```metadata title: Tiny Heist Races description: Races from Dimension 20's Tiny Heist. tags: - '' systems: - 5e renderer: legacy theme: 5ePHB ``` ```css /*=======--- Example CSS styling ---=======*/ /* Any CSS here will apply to your document! */ .myExampleClass { color: black; } ``` # Tiny Heist Races ## Beetle "Beetles are a group of insects that form the order Coleoptera, in the superorder Endopterygota. Their front pair of wings are hardened into wing-cases, elytra, distinguishing them from most other insects. The Coleoptera, with about 400,000 species, is the largest of all orders, constituting almost 40% of described insects and 25% of all known animal life-forms; new species are discovered frequently. The largest of all families, the Curculionidae (weevils), with some 83,000 member species, belongs to this order." (Wikipedia) ### Household Pests "Found in almost every habitat except the sea and the polar regions, Curculionidae interact with their ecosystems in several ways: beetles often feed on plants and fungi, break down animal and plant debris, and eat other invertebrates. Some species are serious agricultural pests, such as the Colorado potato beetle, while others such as Coccinellidae (ladybirds or ladybugs) eat aphids, scale insects, thrips, and other plant-sucking insects that damage crops." (Wikipedia) ### Beetle Names Beetles often have two names - one that they choose for themselves, and one that represents the scientific classification of their kind. ***Beetle Names:*** Coleoptera, Scarabeidae, Dynastinae, Polyphaga, Lema, Melolontha, Garbanzo, Boomer ### Beetle Traits ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Contitution score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1. ***Age.*** Beetles pass through the first three stages of life within a month of their birth. Once they reach adulthood, beetles can live for up to 40 years in rare cases, but their lifespan is usually closer to a few months. ***Size.*** Beetles range in size from 325 μm to 16.7 cm long. On average, Beetles are several centimeters taller than the tallest Bitty Folk. Your size is Medium. ***Speed.*** Your base walking speed is 25 cm. ***Flight.*** You have a flying speed of 10 cm. To use this speed, you can't be wearing medium or heavy armor. ***Darkvision.*** You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 cm of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. ***Horn.*** Your horn is a natural weapon which you can use to make unarmed strikes. You are considered proficient when using it. If you hit with it, you deal damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier of piercing damage, as opposed to the usual damage with unarmed strikes. ***Four Hands.*** You can take the *Use an Object* action as a bonus action, so long as at least two of your hands are free. ***Languages.*** You can speak, read, and write Bitty and Insectoid. ``` ``` ## Bitty Folk People have always suspected another, much smaller world lives right under their noses - they've just never been able to prove it. *The Borrowers,* *Gulliver's Travels,* *Thumbelina* - long have humans, especially children, suspected that the world is both bigger and smaller than it appears. The truth of the matter is that this tiny world does exist, and those who exist in it call themselves the Bitty Folk. ### Tiny People, Big Lives It's unknown how, exactly, the Bitty Folk found their origin. Some stories tell of Large Folk who were shrunk down long ago by the other humans who escaped their captors; some believe that the Bitty and Large have always existed alongside one another, and that it's only through convenience and time that the Large have forgotten this. Either way, the effect of the Large on the lives of the Bitty cannot be disputed. Most aspects of Bitty life are modeled, in some way, after the Large Folk who populate the wider world - for better or worse. ### Bitty Folk Names Bitty Folk will often name their children after Large Folk or the coveted items they wield. For some, this is done as a mark of respect for the giants whom the Bitty Folk consider their patrons; for some, it is a dig at their ability to steal from the humans without their knowledge, so far as to take their words. The former often results in names directly from or similar to the humans themselves. The latter often results in names that are taken from items that have great value or are easy to steal.
