#      Introductions Greetings, traveler! You currently hold in your hands a brief collection of knowledge, lore, and anecdotes regarding the northmost coastline of our great kingdom, designed and distributed by the esteemed *Grimalkin Carriage Company*, official overland exploration subsidiary of the Nautilus Trading Company.
**On these pages you will find everything you need to plan and enjoy a safe, memorable, and awe-inspiring trip to one of Verronwealth's most beautiful and storied regions!**
     *Copyright 1491 DR by Grimalkin Carriage Company*                                 *All rights reserved.*
                           A Nautilus House Publication               Printed by Laughing Owl Textment, Inc.                               120 Bluebarrel Court                                     Giant's Throw ### Table of Contents #####   | Section | Page Number | |:----:|:-------------| | Complimentary Trail Map | 1 | | Introductions | 1 | | Bustling Towns | 2 | | Charming Villages | 6 | | Points of Interest | 7 | | Wilderness to Explore | 9 | | Grimalkin's Gossip | 10 | | Prices & Legalities | 11 | \page
#                         Bustling Towns
The northern shores of Verronwealth are home to four of the kingdom's most happening metropolitan areas: Foxwood, Bromwich, Glimmersteel, and Gallowtree. The more mercantile explorer would do well to spend at least a moon or two in all of them!
##                                                Foxwood
#####   | Category | Grimalkin's Charter Rating | |:----:|:-------------| | Ease of Access | ★★★★☆ | | Safety | ★★★★★ | | Availability of Goods | ★★★★☆ | | Excursion Variety | ★★★★☆ | | Overall Impression | ★★★★★ |
Originally a lumber mill settlement, Foxwood quickly expanded into a booming trade town. Today, clear reminders of its timberland roots make the thriving northern city a quaint, inviting stay for travelers of all ages and intrigues. The NTC-controlled locale features reinforced walls and barricades to keep even the most determined would-be invaders out. Standard wizardry, smithing, and medical services are readily available. Daytrippers will enjoy browsing the eccentric, brightly-colored stalls of the Oak Market. Youngsters can find good swimming in the nearby banks of the River Kingfisher, and historians can take specialized tours of several nearby tombs. \page
##                                              Bromwich
#####   | Category | Grimalkin's Charter Rating | |:----:|:-------------| | Ease of Access | ★★★★★ | | Safety | ★★★★☆ | | Availability of Goods | ★★★☆☆ | | Excursion Variety | ★★★★☆ | | Overall Impression | ★★★★☆ |
Responsible for most of the north's farmed goods, Bromwich is a cozy agricultural town nestled between an offshoot of the River Azmarin and the Coppertop Mountains. Rolling green pastures, gentle hills, and unrivaled sunsets make it an ideal spot for the urban-weary wanderer looking to get away from the daily grind. Visitors to Bromwich should aim to arrive during one of the town's seasonal baked goods festivals or the annual Harvestfall Faire to truly get a glimpse of its rustic charm. Basic services and goods are readily available, and the verdant pastures surrounding the town make for scenic hiking or a safe exploration site for young adventurers.
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##                                          Glimmersteel
#####   | Category | Grimalkin's Charter Rating | |:----:|:-------------| | Ease of Access | ★★★★☆ | | Safety | ★★★★★ | | Availability of Goods | ★★★☆☆ | | Excursion Variety | ★★★☆☆ | | Overall Impression | ★★★★★ |
Glimmersteel is a seaside forge town that provides the NTC with most of the smithed goods it doesn't get from Giant's Throw. It's also a must-stop for any explorers that love an oceanic vibe and coastal activities! Built from the remains of a terraced Dwarven stronghold overlooking the Seventh Sea, Glimmersteel offers plenty of breathtaking views and lots of nautical excursions for the seafaring traveler that feels the call of the brine. \page
##                                            Gallowtree
  > ##### Expedition Expertise: Crimsonmoon > Travelers with children (or perhaps those just looking for a bit of fun and mischief) should try to spend at least one Crimsonmoon in Gallowtree. > > The town puts an extra twist on the holiday's usual festivities: instead of random shades and specters and zombies, the settlement's youth are encouraged to create imaginary criminal personas that were hanged from the town's namesake and then dress up as those once the night begins. > >For the next several hours, they're free to run wild and have fun playing pranks on the local businesses (within reasonable confines of the law) until the midnight bell strikes its final chime. > >If you are there, don't forget to head on down to the local Grimalkin carriagehouse, which will be handing out treats to families of any of the little wraiths that stop by. It's a *ghoulishly* good time!
#####   | Category | Grimalkin's Charter Rating | |:----:|:-------------| | Ease of Access | ★★★★★ | | Safety | ★★★★★ | | Availability of Goods | ★★★★☆ | | Excursion Variety | ★★★☆☆ | | Overall Impression | ★★★★☆ |
One of the first capitals High King Rinverk Verron used when unifying Verronwealth into a kingdom, Gallowtree is steeped in rich history and lore. Legendseekers will enjoy the enchanting, NTC-curated Museum of Wizardry, and those with an appreciation for history a bit more grim can visit several shrines around the town's central plaza that tell the tales of its many hangings of old. Of course, those with an interest in the current are free to explore the curiosities in the Gallowtree College of Artifice's public display room, and the school's annual Inventor's Faire is always a captivating attraction if you're in town for it. \page
#                       Charming Villages Smaller in size and population than their commercially-developed sistren, a few quaint villages can be found hidden amongst the grand expanses of Northern Verronwealth. Though most would not consider them standalone travel destinations, *Grimalkin* believes they're still worth an abbreviated stopover if possible.
*Tide-winds of long and long foretold, breeze of brine and sails unbound;* *Sirens' breath on moss and stone, maiden's touch of waves white-crowned;* *Hides and calls to dawning light; light twice-blessed by men not drowned;* *'Till morning dawn unveils her lost, and shoreline lost to night is found.*                                                    - "Light of the Lantern Tower,"                           a selection regarding Gladelight Tower from              *The Seafarer's Prose* by Galvur Thulbek, *1173 DR*
> ##### Expedition Expertise: Gladelight > Sitting slightly north of the Brinegrove on the foam-kissed cliffsides that form the barrier between Verronian land and the Seventh Sea, the old seatown of Gladelight is steeped in sailors' eccentric superstitions and old fishers' lore. > > The nearby Gladelight Tower still guides naval vessels safely through the misty tides, and the attached inn is a favorite of local mariners.
> ##### Expedition Expertise: Sallowfield > Rising from amongst the many barrow-tombs of the haunted Sallow, the fortified hilltop barony of Sallowfield is a macabre respite for those traversing through the province. > > With much of its unique local culture and tradition taking influence from the vast amounts of death that surround it, it truly is an intriguingly charming place perfect for those not afraid to discover its morbid character.
> ##### Expedition Expertise: Goodberry > Goodberry is a fledgling frontier settlement that marks the approximate halfway-point between the Journeystone and Glimmersteel. > >Drawing its name from the many druids who use it as a place of convergence and ritual, it is a spot of interest for all who have business with nature. \page
#                       Points of Interest
Perhaps the most storied and captivating places in the provinces of Northern Verronwealth are not its settlements at all, but rather the notable sites and landmarks one can visit between them. The following is but a glimpse of what the region has to offer its sightseers, a list of famous points of interest accessible year-round to both outsiders and locals alike.
### The Lucky Moon Lodge The Lucky Moon Lodge is a traveler's inn and taproom located on the border of the Silverlark Meadow and the Stagthicket. Built upon a rift between the Material Plane and the Feywild, the grounds of the business are subject to two permanent nullifying enchantments: no magical forces can penetrate the borders of the property, and no magical forces can be called upon within the confines of the property. As a result of the magical null-fields, many wartime councils have met their enemies to discuss treaties and truces over the tavern's 13 hand-carved log tables, and the place has a lengthy history of involvement in various monumentally-important events. ### The Journeystone Originally used as a mile-marker on an intersection of paths between the four major towns, the Journeystone has come to direct travelers who wish to visit the area's villages and points of interest as well. It is considered good luck for those who pass to paint a mark upon the surface of the giant slab of smooth grey marble, and the stone is rarely seen without a prismatic coating reflecting the light of the sun in hundreds of rays. ### The Bartercrypt No one is certain what the ring of rune-covered menhirs sitting in the middle of the Silverlark Meadow was originally intended for, but local legend holds it as a place where the dead come to trade amongst one another (and, occasionally, amongst the still-living). Although it is frowned upon for travelers to camp amongst the tall stones, one can often spot a small caravan of hopeful loreseekers doing just that. The place has evolved into a performance stage for more free-spirited bards, as well. ### Gallamohr's Rest The largest grouping of barrows in the Sallow is known as the Barrowdale, and the largest barrow amongst them is the final resting place of Gallamohr, the dwarven King of Glittering Stone. Dwarfs from Glimmersteel often take a cultural pilgrimage to visit the tomb of one of their most beloved rulers, and a seasonal temple stocked with supplies for potential vigil-goers is staffed nearby along the River Azmarin during the warmer parts of the year.
### Gladelight Tower Gladelight's namesake tower is the village's lighthouse. Many a lanternkeeper has maintained the structure, and a small inn was built onto its premises several decades ago in order to increase its income. Today, travelers interested in maritime fare can take a tour of the building, with highlights including the nightly lighting of its massive lamp, glimpses of the shoals of kipper that swim along the property's shore, and a collection of various sailors' tales during a traditional dinner. The tour is open to all ages and takes place on the third day of every moon in Summertide and Harvestfall. ### The Gallowtree The actual tree for which the town of the same title is named grows a small hike away in the Stagthicket. Rumored to be cursed, the tree is sometimes found decorated with the spectral visages and shades of its victims' skeletons, dressed in decayed clothing and still hanging from its blackened branches. Visitors hoping to catch the grim sight are encouraged to be clear of the area by nightfall, when some of the more vengeful wraiths are known to haunt. Numerous attempts to destory the tree have been taken throughout the years. It appears to be impervious to damage. ### Duskhallow Priory Duskhallow Priory is an abandoned chapel that occupies one of the oldest groves in the Stagthicket. Surrounded by trees that tower almost a hundred feet tall, its steeple remains hidden from view until explorers are within mere yards of it. Records identify the sanctuary as being the stronghold of the Lady of Dusk, a powerful witch claiming to have connections to the Fey Courts. However, those times have turned to myth and the ruin is now an exciting delve for adventurers wanting to explore a bit of ancient arcana. \page
> ##### Expedition Expertise: Soulmerchants > If you wish to conduct business with the shades of the Bartercrypt, you must pay with the proper currency. Mere coin has no use in the Astral - a *sumazah* (Elvish, "grey price") must be given. > > While those who passed beyond have many different preferences, *Grimalkin* encourages first-time soulmerchants to stick with the basics: sumazahs of white-iron flakes, elderblossom, or bloodsilk hallowed in the light of seven white candles are safe choices at any of the Barterstones. \page
#                   Wilderness to Explore
Not all of the best sights in Northern Verronwealth can be seen from a safe, settled place. Some of the most incredible, awe-inspiring ruins and vistas are hidden away in the region's vast wilderness environments, just waiting to be discovered by intrepid explorers braving the unknown in search of adventures and glory.
> ##### Expedition Expertise: > ##### Silverlark Meadow > Rich, rolling pastures and mild hillsides define the province of land known as Silverlark Meadow. Home to the remains of several ancient Waesvylan strongholds, the Northern Shore's meadowlands are a perfect place for hopeful ruindivers to get a taste of Elvish lore and architecture. > > Accessible in all four seasons, Silverlark Meadow holds relatively easy terrain throughout while still providing a sense of expedition not available in occupied territory.
> ##### Expedition Expertise: > ##### The Sallow > Haunted expanses and restless plains make up the Sallow, a barren stretch of barrows and battlefields that still offers residence to the shades of its Dwarven defenders. Explorers unafraid of the unliving can uncover quite a few military relics on the grounds where the dwarves stood against the giants so many centuries ago. > > The Sallow's position far from most modern Verronian civilization makes it a better choice for adventuring during the warmer moons, when natural resouces are more readily available and a short delay doesn't spell disaster.
> ##### Expedition Expertise: > ##### Willowmere > The brine-weathered branches of thousands of tidewillows hang over the brackish marsh waters of Willowmere, a massive swamp between the Seventh Sea and the rest of Northern Verronwealth. > *Grimalkin* recommends leaving this province to the most proven of outlanders, as the rampant growth of the area consumes everything but the most traveled paths and the unique biome provides habitats to all sorts of obscure (and dangerous) beasts and entities. > >Still, for thrillseekers looking for the ultimate expedition and unknown treasures, a trip through the remote reaches of Willowmere is guaranteed to be anything but safe and ordinary. \page
# Grimalkin's Gossip ###### *As Heard in this Year Current*
**"I think I saw the hull of a sunken ship while I was out about 60 miles off the coast of Glimmersteel. About 18 degrees northwest of Ihnton's Wharf. Could be a good salvage for some youngsters who have the time and energy to go deep diving out there."**                                                  -*Toldok Greldiro, Glimmersteel*
**"I saw the ghost of High King Rinvirk at the Bartercrypt! At least it sure looked like him. I paid the Stone of Bells a sumazah of elderblossom petals dipped in honey and grain if you want to try and see him yourself."**                                                  -*Strolber Crowwinds, Foxwood*
**"A huge shooting star fell into the Stagthicket near old Duskhallow Priory. It was blazing violet light and set off a good rumble when it disappeared into the trees. I went to go have a look but ran afoul of some wild boar and by the time I got my bearings back the glowing had stopped."**                                                    -*Tavel Cragscribe, Gallowtree*
**"Hollybrook Cabin has some of the best deals I've ever seen on rustic trinkets! Their pies are absolutely delicious, too. A need-to-visit for any pilgrims or travelers coming through town!"**                                                      -*Tilda Hollybrook, Bromwich*
**"I never used to believe half the stuff that gets wrote in this section but something unbelievable happened the other day and I just had to share it here so I guess I get it now. I was having a midday drink down at the Fish & