```metadata title: The Gunslinger v1.2.3 description: >- A Homebrew class for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons all about tinkering and creating firearms and the use of such firearms. tags: '' systems: - 5e renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` {{imageMaskEdge1,--offset:5%,--rotation:180 ![](https://dungeonmusings.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/gunslinger1.jpg){left:-450px,bottom:150px,height:100%} }}
{{text-align:center,wide # The Gunslinger ## A class focused on tinkering and sharpshooting ##### *Made for the grand world of Consarcio and those beyond it* *Version 1.2.3* }} \page {{toc,wide # Table Of Contents - ### [{{ The Gunslinger}}{{ 3}}](#p3) - #### [{{ Creating a Gunslinger}}{{ 3}}](#p3) - [{{ Quick Build}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - #### [{{ Class Features}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - [{{ Gunsmith}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - [{{ Deadeye}}{{ 4}}](#p4) - [{{ Gunslinger Tricks}}{{ 5}}](#p5) - [{{ Gunslinger Guild}}{{ 5}}](#p5) - [{{ Ability Score Improvement}}{{ 5}}](#p5) - [{{ Extra Attack}}{{ 5}}](#p5) - [{{ Puncturing Shot}}{{ 5}}](#p5) - [{{ Straight Shot}}{{ 5}}](#p5) - #### [{{ Gunslinger Guilds}}{{ 5}}](#p5) - [{{ The Sheriff}}{{ 5}}](#p5) - [{{ The Rifleman}}{{ 6}}](#p6) - [{{ The Musketeer}}{{ 7}}](#p7) - [{{ The Gunmage}}{{ 8}}](#p8) - [{{ The Shotgunner}}{{ 9}}](#p9) - #### [{{ Tricks}}{{ 10}}](#p10) - ### [{{ Additional Information}}{{ 13}}](#p13) - [{{ Multiclassing}}{{ 13}}](#p13) - [{{ Feats}}{{ 13}}](#p13) - ### [{{ Gunmage Spell List}}{{ 14}}](#p14) - ### [{{ Firearms}}{{ 15}}](#p15) - ### [{{ Credits}}{{ 17}}](#p17) }} \page # The Gunslinger A mettalic item spins in the small hand of the Gnomish man, he stops the spinning and holsters the item. He grabs a small pouch and begins putting lead balls into the holes of the holstered weapon, he grabs a bit of Black Powder and pours it in. He quickly draws the weapon, and fires. The Human woman draws a large weapon from her back, the mainly wooden item is very quickly loaded with powder and lead balls. She rushes into battle, as the enemies move closer she attaches a blade to the main barrel of the weapon. She quickly swipes with it, and easily lobs off the head of the enemy. Quickly throwing some Black Powder and Lead Balls into the air, a Tiefling man summons forth a barrage of smaller ammunnition, tearing into the many Goblins in front of him. He grabs a smaller handheld weapon and fires forth a shot with Black Powder laced with a magical powder of pure elemental energy. Whether pulling at the Arcane Weave to empower their attacks or mastering the art of craft and creation, Gunslingers are the embodiment of the powers of science, knowledge, and creation. They have a grand sense of power with the ability to wield death in one hand, or torture someone with only one tool neccesary. ### Focused Specialization Gunslingers learn the basics of simple combat with everyday weapons. Every Gunslinger can throw a dagger or dart, or even swing a mace or quarterstaff, but their main power comes from their perfected training with firearms. Likewise, a Gunslinger is adept with only the lightest of armour, keeping their reflexes still top of the line. Beyond that basic degree of familiarity, each Gunslinger specializes in a certain style of Firearm combat. Some concentrate on fighting with handheld firearms, some fighting with larger weapons that require two hands, and some on augmenting their martial skills with magic. This basic combat training and further specialization allows for large explosions of power, with just as powerful repercussions. ### Dedication to Creation Not every person who uses a Firearm is a Gunslinger, the difference between a man with a Firearm and a Gunslinger is the creation of Firearms. There are professional Gunsmiths who make firearms to sell to men who wish to use them, but a Gunslinger makes their own. A Gunsmith is a master of their craft, they know the ins and outs of their weapons. A Gunslinger sees the crafting of a Firearm to be an art form, they will spend their free time experimenting with new blueprints for weapons or even making new balls for their Firearms. The advent of Black Powder allowed for great development in society, it lead to better defense of trade ships, better protection of the people in towns, and the creation of the first Firearm. People who loved to craft saw this invention as a new expiriment, and the Gunslinger was born. ## Creating a Gunslinger When creating a Gunslinger character, think about where your character comes from and his or her place in the world. Talk with your DM about an appropriate origin for your Gunslinger. Were you a blacksmith who turned to forging guns to make a profit, and seeing the power they used their weapons to help the weak? Or is the campaign set in a natural environment where Gunslingers are praised as gods of death and destruction? What led you to take up the adventuring life? Were you lured to settled lands by the promise of riches? Did you join forces with others to learn more about the power of a firearm and gain knowledge? Did monsters or an invading horde drive you out of your home town, making you a rootless refugee with a need for revenge? Perhaps you might have been cast out from your town because of a crime you committed, the ruthless acts of destruction, or the search for a hidden knowledge of creating better and more powerful weapons.
