the challenge. However there is a matter of his past that I cannot overlook." Strahd continued, "Many years ago, Rudolph Van Richten slaughtered a family of vistani. Men, women, and children included..." Strahd paused for a moment as the group let that information sink in. "As you know, I hold the vistani people in very high regard, and this is a crime that Van Richten must be held responsible for... But to the old man's credit, he has proven to be quite illusive. While I know he is in Barovia, I have been unable to track him down. This is where you all come in." Strahd turns to the group with a stern look on his face. "You are a group of adventurers, outsiders who have proven capable of getting things done. You are precisely the type of people I suspect Van Richten may reach out to as allies. Should he reveal himself to you, I ask that you play along. Earn his trust... then when he least suspects it, eliminate him." Strahd then looked each group member in the eyes for emphasis, "Bring me Van Richten's head... and I will allow each of you to leave Barovia, forever, to return to your homes with as much gold as you can carry out of my treasury." After a few moments of stunned silence, Slata was the first to speak up. "If I could clarify something... are you saying we can't leave Barovia otherwise?" Strahd glanced back toward the paladin with a smirk. "Precisely. As my invitation said, I am the only one who can allow you to leave Barovia, and this is an opportunity to earn that right." Slata looked down toward the table, as the realization that he was trapped in Barovia finally set in. Kardus then asked, "Uh... you said all the gold we could carry... would loading up an automaton count?" Strahd shrugged, "I don't see why not." Kardus then immediately started taking measurements of Bubbles and doing mental calculations of just how much gold could fit inside the construct. The dwarf whistled happily to himself as he started muttering, "I'm gonna have a forge even bigger than this castle!" Reyna'zi then asked curiously, "Strahd, your invitation also mentioned that you were the one who brought us to Barovia. Is there a particular reason why?" Strahd smiled softly toward the sorceress, which looked almost menacing as it was so rare to see, ``` ``` "Boredom... I brought you all here in order to make things interesting, and you have done well in that regard." Kardus then paused his measuring for a moment. "Oh, with my genius, I totally get why you would want someone like me in your country, but I gotta ask... Why'd you bring the kid here?" Kardus then motioned toward Ukog. Strahd and Ukog stared at each other for an awkward moment, until Strahd finally spoke, "At first I thought it would be amusing... Perhaps that was a mistake." His feelings hurt, Ukog retorted with a low, depressed sounding voice. "Your mother thought you were a mistake!" Strahd shot a glare at the young monk, and with only a couple steps had closed the distance between them. In one fluid motion, Strahd swung his arm outward, smacking Ukog with the back of his hand across the halfling's face, which sent Ukog reeling back. The thoughts on everyone else's minds ranged from being shocked, to impressed, and even to arousal as Reyna'zi muttered, "I can see why the women like you..." Ukog, after recovering from the initial blow glared back at the vampire with a crazed look. The monk then shouted a series of obscenities as he rushed Strahd and began to pummel him with a flurry of punches. Much to everyone's surprise, except Strahd of course, the blows that connected seemed to do absolutely nothing. The monk's fists simply bounced off of Strahd's body as if he were made of tempered steel. Getting annoyed with this unruliness, Strahd brought his hand down hard, striking Ukog between his shoulder and neck, knocking the boy out cold. Strahd proceeded to pick up Ukog's unconscious body by the scruff of his neck and handed it toward the rest of the group. "I believe this belongs to you?" Ulfhan apologized and took hold of Ukog, suggesting that it was best they be on their way. Strahd instructed that Rahadin would escort them all out and bring the carriage and their steeds to the front gate in order to bring them back to where they initially left from, or any settlement they wish to be brought to. On her way out, Reyna'zi couldn't help but ask Strahd if he had ever considered taking a tiefling as a consort. Strahd raised a curious eyebrow and responded, "I have not... but may have to consider it." Pleased with that answer, Reyna'zi and the others finally made their leave from Castle Ravenloft. The group remained quiet for much of the trip back to the winery. Part of them wished that they had taken time to explore more of the castle, but at the same time were glad to be out alive. Ulfhan, in a twisted form of optimism admitted that he didn't feel that Strahd would have done anything to really hurt them. "If he wanted us dead... we'd be dead." Ukog eventually awoke from being knocked out, and as the group suspected, he didn't remember anything about what had happened with his altercation with Strahd. As the night slowly turned into morning, the carriage stopped on the road leading to the winery. As soon as everyone departed the carriage, the horses swiftly turned around and returned back to where they came from. The Martikovs were relieved to see the group had returned safely and insisted on knowing what happened. After a brief recount, Adrian was curious as to why Strahd would have wanted their help in the first place. \page
Reyna'zi suspected that Strahd was interested in seeing how they handled the situation. "A test of sorts. Just to see what we're capable of... Studying his enemies." Adrian then mentioned that the wagon was loaded with the wine delivery for Vallaki and the vistani camp. "You all are welcome to stay here to rest, but I really need to get this delivery on its way." The consensus of the group was they were ready to come along, and eager to regroup with Ireena and others back in town. Victor, who had stayed back at the winery, was also prepared to leave. The others glanced around in confusion however, wondering where Nix and Nox were. Adrian explained that they had gone off on their own without much warning. "She seemed to have her own agenda. I wasn't going to try to stop her." A couple hours later, Adrian and the rest of the group were pulling up to the vistani encampment just outside of Vallaki. Luvash, Arrigal, and the other vistani cheered as they saw the fresh wine supply being delivered. Adrian apologized for the delay, and began to help unload a few of the barrels of wine off of the cart. Arrigal motioned for the group to come speak with him. He remained quiet so as not to let the other vistani hear him. He explained that he had overheard the conversation the group had with his brother, Luvash, previously about opening relations with the Barovians. While Luvash was very reluctant and skeptical, Arrigal explained that he was more open to the idea. "If we're ever going to work past old prejudice, we need to make an effort to change it. That being said... I'd like to start negotiating with the Barovians without Luvash being aware... Might be easier to convince him if I can get something in the works before I even present it to him." ``` ``` Arrigal then asked them all who in Vallaki they all trusted that he could attempt to reach out to. They unanimously agreed that Ireena would likely be the best candidate as she was currently getting the town back in order after the Baron's death. They then offered to have Arrigal join them as they were about to go visit her anyway, but Arrigal refused. "I appreciate the offer, but this is something I want to handle on my own. The reason being, if you all are involved, Luvash will simply see it as a deal you all are making. We already treat you like family, so that won't earn any benefit in his eyes. It needs to be the Barovians themselves making an effort to set aside our differences... So just make Ireena aware, and I'll try to arrange a meeting when I'm ready." The group agreed to let Ireena know about the plan, and bid farewell as Adrian was ready to move on to Vallaki. It was easy getting through the town gates as the guards immediately recognized Adrian and the highly sought wine delivery. The cart made its way to the Blue Water Inn, where they were greeted by Urwin. Adrian hopped off the cart and approached his brother. There was a moment of awkward silence, but the two men eventually smiled and embraced each other in a hug. After the reunion, they proceeded to unload the barrels into the inn. Danika's voice then rang out in glee. "About time you all showed up! We were down to the last few drops!" Danika then offered them all drinks on the house as thanks. It didn't take long for news of the wine delivery to reach the locals, as the inn quickly filled with visitors eager for a drink. Ulfhan took the opportunity to ask some of the patrons how the town was faring since the festival. \page
They learned that a lot of folks in town were afraid to leave their homes for a time, but were steadily getting over that fear. Realizing that they didn't have to put on fake smiles any more was a major relief. Izek also earned a lot of praise when he issued a release order for anyone imprisoned in the reformation center under the charge of "malicious unhappiness". Overall, it seemed people's morale was improving when not under the baron's oppression. Glad to hear that their arrangements to keep the town running seemed to be panning out, the group made their way to the Wachter Manor to check in on everyone there. They were greeted at the door by Karl and Nikolai II, Fiona Wachter's sons. Reyna'zi greeted them both with a quick kiss, leaving them blushing as she made her way into the home. Ukog immediately made his way to the kitchen to look for pie, while the others found places to settle in the guest parlor. Hearing of their return, Ireena rushed down the stairs, happy to see they were all alive and well. Reyna'zi greeted her with a tight embrace and a deeper than normal kiss, which Ireena was becoming more accustomed to. After an update on their experience in Ravenloft, Ulfhan then had Ireena sit down. "I hate to break this to you, but I have a bit of good news and bad news." Ireena looked to the dwarf with concern, but listened intently. "The good news, you know that girl Gertruda from the village of Barovia? Turns out she is alive... for now. The bad news is she seems to be on deck to become one of Strahd's newest consorts." Ireena turned a bit pale, as she realized that was a fate Strahd intended for her as well. "While I'm glad to hear Gertruda is well... part of me wonders if it might have been better if she had died in the mists, as I doubt rescuing her will be possible." The others nodded solemnly. Ulfhan then continued, "That being said, we're likely going to head to Krezk in the near future. Do you want to accompany us? Perhaps the Abbey will prove a safe place to stay out of Strahd's reach." Ireena thought for a moment, understanding that her original intent was to be taken to a place of safety, but now she held some responsibility over Vallaki's government. She requested to sleep on the idea and give her answer in the morning. Reyna'zi then began to head up the stairs, but Ulfhan stopped her momentarily to speak privately. "I hope I handled that well, telling Ireena the bad news... but not the REALLY bad news... namely how Strahd thinks she and him are fated to be together." Reyna'zi nodded and agreed it would be best to not mention that bit of information. "Best not to worry her more than we need to." Upstairs, Reyna'zi peered into the master bedroom, which had been converted into a makeshift office. Izek was sitting at a desk, staring down at a book of basic politics with frustration, like a student struggling with their least favorite subject. Reyna'zi smiled and waltzed over quietly, then began to massage Izek's shoulders. He turned to her, mildly startled, but returned her smile as he saw his sister was alright. "I heard you went to the castle. I'm glad you're still in one piece." Reyna'zi then gave Izek an update and asked how he was handling things. He explained he wasn't used to having to make real decisions, as he had always been one to follow orders. "Frankly, Ireena is doing a fine job of running things... I wouldn't mind just leaving things to her and coming with you, if you wanted some extra backup?" Reyna'zi considered the idea, and certainly wouldn't have minded the extra company, but at the same time it was going to be up to Ireena's decision as far as what she wanted to do. Reyna'zi then took her leave and decided to check in on Stella Wachter. The timid girl was unfortunately still very much acting like a cat. Reyna'zi sighed, hoping that the Abbot in Krezk may be able to help her. Leaving the girl to her room, Reyna'zi went to rejoin the others downstairs. \page
# Chapter 42 - Strahd's Sibling As Reyna'zi made her way down the stairs to rejoin the rest of her party, she noticed Victor had taken up a spot on the sofa, his nose buried in his spell book, as usual. The two Wachter brothers then approached him. "Hey... you're the Vallakovich boy, right?" Victor gave Nikolai and Karl a side eye and muttered, "Yeah...what of it?" Suddenly Karl sucker-punched Victor in the side of the face, nearly knocking him off of the sofa. "That's for what you did to our sister you little punk!" Reyna'zi saw Victor about to retaliate as he his hands began to perform some magical gestures, and quickly stepped in between the boys. "Alright, that's enough!" Victor growled, "They started it..." while Karl argued, "Cause you made our sister into a house cat!" Victor then shot back, "You have no proof of that!" Reyna'zi then glared at the boys and chastised them all, the Wachters for attacking Victor, and Victor for not owning up to his past mistakes. "I think it's time you apologize for what happened." Victor grumbled then eventually said in a huff, "Fine... I apologize...." then muttered under his breath, "... that your sister's mind was so weak..." Reyna'zi rolled her eyes and had to hold herself back from slapping the young man. "Dude... if you don't fix your attitude, you can just go off on your own and forget about traveling with us." She then turned to the Wachters, "You two should just leave him alone. I understand what he did to your sister is hurtful, but he is planning on helping us in taking her to Krezk to hopefully get her cured... So his heart is in the right place." The Wachter boys seemed to accept that answer and went back to their corner. Ulfhan then pulled Victor and Reyna'zi aside so that only their group could hear the conversation. "So, Victor... mind telling us what actually happened with Stella?" Victor then sighed and finally explained. "I was interested in studying mind manipulation magic, and how can I do that without a mind to manipulate? She was the perfect subject." Reyna'zi then tried to justify his reasoning to seem less malicious. "See, he views it from a curiosity and learning perspective, I don't think he intended for Stella to end up the way she was." Ulfhan asked Victor to continue, "What exactly did you do with her?" Victor spoke with little emotion in his words, "I started with simple things, like charm, and fear... but we eventually graduated into stronger spells. Command, I was able to make her do simple tasks... Then I dabbled with dominate person... and I could make her do whatever I wanted." Slata and Kardus shared concerned glances with each other as Slata whispered, "That's pretty fucked up." Victor then continued, "At that point I realized I didn't want a girlfriend, but perhaps a pet instead... so I made her act like a cat... I underestimated how far the human mind could bend however before it would break. Now she's stuck like that and I can't turn her back. Nothing I do now works on her." Ulfhan nodded as he let the full situation sink in and tried to confirm with Victor that nothing like this would happen again, though Victor made it clear he wasn't making any promises, but at least he knew more about the limits of the human mind. ``` ``` As the day faded into evening, discussion then turned toward the future of Vallaki. Reyna'zi mentioned how Izek wasn't particularly keen on staying the leader of the town, but at the same time, didn't want Ireena to feel stuck there either. They discussed how the village of Barovia was basically dead, and it would likely be the best for everyone if they could get Ismark to move everyone from there into Vallaki, then he could take control. "It makes sense since he is a trained burgomaster, and it would give the people of the village of Barovia a safer place to live." Kardus then mentioned that as a backup plan, the Martikovs could fare pretty well as leaders of the town. "Everyone respects them for what they contribute, they would just need help in running their businesses." Giving Ireena plenty to think about for the night, Reyna'zi then looked to the others and asked if it might be a good opportunity for "story time." Ireena glanced at her curiously. "What do you mean, story time?" Reyna'zi then explained how they had come across a rather interesting book that apparently detailed Strahd's history, and whenever they manage to decipher a chapter, they get to experience the history first hand. Reyna'zi invited Ireena to join for this go round as it could prove enlightening. After a few hours of studying, the book fluttered open and mists began to pour out from its pages once more, engulfing everyone in the room. Reyna'zi held Ireena's hand, as they were already used to this routine but this was a new experience for her. Strahd's voice then echoed around them, offering his narration. "At my advisors’ behest, I called for my remaining family, long unseated from their ancient thrones, and brought them here to settle in the castle I built for them. From this plea came a younger brother of mine, Sergei, nearly grown. I had never known him." As the mists faded, the group found themselves dressed in the clothing of nobility, and they were all standing amidst a crowd inside of a familiar looking audience hall, the same one that Slata and Anastrasya had been dancing in the night prior, though it was bright and lively with the sun shining through stain-glassed windows. Strahd sat upon a throne, with Rahadin by his side. The murmurs of the hall were quieted by the groan of heavy wooden doors parting. A procession of marching footsteps and the fanfare of trumpets preceded a beautiful man with wavy black hair, kind eyes, and a warming smile strutting into the chamber. He approached boldly, draped in the familiar robes of the Morninglord. A gilded, radiant sword rested at his hip. The hilt of the weapon was so finely crafted that one would not be faulted for believing it was made of pure light. He dropped to a knee before the throne. Rahadin then announced the man's arrival, "Welcome Sergei von Zarovich, second son of King Barov and Queen Ravenovia, Awakened son of the Morninglord, to our Castle Ravenloft. The keep’s splendors and comforts are yours." Sergei then rose to his feet. Strahd rose in turn and stepped down the marble stairs, standing half a foot taller than his younger brother. He reached to shake his guest’s hand, but as their forearms met, Sergei pulled his brother in for a hug. \page
Strahd stepped back and pronounced, loud enough for the room to hear, "It is good to have you, brother. Come, let us celebrate." As the room burst into applause, the view in front of the group changed. Within moments they found themselves standing in the castle courtyard. The cheering continued, though now it came from a series of tiered benches surrounding a circle of dirt where two men were dueling each other. Strahd and his brother, Sergei, observed from two thrones while Rahadin officiated what appeared to be an exhibition match. As the duel concluded, Rahadin announced the winner, then proclaimed, "The next set of fights will begin shortly. Do we have any challengers?" The group asked one of the nearby nobles what was happening. They explained that anyone could challenge anyone else to a duel. The first to make five hits against their opponent would be deemed the winner. They emphasized that it was purely for fun, but a great way to let off steam if you had a bone to pick with one of the other nobles. Ukog then immediately piped up, "I want to fight Strahd again!" Before any of the others could think to stop him, Ukog rushed over to the circle of dirt. "I challenge Strahd!" Ukog blurted out. The audience grew silent and turned to see what the lord's response would be. Strahd smirked and stood from his throne, "As you wish. Far be it from me to turn down a challenge." Ukog and Strahd took their places at either side of the circle and Rahadin cued the match to begin. Strahd took an aggressive approach and charged Ukog, taking two precise strikes against the monk. Ukog retaliated with a flurry of punches, returning the hits. Strahd took two more swipes, but Ukog proved too fast and managed to duck under the blade, moved in close, and pummeled Strahd with three more quick punches, ending the match. The audience grew silent once more, shocked that Strahd had actually lost against a challenger. Strahd then laughed heartily and shook Ukog's hand. "Very good! You are quite fast, little one." Rahadin then played the loss off as intentional, "It's so humbling to see the lord of the castle go easy on a challenger to keep things interesting!" The people around the the audience chuckled as Ukog walked back to rejoin the rest of the group. Kardus looked around the audience and spotted a couple people he recognized from past delves into Strahd's past. In particular he saw Leo Dilisnya, the man who they know would eventually betray Strahd, and Aleksandra Gwilym, Strahd's lead commander. He then grinned to himself and stepped forward, "I got an idea." As Kardus approached Rahadin he shouted, "I challenge lady Aleks Gwilym". The audience cheered as Aleks stood up and drew her sword while she entered the ring. Kardus then addressed her directly as he faced off with her, drawing his mace and shield. "To make this interesting, how would you like to put a bit of a wager on this match?" Aleks seemed amused by the idea, "Well, aren't you a bold one... I'm game, what did you have in mind?" Kardus then continued, "Now I know it would seem barbaric to fight over money, so I suggest something better. A wager of secrets. If I win, you tell me a secret of yours. If you win, I'll tell you one of mine." Aleks seem to weigh the idea and then nodded. "Very well, wager accepted. I'm curious what's crawling around in that head of yours." ``` ``` Rahadin began the match, and the two charged at each other. Kardus and Aleks both traded blows for a few turns. Kardus doing his best to anticipate her movements and dodge at the last second. He was surprised by the amount of force she was putting behind her hits despite this being a match purely for fun. He was grateful that he had a shield to guard himself with. Aleks giggled, clearly enjoying herself. "You're not bad... but you're too slow." She took a mighty swing, which Kardus side stepped, but it turned out to be a feint. Aleks then turned her swing into a spin, and lightly knocked the back of Kardus' head with the butt of her sword. "And that is match." The crowd applauded as the two fighters shook hands, and Kardus then leaned in to whisper to Aleks, "One among your number is a traitor." Aleks raised a curious eyebrow, but then nodded silently as she returned to her seat. Kardus seemed pleased with himself as he rejoined the rest of the group. Reyna'zi looked at him curiously, and Kardus simply shrugged. "Just testing to see how much of this past world we can influence." Unexpectedly, Ulfhan then approached the circle. "I challenge Rahadin!" he called out. The dusk elf seemed caught off guard, but Strahd applauded. "Go ahead, my friend. It's not fair if you don't get to have a bit of fun yourself!" Rahadin glared at Ulfhan, seeing this challenge more of a nuisance than anything else as they took their places in the circle. Strahd called for the start of the match, and Rahadin was first to close in. He wanted to end this fight as quickly as possible. Much to his surprise however, Ulfhan skillfully landed a couple hits, causing Rahadin to act more cautious. "Well... it seems you have a bit of skill. But are you prepared for this!" Rahadin reached into his coat and quickly drew two darts which were tossed in Ulfhan's direction. The dwarf managed to avoid one but took the second to his neck. The crowd was silent, seeming afraid to cheer for either combatant. Strahd watched the match with great intrigue. In one more clash and a flurry of swings from his spear, Ulfhan landed the final blow on Rahadin, knocking the dusk elf to the ground. "Match!" Ulfhan proclaimed as he walked off the circle without a second glance toward Rahadin, who was clearly fuming. Strahd declared Ulfhan the winner. "I'm impressed. It is rare to see my chamberlain bested in combat." Rahadin brushed off his clothes in a huff and resumed officiating the matches. Ulfhan returned to the group with a hint of a smile on his face, which was odd, coming from him. Suddenly the crowd grew silent as the next challenge was proposed. "I challenge my brother!" Sergei called out. As the match began, Sergei’s sword flew down, nearly chopping Strahd in two, but the Lord raised his sword in time to leave an inch’s gap between steel and skull. Sergei dipped back, narrowly avoiding his brother’s parrying dagger. He propped himself up, tossing his own parrying dagger into a reverse grip and tilting his short sword, not like a noble in a duel but a teenager in a street fight. Strahd scanned Sergei’s sloppy stance, and in a flurry of black cloth, he lead with a feint before swiping low with his red, black, and gold dagger. The younger von Zarovich was caught off guard but managed to catch his brother’s arm, batting the dagger away just as the point scratched his armor. Sergei hastily brought his blade around in a broad sweep and spun frantically toward his target. \page
