"Now, see here, those eel people frighten the livin' petunias right out of me." Georgia slurred a bit too loudly, slamming down a flagon of ale. It was a hot, humid night. The moisture in the air did nothing to ease our discomfort.
And sure, it wasn't unheard of to see one of their kind in other parts of the world, but for some reason the Cyphrene tended to keep their lips locked in what I can only assume in attempt to maintain the secrecy of their homeland. But our drive, our calling toward uncovering the mysteries of these people kept us going.
The dozen day journey up until this point had not been one without struggle; for many days near the end did we wonder the legitimacy of our supposedly genuine map. But.. Then we saw it. The Great Aquan Jewel of the West, in all her rumoured glory. It was as if they lived on the surface of the sea, with islands of cities encompassing the real jewel, the castle of Mugandira. Built into the side of a neverending waterfall, with spires as far up as the eye can see. The capital was truly a sight to behold.
*- Daphiris & Harpira, Uncovering the Aquan Jewel*
The Cyphren, once deep-sea folk now adapted to coastal life, are direct descendants of ancient, long forgotten sea serpents. Although they may be mistaken for elves, humans, or yuan-ti purebloods, they have no relation and often scoff at such an idea. They hold order, power, and knowledge in high regard; and as such, it is not entirely unheard of for certain Cyphrene to become one-track focused, losing sight on all other important duties. Often, in times of emotional distress, many Cephrene unknowingly send static electricity sparking off their skin, which only serves to further devolve the situation due to their disdain for extreme emotionality.
They are no strangers to defending their way of life, their homeland, or their ideology. Responding as one, Cyphrene defend themselves with almost uniform intent, and near perfect coordination to turn back even the greatest of legions.
The Cyphren value structure and routine, whether that be practicing piety, expanding their knowledge base, or working through their responsibilities of the day. Disruptions to this routine is the cause of much irritation and anger, but rarely any demonstrations as they equally value order. In a similiar vein, the Cyphren do not value needless dialogue, instead, although not for the purposes of a moral high-ground, they tend to speak nearly only the truth with little room for small talk or deception.
Order and Resilience
Society within Mugandira may be considered rigid and unforgiving by some, however it is the way it has been done and shall be done. Council meetings are held weekly and are mostly quick, unanimous affairs. Each island has a governor that is accountable for it's wellbeing, typically elected annually by the people, with election campaigns lasting less than a month. Nearly every citizen views it as their birth-right to elect, protest, and bring about an equal country, for the people and by the people. They are are a race who denies themselves the unpleasantries of false promises and under-handed deception. As such, many adventurers seek to correct the wrongs of the world outside their lands.
Cyphrene may serve their community in a broad range of occupations; commonly as farmers, priests, guards, librarians, or court mages. As Cyphrene mature quite slowly compared to many other humanoid races, they spend a great many years perfecting the craft and practice of a singular profession, that of which is chosen early in life. Thus, once reaching the age of maturity, often marked by the success of many exams and hands-on applications, they are of near professional level in terms of skill.
Physical Appearance
Much of the reason Cyphrene are mistaken for humans, elves and yuan-ti purebloods is because of their similar build; The Cyphrene stand anywhere from five to six feet tall, have medium to slight builds, and pure black eyes, both black scleras and black irises. Many also have the vestigial structures of their distant serpentine bloodine; non-functioning gils that span both sides of their necks, skin that faintly shines iridescent, and slightly webbed appendages.
Typically, while about their day-to-day affairs, the Cyphrene hold long, flat expressions, which, paired with their solid black eyes gives them a somewhat vacant, uncanny visage.
Cyphrene Names
As Cyphrene tend to hold the opinion that knowledge is power, many consider family names, and thus the trackable nature of such a concept, a civic duty to uphold.
***Male Names:*** Aeran, Riros, Traynor, Keldes, Vazas, Elris.
***Female Names:*** Thernys, Yllviel, Enhana, Astyn, Vastara.
***Family Names:*** Rorona, Adsys, Misokn, Naunet, Duf.
Cyphrene Traits
Your Cyphrene character has a variety of abilities, the result of a millenia of structured resilience.
***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
***Age.*** Cyphrene mature slower and live longer than humans, reaching adulthood in their mid-30s and living upwards of 300 years.
***Alignment.*** Cyphrene are generally disinterested in the existential struggle between good and evil, choosing instead to focus on knowledge, war, and magic. As a result, they tend toward lawful alignments.
***Size.*** Cyphrene stand between 5 and 6 feet tall and average about 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.
***Speed.*** Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
***Darkvision.*** One of the last vistigals of your serpentine ancestry is your adaptation to the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
***Serpentine Ancestry.*** You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill and have advantage on saving throws against being stunned, paralyzed, or put to sleep.
***Conductive*** You have a sheen of oil covering your body, conducing electricity and facilitating finessee; you are resistant to lightning damage and know the *lightning lure* cantrip.
As a reaction, after being struck with lightning damage or casting a spell that deals lightning damage, you may discharge excess electricity into a metal weapon in your hand. Until the end of your next turn, you deal an additional 1d6 lightning damage with that weapon. You must complete a short or long rest to regain the use of this ability.
***Cyphrene Weapon Training.*** You have proficiency with scimitars, shortswords, and hand crossbows.
***Languages.*** You can speak, read, and write Cyphrene and Common.
Cyphrene is a language that borrows from Elvish and Aquan; its syllables have structure and eloquence, while its consonants display quick guttural stops reminiscent of the races' inclination toward order.
Racial Feat
If your DM allows the optional feats rule from Chapter 6 of the *Player's Handbook*, your Cyphrene character has access to the following feat.
Serpentine Resilience
*Prerequisite: Cyphrene, Dexterity 13+*
Patches of oil-slicked, iridescent scales begin forming across your body, insulating you from the familiar climates of your forefathers.
- Your Dexterity score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- You are resistant to cold damage and have advantage on checks made against being grappled.
- After using your reaction to discharge electricity, as described by your Conductive trait, your body also retains a current. Until the end of your next turn, any creature that makes contact with you takes 1d4 lightning damage.