# Redwain Transformations Guide \page # Transforming In a fantasy setting there are many twisted beasts born of hatred and born from darkness, but some were not and are not always so. ___ The following ruleset provides players the ability to become grim monsters of the dark themselves. From dread-inducing werewolves to all-powerful liches, the following transformations are available to characters who meet the required prerequisites and at the discretion of the Dungeon Master Team. ___ While transformations make for great roleplay opportunities, at no point do they provide an acceptable excuse to hurt the enjoyment of other players on the server. If players want to create or find conflict with other player characters, it is imperative that they first discuss the potential and the limits of these interactions with the Dungeon Master Team, who have the ability to decide how these transformations affect players. ## Beginning a Transformation Individuals rarely choose to transform into beings of the night. Instead, they have it force upon them. Foul curses, horrific experiments, and the diabolical machinations of fiends, vampires, and other dark agents are all examples of how a character might start a transformation. However, there are times when a character may wish to begin a transformation of their own volition. Perhaps they have succumbed to the lure of power, or they see it as the only way to achieve a greater goal. ___ Regardless, the first step in any transformation will be for a player to discuss this with a DM, and the matter be brought up to the DM team. Their intentions and reasons for the transformation should be clear, honest, and make sense. Otherwise they will likely run into issues later on down the line. The Next step in a transformation is to ensure you meet all the prerequisites of the transformation. There are 2 types of prerequisites: Mechanical prerequisites and Roleplay prerequisites. Mechanical prerequisites can be ability score requirements, spell casting ability, or other feature requirements. Mechanical requirements will be balanced and under the control of the Homebrew team, so as to ensure balance can be maintained. Roleplay prerequisites are the in-game mindset, actions, and set of Roleplay based requirements needed to successfully under go a transformation and retain control of yourself. These prerequisites will be determined by the Dungeon Master Team, and can be either a standardized system that is applied to all players, a case by case review and analysis of each player and individual prerequisites, or some other combination of both. A PC who undergoes a transformation and does not meet the mechanical or roleplay prerequisites will either fail to transform, or lose control of themselves as the dark curse/magic/rituals overwhelm their mind and body, turning them into an NPC under the control of the DM team until cured or killed. ## Boons and Flaws When you have achieved all the required prerequisites of a transformation and reached your first transformation level, you gain all the boons and the flaw of the first level. These constitute the beginning of the changes from the transformation. The boons and flaws of these creatures are based on what is commonly accepted as being the benefits/downsides of these creatures. > ##### Blessing or curse or both? > Typically within the Forgotten Realms setting, transformations such as these are born from tragedy, loss, and suffering. Many of these transformations are viewed as the work of evil and are evil in the eyes of most members of the world. However, just as all evils can stem from good, so too can good stem from evils. When looking at how players are seeking transformations, or why they are seeking them, account for how their character copes with the transformation. It is possible to make peace with ones transformation and defy the norms, but it should only be done through exceptional RP and at the discretion of the Dungeon Master team. ## Leveling Up Characters that have successfully completed a transformation can continue the process by increasing their transformation level. The character must achieve a milestone or goal, as well as meeting the level prerequisites for each transformation level in order to gain that transformation level. Each type of transformation will have mechanical prerequisites to level up to the next level of transformation, but that does not mean players automatically get these upgrades as soon as they meet the level prerequisite. Instead, the Dungeon Master Team will decide what the roleplay requirements for advancing to the next transformation level. They can be standardized rules, custom rules for each player, or any mix of the two. It is completely at the Discretion of the Dungeon Master Team when they can level up, so long as they meet the level requirements. \page ___ When you increase your transformation level, you then choose one boon from that level, or you may choose one from a lower level so long as you meet any prerequisites the boon may have. You then also gain that level's flaw. ## Removing a Transformation Reversing a transformation is an incredibly difficult process. The changes that have occured in a character have fundamentally altered their biology, and