Strahd parried the obvious attack with ease, but the Dervish twirls masked the dagger that nearly found the elder’s throat. Strahd weaved into Sergei’s whirling blades like a dancer twirling with their partner, pulling his neck back enough to avoid the fine steel edge, and forcing his brother to overstep. He stood swiftly upright, his blade held straight, the point pressed gently to the base of Sergei’s skull. They lowered their weapons and bowed. The crowd erupted, as the brothers looked out over the people. Sergei waved enthusiastically, an enormous smile plastered on his exuberant face, and hardly a drop of sweat on his forehead. Strahd, drenched in sweat, blotted his face with a black kerchief, and waved out of obligation. His penetrating eyes snapped briefly in his brother’s direction, cutting more harshly than his longsword ever could. The view faded as the mists returned, as did Strahd's narration. "He was handsome and youthful. I hated him for both." The group soon found themselves back in the Wachter manor, and Reyna'zi found the spell, "Mage Armor" had been added to the Tome of Strahd. The hour was growing late, and they all decided it was finally time to rest. The next morning, Slata grumbled as he made his way down the stairs to the parlor. Ulfhan looked over to the paladin. "Hey Slata, are you alright? You don't look so good." Slata shook his head, explaining he didn't feel good either. "I barely slept last night. Had a bunch of nightmares, I couldn't stay asleep." The others joined one by one, with Ukog being the last. He also seemed less than his usual bright self. "I don't feel good." The others looked on in concern, "What's wrong Ukog?" The monk explained he didn't sleep well. When asked if it was something he ate, he didn't seem to think it was related. Ulfhan then mentioned that Slata wasn't feeling good either. They speculated as to what the problem could be, and thought back to when they had the pies from "Granny", whom they later learned was actually a hag named Morgantha. "Do you think those pies are having an ill effect on you? They did effect your dreams." Slata exclaimed in frustration, "But that was like over a week ago! And we haven't had any side effects before now! It has to be something more recent, or we just had a bad night." ``` ``` They all accepted that answer for the time being and tried to move on with their day. Ukog went back to bed to try to get a little more rest. Once Ireena was awake, the group was curious to hear her decision as to whether she wanted to join the party on their way to Krezk, or to stay in Vallaki. She explained that after thinking about it long and hard, she wanted to stay in Vallaki. "I'll be a danger to people no matter where I am, and if I am simply running away to find a safe place to hide, then I am only helping myself. Here I am doing good for others. Even if I am vulnerable, I would feel better about myself that I am helping the town get back on its feet." Izek then placed a hand on Ireena's shoulder. "In that case, I will stay as well. I want to help keep the town in order... and keep an eye on Ireena. Nothing's going to hurt her without going through me first." Izek glanced at Reyna'zi, sharing a mutual nod of approval. With that decided, they mentioned to Ireena that she should consider reaching out to Ismark, her brother, to see if he could make a transition over to Vallaki. She agreed it would be better for the people of the village to have a safer home, and the town of Vallaki to have an experienced burgomaster to lead them. The group also suggested she reach out to Arrigal from the vistani encampment. They gave her the details that he was willing to try to work out an arrangement of trade with Vallaki. Ireena made a few notes and promised to follow up on those suggestions. The group then began to discuss their next plan of action. Since Ireena planned to stay in Vallaki, there was no particular rush to get to Krezk any more, which meant they had other destinations they could seek out. There was still the old castle ruins at the top of the valley that used to belong to the Order of the Silver Dragon, which they believed housed one of the treasures that Madam Eva's tarokka reading had told them of. There was also the tower at lake Baratok that Rictavio, the half-elf ringmaster had mentioned they should look into when they had a chance. Both of which were closer than Krezk was. After a quick vote, they decided it would be best to check out the old dragon fortress first, as long as they could get Adrian Martikov to agree to hold off on the Krezk wine delivery just a bit longer. Luckily, convincing him to spend time with his estranged family in Vallaki didn't take much convincing. "Krezk has waited this long for wine, what's a couple more days?". From there the group made a few stops around town, selling off some items and weapons they had acquired and no longer needed. Then they ventured back to the Vistani camp to try to barter for an additional horse. It was a bit expensive, but since the vistani were the only ones around with a breeding stock of horses, their options were limited. With two horses, plus Slata's giant lizard steed, Samira, the group were able to travel much more quickly on the roads. By mid-afternoon they were making their way up the hillside path. They couldn't help but feel the sense of familiarity as they passed the very same path they had fought on during one of the early delves into the Tome of Strahd. Once they reached the top, they looked on in awe at the massive mansion that used to serve as the main fortress for the Order of the Silver Dragon; Argynvostholt... \page
# Chapter 43 - The Dragon's Plea Outside of the fortress stood a large marble statue of a dragon which faced the main entrance. Slata was eager to get inside and see what secrets the place might hold, and as he walked up the front steps, the statue began to move. The mouth of the dragon opened up and Slata was then blasted with a mild cool breeze that emitted out of it. Kardus gave the statue a quick inspection and presumed it was intended to be a trap to stop intruders, but whatever magical power the statue once contained had long since worn off. Slata then entered the main door, which opened up into a large foyer. There were numerous doors leading to other areas of the fortress, and a massive staircase leading up to higher floors. Glancing around, it was clear the place was in severe disrepair. Crumbled bits of ceiling littered the floor. There were a series of carved busts on display, though one seemed to have been toppled over and smashed to pieces. There was also a massive portrait of a handsome bearded man wearing silver armor. The artwork was labeled as "Lord Argynvost". Ready to explore deeper into the fortress, Ukog attempted to open a couple of doors, but found them to be stuck and unable to open. Kardus asked the kid to move aside as he attempted to force one of the doors open using his mechanical arm, but even with his added strength, the door failed to budge. "Well... there is one other way to open it." Kardus then pulled out his mace and proceeded to bash the door, smashing it to pieces. Once the door was no longer in the way, it became quite clear why it was so hard to open. The room on the opposite side was filled wall to wall with extra thick webbing. Bubbles, without being prompted, produced a small feather duster and began to ineffectively brush away some of the webbing. "Hey Reyna'zi... care to do a bit of spider web cleanup?" the dwarf asked with a chuckle. Reyna'zi cringed as she peered into the room. "Yes... let's take care of this." She then cast a few rounds of firebolt and watched the fire spread through the webbing. Suddenly the room erupted with the sounds of hideous hissing and screeching as five giant spiders emerged from their hiding places within the webbing. With the door completely destroyed, there was no way to keep the spiders contained within the room, so the group decided to deal with them directly. Ukog managed to smash in a second door leading into the same room and leapt onto the back of one of the spiders. The young monk pummeled the spider with punches, hammering it into the ground. Slata charged and began severing another spider from many of its limbs while Reyna'zi's raven companion, Cormac, flew to his aid and pecked out the spider's eyes until it lay dead on the floor. Kardus took aim with his crossbow at another spider who proceeded to cover Bubbles in thick webbing, but his bolts missed, ricocheting off the walls. This drew the attention of four additional giant spiders who came crawling down from the collapsed upper levels of the fortress. Victor, who remained a healthy distance outside of the room, focused on an area where a number of spiders were grouped and he swiftly cast a spell. Suddenly four spiders were engulfed in a massive ball of fire, leaving them fried and twitching on the ground as their webbing burned away around them. With their numbers severely dwindled, it didn't take long for Ulfhan and Slata to finish off the last couple spiders. Once they were certain there were no more arachnid threats, the group relaxed and finished burning away the webbing. They discovered that the entire section of the fortress they were inside seemed to have collapsed. They could see up through multiple floors to the sky above. They also discovered the remains of a couple poor adventurers that didn't survive against the spiders. Among the remains the group found an everburning torch, a wand of secrets, as well as a silver dagger with rubies inlaid in the hilt. Kardus' eyes lit up upon seeing the gems and pocketed the dagger for later. With that room cleared, the group continued exploring the first floor of the fortress. In the next area, they found what appeared to be an old dining room. Slata used his fire breath to light the chandelier hanging above the table to give them a bit more light. To the east appeared to be a large set of double doors with stained-glass windows, leading into a chapel of some sort. Reyna'zi's attention however was drawn to the fireplace. In the ashes, she spotted the smallest of embers, barely clinging to life as it seemed to be drawing bits of ash into itself to continue to burn. Reyna'zi then pulled out a small piece of paper, tore it up, then sprinkled it around the ember. With new fuel to burn, the ember quickly grew into a small flame. The flame then began to move, taking on the form of a tiny white and blue dragon, which then proceeded to fly out from the fireplace, circle the room, then flee out the doorway and up the grand staircase to the second floor. Curious to see what this was about, Reyna'zi immediately followed the little flame dragon. The rest of the group, not wanting to get split up, followed in her stead. The group continued to chase the little dragon as it seemed to be leading them somewhere. Upon reaching the second floor landing, it flew to the end of the corridor and up a spiral staircase to the third floor. Everyone rushed to keep up, making it to the third floor just in time to see the little dragon disappear around a corner. As Reyna'zi and the others followed in pursuit around the wall, they were shocked by what they saw and stopped dead in their tracks. Standing before them atop a pile of rubble, was the spectral form of a massive silver dragon. The dragon didn't seem to notice them at first, as it stared longingly at the back of a throne, sitting at the opposite end of the room it was peering into. The dragon turned its head toward the group, and with a deep voice bellowed, "Welcome friends... we must speak, but not here." The dragon then proceeded to float through a wall and disappeared into another room. The group followed and found themselves inside of a massive office, with the dragon sitting in the corner at attention. Reyna'zi immediately kneeled out of respect to address the spirit, and Slata followed suit. The dragon introduced itself as Argynvost, the originator of the Order of the Silver Dragon. \page
Argynvost proceeded to recount the events that lead to order's destruction at the hands of Strahd and his forces. He then explained that his soul, along with those of many of his knights were trapped in Barovia, unable to find peace. "My knights can no longer hear me, but I can hear them. They have been corrupted by hate and despair. Their suffering pains me greatly." Slata asked what could be done to ease the pained spirits and allow them to find peace. Unfortunately Argynvost did not have a clear answer. "If my knights could feel hope once again, then perhaps they could find peace. But I am not sure how that can be accomplished." Slata vowed that he and his companions would find a way to help. The group then asked what exactly the Order's purpose was in the valley before Strahd took control. Argynvost explained that they sought to protect the people of the valley and acted as guardians of a temple of forbidden knowledge, to ensure it would never fall into the wrong hands. Reyna'zi and the others presumed Argynvost was referring to the Amber Temple that Kasimir of the dusk elves had mentioned. With no more to be discussed, the spirit of Argynvost faded into nothingness. After a few moments of silence, Slata spoke up with conviction. "We have to help Argynvost. He is the whole reason I am here." The paladin then explained how he had been given a vision from Bahamut in the past with the task of freeing Argynvost's soul which had been trapped. "My hopes is if I can complete this quest then I may earn my way back into my order. Even if not, I will feel better about myself for doing good for the world." A sudden gust of wind blew a small piece of parchment off from the top of a shelf and it fluttered to the floor. Ulfhan picked it up and read what seemed to be a journal entry from Argynvost himself. "My knights have fallen, and this land is lost. The armies of my enemy will not be stopped by sword or spell, claw or fang. Today I will die, not avenging those who have fallen, but defending that which I love—this valley, this home, and the ideals of the Order of the Silver Dragon. The evil surrounds me. The time has come to throw off this guise and show these heathens my true fearsome form. Let it spark terror in their hearts! Let them tell their stories of dark triumph against the protector of the Balinok Mountains! Let Argynvost be remembered as a dragon of honor and valor. My one regret is that my remains will not lie in their rightful place, in the hallowed mausoleum of Argynvostholt. No doubt my bones will be scattered among my enemies like the coins of a plundered hoard, trophies of a hard-won victory. I do not fear death. Though my body will die, my spirit will live on. Let it serve as a beacon of light against the darkness. Let it bring hope to a land wrought with despair. Now, to battle!" After pondering over the entry for a bit, Slata began to speculate that perhaps the key to bringing peace to the knights would be to reunite Argynvost's remains with his soul. "According to the journal, the fact he wouldn't be put to rest in his designated place was his only regret, so I'm betting if we can accomplish that it may have some effect on what's going on around here." ``` ``` The others agreed that that was as good of a plan as anything else they could come up with, but it would be quite difficult to collect every piece of Argynvost's remains considering they had no idea where to even start looking. The group then proceeded to explore more of the fortress, and made their way to the room with the throne that Argynvost was staring at earlier. As they approached the throne, they saw the corpse of a knight, slumped over and leaning on a large greatsword. Ukog pointed out the corpse, "There's someone sleeping over here!" The others watched it cautiously as Slata eyed the greatsword. It appeared to be in good shape, and had a dragon design on the hilt. Slata reached out to grab the sword, and the corpse suddenly grabbed his arm to stop him. "Didn't anyone ever teach you to leave the dead well enough alone..." the corpse growled. While the others readied their weapons, Ukog just shrugged. "I told you he was sleeping." The corpse stood up, and introduced himself as Vladimir Horngaard, captain of the Order of the Silver Dragon, and he demanded to know why the group was trespassing. "If you are treasure seekers, this place has long been ransacked already for anything of value." Reyna'zi then dropped to one knee out of respect, and plead that they were only trying to follow Argynvost's wishes and bring peace to the knights, and hopefully gain allies in their fight against Strahd. Vladimir laughed, exclaiming that Argynvost was gone, and trying to fight Strahd was a fool's errand. "Our everlasting hatred for Strahd is the only reason we still stand. But imagine our surprise when we learned that the man responsible for the destruction of our order, was already dead, and trapped in a hell of his own creation." Vladimir then went on to explain that while they sought revenge against Strahd, there was no greater pain or suffering they could put him through than what he is already enduring. "Strahd is trapped here, unable to find peace. So I have made it my duty to ensure his suffering continues, and anyone who seeks to end that suffering will be dealt with." Ulfhan then shouted angrily at the knight captain. "But what about all of the innocent people who suffer under Strahd. The people your order vowed to protect! You've abandoned them!" Vladimir sneered, "They are an unfortunate but acceptable sacrifice to ensure Strahd's suffering is eternal." After a few more minutes of arguing in an attempt to sway Vladimir to their cause, Ulfhan grew frustrated and exclaimed, "Then we will do what you failed to do. We will defeat Strahd and save the people... no, this very land from his influence!" Vladimir's brow furrowed and the grip on his sword tightened. "You are really that confident that you can destroy Strahd for good? That would give him peace, which is something I cannot allow." Vladimir then raised his sword in a combat-ready stance. "I'm afraid I must put a stop to your efforts here... but if you truly believe you can defeat Strahd, then surely I shouldn't prove to be a challenge." The negotiations had failed, and the group reluctantly prepared for battle. \page
# Chapter 44 - A Familiar Face Vladimir raised his greatsword and stared at the group, sizing them all up as the tension grew, everyone waiting for someone to make the first move. Vladimir's gaze stopped as he glanced between Reyna'zi and Victor. "Casters..." he muttered under his breath as he suddenly charged in Reyna'zi's direction. Ulfhan swiftly struck at Vladimir with his spear as the knight charged by, but did nothing to slow him down as Vladimir brought his sword cleaving downward on Reyna'zi, staggering her. She retaliated with a burst of flame as she uttered something in infernal, but a moment later, the greatsword slashed upward, knocking her unconscious to the floor, bleeding profusely. Vladimir simply smirked, muttering softly, "One down...". Victor, who for the first time looked legitimately frightened, cast magic missile and a flurry of magical bolts of energy slammed into Vladimir. Ulfhan, Slata and Ukog quickly began to surround the knight, pummeling him with attacks while Kardus tossed a healing potion to Bubbles. The construct made its way over to Reyna'zi and force-fed her the potion, allowing her to regain consciousness, though she was still badly hurt. Kardus then prepared to enter the fray against Vladimir, but then noticed spiritual knights began to appear around the room, surrounding the rest of the group. "Uh, guys? I think he has reinforcements!" The others ignored the warning for now and focused their energy and taking down Vladimir. With a massive flurry of punches, Ukog managed to beat the knight down onto the ground, where he laid motionless. "Well, that wasn't so hard." They all then turned their attention toward the spirits, but Slata couldn't help but be drawn toward the massive sword Vladimir was wielding. The paladin reached down to grab the sword, when Vladimir's hand suddenly gripped the hilt tightly as he snarled. Startled, Slata took his swords and stabbed Vladimir through the his back. With a groan of pain, the light in Vladimir's eyes faded and he fell silent, as the spirits also began to dissipate. "Well... that got him" said Slata, proud of himself. Reyna'zi then walked over to Kardus and proceeded to give him a big hug and a kiss, much to the dwarf's discomfort. Slata happily picked up the massive greatsword, claiming it as his own, while Ulfhan investigated the rest of Vladimir's body for anything of value. Kardus requested to take his half plate armor. "It's damaged, but I should be able to fix it up." Ulfhan then discovered two necklaces around the knight's neck. One was a pendent of the morninglord's symbol, a sunburst. The other however was unfamiliar. It looked like a star shape with a large red jewel in the center of it. Taking a few moments to identify the object, they learned it was the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. It apparently granted the wearer protections and abilities to give them an advantage against vampires. Ulfhan ultimately decided that Slata should carry both pendents. "I think you'll be able to make the most use out of them." Without warning, there was suddenly a soft yet gravely voice coming from behind them all. ``` ``` "Excuse me..." Victor and Kardus were both startled, as they hadn't even noticed that yet another undead knight had managed to sneak up behind them. Victor fell on his rear and quickly backpedaled away from the being. The knight, whom also looked like a corpse with locks of pure white hair, continued to speak. "I heard the commotion... I do not wish you any harm, but only to speak. Please forgive Vladimir. He is a good man, but has been blinded by hate." The knight introduced himself as Sir Godfrey Gwilym. Reyna'zi gasped as she recognized the name. He was the blonde knight that they had all seen when they entered the Tome of Strahd, and witnessed the battle that would ultimately destroy the order. Godfrey confirmed with the group that they had spoken with his master, Argynvost. "That is good... While I cannot see or speak to his spirit, I do sense his presence." The group then recounted their earlier conversation, to which Godfrey simply nodded. "Come... there is something I wish to show you all." He then began to lead them down to the first floor of the fortress. Along the way, Ulfhan asked Godfrey why he seemed so different from Vladimir and the other knights. Godfrey did not know the answer. "Somehow I have managed to avoid being consumed by hate, yet I am still here. I can only assume I must serve some other purpose." Godfrey lead them through the chapel and out into an enclosed graveyard. They approached a large mausoleum, and Godfrey proceeded to unlock the door. Once inside, the group was amazed to see an enormous collection of dragon bones. All laid out as if on display. "Is this what I think it is?" Slata and the others asked. Godfrey nodded, "These are the remains of my lord Argynvost. I spent many years tracking down each piece... unfortunately the collection is incomplete." Glancing around, it was clear there was a crucial component missing to the skeleton, namely its skull. When asked if Godfrey knew where the