## Prestige Class
## Thrall of Malcanthet
Few mortals even know about the existence of Malcanthet, the Queen of the Succubi, let alone embrace her sparse cults and dogmatic principles enough to gain the attention of her. Even fewer than that are so enraptured that they become her willing thrall. Thralls of such powerful fiends are the mortals who decide to dedicate their lives to the worship of their master, or in the case of thralls of Malcanthet, their mistress. In the end, a thrall's soul is not their own for it belongs only to the Profane Lady. The Succubi Queen demands absolute loyalty and expects her thralls to be as obediant as they are alluring, as vile as they are cunning, and as treacherous as they are powerful.
Thralls of Malcanthet have an otherwordly beauty to them that is both seductive and menacing. They are more prone to
use cunning than entertain direct combat, seducing or charming their opponents into a false sense of friendship before betraying them outright and reveling in their foe's misery. This does not mean that thralls are without allies, however. Companionships are often viewed as necessary and are thoroughly enjoyed; few, however, are actually cherished.
## Prerequisites
In order to advance into and as a thrall of Malcanthet, you must meet the following prerequisites (in addition to the multiclassing prerequisites for your existing classes):
**Patron Deity/Creature of Worship:** Malcanthet
**Magic & Subterfuge.** You must have 5 levels in a class that is considered full spellcaster class for multiclassing purposes, 5 levels in rogue, or a combination of the two that equals 5 class levels.
**Charisma 15.** Malcanthet demands her thralls to possess a naturally charismatic persona.
**Intelligence 13.** Thralls of Malcanthet must be cunning, clever, and worldly.
**Complete a special task.** Encounter a succubus/incubus, lilitu, or some close agent of Malcanthet (or perhaps the Queen herself) in which you are offered the chance to appease the Profane Lady by either betraying a friendly creature in an effort to attain power (whether through killing them or betraying their allegience) or by corrupting a religious character through guile and deceit so that they forsake their deity and join Malcanthet's ranks.
##### Thrall of Malcanthet
| Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Spell Betrayal | Profane Points |
| 1st | +2 | Spellcasting, Spell Betrayal, Unarmored Defense | 1d6 | ─ |
| 2nd | +2 | Profane Magic, Dark Cunning | 2d6 | 1d4 | |
| 3rd | +2 | Fiendish Diplomacy | 3d6 | 2d4 |
| 4th | +2 | Greater Profane Magic, Ability Score Improvement | 4d6 | 3d4 |
| 5th | +3 | Elluvia's Curse | 5d6 | 4d4 |
## Class Features
As a thrall of Malcanthet, you gain the following class features.
#### Hit Points
- **Hit Dice:** 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier
- **Hit Points per Level:** 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per thrall of Malcanthet level
#### Proficiencies
- **Tools:** None
- **Saving Throws:** None
- **Skills: ** None
#### Equipment
The thrall of Malcanthet prestige class does not grant any equipment.
### Spellcasting
You are a conduit of Malcanthet's power, yet your study of magic does not cease upon advancing as her thrall. For the purpose of multiclassing, to determine your total spell slots, add your levels in thrall of Malcanthet to your levels in classes that grant you the Spellcasting feature. For example, if you are a thrall of Malcanthet 1/bard 5, you would have spell slots of a 6th-level character, in addition to having the cantrips and spells known of a 5th-level bard.
### Spell Betrayal
Starting at 1st level, you are strongest in battle when surprising your foes with magical assaults they least expect. Once per turn as a bonus action that is part of casting a spell or when you use your profane touch, you can deal an extra 1d6 psychic damage to one creature within 10 feet that you hit with a melee or ranged spell attack if you have advantage on the attack roll, the target is surprised, or the target is friendly to you. Your spell attack must normally deal damage in order to apply spell betrayal damage, thus a *ray of enfeeblement* spell could not deal spell betrayal damage.
You may also apply spell betrayal extra damage if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't
incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack roll. Using this feature in this way reduces the amount of your spell betrayal dice pool by half, rounded down, a minimum of 1d6. If you have the sneak attack feature of a rogue, you may add half, rounded down, of your sneak attack dice to your spell betrayal dice pool, but not vice versa. The amount of extra damage increases as you gain levels in this prestige class as shown in the Spell Betrayal column of the Thrall of Malcanthet table.