perhaps their mind. However, anything is possible in a magical world. To remove a transformation from a player, it should be a long and difficult process, exasperbated by how long they have undergone the transformation and their transformation level. The Homebrew Team sees no reason to have to mechanically balance the removal of a transformation, but recommends that it be at the discretion of the Dungeon Master Team what sort of mechanical and roleplay prerequisites must be met to undo a transformation. Additionally it is possible that being killed and brought back to life can cure a curse, such as with a reincarnate spell. It is the discretion of the Dungeon Master Team as to if a transformation is cured when a character is revived. \page # The Lich Transformation \page
##### The Lich | Level | Prerequisites | Boons and Flaws | |:---:|:---:|:---| | 1st | 18 intelligence, 9th level spell slot | Harvester of Souls, Undead Form, Flaw: Phylactery | | 2nd | Player Level 18 | Puppet Master, Lichdom of the Arcane, Rift to the Dreadscapes, Flaw: Hideous Appearance | | 3rd | Player Level 19 | Relentless Undead, Staff of the Dreadscapes, Flaw: Necromantic Dystrophy | | 4th | Player Level 20 | Lord of Undeath, Arcane Omniscience, Deathly Being, Flaw: Weight of Ages |
# Lich Transformation Level 1 Begining at first level you gain all of the following boons and the Flaw ### Transformation Boon: Harvester of Souls You have gained the ability to tear the soul out of creatures you kill and consume it for its invigorating effects. Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hitpoints, if you are on the same plane of existence as your phylactery, its soul is captured and your phylactery is charged. On your turn, as an action you can consume any number of charge levels from your phylactery to regain a single spell slot that you have expended. When you regain a spell slot in this way, the spell slot's level is equal to one third of the charge you consumed, rounded down. ### Transformation Boon: Undead Form Your intelligence score increases by 4 and your wisdom score increases by 2. An ability score cannot be increased beyond 22 this way. You become an Undead in addition to any other creature types you are. Spells and abilities that state effects or conditions regarding undead of a specific CR treat you as being an undead with a CR equal to your level. ___ If a spell or ability other than your own would cause you to gain Hit Points, you gain that many temporary Hit Points instead. If you are reduced to 0 hit points and fall unconcious as a result, any healing you receive will stabilize you and leave you on 1 hit point and unconcious for 1d4 hours. You stop aging. You are immune to any effect that would age you, and you cannot die from old age. You do not require air, food, drink, or sleep. ### Transformation flaw: Phylactery You have successfully torn your soul from your body and trapped it in a suitable object. The object must be a nonmagical trinket or item no larger than 1 square foot in size. This item becomes your phylactery. ___ *Phylactery*: A phylactery is an enchanted vessel containing a Lich's soul. Additionally, a phylactery is a conduit for the Lich to feed on captured souls. A phylactery has the following game statistics: ___ - Armour Class: 18 ___ - Hit Points: 90 ___ - Speed: 0 ___ - Damage Immunities: poison, psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-magical source. ___ - Damage Resistance: necrotic, cold, thunder, lightning, fire, force. ___ While a soul is stored in your phylactery, the phylactery is considered charged. Its charge level is equal to the CR of all the creatures whose soul you have captured. To store a new soul in your Phylactery, add the CR of the creature you killed to your Phylacteries charge level. The souls of creatures with a CR equal to or less than 1/2 are not great enough to charge your phylactery. Your Phylacteries charge level cannot exceed your Player Level. ___ If your phylactery is reduced to 0 hit points your soul is lost: you crumble to dust and are killed. You cannot be ressurected except by any means short of a Wish spell. ___ If you are killed and you control a charged phylactery on the same plane of existence, your phylactery's charge is consumed and your body is reconstructed within 5 feet of your Phylactery 7 days later. If you are killed and your Phylactery does not have a level of charge, you are reanimated 7 days later as a Demilich under the Dungeon Master Teams control. \page # Lich Transformation Level Two Starting at Second level, you gain one of the following boons, and the flaw. ### Transformation Boon: Puppet Master Undead Creatures of CR 1 or less that you animate with spells or abilities become permanently under your control. In addition, other creatures cannot gain control of undead creatures you raised. Spells and effects which raise or animate undead temporarily do not have their durations changed, and the undead still disappear at the usual time. ### Transformation Boon: Lichdom of the Arcane Whenever you kill any creature with a spell, as a reaction you may apply an additional effect dependong on the damage dealt. Any effects with a range are centered on or measured from the killed target, and if