```metadata title: Flowing Soul description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` # Flowing Soul ## Your magic originates from a tendency towards gambling and the innate magic of luck. Unlike wild magic, this does not manifest as the Weave becoming enveloped in chaos. Instead, you bet your own magical resources and ability for the possibility of increased rewards, or none at all. ## Spells You learn additional spells as you level up in this class. These spells do not count against your total spells known. Every time you level up, you can replace any number of these spells with another spell from the Wizard or Sorcerer spell list. This new spell must be a transmutation or evocation spell. | Levels | Spells | | |:------------------|:-----:|:-----------------:| | **3rd** | Magic Missile | Expeditious Retreat| | **5th** | Enhance Ability | Shatter | | **9th** | Dispel Magic | Slow | | **13th** | Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere | Vitriolic Sphere| | **17th** | Bigby’s Hand | Passwall | ## Gambler's Domain: Starting at 1st level, your tendency towards a gambling heart has manifested itself within you. You gain the ability to stake your magical stockpile for potentially better outcomes. You gain a flow die, which is a d12. This die becomes a d10 at level 6, a d8 at level 10, and a d6 at level 14. As a bonus action, you can spend a spell slot of any level to roll a number of flow dice equal to your charisma modifier. : If you ever roll max on a die, you enter your flow. The essence of luck rewards you for your brazen-ness, putting you into "Flow Mode" for a number of rounds equal to your charisma modifier. Additionally, you regain the spell slot used to fuel this feature. : At the start of your "Flow Mode" and at the beginning of each of your turns, you must choose to either deal an additional die of damage with all of your spells, lower all sorcery point costs by 1 (minimum of 0), or increase your save DC by 1 for the remainder of the turn. ## Double Down: Starting at 6th level, you've learned to never back down from a bad roll, instead staking even more. After all, 99% of gamblers quit before their big win, and you always win big. : If you activate Gambler's Domain and don't enter "Flow Mode" you may spend one spell slot of a level higher than the one used to activate Gambler’s Domain to reroll any number of the dice equal to half your charisma modifier, rounded up, you can only reroll your flow dice once this way each turn. If you enter "Flow Mode" this way, you enter into an enhanced flow, increasing all numerical bonuses of “Flow Mode” by 1 to a total of 2. ## One Last Throw: Starting at 14th level, your risk taking amps to the next level, as Lady Luck guides your path further. Now, even when brought to your knees, you can force the world to roll the dice one last time. : When brought to 0 hit points, you may instantly expend a spell slot and roll a flow die, as if activating Gambler's Domain. If you are able to activate "Flow Mode" this way, you instead regain hit points equal to your sorcerer level, and cannot use this feature until the end of a short rest unless you spend seven sorcery points to refresh it. : Additionally, all numerical bonuses from entering “Flow Mode” this way are increased by 2 to a total of 3. ## Ultimate Flow: Starting at 18th level, luck and the whims of fate have intertwined with you at the core of your existence. The divide between the essence of chance and your own soul is paper thin, and you know it. Your gambling is a sure bet, and all that's left is to reap your big win. : Once per long rest, if you fail to enter your “Flow Mode” with any of your other abilities, you can decide to succeed instead, if you do so, you regenerate three rolls of your Flow Die at the start of each of your turns for the duration of your Flow. : Regardless of the way you activate “Flow Mode”, your numerical bonuses are all increased by 1.