skull was, he confirmed. "It is currently in possession of a witch who resides in the swamps. Unfortunately I am not strong enough to defeat someone of her power." He then hesitantly requested the group to help, but warned that the witch was not to be trifled with. The group asked Godfrey if he had any ideas on how to take on the witch, or knew of any other allies who might be able to assist, but he was unaware. They all then decided it would be for the best to rest for the night and try to come up with a plan. Godfrey offered for them to stay in the main foyer of the fortress. "As long as I stand guard, none of the other knights will harm you." They thanked Godfrey for his assistance and decided to settle in for the night. \page
# Chapter 45 - Tatyana The group proceeded to set up camp inside of the main foyer of the fortress. Before settling in to rest, Reyna'zi was eager to try to decipher another chapter of the Tome of Strahd. With a bit of help from Bubbles, the chapter was easily decrypted and they all prepared themselves as mists poured from the book and enveloped them. As expected now, Strahd's booming voice provided narration. “Then, all my disparaging thoughts fell away like dead leaves. She was, without doubt, the most beautiful person I'd ever seen.” As the mists faded, the group found themselves sitting at a dining table in a familiar looking room. It seemed they were in the very same dining hall within Ravenloft where they had dinner with Strahd and his brides a few nights previous, though everything appeared cleaner and brighter. Looking down, they all saw they were dressed as nobles, and there were six additional seats at the table. The remaining guests soon arrived, starting with Strahd himself accompanied by a female dusk elf wearing a lavish red gown. Remembering what Kasimir had told them about Strahd's past, they deduced this woman to be Patrina Velikovna, the dusk elf woman who tried to woo Strahd in an attempt to gain political power for her people. Next to enter were Rahadin, alongside a young woman wearing religious garb. She was later introduced as Ilona Darovnya, a cleric who accompanied Strahd during many of his military operations. Last to enter were Strahd's brother Sergei as well as a guest he had invited, and everyone in the group looked on in surprise. Beside Sergei was a young woman with long red hair, wearing common peasant clothing, who looked just like Ireena. The group took quick glances at each other, thoughts racing wondering how this was possible. Sergei introduced the woman as Tatyana, and they all took their respective seats. Throughout the dinner, it was easy to see there was drama unfolding. Strahd was clearly infatuated with Tatyana and was doing everything he could to learn more about her while also talking about his triumphs and in turn putting down Sergei whenever he could. Sergei, taking things in stride seemed oblivious to Strahd's advances, and treated any of his insults as purely brotherly banter or somehow twisted his negatives into positives. Patrina was clearly growing jealous of the attention that Tatyana was getting from her escort, and did what she could to draw attention back to herself, questioning why a peasant would even be allowed at a formal dinner. Rahadin, who clearly had a dislike for Patrina, took every chance to play up Strahd's accomplishments as well as ridicule Patrina. Tatyana, clearly feeling out of place, tried her best to remain polite, returning any compliments she received and ignoring any hostility toward her. It was also clear she had an interest in Sergei, as she would brighten up with a smile whenever he spoke, doing his best to keep everyone involved in conversation as well as keeping peace at the table. Ilona sat quietly, smirking to herself as she just seemed to ``` ``` revel in the drama, clearly understanding the dynamics at the table. The group, in addition to partaking in the meal, added their input to the conversation whenever possible. Kardus went to great lengths to discuss the the greatness of the Pontificius family and all of their contributions, though the other guests ranged from acting apathetic to confused. At one point during Strahd's attempts to undermine Sergei, he made mention of the fact that as a servant of the church, Sergei took a vow of non-marriage. Sergei played this off however, stating that he considered that rule a relic of the old times, and perhaps changes would be made in the near future. Ilona scoffed at this, clearly upset that anyone would question the laws set by the Morninglord. Ulfhan expressed his curiosity in learning more about the laws of the Morninglord, to which Ilona happily agreed to meet with him after dinner so as to not bore the rest of the table with the details. \page
Reyna'zi tried to get a feel for Tatyana's personality, asking if she felt out of place among a bunch of nobles, to which she replied that she did feel a bit awkward but was honored to be given the opportunity. Reyna'zi then requested to speak to Strahd privately for a moment away from the table. She asked him if this seemed to be a bit of a power play from Sergei, purposefully inviting a peasant woman to dinner just to upset things at the table. Strahd stood firm that as his brother, Sergei was entitled to invite whomever he wished. Reyna'zi then subtly hinted at Strahd's rather obvious flirting with Tatyana and questioned if that might have been part of Sergei's intent as well. Strahd of course denied the accusation, and assured her that any feelings he has towards anyone at the table are purely his own, and are not influenced by anyone else. Reyna'zi seemed content with the answers and returned to the table, whispering to Sergei as she passed, "She's quite a catch. Take good care of her." Sergei smiled sheepishly with a bit of a blush as he thanked Reyna'zi and shared passing glances back at Tatyana. As dinner concluded, Sergei thanked everyone for attending and began to make his leave, saying he had to return Tatyana to her village at the bottom of the hill. Strahd stepped in and said that since it was getting late, there was no need to go out in the dark. "She can stay here if you wish. I'll have a room prepared immediately." Tatyana initially declined, with Patrina adding her support in Tatyana returning to her home. "Surely she would feel uncomfortable in such unfamiliar surroundings and would be much happier back in her village." Rahadin, taking the opportunity to spite Patrina, intervened, "I agree with the master, it would be far safer for her to spend the night at the castle." Sergei left it up to Tatyana to decide, as he was happy as long as she was. Tatyana finally accepted the offer, causing Strahd to smile genuinely for the first time that anyone in the group had seen. However the smile quickly faded as Tatyana's attention immediately turned toward Sergei. The mists returned and Strahd's narration continued. "It was as if the sun that had favored me had been all along hidden by a cloud. Its brilliant glory now shone in full upon him… and him alone.” A few more scenes then played out in front of the group, as if showing highlights of Strahd's interactions with Tatyana. They saw Strahd walking through the castle courtyard with Tatyana, asking her how she felt about her quarters and the amenities of castle life. "Everything is wonderful, old one" she said. Strahd's eyes grew wide, as if he had just been stabbed in the chest with a knife. Next the group saw Strahd and Tatyana inside a grandiose music room. Tatyana's hair had grown several inches and her homely vestments had been replaced by a simple but beautiful summer dress. The sound of a harp filled the air as they saw Strahd plucking the strings, entirely at peace and enraptured by Tatyana's joy. Almost frozen in time, the two began to sing. The song was interrupted however when Sergei burst into the room and happily embraced Tatyana, raising her off the ground into a spin. Tatyana seemed caught by surprise and had a look of unease on her face as she glanced toward Strahd, as if she felt a hint of guilt for Sergei's actions. The scene changed once more as Sergei and Tatyana continued to spin. Tatyana's dress morphed to a red gown and the two were suddenly dancing in a ballroom, ``` ``` whirling to the tune of a lively pipe organ and band. They were surrounded by other nobles doing the same, with the exception of Strahd, who sat starkly below deathly still portrait of his own likeness. He then called for a toast and offered two goblets of wine to Sergei and Tatyana. Ulfhan spotted Strahd slipping some sort of liquid into Tatyana's drink prior to offering her the goblet. Just before she could take a drink however, another noble accidentally bumped into her, causing Tatyana to spill the drink over herself. She excused herself from the room, with Sergei following behind. Strahd looked annoyed as the mists once again closed in. "One would think the ritual for casting a love spell or creating a love philter would be more common, but my books were bereft of such things, except for a single short treatise on the subject. The writer's conclusion that love was a force that could not be successfully reproduced by magical methods struck me as being inanely smug.” The group then found themselves back inside the foyer of Argynvostholt, and Reyna'zi watched as a potion recipe appeared in the tome. The recipe was for a "Philter of Love". Slata then spoke up, "So... does anyone want to talk about why Ireena was there? She's not a vampire too is she?!" Ulfhan shook his head, "No, I don't think so. I'm guessing that she may be a descendant of Tatyana, or perhaps she may be a reincarnation of." Reyna'zi nodded, "That would explain why Strahd is so interested in her and thinks they are destined to be together." After their discussion, they all settled down to rest until morning. The next day began with a frustrated groan from Slata. "I hate this place!" Ulfhan asked curiously, "But, I thought you wanted to visit the fortress." Slata shook his head, dark rings under his eyes indicating his tiredness. "I don't me here specifically, I just mean this land in general! I haven't been able to sleep in two days!" Ukog stumbles over, confirming the same. It was clear looking at the two of them that they were not feeling well. They all tried to brainstorm possible causes for their condition, ranging from illness or disease, to being cursed but they couldn't come up with a solution. Ulfhan suggested they get back to Vallaki as soon as possible and try asking Father Lucian if he had any ideas what might be wrong. By mid-day the group had returned to town and paid a visit to the church, but unfortunately Father Lucian had no answers for them. He did recommend however that the abbot at the Abbey of Saint Markovia in Krezk may be of help. "He is said to be a miracle worker." Ulfhan then requested if Father Lucian could write a quick letter of introduction, kindly requesting the abbot's assistance. "I figure a good word from a fellow priest would go a long way in helping us out." Lucian agreed and wrote out a letter as requested. Meanwhile, Reyna'zi had returned to Wachterhaus to retrieve Stella, in the hopes that the abbot may be able to cure her condition as well. All the while though, Victor seemed a bit distant. When she asked him what was wrong, he explained how he didn't think this adventuring thing was really for him. Despite the power he discovered he had, he saw how quickly someone strong in magic could be taken down by pure brute force, recounting watching Reyna'zi fall to Vladimir's blade within moments of the fight starting. \page
Reyna'zi tried to reassure him it was her own fault that it happened as she had a tendency to stay close to enemies when she shouldn't, while he was intelligent enough to stay back. Even so, it was clear the boy's inexperience was showing and he was shaken by the encounter. Victor decided to stay in Vallaki, and under duress, agreed that he would come to aid the town if something bad happened. As far as having someplace to stay, he seemed confident that he knew people he could connect with and continue with his private studies. Reyna'zi was sure that she wanted to try to get Mordenkainen to take Victor as an apprentice once this whole ordeal was over with. Shortly thereafter, everyone regrouped at the west gate. Adrian Martikov was there with his cart, ready to return to the winery in order to get the next shipment for Krezk. The group decided they would check out the tower at ``` ``` Lake Baratok along the way, then proceed to Krezk after. Ulfhan suggested that Slata and Ukog try to rest in the cart while they traveled on the road. Ukog refused, but Slata attempted to take a nap. The first hour was uneventful, but suddenly Slata began to stir in his sleep, clearly having a disturbing dream. Adrian alerted the others and Ulfhan proceeded to wake the paladin. Slata just shook his head in frustration, "We need to figure out what's wrong. I can't keep going like this." As the afternoon turned to dusk, Kardus lead the small convoy, riding on Samira. He stopped for a moment as he could hear the sound of something approaching from the woods. "Hold up everyone, I hear something. Keep your guard up!" As if on cue, a pack of werewolves emerged from the trees, blocking the path forward and back. They glared at the group with teeth bared, and claws ready to strike. \page
# Chapter 46 - Enter the Hunter One of the werewolves appeared much larger than the others and it glanced quickly around the group before snarling, "She's not here!" Another wolf replied, "But her scent is strong... Perhaps she lead us into a trap?" The large wolf then growled, "Then let's deal with this trap before she shows up..." then issued an order to attack. Kardus dismounted and drew his heavy crossbow, looking surprisingly angry as he approached the werewolves. "Alright... which one of you took it? Was it you? Nah, it was the big one wasn't it!" The werewolves passed confused glances at each other, wondering what the upset looking dwarf was shouting about. Ukog, while exhausted, was still one of the quickest to respond to the threat, leaping off of the Martikov's wagon and charge headlong toward one of the werewolves. He proceeded to pummel the wolf with blows, hitting it so hard that he knocked it prone then continued to wail away on it. Before anyone else could react, two more wolves suddenly pounced from the darkness of the woods, tackling the horses that Ulfhan and Reyna'zi were riding. The horses were both injured and knocked over but Ulfhan and Reyna'zi skillfully landed on their feet, ready to retaliate. Ulfhan then took his spear and proceeded to skewer one of the wolves repeatedly as he strafed around the beast. On the wagon Adrian Martikov drew his shortsword and moved to protect poor Stella Wachter who huddled in a corner, terrified of the werewolves, though occasionally hissing at them with less than threatening swipes from her non-clawed hands. The werewolves then began to move in, taking swipes at Bubbles, Ukog, and Slata who was still in the process of recovering on the wagon. Using his frustration to fuel him, Slata drew Vladimir's greatsword and landed a blow against his assailant. Reyna'zi ignored the targets in her immediate vicinity and instead focused on the largest werewolf and proceeded to cast "Scorching Ray." Three bouts of flame flew through the air, hitting their mark, as a subtle purple glow seemed to illuminate around the wolf. The sorceress grinned, noticing her hex also took hold. While casting her spell, the werewolf that initially attacked Reyna'zi's horse attempted to attack her. She seemed prepared this time, as she skillfully dodged every blow, causing the wolf to retreat, as it was genuinely surprised it couldn't make a single hit. Ukog proceeded to beat down the wolves crowding around him, managing to kick one hard enough to knock it back into a tree. Ulfhan continued to focus his attacks on his initial target and soon the wolf lay dead at his feet as it began to return back into its human form. With renewed vigor, Ulfhan continued on to the next werewolf in range. Meanwhile, Kardus had begun to launch a cluster of bolts toward the wolves, though his fury was ruining his aim, causing every shot to miss wildly. After taking damage earlier, Bubbles proceeded to repair itself internally. Slata continued to charge, nearly slicing one of the wolves in half with his greatsword. Samira even joined in onto the fight, biting down hard on one of the werewolves arms and ``` ``` holding it in place. Kardus grinned as he now had a steady target to aim at. Before getting another shot off however, the large wolf slammed into Kardus, nearly knocking him over. The wolf was then assailed by another volley of flame from Reyna'zi before she retreated back to the wagon to make sure Stella and Adrian were safe. While Ukog was holding his own against two of the wolves, one slowly backed its way toward the tree line in preparation to retreat. Suddenly the werewolf gasped as a blade emerged from its chest. The blade then withdrew as the wolf collapsed to the ground. The owner of the blade slowly emerged from nothing. She wore a red travel coat and was heavily armed with numerous swords and other weapons. Her curly hair was tied back with a red bandanna. She smiled and shouted, "Hey you fur-balls! Were you looking for me?" She then proceeded to throw a hand-axe into the back of another wolf before charging into the fray. Everyone glanced at each other, wondering who exactly this person was, with the exception of Kardus who simply growled, "Oh great! As if this day couldn't get any worse!" The newcomer swiftly helped Ulfhan take down another of the wolves, sharing a nod of acknowledgment before she headed toward Ukog to help in his fight. At this point, Ukog had taken some serious damage and was in a rage as he pummeled the wolf in front of him. He glared at the newcomer and snarled at her. She paused in her tracks and looked back at Ulfhan. "Uh... the little one is with you, right?" Ukog proceeded to finish off the wolf, then turned his sights on the newcomer. She approached with a smile and attempted to congratulate him on his kill, but the monk rushed in and punched the woman right in the gut. After the initial hit, the woman was able to dodge the flurry of blows that followed. Ulfhan then ran up and grappled Ukog from behind. "Calm down Ukog, I think she's a friend." Seeing that the young half-ling was out of his mind, the woman expressed her apologies as she cast "Magic Missile", and a few bolts of energy pounded into Ukog, knocking him unconscious. The woman then passed Ulfhan a potion of healing to help Ukog recover. Seeing that many of his brethren had fallen in the fight, the largest wolf decided to retreat. Kardus shook his head as he pulled out a small device that looked like a glass orb filled with some blue substance. "Oh no you don't!" the dwarf shouted as he heaved it at the beast. The orb shattered and the werewolf suddenly froze in place as a coating of ice completely engulfed it. Kardus laughed with glee as he moved in for the kill. The large beast proceeded to break out of its icy bonds however and was about to resume its retreat, when Samira suddenly rushed in, clamping onto the werewolf's arm in a last ditch effort to keep it from running. The wolf snarled and brought a heavy fist down on Samira's head. The crunch of her skull could be heard as the giant lizard collapsed and magically faded away. Kardus shouted obscenities as he fired numerous bolts after the werewolf as it proceeded to escape back into the woods. With the fight over, the group began to assess what damage they had taken, and were eager to learn about the woman who came to their aid. \page
# Chapter 47 - Tower by the Lake "Is everyone alright?" asked the mystery woman. The group confirmed that they were indeed in one piece, though were hurting from the attack. The woman introduced herself as Ezmerelda D'Avenir and passed around a couple more healing potions. "Thank you for the assist! Those fur balls have been tailing me for days." Just then, Kardus' voice bellowed as he approached the group. "You have a lot of nerve showing up out of the blue!" Ezmerelda looked at Kardus in surprise. "Scruffy?! What rock did you crawl out from under? I never thought I'd see you again!" Kardus continued to grumble, "Don't act like everything is fine. I demand an apology!" Ezmerelda looked genuinely confused, "An apology for what?" Kardus nearly snarled, "For leaving me back in that werewolf den! You want to know how many peasants it takes to build one of these?!" The dwarf then presented his mechanical arm. Ezmerelda smirked and replied, "Yeah... about four." She then bent down and pulled up her pant-leg, revealing her very mechanical left leg. After a few more rounds of bickering, Ezmerelda apologized and Kardus seemed to have some mutual level of respect for her again. "Have you ever considered adding a cannon to your leg? Maybe around the knee area?" Ezmerelda smiled, "No, can't say I have, though that does sound like a nice addition. Perhaps you can make one for me!" The others watched in awe, as the two interacted, then Kardus explained how he and Ezmerelda had worked together before until they had a bad experience in a werewolf den where they each lost a limb in the process. The group then asked why Ezmerelda was there and she explained she was looking for her mentor. It turned out her mentor was the legendary Rudolf Van Richten. "I heard he came to Barovia to take on the big bloodsucker in the castle, and I figured he would need some backup. Haven't managed to find him yet though." She then asked the group where they were heading and they explained they were heading to Krezk but planned on stopping by a tower near lake Baratok first. Ezmerelda lit up excitedly, "Oh perfect! That's where I'm heading!" She then offered to travel with the group the rest of the way. Adrian then mentioned that since he had to get the wagon back to the winery to get the next shipment prepared, it would be better if he went on ahead, and they could let his father know via the sending stone when they were ready to move on to Krezk and they could meet up on the way. "I'll keep on eye on the girl for you too. I'm sure she'd prefer a warm place to sleep and the kids will love her." Stella, who was still cowering in the back of the wagon seemed to perk up slightly at the comment. The group reluctantly agreed and allowed Adrian and Stella to go on ahead. On the way to the tower, Ezmerelda explained how she initially went there to meet with her mentor, since it was exactly the kind of place he would use for a hideout. "Unfortunately he wasn't there. So I feared he had already gone to the castle alone. I booked it over there, snuck my way in, and fortunately or unfortunately, he wasn't there either." ``` ``` The group seemed shocked that Ezmerelda had managed to sneak into castle Ravenloft. "Well, being invisible helped, but I just got lucky that some black carriage was leaving just as I was approaching. So I slipped through the gate. Eventually Strahd's chamberlain caught me though and I had to make a narrow escape. Since then I've had those werewolves up my ass." With that information, the group deduced that the werewolves must be allied with Strahd if he gave them the order to hunt her. They then asked her how she knew about Strahd and Ezmerelda explained that she was of the Vistani people. "Always heard stories of him when I was younger. We didn't live in Barovia, but we had passed through numerous times." They asked how she felt about fighting against someone who held her people in such high regard. "Doesn't change the fact that he's a monster that needs to be stopped. He's done plenty of deplorable things I don't agree with." Slata then began to whine as his exhaustion took its toll. When Ezmerelda inquired as to what the paladin's problem was, the group explained how he hadn't been getting sleep the past couple nights, and seemed to be degrading in health. "You don't happen to know what might be causing it, do you?" Ezmerelda though for a time, then asked, "Have you angered any Vistani recently?" They all shook their head. "Far from it. They've treated us quite well." Reyna'zi answered. Ezmerelda then explained how Vistani have an ability to allow them to curse people, in pretty much any creative fashion they can think of. "But you would certainly know it if they cursed you, so that likely isn't it." Not long after, the group finally approached Lake Baratok. In the center of the lake, there was a decrepit looking stone tower, which sat upon a small plot of land. There was a single path that lead from the tower back to the edge of the lake. "There it is! Khazan's tower!" Ezmerelda exclaimed. She further explained that it