Concept and Art © Dimension 20
\page ### Bitty Folk Traits ***Ability Score Increase.*** One ability score of your choice increases by 1. ***Age.*** Bitty Folk reach maturity at about 6 months old. Bitty Folk naturally live around a decade, but the dangers of the human world often cut their lives off at around 2-3 years. ***Size.*** Bitty Folk usually stand between 5-7 cm tall. Your size is Medium. ***Speed.*** Your base walking speed is 25 cm. ***Feat.*** You gain one feat of your choice. ***Languages.*** You can speak, read, and write Bitty. ### Subraces There are three Bitty Folk subraces: Stewards, Moochers, and Tic-Techs. ## Stewards Most Bitty Folk are Stewards - Folk who have made their lives within the nooks and crannies of the human homes, integrated into the ceilings and floorboards of their large kin. Stewards walk toe the line of Bitty and Large Folk, dipping their toes into the human world to take advantage of the many comforts it provides. Stewards view the advancement of humans as their own, and often look down on other Bitty Folk as primitive for their lack of basic creature comforts. ### Steward Traits ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Charisma score increases by 1. ***Borrowers.*** You gain proficiency in the *Stealth* or *Sleight of Hand* skill. ***Safety Deposit.*** You have advantage on Wealth checks. ``` ``` ## Moochers Unlike the Stewards, Moochers have foresaken the technology of humans to live among the wild backyard lands, free from the attention and concern of the Large Folk. By far the most separated from the Large Folks' lives, Moochers tend to take a more naturalistic approach to the world, believing that the Bitty Folks' habit of imitating the lives of humans to be folly. Some Moocher tribes are forced into the wilds by greedy Stewards; some choose their position and look down on those who require human aid to live their lives. Either way, the rivalry between Moochers and Stewards is long-standing. ### Moocher Traits ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Wisdom score increases by 1. ***Fleet-Footed.*** Your walking speed increases to 30 ft. ***Bonus Language.*** You learn to speak Faunal, the language of the smallest animals. Faunal has no written component, but it is spoken by most mammals, and a variant of it, Aural, by most birds. ## Tic-Techs While humans have a narrow definition of what constitutes a home, some Bitty Folk have decided that home is where their heart is, and that their hearts are, decidedly, where their crafts are. Stowed away in school classrooms or the inside of arcade machines, Tic-Techs work from home in a very literal sense. Unlike Stewards and Moochers, Tic-Techs define themselves not by their relationship to the humans, but by their relationship to the humans' tools. Unlike the Stewards who imitate it or the Moochers who eschew it, Tic-Techs simply have no interest in the lives of the Large Folk, and are often completely naive to it beyond its relevance to their tribe. ### Tic-Tech Traits ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Intelligence score increases by 1. ***Crafters.*** You gain one tool proficiency of your choice. You have advantage on either Tech or Mech checks. ***Bonus Language.*** You learn to speak, read, and write one language of your choice.
Concept and Art © Dimension 20
\page ## Car-Mo Bot ## Click-o Man ## Fairy \page ## Shroomish I mean. Come on. We all know the joke here. Right? Well, too bad. This is a straight edge homebrew now. Someone has to take a stand, and it certainly isn't going to be the Dimension 20 cast. You can't just go around making drug jokes and pretending that substitutes a good sense of humor. Drugs are only inherently funny because they're taboo, and that shock value does not set up a comedic foundation that won't crumble the moment you are called out. Do you think drugs are funny, Todd? Do you? Coward. There's only one person in this world funny enough to make drug jokes, and Emily Axford isn't reading this, so you're shit out of luck, pal. ### Shroomish Names Plantlife that has been animated by fairy dust will often choose its own name, usually by convenience of what people are already calling it. Names like "Fungus" and "Mushroom" are not uncommon amongst the Shroomish. ### Shroomish Traits ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. ***Age.*** Decay is an extant form of life. ***Size.*** Your size is Medium. ***Speed.*** You have a speed of 20 cm. ***Rapport Spores.*** As an action, you can blow spores at up to 5 creatures within 30 cm. For 1 hour, affected creatures can communicate telepathically with one another while they are within 30 cm of each other. The creatures do not need to share a language to communicate in this way. Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you use it again. ***Hallucinating Spores.*** As a bonus action, you can eject spores at 1 creature you can see within 5 cm. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw; the DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Con modifier. On a failure, the target is poisoned for the next minute. The target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once you use this feature, you must complete a short or long rest before you can do so again. ***Darkvision.*** You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 cm of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. ***Sunlight Sensitivity.*** You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight. Each round that you are in direct sunlight without protection, you take 1d6 fire damage at the start of your turn. ***Fungal Nature.*** You are immune to poison damage and the *Poisoned* condition. ***Languages.*** You learn to speak, read, and write Bitty and Floral. Floral is the language of plants and its creatures; it is largely a sign language, and its written form is hieroglyphic.
Concept and Art © Dimension 20