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# Bugbear
Bugbears are born for battle and mayhem. Surviving by raiding and hunting, they bully the weak and despise being bossed around, but their love of carnage means they will fight for powerful masters if bloodshed and treasure are assured. ### Goblinoids Bugbears are often found in the company of their cousins, hobgoblins and goblins. Bugbears usually enslave goblins they encounter, and they bully hobgoblins into giving them gold and food in return for serving as scouts and shock troops. Even when paid, bugbears are at best unreliable allies, yet goblins and hobgoblins understand that no matter how much bugbears might drain a tribe of resources, these creatures are a potent force. ### Savage Nature Bugbears, like other goblinoids, have a reputation for being dim-witted and brutish. This claim is not unfounded, and like their kin, bugbears have easily provoked tempers and are prone to rages. Few bugbears overcome this flaw and their culture's brutal nature. ``` ``` Bugbear heroes, though rare, are heard of and acquire significant renown if successful. Often the motivation for this change of heart comes from the rewards earned from virtue, which in the long term become more pleasing than the short-lasting pleasures of evil. ### Followers of Hruggek Bugbears worship Hruggek, a lesser god who dwells on the plane of Acheron. In the absence of their goblinoid kin, bugbears form loose war bands, each one led by its fiercest member. Bugbears believe that when they die, their spirits have a chance to fight at Hruggek's side. They try to prove themselves worthy by defeating as many foes as possible. ### Venal Ambushers Despite their intimidating builds, bugbears move with surprising stealth. They are fond of setting ambushes and flee when outmatched. They are dependable mercenaries as long as they are supplied food, drink, and treasure, but a bugbear forgets any bond when its life is on the line. A wounded member of a bugbear band might be left behind to help the rest of the band escape.
This document is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards.
Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
\page ### Bugbear Names Being goblinoids, most bugbears have goblin names. Refer to a list of goblin names when naming your bugbear. As for last names, most bugbears tend to skip such familial bonds, sticking with only first names for the most part. ### Bugbear Traits Your bugbear character has certain characteristics shared with other bugbears. ***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Strength score increases
by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1. ***Age.*** Bugbears have a rather short life. Maturing at the age of 16 and living until the age of 80. ***Alignment.*** Bugbears endure a harsh existence that demands each of them to remain self-sufficient, even at the expense of their fellows. Bugbears have a tendency towards nuetral, but frequently go towards chaotic evil. ***Size.*** Bugbears are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost 250 pounds. Your size is Medium.
**Size modifier** = 2d10
**Height** = 6 feet + 1 inches + your size modifier in inches
**Weight in pounds** = 215 + (1d12 x your size modifier)

``` ```

***Speed.*** Your base walking speed is 30 feet. ***Brutal Training.*** Bugbears are savage attackers. You have proficiency with mauls and morningstars. ***Darkvision.*** You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. ***Goblinoid Resilience.*** You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed condition on yourself. ***Long-Limbed.*** When you make a melee attack on your tum, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal. ***Powerful Build.*** You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. ***Sneaky.*** You are proficient in the Stealth skill. In addition, without squeezing, you can move through and stop in a space large enough for a Small creature. ***Surprise Attack.*** If you hit a creature with an attack roll, the creature takes an extra 2d6 damage if it hasn't taken a turn yet in the current combat. ***Languages.*** You speak, read, and write Common and Goblin. Goblin sounds irritating to most creatures and not well composed.

### Bugbear Lineage Instead of choosing the tradiational bugbear traits, you can choose to be of a bugbear lineage. Perhaps you're the offspring of an bugbear and another race, or maybe you just don't fit the mould of the average bugbear. When you choose the Bugbear Lineage, you gain the following character traits. ***Ability Score Increase.*** One ability score of your choice increases by 2. ***Creature Type.*** You are a humanoid. You resemble a bugbear, with the long arms and hairy body. Make no mistake, there is clearly bugbear blood in your veins. ***Size.*** Bugbears are taller and heavier than humans, standing well over 6 feet tall and averaging almost 250 pounds. Your size is Medium. ***Speed.*** Your base walking speed is 30 feet. ``` ```

***Feat.*** You gain one feat of your choice for which you qualify. ***Languages.*** You speak, read, and write Common and Goblin. Goblin sounds irritating to most creatures and not well composed. ***Variable Trait.*** You gain one of the following options of your choice: ___ - ***Darkvision.*** You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. ___ - ***Powerful Build.*** You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
\page ### Bugbear Sourcebooks This version of the bugbear race is official D&D material.
It was taken from *Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse*. The Bugbear Lineage option was presented in *Tasha's Cauldron of Everything*. It has been slightly modified to fit a bugbear, but is the same power level as the Custom Lineage presented in the book. Instead of granting a skill as a Variable Trait, *Powerful Build* has been allowed. Instead of choosing Small or Medium, you are Medium. Instead of choosing 25 or 30 feet speed, your speed is 30 feet. Instead of choosing a second language of your choice, you know the language of your kin. ### This Document's Credit This document was compiled, formatted, adjusted, copy edited, and (semi)-balanced by *LtKodiak*.
*Google Drive folder with downloadable PDFs*
*BigBeard.Design/LtKodiak* ### Copyright Stuff Most of the words in this document are copyright of *Wizards of the Coast*, either directly or indirectly. Words were written using the phrasing present in Wizards' official documents. LtKodiak's goal is to have 100% of the images be usable under Wizards' Fan Content Policy. The vast majority of images in these documents are from *Magic: The Gathering*, some from official D&D documents, and the rest from various places on the internet (mtgpics, artstation, deviantart, etc.). All artists and sources are listed in the section below. Some have been modified to better fit the formatting of this document, including color changes, mirroring, and/or alterations. As such, anyone who has access to this document CANNOT SELL IT. That'd be illegal (and against the aforementioned Wizards' Fan Content Policy). It's just for fun, giving D&D players an easier to read document for their favorite races and classes. Credit for the formatting of this document goes to *The Homebrewery*, for making an awesome, easy-to-use website utilizing the powers of HTML and CSS. If you see anything in this document that needs to be ammended, have any suggestions for edits or additions, or have any legal concerns, please reach out!
##### Image Credits *Rugged Highlands* by Eytan Zana, © WotC
*Commissions - Slaughter at Splinterfang Gorge* by Dio Mahesa
*Hulking Bugbear* by Filip Burburan, © WotC
*Impact Tremors* by Lake Hurwitz, © WotC
*Den of the Bugbear* by Jeff Easley, © WotC