used to belong to a wizard named Khazan who had lived centuries prior. Before proceeding further, Ezmerelda stopped by a nearby wagon that looked very similar to other Vistani wagons that the group had seen previously. "I need to resupply, just a second!" Ezmerelda then proceeded to duck under the wagon and warned, "Whatever you do, don't touch the back door." While some of the group proceeded to laugh at the unintended innuendo, the others were curious as to why they couldn't touch the door. After exiting the wagon, Ezmerelda explained, "Oh, that's cause I've got this thing rigged to blow sky high if anyone tried to break into it. Figure I'd rather my stuff be destroyed than to fall into someone elses hands. Plus I could take the thieves out as well!" Kardus smiled and elbowed Ulfhan, "See! I told you that's the best way to protect your stuff!" Ulfhan seemed beside himself to realize there were two people with that same mentality. After the slight detour, they all approached the tower. Ezmerelda explained how the front door seemed to have some sort of magical puzzle on it. "I know the first half, but I got stuck trying to figure out the second. Maybe you guys can figure it out!" Kardus immediately went up and knocked on the door. There was no response. \page
"Hey Freckles! Try opening the door." Kardus barked. Slata then approached while Ezmerelda issued a warning. "Uh, I don't think that would be the best idea." Suddenly, as Slata placed a hand on the door handle, a loud booming sound emitted from the tower as a circle of lightning appeared around it. Slata was caught in the jolt and was thrown back a number of feet, knocked out from the sudden shock. Kardus couldn't help but snicker as Ezmerelda continued, "...and that is why I thought it was a bad idea. Old wizard towers tend to have traps like that." Reyna'zi then saw to helping Slata recover as the others continued to investigate the door. Once the lightning had dissipated, Ezmerelda then pointed out a series of characters on the door. "This first part is easy. Khazan!" After uttering the wizard's name, the symbols on the door faded away, and two new symbols appeared. Each symbol was enclosed in a separate circle. One symbol was red, and the other was blue. Over the course of a minute, the symbols would fade in brightness, until eventually the original symbols would return, effectively resetting the door. "The problem is, I don't know what those second set of symbols mean." Ezmerelda sighed. Kardus chuckled, "Oh those? The red one is the arcane symbol for hot, the blue one is cold. Child's play." Kardus then contemplated for a moment before approaching the door with a torch and touching it to the "hot" symbol. The red rune suddenly began to blink while the blue one continued to fade. "Quick, we need something cold!" Kardus then grinned as he glanced over at Bubbles and instructed it to touch one of its gauntlets to blue symbol. Bubbles approached, and lightly punched the door, as a subtle icy ring appeared around the rune, courtesy of the gem enhancements installed on its fists. Sure enough, both runes began to blink and the door suddenly swung open. "Aha! My genius knows no bounds!" Kardus congratulated himself as everyone made their way into the tower. As soon as they all entered, Reyna'zi gasped as her raven companion, Cormac, suddenly vanished from existence. "Alright guys, I don't think we can use magic here." Ezmerelda nodded. "That makes sense. Khazan likely put wards in place to ensure that only he could cast spells here. Wizards are usually paranoid like that." The bottom floor seemed rather barren. Only a few broken crates and piles of overgrowth laid around. In the center of the room was a five by five foot impression in the floor, which was surrounded by four large clay statues. The statues were humanoid in shape with undefined features, but they all seemed to be gripping chains in their hands that lead up through similarly square holes in the upper floors. Slata approached the impression curiously, and as he did so, the statues began to move the chains, and a wooden platform slowly lowered from the upper floor. "An elevator?" Reyna'zi exclaimed. Slata continued to explore the room while Kardus, Bubbles, Ukog, and Reyna'zi climbed up onto the small platform. Curious how to make it move, Kardus began to stomp and jump on the platform, but it didn't seem to respond. "Engage!... Up!... Activate!... Move!..." the dwarf continued to shout different commands but none seemed to work, until he finally shouted, "Top floor!". The statues then sprang to life once more, tugging the chains and slowly moving the platform up. Ezmerelda smiled, "I guess we'll catch the next one!" The elevator moved at a snail's pace however, and took a solid minute to raise the sixty feet it needed to to reach the top floor. In the meantime, Kardus and Reyna'zi made small-talk concerning Bubbles' construction. Kardus explained he made a small automaton when he was younger, and he always desired to make a larger one, and it wasn't until he was inspired by the animated armor they fought that the idea finally came to him on how to make it work. The second and third floors looked decrepit with wooden floors that looked like they were about to collapse, but the top floor appeared to be well furnished. As the elevator raised up, the group was greeted by a familiar voice. "Huzzah! So good to see some friendly faces! I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to accept my invitation." In his flamboyant glory, there was Rictavio, the half-elf entertainer and ringmaster that the group had previously met in Vallaki. "Welcome to my home away from home!" As the elevator lowered back down to retrieve the others, Reyna'zi and Kardus caught Rictavio up on events that had occurred after he had left the town. "Well, you are all still alive, so that is a good sign!" Ulfhan clung tightly to one of the chains as the elevator began to rise with the second group. Slata noticed and whispered, "Since when were you afraid of heights?" Ulfhan shrugged, "I just don't want to fall." Slata in confusion asked, "But, you've already died before, what is there to be afraid of?" Ulfhan then glared at the paladin, "That may be true but it wasn't a pleasant experience and I'd rather not relive it." As everyone rejoined on the upper floor, Ezmerelda and Rictavio stared at each other for an uncomfortable moment. "Ezmerelda!... I wasn't expecting to see you here." Rictavio uttered. Ezmerelda then nearly burst out laughing, "What are you wearing?! You look ridiculous!" Rictavio seemed a little hurt by the comment, "But I thought I looked rather dashing." Reyna'zi put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "No dear, it is not very becoming." Rictavio shrugged, "Oh I guess you are right, excuse me a moment." The half-elf wandered over to a coat rack and proceeded to take off his hat, which surprisingly took his long blonde locks of hair with it, revealing that the man was actually balding with gray hair. \page
Rictavio then reached up to grab the pointed tips of his ears, and proceeded to tear them off, revealing that they were prosthesis. He then changed into a more modest looking brown jacket and pulled out a pair of spectacles from his pocket. "I suppose re-introductions are in order... I am doctor Rudolf Van Richten, at your service." He then bowed slightly as the others seemed to be in mix of shock and relief. Ulfhan congratulated him, "Well, that brings a whole new definition to hiding in plain sight." The doctor chuckled and replied, "Sometimes the best way to stay hidden is to be the most obvious thing in the room." Finally having a chance to talk to an expert about the problem, the group asked Van Richten if he knew anything about the symptoms that Slata and Ukog were having. Van Richten pondered and retrieved a small journal from a nearby writing desk and flipped through what looked like a life-time's worth of notes. "Hmm... have you angered any hags in your time here?" The group confirmed that they had fought a coven of them back at the old windmill and that two of them managed to escape. Van Richten explained that night hags in particular are able to induce a nightmare haunting from the ethereal plane, which will not only prevent you from getting a long rest but also slowly make your health deteriorate. "Unless you can lure them into the material plane, or go into the ethereal plane yourselves, there is no way to stop them permanently... However there are ways to protect yourself to keep things from getting any worse." Once Van Richten mentioned that sleeping inside the tower would keep them safe, Slata immediately flopped onto the bed and began to rest. Ukog also climbed onto the bed, but continued to listen to the conversation. Van Richten explained that the spell wards on the tower prevented anything magical penetrating from the outside. "That means as long as you are here, you are invisible to anyone on the outside trying to find you through magical means." He offered suggestions on spells they could use to protect themselves when not at the tower, but pointed out that it would only allow them to get rest. "Repairing whatever damage has already been done I'm afraid can only be accomplished by strong restoration magic." Ulfhan then complimented the doctor on his knowledge and asked if he could offer a field guide of sorts that could give them all an edge on fighting the types of monsters they may run into while in Barovia. Van Richten obliged and said he would be happy to scribble down a few notes to pass along. "I was hoping you could put my knowledge to use as well as allowing us to compare notes." Then the topic of Strahd was discussed, and how to potentially stop him. Van Richten's mood seemed to grow darker as he explained he was at a loss at the moment. "I've heard he has been killed before, but always seems to come back, which means all of my known methods for fighting vampires won't do me any good. There is clearly something greater at work here, and until we know what that is and how to deal with it, there is no point in moving forward. I don't like going into a situation without a plan to win." Ezmerelda criticized that sometimes you have to come up with plans on the fly, and the two began to bicker just like an old teacher and student with differing opinions would. Reyna'zi agreed with Ezmerelda, saying that you need to be able to adapt to any situation as all plans can fall apart. ``` ``` Ulfhan, in opposition took the doctor's side, saying that having a concrete plan is of great importance. Van Richten condescendingly explained this was why he and Ezmerelda parted ways, due to her childish recklessness. After the argument died down, they all came to the conclusion that the amber temple would likely hold the answers they seek. Van Richten agreed but admitted that at his age, he couldn't handle a trek into the mountains like that. "That's part of why I hoped to meet with you all here. I could act as a knowledge resource while you youngsters do the real adventuring. Of course I will do what I can in the battles to come, but I would only be a hindrance if I was to try to travel with you." Eventually the topic of the werewolves came up, and Ezmerelda explained how they had been tailing her. "If any of them still live, they will continue to hunt you and very well may end up here at some point." Van Richten grumbled. "You'll have to deal with them eventually." The group asked if the doctor or Ezmerelda had any idea where the werewolf den might be, to which Van Richten responded, "No, but Ezmerelda is the best tracker I know. She'll find it, then you can kill them all and be done with it." As the night grew later, Reyna'zi pulled out the Tome of Strahd and asked if Van Richten would like to go on a bit of a journey. He expressed his curiosity and Reyna'zi explained how the tome allowed them to see moments of Strahd's past as if they were there and it had been quite informative so far. Van Richten seemed intrigued. "The more we know about our enemy, the better off we will be. I'd be delighted to participate." Reyna'zi grinned as she opened the tome to the next chapter... \page
# Chapter 48 - Onward to Krezk Once the chapter was deciphered, the familiar mists began to erupt from the tome's pages, engulfing everyone in the tower. Ezmerelda seemed a bit disturbed and kept herself on guard while Van Richten observed curiously. The rest of the group simply waited for Strahd's narration. "I began dealing with something far beyond my experience in magic and needed no wise teacher to tell me it was deadly..." They soon found themselves once again standing inside of Strahd's study within Castle Ravenloft, though things had changed since their last visit. The room was dark, illuminated only by a few scattered candles. The large portrait that once displayed members of the von Zarovich family had been replaced by an oil rendering of Tatyana. In the far corner of the room, looking over the space was Strahd, enveloped by his black cloak, muttering under his breath and weaving arcane gestures in the air. When his hand lowered, wood began to shift and creak in the otherwise empty room. Looking down at themselves, the group realized they were ethereal, and could not interact directly with the environment. However when they spoke, Strahd seemed to take notice. It was as if he recognized them as voices within his own mind. Taking the opportunity to probe his thoughts, the group learned that Strahd was beginning to grow cautious and paranoid within his own home. He had begun to lose trust with many of his advisors, only considering Rahadin and Alexsandra to be truly loyal. "I feel the others are plotting against me. They would sooner support that Sergei rule rather than myself." Strahd muttered. He also continued to obsess over Tatyana, determined to earn her love despite the fact she was clearly interested in his younger brother Sergei. "I spent over thirty years fighting my father's wars. I conquered this land in his name. I have sacrificed for and earned everything that I have... yet Sergei is the one they pine for. He has never had to fight for anything in his life, and instead has everything handed to him. Now even love, just falls into his lap!" Strahd took a moment to compose himself, glancing over the myriad of tomes that now adorned his shelves. "I am getting older... and slower. I spent my prime years at war and now my body is losing the ability to fight. So I have turned to studying the arcane. Something that relies on a strong will and mind, rather than physical prowess. Perhaps in that is where I will find answers." Strahd was then interrupted as the door to the study flew open, and hand-in-hand strode Sergei and Tatyana. "Brother, we have wonderful news! We are betrothed! I wish to use the chapel here in the castle to host the ceremony in one moon's time... with your permission of course." Sergei smiled broadly, but hesitated as he awaited his brother's reply. Strahd was clearly fuming at the news but kept his composure. Tatyana then stepped forward and held Strahd's hand. "Please, elder, it would mean so much to us!" Tatyana's words and smile seemed to break down Strahd's defenses, and he reluctantly agreed. "Very well... We will begin preparations in the morning." Sergei and Tatyana were overjoyed as they made their exit. Strahd then flew into rage as the door closed. "She calls me ‘elder.’ ‘Old one.’ Yet she has fallen for that gullible, faithless boy!" Strahd then began to leaf through the pages of an ancient looking tome. Suddenly, Strahd as well as the group could hear a voice rasp from somewhere unseen. Dozens of voices echoed in reply. Tatyana, Rahadin, Aleksandra, Sergei, and even the voices of the group themselves uttered "You cannot find what you seek in a book." Strahd whipped around in terror, and the tome folded itself to a close, page by page. The minimal comfort of the library vanished, and the candles were snuffed by an arctic breeze. A howling winter wind whispered "Come to me." The group then found themselves standing in a blizzard on a mountainside, facing six forty-foot-tall carved amber statues, each depicting a hooded figure holding its hands in prayer. The figures loomed over an enormous stone door of a temple. Ahead of the group, they could see Strahd von Zarovich and Aleksandra Gwilym, clad in snow-coated armor and trekking over the white field toward the temple. The group followed and watched as Strahd and Aleksandra stormed the temple, drawing their blades and slaughtering any person who stood in their path. The victims of the carnage appeared to be robed monks, who didn't stand a chance in their their attempt to defend the temple. Deeper inside, Strahd eventually came to what appeared to be a dead end. The hissing voice that was heard earlier returned, whispering "Knock...". Strahd then traced his blade along the wall, revealing the seam of a hidden door. Once opened, Strahd continued to venture forth. The secret door had opened into a fully furnished bed-chamber set with all manner of ancient books, spell components, and finely-crafted side tables and dressers. Standing in the center of the room was an elderly man with gaunt features and a red robe that swept the amber floor. "It appears my fears were correct. Welcome, my lord. I always knew you would eventually find this place, yet I am disappointed all the same." Strahd's brow furrowed, "Do you intend to stop me?" The old man shook his head. "No... If I were to stand against you I would surely lose. Instead I offer you a warning. I know what it is that draws you here, and no good can come of it. I beg you to turn back while you can." Strahd ignored the warning and proceeded deeper into the temple. Strahd pressed through another hidden door toward a domed library carved of immaculate black and white marble. Its shelves housed hundreds of books. A gold marble staircase curved around the north wall and spiraled down into a black pit of shadow. Without hesitation, Strahd leapt over the railing and fell into the depths below. The group followed Strahd down into a deep, underground sepulchre. Strahd then called out "I am here! What do you require of me? You are Death, no? Have you come for me? If so, then take me and be damned." A legion of voices rattled the bedrock. "I have come on your behalf. You have fed me well, and you are due your reward. Lay your hand on my tomb. You hunger for your lost youth, Strahd von Zarovich. I shall remove the rival from your path, and you shall age not one day more…". \page
Aleksandra, hearing the voices for the first time, gripped her sword firmly. Strahd then stepped toward an imposing amber sarcophagus. He dropped his sword to the ground, but it made no sound. All fell silent, and with each of Strahd’s footfalls, the torches shifted from orange to green to blue to black before the light was swallowed. The amber tomb illuminated as Strahd’s hand braced against its surface. In its hazy, yellowish glow, the group could see where the light from the torches has been drawn. A phantasmal shadow erupted from the surface of the stone coffin and formed into a humanoid shape with wing-like appendages draping from its forearms like the sleeves of a mystical robe. The wings enveloped Strahd and shadows followed in sequence and consumed the room. From the depths, red eyes emerged and turned to where Aleksandra stood moments before. The light slowly refilled the crypt, and Strahd collapsed in supplication at the stone vault. "Do you wish to live?" The voices hissed. Strahd nodded, exhausted. "Then feed." An echo of dense, heavy steel bounded around the room as if the sound of Strahd’s sword meeting the stone returned from another time. Strahd seized Aleksandra by the throat. Her weapon fell to her feet. The choking ended quickly, only to be replaced by the blood steadily dripping down her front. The liquid pooled on the stone as the body hung from Strahd’s claw. His pupils appeared narrow like a predator on the prowl. His mouth was drenched in his advisor’s blood. Color left the world; even the vivid reds faded to grey, and the mists consumed the ancient catacomb. Strahd's narration continued, "There it was. The parley, the bargaining, the trade. What did they want of me? What could they possibly want from me..." The mists subsided and the group found themselves back in the tower. Reyna'zi watched as a new spell was added to the tome, "Commune". Van Richten stroked his beard as he pondered. "Well, it seems to me we've just caught a glimpse of the true power at work here, and I think we can all agree that the key to learning more will be for you to go to the amber temple. We need to understand what that entity was." Exhausted, the others decided to turn in for the night. Slata and Ukog were finally able to sleep peacefully within the safety of the magic wards within the tower. Van Richten then spent about an hour scribbling down some notes to pass on to the group as a field guide for the types of creatures they may run into, before nodding off at his desk. The following morning, Slata and Ukog felt refreshed and ready to start the day. As Slata began to wake the others, he noticed that Kardus wasn't around. He then went to the elevator and saw that it was currently sitting on the bottom floor. "Why would Kardus go out by himself?" Slata wondered, as he waited for the elevator to climb upwards. Ukog then sneaked up behind the Paladin and grabbed him before proceeding to leap down to the bottom floor. "The elevator takes too long, this is faster!" Slata screamed as he watched the floor rapidly approach, landing with a thud while Ukog landed gracefully on his feet. Reyna'zi called down that she and the others would just use the elevator like normal. Kardus, thankfully, was found outside. When asked where he was he simply replied, "I went for a walk, got a problem with that?" Once everyone was gathered, the group bid their farewells to the doctor and Ezmerelda. Kardus offered each ``` ``` of them a sending stone in order to remain in contact. Ezmerelda said she would let them know once she tracked down the werewolves den location. Van Richten on the other hand would remain in the tower and make himself available to them whenever they had questions. Ready to start a new day, the group made their way toward Krezk. By mid morning, the group had reunited with Adrian Martikov and Stella Wachter, riding with a fresh supply of wine. As they got closer to Krezk, they noticed a steady incline on the path and the climate began to grow colder. The usual rains began to shift to snowfall. Soon, they could see Krezk in the distance. A twenty foot stone wall protected the village, and high up on a cliff side they could make out the shape of the Abbey of Saint Markovia. As they approached the gate, guards halted their progress. Adrian explained that he had a wine delivery for the village. He was then accused of being late, to which he explained that he had a bit of trouble with the winery, which his traveling companions had assisted him with. "They have business at the Abbey, and would require entrance to your village. Since they are the only reason I am able to deliver this wine today, I feel it is a fair request." The guards then opened the gate, allowing them all to enter. Past the gate, the group found Krezk to be a very small village, though they seemed to have a lot of land available. It was clear that Krezk was more of a farming community and every family had a modest sized cottage with exception of the burgomaster's home. The burgomaster, Dmitri Krezkov greeted them all and introduced himself. He thanked Adrian for the delivery as the guards unloaded one of the barrels of wine and placed it over by a small post with a bell on it. One of the guards then rang the bell then let it be. Adrian then wished the group luck as he proceeded to take the rest of the wine to the storehouse. Dmitri took a few moments to address the group, asking them what their business was in the village. When they mentioned that they intended to visit the Abbey in order to hopefully cure Stella and a couple of their companions, Dmitri nodded. "The Abbot is good man and a miracle worker. I'm sure he'll be able to help you folks out. Though I do warn you, the trek up to the Abbey can be a bit treacherous this time of year when you aren't familiar with it. If you don't mind waiting a little while, someone from the Abbey should be coming down soon to retrieve the wine. They can guide you up the path." When asked for more information about the village, Dmitri explained how Krezk was a closed community. They had no inn as they didn't usually cater to guests. They were self sufficient and didn't rely on trade with the other settlements, wine being the only exception of course. Due to that, they didn't use money the same way, and instead had more of a bartering system. "Feel free to explore the town. We don't have specific shops per say, but each villager provides however best they can and may be willing to trade for any goods you might need." Seeing as they had some time to wait, the group decided to take the suggestion to explore the town a little. The first home they came across had a small sign with an image of a needle and thread, as well as a name, "Swyft". Reyna'zi eagerly knocked on the door and was greeted by a young man who seemed delighted to meet someone new. He introduced himself as Taylor the tailor. \page