### Unarmored Defense
Starting at 1st level, Malcanthet grants you an invisible, enchanting shroud that feeds off your persona to empower itself. While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your armor class is equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Charisma modifier. Creatures who can see invisibilty can see this dazzling, magical shroud.
### Profane Magic
Starting at 2nd level, you gain the power of dark, vile magic that is fueled by evil actions of deceit and cruelty.
After finishing a short or long rest, you lose all profane points, and you may engage in vile contemplation (see note) to roll and see how many profane points you have, as shown on the Thrall of Malcanthet table. You expend these points to use profane magic. Once per turn, you can gain 1 profane point by dealing spell betrayal damage or dealing damage with your profane touch. In order to use profane magic, you must be able to expend the required points, as described in the profane magical ability. You can never have more profane points than your Charisma modifier + your Intelligence modifier + your levels in this prestige class.
You can prepare a number of profane magical abilities after finishing a short or long rest in which you engaged in vile contemplation. You may have a number of profane magical abilities prepared equal to your Intelligence modifier + your levels in thrall of Malcanthet. You cannot prepare greater profane magical abilities until you reach 4th-level in this prestige class.
Profane magic uses Charisma as the spellcasting ability for attacks and saving throws.
**Spell save DC** = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
**Spell attack modifier** = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
> ##### Vile Contemplation
> In order to channel your profane magic, you must entertain the most vile parts of existence. This form of meditation involves plotting and beseechment from Malcanthet herself, usually involving masochistic ritual, sacrifice, sexual perversions, or the study of dark magic. Any time you are in vile contemplation to roll for profane points during a short or long rest, your type temporarily turns into fiend until you are done and for 1 hour afterwards, as dark energies swirls around your soul.
### Dark Cunning
Also at 2nd level, you realize you must embrace both your attractive qualities and your deviant cunning to achieve your aspirations. Whenever you make a Charisma skill check in which you are proficient, you may also add your Intelligence modifier to the result.
### Fiendish Diplomacy
Starting at 3rd level, your thralldom reflects Malcanthet's recent allegience with Hell and the succubi's role as advisor, consort, and tempter between fiends of the Lower Planes and mortals. Because of this, you are particularly adept at socializing and interacting with fiends. Whenever you roll a Charisma skill check in which you are interacting with a fiend that is not hostile, you roll at advantage.
Additionally, you gain proficiency in Persuasion and Deception. If you were already proficient in these skills, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any Persuasion and Deception skill checks.
### Greater Profane Magic
Starting at 4th level, you may now prepare greater profane magical abilities.
### Ability Score Improvement
Also when you reach 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you cannot increase an ability score about 20 using this feature.
### Elluvia's Curse
Starting at 5th level, through your touch you may cause a creature to seek you out until you utterly control them. Choose a humanoid creature that you embrace as an action that is either willing to be embraced or is incapacitated. Your target must roll a Wisdom saving throw or fall under Elluvia's Curse. Cursed targets are charmed by you and feel a euphoric sensation when first cursed, granting them advantage on their next attack, saving throw, or skill check. During the action they have advantage, they feel the same sensation as when you touched them and they see an enticing vision. Suddenly, the vision is gone and they are consumed with a desire of your embrace. They now have disadvantage on all attacks and ability checks until they return to you and you use this ability again, creating a cycle of bliss and torment. Upon the 3rd time you curse the same creature, they are then charmed and dominated by you as though a permanent *dominate person* spell had been cast on them. Unless the source of the damage is from you, damaging a cursed target does not grant them an additional saving throw to break free of this effect. You may only have one dominated creature from this feature at a time. Only a *remove curse*, *greater restoration*, or *wish* spell can break Elluvia's Curse.
You may use this ability a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, regaining all expended uses after finishing a long rest.
## Profane Magic
#### Profane Touch
- **Profane Point Cost.** 0
Through a touch, you can channel Abyssal energies into a terrifying, psychic assault. As an action, touch a willing creature or roll a melee spell attack against your target who takes 2d8 + your Charisma modifier psychic damage on a hit, as psychic visions of debauched horror and malice flood their minds. Damage from this ability, and when you deal spell betrayal damage with it, can not cause a creature to reroll a saving throw to break a charmed condition currently affecting them, as they percieve the visions as sensual, not vile. If you deal damage with your profane touch, you gain 1 profane point.
This ability's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 11th level (3d8) and 17th level (4d8).
#### Queen's Mask
- **Profane Point Cost.** 2
As an action, you polymoprh into any Small or Medium sized humanoid form. Other than your size, your statistics are the same in this new form. Any equipment you are wearing or carrying is not transformed. If you die while in this new form, you revert to your true form.
This effect lasts for 8 hours. You can cancel it any time.
#### Seductive Gaze
- **Profane Point Cost.** 2
Simply by looking at a creature, they may fell under your spell. As a bonus action, choose one creature within 30 feet that you can see and that can see you. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you until the end of your next turn. When this effect ends, the creature is not aware it was under any magical influence.
#### Shrouded Deeds
- **Profane Point Cost.** 1
You may use your profane magic to conceal yourself from detection. As an action, a *nondetection* spell shrouds you for 1 hour. You may expend additional profane points to increase this duration by 1 hour for every additional point expended.
#### Thwart Faith
- **Profane Point Cost.** 3
Whenever you see a magical spell being cast that channels some divine power, holy symbol, or when a creature calls upon a deity, you may affect the connection that creature or spell has to that which fuels their magic. As a reaction to seeing a creature cast a spell using their holy symbol as a spellcasting component or when a creature simply verbally invokes their god, so long as you can see your target and they are within 60 feet, you may either cast *counterspell* against their magic or you may force the target creature to succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be be blinded until the end of their next turn. Using this ability requires no movement or sound from you, thus creatures may begin to question their faith or the power of their god.
#### Tempting Glance
- **Profane Point Cost.** 2
Your simple glance can cause the most virtuous individuals to fall from grace. As a bonus action, choose a humanoid creature you can see within 30 feet that can also see you. They must make a Wisdom saving throw or roll their next saving throw against an effect that applies the charmed condition at disadvantage. This effect lasts 10 minutes.
#### Vile Charm
- **Profane Point Cost.** 3
You can attempt to charm a humanoid and infuse them with dark energy by quietly whispering under your breath vile profanity and entwining your words with magic---thus you cannot use this ability if you cannot speak. As an action, choose a humanoid creature within 60 feet that you can see that must make a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for 1 minute. If the target is currently hostile to you, they roll their save with advantage. When a creature is under this effect, you may choose a number of creatures that you know that it can see or knows of that it becomes hostile to and may attack. When this effect ends, the creature knows it was charmed but may not know by whom.
## Greater Profane Magic
#### Stealing Touch
- **Profane Point Cost.** 2
Your profane touch is augmented to siphon the essence of those you touch, much like a succubus. Whenever you deal damage to a humanoid with your profane touch, you can choose to deal an additional 2d6 necrotic damage and regain hit points equal to half all psychic and necrotic damgage done, rounded down. When you do so, you do not gain 1 profane point for using your profane touch.
#### Thralls
- **Profane Point Cost.** Special
At 5th level, when you gain Elluvia's Curse, you may enhance the ability so that you are not limited to only 1 dominated creature. For every creature you have dominated by Elluvia's Curse, you must expend 1 profane point whenever you finish a short or long rest up to your Charisma modifier. If you cannot expend the number of profane points required to maintain domination, the curse effect ends for a number of creatures equal to the difference. You choose which creatures are no longer dominated.
#### Unholy Demand
- **Profane Point Cost.** 4
When you use this ability, you must be touching or embracing a creature for 1 minute and take no actions other than focusing on channeling this ability. Afterwards, they must make a Wisdom saving throw or act as though you affected them with a *geas* spell. You may only have one creature under this effect at a time.
## Malcanthet
*Queen of the Succubi, The Profane Lady*
**Alignment:** Neutral Evil
**Divine Domains:** Charm, Trickery
**Home Plane:** The Nine Hells of Baator
**Favored Weapon:** Scourge
**Symbol:** Iron pierced red lips with a drop of blood
Malcanthet is a stunning, cosmically beautiful humanoid woman, though she may take on any appearance that fits her desire. Her lips are a deep, red rose. Horns curl around her head like a regal crown of authority. Massive bat wings shroud or frame her form. The Profane Lady's walk is both graceful and menacing to any who might look upon her.
