```metadata title: Soul Reaper description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` # Soul Reaper ## Soul Pressure Beginning at 3rd level when you take this Martial Archetype, you begin to exude an Ethereal Aura that extends from the Ethereal Plane, this Energy is known as Soul Pressure, present in all beings dead or alive, but strongest amongst a special few who train to use it in a number of ways. But most importantly, you have learned to manifest this into a Weapon. : Certain abilities of this Archetype require a saving throw, your Soul Reaper Save DC = 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Constitution Modifier. ## Manifest Soul (Sealed). Your Weapon is a direct reflection to your inner soul, unique to you, and shaped specifically to fit your needs perfectly. This Weapon also has a unique name, and you learn it upon first manifesting it. : Choose any Simple or Martial Weapon, you manifest this weapon and only you can benefit from its properties, if this weapon is destroyed or lost, you may perform a Ritual over the course of a Short Rest to mend it, or have it reappear before you in your hands. You may Also have this Weapon assume properties of any Magic Weapon in your possession so long as they are the same base weapon when performing this ritual, however, the Magic Weapon is lost, and Your Weapon can only benefit from a single Magic Weapon's properties at a time, losing the old ones if this ritual is performed again with a new one. : The Weapon is otherwise considered mundane. ## Spirit Energy At 3rd level, in addition to being able to manifest your Soul into a weapon, you learn to harness your Soul Pressure, and funnel it into Spirit Energy, a wellspring of your very being that is able to fuel many of your abilities beyond their limits. : You start with a number of Spirit Dice equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier (choose when you take this feature), each represented as d8's. You regain all Spirit Points when you finish a Short or Long Rest, and can expend Spirit Dice to do any of the following: \column #### Awaken. Be it a single word or phrase that you chant, followed by saying aloud your Weapons name, as a Bonus Action you may Awaken it for 1 minute. While Awakened the first attack you make with your Weapon on each turn deals additional damage equal to your Spirit Die. You may Awaken your weapon only once, and must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again. #### Sense. When you make a Perception or Survival check, you can expend a Soul Die and roll it, adding the result to the check. If you are making the check to find a creature, and succeed on the check, you can sense its direction and distance even if you cannot see it. #### Spirit. When you make an Intimidation check, you can expend a Soul die and roll it, adding the result to the check. If you succeed on the check against a creature, it becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn. #### Shield. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll your Soul die and reduce the damage by an amount equal to the number rolled + Your Constitution Modifier. #### Punish. If a creature misses you with an Attack, you may expend one of your spirit die, and roll it. : As a reaction, you may make a single Weapon Attack against that creature, adding the rolled result of your spirit die to your attacks damage. ## Fighting Soul. Beginning at 7th level, you have gained even more Spirit Energy and have learned how to harness it, as well as how to utilize it. : You may *Awaken* your weapon an additional time between rests. In addition you may as an Action roll a single spirit die (even if you have none), and regain any expended spirit die equal to the result halved (rounded down). Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. \page ## Discipline At 10th level, your diversity in combat expands to your unique form in combat, and grants you one of the following Disciplines to take. (The choice is made when you take this feature.) ### Hohō. Upon choosing this discipline, your speed increases by 10ft, and you can spend 1 spiritual die to Shunpo(teleport) to an empty space 30ft away that you can see as a bonus action. Additionally, While your weapon is awakened you may take the Dash or Disengage action as a Bonus Action, and you gain an additional flight speed equal to your movement speed. ### Hadō. the Way of Destruction, granting you both a ranged and area of effect option. : As an Action you may fire a bolt of energy from your weapon, in the shape of 120 foot line. This attack deals 2d8 damage of your choice of cold, fire, or lightning damage. You may also choose to increase the damage of this attack by spending spirit die, increasing the damage by 1d8 per die spent. : If your weapon is Awakened, you may opt to instead make the attack a 90 foot Cone, and deal either radiant or force damage amongst the options you can take. : Creatures caught in either area must make a Dexterity Saving throw against your Soul Reaper DC, or take half as much damage on a successful save. ### Bakkudō. The way of sealing, as an Action you may attempt to bind a target you can see within 30 feet, it must make a strength saving throw against your Soul Reaper DC, or become grappled by you. As wisps of your spirit bind it. If your weapon is Awakened, your range for this Action is increased to 90 feet. In addition, you may spend 1 Spirit Die to empower this action, Restraining the target on a failed save rather than Grappling. \column ## Full Awakening At 15th level, you learn to fully awaken your Spiritual Weapon to its maximum potential, while also becoming a wellspring of spiritual energy. : As a Bonus action, when your weapon is Awakened, you can choose to True Awaken it by chanting it's True full name. : Your weapon remains True Awakened for 1 minute, or until you run out of spirit dice. While awakened the 1d8 additional damage is instead 1d10, and all spirit die features reflect this change by replacing any 1d8 with 1d10. : In addition, you gain an additional amount of Temporary Spirit Dice equal to your Proficiency Bonus, these spirit die last only until the end of your Spiritual Weapon's True Awakening. ## Fighting Spirit At 18th level, you can refuse death for a limited time, and push your spirit beyond its limitations. : When you reach 0 hit points, you cannot die so long as your weapon is Awakened or True Awakened. If it is neither, you may automatically choose to Awaken your weapon as a reaction to reaching 0 hit points. In addition, you regain all expended spirit die. : You still roll death saving throws as normal, and you suffer the normal effects of taking damage while at 0 hit points. However, if you would die due to failing death saving throws, you don't die until your Awakening ends, and you die then only if you still have 0 hit points.