\page ### Quick Build You can make a Gunslinger quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Dexterity, then your second highest Intelligence to allow for better invention. Second, choose the Clan Crafter background. ## Class Features As a Gunslinger, you gain the following class features: #### Hit Points ___ - **Hit Dice:** 1d10 per Gunslinger level - **Hit Points at 1st Level:** 10 + your Constitution modifier - **Hit Points at Higher Levels:** 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Gunslinger level after 1st #### Proficiencies ___ - **Armor:** Light armor - **Weapons:** Simple weapons, Firearms - **Tools:** Smith's tools, Tinker's tools - **Saving Throws:** Dexterity, Intelligence - **Skills:** Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, History, Insight, Intimidation, and Perception #### Equipment You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: - *(a)* a simple weapon or *(b)* a firearm with a misfire score of 1 and 20 of the matching ammunition - *(a)* smith's tools or *(b)* tinker's tools - *(a)* a scholar's pack or *(b)* an explorer's pack - Leather armor, flintlock, and 20 flintlock bullets ### Gunsmith The mastery of the craft and use of firearms is the speciality of a Gunslinger, creating a firearm requires special training with classically trained tools. When it comes to crafting a firearm you can use one of two tools, Smith's Tools and Tinker's Tools. Smith's Tools are usually used to craft broader parts of a firearm, like the stock or bayonet of a Musket or even ammunition for a firearm. While Tinker's Tools are usually used to craft the smaller bits of a firearm, like the wheel of a Six Shooter or the flintlock mechanism of a Flintlock Firearm. You can make any firearm you think of (at the DM's discretion) if you spend an amount of gold or materials equal to the cost of the weapon, you can also repair a firearm while in combat as an action. You can reload any firearm as a bonus action, or as a part of your action in exchange for one of your attacks. {{classTable,decoration,frame ##### The Gunslinger | Level | Proficiency Bonus | Trick Die | Features | |:-----:|:-----------------:|:---------:|:--------:| | 1st | +2 | — | Gunsmith, Deadeye | | 2nd | +2 | 1d4 | Gunslinger Tricks | | 3rd | +2 | 1d4 | Gunslinger Guid | | 4th | +2 | 1d4 | Ability Score Improvement | | 5th | +3 | 1d4 | Extra Attack | | 6th | +3 | 1d6 | Ability Score Improvement | | 7th | +3 | 1d6 | Gunslinger Guild Feature | | 8th | +3 | 1d6 | Ability Score Improvement | | 9th | +4 | 1d6 | Gunslinger Tricks | | 10th | +4 | 1d6 | Ability Score Improvement | | 11th | +4 | 1d8 | Gunslinger Guild Feature | | 12th | +4 | 1d8 | Ability Score Improvement | | 13th | +5 | 1d8 | Extra Attack (2) | | 14th | +5 | 1d8 | Gunslinger Tricks | | 15th | +5 | 1d8 | Gunslinger Guild Feature | | 16th | +5 | 1d8 | Ability Score Improvement | | 17th | +6 | 1d10 | Gunslinger Tricks | | 18th | +6 | 1d10 | Puncturing Shot | | 19th | +6 | 1d10 | Ability Score Improvement, Gunslinger Guild Feature | | 20th | +6 | 1d10 | Straight Shot | }} ![guns](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/592dff77e6f2e11e077a7dd4/1497290597312-Z488KLJPCXTR3T1YKWRF/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kC1ryvDAdsghyV063OIQyZVZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZUJFbgE-7XRK3dMEBRBhUpxEeuh4HT0lRwHeqi1ArsyTRPnmWjCmdQ8o7mnkPfIbIE9JLnmtqjuZbFLkGAEJrLo/firearms_det.jpg) {position:absolute,bottom:360px,right:75px,width:325px,mix-blend-mode:multiply} :::::::::::::::: You must also make a skill check where the DC is 8 + the weapon's Misfire score + the weapon's Reload score to craft the firearm. Depending on which tool you use that will affect what ability you use, Smith's Tools require a Dexterity based check while Tinker's Tools require an Intelligence based check. The weapon is usable on a success and must be repaired out of combat on a failure. You can find all craftable firearms at the end of this class description. ### Deadeye Your time spent training as a Gunslinger allows you to see an enemy, weak points an all, and aim straight for them. Watching and analyzing is what a Gunslinger does, and their great eye makes them a great shot.
\page After hitting with a firearm attack, you can spend a bonus action to learn if the target creature has any damage vulnerabilities and resistances. If the target creature has either, your next attack against them has advantage. You can use this feature an amount of times equal to 1 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all expended uses when you finish. ### Gunslinger Tricks Upon reaching 2nd level, your training has allowed you to learn maneuvers that were previously unknown to you and fuelled by special dice, known as trick dice. #### Tricks You learn three tricks of your choice, which are detailed under “Tricks” at the very end of the class descrition. Many tricks enhance an attack in some way, others are specialised for different Guilds, and some aid the Gunslinger in some way. When a trick enhances an attack, you can use only one trick per attack. You learn one additional Trick of your choice at 9th, 14th, and 17th level. You can also replace one trick that you know with a different one when you level up. #### Trick Dice You have an amount of Trick Dice equal to 2 + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 2) which start as d4s. A trick die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended trick dice when you finish a short or long rest. Your die size increases as you level, increasing to d6s at 7th level, d8s at 12th level, and d10s at 17th level. #### Saving Throws Some of your tricks require your target to make a saving throw to resist the tricks’ effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows: {{text-align:center **Trick save DC** = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier }} ### Gunslinger Guild At 3rd level, you choose an Guild for which you belong to and use in your combat styles and techniques. Choose The Sheriff, The Rifleman, The Musketeer, The Shotgunner, or The Gunmage, all detailed at the end of the class description. The Guild you choose grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th level. ### Ability Score Improvement When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. \column ### Extra Attack Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 13th level in this class. ### Puncturing Shot Upon reaching 18th level, your training in firearms has allowed you to master your attacks so well that your brutal shots will tear through people and drive into others. When you get a Critical Hit on a Firearm attack against a creature, if there is a creature directly behind it you can make another attack with disadvantage to attempt to hit that creature as well. If you hit, you deal the same damage to the next creature. If you get a Critical Hit on the creature behind the first, you can attempt to hit the next one if there is a creature behind it. If your attack roll would cause you to misfire on the second attack, you only miss and do not misfire ### Straight Shot At 20th level, your training allows you to hit, especially when you feel like you are going to miss. If your attack misses a target within range, you can turn the miss into a hit. You can even use this feature when the firearm would normally misfire, and turn the misfire into a hit on the target. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. ## Gunslinger Guilds Different Gunslingers learned firearms in many different ways, and they emulate those techniques in the way that they fight. There are many guilds known for their mastery of Firearms, but there are five popular guilds. The Guild you choose reflects your training with Firearms. ### The Sheriff The Sheriff is a person sworn to protect those around them, someone a child wants to be and a man of the law. A Sheriff is a quick draw artist with a pistol, he can trim shoot a man before his weapon even fires. Not only is he fast, but he is a defender of truth and justice, just the sight of him can send criminals packing or turning to the side of good. The Sheriff is someone to look out for if you're doing bad, they're the straightest shooter to ever hold a firearm.