required, use your spell save DC. ___ This ability cannot be used when you kill a construct, undead, or any creature without a soul. The following are the effects caused when you use this ability: ___ - *Fire*: The target is vaporized into a cloud of ash and smoke. The space that the creature died in, and each space within 5 feet of it are considered heavily obscured for 1 minute. Winds of moderate or greater speeds also disperse the cloud. ___ - *Necrotic*: As the soul of your enemy leaves their body, you are able to siphon off part of their life force. You regain hit points equal to your Intelligence Modifier (minimum of 1), plus your character level. ___ - *Poison*: Target a creature withing 10 feet of the killed creature. That creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or gain the poisoned condition for 1 minute. ### Transformation Boon: Rift to the Dreadscapes You gain the ability to open a rift to the Dreadscapes. as an action on your turn, you can choose a point within 5 feet of you to open the rift. Once opened, the rift stretches out from that point to a 20-foot-radius sphere. When a creature other than you enters the rift's area for the first time on its turn, or starts its turn there, it must make a Constitution saving throw against your Spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature suffers 10d10 Necrotic, or half as much on a successful save. Undead creatures are immune to damage from this ability. The rift remains open for 1 minute, but closes if you become incapacitated. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest. ``` ``` ### Transformation Flaw: Hideous Appearance Your appearance has grotesquely transformed. Your skin has become rotten and pale, while your figure has become gaunt and hunched, radiating a ghastly aura. You can suppres this form and present the appearance of the humanoid you once were, however this is taxing and requires concentration. Moments of stress are likely to reveal your true nature. In the following situations your true form is revealed: ___ - Concentrating on a spell ___ - Gaining the incapacitated condition ___ - Entering hallowed ground ___ - Choosing to reveal yourself ___ In events of extreme emotional or physical stress, a DM may call for a Constitution saving throw of their choosing to see if you maintain your humanoid form. ___ Creatures that witness your true form and have an intelligence of 4 or higher become instantly aware that you are a powerful undead creature, unless a Dungeon Master decides otherwise. \page # Lich Transformation Level 3 You gain one of the following transformation boons, or a boon from a previous transformation level that you meet the prerequisites for, and this level's transformation flaw. ### Transformation Boon: Relentless Undead Whenever an undead creature you control is reduced to 0 hit points, it may immediately move up to its full speed and take an attack action or multiattack action before dying. This feature has no effect if the creature has been reduced to 0 hit points by radiant damage or a critical hit. ### Transformation Boon: Staff of the Dreadscapes Starting at 3rd level, you can use an action to summon a deathly staff made of blackened bone and twisted rotting wood. The staff is the same as a quarterstaff with the following features: ___ - Necrotic Damage dealt by you ignores resistance to necrotic damage ___ - Your spell save DC is increas by 2. ___ - Food and non-creature plants the staff touches wither and decay. ___ You can unsummon the staff at any time by letting go of it, causing it to immediately disappear. ``` ``` ___ ### Transformation Flaw: Necromantic Dystrophy Your body has become dependent on consuming souls, otherwise it becomes withered and frail. If you go more than 24 hours without converting 4 CR worth of Souls from your Phylactery into spell slots you gain the following effects: ___ - You cannot use the Dash dodge or disengage actions, nor can you use them as bonus actions ___ - You cannot use your reaction to make Opportunity attacks or cast spells with a casting time of 1 reaction. ___ - You cannot disguise your hideous form feature ___ Upon converting the required amount of souls into spell slots, you are no longer Affected by the aforementioned effects. \page # Lich Transformation Level 4 You gain one of the following transformation boons, or a boon from a previous transformation level that you meet the prerequisites for, and this level's transformation flaw. ### Transformation Boon: Lord of Undeath Whenever you reduce a humanoid to 0 hit points, you can choose to reanimate it. If you do, the creature rises at the beginning of its next turn as a zombie permanently under your control, following verbal commands to the best of its ability. ### Transformation Boon: Arcane Omniscience You have mastered the arcane arts. You know every spell from the wizard's spell list and can prepare a number of these equal to your Intelligence modifier. Spells prepared this way do not count towards the maximum number of spells you can prepare. Upon completing a short rest, you can change one or more of these prepared spells for another spell from the wizards spell list ### Transformation boon: Deathly being You become immuned to poison damage, as