Reyna'zi then requested if he could repair her corset which was in dire need. Taylor agreed and invited her inside for him to do his work. Reyna'zi then told the others they could go on ahead and she would catch up. Next they passed by a smithy who seemed preoccupied with whatever he was working on. Then they came across a pen full of sheep being watched over by a large man who seemed very muscular and tall. The man waved to them with a goofy smile. Slata decided to be friendly and struck up a conversation and it became clear that the man was a bit slow in the head, but meant well. His name was Lenny, and didn't seem to be aware of his own strength, nearly crushing the paladin when giving him a hug. Reyna'zi then caught up with the group just as they made it to the last home in the line of houses. Outside sat a little old woman in a rocking chair alongside a series of shelves and tables filled with trinkets and other oddities. There was a small sign that read, "Lady Kate's Wonder Emporium". The old woman seemed a bit hard of hearing, but once she noticed the group looking at her wares, she explained that she enjoyed collecting interesting objects. "If you see something you like, I'm willing to trade!" Slata initially offered some money to which she scoffed. "Bah... coins are boring. Give me something interesting!" After perusing the shelves, the group ended up trading for a fair number of items. Slata traded an eye patch with a carnelian sewn into it, which he had been carrying for a while, in exchange for a jar of eyeballs that Kate claimed "Could see that which could not be seen!". The dragonborn also traded a spell scroll of "Bless" for a small chest that was called a "Lucky Box". Kate explained that whenever someone opened it, there was a small chance that there might be something inside the box. ``` ``` On the shelf next to the box were an assortment of items that she claimed she had found in the box, ranging from coins and small stones to even a wooden figurine of a wolf with "Is no Fun, is no Blinsky" carved on the bottom of it. Slata opened the box and was surprised by a piece of pie, that Ukog immediately ate. Kate then warned them however to "Not be greedy". Slata ignored the warning and opened the box a second time, to which there was nothing in it, then a third time, and the box seemed to suddenly have teeth and snapped closed onto his fingers. Slata then decided to leave the box alone for the time being. Reyna'zi also traded for a number of items. She gave her blight branch in exchange for a simple gold ring as well as a salt shaker that contained salt that could detect poisoned food. If the food was poisoned, the salt would turn a bright pink. Reyna'zi also traded her shock collar and the trigger for it in exchange for a pair of fancy boots that had little bells on the toes. According to Kate, whoever wore the boots could run faster, but would jingle the whole time due to the bells. Lastly Reyna'zi traded the "Potion of Youth" that she had taken from the hags in exchange for a gold bracelet with Khazan's name engraved inside it. After wearing it for a bit, Reyna'zi learned it had a property to resist lightning damage. Kardus ended up making the final deal as he traded his insult ball for a piece of amber that Ulfhan seemed to be eyeing. As soon as Kardus picked it up, he seemed to pause for a second, then muttered. "Whoa... reminds me of my aunt Gertrude." He then handed the amber to Ulfhan. Ulfhan also paused for a moment as he held it, dropping it suddenly to the ground, before eventually picking it back up and quickly pocketing it. The others watched curiously, but decided to not question it at the moment. Pleased with their little shopping excursion, the group made their way back toward the front gate, and spotted a figure coming down the path from the Abbey... \page
# Chapter 49 - The House of Healing As the group waited for the figure to fully come down the hillside, Reyna'zi informed the others about some news she had learned from the tailor. "According to him, most people in village never go up to the Abbey. They actually find it kind of creepy. Only the burgomaster and his wife had gone up to the Abbey within recent memory." She explained that in the past the Abbey was built as a hospital, and when the clergy lost in their eventual fight against Strahd the remaining survivors retreated back to the Abbey and closed themselves in, where they eventually went mad and either starved to death or turned to cannibalism. "The tailor claims that you can still hear the screams of spirits coming from the Abbey during the night... But that's not all." Reyna'zi continued, saying that the Abbey remained closed for centuries until a young priest came and re-opened it. "That young priest is now the Abbot... but the strange thing is that the priest first came over a hundred years ago, and he hasn't aged a day." The tailor had also mentioned that while the Abbot comes down a couple times a year to bless the village's shrine and to heal anyone in need of it, he mostly just stayed up in the Abbey itself. "The only thing he ever asks for in return from the villagers is a tribute of wine every month with the normal delivery." With this new information in hand, even if it was just village gossip, they all decided it was best to keep their guard up, as it wasn't clear exactly what would be awaiting them at the top of the hill. Soon after, the individual who had come down from the Abbey finally made it to the village. The person appeared to be female. She was hunched over and wearing a long cloak for warmth. Her hair was frazzled and her arms seemed long and spindly, while her eyes were large and red. She seemed to observe the wine barrel and assortment of bottles for a time before beginning to load them onto a makeshift sled. The group approached her and introduced themselves. The woman seemed a bit lost in her own world, but did eventually address them. She introduced herself as Dandrea, and after a short conversation she began to lead them up the path toward the Abbey. Dandrea proved to be a very strange individual as she spoke very poetically, and began to exhibit odd behaviors such as speaking to beings who did not seem to be visible. "Oh, don't worry Siegfried, I don't think they'll be a problem at all..." The group shared concerned glances but lacking any other option, continued to follow. At one point, Dandrea instructs Ulfhan to pet a non-existent animal, to which he humors her. "No, you're doing it too roughly. Pet Nox more gently... that's better. Such a good panther." Reyna'zi grew curious at the mention of a panther and the name "Nox", wondering if Dandrea could be referring to the same Nox that the group had met back at Yester Hill. Or perhaps it was just a coincidence. After what seemed to be an exceedingly long climb up the switchback path, they all finally made it to the top of the hill, four hundred feet above the town. Looming in the mist in front of them they could make out the two wings of the Abbey with a curtain wall connecting them. Dandrea proceeded to unlock the front gate and lead the group inside. The group was surprised to be confronted by two guards who appeared to be humanoid but made out of a mishmash of animal parts. Dandrea quickly put them at ease, informing the guards that "These guests are here to see the Abbot. You should greet them properly... do try to smile!" It was clear from their reaction that even the guards seemed a bit put off by Dandrea's personality. Just inside the main gate, there was a small cemetery that wrapped around the northern wing of the Abbey. While Slata and Ulfhan proceeded to tie the horses and Samira to a hitching post, Reyna'zi began to investigate the graves out of curiosity. Most of the graves seemed to belong to former clergy, with names like "Brother Martek", "Brother Valen", "Sister Constance", and "Sister Lenora". Reyna'zi then noticed a much larger stone that seemed to indicate a family crypt. The name carved into the stone was "Pontificius". As soon as Kardus heard Reyna'zi mutter the name, he immediately rushed over to investigate. "This can't be... but it is! I've done it! I have altered history!" Kardus shouted excitedly, though the others didn't seem to understand why. "You are all morons!" He then went to great lengths to explain how he had completely made up the name and kept using it whenever they interacted with the past when reading the Tome of Strahd, just to see if it would effect the present. Ulfhan was skeptical, "Surely it is just a coincidence and there really was a Pontificius family." Kardus just grumbled and took a closer look at the stone. He discovered on the left side there was an indentation in the shape of a sunburst, roughly three inches in diameter. He concluded that something was meant to fit inside, but the holy symbols of the morninglord they had all come across so far were too big to fit the indentation. Kardus sighed and decided to leave the discovery for later. Continuing on, Dandrea lead the group through a pair of ten foot tall wooden doors that lead into a courtyard. Inside, they were bombarded by the sounds of grunts and howls and chuckles from a large number of creatures. Many of the sounds were coming from the eastern wing building, while some emitted from a collection of locked sheds around the perimeter of the courtyard. There were also two posts in the ground, attached to which seemed to be another humanoid creature with bat-like wings. It attempted to fly off but was stopped by a manacle around it leg and it proceeded to fall back to the ground and cower behind the post. Ulfhan grew nervous as he looked around, "This does not seem like a house of healing..." Dandrea instructed the group to stay in the courtyard while she went to inform the Abbot of their arrival, disappearing into the northern building. Reyna'zi took a closer look at some of the sheds, and could hear the sounds of something scuffling and groaning inside. She asked Ukog to pick the lock, then stood back and used Thaumaturgy to swing the door open. Inside was yet another humanoid with animal parts seemingly grafted onto it. It was in shackles and shied away from the group as they looked inside. "Well... they don't seem to be hostile." Reyna'zi concluded. Kardus then took aim with his crossbow and shot the chain holding the bat-like \page
creature in the middle of the courtyard. The bolt snapped the chain, and the creature immediately flew up over the wall and disappeared into the mist. Dandrea then returned, announcing that the Abbot was prepared to see them. The group cautiously followed Dandrea back into the northern building. The ground floor was one large, fifty-foot-square room with arched, leaded glass windows. A cauldron sat on an iron rack above a fire in a hearth, while above the fireplace mantel hung a golden disk engraved with the symbol of the sun. In one corner, a wooden staircase climbed to the upper level, while in another corner a stone staircase descended into darkness. Several chairs surrounded a wooden table that stretched nearly the length of the room. Wooden dishware and gold candelabras were neatly arranged on the table, standing behind which was a young woman with alabaster skin dressed in a torn and soiled red gown. Her auburn hair was neatly bundled so as not to touch her soft shoulders. She seemed lost in her own thoughts. Then they saw the Abbot himself. A tall young man with blonde hair and a bright blue eyes, wearing white religious robes. The Abbot seemed to observe each of the companions as they entered the room, his glance noticeably lingering on Reyna'zi for a time. "Greetings. Welcome to the Abbey. Dandrea has mentioned you were in need of some assistance?" They then explained to the Abbot about Stella, how she was made to believe she was a cat and how they hoped he could restore her mind back to normal. While he questioned if the cat-like behavior wasn't already normal, the Abbot agreed to restore her mind. "If her mind was broken through magic, then it can certainly be healed by such." Stella was hesitant but with a little enticement from the group she held still long enough for the Abbot to place his hand on her forehead. He muttered a few words and light began to emit from his fingers. A few moments later, Stella stood up on two legs and looked around the room confused. "Where am I? Who are you people?!" Reyna'zi took it upon herself to calm the young girl, glad to see she was back to normal. Stella requested if she could at least get her hands washed, as they were filthy from walking around on all-fours. Dandrea offered to take her upstairs to get cleaned up. The group was hesitant to let Stella go alone, but the Abbot reassured them that Stella would be well taken care of. Dandrea then whispered something to the Abbot to which he responded in kind, leaving the group curious as to what was just discussed. Dandrea then took Stella's hand and guided her up the stairs. Slata then rushed up and began to tug on the Abbot's robe. "Please, you gotta help me. These damn hags have prevented me from being able to sleep and I feel so weak! Can you help me?!" Kardus and Ulfhan shook their head at the rather disgraceful display, but the Abbot didn't seem to mind. After a few moments under his touch, Slata immediately felt better. "Hey guys, it worked! I feel one hundred percent again!" Ukog then trotted up, "Me next!". The Abbot smirked at placed his hand on Ukog's head, and within moments, Ukog felt better as well and returned to his usual happy self. Afterward, Stella and Dandrea returned from the second floor, with Stella looking freshened up and wearing a pair of elegant teal gloves. The group then thanked the Abbot for ``` ``` his services. The tone of the room changed suddenly as he calmly replied, "I'm glad you were pleased. Now to discuss... compensation." \page
# Chapter 50 - Aggressive Negotiation As soon as the Abbot mentioned compensation, Kardus immediately grew agitated. "Oh no, I never would have agreed to getting those two healed if I knew it was gonna be expensive!" The Abbot continued calmly, "Worry not, master dwarf, I do not require money. I instead only ask for a contribution to my cause." "What is your cause exactly?" asked Reyna'zi. The Abbot simply smiled and replied, "Barovia's salvation of course!" Wanting to know more details, the group asked the Abbot to elaborate. He explained how most outsiders who sought to return Barovia back to how it was before the mists took over all assumed that it could only be accomplished through Strahd's destruction. "I don't feel that is the case at all." The Abbot continued, explaining how he had been observing Strahd for some time and could tell that Barovia's well being seemed closely tied to Strahd's own mental state. "Barovia is a miserable place to live because Strahd is a miserable man. If he could be given happiness, then Barovia could be a paradise!" The group seemed awfully skeptical but were curious to hear what the Abbot had in mind for resolving the problem. He explained that Strahd only wanted one thing, something that everyone craved, specifically love and affection. "He doesn't just want ANY bride, he wants the perfect bride." Reyna'zi shrugged, "Yeah, he wants the love of his life. No one else will compare." The Abbot nodded, seemingly in agreement. "Precisely. Strahd expects perfection to just be walking around somewhere, which is not possible. Perfection doesn't occur naturally... but it can be crafted." The Abbot then called over the young woman who had been silent the whole time. "I present to you, Vasilka. Once she is complete, she will be the perfect bride, and the perfect gift for Strahd, allowing him to live happily for all of eternity, bringing peace and tranquility to Barovia once again." Kardus observed Vasilka and could tell she was a construct built out of the parts of numerous individual people. The Abbot then addressed Reyna'zi directly. "When you entered here, I saw something you have that Vasilka is sorely lacking in... Tell me, that skin tone of yours... is it natural?" Reyna'zi grew increasingly uncomfortable but confirmed that her red skin was natural. The Abbot then smiled, "Then... imagine if you will, Vasilka... with permanently rosy cheeks. Wouldn't that just make the beauty of her face really stand out?" Reyna'zi, having grown tired of the Abbot's delusions began to back away further. "Sorry, I'm not giving up pieces of my face!" Abbot then looked disappointed, and tried to reassure her, "But, I wouldn't leave you without. I would replace the bits with something better! You must understand you contribution will be for the good of everyone in Barovia... it is the Morninglord's will." Kardus then drew his crossbow and began to load it. "Look, I get what you're doing, and I kinda admire the bait and switch tactic, offering a service without notifying the client of a payment beforehand... but I'm not gonna just let you start pulling off pieces of my friends." Ulfhan then trying to redirect the conversation. "Wait... you mentioned this is the Morninglord's will... Under what authority can you claim that?" The Abbot, who seemed to be growing more impatient then took a deep breath, when suddenly his robes tore away from his body as a large set of feathered wings extended from his back. He hovered a few feet from the ground as his eyes began to glow a bright blue. "I am a messenger of the Morninglord himself. Other than the lord there is no higher authority!" As Ulfhan attempted to come up with another question to ask, a blast of energy suddenly hit the Abbot in the face. Reyna'zi had enough with the talking and took matters into her own hands, announcing that it was time to leave as she fired another eldritch blast toward the angel in the middle of the room. The Abbot glared at the sorceress and issued an order, "Dandrea! Apprehend the tiefling and bring her upstairs. I will deal with the others." Seeing Dandrea about to make her move, Ulfhan rushed and attempted to grapple her. With surprising strength, Dandrea cast Ulfhan aside. Seeing that a fight had broken out, Ukog asked if he should start punching anyone. Reyna'zi pointed toward the Abbot and Ukog leapt into action. With his renewed strength, Ukog managed to punch the Abbot hard enough to stun him, then proceeded to knock him away, sending the angel crashing against a stair railing. Seeing this, Dandrea snarled in rage and charged the young monk, drawing a glaive from beneath her robe and taking a couple swipes at Ukog. Kardus kept his distance and made a point to keep Stella safe. He instructed her to run to the stairway and had bubbles stand as guard as well as partial cover. Reyna'zi and Slata then double-teamed Dandrea, blasting her with fire while slashing at her from behind. Slata managed to knock the woman unconscious, and Reyna'zi quickly restrained her with a set of manacles. While the Abbot was attempting to recover from being slammed into the railing, Ulfhan rushed over and held him down on the ground. "Restrain him!" Ulfhan shouted. The Abbot attempted to break out of Ulfhan's grip, but failed to do so. He then began to shout something in a language that no one understood. Suddenly, Vasilka, who had been standing completely still up until that point, approached Ulfhan and punched him with surprising force, in an attempt to free her creator. Ulfhan retaliated by bashing her with his shield, knocking her prone. The others focused on wearing down the Abbot in an attempt to knock him unconscious. Meanwhile, Kardus could hear something roaring from outside, seemingly getting closer. "Uh guys, better hurry up, I think there are reinforcements coming!" Ulfhan continued to hold the angel on the ground as Ukog hopped onto the Abbot's chest and proceeded to punch him hard in the throat. The Abbot then fell still as the color rapidly drained from his body, his eyes no longer glowing. Ulfhan just shook his head, knowing he shouldn't have expected the outcome to be any different. Despite the Abbot no longer being alive, Vasilka continued to assault Ulfhan. Then suddenly the door burst open, and there stood a tall monster made of patches of human flesh. It roared as it charged into the room, ready to strike... \page
# Chapter 51 - Jailbreak Ulfhan suddenly found himself in between two powerhouses as the flesh golem that had just charged into the room and Vasilka proceeded to pummel him with blows. Realizing he couldn't withstand the onslaught much longer, Ulfhan uttered an incantation under his breath and he vanished from sight, re-appearing on the other side of the room, free from harm. Ukog, more than eager to continue punching things, jumped into the fray and hit the golem with a flurry of blows till parts of its body began to fall off and tear away. He then leapt up and with a roundhouse kick, knocked the golem's head completely off as the rest of the body collapsed to the ground. Vasilka surprised the halfling however with a couple hard blows to his back. Ukog turned and just glared at the female construct in anger. Kardus then charged in, bashing Vasilka with his mace while Reyna'zi shot rays of flame at her. Slata then delivered the finishing blow, slicing the construct in half with his blades. Ukog looked up at Slata and snarled, "You stole my kill!" As they all tried to take a moment to catch their breath, they could hear a commotion coming from outside. Glancing out of the door, the group was shocked to see a huge mob of human-animal hybrids rushing out from the other wing of the abbey and stampeding out of the courtyard gates. Realizing that all of the creatures were heading toward the village, the group rushed into action to try to stop them. As Slata exited the building, he was suddenly knocked in the back by Ukog who slammed the paladin into the ground. Ulfhan, realizing that Ukog must have changed personalities again shouted a warning to the others, "Ukog is crazy again!". Kardus replied sarcastically, "He never stopped." Ulfhan then tried to grapple Ukog to calm him down. Ukog was having none of it however as he head-butted Ulfhan in the face, knocking the dwarf to the ground as well. The monk then ran up to the mob of monsters and threw punches at whichever ones got close, shouting at each of them, "The fuck are you?!" Kardus, moved in and came up with an idea to try to stop the flow of the mob. He pulled out a bottle of alchemist's fire and heaved it toward the courtyard doors. The bottle burst into flames and the doors ignited. The mob of creatures stopped in their tracks, apparently frightened of the flames. Many of the creatures then turned and began to flee back into the eastern wing of the abbey, while some turned their attention toward the group of adventurers that were attacking them. Kardus and Reyna'zi offered some healing to Slata and Ulfhan to get them back into the fight as they faced the creatures head on. The battle was chaotic as weapons swung, jaws bit, flames burned, and skulls were crushed. The creatures managed to surround Ukog and knocked him out from sheer numbers, but the others quickly cut them down. Once the courtyard was cleared, Ulfhan woke Ukog back up. The monk seemed dazed and couldn't remember much of what had just happened. "I feel like I did something bad again though... I'm sorry." Kardus then glanced toward the main gates and saw that ``` ``` the mob that had fled back into the abbey must have taken a rear exit, and was now rushing past the other side of the burning doorway. "Uh, guys! I don't think we stopped them." Before they could react, the doors collapsed, blocking their nearest exit. Accepting that they were all in need of a rest before pursuing the monstrous mob, Ulfhan glanced upward and saw that the abbey had a bell tower. He and Reyna'zi rushed back inside and headed up to the second floor. Ulfhan found the rope that rang the bell and yanked on it repeatedly, hoping the bell would warn Krezk of the incoming danger charging down the hillside. Reyna'zi explored the rest of the room and was intrigued by a table that was covered with a black shroud. Pulling it off she saw the table was covered in severed body parts, all apparently from human women. She resisted the urge to vomit and uttered, "This is definitely not a