Her appetite for sexual exploits is famously unquenchable. To her, lust is not an aspect of existence, but a reason. It fuels her, guides her, inspires her, and aids her. With her new role as Asmodeus' sometime-messenger, Malcanthet has been more involved than ever in the politics of the Lower Planes. Recently, she has tapped into a malevolent source of energy that is fueled by carnal pleasure in the hopes that it will ascend her to the status of a goddess. She currently has a growing network of cultists, spies, and, more recently, clerics who worship her as a deity of lust and irreverence.
### History
Malcanthet was among the first of the succubi to come into being in the Abyss. She obtained her current title after years of waging wars and committing savage betrayals upon her fellow "sister" succubi and former paramours. As a result of her ruthless climb to the top, she has cultivated a long list of enemies, which includes Graz'zt, Yeenoghu, and Baphomet. Her few allies include the Prince of Demons Demogorgon, with whom she birthed the monstrous Arendagrost; Pazuzu, from whom she mothered the succubus Red Shroud; her current consort Mastiphal the Hunting Sovereign; and Socothbenoth, a demon lord concerned with sexual taboos and perversions.
Other demon lords aspire to the position as Queen of the Succubi, including Lady Lynkhab, the currently imprisoned Shami-Amourae, and the exiled Xinivrae. Other rivals exist elsewhere in the Abyss, but they ultimately pose little or no threat to Malcanthet.
### The Nine Hells of Baator
Recently, succubi have gone from having the Abyss as their home to occupying all of the Lower Planes. Asmodeus, by partnering with Malcanthet, drew many succubi to Hell to help end the Blood War. Their deal also moved the false paradise Shendilavri to Nessus, though Malcanthet was to have sole dominion over the region in the Hellish plane.
> ##### Malcanthet's Dogma
>*"Behold the grace and power of your Queen. Know it. Revere it. Succumb to it. Through betrayal and lust, you are made closer to her embrace. Through guile, you are made more beautiful. Grace is made all the more when fallen, and corruption through temptation is bliss eternal." *
## Alu-Fiend
Alu-fiends are the result of the bloodlines of ancient succubi, such as Malcanthet or Shami-Amourae, emerging in a humanoid line. Alu-fiends are treated with even more prejudice and suspicion than tieflings, however. In many ways, these creatures come to view themselves as succubi, making little or no distinction. While succubi almost always view each other as competition, alu-fiends tend to have a more friendly disposition and long to associate with their kin.
### Mortal and Fiend
Because alu-fiends exist in both worlds, they are highly mistrusted, even more so than tieflings. Most mortals would run in fear at the sight of an alu-fiend, afraid for their very lives and soul. Because of this, most alu-fiends are evil if not just for their nature but for the sake of survival; greed and selfishness seems to help them travel the Material Plane as both a mortal and a fiend. Other than their obvious succucbi-like appearance, alu-fiends could potentially look like a fiendish version of their mortal parents' race.
### Alu-fiend Traits
Alu-fiends share certain racial traits as a result of their fiendish descent.
***Ability Score Increase.*** Your Charisma score increases by 2 and 1 other ability score increases by 1, normally the dominant ability score of your parents' race.
***Age.*** Alu-fiends only semblance of age is how their mortal parentage reaches maturity in which the aging process stops, thus an alu-fiend offspring from a human would look 18-24 forever.
***Alignment.*** You are most likely evil, though there are rare exceptions.
***Size and Type.*** Alu-fiends are about the same size and build as humans. Your size is Medium. Your type is fiend.
***Speed.*** Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
***Darkvision.*** You can see dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
***Bat Wings.*** You have small, useable wings on your back. If they are not encoumbered with armor or clothing, you may hover above the ground or fly, horizontally or downward only, at a distance equal to your speed. You must end your turn on the ground or fall, given that your wings are not strong enough to hold you aloft for extended periods of time.
***Shapechanger.*** Upon maturation of age, choose a humanoid form of Small or Medium size. You may, as an action, polymorph into this form or back again as though you used the change appearance feature of the *alter self* spell. Your new form cannot possess wings, and thus you lose your bat wings feature while transformed.. This transformation is indefinite, but you revert to your alu-fiend form if you die. At 4th level, and every 2 levels afterwards, you gain an additional form to transform into.
***Charm.*** You know the *friends* cantrip. At 3rd level, you can cast *charm person* once before you must finish a long rest to do so again. At 5th level, you may also cast *vampirich touch* once before you must finish a long rest to do so again. Charisma is the spellcasting ability for these spells.