well as bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks. In addition, you cannot become charmed, poisoned, paralysed, or frightened. ### Transformation Flaw: Weight of Ages The weight of time is degrading for your Lich form and only the consumption of many souls can stay its effects. If you go more than 24 hours without converting 8 CR worth of souls from your phylactery into spell slots you gain the following effects: ___ - You cannot use the attack action. ___ - If you move on your turn, you cannot use a bonus action or reaction until your next turn. ___ - If you use a bonus action on your turn, your speed becomes 0 until your next turn. ___ Upon converting the required amount of souls into spell slots, you are no longer affected by the aforementioned effects. \page # The Vampirism Transformation \page
##### Vampirism | Level | Prerequisites | Boons and Flaws | |:---:|:---:|:---| | 1st | 15 Charisma, Level 11 | Blood Fury, Undead Form, Flaw: The Sanguine Curse | | 2nd | Player Level 13 | Vampiric Warrior Training, Sanguine Magic, Shapechanger, Flaw: Hideous Appearance | | 3rd | Player Level 15 | Cruel Riposte, Creatures of the Night, Captivating glance, Flaw: Greater Sanguine Curse | | 4th | Player Level 17 | Grim Executioner, Beguiler's Entrancement, Regenerate, Flaw: Stake to Heart |
# Vampire Transformation Level One Begining at first level you gain all of the following boons and the Flaw. - **Vampire save DC**= 8 + Charisma Modifier+ Proficiency bonus ### Transformation Boon: Blood Fury You have become possessed by the thirst that grips all Vampires. In combat, this thirst drive you into an insatiable frenzy of bloodshed. Once per turn when you deal damage with an unarmed strike or a melee/ranged weapon to a creature that can bleed, and is not undead or a construct, you gain one Fury Point. You may only have a maximum of 4 Fury Points at any time. Upon completing a short or leong rest, the number of Fury Points you have is reset to 0. these points are used by Certain Abilities that you can learn through your transformation levels #### Blood Fury Abilities You can spend Fury Points (FP) to use the following abilities. The entries below detail their names, Fury Points cost in parentheses, and features: ___ - *Fanged Bite(1FP)*. On your turn, immediately after you take the attack action you can use your bonus action to make a special unarmed bite attack. You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of strength to hit with this attack. This attack deals piercing damage equal to 1d4+ your strength or dexterity modifier. The target must then succeed at a constitution saving throw against your Vampire save DC or take 2d6 necrotic damage. You regain hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt this way. This attack generates 1 Fury Point as normal. If this attack reduced a humanoid of Medium size or smaller to 0 hit points, you gain 3 Fury Points instead. ___ - *Calculated Strike(1FP)*. When you hit with a melee weapon attack, you may use this ability before damage is dealt. If you do so, you may add 1d6 of the same damage as your weapon to the damage result. If this ability is used, no Fury Points are generated for this attack. ___ - *Vampiric Mist(2FP)*. As a bonus action you can disappear in a puff of shadowy mist and teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. ___ - *Unearthly reflexes(1FP)*. After you have rolled a Dexterity saving throw, but before the DM has determined the result, you can use your reaction and take half damage on a failed save, and no damage on a successful one. ___ - *Deathly Horror(3FP)*. As a bonus action, you can emit a ghastly distortion of your true form. A creature of your choice within 30 feet of you must succeed on a wisdom saving throw, or become frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to this ability for 24 hours. ### Transformation Boon: Undead Form Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your charisma score increases by 1. An ability score cannot be increased beyond 16 this way. In addition, you gain the undead creature type in addition to your normal one. Spells and abilities that state effects or conditions regarding undead of a specific CR treat you as being an undead with a CR equal to your level. If a spell or ability other than your own would cause you to gain Hit Points, you gain that many temporary Hit Points instead. If you are reduced to 0 hit points and fall unconcious as a result, any healing you receive will stabilize you and leave you on 1 hit point and unconcious for 1d4 hours. You stop aging. You are immune to any effect that would age you, and you cannot die from old age. You do not require air, food, or drink. ### Transformation flaw: The Sanguine Curse The sanguine curse has taken a hold on you. As a result you gain the following features: ___ - You cannot enter a residence you don't own without an invitation from one of the occupants. If you enter a residence involuntarily such as by being dragged into one, you take 1d10 psychic damage at the start of your turn while you are inside it. ___ - You gain Darkvision (60 ft.) if you do not already have it ___ - While in Sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. ___ - You must feed