# The Growing Shade
A *polished darkwood staff with shifting, runic carvings along its body and a grey-blue cloth wrapping at its center. It warps the very air and seems to absorb much of the light around itself when it is swung with remarkable elasticity. It also seems capable of rapidly changing size based on the output of spiritual pressure applied to its form.*
- *Meeker Louffé, the Magister of the Deep Markets*
##### Staff (quarterstaff), Very Rare
You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls you make with this weapon. When the staff is extended to 10 feet, the weapon gains the two-handed, and reach property.
Any attack rolls made with the weapon against a creature up to 5 ft away from you have disadvantage while this weapon's reach is extended. You also may not benefit from your proficiency bonus on attack rolls against enemies 15 ft away or further.
#### The Span of Evening.
You can use a bonus action to speak a command word and cause the staff to collapse or extend from a 1-foot-long rod to a 30 ft long staff. The rod will elongate only as far as the surrounding space allows.
If it comes into contact with a creature or unattended object during this extension, you may spend a Ki Point to make a free Shove attempt against the target with Advantage, unless the target is two or more sizes larger than you in which case you automatically fail.
The loser of this contest is pushed away from the winner to the distance stated before the attempt. If they contact an immovable obstacle before it fully extends they suffer 1d4 bludgeoning damage for every 5ft of movement prevented and are considered grappled. They may use their action to escape the Grapple against your Ki Save DC.
>##### Umbral Sweep.
> Once per day, while elongated, you may use your action to spend a **Ki Point** and sweep the staff in a cone as wide as the staff is long. Targets in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Ki Save DC or be knocked prone and suffer 2d8+Wis Cold damage. They take half damage on a successful save and are not knocked prone.
###### Art: https://www.deviantart.com/clovenhoof/art/Quarterstaff-89446917
Artist: Clovenhoof/Jean Nygaard