# Way of the Flowing Spirit Monks of the Flowing Spirit are renowned for their composure and clarity on the battlefield. Followers of Ben-Hadar, Archomental Prince of Good Water Creatures, Monks of this tradition have an unrivalled control over the flow of any battle, controlling not only themselves but those around them to turn the tide of battle. ###### --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #### Ebbing Tide Monks of the Way of the Flowing Spirit have a powerful control over the ebb and flow of the battlefield, making it nearly impossible to hit them when in melee combat. When you take this tradition at third level you gain advantage on initiative rolls. Additionally, you can choose to use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier for your initiative bonus. Monks of this tradition also acquire a second reaction. This second reaction follows all regular guidelines for taking a reaction with the exception that if it used to make an opportunity attack, it must be an unarmed attack. #### Undertow Starting at 6th level, Monks of the Flowing Spirit can use a reaction to attempt to redirect a hostile creatures melee attack. When a hostile creature you can see makes a melee weapon or unarmed melee attack against either an ally or yourself, you can use a reaction to try and redirect the attack to a target of your choosing. The original attacker must make a dexterity saving throw versus your Ki save DC. On a successful save the attack happens unhindered on its original target. On a failed save you redirect their attack to a target of your choosing that is within the attacker’s range. The redirected attack is considered identical to the original for the attack roll, however the damage is equal to the original damage of the attack + your Wisdom modifier. Additionally, if there is no target to redirect the attack to it is considered a missed attack and does no damage. You can use this ability an amount equal to your Monk level divided by 2 (rounded down) per long rest. #### Unhindered Flow Monks of the Way of the Flowing Spirit pride themselves on their flow in combat, their evasive skills being a pivotal aspect of the martial training. At 11th level, Monks who follow this monastic order can cast *Blur* (2 ki points) or *Mirror Image* (2 ki points) without the need for material components. Additionally, if you take damage whilst Blur is active, you can use you Wisdom saving throw modifier instead of your Constitution saving throw modifier for concentration checks. ``` ``` #### Tidal Surge At 17th level, Monks of the Way of the Flowing Spirit are so in tune with battlefield they can surge their Ki through the attacks of others. When you successfully redirect an attack with your Undertow ability, you can choose to give the redirected attack a Tidal Surge. Alternatively, you can use a reaction and spend 1 ki point to give a willing ally you can see a Tidal Surge on their next melee weapon attack. You can use this after an attack roll has been made, but before you know whether it successfully hits or not. This ability can be used an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier per long rest. Attacks that have a Tidal Surge gain the following benefits: - The attack is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. - The damage of the attack uses either the original damage dice or the appropriate damage dice from the martial arts column of the monk table (whichever is greater), and gains 2 additional damage die equal to the appropriate martial arts die from the martial arts column of the monk table.* - You can spend 1 additional ki point (up to 3 extra ki point) to add an extra 1d10 cold damage to the attack.* - You can spend 1 extra ki point to have the attack be a Stunning Strike. The saving throw is made against your Ki save DC. - If the attack is successful, the target has disadvantage on its next attack or saving throw (whichever occurs first). *N.B. When Tidal Surging an ally, these damage die are not doubled when calculating a critical hit.*