every 7 days \page # Level 2 vampiric Transformation Starting at Second level, you gain one of the following boons, and the flaw. ### Transformation Boon: Vampiric Warrior Training You become trained in the martial ways of vampires. As a bonus action, you may enter, exit, or change combat stances. While in a combat stance, you gain the features of that stance. ___ - *Offensive*. While in this stance, you deal an additional amount of damage with your melee weapon equal to the number of fury points you currently possess. ___ - *Defensive*. While in this stance, you gain a bonus to your AC equal to half the number of Fury Points you currently Possess. ___ - *Accuracy*. While in this stance you gain a bonus to hit with your weapon attacks equal to half the number of Fury Points you currently possess ### Transformation Boon: Sanguine Magic *Prerequisite: The ability to cast Spells* ___ Your curse corrupts the magic you cast. Whenever you deal non-necrotic damage with a spell or cantrip, you can choose to deal necrotic damage instead of that spell's normal damage type. Furthermore, whenever you deal damage with a spell or cantrip, you gain one Fury Point (maximum of 1 per turn). ___ Additionally you gain the following Blood Fury abilities: ___ - *Cast in Blood (1FP).* The next time you cast a damage-dealing cantrip, you can add your charisma modifier to the damage you deal. ___ - *Sanguine Spellbinding (3 FP). The next time a creature makes a Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom saving throw against a spell you cast, it has disadvantage. If a spell affects multiple creatures, you choose one creature for it to affect. ### Transformation Boon: Shapechanger You can use an action to polymorph into a Tiny bat or back into your normal form. While in bat form you gain the following features: ___ - Your walking speed is 5 feet, and you have a flying speed of 30 feet ___ - If you have sunlight hypersensitivity, it is reduced to sunlight sensitivity: while in sunlight you have disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks, but take no damage from direct contact with sunlight ___ - While in bat form, you can't speak. Any object you are holding or armour you are wearing merges into your bat form or immediately drops to the ground. The GM may decide if they feel the object cannot merge. ___ - If you become unconcious in bat form, you revert back to your vampiric form. ___ Additionally, you can use an action to turn into mist. Whilst in mist form, you gain the following features: ___ - You cannot take any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. ___ - You are weightless, have a flying speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there ___ - In addition, if air can fit through a space, then you can as well. You cannot pass through liquid, and this does not give you the ability to cross running water. ___ - You have advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws, and are immune to all non-magical damage, except any damage you take from sunlight. ___ - Any object you are holding or armour you are wearing merges into your mist form or immediately drops to the ground. The GM may decide if they feel the object cannot merge. ___ - If you become unconcious in mist form, you revert back to your Vampiric form. ### Transformation Flaw: Hideous Appearance Your appearance has greatly altered from its original features. The first signs were the fangs that started to protrude from your upper row of teeth. You have no reflection in mirrors or other reflective surfaces. With dry, pale skin and occasional burns from the sun, you can hide your true appearance by concentrating on your pre-vampirism appearance. However, the following situations can reveal your true appearance: - Concentrating on a spell
- Gaining the unconcious condition.
- Entering Hallowed ground
- Taking damage from being exposed to sunlight or free-flowing water.
- Choosing to reveal your true self. ___ In events of extreme emotional or physical stress, a DM may call for a constitution saving throw with a DC of their choosing to see if you maintain your humanoid form. \page # Vampiric Transformation level 3 You gain one of the following transformation boons, or a boon from a previous transformation level that you meet the prerequisites for, and this level's transformation flaw. ### Transformation Boon: Cruel Riposte Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you makes an attack against you, you may use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity modifier (Minimum of 1). You regain all expended uses of this feature when you complete a long rest. ### Transformation Boon: Creatures of the Night Once per long rest, you can magically call to your aid 2d4 swarms of bats, 2d4 swarms of rats, or 2d4 wolves. These creatures arrive at the end of your next turn at a destination of the DM's choice within 30 feet of you, and they are under your control. They act directly after you in the initiative order and remain for 1 hour, until you die, or until you dismiss them with a bonus action. You cannot use this ability if you are exposed to direct sunlight. ### Transformation Boon: Captivating Glance You gain proficiency in Deception and Persuasion. If you are already