### Ysgardian Your soul is destined for Ysgard, and you fell in battle at the cusp of death, travelling to the realm of endless battle and glory. But, you were pulled back into the land of the living before you could join Ysgard, and in your struggle you brought back a piece of Ysgard within you. Now, your soul is entwined with the realm, bringing its' violence and glory to wherever you tread. #### Rejuvenation of Ysgard At 3rd level, the immortal regenerative blessing of Ysgard continually heal your wounds. When you use your second wind feature, you continue to regain 1d6 hit points at the start of each of your successive turns for an amount of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus. This increases to 1d8 at 7th level and 1d10 at 15th. #### A Warrior's Rebirth Also at 3rd level, the warriors of Ysgard are reborn each day if they have fallen, and it's spirits breathe life into you if you have fallen with glory. If you are reduced to 0 hit points by a weapon attack, you gain the following benefits: * Damage from a weapon attack cannot cause instant death. * Critical hits count as normal hits while you are unconscious. * You can expend a use of your Second Wind feature and gain its benefits immediately. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until after you complete a long rest. >###### **Credits:** Art: [The Wild Hunt of Odin, by Peter Nicolai Arbo](https://www.historytoday.com/archive/foundations/wild-hunt-odin) Homebrew made by: u/Xenoezen ``` ``` .
#### Feast of the Einherjar At 7th level, you can mannifest some of the fine food and drink enjoyed at Ysgard every night. During a short rest, you can transform mundane food and drink for up to 6 people, transforming it into a feast fit for heroes. Creatures that eat from the feast can gain one of two benefits: ***Meat of Saehrimnir.*** The hearty meal of boar meat from Saehrimnir heals and rebuilds the bodies of the weary. If the creature expends hit dice to regain health, they recover an additional 2d6 hit points. ***Mead of Heidrun.*** Mead runs freely from the udders of the goat Heidrun, filling the mind of the creature with heroics. The creature has advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened until the next long rest that they take. #### Hunter Of Champions At 10th level, you constantly strive to face mighty foes, able to coerce your enemies to face you in. Immediately before you take the attack action, you can select one creature within 15 feet of you. That creature's speed is halved until the end of it's next turn, and both you and the creature are under the effects of the *compelled duel* spell until then. #### Summoning Strike At 15th level, when you roll a natural 20 on a weapon attack roll, you can use your reaction to summon a heroic spirit of Ysgard to your plane to bask in this glorious strike. A creature with the stats of a Beserker (Basic Rules, pg.162) also makes an attack against the creature. It then persists until the start of your next turn, making opportunity attacks as normal. #### Horn of Ysgard At 18th level, you can materialise the horn of Ysgard, bringing forth a charging stampede of Warrior spirits. A line up to 60 feet wide and 120ft long originates from you, and each creature of your choice in the area must succeed on a dexterity saving throw (DC: 8+ your proficiency bonus + your strength modifier) or take 10d6 force damage and become knocked prone. If a creature succeeds on the saving throw, they take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.