title: Gigu Race
description: ''
- ''
- 5e
renderer: legacy
theme: 5ePHB
Credit: Nintendo, Meta-Akira
## Gigu
###### *"Strange beings of incredicble psionic power, even rivaling that of the Mindflayers. Truly terrifying beings. Though I have noticed their aversion to music." —Diamon the Archiver*
Not much is known about Gigu's since they are pretty rare to come across. They are tall though, with a long white slender body and tail. Other variations of this race have been noted to have hair and different coloured tails.
### Masters of Psionics
While they don't seem to be strong at first glance with thie tall but thin frame, their magical prowess is not to be sniffed at. Not just their magic power either but their whole being is an enigma to be solved. All that can be said is that these creatures are smarter and stronger than they let on.
They seem to mostly have a connection to the Far Realm, the same place where mindflayers come from. There are stories of rival empires consisting of these two factions battling eachother within the Far Realm with devastating effects. Other accounts have mentioned their somewhat uncanny ability to bend the mind of those they encounter. Rumors tell of an angered Gigu that wiped out the population of a world while other stories tell of their noble sacrafices
### Musical Ire
Despite their overwhelming prowess in Psionics, it would seem that a common point of contention and anger for a Gigu would appear to be music. Bards have been a common point of ire for a Gigu when encountered, perhaps it's something to do with their culture or the emotions that music and arts usually draw out are not as frequently encountered in Gigu society so it angers them.
It would seem that rather than act out plays or engage in song and dance, Gigu tend to take a more schollarly aproach to telling of their battles and deeds. Books that tell of their history written and penned by Gigu scribes tend to be very formal in their writing style.
usually this involves direct quotes and references to other works, usually pulling quotes verbatim and linking to the exact page and issue of the information's origin. Any information pulled from interviews usually lists the people involved, when it took place and the origin of the interview itself. Personal written accounts sound more like instructions and guides rather than personal thoughts and feelings.
### Grand Ambitions
With how long Gigu tend to live, the short term is never really much of a thought to them. Most grand ambitions of a Gigu can span hundreds of years and can seem impossible to other races. A gigu can spend months doing nother but just thinking and gathering their ideas for their goal. To them, a year or two is but a blink of an eye.
Very few Gigu ever stop to relax and enjoy the world around them, maybe the younger ones do but as they get older their ambitions become grander and more intense. This way of thinking is probably why they dislike arts and song so much, since they see it as a waste of time.
## Gigu Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelegence increases by 2 and Constitution increases by 1
- Age. Gigu's mature at around 100 and live to around 2000.
- Alignment. Gigu's will be across the whole spectrum but ususally go fully evil or good.
- Size. Much larger than Humans, usually standing around 8 to 9ft tall. Your size is Large
- Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.
- Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Abyssal, Celestial and Deep Speech.
#### Resistant Mind
Being a creature of powerful psionic might, it is no surprise that you are resistant to Psychic damage and you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
#### Mental Genius
Your psionic powers enhance the capabilities of your form. Choose one from the following skills, you gain proficiency in that skill:
Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Perception, Nature or Religion.
You can use your Intelligence modifier instead of the usual ability score associated with that skill should you so wish.
#### Psychokinetics
You have innate understanding of Psionics that runs through your mind. Because of this you can cast the ***Encode Thoughts*** and ***Mage Hand*** Cantrips at will. The Mage Hand is invisible when you cast the cantrip with this trait. You also learn the ***Dissonant Whispers*** Spell and can cast it innatley without taking up a spell slot once per long Rest.
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.