## Oath of the Dragonknight
High above the battlefield, a winged shape descends upon the enemies of justice. A golden-clad elven warrior in shining plate fires flaming arrows down from a longbow onto the monsters below, as her scale-clad mount opens wide its jaws to unleash a torrent of flaming breath.
On all sides, guardsmen and soldiers close in around a villain wrapped in icy white armor. Brandishing a greatsword, he grins as his aura seeps into their minds, bathing them in fear as they fall, one by one, to the frozen blade of his sword - and as those who flee his companion face an icy doom.
Paladins that swear allegiance to the Dragon Gods are known as Dragonknights, and cleave to either the Lawful Good ways of Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon - or to the Chaotic Evil ways of Tiamat, the Dragon Queen. No matter how they begin, once sworn to Dragonkin, they are forever moulded by the powers of the mighty wyrms that course through their veins.
#### Tenets of Bahamut
Though the exact words vary, these core tenets find themselves at the heart of any Dragonknight sworn to the Metallic bloodlines. Dragonknights of Bahamut must be Lawful Good, and become Oathbreakers if their alignments shift.
***Defend the Weak.*** Those who have power are meant to use it to safeguard those without. Use yours wisely.
***Safeguard Justice.*** Laws are the fabric of society. Defend them, and you defend the people they protect.
***Respect Your Power.*** You wield the blood of Dragonkind in your veins. Be sparing in its use, and never wield it in vain, or for an unjust cause.
#### Tenets of Tiamat
Though the wording may vary wildly, the Dragonknights sworn to the Chromatic bloodlines value one thing and one thing above all - power. Their tenets reflect this. Dragonknights of Tiamat must be Chaotic Evil, and become Oathbreakers alignments shift.
***Rule Through Fear.*** You descend from the bloodlines of the Dragon Queen herself. Your subjects have forgotten this; make them remember, through fire and blood.
***Conquer and Command.*** Power belongs to those mighty enough to wield it, and your might is second only to the Dragons themselves. If you do not use it to rule and conquer, then you do not deserve it.
***Suffer No Challenge.*** The world has ever sought out Chromatic Dragons and their ilk for destruction, afraid of their majesty and unwilling to bow to their might. Destroy any who would subvert you, and remind the rest of the powers you wield, and of their true purpose.
### Draconic Bloodline
Upon becoming a Dragonknight, you must choose a color of dragon, corresponding to your tenets. This changes your body, causing your hair or scales to grow in the color of their scales, your eyes to take on a reptilian appearance and your chosen color, and you gain resistance to the damage type associated with your chosen color.
##### Draconic Bloodline
| Color | Damage Type |
| Red/Gold/Brass | Fire |
| Blue/Bronze | Lightning |
| Green | Poison |
| White/Silver | Cold |
| Black/Copper | Acid |
### Oath Spells
When you take the Oath of the Dragonknight, you gain oath spells at the levels listed. These do not count against your prepared spells, and you always have them prepared.
##### Oath Spells
| Level | Spells |
| 3rd | *Chromatic Orb, Disguise self* |
| 5th | *Find Steed, Enhance Ability* |
| 9th | *Elemental Weapon, Protection from Energy* |
| 13th | *Hallucinatory Terrain, Polymorph* |
| 17th | *Cone of Cold, Hold Monster* |
### Channel Divinity
When you take this Oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
***Draconic Weapon.*** For one minute, your weapon blazes with the energy of your chosen Draconic Bloodline. If it is a melee weapon, it deals an extra 1d6 damage of the relevant type to any creature it hits, and emits bright light in your chosen color for 30 feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet. If you chose Black, it instead emits ultraviolet light that cannot be seen, but illuminates substances such as blood, oil, or magical fluids such as potions. If it is a ranged weapon, it requires no ammunition and instead fires bolts of glowing light in your chosen color that deal 1d6 of the corresponding damage type on a hit.
***Draconic Terror.*** For one minute, any creature that can see you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Spell Save DC or be frightened of you. This effect does not function on constructs, or on creatures immune to fear.
### Draconic Bond
Beginning at 6th level, you can use your *Find Steed* spell to conjure a Wyvern rather than the typical mount options. This wyvern uses the stats from the *Monster Manual*, its type is dragon, and it lasts until dismissed or until you use it in combat, at which point it lasts for one hour. The Dragonknight has advantage on saves made to not be dismounted from it in combat; otherwise, it functions as any other *Find Steed* mount. Once its one-hour limitation ends, this mount cannot be summoned again until you complete a long rest.
Beginning at 11th level, the steed you summon in this way is instead a Large-sized dragon with the stats of a Dragon Wyrmling of your chosen color, as per the *Monster Manual.* This mount can fight and think independently, but remains faithful and loyal to you for as long as you maintain your Oath and its tenets. Should you break your Oath, this dragon disappears and can no longer be summoned.
Beginning at 14th level, the steed you summon in this way remains Large-sized but instead takes on the stats of a Young Dragon of your chosen color.
Beginning at 17th level, it takes on the stats of an Adult Dragon and becomes Huge-sized.
### Aura of Dragonblood
Starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatures within 10 feet cannot be Frightened, and allied creatures within 10 feet gain resistance to the damage type of your chosen color.
Beginning at 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
### Dragonhide
Beginning at 15th level, your skin begins to change, with your hands and feet becoming clawed and coated in the scales of your chosen color while the rest of your skin becomes thicker and, slowly, begins to take on a draconic appearance. You gain resistance to a second Draconic Bloodline damage type of your choice, which is also extended to your allies via your Aura of Dragonblood.
### Dragonheart
Beginning at 20th level, you and your Draconic Bond mount can merge into one being. When you do, your mount disappears and its essence infuses you. You gain a fly speed of 60 feet, temporary hit points equal to your level plus your Charisma modifier, and you add your Charisma modifier to your attack damage on all weapon attacks. This lasts for one minute, after which your spiritual mount cannot be summoned until after a long rest.