\page ![sheriff](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/cc/1c/2f/cc1c2fc783b3c50d1eb54a064891cdd2--western-art-wild-west.jpg) {position:absolute,width:200px,top:5px,left:130px,mix-blend-mode:multiply} ::::::::::::::::::::::::: #### Peace Keeper Beginning when you choose this Guild at 3rd level, the diplomacy of being a Sheriff allows you to do things you couldn't have done before. When you complete a short rest, you can become proficient with either Persuasion or Deception, when you complete a short rest you can switch your proficiency #### Quick Draw Also at 3rd level, you've mastered the ability to draw pistols. When you make an Initiative check while wielding a pistol, you can add your proficiency bonus to the check. #### Shoot Out Upon reaching 7th level, you've mastered your ability for single combat with your firearm, knowing just how to start a duel. You can cast the *compelled duel* spell, the DC for which being your Trick DC, if the target of the spell fails the save, you can make a single firearm attack at disadvantage against the creature, you cannot use any tricks when you make this attack. You cannot use this feature unless you are only wielding pistols. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. #### Escaping Fire Beginning at 11th level, your ability to draw a firearm quickly has been enchanced to the highest possible level. When a creature within 30 feet of you leaves that range, you can make a single attack as a reaction. When you make this attack, you can use a Trick as a part of this reaction. You cannot use this feature unless you are only wielding pistols. \column #### Badge of Honour Starting at 15th level, just the sight of the guild's symbol empowers the men and women you fight along side with, you exude an aura of willpower and protection. As a bonus action, you begin to emit an aura of honour, all creatures within 15 feet of you become immune to fear and gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. #### Taste of Lead Upon reaching 19th level, your bullet's effect can be deadly with out any fancy magic or tricks. If you hit with an attack against a creature you targeted with *compelled duel*, the target must make a constitution saving throw against your Trick save DC or take 10d10 damage and half on a successful save. If you do this, you cannot use any tricks with this shot. You cannot use this feature unless you are only wielding pistols. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. ### The Rifleman The Rifleman is a man of legend, someone children look up to and the hero people want. A Rifleman is a sharpshooter with a rifle, he can trim the cowlick off someone's head with a single shot. Not only is he percise, but he is also fast, he can unload as many shots as he can within a matter of seconds. The Rifleman is someone to praise or fear when they come your way, the sound of their rifle is a harbinger of death. When you hear the blast, you know, the boogyman is here. #### Lightining Shots Bginning when you choose this Guild at 3rd level, being a master of rifle type firearms you can fire them supernaturally fast. While using a rifle, when you take the attack action, you can fire an additional attack as a bonus action. You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your Dexterity modifier (minimum of once), you regain all expended uses on a long rest. #### Additional Shot Also at 3rd level, you can store more shots into a rifle than people anticipate. You increase the reload score of every rifle you wield by 1. You also increase it by 1 again when you reach 11th and 19th level. #### Pinpoint Starting at 7th level, you can focus your fire on a specific part of your target. You can make an attack at disadvantage, and choose one of the three areas, if you hit with your attack you do normal damage, and gain the benefit. You cannot use this feature unless you are only wielding a rifle.
\page ##### Pinpoint Table | Location | Benefit | |:--------:|:-----------------------------------------| | Arm | Can only attack once/only cast one spell | | Leg | Movement is reduced by 10 feet | | Head | Cannot take reactions | #### Boom of Dread Upon reaching 11th level, just the sound of your rifle can frighten the strongest of foes. As a bonus action, you fire your weapon and horrify the weak and strong alike, all creatures within 30 feet of you who can hear you must make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of your next turn, the DC for which being your Trick DC. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. #### Improved Critical Beginning at 15th level, your ability to use a rifle increases to a point where you can do more damage with what would be a normal shot. Your rifle attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. #### Infeasable Firing Starting at 19th level, the speed you fire a rifle at is almost impossible for a normal person to do. When you use your bonus action to fire an additional shot you can fire two additional shots instead of one. ![rifleman](https://i.redd.it/pv9qqonta7911.png) {position:absolute,width:220px,left:120px} ![musketeer](https://i.redd.it/28614q5101211.jpg) {position:absolute,width:250px;mix-blend-mode:multiply,right:110px,bottom:225px} ::::::::::::::::::::::: ### The Musketeer The Musketeer is a soldier, one who knows the use of fighting at a distance as well as fighting up close and personal. A Musketeer knows how to load and fire a rifle or pistol, but their main power comes from being able to use thier firearm not only as a ranged weapon, but also a blade. Years of training has turned the Musketeer from a normal Gunslinger to one that gets down to business. They may look like a Rifleman, but just wait until a Musketeer gets in your face, they aren't afraid to get their bayonet dirty. #### Business End Beginning when you choose this guild at 3rd level, your mastery of firearms extends past the barrel to a sharp blade. While wielding a bayoneted rifle, you can make a bayonet attack as a bonus action. #### Bloodied Barrel Also at 3rd level, you're used to getting a little blood of your firearm, why not have it be for a good reason. After making a firearm attack, you can use your bonus action to stabilise a fallen ally within 5 ft of you by placing the hot barrel of your gun to cauterise their wounds. At 11th level, you can target any creature and cauterise their wounds even while conscious. As a bonus action, you can allow a creature within 5 ft of you to expend one hit dice to regain hit points. You can use this feature an amount of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), you regain all expended uses on a short or long rest. #### Defensive Strike Beginning at 7th level, you can defend yourself from an incoming enemy with just your bayonet. When a creature enter the range of your bayonet, you can use your reaction to make a bayonet attack against that creature. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #### Swift Strike Upon reaching 11th level, no one running away from you can escape your attacks. When someone leaves your bayonet range, you make an opportunity attack with either your bayonet or your firearm. If you choose to make an attack with your firearm, you do not suffer from disadvantage if they are in your melee range.
\page #### Long Range Lunge Starting at 15th level, you can reach with a bayonet long past where one normally should reach with one. The range of your bayonet increases by 5 ft, for example if the range of your bayonet is 5 ft your range increases to 10 ft. #### Perpetual Impalement When you reach 19th level, you can constantly run through creatures with your bayonetted weapons. You can spend your bonus action to make two additional bayonet attacks instead of just one. ![gunmage](https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_likmt7cgQH1qhluyao1_500.jpg) {position:absolute,width:250px;mix-blend-mode:multiply} :::::::::::::::::::::: ### The Gunmage The Gunmage is a man of knowledge, someone that spends their life learning not only the ins and outs of firearms, but also the arcane arts. A Gunmage is a magician with bullets, he can infuse black powder with the most potent material magical energy. The Gunmage is a man of study, learning how to fuse the archaic technique of magic with the modern science of mechanisms. A small and dedicated guild, the Gunmage is a force to be reckoned with. #### Bonus Proficiency Upon choosing this guild 3rd level, you become proficient with Alchemist's Supplies, which can be used to create Black Powder. When you create Black Powder, you must make an Intelligence check the DC being 10 + the amount of Black Powder (in grams) you wish to make. #### Spellcasting When you reach 3rd level, you augment your prowess with firearms with the arcane talents. See chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting and the end of the document for the Gunmage spell list. ***Cantrips.*** You learn 2 cantrips from the Gunmage spell list. You learn an additional cantrip at 11th and 19th level. {{classTable,frame ##### Gunmage Spellcasting | Class | Cantrips | Spells |--- Spells Slots per Spell Level ---|||| | Level ^| Known ^| Known ^| 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | |:------:|:--------:|:-------:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | 3rd | 2 | 3 | 2 | — | — | — | | 4th | 2 | 4 | 3 | — | — | — | | 5th | 2 | 4 | 3 | — | — | — | | 6th | 2 | 4 | 3 | — | — | — | | 7th | 2 | 5 | 4 | 2 | — | — | | 8th | 2 | 6 | 4 | 2 | — | — | | 9th | 2 | 6 | 4 | 2 | — | — | | 10th | 2 | 7 | 4 | 3 | — | — | | 11th | 2 | 8 | 4 | 3 | — | — | | 12th | 3 | 8 | 4 | 3 | — | — | | 13th | 3 | 9 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — | | 14th | 3 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — | | 15th | 3 | 10 | 4 | 3 | 2 | — | | 16th | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — | | 17th | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — | | 18th | 3 | 11 | 4 | 3 | 3 | — | | 19th | 4 | 12 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | | 20th | 4 | 13 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | }} ***Spell Slots.*** The Gunmage Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your Gunmage spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. For example, if you know the 1st-level spell *magic missile* and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast *magic missile* using either slot. ***Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher.*** You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the gunmage spell list. The Spells Known column of the Gunmage Spellcasting table shows when you learn more Gunmage spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Gunmage spells you know and replace it with another spell from the Gunmage spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots. ***Spellcasting Ability.*** Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Gunmage spells, since you learn your spells through study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Gunmage spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
\page {{text-align:center **Spell save DC** = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier **Spell Attack Modifier** = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier }} #### Caster's Tricks Also at 3rd level, your mastery of a Gunslinger's basic tricks and arcane casting allows you to do something special. When you cast a spell or cantrip that requires a ranged attack roll, you can add a trick to the spell. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest. #### Distilled Essence Upon reaching 7th level, you use your alchemist's supplies to form a powder or liquid of pure elemental energy. These powders and liquids can be used in tandem with projectiles to add additional damage to an attack. Depending on which type of essence you create, it changes the type of the additional damage. The only difference between a vial of the powder and a vial of the liquid is that only some projectiles can use powder and some can use liquid. Liquid can be used for most projectiles, Sling Bullets, Arrows, Crossbow Bolts, Darts, etc., while powder can only be used for firearms. Firearm bullets cannot use Liquid Essence, but they can use Powdered Essence in tandem with Black Powder to do additional damage and Liquid Essence is added on the tip of an Arrow, Crossbow Bolt, Dart, etc. to do additional damage. A vial of liquid essence can be used on 5 non-firearm bullet ammunition, while a vial of powdered essence can affect 5 firearm bullets. The attack deals 1d6 of the type that the essence is. Damage from bullets that have distilled essence count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. To make a vial Distilled Essence, you must have a spell above 1st level that does the damage type you wish to have, and Alchemist's Supplies in your possession. You may have an amount of Distilled Essence equal to your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). An unused vial fades when you create additional essence past the amount you can have active at one time. ##### Distilled Essence Type | Name | Damage Type | |:------:|:------------| | Fotia | Fire | | Fragor | Thunder | | Fulgur | Lightning | | Gelus | Cold | | Medeis | Force | | Ostium | Poison | | Oxino | Acid | ![distilled essence](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/77/b3/b877b3872db9e844c2d9942a396e277c.jpg) {position:absolute,width:150px,right:170px,top:375px} \column #### Reserved Ammunition Beginning at 15th level, you can enchant a set of bullets of any firearm type with a spell. When you take a short rest you can expend a spell slot of 1st level or 2nd level infuse up to 5 bullets with one of your known spells. If you hit with an enchanted bullet the effect of the spell occurs, if the spell requires an attack the attack automatically hits but if the spell requires a saving throw, the target gets to roll the saving throw to attempt to negate the effect or for half damage. If the spell does damage, the damage of the bullet changes its damage type to match the damage type of the spell. If the spell has an effect that states it gets to make a saving throw once attacked, the initial bullet damage does not cause that additional saving throw to occur. If you fire a piece of reserved ammunition, you can use it in tandem with Distilled Essence but not in tandem with a trick. :::::::::::::: ### The Shotgunner The Shotgunner is a gunslinger who matches the want to be in the fray like the Musketeer, but doesn't match their expertise with a bayonet. They are a trained for going in, guns blazing, reckless and wild, and while they are experts with a firearm, they know how to fight dirty. Unlike the precise Riflemen, the noble Sheriffs, the trained Musketeers, and the erudite Gunmages, the Shotgunners get their fingers darkened by black powder and dirt. When you need someone to make sure the job gets done, you call a Shotgunner. #### Bonus Proficiencies Beginning when you choose this guild at 3rd level, due to your reckless nature, you realised that light armour probably isn't the most protective thing. You become proficient with medium armour and shields. #### Short Ranged Sniper Also at 3rd level, short range firearms are your go to weapon no matter how far away the target is. Attacking at long range does not impose disadvantage on your shotgun firearm attacks.