proficient in one of these skills, then your proficiency bonus is doubled for ability checks using that skill. If you have or ever gain double proficiency in one or both of these skills, you gain +2 for that skill instead. Additionally, your thoughts cannot be directly read by any means. ### Transformation Flaw: Greater Sanguine Curse Your curse has taken a stronger hold on you. As a result you gain the following features: __ - You take 1d10 acid damage if you end your turn in or above running water. ___ - You gain superior Darkvision (120ft.) if you do not already have it ___ - You take 1d10 radiant damage when you start your turn in sunlight. ___ - You must feed every 3 days > ##### Feeding > Transcended beyond mortal needs, vampires do not need to eat. However, the gripping nature of their curse requires them to feed on the fresh blood of humanoids, a task they undertake with delight. This requires you to drain blood directly from a victim. On your Turn as an action, you can make an unarmed bite attack against an unconcious, restrained, willing, or charmed humanoid. If you do so, the target is drained for 1 pint of blood and bears a bite mark on the location you bit them. This attack does not wake sleeping creatures or end the effect of spells and abilities. A creature bitten this way gains a level of exhaustion, which can only be removed with the use of a greater restoration spell or similarly powerful healing magic (at DM team discretion). A vampire that does not feed within the required time goes into an unconcious feeding frenzy, under the Dungeon Master Teams control. The next time they sleep or enter a trance they attack all nearby living humanoid creatures and attempt to feed on them. A vampire remains in this state until they have drained a creature completely (Killing them via exhaustion), at which point the vampire falls unconcious for 4 hours, and cannot be woken up until the 4 hours have ended. > \page # Vampire Transformation Level 4 You gain one of the following transformation boons, or a boon from a previous transformation level that you meet the prerequisites for, and this level's transformation flaw. ### Transformation Boon: Grim Executioner *Prerequisite: Vampiric warrior training* ___ You have mastered the martial techniques of the Vampiric warriors. Whenever you roll a critical hit with a melee or ranged weapon, and the target has 25 or fewer hit points, you kill the target outright. If your target has more than 25 hit points, you deal an extra 6d6 damage. This damage is of the same type as your weapon. ### Transformation Boon: Beguilers Entrancement *prerequisite: Captivating Glance* ___ Once per long rest, you gain the ability to manipulate the mind of a humanoid with your sanguine magic. You can use an action to make an incapacitated humanoid charmed by you for 24 hours or until you target a different humanoid with this ability. If you use this ability on the same target for 30 unbroken days, the target becomes permanently charmed by you. ___ You may use this ability on another humanoid once you have permanently charmed the previous humanoid. You can have a maximum number of enthralled humanoids equal to your Charisma Modifier. If the number of enthralled humanoids exceeds your Charisma modifier for any reason, you lose connection to all of them. Additionally the CR of any creature you enthrall cannot exceed 2/3 of your level. Player characters are treated as having a CR equal to their level. ___ This charm effect can be removed with the remove curse spell, or any other spell or ability with similar effects. ``` ``` ### Transformation Boon: Regenerate You regain 10 hit points at the start of your turn if you have at least 1 hit point remaining, are below half of your hitpoint maximum, and are not in sunlight or over running water. ___ If you take radiant damage, this ability does not function until the end of your next turn. ### Transformation Flaw: Stake to Heart Whenever you're attacked by a creature with a wooden or silvered weapon or piece of ammunition, if they score a natural 20 to hit, and you have 80 hit points or less, they manage to lodge their weapon into your heart and you become paralyzed for 1 hour or unitl the weapon is removed, whichever is greater. \page # The Therianthrope Transformation \page
##### Therianthrope | Level | Prerequisites | Boons and Flaws | |:---:|:---:|:---| | 1st | 15 Wisdom, Level 9 | Hybrid Transformation, Shapechanger's Form, Flaw: Lust for the hunt | | 2nd | Player Level 11 | Iron Pelt, Hunter's Howl, Kindred Form, Flaw: Silver Sensitivity | | 3rd | Player Level 13 | Titanic Vigor, Predatory Leap, Bestial Savagery, Flaw: Fraying Memories | | 4th | Player Level 15 | Savage Instincts, Kindred Affinity, Unstoppable Rage |
# Therianthrope Transformation Level 1 Begining at first level you gain all of the following boons and the Flaw. - **Therianthrope save DC**= 8 + Wisdom or Strength + Proficiency bonus ### Transformation Boon: Hybrid Transformation As an action you may transformation into a monstrous hybrid: Half-beast, half-sentient. While in your hybrid form, the following rules apply: ___ - You can't cast spells or concentrate on spells. Your ability to speak is reduced to short, basic, guttural responses.
- Your stats remain the same as your humanoid stats.
- Any armour you are wearing merges into your Hybrid Form or immediately drops to the ground. The GM may decide if they feel the armour is too large to merge.
- While transformed and not wearing any armour or using a shield, your AC equals 10+ your Constitution modifier + your Dexterity modifier.
- While transformed you can use weapons and equipment as normal, unless specified elsewhere.
- You roll a d6 in place of the normal damage for your unarmed strikes. Attacks using your claws deal slashing damage instead of bludgeoning.
- When making the attack action you may substitute one attack to make an unarmed bite attack. If the attack hits you deal piercing damage equal to 1d8+ your strength modifier. If you make a bite attack, you cannot make another until the beginning of your next turn.
- If you take the attack action, as a bonus action you may make an unarmed claw attack or bite attack, provided you have not already used your bonus action. ___ Your hybrid form lasts for a number of hours equal to your Constitution Modifier (minimum of 1) and ends early if you are knocked unconcious or reduced to 0 hit points. You can end your Hybrid Form by using an action on your turn. ``` ``` ### Transformation Boon: Shapechanger's Form Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increased by 1. An ability score cannot be increased beyond 16 this way. ___ You become a Shapechanger in addition to any other creature types you are. Spells and abilities that affect shapechangers of a specific CR treat you as having a CR equal to your level. ### Transformation Flaw: Lust for the Hunt The savage nature of your curse sometimes causes you to lose control. These ferocious tendencies are a constant struggle between you as a humanoid and the beast within. When you are in your hybrid form, you must succeed at a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw at the beginning of each turn or lose control. If you are in the light of a full moon, you automatically fail this saving throw. If you fail this saving throw, you are subjected to the following until you succeed: ___ - You must move toward the closest creature you can see, smell, or hear, prioritising helpless creatures. If you end your momvement and no non-player creature is within 5 feet of you, then you must use your action to dash toward one. ___ - If there is a non-player creature within 5 feet of you and you have not used your action, you must make a melee attack against it, prioritising helpless creatures. ___ - if you made a melee attack against a creature, and that creature is still alive, then you must use your bonus action to make an unarmed claw or bite attack against the same creature. ___ Additionally if you are subjected to the light of a full moon you must succeed at a DC 20 wisdom saving throw or automatically turn into hybrid form and cannot transform back until dawn. If you succeed in this saving throw, you are immune to its effects for 24 hours. \page # Therianthrope Transformation Level 2 Starting at Second level, you gain one of the following boons, and the flaw. ### Transformation Boon: Iron Pelt While in hybrid form, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-silvered, non-magical sources. ### Transformation Boon: Hunter's Howl While in your hybrid form, you can use a bonus action to let out a loud howl and mark a creature within 60 feet as your prey. A creature remains marked this way for 1 hour, or until it dies. While a creature is marked as your prey, you gain the following benefits: ___ - Whenever you hit the marked creature with a melee attack, you deal an additional 1d6 damage. The damage is the same type as the attack. ___ - You have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom(Survival) check you make to track your prey ___ You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Strength modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all expended uses of this feature upon a short or long rest. ### Transformation Boon: Kindred Form You gain the ability to transform into the animal form representative of your Therianthropy type, known as your Kindred Form. You follow the same rules as the Hybrid Transformation feature and any feature that specifies the hybrid transformation, unless specified otherwise. You can only transform into the kindred form representative of your Therianthropy. Each Kindred Form gains the following rules:
- You cannot speak - You cannot take any actions requiring hands, except your transformation capabilities. - you can only use unarmed claw and bite attacks - You automatically succeed at all saving throws relating to the Lust for the Hunt flaw.
