# Introduction
This supplemental guide to Fifth Edition D&D is intended to provide references for modern equipment and mechanics in an Urban Fantasy type setting. It introduces contemporary skills, weapons, items, and armor including firearms. This guide is framed as a supply and equipment catalog for the fictional "SCP" universe, but can be expanded to any semi-modern setting with minimal alteration to play-style or design.
## New Damage Types #### Ballistics Damage This new damage type is a combination of Piercing, Bludgeoning, and Force damage. Monsters with immunities or resistances to these types of damage generally have resistance to Ballistics damage as well. The "Gritty Realism" healing mechanic found in the official Dungeon Master's Guide (p267) might serve useful for your setting if the pacing is appropriate. ## New Armor Features Most modern armor provides some protection against Ballistics damage. Heavier armor requires a minimum strength to wield and is more difficult to maneuver in. This is reflected in the "Maximum Dexterity Bonus". ## New Skills #### Driving (Dex) This skill is intended to be utilized under stressful or unusual driving situations such as chases, stunts, or while operating under adverse conditions and can be divided into sub categories such as piloting if the DM finds it appropriate. #### Mechanical Tinkerer (Int) This skill has been expanded to encompass vehicle repair and interaction with other modern mechanical machinery. #### Technology (Int) This skill governs general computer based actions such as hacking, programming, or performing investigative digital research. ## The Masquerade Few in the modern world are ready to accept the existence of the supernatural. Thusly, the Masquerade was born in order to protect and hide its presence. This elaborate yet simple conspiracy dates back untold centuries. Creatures under the decree of The Masquerade must do all within their power to uphold its tenants and bring punishment to those who would violate it. *At All Costs...*
##### **Thou shall not reveal the supernatural to the outside eye. To do so is death.**
#####  *Gary Gygax Created The Monster Manual. * #####  *Samuel Colt Made Them Mortal.*         *~Anonymous Quote* ``` ``` ## Sanity and Madness An optional tracker has been added to the example character sheet for the Sanity and Madness found in the official Dungeon Master's Guide (p259). ## Carry Capacity This concept has been re-tooled into "Item Slots" as opposed to weight. This is intended to keep player options reasonably limited in a modern setting. Vehicles, backpacks, and safe houses can be used to mitigate or reduce this mechanic.
##### Item Slots Characters have access to **4 item slots** plus their Strength Modifier, Size Modifier, and any armor modifiers.
## Regarding Balance ##### ***Here There Be Dragons*** While ammo tracking is often considered tedious this mechanic is necessary to balancing firearms, as their damage potential surpasses low level spells and melee potential. This is mitigated by ammo capacity and damage resistance. * The amount of available ammunition directly ties to potential damage output before restocking. * Reloading is part of the combat action economy. * Players should be expected to have higher damage potential than normal 5e D&D. Ammunition tracking is intended to keep Dexterity based characters from rapidly out-pacing the combat potential of other characters when tying Armor Class, Damage Bonuses, and Attack Bonuses to a single attribute. It is a risk/reward that requires players to acknowledge the potential to be left in a dire situations without ammo. A DM should advise that ammo Challenge Ratings (CR) has been heavily criticized in 5E for lacking accuracy and consistency. With this in mind, DMs are encouraged to tweak monsters and add stronger opponents to otherwise normal encounters.
##### Combat Mechanical Reminders - Ranged attacks suffer disadvantage against adjacent creatures unless wielding a close quarters weapon. - Leaving a hostile creatures reach allows an opportunity attack unless you take the "Disengage" action, thus forfeiting any other actions that turn such as attacking. - **Suggested House Rule:** Reloading within a threatened square allows an opportunity attack.
#            SCP QUARTERMASTER GUIDE #####             a list of requisitionable items and equipment for field operations.
## Armor Modern body armor comes in a variety of shapes and sizes and provides varying degrees of utility and protection. Some are more practical than others depending on situational needs. Base unarmored AC is [10 + Dexterity Modifier]. ## Maximum Dexterity Bonus This feature reflects the amount of mobility granted while wearing certain armors. It governs how much of a characters dexterity attribute can be applied to skill rolls, combat rolls, initiative, and armor class.
### Table: Armor | Name | |Armor Class | Strength |      Stealth | Weight | Properties | |:----|:-----|:----------|:--------|:-------|:------|:----------| | ***Light*** | |-------------------- |---------- | ---------------- | ---------- |------------------------------ | |  Leather Jacket | | 11 + Dex Mod | | |   4 lb | Casual | |  Undercover Shirt | | 12 + Dex Mod | | |   2 lb | Casual | |  Kevlar Biker Coat | | 12 + Dex Mod | | Disadvantage |   8 lb | Casual | |  Undercover Vest | | 13 + Dex Mod | | |   3 lb | Casual | | ***Medium*** | |-------------------- |---------- | ---------------- | ---------- |------------------------------ | |  Concealable Vest | | 13 + Dex (max 2) | | |   4 lb | Casual | |  Light-Duty Vest | | 14 + Dex (max 3) | | |   8 lb | Tactical (+1) | |  Tactical Vest | | 15 + Dex (max 3)   | Str 10 | Disadvantage |   10 lb | Tactical (+2), speed -5 | | ***Heavy*** | |-------------------- |---------- | ---------------- | ---------- |------------------------------ | |  Special Response Vest   | | 16 | Str 11 | Disadvantage |   15 lb | Tactical (+2), speed -5 | |  Land Warrior Armor | | 17 | Str 12 | Disadvantage |   20 lb | Tactical (+3), speed -5 | |  Forced Entry Unit | | 18 | Str 13 | Disadvantage |  30 lb | Speed -5 | ***Shield*** | |-------------------- |---------- | ---------------- | ---------- |------------------------------ | |  Improvised | | 1 | | Disadvantage |  3 lb | One-Handed | |  Riot | | 2 | Str 11 | Disadvantage |   4 lb | One-Handed |
### Armor Properties     **Casual.** This armor can be worn in public without concern. **Tactical.** Allows one or more additional Item Slots. **Undercover Shirt.** Ballistic damage is reduced by 2. **Kevlar-lined Coat.** Ballistic damage is reduced by 2. **Undercover Vest.** Ballistic damage is reduced by 2. **Concealable Vest.** Ballistic damage is reduced by 3. **Light-duty Vest.** Ballistic damage is reduced by 3. **Tactical Vest.** Ballistic damage resistance. ``` ``` **Special Response Vest.** Ballistic damage resistance. Slashing damage is reduced by 2. **Land Warrior Armor.** Ballistic/Slashing/Bludgeoning / Force damage is reduced by 3. **Forced Entry Unit.** Ballistic/Slashing/Bludgeoning/Force damage resistance. **Improvised/Riot Shield.** Increase AC Bonuses
\page ## Tools     **Chemistry Set.** Contains easily portable chemicals, reagents, and solvents. This kit allows your proficiency bonus to be added to any chemically related skill checks. **Disguise Kit.** Contains mundane items used to lightly disguise ones voice and appearance. This kit allows your proficiency bonus to be added to Deception skill checks. **Engineering Kit.** Contains mechanical and electrical engineering equipment. This kit allows your proficiency bonus to be added to Mechanical/Tinkerer skill checks. **Forgery Kit.** This kit contains methods to create fake identification and documents. This kit allows your proficiency bonus to be added to Deception skill checks. **Forensics Kit.** Contains materials for investigate, and collecting evidence at crime scenes without contaminating it. This kit allows your proficiency bonus to be added to Investigate skill checks. **Hacking Tools.** Contains the hardware and software used to gain access to electronic systems. This kit allows your proficiency bonus to be added to Technology skill checks. **Medical Aid Kit.** Contains first aid materials and may be used up to 5 times. This kit allows your proficiency bonus to be added to any Medical skill checks. **Performance Kit.** Contains any appropriate instrument or necessary cosmetics. This kit allows your proficiency bonus to be added to Performance skill checks. **Survival Kit.** Provides access to easily transportable outdoor survival gear. This kit allows your proficiency bonus to be added to Nature or Survival skill checks. **Spy Kit.** Contains analog and digital equipment used to spy upon a person or specific areas. This kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to Investigation or Perception rolls made while performing surveillance.
## Weapons Characters are allowed 1 weapon loadout. Weapons not labeled "*Light*" or "*Heavy*" are considered "*Normal*". Additional weapons beyond standard loadouts utilize Item Slots *(1 to 3 slots respectively)*. If you carry a melee weapon, you may apply your reloads to your firearm
##### Weapon Loadouts - 2 light weapons (*2 reloads each*) - 1 normal and 1 light weapon (*1 reload each*) - 1 heavy weapon (*1 reload*)
### Weapon Properties     **CQC.** (Close Quarter Combat) You have advantage on attacks made against targets within 15 feet or less. **Burst Fire.** Spray a 10-foot cube within normal range. Target must DEX Save [10+Dex+Proficiency] or take normal damage. This consumes 10 ammo. **Covert.** Can be hidden via (Sleight of Hand) skill rolls. **Heavy.** Cannot take the *dash* action while wielding. **Knockback**. On a critical hit, STR Save [10+Proficiency] vs 10 foot knockback. **LRC.** (Long Range Combat) You have disadvantage on attacks made against targets within 15 feet or less. **Massive Critical.** Treat a 19/20 as a critical hit. **Reload.** This weapon can be fired a number of times equal to its Reload score before you must spend an action(A) or full-round(FR) to reload. You must have one hand free to do so. The trailing number indicates the amount of ammunition available per reload that a character can comfortably carry.
##### Example *(See: Magnum Revolver)* **"Reload (6x1) FR"** would indicate that a weapon can be fired 6 times, has 1 additional reload of 6 ammunition available, and requires a full round to reload.
``` ```
### Table: Melee Weapons | Name | |Damage | Weight | Properties | |:----|:-----|:-----|:------|:----------| | Knuckle Dusters | | 1d4 bludgeoning | 1 lb | Covert, light, *Added Proficiency to Damage*| | Pocket Knife || 1d4 slashing | 1 lb | Covert, finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60)| | Trench Knife | | 1d6 piercing | 2 lb | Finesse, light, massive critical | | Machete | | 1d6 slashing | 2 lb | Finesse, light | | Baton, spring | | 1d6 bludgeoning| 1 lb | Covert, finesse, light | | Baton, stun | | 1d4 lightning | 1 lb | Charges (5), finesse, light, CON Save [13 vs stunned] (1 rnd)| | Hatchet | | 1d6 slashing| 2 lb | Light, Throw (range 20/60) | | Axe | | 1d8 slashing | 4 lb | Versatile (1d10) | | Cane Sword | | 1d8 piercing | 3 lb | Covert, finesse | | Sledgehammer | | 2d6 bludgeoning | 8 lb | Heavy, knockback, massive critical, 13 str, two-handed | | Crowbar | | 1d6 bludgeoning | 4 lb | Versatile (1d8) | | Hand Taser | | 1d4 lightning | 2 lb | Light, range (15 feet), reload (1x1) A, CON Save [15 vs stunned] (1 rnd)| | Chainsaw | | 4d6 slashing | 14 lb | Heavy, massive critical, 13 str, 2-handed |
### Table: Ranged Weapons | Name | |Damage | Weight | Properties | |:----|:-----|:-----|:------|:----------| |***Sidearms***||-----------------|------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |  Pocket Pistol | | 2d4 ballistic | 2 lb | Ammunition (range 40/120), CQC, covert, light, reload (7x1) A| |  Light Pistol| | 1d10 ballistic | 3 lb | Ammunition (range 50/150), light, reload (12x1) A| |  Magnum Revolver       | | 1d12 ballistic | 4 lb | Ammunition (range 50/150), light, reload (6x1) FR | |  Sawed-off Shotgun        | | 3d6 ballistic | 3 lb | Ammunition (range 30/90), CQC, knockback (2x proficiency), reload (2x4) A | |***Rifles***||-----------------|------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |  Submachine Gun | | 2d6 ballistic | 8 lb | Ammunition (range 80/240), burst, reload (30x1) A, 2-handed | |  Assault Rifle | | 2d8 ballistic | 7 lb | Ammunition (range 100/300), burst, heavy, reload (30x1) A, 2-handed| |  Tactical Shotgun | | 3d6 ballistic | 9 lb | Ammunition (range 50/150), reload(6x1) FR, massive critical, 2-handed| |***Heavy Weaponry***||-----------------|------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |  Sniper Rifle | | 2d10 ballistic   | 9 lb | Ammunition (range 400/1200), heavy, reload (1x10) A, LRC, two-handed| |  Machine Gun | | 2d8 ballistic | 17 lb | Ammunition (range 200/600), burst, heavy, LRC, reload (100x1) A, 2-handed| |  RPG | | 8d6 ballistic | 8 lb | Ammunition (range 200/600), burst (20 ft), reload (1x2) A, DEX Save [15] | |***Explosives***||-----------------|------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |  Flashbang | | Blind/Deaf [1round] | 1 lb | (range 30/60), (radius 15 ft), SEX Save [15] | |  Frag Grenade | | 4d6 Piercing | 1 lb | (range 30/60), (radius 15 ft), DES Save [16] | |  Gas Grenade | | Sickened | 1 lb | (range 30/60), (radius 15 ft), Con Save [16], *[-2 all rolls]*| |  Smoke Grenade | | Concealment | 1 lb | (range 30/60), (radius 20 ft) | |  Thermite Grenade| | 6d6 Fire | 1 lb | (range 30/60), (radius 15ft), DEX Save [18] | |  Planted C4 | | 10d10 Force | 5 lb | Remote (range 500), (radius 30 ft), tripwire, timed up to 60 minutes, Large (2), DEX Save [20]| |***Experimental*** ||-----------------|------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |  Laser Rifle | | 3d8 radiant | 7 lb | Ammunition (range 100/300), reload (20x1) A, 2-handed| |  Plasma Rifle| | 4d10 necrotic | 10 lb | Ammunition (range 100/300), heavy, reload (4x2) A, 2-handed| |  Concussion Rifle | | 2d10 force | 6 lb | Ammunition (range 60/180), knockback, reload (20x1) A, 2-handed | |  Cryonic Rifle | | 2d10 cold | 8 lb | Ammunition (range 80/240), reload (20x1) A, 2-handed, | |  Rail Gun | | 10d6 piercing | 18 lb | Ammunition (range 1200),heavy,knockback,LRC,reload(1x2) A, 2-handed|
### Experimental Weapon Properties     **Experimental.** Per standard regulation eliminate, capture, or force memory loss onto any unauthorized persons who witness these items in the field. **Laser Rifle.** When reducing a creature to 0 hit points, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 13) or be reduced to dust. **Plasma Rifle.** When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with this weapon, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15) or be reduced to a puddle of nondescript mush. **Concussion Rifle.** The Knockback Str saving throw for this weapon is 8+[Proficiency Modifier x 2]. If a target fails by more than 5, they are knocked prone. **Cryonic Rifle.** When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, they become petrified in ice. This condition can be reversed with a 12 hr ritual. ``` ```   **Rail Gun.** Fires a heavy tungsten rod damaging all targets in a straight line, ignoring all forms of non-magical damage reduction or resistance.
\page ## Utility Utility Items can be held in a single Item Slot unless noted otherwise. All non-experimental weaponry is allowed 1 Weapon Modification. Special ammo and additional reloads utilize an Item Slot. ### Utility item properties     **Addictive.** Receive -2 to rolls when exhausted unless another dose is available. Detoxing takes 1 week. **Damaging.** Upon use, take one level of Exhaustion. *max 5* **Small.** This item fills 0.5 of an item slot. **Large.** This item fills 2 or more item slots.
### Table: Utility Items | Name | | | Weight | Properties | |:----|:-----|:-----|:------|:----------| |***Items***|||--------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |  Adrenaline (Shot) ||| 0.5 lb | Uses (1), small, damaging, (Revives a dying character to 1 HP)| |  Amphetamine (Shot) ||| 0.5 lb | Uses (1), small, (1/week remove one level of exhaustion) | |  Anti-toxin (Shot) ||| 0.5 lb | Uses (1), small, damaging, (Cure effects of poison or venom) | |  Bliss (Shot) ||| 0.5 lb | Uses (1), small, (Induces 4d12 hours of memory loss), [Con DC 17] | |  Pain Pills *Mild* ||| 0.5 lb | Uses (3), small, (Heal 2d4+2) | |  Pain Pills *Strong*||| 0.5 lb | Uses (2), small, (Heal 4d4+4), addiction [Con DC 6] | |  Triage (Shot) ||| 0.5 lb | Uses (1), small, (Heal 8d4+8), addiction [Con DC 8] | |  Cigarettes ||| 0.5 lb | Uses (10), small, (Advantage on next non-STR/CON skill check), addiction [Con DC 11] | |  Duct Tape ||| 0.5 lb | Uses (15), too many uses to list, allows for unconventional improvisation | |  Super Glue ||| 0.5 lb | Uses (5), mend mundain objects, allows for unconventional improvisation | |  Lighter ||| 0.5 lb | Uses (75), small, light simple fires | |  Multi-Tool ||| 0.5 lb | Complete with wire snippers, allows wielder to assist others on appropriate skill rolls | |  Travel Shovel ||| 1 lb | A small entrenching tool used for digging and chopping | |  Zip Ties x5 ||| 0.5 lb | Restrain a large or smaller target, Requires x1 [Dex/Str DC 18] to escape | |  Steel Cuffs ||| 1 lb | Restrain a large or smaller target, Requires x2 [Dex/Str DC 20] to escape | |  Caltrops ||| 1 lb | Cover a 5' square, [Dex DC 15] vs 1 Piercing Damage and ceasing movement | |  Radio ||| 1 lb | Hand-held or belt mounted, push-to-talk with optional earpiece, range (5 miles) | |  Canteen ||| 2 lb | Uses (5), provides fresh liquid | |  Cutting Torch ||| 3 lb | Uses (5), large (2), cut simple objects, finesse 2d6 fire| |  Extinguisher ||| 2 lb | Uses (10), large (2), action- extinguish a 5-foot square | |  Thermal goggles ||| 2 lb | Provide darkvision , nullify non-magic fog, [*disadvantage on saves vs blindness*]| |  Gas mask ||| 1 lb | Immunity vs most non-magical and minor-magical gases/toxins | |  Flashlight/head lamp||| 1 lb | Illuminate a 60 foot cone or 30 foot radius | |  Paracord Rope ||| 4 lb | 100 ft of 750 lb load strength with aluminum climbing clips, large (2) | |***Weapon Modules*** |||--------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |  Laser Sight ||| 0.5 lb | +1 to attacks within standard range | |  Extended Barrel ||| 0.5 lb | +1 to damage | |  Hair Trigger ||| 0.5 lb | One additional attack roll at -5 | |  Mounted Light ||| 1 lb | Illuminate a 60 foot cone, | |  Suppressor ||| 1 lb | Shot source is undetectable beyond 20 ft | |***Special Ammunition*** |||--------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |  Additional Reload ||| 1 lb | 1 reload for a weapon | |  Blessed Rounds ||| 1 lb | Convert ballistic damage to holy | |  Incendiary Rounds ||| 1 lb | Convert ballistic damage to fire | |  Non-Lethal Rounds ||| 1 lb | Convert ballistic damage to non-lethal bludgeoning |
\page ## Vehicles    **Armor Class (AC):** The vehicle’s Armor Class while outside of the first range increment or in movement. Attempts to hit a stationary vehicle automatically hit. **Hardness:** The standard Damage Reduction of the vehicles frame and body. All vehicles are resistant to bludgeoning and slashing damage.     **Hit Points (HP):** The vehicle’s full normal hit points. **Handling (DC):** The base recommended DC for driving/piloting checks to perform complex maneuvers. **Maximum Speed:** The max speed the vehicle can attain. **Occupants:** The number of passengers plus operators the vehicle is generally designed to carry. **Cargo:** The recommended amount of cargo that a vehicle is designed to carry before receiving penalties to skill checks.
### Table: Vehicles | Name | | Armor Class | Hardness | HP | Handling | Max Speed | | Occupants | Cargo | |:----|:-----:|:-----------|:----------------|:--|:--------:|:---------|:----|:----|:-----| | ** *Civilian Ground Vehicles* ** ||-------------|----------|------|------|---------------||----------|------------| |  Used Rust Bucket| |9 |2 |75 |12 |85 mph | |3+1 |250 lbs. | |  Sports Coupe | |14 |5 |100 |5 |200 mph | |1+1 |200 lbs. | |  Sedan | |13 |5 |125 |8 |140 mph | |4+1 |300 lbs. | |  SUV | |12 |5 |150 |10 |130 mp | |5+1 |500 lbs. | |  Pickup Truck | |12 |5 |150 |10 |120 mph | |5+1 |1,500 lbs. | |  Armored Car | |10 |10|200 |12 |100 mph | |7+1 |2,500 lbs. | |  Semi Truck | |9 |7 |200 |15 |120 mph | |2+1 |10,000 lbs.| |  ATV | |15 |2 |60 |5 |60 mph | |1+1 |50 lbs. | |  Street Bike | |15 |2 |60 |5 |160 mph | |1+1 |25 lbs. | | ** *Civilian Aircraft* ** ||-------------|----------|------|------|---------------||----------|------------| |  Helicopter | |14 |5 |200 |8 |200 mph| |12+1 |500 lbs. | |  Single Prop Plane | |13 |5 |250 |10 |180 mph| |3+1 |250 lbs. | |  Dual Prop Cargo Plane| |16 |5 |250 |13 |220 mph| |10+1 |2,000 lbs.| |  Private Jet | |15 |5 |500 |16 |550 mph| |12+2 |1,000 lbs.| | ** *Civilian Watercraft* ** ||-------------|----------|------|------|---------------||----------|------------| |  Runabout | |13 |5 |160 |10 |50 mph | |4+1 |500 lbs. | |  Cabin Cruiser | |11 |10 |360 |15 |60 mph | |7+1 |1,000 lbs. | |  Jet Ski | |15 |2 |60 |5 |75 mph | |1+1 |50 lbs. | | ** *Military Ground Vehicles* ** ||-------------|----------|------|------|---------------||----------|------------| |  Humvee | |12 |10 |300|10 |70 mph | |5+1 |500 lbs. | |  Personnel Carrier | |18 |15 |350 |15 |50 mph | |16+1 |1,000 lbs.| | ** *Military Aircraft* ** ||-------------|----------|------|------|---------------||----------|------------| |  Heavy utility helicopter | |15 |15 |400 |10 |250 mph | |24+2 |7,500 lbs.|
###   # Classified field items ##### Items listed below have been classified SAFE and are deemed acceptable for limited public exposure. All field operatives are to be held responsible for thier safety and security. Any violation of safety protocols will lead to disciplinary action or termination.   ###### **BE ADVISED**: The combination of multiple items on a single persons is in violation of SCP Field Regulation 11-4-B and poses an unnecessary risk of a Backlash Event.   ### CLASSIFIED FIELD ITEMS LIST A-Z
#### +1 AMMUNITION (*Discovery Date 1941*, Paris France) A wood and steel reloading bench which produces pseudo-precognitive rounds. **PROPERTIES:** Provides one reload of ammunition for a standard firearm. (+1 to attack and damage) #### AMULET OF THE ONYX OX KING (*Discovery Date 1919*, Mexico City Mexico) A silver amulet with an onyx inlay of an eight horned ox head. **PROPERTIES:** Your Constitution score is 19 while you wear this amulet. It has no effect on you if your Constitution is already 19 or higher. #### AMULET OF OPONN (*Discovery Date 1961*, Las Vegas NV USA) A silver two sided amulet depicting Oponn, the twin jesters of chance. **PROPERTIES:** x1/short rest you may opt to re-roll your present attack roll, skill check, or saving throw and take the higher roll. However, you must make your next respective attack roll, skill check, or saving throw at disadvantage. #### AMULET OF THE SQUIRE (*Discovery Date 1933*, Mont Saint Michel, France) An iron amulet in the depiction of a kite shield. **PROPERTIES:** Your armor class is considered 18. You receive no dexterity bonus to your Armor Class, but may apply your full dexterity to skills, saving throws, initiative, attack, etc... #### BADGE OF ARMOR (*Discovered 1962*, Oulu Finland) An iron casting block used to create brass police badges. **PROPERTIES:** When worn, this badge attracts gunfire absorbing 24 points of ballistic damage before puffing into ash. Attempts to wear more than one badge results in the destruction of all materials involved. ``` ``` #### BEADS OF BLASTING (*Discovery Date 1977*, Davao City Philippines) A bracelet with 16 small white pearls with a white gold clasp. **PROPERTIES:** As an action, the user may remove a bead and adhere it to any object. These beads can then be detonated as an action. Each bead deals fire damage [1d8] in a 5-foot square. For each bead placed in a single square, the blast radius increases by 5 ft per 4 beads to a total of 20'. The Dexterity Saving throw is equal to 10 + half the number of beads used. #### BOOM STICK (*Discovery Date 1981*, Grand Rapids USA) A wooden derby handle cane composed of walnut and cobalt blue steel with the initials "AW" carved near the base. **PROPERTIES:** This mundane walking stick appears normal to all outward inspection. When speaking the command phrase it functions as a Tactical Shotgun with 12 charges. These charges reload at dawn each day. (3d6 Ballistic) (Range 50/150), Massive Critical, 2-handed. This item can also be used as a makeshift club (1d6 bludgeoning). **Note.** Despite all tests, this item has yet to succumb to noticeable damage and still appears in perfect condition. It is unknown how the initials were carved. #### BLUE TOOTH (*Discovery Date 1989*, Hsinchu Taiwan) A small blue bead inside of a glass vial. **PROPERTIES:** When placed into the mouth this item fits a molars perfectly like a filling. While worn, it increases the users Technology (intelligence) skill by 2 at the cost of 5 maximum HP due to a severe toothache.
\page #### BULLSEYE DARTS (*Discovery Date 1981*, Kilkenny Ireland) A brown leather 5"x7" wallet with brass zipper and embroidered dart board. Wallet contains 5 solid metal throwing darts composed of an unknown material. **PROPERTIES:** These +3 darts deal 1d4 + Dexterity piercing damage (Range 20/60). Upon striking their target they lodge into place and are considered immovable by all non-invasive purposes. They can bear any weight so long as the struck material holds up. These darts disappear from their targets each day at dawn and reappear within the leather wallet provided the zipper is closed. This phenomenon occurs regardless of distance and dimension. Creatures suffer a maximum HP penalty until the darts disappear. #### CHEWING GUM OF TRANSMUTATION (*Discovered 1989*, Reykjavik Iceland) An unlabeled foil chewing gum package set into a plastic sleeve containing ten individually wrapped pieces. **PROPERTIES:** This multi-flavored gum allows the chewer to receive the benefits of certain Transmutation spells. The durations (and flavors) are listed below. These pieces regenerate every 1d4 days. ##### *Flavor Effects* | Flavor | Duration | Effect | |:---------------|:--------|:--------- | Cherry | 1 hr | Feather Fall   | | Strawberry | 10 min | Jump | | Watermelon | 1 hr | Water Breathing | | Cinnamon | 1 hr | Control Flames | | Winter Mint | 1 hr | Control Water | | Black Licorice | 1 hr | Darkvision | | Mixed Berry | 1 min | Haste | | Spearmint | 10 min | Fly | | Mango | 1 hr | Spider Climb | | Green Apple | 1 hr | Advantage vs Toxins and Gases | #### COPYCAT GLOVES (*Discovery Date 1996*, Sapporo Japan) A pair of formal white nylon cotton gloves. **INSTRUCTIONS:** These gloves allow the wearer to repeat the past actions of a person who inhabited the same space such as a writing desk, safe, or computer terminal. Simply don the gloves and speak a command phrase and the gloves will begin guiding the wearer for up to 10 minutes or until the counter-phrase is spoken. ``` ```                       #### CUFFS OF SUPLICATION (*Discovery Date 1977*, Udon Thani Thailand) A set of aluminum handcuffs and accompanying key suitable for any large sized creature or smaller. **PROPERTIES:** When applied to a creature they must succeed a WIS Save [17] or be under the effects of the Command Spell for one hour. The save may be repeated every hour that the subject remains bound. Manually escaping the cuffs requires two successful Strength/Dexterity 18 skill checks in a row. #### DAWNBOLT CRYSTAL (*Discovery Date 1986*, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia) A small thumbnail sized crystal shaped like a teardrop. **PROPERTIES:** When affixed within a flashlight it projects sunlight in a 40 foot cone dealing 1d6 radiant damage to all undead creatures. DEX Save [15]. #### DEADSPOT ROSE (*Discovery Date 1982*, Tracy CA USA) Three small black 1cm seeds inside of a glass vial. **INSTRUCTIONS:** When planted, these seeds takes one minute to grow into a rose beset by blackspot fungus. While planted in the ground, this rose creates a signal blackspot in a radius of 300 ft where mobile phone signal, wi-fi and other types of electronic communication have no effect. The rose lasts for 24 hours before withering and dying. #### DRAGON'S BREATH (*Discovery Date 1946*, Dresden Germany) A tuliped 10 inch brass rod adorned with leaf-like metal scales set into a black ebony derby cane handle **PROPERTIES:** 1d4+1 Charges per day reset at dawn. Wreath a 60' cone in magical flame. Dex DC 15 [14d6 Fire] #### DUST OF DISAPPEARANCE (*Discovered 1980*, Tanta Egypt) A golden snuff box festooned with intricate carvings of the "All Seeing Eye". **PROPERTIES:** Every day at dawn this small box fills with 1d6+1 pinches of fine gray sand. Casting a pinch of this sand onto a willing creature will grant invisibility for 2d6 minutes. If the targeted creature attacks or casts a spell the invisibility ends. #### FIRE BRANDY FLASK (*Discovered 1950*, Calgary Canada) A steel hip flask with a screw top lid bound in brown leather with an embroidered flame. **PROPERTIES:** This flask contains 1 doses of heavily spiced brandy which refills at dawn. Drinking this brew renders the user immune to cold and fire for 1d6 hours.
\page #### FLAME EATER RING (*Discovered 1938*, Jaipur India) An ornate golden ring inlaid with a teardrop cut ruby. **PROPERTIES:** Speaking the command word opens a small vortex which consumes all fire in a 5 foot square. This action can be repeated up to 14 times until the ruby fills entirely. When the ruby possesses any charge, it begins to glow a soft red, allowing faint illumination. Speaking the command word backwards unleashes the stored fire (up to 14d6). The DEX save is [8 + the number of charges]. The range of the cone is equal to 10 feet + the number of charges divided by 2 rounded down (maximum 60). #### FORCEFUL FLINTLOCK (*Discovered ████*, Caribbean Sea) Late 17th Century flintlock pistol of Spanish make. **PROPERTIES:** Recharge (6). When fired, this weapon blasts a 100 foot line with raw force. DEX Save [15] vs 3d10 force damage. All non-living wood within the first 30 ft is disintegrated in a 1 meter circle. #### FOB OF ALARM (*Discovered 1996*, London UK) A keychain appearing to be a common keyless remote for a popular SUV. **PROPERTIES:** Range: 100 ft radius. When activated this device opens all locked vehicles or activates all car alarms. Once per week, this keychain can be used to shut off all vehicles within 100 ft for 30 seconds. #### GAS GUZZLERS (*Discovered 1977*, Mexico City Mexico) A bag, containing what appear to be 2d8 cat's eye marbles. **PROPERTIES:** These marbles upon any reasonable inspection, will appear unremarkable. If one of these marbles is dropped into the gas tank of a vehicle, it will begin to absorb all gasoline in the vehicle until there is none left. #### GENTLEMAN'S DOPP (*Discovered 1967*, Quito Ecuador) A small leather hygiene kit with "#6" embroidered on the exterior. This item **PROPERTIES:** The contents of this item are individually packaged and can be used up to three times before each component requires maintenance and refilling. Once refilled, the contents must remain sealed for three days before use. These products take 30 minutes to apply each day. Until the wearers next long rest, they receive +2 on all Charisma checks and saves. If their spell save attribute is Charisma, the wearer force disadvantage to an opposing saving throw once per long rest. #### GLAMOUR BROACH AMULET (*Discovered 1915*, Nice France) A fine golden chain necklaces with a small red ruby. **PROPERTIES:** While wearing this necklace your clothing appears either elegant, unremarkable, or ragged. Any armor is obscured from view requiring a passive Perception (wisdom) DC of [15] to pierce. ``` ``` #### GLOVES OF THE MIGHTY TITAN (*Discovered 1981*, Kyoto Japan) A pair of fur lined forearm length white-gray gloves. **PROPERTIES:** Your Strength score is 18 while you wear these gauntlets. x1/long rest you can lift a Huge size or smaller object up to 3,000 lbs and throw it up to 30 ft. #### GLOVES OF STUNNING APPLAUSE (*Discovered 1929*, Parma Italy) A seemingly innocuous pair of black leather driving gloves with a single brass button. **INSTRUCTIONS:** x1/long rest when clapped together, targets within a 40' cone must succeed a STR Save [16] vs falling prone and taking 3d8 bludgeoning damage. #### GRAPPLING GUN (*Discovered 1941*, New York USA) A black metallic handgun with a projectile 3 pronged hook. **INSTRUCTIONS:** Fire a ranged translucent tendril of astral energy at any target or object within 150 ft. As a bonus action you may reel the hook in. You are either drawn to the target, or the target is drawn to you depending on weight or opposing Strength rolls. #### HAYWIRES (*Discovered 1966*, New Delhi India) A lead lined pencil case containing three identical pairs of jacketed copper wires. **INSTRUCTIONS:** Withdraw one pair of wires and separate them into two pieces. Insert one wire into or around any electronic device. As an action, twist the wires partner. The targeted electronic device will begin to behave erratically for 10 minutes. #### HEART BLOOD OF ████ (*Discovery Date ████*, ████ ████) Four still beating ████ hearts uniquely marbled in Red, Blue, Green, and Black. **PROPERTIES:** These hearts still produce blood by unknown means. This blood can be consumed in 6 oz doses for various effects lasting for one minute per dose. ***Note.*** Mixing doses proves fatally toxic. ##### *Blood Effects* | Color | Passive | Active | |:---------|:----------|:------------| | **Red** | Resistance to fire and cold damage | **+10** to a single Athletics Check | | **Blue** | Advantage on all Int, Wis, and Cha skills and saves | **Buffet:** | | **Green** | Advantage on all Str, Dex, and Con skills and saves | **Buffet:** | | **Black** | +2 AC, Resistance to bludgeoning, slashing, piercing, and ballistic damage | **Parry.** Asranged missile attack|
\page #### ICE CREAM (*Discovered 1984*, Bismark USA) A perfectly normal can of whipped cream. **INSTRUCTIONS:** Using an action, spray the contents of this can onto any non-magical item or 5 foot square transmuting it into an icy facsimile. This item eventually shatters after one minute of exposure to any non-freezing temperature dealing 2d8 piercing and 2d8 cold damage to anyone in a 15 foot radius (Dex DC 17). Alternatively, the facsimile can be thrown and detonates on contact. This can contains 2d4 charges which reload at dawn each day. #### KINETIC CONSUMPTION SILK (*Discovery Date 1921*, Xi'An China) A colony of silk worms which produce black fibers. **PROPERTIES:** This fabric can be used in one of the following methods. Attempts to use this fabric in multiple ways at once have resulted in unstable effects. ***Note.*** Active Effects require an Action unless noted      otherwise and are usable x1/long rest. ##### *Fabric Effects* | Location | Passive | Active | |:---------|:----------:|:------------:| | Foot Sole     | +2 Stealth | **+10** to a single Athletics Check| | Clothing | +1 AC | **Buffet:** Push all adjacent creatures 10'. Str DC 15 | Armor | +1 DR | **Buffet:** Push all adjacent creatures 10'. Str DC 15 | Gloves | +1 to Dex Skill Checks| **Parry.** As reaction, deflect a single ranged missile attack #### LIFE ELIXER (*Discovery Date ████, Gyantse Dzong Tibet) A clay chalice resting in a stone pool. The chalice seems to fill independently by unknown means, spilling into the pool every full moon. Liquid is then collected from the pool and stored in 4oz. vials for later consumption. **INSTRUCTIONS:** Consuming one or more doses of the liquid elicits the following effects after 1d8+10 minutes of immediate unconsciousness. **1 Dose.** End one of the following physical afflictions. Blindness, Deafness, Disease, Paralysis, Poisoning or Maximum HP Reduction. **2 Doses.** Reduce the target’s exhaustion level by one, or end one of the following afflictions. Charm, Petrification, Magical Curse, Ability Score Reduction. #### LIGHTSABER (*Discovery Date 1976*, Ajim Tunisia) Circa 1940's camera component. A silver Graflex 3 Cell Flash handle. **INSTRUCTIONS:** Depressing the red activation button will generate a blue-white blade of pure radiance energy approximately 1 meter in length and 28 centimeters in diameter. While active, this magic Longsword has the Finesse property, dealing 3d8 radiant damage (*versatile 3d10)* and strikes with +2 on attack and damage rolls while overcoming all non-magical forms of damage reduction or resistance. ``` ``` ### MORDENKAINE'S BRILLIANT BUTTON (*Discovery Date 1941*, New York USA) An art deco style elevator button with the letters "PH" printed upon it. **INSTRUCTIONS** This detachable elevator button can be stuck on the wall of any conventional elevator. When pressed, that elevator will take you to a magical penthouse floor completely equipped with all standard amenities such as food, beds, showers, television for up to 20 guest, with 2 semi-visible unseen servants acting as butlers. There are no windows in the penthouse though the faint sound of busy traffic can always be heard. Any damage done to the exterior walls, will reveal only more wall behind them. Any items stored within this penthouse remain inside when not in use. #### MYRDDINS BAND (*Discovery Date 1899*, ████ United Kingdom) A platinum ring set with a perfectly cut emerald. The band is engraved with a near microscopic bas relief depiction of Arthurian Legend in chronological order. **PROPERTIES:** After a week of attunement, the wearer of this ring receives the spell slots of a 8th level Sorcerer without cantrips. If the bearer already possesses a class which includes Arcane spell slots, all available slots 4th level below are doubled. After the bonding ritual, the wearer begins experiencing dreams of ancient battles requiring a nightly Wisdom Saving throw of 7. Every successful save increases the DC 1 until they fail. When this event occurs they are unable to sleep and do not gain the benefits of a long rest and experience 1 level of exhaustion. The DC then resets to 7. #### NEVER ENDING FLASK (*Discovered 1925*, Thessaloniki Greece) A round wooden flask with a cork stopper and leather carrying strap. **PROPERTIES:** Remove the stopper and speak the command word to activate a flow of salt or fresh water an amount of fresh or salt water pours out. Separate command words determine the type as well as the volume and velocity. * “Stream” pours out 1 gallon per round. * “Fountain” produces a 5-foot-long stream at 5 gallons per round. * “Geyser” produces a 20-foot-long, 1-foot-wide stream at 30 gallons per round. The geyser effect causes considerable back pressure, requiring a Strength Check [12] to avoid being knocked down. The force of the geyser deals 1d4 points of damage but can only affect one target per round. The command word must be spoken to stop it. #### NIGHTSHADES (*Discovered 1955*, Johannesburg South Africa) A set of fashionable designer sunglasses **PROPERTIES:** These glasses provide darkvision up to 60' while piercing magical and non-magical fog, smoke, and darkness. If the wearers Charisma is below a 17, they suffer disadvantage to Charisma rolls while wearing these at night.
\page #### PILOTS GLOVES (*Discovered 1985*, San Diego USA) A gray green pair of pilots gloves. **PROPERTIES:** These gloves provide proficiency with the Driving skill and grants advantage on one check per long rest. #### POCKET CHRONOSPHERE (*Discovery Date 1955*, Princeton USA) A small silver pocket stopwatch with a sixty second face. Item includes accompanying chain and lid. **Instructions:** Depressing the activating button seemingly freezes time for up to sixty seconds. In this state, ambient sound becomes greatly muffled wile the ticking becomes abnormally loud. All living humans and animals disappear while the watch is functioning. The cause of this phenomenon is yet unknown. While time is frozen, the wielder may interact with any intimate matter that is present. The wielder may choose to bring one additional companion with them, but must remain in physical skin-to-skin contact with them for the duration. If contact is broken, the subject simply reappears in the linear time-stream. **NOTE** Winding this watch is a lengthy process, requiring roughly 8 hours of continuous work. #### POLOROID OF PERCEPTION (*Discovery Date 1984*, Belgrade Yugoslavia) A Polaroid SuperColor Model 635 **INSTRUCTIONS:** This camera has the unique ability to render special information of photographed subjects. When a photo is taken, certain character attributes are displayed in flowing cursive as the image develops. This phenomenon only appears for the center most subject of the photo. The amount of details displayed is tied to the quality of the photo and the proximity to the subject. **Note.** This item stores five unexposed images. ##### *Information Matrix* | Quality | Revelation| |:-------------|:----------| | **Poor** | Highest & Lowest attribute | | **Average** | Above Plus HP and skill proficiencies| | **Good** | Above Plus the intended location of their next long rest | | **Excellent**| Above Plus the answer to a true/false question | #### PORTABLE BUNKER (*Discovery Date 1990*, Billund Denmark) A small well worn red 2x4 Lego brick. **INSTRUCTIONS:** x1/Short Rest. As an action, cast the brick into any space and speak the proper incantation. The brick expands into a 8 ft by 4 ft by 4 ft life-sized brick of magical density and weight. The bunker acts as three-quarters cover [+5 bonus to AC & Dex saves]. Organic creatures within the area of deployment are shifted to the nearest safe space, taking no damage. If no space is available within 50 ft, deployment fails. The bunker can be retrieved as an action using a counter-incantation. ``` ```                                 #### RAZOR OF *[REDACTED]* (*Discovery Date 1970*, Moscow USSR) A black handled straight razor of an unknown composition. The initials P.O.D. are stamped visibly on the exterior. **PROPERTIES:** This covert, finesse, light, +3 razor deals 3d6+3 points of damage which overcome all magical and non-magical damage reduction. It automatically deals maximum damage x2 (42) to all non-magical non-living inert objects. #### REPEATER POUCH (*Discovery Date 1991*, Bar Harbor MA USA) A purple velvet Crown Royal bag with a golden drawstring. **INSTRUCTIONS:** Place any single non-magical item up to 5 lbs inside of the bag and pull the draw strings closed. Wait for 1d4 hours. Open the bag and reach inside to retrieve the original item and a second identical copy. The copy functions normally but crumbles to ash 1d4 days after retrieval. **NOTE:** Turning the bag inside out while an item is inside will result in the destruction of that item. **WARNING:** There is a 5% chance of suffering 1d8 necrotic damage upon reaching into the bag. If this occurs, there is an additional 5% chance of losing a random finger on that hand. #### RING OF BALLISTIC RESISTANCE (*Discovery Date 1963*, Dallas USA) An unremarkable silver ring with a carving of the "All Seeing Eye" along the inside band. **Properties:** When wearing this ring, the user receives resistance to ballistic damage, only taking one half. When taking damage from a critical hit, there is a 50/50 chance that the damage is either doubled or mitigated entirely. #### RING OF INSECTILE INFLUENCE (*Discovery Date 1928*, Paris France) A golden ring in the shape of a spider set with black pearls. **Properties:** x1/long rest, summon a swarm of nearby insects into a 5 foot square dealing damage to any occupying creatures. The swarm can be mentally commanded to move as a bonus action. Duration [1 min] Damage [3d8 Piercing] DEX Save [16]
\page #### RING OF RAPID REGENERATION (*Discovery Date 1968*, De Nang Vietnam) Two thin gold rings twisted into a tight double helix with a thin black line of an unknown metal running between the two. **PROPERTIES:** While conscious, bearers of this ring receive a healing factor of 1hp per minute. They do not benefit from the effects while unconscious, dying, or asleep. #### RING OF REFLECTION (*Discovery Date 1959*, Rosario, Argentina) A black gray tungsten carbide ring inlaid with carved faces. **PROPERTIES:** As a reaction, this ring can absorb and store damage for later use. The amount is equal to the wielders Level + Proficiency Modifier (*maximum 26*). As an action, the ring can be triggered to strike all targets within a 15 ft cone for the damage contained within the ring. The saving throw for this is equal to the wielders spell save modifier using their strength modifier if it is higher. If the target fails their saving throw by 5 or more, they are thrown prone. #### RING OF STORING (*Discovery Date 1975*, Sydney Australia) A gold two-finger band adorned with Egyptian hieroglyphs along the exterior in no cohesive or understandable pattern. **INSTRUCTIONS:** As a full-round action speak an incantation to bind a single item up to 15 lbs to the ring. The item can be summoned as a bonus action using a similar incantation. #### RING OF TRANSDIMENSIONAL TRANSPARENCY (*Discovery Date 1892*, Cairo Egypt) An unadorned lead ring weighing precisely three times its measured mass. **PROPERTIES:** When wearing this ring, the wielders arm becomes invisible up to the elbow. While in total darkness, a faint blue mist can be seen emulating the outline of the arm. Bearers receive an the following traits. - **+1 Unarmed Strike:** [2d6+1 Necrotic] plus STR / DEX. - **Phase:** [x2/long rest] phase the affected arm through solid objects and manipulate or retrieve physical matter on the other side. **NOTE**: To remove the ring, one must violently shake their hand for approximately 1 minute until it becomes loose. #### RING OF VICIOUS STRIKING (*Discovery Date 1955*, Chichen Itza Mexico) A silver ring carved with tiny sawtooth ridges. It is mildly uncomfortable to wear. **INSTRUCTIONS:** x2/long rest, duration [1 min] As a bonus action, speak an incantation to transform the wearers hand into a solid steel fist ridged with saw-toothed knuckles. The fist cannot open or close. Any item held in the hand at time of transformation is dropped. This +3 unarmed strike deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage which over all non-magical damage resistance.
\page #### RING OF THE TECHNOMANCER (*Discovery Date ████*, Tokyo Japan) A black magnetic ring set with cloudy amethysts and sapphires. **Properties:** After one week of attunement this ring grants the wearer several unique spell like abilities. These are castable as an Action. #####   | Name | Frequency |      Description | |:---------|:-------------:|:-------------| | On/Off | At Will |Range [20'] Activate or deactivate any electronic device as long as the device has a clearly defined on/off function. Any device that requires a software based shutdown sequence cannot be affected. | | Arcane Hacking | x2/long rest | Receive advantage on your next Technology skill roll. | | Remote Access | x2/long rest | Range [120'] Duration [10 min] use any electronic device as if you present at the controls | | Technically Unseen | x2/long rest | Range [10'] Duration [1 min] Four creatures of your choice appear undetectable to electronic sensors or surveillance. | | Blackout | x1/long rest | Range [120'] Duration [1 min] shut down all electronic devices within a 30' radius that are not wielded by you or your companions.| | Wirewalk | x1/long rest | Touch any socketed or wired electronic device and travel up to 1000' along the network.| #### ROCKET BOOTS (*Discovery Date 1945*, Berlin Germany) A pair of black leather turn-down boots with two steel buckles. **PROPERTIES:** Provides a fly speed of 60'. Usable x1/long rest up to 10 minutes. Disadvantage to stealth while active. #### ROD OF LIGHT RUNNING (*Discovery Date 1982*, Los Angeles CA USA) An 8 inch rod of an unknown metal colored with green, yellow, and red stripes. **INSTRUCTIONS:** This item contains 1d8+1 charges which refill at dawn. Point this rod towards any active traffic light within 500 ft and succeed a DC 8 Wisdom check to mentally will the light to change between green and red. #### SOCKET STICKERS (*Discovery Date 1956*, Jacksonville FL USA) A sheet of six stickers that look like normal household power sockets. **PROPERTIES:** Each sticker can be peeled off and stuck to a flat surface, it then becomes a real power socket. An electronic device can be plugged into the socket and supplied with power for 12 hours as long as you already have the necessary charging cable. After an hour the socket stops working and returns to being a normal sticker that peels and flakes away from the surface. ``` ``` #### STAFF OF THE MONKEY KING (*Discovery Date 1938*, Kaifeng China) A redwood quarterstaff tipped on both ends with heavy iron bands depicting Chinese characters. **PROPERTIES:** This weapon deals 2d6 (2d8 versatile) bludgeoning damage. On command it can extend or retract between 1 to 7 ft in length. x2/day, as a bonus action, the wielder can mutter a command which will extend this staff up to 30 ft. It can be used to strike a single target or to ascend / descend in a vertical column. #### SUIT OF THE ELEMENTS (*Discovery Date 1981*, Madrid Spain) A charcoal gray suit jacket with a series of small multi-colored buttons lining the inside pocket. **INSTRUCTIONS:** x1/Long Rest. Twist the button corresponding to the Element of your choice. You receive resistance to any damage taken from that element. Only one element can be active at a time. Fire, Cold, Acid, Psychic, Necrotic, Lightning. #### SUMMONING STONES (*Discovery Date 1989*, Lahaina Hawaii) One 4 inch square obsidian stone cube seemingly unbreakable. One silver ring with an obsidian faceted stone. **INSTRUCTIONS:** Speak the activating incantation to adhere the cube to any non-organic object up to 5,000 lbs or 15 square feet. x1/long rest, as an action while wearing the ring, summon the cube and its affixed object to your present location. You must be within the same plane of existence as the object. Any organic matter within the destination is displaced safely. #### SWAP WATCHES (*Discovery Date 1996*, Port Moresby New Guinea) Two identical digital Casio watches with rubber bands. **Instructions:** After 24 hours of attunement, these watches allow the wearers to swap places with one another up to two times each per day by depressing all three operating buttons at once. The maximum recorded distance of successful effects are noted at 100 miles. The effect does not need to be consensual and will occur regardless of the partners desire. **Note.** Under no circumstances should both watches be worn by the same person.
\page #### TRANCE LIGHTS (*Discovery Date 1974*, Lublin Poland) An aluminum mold used for crafting thick cylindrical wax candles. **INSTRUCTIONS:** When lit, these candles produce a soft yellow flame for up to 1 hour. When viewed within a 100 foot cube from any direction, intelligent creatures must succeed a WIS Save [18] or remain transfixed. They may repeat the save every 10 minutes or after taking damage. Any character who consumes a small piece of the wax before or after ignition is immune to the effects. The candle can only be extinguished by being turned upside down and remains unaffected by wind, water, or lack of oxygen. #### TWIN SKELETON KEYS (*Discovery Date 1987*, Seoul South Korea) Two matching cast-iron skeleton keys plated within an unknown alloy. One black and one white. Neither have cuts or teeth and appear as straight thin rods. **INSTRUCTIONS:** These keys grow to fill any lock they are inserted into and will remain rigidly in place unless withdrawn by a willing creature. When turned, they create a pathway between whichever two locks they are active in, allowing creatures to travel between both portals. Tests show that this anomaly exhibits itself with padlocked trunks and safes as well. #### UPPERCUTTERS (*Discovery Date 1990*, Philadelphia USA) A well worn pair of black low profile open finger fighting gloves. **PROPERTIES:** These gloves upgrade the users unarmed strikes to 1d10 + Strength or Dexterity. It also allows the wearer to use Flurry of Blows twice per short rest and make two unarmed strikes as a Bonus Action. #### WALLET OF HOLDING (*Discovery Date 1940*, Boston USA) A well worn black leather tri-fold billfolds embroidered with the initials *F.S. II* on the inside. **INSTRUCTIONS:** This item open into a small pocket dimensions used for storing larger items. The wallet allows for 3 additional Item Slots (up to 45 lbs total). #### WATER MOCCASINS (*Discovery Date 1948*, Salt Lake City USA) A pair of flat snakeskin slippers. **INSTRUCTIONS:** These slippers allow the user to skate on any liquid surface as if it were ice. This increases their move speed by 10 feet. ``` ``` #### THE ZODIAC COMPASS (*Discovery Date ████*, Mount Parnassus Greece) A small stone disk depicting the 12 zodiac signs set into a brass compass roughly four inches in diameter. **INSTRUCTIONS:** Once per week, the compass can be turned to a symbol. The attuned possessor receives the corresponding benefits of that sign. | Sign | Effect | |:----:|:-------------| | The Ram | **x2/day:** [bonus action] Receive advantage to a melee attack roll and impose the **Knockback** trait (10') with a Strength DC of 10+ your Proficiency Modifier.| | The Bull | **x2/day:** [reaction] Shrug off 1/2 the damage when taking a wound from any 1 source. | | The Twins | **x2/day:** [action] For 1 minute, create a mirror illusion of yourself within 10 ft. In combat, opponents have a 50% chance to miss you. | | The Crab | **x2/day:** [action] For 1 minute, grow chitinous armor raising your AC to 18 + your Dexterity Modifier (max 2). | | The Lion | **x2/day:** [action] Send forth a booming roar in a 30' cone frightening creatures and dealing 2d10 sonic damage. WIS Save [10+ your Proficiency Modifier]. | | The Maiden | **x1/day:** [legendary action] Automatically succeed any Charisma saving throw even after rolling a failure, OR forcing an automatic Charisma saving throw failure on an enemy.| | The Scales | **x1/day:** [reaction] When taking any damage, impose the same amount of damage on the source.| | The Scorpion | **x1/day:** [action] Spit forth a 60' line of poison dealing 10d8 poison damage. Dexterity saving throw 10+ your Proficiency Modifier | | The Archer | **x2/day:** [action] Summon a rain of arrows onto a 20' square dealing 12d6 piercing damage. Dexterity saving throw 10+ your Proficiency Modifier | | The Goat | **x2/day:** [action] For 1 minute, gain +10 to all athletics checks to Jump and climb any vertical surface at normal speed. | | The Water Bearer| **x2/day:** [action] Cast the spell *Control Water* and maintain it without concentration. | | The Fish | **x1/day:** [action] Create an incorporeal apparition of a giant shark with stats equal to yours and a fly speed of 50 ft. [Huge Size] [Melee Bite: +5 to hit (+ your proficiency Modifier) 4d10+8 piercing damage.] |