```metadata title: Brawler description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## Brawler Your training in unarmed attacks has gained momentum, allowing each blow to speed up for more chances to strike without any loss in power, gaining the following benefits: - When you hit with an Unarmed Attack on your turn, once per turn, you may immediately make an Unarmed Attack as part of that Action. - If you are not wielding a weapon, you gain a +1 to AC. - If you land an attack from an Unarmed Strike granted by this feat, you can choose to have that creature make a Strength Saving throw (the DC = 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Strength or Dexterity Modifier), on a failed save, that creature is pushed back a number of feet equal to your 5 times your proficiency bonus, if that creature would collide with an object or surface at least it's size or larger as a result of this feat, it takes damage as if it were Falling.