Chapter 2 | Alternative and New Rules
## Alternative Inspiration Rule - Sway At the beginning of each session, or when a player performs a noble action or makes a decision that would be considered "in character" for them, they may accrue a p"Sway" token from the Dungeon Master. Each player starts wtih the ability to hold 1 Sway Token at 1st level, and gains an addiitonal slot for another token at every odd level. A player may use a Sway Token to give themselves advantage on any Attack, Ability Check, or Saving Throw they perform. However, after reaching 3rd level, a player may also pick a Sway from a list, which they may then spend 2 sway tokens to perform the Sway. These abilities are generally incredibly powerful and can help turn the tide of a battle or encounter in the favor of the party, hence the name. A Sway is generally broken down by class, however any player may take any Sway (based on DM discretion). # Bard #### The Power of Song When you give Inspiration this turn, you give it to all allies within 30 ft of you. #### Moving Music Until the beginning of your next turn, any ally who uses your inspiration dice takes the maximum roll on the dice. ### Cleric #### Healing Field As an action, you create a 30 foot sphere of healing power at a destination within 30 feet that you point at. Any ally who enters the field or begins their turn within this field regains 10 HP if they are missing any hit points, or gains 10 temporary hit points, to a maximum of 20 additional hit points. The field lasts for 1 minute. ### Druid #### Dire Shape When using your Wild Shape ability, you may instead transform into a Dire version of the animal. The animal increases its stats in the following ways: * It's natural armor is increased by 1. * It's hit dice increases by 3, and gains additional hit points equal to its new hit dice and constitution. * It's size is increased by one category (Small to Medium, Medium to Large, ETC). * It's speed is increased by 10 feet. * It's Strength score is increased by 5 and * it's Constitution score is increased by 3. * It's Natural Attack's damage dice are each increased by one dice increment (1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, etc.) . ### Fighter #### Battle Commander You perform a Commander's Strike, except that you may target up to four friendly creatures who can hear or see you to use their Reaction commands. ### Monk #### Mach Punch As a reaction, you may perform an additional flurry of blows after you have completed a flurry of blows maneuver. This does not cost a ki point. #### Hot Breath As an action, you can take a swig of your alcohol and release a burst of flame. The creature must make a dexterity saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your Proficiency Bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. This ability is separate from a Dragonborn's breath attack. #### Flaming Punches As a bonus action, you can take a drink from your alcohol and spray it as a gout of flame nto your fists. Your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d8 fire damage for 1 minute. #### Unnerving Patience As an action, you may exude an aura of patience and calm that unnerves the enemies around you. Creatures you select within 30 ft must make a Wisdom save equal to your ki save DC. On a failure, each creature suffers the effects similar to the Compelled Duel spell, except that attacking any of the creatures affected does not break the spell.
Chapter 2 | Alternative and New Rules
### Paladin #### Blessed/Cursed Decimation You make an attack roll against an enemy and unleash a divine or accursed fury upon them. For a divine strike, the enemy takes 8d10 raidant damage and is blinded for 1 minute. If the strike is accursed, they take 3d10 necrotic damage and also gains disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity and Constitution checks for 1 minute. ### Ranger #### Fan of Death You use your action this turn to make a ranged attack against all enemies within 30 ft. You deal double damage against any of them that are your favored enemy. ### Rogue #### Decimation Strike Your attacks this turn gain sneak attack damage regardless of if you have advantage on the attack and there is no limit to the number of sneak attacks you can make this turn. If you have advantage on the attack, the attack is a critical hit. If a critical hit is rolled on the attack, it also does maximum damage. ### Sorcerer #### Sorcerous Saturation When casting a spell this turn, you may add two sorcery points worth of Metamagic to that spell without using sorcery points for it. ### Warlock #### Cataclysmic Commandeering You point at a creature and utter a harsh word. They must make a will save. On a success they take 5d10 psychic damage, but on a failure you take control of them for 1 minute. You take their actions on their turn for them, and the only limit to what you can force them to do is self harm, which ends the effect immediately. ### Wizard #### Scholar's Mastery When casting a spell of your Arcane Tradition this turn, you may do so as if you were casting a spell two levels higher than the level you are casting it at without using a higher level spell slot, even if you would normally not have a spell slot at that level. #### Multi-Thought When you cast a spell that would normally target a single creature (not yourself), you may instead have it target all creatures within a 10 ft sphere.