good place." Their attention was drawn back downstairs as they heard Slata shout, "Hey, looks like Dandrea is waking up!" \page
# Chapter 52 - Dandrea's Revelation "You fools! Do you realize what you've done?!" Dandrea shouted from the floor, still bound and having just discovered that the Abbot had been killed. "This was the only way for us to escape! To lift the veil of darkness and let the sun shine once more! How could you do this?!" Reyna'zi re-iterated that she had no intention of letting the Abbot carve up her face for some supposed "greater good." "But it's just a face!" Dandrea screamed. "That which had been broken would have been mended..." Ulfhan did his best to calm Dandrea down, asserting that he apologized for things proceeding the way they had, but he also believed there was no reason why natural beauty would have to be destroyed in order to create an artificial beauty to appease Strahd. Reyna'zi looked at Ulfhan in surprise. "Did you just call me beautiful?" She then leaned down and kissed the dwarf on the cheek, which he promptly shrugged off. Ulfhan continued, explaining that they had all seen what Barovia once was, before Strahd had shrouded it in darkness. Dandrea asked desperately, "Tell me what you saw!" Ulfhan explained how the sun shone brightly in the sky and the valley was lush with life. "We will return Barovia to its former glory... that is our goal." Dandrea seemed to have calmed down and was more receptive to what they all had to say. "You all came from beyond, right? Not here?" she asked. The group confirmed that was true. Slata freed Dandrea from her restraints, and she proceeded to pull out a small locket. She opened it and began to mutter to herself before breaking down into tears. "We too came from beyond this realm. Pity we can't return together." Expressing curiosity, Reyna'zi asked to look at the locket. What she found inside was a small portrait of a group of adventurers. There were five individuals as well as a black panther with wings, which looked familiar. Sure enough, Reyna'zi saw Nix, the mute ranger the group had met back at Yester Hill along with her flying panther, Nox. Next to her in the portrait was a tall, muscular woman with large red eyes. While her physicality had changed dramatically, it was clear that that must have been Dandrea prior to whatever experiences she had with the Abbot. The other members of Dandrea's party however, Reyna'zi did not recognize. There was a male half-elf wearing heavy armor with a greatsword on his back, a female human wearing elegant flowing robes, and another woman who hid most of her facial features behind a mask and hood with the exception of her eyes. Reyna'zi asked Dandrea what had happened to her group. "I lost them... Through foolish mistakes when facing the pale skinned king..." she said solemnly. Slata gave Dandrea a hug in an attempt to console her. Kardus then broke the temporary silence. "Reminiscing to better times is nice and all, but we do have an angry mob of freak shows about to attack the village." Ulfhan agreed that they should move soon to try to protect Krezk. Dandrea nodded, "I will help corral the children. But after that, I will burden you no further. I just need a little time to rest." While concerned about danger to the village, Ulfhan reluctantly agreed that a short rest would be in order, as they were all worn down from the previous fight. In the meantime, the group decided to go explore the rest of the abbey. Ukog was pacing around the room out of boredom when he happened to notice that Vasilka's torso seemed to be glowing a subtle green. Ukog reached inside to find out where the glowing was coming from and pulled out a fist-sized green gem. After showing it off to the group, they recognized it as the same kind of stone that the Martikovs had them retrieve from the faithless wildfolk at Yester Hill. They recalled that there were supposed to be three gems. One they had recovered out of the enormous tree blight, the second is supposedly in possession of the witch in the swamp ruins of Berez, while the third's whereabouts were unknown. It became apparent then that the Abbot must have taken the gem in order to try to instill life into his created bride. Ukog then proceeded to swallow the gem stone, for safe keeping. In the opposite wing, the group discovered where the mongrelfolk had been living. Slata quickly looked through room after room, each rank with the smell of death and animal droppings. Inside one room he discovered a small shining statuette of Saint Markovia. On the upper floors, Reyna'zi, Ukog, and Ulfhan, explored what appeared to be an abandoned hospital. There was an operating room with a table covered in bloodstains, as well as a nursery with half a dozen broken cribs. Reyna'zi had to do a double-take in a mirror, as she could have sworn she saw an image of a nun in white clothing, who had disappeared by the time Reyna'zi took a second look. "Okay... this place is giving me the creeps." In one final room, a window was broken outward. Ulfhan was surprised to be greeted by a raven with blue-tipped wings that flew up and perched on the sill. Ulfhan tried to get close to talk to it, but the raven flew off again once he got close. However it did leave a present behind in the form of a small amulet in the shape of a sunburst, roughly three inches in diameter. Realizing what it was, Kardus grabbed the amulet and they all rushed to the graveyard. Kardus approached the Pontificius headstone and inserted the amulet into the matching indentation. The amulet locked into place and the stone slowly began to move, revealing a hidden compartment beneath it. Inside the compartment, was a heavily modified heavy crossbow. Kardus gingerly picked it up and marveled at it, curious as to what the modifications allowed it to do. "Hmm... interesting." Having finished their exploration of the abbey, and Dandrea fully rested and ready to help, they all made their way back down the winding path toward Krezk. They were greeted with absolute chaos. The mongrelfolk had completely run amok among the village. Breaking into homes, killing and devouring livestock and ruthlessly attacking anyone in their way. Many of the peasants had retreated into their homes for safety, while a few others, were fighting to protect their livelihood. Lenny, armed with a pitchfork and using an old wooden door as a shield, was desperately defending his favorite sheep, Brownie, from a gang of hungry mongrelfolk. The group rushed to the village's aid. \page
# Chapter 53 - Battle for Krezk Seeing the village overrun, the group decided it was best to just split up and cover as much ground as they could. Ulfhan rode his horse toward Lenny's home and impaled one of the mongrelfolk with his spear while Lenny did the same to two others using his pitchfork. Lenny nodded to Ulfhan, acknowledging his assist as the dwarf continued deeper into town. Slata charged with his faithful giant lizard steed, Samira, and proceeded to cut down any mongrelfolk in their path. Reyna'zi rode on ahead with Ukog riding behind her, until the monk leapt off of the horse into a crowd of mongrelfolk. No longer having to worry about hurting his friends by accident, Ukog let loose with a flurry of blows beating many of the creatures into submission. Kardus, continuing to act as a guardian for Stella, instructed her to stay hidden while he lined up a sniping position, picking off a couple of the monsters with his crossbow. He then ordered Bubbles to attack any hostiles in the area, and the construct stomped off as fast as it could manage. Meanwhile, the burgomaster, Dmitri Krezkov, and the town guard were defending themselves as best they could, but the sheer number of mongrelfolk seemed to be overwhelming them. Dandrea spotted one guard who was getting backed into a corner, and she rushed, shedding off her cloak and uttering a battle roar as her jaw seemed to unhinge and expand into a monstrous maw. She leapt high, vaulting over a horse that was in her path and landing behind the mongrelfolk. She muttered, "You need to be punished... time to go to sleep!" She then bit into the mongrelfolk's neck and proceeded to rip it out, leaving the creature laying on ground twitching. The guard looked on in horror, but seemed grateful for the save. At the main gates to the village, Otto and Zygfrek, the two who had been acting as guards for the abbey, and decided to avoid attacking anyone and instead sought to leave the village. They forced the door open and slipped out, while a handful of other mongrelfolk followed after them. Just as the numbers of monsters seemed to dwindle, the group heard an awful commotion coming from deeper in the town. The hoots and growls got louder as they watched in awe. Two massive mobs with over thirty more mongrelfolk came stampeding through the village. The group immediately turned their attention to the new threats and moved into positions to intercept. Ulfhan dismounted his horse and braced himself with his spear and shield, ready to take on the horde. Slata, drew his greatsword and charged with Samira in order to join him. Kardus then walked out from his sniping position and put himself directly in harm's way. He then drew the modified Pontificius crossbow. "Alright...let's see what this thing does!" Kardus took aim and pulled the trigger... but nothing happened. "Hold on a minute!" The master artificer began to tinker with the crossbow as the enemies drew closer. ``` ``` Kardus aimed and pulled the trigger again, and a random bolt shot backward, whizzing past Slata's ear. "Wait.. almost got it!" Kardus then pulled out a piece of the weapon and quickly replaced it with a spare. He then took aim and fired. The crossbow then let loose a massive volley of wooden shards that decimated the mob. Only blood splatters remained as the shards ripped through their bodies. Slata and Samira skidded to a halt, looking on in complete shock. Ulfhan peered out from behind his shield, now coated in a layer of mongrelfolk viscera. "Well... I guess they aren't a problem any more." Kardus just nodded as he looked down at the new weapon. "Eh... it's a B minus." Meanwhile, Dandrea strode out confidently in front of the remaining mob and snarled at them. "So... are you all going to come back orderly and calmly... or do you want a piece of me?" The mongrelfolk clearly took an aggressive stance and then surrounded Dandrea, proceeding to claw and bite at her. Dandrea withstood the attack and then drew a bottle of oil and a piece of rope from her gear. She spotted one of the mongrelfolk that had a frog's mouth and proceeded to shove the bottle of oil into it with the rope hanging out. She then quickly ignited a torch and lit the end of the rope. "We shall all burn together then!" she exclaimed as the oil ignited and the mongrelfolk's face exploded, coating the immediate area in flame. Slata rode with Samira to try to assist, but seeing the massive explosion, decided to keep his distance. He then drew two javelins and heaved them, skewering one of the mongrelfolk who tried to flee from the flames. Surprisingly still alive, it began to hobble away with the javelins still protruding from it. Ukog then rushed in and drop kicked the mongrelfolk, knocking it back into the mob and skewering another one with the opposite ends of the javelins, leaving the two creatures stuck together as the burned in the flames. Others tried to flee from the fire, but Reyna'zi charged with her horse and knocked them back into it. Dandrea then emerged from the flames and proceeded to use her glaive to cut down any others that attempted to escape. Meanwhile, the guards around the burgomaster were steadily falling to the few remaining mongrelfolk, leaving Dmitri alone to defend himself. He began to retreat as both Lenny and Bubbles ran past him to take on the last of the mob. Lenny stabbed with his pitchfork violently while Bubbles punched repeatedly, using the power of the gemstones in his gauntlets to freeze the mongrelfolk before smashing them apart. After an intense few minutes, everything lay quiet. All of the mongrelfolk were either dead, or had fled out of the main gates. The surviving town guards thanked the group for their assistance as townsfolk began to peer out from the safety of their homes. Reyna'zi then fumed when she spotted Dmitri as he approached. She then marched up to him on her horse, looking as intimidating as possible, determined to find out just how much he knew about what the Abbot was doing... \page
# Chapter 54 - The Fateful Wedding "How could you let this happen?!" Reyna'zi snarled at Dmitri. She chastised him for having knowledge of the mongrelfolk's existence, and that the Abbot was creating them yet did nothing to warn or protect the people of his village from them. Dmitri retorted angrily, "I was assured by the Abbot himself that he had them under control, and that they would not be of harm to themselves or anyone else! So perhaps you would like to explain to me why that changed so suddenly." Before much more could be said, one of the guards rushed over to Dmitri, insisting his presence was needed further into the village. Dmitri seemed willing to ignore the urgency for the time being until the guard said, "Sir... it's Ilya...". Dmitri's attention was immediately drawn to the guard, then he turned back to Reyna'zi and barked, "We will finish this later!" The burgomaster then followed the guard, "Take me to my son..." Reyna'zi and the others proceeded to follow the burgomaster deeper into the village, and the damage the mongrelfolk had caused became far more apparent. Nearly all livestock had been killed and ripped apart, while barrels and crates of vegetables and other food items had been strewn about and picked over. Bodies of guards and villagers who attempted to fight back but were overwhelmed lay silent in the streets. They all approached a large barn that had been used as a storehouse. It was clear that anything it had contained previously was now eaten or destroyed. Right outside of the main door, lay the body of a young man in a guard uniform, who Dmitri rushed over to, muttering under his breath. "Oh no... not again... please not again..." Dmitri knelt down and cradled the young man's head in his lap, tears streaming down his face as he demanded to know what happened. The other guards explained that Dmitri's son, Ilya, had stood his ground to protect the storehouse, but was overwhelmed and outnumbered by the ravenous mongrelfolk. Suddenly, a woman's scream echoed around them as Dmitri's wife, Anna, rushed past the group to join her husband and son. She was in hysterics, bawling over the poor boy, but quickly began to recompose herself. She wrapped her arm around her husband who seemed unresponsive and lost in his own thoughts. "It's okay..." she tried to reassure him. "... If the Abbot brought him back once, perhaps he could do it again, right?" Ulfhan and Kardus glanced at each other uncomfortably, unsure if they should mention the Abbot's death, but Reyna'zi, still fueled by a simmering rage, took the liberty of bringing it up herself. "The Abbot is dead!" This news caused everyone from the village to gasp in shock. Anna proceeded to berate the group, blaming them for the Abbot's untimely death, while Reyna'zi argued back about the Abbot's clear insanity. Anna seemed unwilling to be reasoned with, unable to accept that the Abbot was ultimately a twisted being and instead only focused on the "miracles" he provided, even though they were at a cost. Anna demanded that her husband order the group to be executed, but he remained silent. Anna then called her husband "useless", and stormed off back to her home, insisting that Reyna'zi and the others leave and never return. As more of a crowd gathered, a commotion began as the villagers witnessed the destruction of the food stores. "That was supposed to last us through the winter months! How are we going to survive?!" Reyna'zi and the others insisted to Dmitri that he needed to speak to his people before they had yet another problem on their hands. Dmitri then quietly stood up and drew everyone's attention. "Tend to your dead and wounded... salvage what you can... then pray for us all." It was clear that Dmitri had lost all hope. His life had been shattered to pieces with the second death of his son, and possibly the death of his entire village. By the look on most of the villager's faces, they shared in his dismal outlook. Reyna'zi tried to stop Dmitri as he trudged back to his home. "You don't have to face this alone. Reach out to the other settlements, even the Vistani and the Martikovs. If you ask for help, surely they will provide." Dmitri had no interest in listening anymore, suggesting that the group had done enough and should just leave. The other villagers quickly disbanded back to their homes, with the exception of Taylor and Lenny who had both decided to stay with the group. "Despite everything, I saw what you guys did, and I want to thank you for fighting off those things. It easily could have been worse." said Taylor, in as optimistic of a tone as he could muster. Lenny then hugged Slata, happy to see his new friend was safe. After a brief discussion, Taylor seemed open to the idea of getting aid from the other settlements in Barovia, even if the burgomaster wasn't willing to ask for the assistance. He then agreed to act as the primary liaison for the group and others to work through when visiting and conducting business with Krezk. While hopeful, Taylor kept a realistic attitude. "I know the other settlements have their own problems too. I'm sure we'll get some help but I don't think even Vallaki could provide enough for the entire village for a few months. We work all year to get those food stores saved up." Lenny, who had been quiet until that moment suddenly looked like an idea came to him. "Daddy's letter!" Everyone, including Taylor seemed confused by the outburst. "Lenny? Your dad has been dead for months now." Lenny shook his head, "No, Daddy had letter from lady in the woods. Maybe she help." The group immediately became concerned by this, wondering if Lenny was referring to the witch in the swamps. Taylor asked Lenny who he was talking about, to which he replied, "Lady in big house in woods." Ulfhan then asked Lenny to show them the letter, while Taylor speculated, "He wouldn't be talking about lady Fidatov, would he? She hasn't shown face in Krezk in almost twenty years." Hearing the name "Fidatov", Ulfhan was able to recall some knowledge from his past. He explained that the Fidatovs were a noble family that were a bit reclusive, owning an estate in the middle of the woods nearby to Krezk. Apparently one of their ancestors was the architect who designed and built Castle Ravenloft among other structures around Barovia, which made the family considerably wealthy. "If they have a self-sustaining estate somewhere near here, perhaps they may be able to help the village with supplies." Ulfhan said optimistically. \page
Lenny returned with letter in hand, and passed it over to Slata to read. It was addressed to Costel, Lenny's father, and appeared to be penned by Lady Marilena Fidatov. It mentioned how she was sympathetic to Costel's plight, that apparently his supply of livestock was not faring well for the year and there was concern that the burgomaster might reprimand him for not supplying enough to the village. She offered to shelter him and his son, as well as any of their close friends for the course of the cold months as they had plenty of food stocked up. The group agreed that the letter sounded promising and asked Lenny how his father had relations with Lady Fidatov. Lenny was unsure and only considered them to be friends. The day was beginning to grow late and the group decided it was time to leave and recover back at Van Richten's tower. They bid there farewell's to Taylor and Lenny, with a promise that they would find a way for the village to survive. As they made there exit, they also said goodbye to Dandrea. She was determined to hunt down and round up the remaining mongrelfolk who had escaped, and planned on returning with them to the abbey. She wished the group well on their quest to defeat "the pale-skinned king" and vanished into the wilderness. On their trip back to the tower, Kardus noticed he had a message incoming on his sending stone. Ireena's voice emanated from the stone, "Discussed trade negotiations with Arrigal today. Things went well. Going to Vistani camp tomorrow to present to his brother. Hope all is well. Miss you." The others smiled briefly, pleased to hear that at least one thing seemed to be going right. "We'll have to stop by the camp tomorrow to see how negotiations are going." Reyna'zi suggested. Kardus then sent a new message through the stone to everyone they could contact, "Krezk in shambles from monster attack. Supplies for the winter are gone. Send aid." They weren't sure how much help would be mustered, but it was worth a shot. Reyna'zi then took a few moments to try casting the "Commune" spell from the Tome of Strahd. She was curious what kind of answers she could get from the entity that had made Strahd what he is. Once the ritual was complete, she asked three questions, while everyone listened eagerly for the responses. "Are you happy with Strahd's progress?" After a few moments a deep cryptic voice muttered, "Yes...". Reyna'zi then continued, "Will we destroy you?" The voice immediately responded, "Laughable..." Getting frustrated, Slata then blurted out, "Will we ever leave this hellhole?" The voice responded, "No...". Whatever little bit of optimism the group may have gained from Ireena's message had left them once again. Finally back at the tower, the group updated Van Richten on what had happened in Krezk. He was rather amazed at their description of the fight with the Abbot, a corrupted celestial being. "Can't say I could have ever predicted you facing something like that." Stella went to rest, having been a bit traumatized and exhausted from the day's events, while the group decided to decipher the next chapter of Strahd's tome. They agreed that the more knowledge they could gain from it, the better off they would be. As the mists once again poured from the book and enveloped them, the group found themselves in the bright and sunny courtyard of Castle Ravenloft. ``` ``` Dozens of guests were gathered with wine in hand conversing with people of a wide range of races and decorated in spectacular tunics and dresses of fine silks. With the bong of a bell, they all drew their attention toward a beautiful stained glass window depicting a white knight and red-haired bride who seemed almost alive in the sunshine. The gathered guests began to walk toward a single doorway leading into the castle. They all entered a cathedral-like chapel capped by a ninety-foot-tall domed ceiling, raised by towering archways. The white marble walls were wreathed by strings of flowers and vines, and the decadent smell of a feast wafted down the hall, blending with the fresh air and a symphony of flowers from the gardens. Guests filtered into rows of chairs set to face the ceremony along the east wall. Standing at the front of the room as the group passed, next to an altar carved with base-reliefs of angelic figures entwined with grapevines, was Sergei in a white coat, decorated with golden tassels and a priestly pendant on a cerulean ribbon hanging from his neck. At his waist was his sword, dazzling in the chromatic fragments of sunlight gleaming through the painted glass. On his right was Lady Ilona Darovnya in blue and gold priestly robes, standing poised to officiate. To his left, Strahd stood proudly in his red armor with golden angel wings and a heavy, black cape. After having be seated for a few moments, an aid rushed over to the group and asked politely, "Excuse me, but the bride-to-be wishes to speak with you." The group graciously followed the aid to a private room where they met with Tatyana. This felt strange to them, as she behaved as if she had known them all personally for a long time. If they didn't know better, they would think they were talking to Ireena instead. She thanked them for being present at the wedding and expressed that she was a bit nervous. She was concerned that she had nothing to offer Sergei, being just a simple peasant girl, and felt out of place among nobility. Reyna'zi took the lead in trying to re-assure her that she would make a wonderful bride for Sergei regardless of her origins. Tatyana then mentioned how Strahd, or "Elder" as she referred to him as, seemed more distant lately than usual. "I fear that he doesn't approve of our union." Reyna'zi was blunt and to the point. "He doesn't. You know he is in love with you as well and feels jealous." Tatyana frowned and nodded, her suspicions having been confirmed. Reyna'zi then tried to calm her, telling her to just focus on Sergei, the man she truly loves. "Strahd will have to understand you chose his brother, not him." Reyna'zi then offered to walk Tatyana down the aisle if it would help ease her worry. Tatyana smiled and agreed. The aid returned, warning them all that the ceremony was about to begin. The rest of the group made their way back to their seats, while Reyna'zi stayed back with Tatyana. The organ began to play, and everyone watched in awe as Tatyana made her way toward the altar, giving Reyna'zi's hand a firm squeeze all along the way. Sergei smiled broadly as Tatyana blushed at him. After delivering her to Sergei's side, Reyna'zi returned to her seat, and Lady Ilona Darovnya began the ceremony, while the music grew silent. The stillness of the moment was broken by the snap of a string and the whistle of a crossbow bolt that embedded itself beneath Strahd's left pauldron. \page
Another fired off from the back of the room toward Tatyana but was stopped by Sergei, who lunged forward to knock her from harm's way. The bolt instead embedded itself into his shoulder and a flower of blood stained his white shirt. Strahd's pupils thinned when the scent of the wound found him, and in his frenzy, he appeared more beast than man. Amidst the chaos, the group could hear the dozens of voices from the Amber Temple echo, "Remove your obstacle." There was no hesitation. A pool of scarlet formed on the breast of Sergei’s pristine coat. He tried to fight his older brother off, but Strahd’s fangs found his throat. Sergei's sword, drawn to protect his love, dropped to the floor. Its blade fell loose from the hilt into the rapidly spreading pool of blood, though both pieces continued to dazzle in brilliant color from beneath the gore. Many of the guests, including Tatyana, fought at the doors in a scramble to leave. More armed men are littered throughout the crowd began to kill those in attendance one by one. The castle halls and grounds were bathed in blood and drowned in desperate screams. As the group made their way outside of the chapel, the courtyard was graying. The sun was gone and the spring afternoon was now choked by a deep mist that clawed its way over the castle walls. They managed to find Tatyana, frightened and confused near the castle's overlook when a group of soldiers approached in pursuit. With no one else to defend her, the group took up arms against the traitorous men. The fight was brief, as Reyna'zi fried some of the soldiers with a fireball while the others whittled them down in brutal melee. Once the soldiers had been dealt with, the group found that they were no longer corporeal. They were like ghosts, simply observing the scene before them. Strahd then arrived, covered in blood. Three crossbow bolts protruded from his armor and his sword was drawn. Behind him, Rahadin as well as a few other nobles including a man and his young daughter. Strahd pointed them all toward the carriage house and Rahadin lead them away. Strahd limped toward Tatyana. "Betrayal...Tatyana, the Dilisnyas have betrayed us." Tatyana looked upon Strahd with horror in her eyes, "Elder, you’re frightening me. What has happened to you? Where is Sergei?" Strahd stopped in his tracks as the mists seemed to advance toward him. "He is gone! I am here for you now. I will protect you." His new monstrous features were only amplified by his stained, worn armor, and Tatyana retreated. They continued in a dance. He limped forward and she stepped back. Strahd shifted, dragging himself faster toward her and the mists grew denser. It was not until Strahd heard the creak of iron that he realized they had reached the castle’s overlook. "Tatyana!" he shouted. In her daze, Tatyana reached the railing and tumbled. The mist parted beneath her. Strahd rushed to the ledge to watch her in her white dress soar through the air like a spirit toward jagged rocks below, their spires peering over the low-hanging clouds. But she was not dashed across them. There was no impact. There was no blood. Thousands of feet below, the white dress simply faded into the mist. Strahd rested; broken, grieving. Tears of blood streamed down his face. "What have I done?..." A bolt cut through the mist and plunged into Strahd’s back. Then another. And another. But he did not fall. Instead, his already pale skin faded to a pallid, deathless white. ``` ``` His eyes flooded scarlet and fangs extended from his gums. At every angle, bolts protruded from his body. Then, they began to fall from his wounds like raindrops. Though his tunic was torn, there was no blood. Leo Dilisnya then stepped through the encroaching mists, helming a militia of over two dozen soldiers. The mists then enveloped the group and Strahd's narration echoed around them. "The blackness returned, covering me, covering the world. Never to lift. It weighed upon me, heavier than the mountain, smothering and crushing me into something less than dust, but I was looking at dead men. Before another hour passed, I’d send them wailing on their way to rotting hell. All of them. All except the traitor behind them." The mists receded back into the tome, and the group was back inside the tower. Reyna'zi watched as a new spell appeared in the tome, allowing her to cast "Ceremony". They all then decided it was time to rest. \page
# Chapter 55 - Betrayal The following morning Slata and Ukog were the first two to awaken and both were eager to get moving along. After waking the others and offering Van Richten a quick goodbye, the group made their way back toward Vallaki. By mid-morning they had entered the western gates and headed directly toward Wachterhaus. They knocked on the door and it was answered by Nikolai Wachter. Once he saw his sister, Stella, standing there to greet him and not on all fours, he was overjoyed, embracing her with a great hug and a kiss on the cheek. Their other sibling, Karl showed up a second later and joined in the reunion. "So good to have you back to normal!" the brothers exclaimed. Stella cried, "I'm just glad to be home. Where's Mother?" Both of the brothers grew silent as their eyes darted toward the rest of the group then returned to Stella. Nikolai wrapped his arm around her shoulders and guided her inside, "We... have a lot to talk about." As Nikolai lead Stella toward the parlor, Kardus took Karl aside and gave him a brief rundown of the trouble they had run into in Krezk. "It would be really nice if we could have a bit of compensation for helping your sister and bringing her home safe. Perhaps twenty five gold?" Karl disappeared upstairs for a moment then returned, handing Kardus a small pouch. "I do hope this should be a fair reward... and thank you." Kardus opened the pouch and found it contained fifty gold. He then pocketed the pouch with a nod of appreciation. Next to come down the stairs after hearing all of the commotion was Izek. He greeted the group and immediately embraced Reyna'zi with a hug as she gingerly gave his rear-end a squeeze in response. The group asked him how things were going for Vallaki since they had left, and he explained that things were steadily improving. Town morale seemed to be on the rise with the Martikov's help in spreading positive gossip. Izek was also convinced by Ireena to make more of an effort to have a positive presence in the town, by simply visiting local establishments without having to be a menacing authority. "She said it would help the people have a less frightening image of me." After informing Izek of the situation in Krezk, Ernst popped out from the adjacent room. It seemed his old habits of being an informant for Lady Wachter hadn't ceased, and he was quietly listening in on the whole conversation. Thankfully, he seemed to be a few steps ahead of where the group needed him to be because of it. "I'll make my rounds and try to muster up some donations for Krezk and make arrangements for a delivery to be made within a day or two. I can't promise we'll be able to provide for the whole village for all of the cold season, but should at least give them a few more days worth of supplies." The group nodded, agreeing that it may not be much but would be better than nothing. Ulfhan mentioned that there were still some other avenues for assistance they planned on pursuing. After delivering Stella home and getting from Izek and Ernst, the group then made a few stops around town to resupply. Reyna'zi stopped at the apothecary and bought as many glass vials as were available as well as more ingredients for her potions. She also willingly offered Kardus her spiked tail to be broken down into scrap metal as she found it wasn't as useful to her as she had once thought. She also made a quick stop at the tailor shop and bought a small sewing kit so she could repair her own corset rather than ask others for help so regularly. At the blacksmith, Ulfhan traded for a lance, while Ukog invested in a pair of bracers. Kardus bartered for as much scrap metal as he could afford and loaded it all up onto Bubbles, mentally checking off a list of new projects in his head. Before leaving town, Ulfhan also made a stop at the Church of Saint Andral and retrieved another six bottles of holy water from Father Lucian, knowing it would be useful in their future encounters with vampires thanks to Van Richten's advice. As the day progressed to late afternoon, the group made their way out of town to visit the Vallaki encampment, eager to see how Ireena and Arrigal's trade negotiations with Luvash were progressing. As they approached the camp, Luvash himself greeted them. "Welcome back friends! You're just in time! Feel free to have a drink and some food by the fire." Luvash was happy to see them all alive and well and asked if the horses were treating them alright. After some idle conversation, Ulfhan asked where Ireena was. Luvash looked genuinely confused. "I'm afraid I'm not sure who you're talking about." Ulfhan and the others shared awkward glances and explained that Arrigal was supposedly bringing Ireena from Vallaki to discuss trade negotiations. Luvash shrugged, though seemed a bit perturbed by the idea. "Hmm, first I've heard of this. Arrigal went out hunting for the day early this morning. I'd expect him back any moment now." The group began to grow concerned as Izek had confirmed that Ireena and Arrigal had left Vallaki earlier that morning. "Could they have gotten lost somehow?" \page
A few moments later, Luvash spotted a horse galloping up the hillside toward the camp. "Ah... here's my brother now. Time to get to the bottom of this." Luvash greeted Arrigal as he approached and dismounted his horse. The group grew more worried as there was no sign of Ireena anywhere. Luvash confronted Arrigal, "So our friends here said you were supposed to be bringing some woman from Vallaki here for trade negotiations... and I don't seem to remember that happening." Arrigal briefly glanced over at the rest of the group then smirked at his brother. "Of course you wouldn't remember any of that, brother, cause I never brought her here." The tension started to grow in the air as Ulfhan asked sternly, "Where is Ireena." Arrigal smiled matter-of-factly, "She is precisely where she needs to be..." Getting tired of the games, Reyna'zi spoke deeply as she glared at the man, "Where IS she?" Arrigal glared right back toward the sorceress and replied, "She is in the master's hands now, at the castle." Flames could be seen burning in her eyes as Reyna'zi was about to cast fireball with Arrigal in the center of it, but before she could act, a metallic arm had grabbed Arrigal by the scruff of his neck and slammed him against a nearby wagon. Kardus, despite his short stature, had effortlessly jacked the vistani man up against the wagon, grumbling angrily,"Give me one good reason why we shouldn't just end you right here!" Just as suddenly as Kardus had moved, the sounds of a dozen crossbows being knocked and swords being unsheathed surrounded them, as every other vistani in the camp had drawn their weapons. Luvash simply had one hand on the hilt of his scimitar as he tried to calm the situation. "Whoa whoa, hang on here... there's no need for this to get violent." ``` ``` Trying his best to curb his anger and keep peace in the situation, Ulfhan turned to Luvash and uttered, "Did you know about this?" Luvash shook his head, "No... of course I didn't!" Arrigal then laughed and said smugly, "Oh don't play dumb, Luvash. You knew our orders just as well as I did that we were to retrieve Ireena for the master as soon as an opportunity arose." Luvash then turned pale and snarled toward his brother, "That may be true, but at least I was willing to ignore that order for their sake! Need I remind you that your niece is alive because of these folks!" At this point, a young girl exited the main tent and looked on in concern at all of the weapons drawn. "Daddy? What's going on?" Luvash gulped nervously and looked back toward his young daughter, "Go back inside sweetie... grown ups are talking...". The young girl, Arabelle, hesitated as she looked around nervously. Arrigal, despite being held at arm's length by Kardus, said nonchalantly, "Listen to your father Arabelle, go back in the tent." The tension remained high as the group interrogated Arrigal and Luvash. They learned that both of the brothers had been loyal to Strahd since the beginning and they were none the wiser. While Strahd had given them the order to capture Ireena a few days prior, Luvash insisted that he was willing to ignore the order, knowing that Ireena was under the group's protection. Arrigal scoffed at his brother, "I guess that shows how weak your loyalty is." Luvash fired back, "I am loyal to family first, and my daughter is alive because of these people. I owe them that much!" Ulfhan insisted that justice needed to be served, but Luvash admitted that he might not be able to offer that. "I know he wronged you, and he did so without my knowledge, but he is still my brother and I will defend him if I have to." Understanding that to get the justice they desired, they would end up having to destroy the entire vistani camp and likely bring the wrath of Strahd down upon them, the group reluctantly let Arrigal go into his brother's custody. Kardus then marched over to Luvash and in as calm a manner as he could muster, tried to negotiate a plan that could potentially help them rescue Ireena while also not making it seem like Luvash was outwardly betraying his master. After a tense few minutes, Luvash agreed to getting someone from his clan to visit the castle to secretly do some reconnaissance to at least find out if Ireena is safe, and perhaps where she is being held. Kardus then handed Luvash a sending stone, demanding that he contact them as soon as he knew something. Leaving the camp feeling even more defeated than earlier, the group discussed there next move. It was clear they would need to rescue Ireena somehow, but other than their brief visit to the castle previously, they had no real knowledge of its layout or where hidden entrances could be. Ulfhan then proposed that perhaps investigating the home of the castle's architect would be the way to go. "Perhaps we can find some old blueprints or something." Considering they already had reason to go to the Fidatov manor in order to help with Krezk's plight, the others agreed that would be the next best plan of action. Their energy still high, the group decided to travel to the manor immediately, showing up there just as night began to fall... \page
# Chapter 56 - The Dinner Party As the group approached the manor hidden within the wilderness, they were surprised to see how large and lively the Fidatov estate was. From the path they could see a large two-story mansion surrounded by numerous gardens being tended to by servants. To the far east side, they even caught glimpse of a massive hedge maze. As they approached the front door of the mansion, the group began to discuss how they were going to handle negotiations with Marilena Fidatov to try to enlist her help with Krezk. While the others were hesitant to knock on the door, Slata picked up Ukog and tossed him toward the door like a makeshift battering ram. Ukog slammed into the door with a heavy bang as the door held strong. Slightly dazed, the monk stated, "This door is different than the others... it's hard." Upon closer inspection, Kardus confirmed that the door seemed to be heavily fortified. It was made of metal rather than wood, and looked almost like the door of a safe. Shortly after the door swung open, revealing a middle-aged man with clean cut white hair and a mustache, wearing a black suit. He eyed the group suspiciously, "Yes? May I help you?" Ulfhan and Kardus began to explain that they wished to meet with Marilena Fidatov. Seeing another door behind the man that seemed to lead deeper inside, Slata gave Ukog another toss. The man in the suit quickly side-stepped to avoid the flying halfling as Ukog slammed into the second door with a similar result to the first. This seemed to draw the attention of someone else from inside the building. A woman's voice called out, "Taltos? What is going on over there?" The man replied back, "You seem to have some guests who wish to speak with you...". A young woman, her hair styled and done up in a bun and wearing a flowing red dress appeared in the doorway. The woman introduced herself as Marilena Fidatov and asked what the group wished to speak about. They mentioned they were there on behalf of Krezk and would like to make a potential business proposal. Marilena seemed preoccupied, "I am trying to host a party at the moment, but I suppose I could spare a few minutes." She invited the group in but Taltos stopped them in their tracks. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to relieve you of your weapons. This is a social gathering and to see you so armed may disturb the other guests." Ulfhan nodded and proceeded to load Taltos' arms with the myriad of weapons he had been carrying. "Think you can handle that?" he said with a bit of a smirk. Taltos, clearly struggling a little, replied "Uh...I can manage... I'll come back for the others" as he made his exit deeper into the manor. While Taltos was gone, Slata decided to head back outside temporarily and left his weapons on his steed, Samira. "You keep an eye on these for me, okay?" Once Taltos returned, he took Ukog's iron knuckles, Reyna'zi's whip-sword and tail attachment, as well as all of Kardus' crossbows. Kardus did manage to trick Taltos into believing his mace was a walking stick without much trouble, taking advantage of the fact that dwarves were shorter than the average human. After being sufficiently disarmed, Marilena gave the group a brief tour of her home. She lead them through a library, the ``` ``` ball room, which was currently filled with guests, and ultimately lead them to a private meeting room and lounge. There the group was able to explain Krezk's situation, namely being in desperate need of food for the cold months. Marilena gave a cold smirk as she muttered, "So, Dmitri is running his village into the ground, and I care because?" It was clear from her tone that she held some animosity towards the Burgomaster of Krezk. Kardus tried to work this to their advantage. "You know, Krezk is very much in a prime position for a change of leadership. If you come to the peoples' rescue, it would likely make you a worthy candidate in their eyes... assuming power if something you desire." Marilena pondered this for a moment, and complimented the dwarf on making a very convincing argument. "Tell you what. Give me the night to think on this matter. In the meantime, I'll have some guest rooms prepared for you all. Feel free to take part in the festivities this evening as my guests, get a good night's rest, then I'll have an answer for you in the morning. Sound fair?" Feeling that was a reasonable request, the group agreed. As Marilena made her leave to mingle with the rest of her guests, Ulfhan and Kardus decided to go investigate the library in the hopes of finding something useful concerning the castle or perhaps other structures the Fidatovs have been involved with. Ukog followed as well, snagging an entire hors d'oeuvre tray along the way. Slata, hearing the music being played by a live string quartet, couldn't resist going out on the dance floor. For a dragonborn wearing heavy armor, he was surprisingly light on his feet and garnered the attention of many of the noblewomen on the floor. Reyna'zi simply smirked to herself as she watched the display, and slowly made her way around the room, listening in on any conversations that might provide useful information. It wasn't long before she overheard something that drew her interest. A boisterous man, clearly on his third or fourth glass of wine, spouted to a few of his colleagues, "If I were a betting man, which I am, I'd say it must be hidden somewhere in the basement. It's the only place that makes sense!" Another disagreed, "I don't think so. I believe it must be in the hedge maze. It's the only place we aren't allowed to go, and they say only Marilena herself knows how to navigate it without getting lost." Reyna'zi introduced herself into the conversation to understand what exactly the gentleman were referring to. They explained that it was a bit of a game they played at every social gathering at the Fidatov Manor. "We speculate as to where the Fidatov family crypt is hidden. Rumor has it, that is where they store all of their riches." Reyna'zi made a mental note of that and moved on. Meanwhile in the library, Ulfhan and Kardus were not having much luck in finding anything helpful. Other than some general books on architecture and a brief history on the Fidatov family line, they didn't find anything specific to Ravenloft that would prove useful. "Maybe we should just regroup and head up to our rooms to rest." Ulfhan suggested. They gathered back with the rest of the group in the ballroom, and everyone was startled by the sound of a glass shattering on the floor. Marilena had apparently grown faint. \page
She excused herself and apologized to everyone as Taltos escorted her into the lounge and closed the door. A few moments later, there was a blood-curdling scream emanating from the lounge. Taltos charged out and announced, "Marilena has been poisoned!" Just as suddenly, numerous party-goers began to cough and retch, doubling over and vomiting blood onto the floor. Those who weren't getting sick began to panic and rushed toward the exit. The group was caught off guard by how quickly everything had escalated as noblemen and women began to drop dead all around them. They watched helplessly as the entire environment began to change. The pristine mansion quickly deteriorated, and the bright lights extinguished, leaving them all standing in a dark, dilapidated manor. The bodies that had been dancing only moments before appeared shriveled and decayed. It was as if they had watched a decade of time pass within moments. "What just happened?!" Reyna'zi asked in pure confusion. Kardus simply grumbled, "Great! Perfect! Here I thought we were going to have a nice and easy business negotiation, but nope! Another freakin' haunted house!" Ulfhan tried to calm the situation, "Look, the main thing right now is we need to find our equipment." Slata quickly ran outside to find Samira, who luckily still had his weapons. As he turned around to head back inside, he took note that the mansion now appeared as if it had been abandoned for years. Without any other leads, the group decided to start exploring the manor in the hopes they would find where their equipment was taken, assuming it still existed. Kardus took a moment to investigate the lounge. Inside he saw the collapsed body of Marilena, but something seemed odd. There was a strange distortion in the air around her. He cautiously approached, and as he got close, a bright glowing spirit emerged from Marilena's body. While her features were difficult to make out, the spirit certainly appeared to be that of Marilena herself. She screamed and glanced around frantically. "What have you done to me?!" Kardus attempted to think of something to say but the spirit was too distressed to listen. She muttered, "Perhaps my family can offer comfort...yes... my family!" Just as suddenly as she had appeared, the spirit then flew through the Eastern wall of the room. Kardus just stood dumbfounded, unsure of what to make of what he just saw. He looked back down at the body on the floor and noticed the odd distortion seemed to be gone. He gingerly searched the body for anything useful and found a small key tucked into Marilena's dress. He pocketed it and left to investigate elsewhere. Meanwhile, Ulfhan, Slata and Reyna'zi had managed to find their way down into the basement. They did not find any sign of their equipment, however Ulfhan discovered a small empty vial wrapped in a handkerchief. The handkerchief had the initials "DK" sewn into it. They all began to speculate that perhaps the burgomaster of Krezk had something to do with the poisoning event that had taken place. Back upstairs, Kardus along with Ukog continued to search the first floor. They came across two locked doors. Kardus used the key he had found and managed to unlock one of them. Inside appeared to be a study. There were numerous books and papers that all seemed to be tax related. There was also an unlocked chest that Kardus was surprised ``` ``` to find contained fifty platinum pieces. He deftly poured them into his pocket and continued to investigate. His search then found what appeared to be a journal entry written by Marilena herself. "The time has come to break things off with Dmitri. He has been an enjoyable plaything, but he grows increasingly insistent that we should marry. He believes himself irresistible, that I am in love and therefore stupid. But I play the game far better than he realizes. To think that I would give over not just my fortune, but dominion over my lands, over my very life, to a man? The idea sickens me. The servants tell me that he has been roaming the manor at night, looking in the library for clues to where the vault might be hidden. Such foolishness. My father was no fool, and neither is his daughter. There is no vault because my ancestors stand eternal guard over our treasure in our crypt. Only the twin crests of the greatest scion of our family, Valetian Fidatov, can open the way and disable the wards. Well, the second greatest scion of our family, after me, of course. Two crests for two fountains in a terrible labyrinth... such a wonderful trick. Dmitri was never going to get what he wanted, but he is still going to be upset when I end our dalliance. I shall tell him tonight and send him on his way quietly. I don’t want him to make a scene at my party next week. And besides, perhaps there will be a new suitor or two to consider..." Kardus read the entry with intrigue, finally understanding why Marilena seemed to have disdain for Dmitri and Krezk in general. Moving on to the other locked door, Kardus discovered the key did not work for it. "Alright kid, time to put the tool in the hole." He said to Ukog, admitting that the young monk seemed to have a knack for picking locks. Ukog tried to the best of his ability, but had no luck in opening the lock. Kardus nodded, acknowledging that the doors in the manor seemed to be heavily reinforced and designed to prevent being broken into so easily. "Guess we'll just have to find the key for this one too." After regrouping with the others, they all decided to head to the upper floor of the manor. Upon entering the first room, Ulfhan sighed in relief as he found all of his weapons laid out neatly on a dilapidated old bed. "Well, it seems they brought our gear to our guest rooms. That was... kind of them I suppose." he muttered. "Check the other rooms to see if we can find the rest." Slata opened another door which lead to a connecting washroom, and was startled by two ghouls that inhabited the room and suddenly attacked. The sounds attracted more ghouls that charged in from adjacent rooms. Finding themselves surrounded, they all took defensive positions and struck out against any ghouls who got close. Slata unfortunately fell victim to one of their claws, causing him to become paralyzed by the ghoul's venom and they began to drag him out of the room to feed. Before the others could come to his rescue however, Slata managed to shake off the paralysis and swiftly struck down two of the ghouls with a single swipe to each with his greatsword. "Let's see how you like it!" The other ghouls fell quickly as the rest of the group managed to remain unscathed. With that unexpected excitement over with, they all took a moment to catch their breath and continued on. \page
# Chapter 57 - The Hall of Mirrors Luckily it didn't take long for the group to find the rest of their equipment as they quickly searched the remaining guest rooms. The final room on the second floor to investigate appeared to be the master bedroom. While the main room itself didn't seem to have anything of importance in it, Reyna'zi ventured into a large walk-in closet. Keeping an eye out for anything suspicious, she spotted a small gap near the floor by one of the walls. Pressing on the wall made it swivel, revealing a hidden study. Inside the group discovered what appeared to be Taltos' body. Next to him was a hand-written note. "Lady Marilena is dead. She is gone. Gone, along with everyone else. I swore to her father that I would serve this household as long as I lived in exchange for my life... the life of a simple thief at that... and serve I have. I have been by my Lady's side since she was a young girl and watched her grow with pride. And yet, now it has all ended and I am at a loss.. There was something in the food. In the wine, perhaps? Perhaps both? I know not. But without warning, Lady Marilena fell ill and died, followed by the majority of the guests. The few who were left fell into a panic and turned murderous against one another. I hid like a coward and then like a fool thought I could somehow make things better by cleaning up what was left behind. I see now that there is no point. No point to taking care of this house when the Fidatovs no longer live. I wish to join them. I wish to join my Lady." Reyna'zi shook her head as she searched the body. "Poor guy lost his purpose and ended his own life." She discovered another key, though it looked a bit different than most keys she was familiar with. Taking a quick glance at it, Kardus confirmed that it was a skeleton key. "I bet that will open any lock in the house." With key in hand, the group made their way back downstairs to the one room they couldn't access earlier. Sure enough, the key worked and they entered what appeared to be a small gallery. There were numerous art pieces and plaques hanging on the walls, as well as a series of mirrors which helped make the small room seem that much larger. Upon closer inspection, they noticed the plaques all had names of different members of the Fidatov family, along with a family crest. Following the details in Marilena's journal, they began to search for plaques bearing the name "Valetian". They found two, as expected, however only one of the plaques had a crest on it. The other was unfortunately barren, though the spot where the crest should be was quite apparent. Reyna'zi grabbed the crest that they could find and proposed they continue searching until they could find the missing one. Just before leaving the room however, Ukog pointed toward the mirror opposite of the plaque with no crest. Kardus looked to see what the kid was pointing at and spotted it immediately. "Hey! The crest is there in the mirror!" The others looked on in confusion wondering how that was possible. Ulfhan tried touching the plaque where the crest should have been in case it was somehow invisible to the ``` ``` naked eye, but felt nothing. Kardus then ventured up to the mirror and lightly touched the spot where he could see the crest, and his hand began to pass into the mirror. Taking a deep breath he muttered, "Well, here goes nothing!" The dwarf then leapt through the mirror. On the other side, Kardus appeared in a room completely identical to the one he had just left, though reversed. The crest was right in front of him on the wall, and his companions were standing around him. He began to feel uneasy however as he noticed the other party members all had blank looks on their faces. The others watched in curiosity as they saw Kardus pass into the mirror, but then immediately exit from it again. Kardus then just stared at them all with a blank look and began to draw his crossbow to attack. It was then that they realized what was happening. Somehow a mirror double of Kardus had exited the mirror, which meant... Kardus then cursed to himself as he saw his companions all draw their weapons and prepared to attack him. "Aw crap! Evil mirror dimension!" The mirror version of Reyna'zi blasted Kardus with a witch-bolt while mirror Ukog pummeled him with a flurry of blows. Kardus raised his shield in an attempt to deflect the attack but was knocked to the ground. The mirror version of Ulfhan then summoned the spirit of Kavan to attack the prone Kardus, but the artificer was able to dodge the strike. Slata then rushed through the mirror to Kardus' aid and stood off against the mirror Ulfhan. Reyna'zi then entered the mirror as well and cast "Arms of Hadar", causing dark tendrils to appear out of the ground and attacked the mirror version of Ulfhan and Bubbles. On the other side, the mirror Kardus took aim and fired a bolt toward Ukog, but the young monk was able to avoid it easily and retaliated with a stunning strike then slammed the dwarf into the wall. Seeing that Ukog seemed to have mirror Kardus handled, Ulfhan charged into the mirror to attack the image of himself. With a series of furious stabs from his spear, the mirror version of Ulfhan collapsed to the ground. Ulfhan stood over the mirrored version of himself triumphantly as it quietly vanished. From the ground, Kardus readied his boltshard crossbow and fired a massive blast of shards, nailing the mirror Reyna'zi, Slata, and Ukog. Bubbles then emerged through the mirror and landed a couple blows on the mirror Ukog as well. The mirror Reyna'zi then fell back as if she were retreating, then blasted the entire room with a fireball. The mirror Ukog then continued to pummel Kardus on the ground until the dwarf was knocked unconscious. Slata yelled out a war cry and proceeded to slash mirror Ukog with his sword, the blade glowing with a divine light as he did so until the monk vanished into thin air. The real Reyna'zi then retaliated with her own carefully aimed fireball and watched as the mirror Slata disappeared in the blast. The fight continued as Ukog demolished the mirror Kardus, while Ulfhan finished off mirror bubbles, leaving only mirror Reyna'zi to deal with. She defended herself with yet another fireball, engulfing everyone in the room, including the unconscious Kardus... \page
# Chapter 58 - Into the Labyrinth The others watched in horror as Kardus stopped breathing after the blast. Slata knelt down by Kardus' body and quickly tried to think of what to do. He then remembered he had a scroll of Revivify and began to cast it. Reyna'zi knelt beside the paladin offering moral support as he tried desperately to make the spell work. The scroll began to glow, then disintegrated, and they watched eagerly for Kardus to begin to breath again... but he didn't. Slata cried in anguish realizing he had failed to revive his companion. Ukog, in a rage then charged the mirror Reyna'zi and pummeled her till her head was knocked off her body, then vanished before hitting the ground. There was heavy silence in the room as they gathered around their fallen companion. Bubbles collapsed, as if his power source had simply shut down. Ulfhan shook his head in disappointment and muttered some less than comforting words. "We have lost a valuable friend and ally. But this is just the start. We're all going to end up dead before this is done." Reyna'zi just glared at the pessimistic dwarf and turned to Kardus' body and cast Gentle Repose to ensure he didn't turn undead or begin to rot. "Surely we can find a way to bring him back... Even if we have to go to Strahd. He does owe us a favor, right?" Slata nodded, though the very idea of going to Strahd for help sickened him. It was then that they noticed that Ukog was still staring at the wall where mirror Reyna'zi had been standing, breathing heavily, his fists still clenched. Slata, wanting to do some good at least, walked over to the boy. "Hey buddy... are you upset about Kardus?" Ukog simply punched the wall, leaving a sizable dent in it. Slata continued, "Yeah... we all are. Do you want to help bring him back?" Ukog slowly turned and gave a subtle nod. Slata then smiled, "Alright, then come with us. We need to get Kardus out of here." Reyna'zi then grabbed the other crest from the wall before they all made their way out of the manor. Samira whined sadly as Slata proceeded to strap Kardus' body, and Bubbles to her back. Slata then mounted his steed and began to head toward the road. "Let's go back to the tower and regroup. This place is depressing me." As they approached the road however, Samira stopped without warning. "What's wrong, girl?" Samira then reached up with her foot and clawed at the air. They then noticed how her foot was blocked by a small burst of light, as if there was a force-field preventing her movement forward. Upon further experimentation they found this force-field was preventing them from leaving the estate. Ulfhan sighed, "It would seem this place is truly cursed, and we're stuck here until we find a way to stop it." After some deliberation, they decided the only course of action was to follow Marilena's journal. They had the crests, so perhaps the answers they needed would be inside the crypt hidden within the hedge maze. They made their way to the entrance to the maze. Slata instructed Samira to keep a close eye on Kardus and Bubbles, and to sound the alarm if anything strange happened while they were inside the maze. Upon entering the maze, they could see right in front of them was what appeared to be a small mausoleum. It was blocked off by a large gate. Ukog immediately began to look for a lock to pick, but found none. The others began to test the boundaries of the maze. Ulfhan tried to push through the hedge wall and felt as if it was actively pushing back against him. Slata used a torch and tried to burn some of the hedge and discovered the leaves were coated in some sort of fluid that prevented them from being ignited. Reyna'zi then sent her raven, Cormac, to fly up and try to get an overhead layout of the maze, but as soon as Cormac reached the top of the hedge maze he crashed into another invisible force-field and fell to the ground. The group then accepted that they were going to have to navigate the maze the hard way. Deciding to follow the path to the East first, Slata and Ukog took point and split off once the path forked. After only a few minutes of exploring, Slata managed to find the first fountain. After calling the others to his position, Reyna'zi found an indentation where one of the crests would fit into. She popped the crest in and it locked into place. "One down, one to go!" As the group began to make their way north, they all froze as a loud otherworldly howl seemed to emanate from the maze walls. Concerned as to what made the sound, they all cautiously continued on their way. Suddenly, the source of the sound made itself known. Around a corner appeared a massive dog-like creature, with red glowing eyes and jagged teeth. Ukog rushed up excitedly shouting, "Puppy!" and began to pummel it with punches. Not wanting the kid to fight the beast alone, Slata joined the fray and slashed with his greatsword, landing a few blows on the creature. As both Ukog and Slata took a moment to catch their breath they both noticed that the beast didn't seem harmed at all but instead only seemed to be getting angrier as it glared back at them with a deep growl. Ukog was the first to begin to back away, "Guys... I think we might need to run." \page
Ulfhan then quickly summoned the spirit of the wildfolk chieftain Kavan to distract the monster while ordering the others to flee. "Find the other fountain, quickly! I'll try to hold it off!" Slata, Ukog, and Reyna'zi all bolted back the way they had come while Ulfhan stood his ground. The hell-hound attempted to bite through Kavan, but the spirit deftly avoided the attack. Seeing its prey getting away, the beast decided to ignore Kavan and try to move around him. Ulfhan, guiding the spirit's actions, tripped the creature with his spear, stopping its pursuit temporarily. The others searched frantically for the remaining fountain while Ulfhan kept the monster at bay, tripping it every time it ``` ``` began to give chase. Eventually, Slata found the fountain and Reyna'zi placed the second crest. Hoping that was enough to unlock the gate, they quickly backtracked to the maze entrance. Ulfhan fell back, expecting the beast to be right on his heels and was relieved to see the gate to the mausoleum was opened. They all passed through the gate just as the beast caught up to them. They all prepared to defend themselves as the hound stopped right at the threshold of the gate. It glared at them for a few moments then simply huffed in frustration and marched off back into the maze. The group shared a collective sigh of relief, realizing the hound couldn't or at least wouldn't follow them past the gate. They then turned and opened the door to the Fidatov family crypt... \page
# Chapter 59 - One Fortnight They all made their way down the steps into the chamber, dimly lit by torches along the walls. Numerous large sarcophagi were positioned in alcoves along the East and West walls, and one was set on a raised pedestal in the center of the northern wall. Surrounding the central sarcophagus was a massive pile of treasure. Coins of all denominations, jewels, goblets and more were scattered about as if it was a small dragon hoard. Slata whistled, impressed by the sheer amount of riches in front of them. Ulfhan's eyes however spotted something else of interest. Propped against the wall was what appeared to be a large map case. It was clearly damaged from age, but he was curious as to what it might contain. Slata wandered over to the pile of treasure and picked up a golden goblet sitting atop the sarcophagus. He then used it to scoop up a cup full of coins and pocketed it all. "They won't miss a handful or two, right?" Suddenly, the ghostly figure of Marilena appeared right behind him. "No! No. Why are you here? This is my family and you desecrate their rest? I won't allow it! I won't!" The skeletons of the dead family began to burst out from their resting places, weapons drawn and ready to attack the group. Clearly upset by their intrusion, Marilena proceeded to let out an ear-piercing screech. Slata and Reyna'zi quickly covered their ears, while Ulfhan winced slightly, seemingly unaffected as he held his spear at the ready. Ukog however wasn't so lucky as the scream echoed in his head. His eyes rolled back and the young half-ling dropped to the ground, unconscious. Ulfhan and Reyna'zi focused their attention on fending off the skeletons as Slata assaulted Marilena with a series of radiant glowing sword-strikes. She cowered back from the paladin's blows, and retaliated by transforming her face into a hideous visage with intent to frighten the group. Reyna'zi was startled and had a tendency to light things on fire when startled. She cast fireball which completely engulfed Marilena and incinerated two of the skeletons near her. The ghost then screamed in anguish as she exploded in a bright ball of light, which sent a shock-wave that nearly knocked everyone to the floor. Just as suddenly as Marilena had appeared, there was silence. The skeletons had vanished as well and the sarcophagi were no longer broken. It was almost as if nothing had happened. Slata cautiously sheathed his sword as he began to sense distress from Samira in his mind. "Something's wrong outside!" Slata then rushed back up the stairs, with Reyna'zi and a groggy Ukog in tow. Before leaving, Ulfhan quickly snagged the map case he spotted earlier and followed the others. Outside the maze, Samira was looking around frantically for something, whining as Slata approached her. He asked her what was wrong and it was then that they noticed that Kardus' body, as well as Bubbles, were missing. Samira telepathically explained to Slata that the body was there one minute, then gone the next. Amidst the commotion, the group was surprised to see a few figures appear from around the corner of the maze. Taltos, the butler, as well as two other servants of the house ``` ``` approached them, somehow alive and well. "Excuse me. Would you all mind explaining why you are trespassing on this property?" One of the servants muttered, "I told you, I saw them come out of hedge maze!" Ulfhan requested to speak with the lady of the house, to which Taltos agreed. "I get the feeling she would want to speak with you all anyway... follow me." The group followed their escort back to the manor, and looked on curiously as the building no longer seemed dilapidated, but instead had returned to it's well-kept state. Inside they were lead through the same ballroom they had been in earlier, though this time it was empty, with no party guests milling about. As Taltos lead them all closer to the meeting room and lounge, they thought they could hear the voice of Marilena, laughing heartily alongside another voice. As Taltos opened the door, the group was shocked to see Kardus kicked back in a lounge chair with a mug of ale. "... and that's when I pushed him into the well! HA HA!" The others were relieved but also confused to see Kardus alive and well. They also noticed that Marilena looked a little different. She appeared a bit older than she looked before, with more wrinkles on her face and some stray grays in her hair. Taltos interrupted the conversation, "Are these intruders friends of yours?" Kardus looked over at the group and just shook his head. "Where have you guys been?" Ukog immediately rushed over to Kardus and hugged him, clinging tightly to his side, while Ulfhan and Reyna'zi tried to explain how Kardus had died while they were all fighting mirror images of themselves. Kardus just looked at them as if they were all drunk, "I don't know what you're all talking about! All I know is we got here, and I single-handedly negotiated with this fine lady terms for providing rescue support to Krezk. I don't know where you guys wandered off to this whole time!" Slata, unable to contain his frustration any more went on a massive tirade, recapping every event that had occurred since they came to the manor and whined that Kardus simply didn't remember any of it. Marilena looked at Kardus in stunned silence, "... Is he always like that?" Shortly thereafter, Bubbles entered the room, wearing an apron and carrying a small tray of desserts, which was the only thing that managed to pry Ukog away from Kardus' leg. Slata, thirsty from his outburst then withdrew the golden goblet he had taken from the crypt and filled it with ale. Marilena questioned where it had come from and mentioned that if it had been taken from the family crypt by anyone other than a family member, then the thief would be cursed until the treasure was returned. Slata apologized, clearly embarrassed as he emptied his pockets onto the table of any coins and jewels he had grabbed. After a brief discussion, it was clear that neither Kardus nor Marilena had any recollection of the previous night's events. It was as if none of it had happened. Ulfhan simply shrugged it off, accepting that whatever curse had been placed on the manor had somehow been disrupted by their actions. On a brighter note, Marilena explained that she sympathized with Krezk's situation and had agreed to provide food and supplies to them for the cold months. \page
"I'll be sending someone over shortly to get a census of the kinds of numbers they'll need and I'll have the first shipment to them within the day." Content with the ultimate outcome of their visit and relieved that they hadn't lost one of their own permanently, the group made their exit and set off back toward the tower by the lake. Along the way, Ulfhan decided to open the map case he had picked up. His eyes widened as he saw the contents. Ulfhan held in his hands what appeared to be blueprints for Castle Ravenloft. The pages were clearly old and damaged from age, but there was enough detail visible that they could potentially get an idea of the castle's layout. Further along the road, the group overheard a great commotion coming from above. Glancing upward they ``` ``` spotted a swarm of bats traveling westward. A few of them swooped down toward the group and dropped envelopes onto the ground in front of them. After picking up the envelopes, they could see that there was one addressed to each of them. They could recognize that the handwriting appeared to be Strahd's. They each hesitantly opened their envelope and they discovered that they had all been given an invitation to a wedding. The wedding of Strahd von Zarovich and Tatyana "Ireena" Kolyana, to be held in one fortnight at Castle Ravenloft. The invitation also mentioned that all guests should come with a gift and a toast prepared, to which Kardus immediately started contemplating what he might say. Ulfhan just grumbled at him, and Kardus corrected himself. "Oh, right! Rescue mission...right...".