Other than being larger, you are indistinguishable from a regular animal of your Kindred Form. ``` ``` #### Kindred Form - Bear Your kindred form takes the shape of a large bear. While in your kindred or hybrid form, you gain the additional following features: ___ - you can speak to and understand other bears. - When you make any saving throw you can add your Constitution modifier to the result. - You hit point maximum increases by 20 (This trait functions even when you are not in hybrid or kindred form) #### Kindred Form- Wolf Your kindred form takes the shape of a ferocious dire wolf. while in your Kindred or hybrid form, you gain the additional features: ___ - You can speak to and understand other wolves - When making an attack against a creature, if an ally is within 5 feet of that creature and not incapacitated, you have advantage on that attack roll. - Your speed increases by 20 feet, to a maximum of 60. ### Transformation Flaw: Silver Sensitivity You have developed a debilitation sensitivity to silver. While in your hybrid or Kindred form, you have vulnerability to silvered weapons. In addition, you cannot have resistance to attacks made with a silvered weapon. \page # Therianthrope Transformation Level 3 You gain one of the following transformation boons, or a boon from a previous transformation level that you meet the prerequisites for, and this level's transformation flaw. > ##### Helpless Creatures > The defenceless and downtrodden are met with a modicum of sympathy by most. However, to the bestial side of a Therianthrope, these creatures represent prey. This transformation refers to helpless creatures in multiple instances. For game purposes a helpless creature is a humanoid that is unconcious, restrained, blinded, paralyzed, or frightened. Additionally, creatures that are so vulnerable in their current situation that they are completely defenceless are also considered helpless. For example, a disarmed and and defeated enemy, pleading for mercy would be considered helpless. In these instances, DM's decide if the creature is considered helpless or not. > > ### Transformation Boon: Titanic Vigor Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to twice your character level, and it increase by 2 every time you gain a character level. Additionally when in your hybrid or kindred form, you gain 10 temporary hit points at the start of your turn. ### Transformation Boon: Predatory Leap Your jump distance is doubled. ___ In addition, in hybrid form, if you jumped more than 5 feet and land within 5 feet of a creature, you can immediately take the attack action to attack that creature. On a hit, the traget must make a Strength saving throw or become prone on a failed save. You can decide to automatically grapple the target if they fail their save. ``` ``` ### Transformation Boon: Bestial Savagery You have embraced the animalistic side of your transformation. While in your Hybrid Form, you gain the following benefits: ___ - Your unarmed attack deal 1d8 slashing damage and are considered magic attacks. - Your AC increases by 1 - You are immune to the charmed and frightened conditions. ### Transformation Flaw: Fraying Memories You have begun to suffer the effects of sharing a mind with two personalities. Memories of less practical significance have been lost to new ones of midnight hunts. You have disadvantage on intelligence ability and skill checks recalling information or knowledge \page # Therianthrope Transformation Level 4 You gain one of the following transformation boons, or a boon from a previous transformation level that you meet the prerequisites for, and this level's transformation flaw. ### Transformation Boon: Savage Instincts You have developed an unrelenting thirst for bloodshed and carnage. While in your hybrid form, if you hit a creature with an unarmed attack, and it is missing any of its hitpoints, the base damage die is increased to 1d12 ### Transformation Boon: Kindred affinity *Prerequisite: Kindred Form Transformation Feature* ___ You have reached true harmony with your Kindred Form, achieving a state of peace most Therianthropes never find. You gain the following benefits while in your kindred or Hybrid Forms: ___ - You can speak - You can meet the verbal, and somatic components for spells while in your kindred form, and additionally do not need to provide material components for spells with a material component that has no cost. - Friendly creatures within 20 feet of you have advantage on wisdom ability checks and saving throws. - You are not affected by the Fraying Memories Flaw. ### Transformation Boon: Unstoppable Rage You have become a visage of unkillable carnage and slaughter even other Therianthropes fear. When you are reduced to 0 hit points and you are not killed outright, you are not knocked unconcious. You can take your future turns as though you were not at 0 hit points and are affected by all spells, abilities, and features as normal. While you have 0 hit points, taking damage causes death saving throw failures as normal, and three death saving throw failures can still kill you. ### Transformation Flaw: Predatory Nature You have begun to realise the true cost of your transformation. The beast within has gained more control of your body than you have. While you can control it at times you know it cannot be contained forever, and when it breaks free, it will delight in any slaughter it can find. You gain the following features: ___ - If you can see, hear, or smell a helpless creature, you gain disadvantage on all wisdom saving throws. - At the beginning of your turn, if you can see, hear, or smell a hostile or helpless non-player creature, you must succeed a DC10 wisdom saving throw or be transformed into your Hybrid Form. If you succeed this saving throw, you become immune to this effect until dawn - Whenever you kill a creature and you are in your hybrid form, you cannot transform back into your humanoid form until dawn the next day. Although you can transform into your Kindred Form.