```metadata title: 'Item: Whisperer''s Veil' description: '' tags: [] systems: - 5e renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` {{monster,frame ## Whisperer's Veil *Wondrous item, Legendary (requires attunement)* : Whisperer's Veil is a delicate, silver-threaded mask that appears almost translucent. When worn, it molds perfectly to the wearer's face, regardless of their current form. The mask is adorned with intricate patterns resembling a web of whispers and secrets. ### Abilities The Whisperer's Veil bestows upon the wearer the following abilities. Each ability costs a single charge. The veil has a total of 6 charges. At each dawn, the veil regains 1d6 charges. Expending a charge takes one action and the effects last for 10 minutes unless otherwise specified. : **Alter Self.** The wearer can expend a charge use the mask to cast *Alter Self* without expending a spell slot. : **Echoes of the Unspoken** The mask grants the ability to hear surface thoughts of those nearby, akin to a limited *Detect Thoughts* spell. The veil does not allow the wearer to delve deeper as with *detect thoughts*. : **Psychic Resonance.** The mask can amplify powers abilities that influence the mind. When casting any spell that charms, beguiles, psychically communicates with a creature or deals psychic damage, the wearer may choose one: *range*, *duration*, or *potency*. If range or duration are chosen, double the standard range or duration of the spell or ability. If potency is chosen, the wearer gains a +5 to either the spellcasting ability or attack modifier or the spell save DC. The effect is active until the end of the wearer's next turn. This ability can be used as a _reaction_. : **Cloak of Shadows.** The mask can envelop the wearer in shadows, granting them temporary invisibility for a short duration. For one hour, the wearer gains the benefit of the *invisibility* spell. The wearer becomes visible again at the end of the hour, if they make an attack while invisible, or if they take damage. While Cloak of Shadows is active, wearer gains advantage on all Stealth checks. : **Shifting Aura.** The mask can alter the wearer's magical aura, making it difficult for enemies to ascertain her true intentions. While Shifting Aura is active, the wearer is hidden from divination magic and scrying, has advantage on Persuasion and Deception checks, is immune to the *detect thoughts* spell and appears as mundane (non-magical) to a *detect magic* spell. : **Unravel Truth.** The veil can grant the wearer's ability to detect truths about people and objects around you. While Unravel Truth is active, the wearer gains advantage on Insight checks until their next turn. In addition, the wearer may make a History check when examining an object they can touch to learn the history and significance of the object or its current location. }} ![whisperer's veil](https://i.imgur.com/0XfyZYq.png) {width:360px,mix-blend-mode:multiply} {{artist, ##### Whisperer's Veil }}