\page ![shotgunner](http://d20pfsrd.opengamingnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2017/01/gunman-2.png) {position:absolute,width:250px,left:150px} ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #### Savage Shots Upon reaching 7th level, melee combat with a short ranged firearms is your speciality because you're drawn to danger. You do not have disadvantage on firearm attacks when you attack a creature with a firearm in melee range. Additionally, you can roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a shotgun. #### Reckless Adrenaline Starting at 11th level, the thrill you get from your reckless actions fills you with adrenaline. As a bonus action, you can give yourself one of the following effects: - You gain an amount of temporary hit points equal to your Trick Die + your Intelligence modifier - You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the end of your next turn - You gain advantage on Strength check and Strength saving throws until the end of your next turn - You regain an amount of hit points equal to your Gunslinger level You use this feature an amount of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, you regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. Upon reaching 19th level, you gain all of the effects instead of just one when you use this feature and all the effects that have a duration are increased to 1 minute. #### Mad Attack Beginning at 15th level, you send out a wave of shots from whatever firearm you have. As an action, all creatures in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Trick save DC or take 6d6 piercing damage or half on a successful save. Once you use this feature, you use all the loaded shots in your firearm and have to reload. ## Tricks The Tricks are presented in alphabetical order. ##### Arcane Shot ***Prerequisite.*** The Gunmage Gunslinger Guild When you attack a creature with a firearm, you can expend one trick die to transform your bullet into pure magical energy. You add the trick die to the attack's damage roll and the bullet deals force damage rather than piercing damage. ##### Blank Shot As an action, you can expend one trick die to attempt to frighten creatures around you. All creatures within 15 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of you for 1 minute. ##### Bolo Shot When you attack a creature with a firearm, you can expend one trick die to cause your bullet to expand and send out a thin line of wire to tie around your enemies legs. You add the trick die to the initial attack roll, the target takes full damage from the attack, and the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. ##### Buck Shot ***Prerequisite.*** The Rifleman Gunslinger Guild When you attack a creature with a firearm, you can expend one trick die to cause your bullet to split and hit multiple targets. You add the trick die to the attack's damage roll, the initial target takes full damage from the attack, and the creature and all creatures within 5 ft of the initial target must make a Dexterity saving throw or take half the initial damage and none on a success. ##### Caster's Fortitude ***Prerequisite.*** The Gunmage Gunslinger Guild Whenever a creature attempts to resist a spell you cast, you can expend one trick die to nullify their attempts. When a creature making a saving throw against a spell you cast, you can use your reaction to expend a trick die. Roll the trick die and add half the amount you rolled (rounded down, minimum of 1) to your spell save DC.
\page ##### Clipper Shot When you attack a creature, you can expend one trick die to attempt to knock a flying creature from the aid, or knock a standing creature to the ground. You add the trick die to the attack's damage roll, and the creature must make a Strength saving throw or fall 15 feet for a flying creature, or be knocked prone for a standing creature. ##### Forceful Shot When you attack a creature, you expend one trick die to push a creature away from you. You add the trick die to the attack's damage roll, and the creature is pushed 10 feet away from you. ##### Gunslinger's Dodge When you're hit with an attack, you can expend one trick die to attempt to reduce the effect of attack. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll your trick die, you reduce the amount of damage by that amount. ##### Grinding Shot When you misfire with a firearm, you can expend one trick die to allow you to hit anyways. You add the trick die to the attack roll and see if you would hit, after the shot is made the weapon is considered misfired anyways. If you hit the creature, you do your normal damage. ##### Head Shot When you attack a creature, you expend one trick die to target the head of a creature to daze them. You add the trick die to the attack's damage roll, and the creature must make a Constitution saving throw or become dizzied until the end of your next turn (the dizzied condition is described at the end of the class description). ##### Hollow Shot When you attack a creature with a firearm, you can expend one trick die to make sure that the round is hollow instead of a pure metal. You add the trick die to the attack's damage roll and the bullet deals bludgeoning damage rather than piercing damage and can be used to make a nonlethal attack. ##### Impossible Deftness ***Prerequisite.*** The Rifleman Gunslinger Guild When you attempt to evade an effect, you can expend one trick die to use your natural agility to attempt to better dodge it. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you can use your reaction to expend a trick die to instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. ##### Keen Shot You spend time to focus a target before you attack a creature with a firearm, you can expend one trick die and your bonus action to gain a better aim against a creature. You gain advantage on the next attack you make. ##### Leader's Protection ***Prerequisite.*** The Sheriff Gunslinger Guild You can empower and bolster an ally to make them heartier and more able to take a hit. As a bonus action, you can expend a trick die to give one creature within 30 ft of you an amount of temporary hit points equal to your Trick die + your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1). ##### Palm Shot When you attack a creature, you can expend one trick die to target their hand to disarm them. You add the trick die to the attack's damage roll, and the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or drop an item of your choice. ##### Pausing Shot When you hit a creature, you can expend one trick die to attempt to stop an enemy for a moment. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn. ##### Pot Shot ***Prerequisite.*** The Shotgunner Gunslinger Guild When you attack a creature with a firearm, you can expend one trick die to take a pot shot at them. You make an attack at disadvantage, and your misfire score increases by 1 for this attack, if you hit the creature you deal an additional die of damage and you add the trick die to the attack's damage roll. ##### Ricocheting Shot As a reaction, when you miss an attack against a creature with a firearm, you can expend one trick to cause the bullet to hit against somthing and return to hit another or the same target. Make another attack roll at disadvantage and choose another target within 15 ft of the original or choose the same target. If you hit, add the trick die to the damage roll. When you roll the ricocheting attack, and you would normally misfire, you do not. ##### Running Shot When you attack a creature, as a bonus action you can expend one trick die to try to avoid any creatures coming towards you. You expend the trick die to either disengage or dash as part of the attack.