***Languages.*** You can speak, read, and write Common, Abyssal, and Infernal.
# Shendilavri
The region of Hell known as the False Paradise is Shendilavri. On the surface it looks like any expansive region on the Material Plane -- it has rich, dense forests, beautiful lakes and rivers, stunning gardens and bustling cities. Even mortals travel the streets of theses cities, living out their lives without a full understanding of exactly where they are. Fiends, usually succubi or lilitu in humanoid form, corrupt and entice mortals to forsake any semblance of their souls to Malcanthet, whether directly or indirectly. Ruled by Queen Malcanthet, most mortals believe her to be like any other queen -- powerful and beautiful. Little do they know she is the Queen of the Succubi and they are only in Shendilavri to serve to her delight of torment.
Shendilavri is located in Nessus, the Ninth Circle of Hell, and has many locales within it, detailed below:
**City of Miomanta.** This coastal city is the destination of the countless creatures who begin to bore Malcanthet and the elite members of her court. Shackled and dejected, these slaves spend the rest of their days under the torture and delight of those who find glory and revelry in enjoying the outcasts of their queen.
**City of Rivenheart.** Rivenheart is the capital of Shendilavri, where the seat of the queen resides. Within the city's center lies Malcanthet's open palace where her Throne of a Thousand Arms writhes and yearns for their queen. This bustling metrapolis has only one rule: obey Malcanthet.
**The Fields of Harmony.** This lush plain produces rhe succulent fruits and delicious grains that stock Rivenheart's pantries and banquet halls. Vineyards in the foothills of the picturesque western mountains produce some of the finest (and most intoxicating) wines in the Lower Planes, with vintages so addictive that they are known by the most discerning connoisseurs of the Material Plane. Slaves from Rivenheart and Miomanta work for an eternity in these fields.
**Istancian.** This island houses the Rapine City of the same name. The Radiant Sisters of Shendilavri have made this place their home, ruling it with absolute authority. When the sisters seek a respite from the coastal region of the plane, they return to their city and find solace in its streets and buildings where even Malcanthet lets them exist without her presence for the queen never sets foot on the isle created for her elite daughters.
**The Puzzling Hedge.** The lore of Shendilavri suggests that those who enter this great leafy hedge maze alone and manage to find its center without being devoured by carnivorous beasts are granted their heart's desire by Malcanthet herself. Dead-ends sometimes lead to the utter madness, but the true center of the hedge labyrinth contains a portal to Malcanthet's supposed private chambers. Characters who attempt to cheat by flying into the air and survey the maze or moving immediately to its center incur the wrath of Gulmengiuum, a fiendish adult green dragon who keeps a constant vigil from the skies above the maze for exactly this purpose. Those who stay within the confines of the hedge maze have nothing to fear from the woeful wyrm, but those who attempt to steal their way into Malcanthet's gift risk a terrible fate.
**The Reckless Coast.** This seemingly endless coast south of the activity of Shendilavri is a beach and valley between a massive mountain range. Believed to be the safest place of Shendilavri, many creatures chance upon the region by first entering this coast and hear the whispers of temptation call to them in the wind to travel north.
**Shudderwall.** A free-standing cathedral in the foothills north of the Puzzling Hedge serves as the personal retreat of Malcanthet, where she takes some of her most-favored consorts for week-long erotic excursions designed to sap them of their will and make them forever her creatures. Numerous private chambers allow the Succubus Queen to invite vast retinues of followers and enraptured mortals to her retreats, during which all participants freely exchange partners in a panoply of carnal excess. By the time the locked gates open to allow participants to return to Rivenheart or farther destinations, several mortals lay dead upon the cathedral floor, naked and broken amid scraps of clothing and unidentifiable organic liquids.
**The Six Sacred Pools.** Temptation fiends from Rivenheart often alight to this terraced series of natural pools to reflect upon their latest mortal targets and conquests, for the gorgeous scenery and calmly babbling waterfalls that connect the pools to the Scarlet Sea are tranquil enough to soothe even fiendish spirits.
##### Art Credits
- **Cover Page:** [Succubus Cover](https://bayardwu.deviantart.com/) by bayardwu
- **Throne Background.** [jordangrimmer](https://jordangrimmer.deviantart.com/art/Throne-Room-498954498)
- **the Queen.** [jina lee](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v2NJd)
- **Queen of the Doomed.** faintsound