\page ##### Sand Attack ***Prerequisite.*** The Shotgunner Gunslinger Guild When a creature attacks you, you can expend one trick die to attempt to use a combination of the black powder in your pocket and the dirt beneath your feet yto potentially cause them to miss. When a creature attacks you, but before you know if the attack hits, you can use your reaction to roll your trick die plus half your Dexterity modifier (rounded down, minimum of 1) and reduce the attack roll by that much. ##### Slashing Shot ***Prerequisite.*** The Musketeer Gunslinger Guild When you attack a creature with a bayonet, you can expend one trick die to slash into a creature with a blade that is normally a stabbing weapon. You add the trick die to the attack's damage roll and the target must make a Dexterity saving throw or become wounded until the end of the target creature's next turn ##### Swordsman's Parry ***Prerequisite.*** The Musketeer Gunslinger Guild When a creature attacks you, you can expend one trick die to attempt to use your bayonette to push the attack away. When a creature attacks you, but before you know if the attack hits, you can use your reaction to roll your trick die and add the amount to your armor class. This bonus lasts until the start of your next turn. ##### Triggering Shot ***Prerequisite.*** The Sheriff Gunslinger Guild As an action, you can expend one trick die to attempt to surprise a creature. As a bonus action you can cause one creature within 30 feet of you who cannot see you make a Wisdom saving throw or be surprised for the next round. # Additional Information ### Multiclassing Should you wish to multiclass into a Gunslinger, the prerequisites and proficiencies gained are listed below. #### Prerequisites ***Ability Score Minimum.*** Dexterity 13, Intelligence 13 #### Proficiencies ***Proficiencies Gained.*** Light armour, firearms, tinker's tools, smith's tools ### Feats #### Marksman Even though you're not a gunslinger, you have trained with firearms enough to be able to use them properly. You gain the following benefits: - You become proficient with Firearms - You learn two tricks of your choice from among those available to the gunslinger class, though it cannot have a guild prerequisite. If a maneuver you use requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. - If you already have trick dice, you gain one more; otherwise, you have one trick dice, which is a d4. This die is used to fuel your tricks. A trick die is expended when you use it. You regain your expended trick dice when you finish a short or long rest. \column #### Magical Distiller *Prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell* : You have been trained in the ways of the Gunmage, more specifically their ability to distill spells to their root form. You gain the following benefits: - You become proficient with Alchemist's Supplies - You gain the ability to create Distilled Essence as according to the feature in the Gunmage guild. When you create distilled essence, you can create an amount equal to your Proficiency bonus + your Spellcasting ability modifier
\page # Gunmage Spell List {{wide :: ***(XGE)*** designates that the spell is from **Xanathar's Guide to Everything** :: ***(EGW)*** designates that the spell is from **Explorer's Guide to Wildemount** :: ***(HES)*** designates that the spell is from my own **[Homebrew Elemental Spells](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/SFCjhDUGK)** **=============================================================================================** }} {{spellList,wide ##### Cantrips (0 Level) - Acid Splash - Blade Ward - Dancing Lights - Fire Bolt - Hervan's Clenched Fist - Mage Hand - Mending - Mold Earth ***(XGE)*** - Poison Spray - Ray of Frost - Shocking Grasp - Thunderclap ***(XGE)*** - True Strike ##### 1st Level - Absorb Elements ***(XGE)*** - Burning Hands - Catapult ***(XGE)*** - Chaos Bolt ***(XGE)*** - Chromatic Orb - Earth Tremor ***(XGE)*** - False Life - Feather Fall - Ice Knife ***(XGE)*** - Identify - Jump - Longstrider - Magic Missile - Marksman's Target - Poison Dagger ***(HES)*** - Shield ##### 2nd Level - Aganazzar's Scorcher ***(XGE)*** - Arcane Lock - Blindness/Deafness - Blur - Darkness - Dragon's Breath ***(XGE)*** - Heat Metal - Ice Slick ***(HES)*** - Knock - Levitate - Magic Mouth - Magic Weapon - Melf's Acid Arrow - Mind Spike ***(XGE)*** - Mirror Image - Misty Step - Rope Trick - Scorching Ray - Silence - Spider Climb - Static Shock ***(HES)*** - Wristpocket ***(EGW)*** ##### 3rd Level - Acid Skin ***(HES)*** - Blink - Blitz Movement ***(HES)*** - Call Lightning - Conjure Barrage - Counterspell - Dispel Magic - Elemental Weapon ***(XGE)*** - Erupting Earth ***(XGE)*** - Fireball - Glacial Strands ***(HES)*** - Lightning Bolt - Thundercrash ***(HES)*** - Thunder Step ***(XGE)*** - Tongues - Toxic Touch ***(HES)*** ##### 4th Level - Acid Pool ***(HES)*** - Elemental Bane ***(XGE)*** - Fire Shield - Ice Storm - Poison Gas ***(HES)*** - Shield of Storms ***(HES)*** - Stone Shape - Storm Sphere ***(XGE)*** - Vitriolic Sphere ***(XGE)*** }}
\page # Firearms {{wide | Name | Cost | Ammo Cost | Damage | Weight | Range | Properties | |:-----|:----:|:---------:|:------:|:------:|:-----:|-----------:| | *Pistols* | | | | | | | |   Palm Pistol | 50 gp | 2 gp (20) | 1d8 piercing | 1 lb. | (40/60) | Light, reload 1, misfire 1 | |   Pistol | 150 gp | 4 gp (20) | 1d10 piercing | 3 lbs. | (60/240) | Reload 4, misfire 1 | |   Flintlock | 100 gp | 2 gp (20) | 1d10 piercing | 3 lbs. | (80/320) | Reload 1, misfire 1 | |   Pepperbox | 250 gp | 4 gp (20) | 2d6 piercing | 5 lbs. | (80/320) | Reload 6, misfire 2 | |   Flare Gun | 150 gp | 5 gp (5) | 1d8 fire | 2 lbs. | (15/30) | Reload 1, misfire 2, special | | *Rifles* | | | | | | | |   Arquebus | 250 gp | 5 gp (20) | 1d8 piercing | 7 lbs. | (150/500) | Two-handed, reload 1, misfire 1 | |   Musket | 300 gp | 5 gp (20) | 2d8 piercing | 10 lbs. | (120/480) | Two-handed, reload 1, misfire 2 | |   Hook Line | 400 gp | 5 gp (20) | 1d12 piercing | 10 lbs. | (180/600) | Two-handed, reload 2, misfire 2 | |   Bad News | 450 gp | 10 gp (20) | 2d12 piercing | 25 lbs. | (200/800) | Two-handed, reload 1, misfire 3 | | *Shotguns* | | | | | | | |   Blunderbuss | 300 gp | 5 gp (20) | 2d8 piercing | 10 lbs. | (15/60) | Two-handed, reload 1, misfire 2 | |   Scattergun | 300 gp | 5 gp (20) | 1d8 piercing | 10 lbs. | (15/30) | Reload 2, misfire 3, scatter | |   Hand Mortar | 250 gp | 10 gp (20) | 2d8 fire | 10 lbs. | (30/60) | Reload 1, misfire 3, explosive | |   Fire Spitter | 300 gp | 10 gp (5) | 1d10 fire | 15 lbs. | (15/30) | Two-handed, reload 1, misfire 3, special | |   Last Legs | 450 gp | 10 gp (20) | 2d10 piercing | 10 lbs. | (30/60) | Two-handed, reload 4, misfire 3 | | *Extras* | | | | | | | |   Socket Bayonet | 10 gp | — | 1d6 piercing | 1 lb. | — | Finesse, attachment (rifle) | |   Sword Bayonet | 30 gp | — | 1d8 piercing | 4 lbs. | — | Reach, finesse, attachment (rifle) | |   Magnifying Scope | 150 gp | — | — | — | x2 | Attachment (rifle), special | |   Repeater | 100 gp | — | — | — | — | Attachment (pistol, rifle), and shotgun), special | |   Silencer | 150 gp | — | —| — | — | Attachment (pistol and rifle), special | }} #### Firearm Properties Firearms are a new technology, and as such they have their own set of weapon properties. ***Reload.*** A firearm can be fired an amount of times equal to the Reload score before you need to reload the firearm. ***Misfire.*** If you roll a firearm attack and if the roll without any modifiers is less than the misfire score, the weapon cannot be used again until it is repaired. You can repair the firearm in combat by using your action to make a check with either Tinker's Tools or Smith's tools (the DC is 8 + the weapon's Misfire score). If you fail you must repair the weapon out of combat at half the cost of the firearm. ***Scatter.*** You must roll an attack against each creature within a 30 ft cone, all creatures take the same damage roll if the attack hits. ***Explosive.*** When you hit, all creatures within 5 ft of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw agaisnt (the DC equals 8 + your Intelligence or Dexterity mod + your Proficiency bonus) or suffer half damage. If the attack misses, the ammunition either doesn't explode or it goes wide before exploding. ***Attachment.*** You need to have a weapon with the attachment property attached to a firearm, the type(s) of firearm it can be attached to in parentheses. You can attach and unattach an item with the attachment property as a bonus action. ***Special.*** Firearms with the special property are described here. - *Flare Gun.* When you hit a creature with the flare gun they must make a Dexterity saving throw against your (the DC equals 8 + your Intelligence or Dexterity mod + your Proficiency bonus) or have the next attack against them be made at advantage. - *Magnifying Scope.* You double the ranges of your firearm, and when you look through the scope, you gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to find minute details or to notice things far away. - *Repeater.* You add two to your firearm's reload score but you also double your misfire score. - *Fire Spitter.* When you roll to attack a creature, the target and all creatures within 15 ft of the target must make a Dexterity saving throw or be set on fire. While on fire, the creature take 1d6 fire damage on the start of each of its turns. - *Silencer.* When you attack with a firearm, make an Intelligence (Stealth) check against enemy creature's passive perception, on a success, the creatures do not notice that you are there.
\page #### Firearm Types There are three types of firearms, pistols, rifles, and shotguns, each categorised by different basic properties. ___ - ***Pistols.*** Pistols are one-handed firearms that generally have the same range as bows or crossbows. Pistols generally have high reload scores, but their reload scores generally depend on their price to buy/make, their range, and any additional properties. - ***Rifles.*** Rifles are two-handed firearms that have the longest range. They tend to do more damage and have a much higher range than pistols but have lower reload scores. - ***Shotguns.*** Shotguns aren't categorised by the amount of hands needed to weild them but rather their short range. Shotguns tend to have more proterties to them than rifles and pistols do
\page # Credits Thank you to all the people who helped me create this class and subclasses. I would like to thank Matthew Mercer for giving me the idea of this class with his Gunslinger Fighter Archetype. I would like to thank all of the artists for whom made the art. And they are as follows: - @PhotonBetamax on Twitter - Todd Lockwood - @CrispyNavy on DeviantArt - u/JackKaiserArt on Reddit - u/SteveSketches on Reddit - nerdyeah-blog on Tumblr - Alex Edwards on ArtStation If you see your own artwork, and I have not credited you properly, please let me know and I will rectify that. And finally thank you to the people who make The Homebrewery, the site that I used to format it. The following two spells are two that I created. {{descriptive #### Hervan's Clenched Fist *Conjuration Cantrip* **Casting Time:** :: 1 action **Range:** :: 30 feet **Components:** :: V, S **Duration:** :: 1 minute **Classes:** :: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard, Gunslinger (Gunmage) A spectral, floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the Duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this spell again. You can use your action to control the hand and move it. You can use the hand to only attack every turn for the duration of the spell. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 force damage. ***At higher levels.*** This spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). *Fletcher Hervan is a Half-elf Wizard of the School of Illusion, he was the first to discover how to figure out how to make his Mage Hand attack.* }} This spell is just for a smaller version of a Bigby's Hand type spell, just for some flavour. {{descriptive #### Marksman's Target *1st-level enchantment* **Casting Time:** :: 1 bonus action **Range:** :: 90 feet **Components:** :: V, S, M (a magnifying lens) **Duration:** :: Concentration, up to 1 hour You choose a creature you can see within range and a small bullseye appears on the creature. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever you hit it with a weapon attack. When you target a creature that has resistance to piercing damage with this spell, all attacks that you make that deal piercing damage bypass that resistance. ***At Higher Levels.*** When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd or 4th level, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 8 hours. When you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 24 hours. }} This spell is the Gunmage's version of Hunter's Mark or Hex, a spell that helps deal extra damage. These are the two conditions that two of the trick can enduce in a creature. {{descriptive ***Dizzied.*** When a creature with the dizzied condition attacks with a ranged attack, their target has half cover. Also when a dizzied creature attempts to move, they must roll a d6 and multiply it by 5, that is the amount of feet they can move. : ***Wounded.*** A creature with the wounded condition has disadvantage on Concentration checks their speed is halved for the duration }}
\page # Changelog ## Wednesday, 4/1/2020, v1.0.0 - Released with completed class and subclass data ### Thursday, 4/2/2020 v1.0.1 - Added Arcane Shot and Slashing Shot Trickshots - Added Buck Shot and Triggering Shot Trickshot prerequisites - Added Firearm table and firearm properties - Added Dizzied and Wounded condition properties ### Friday, 4/3/2020 v1.0.2 - Added Changelog - Added Table of Contents - Added Multiclass details - Added Flintlock firearm - Added Caster's Trickshot feature - Fixed spelling errors, typos, and other text mistakes ### Monday, 5/25/2020 v1.0.3 - Added Flare Gun firearm - Adjusted the Table of Contents - Moved Multiclassing details - Fixed wording and formatting ### Thursday, 7/2/2020 v1.0.4 - Added Bonus Proficiency to Gunmage - Added need for Alchemist's Supplies to create Distilled Essence - Added Bolo Shot and Ricocheting Shot Trickshots ### Sunday, 7/5/2020 v1.0.5 - Adjusted formatting - Added Magnifying Scope, Repeater, and Fire Spitter ### Thursday, 9/3/2020 v1.0.6 - Adjusted formatting for Distilled Essence - Changed the wording for Distilled Essence - Added the Marksman and Magical Distiller feats to the end of the class description - Adjusted the formatting of the Table of Contents - Added Hollow Shot Trickshot - Adjusted the wording of Magnifying Scope - Added Silencer - Added Homebrew Elemental Spells to the Gunmage Spell List ## Friday, 11/6/2020 v1.1.0 - Renamed Trickshots to Gunslinger Tricks - Added Gunslinger's Dodge to Tricks list - Added Leader's Protection to Tricks list - Added Caster's Fortitude to Tricks List - Added Impossible Deftness to Tricks List - Added Swordsman's Parry to Tricks List - Added additional feature to Bloodied Barrel ## Thursday, 3/25/2021 v1.2.0 - Renamed all guilds to include the word The - Added the Shotgunner guild - Added Sand Attack to Tricks List - Changed Pot Shot to require the Shotgunner guild - Replaced Point Blank with Swift Strike - Swapped Defensive Strike and Swift Strike - Added Last Legs firearm ### Saturday, 3/27/2021 v1.2.1 - Changed the Trick Die scaling - Removed the requirement of weilding a one-handed firearm from Badge of Honour - Taste of Lead now requires a Constitution saving throw - Boom of Dread no longer bypasses immunity to the frightened condition - Added subtypes of firearms and changed the requirements of extras with the attachment property and certain guild features to require the use of a certain subtype - Removed the choice of Strength or Dexterity saving throws from the Bolo Shot and changed it to just a Dexterity saving throw ### Friday, 10/8/2021 v1.2.2 - Fixed spelling errors, typos, and other text mistakes - Added Hook Line firearm - Adjusted formatting to fit Homebrewwery v3 - Changed the way the Repeater works - Changed damage dice and properties for some firearms ### Wednesday, 4/29/2022 v1.2.3 - Adjusted formatting - Changed the wording for Lightning Shots - Added the ability to change your Tricks when you level up - Changed the wording for the attachment property - Added Running Shot to the Tricks List - Added duration for Boom of Dread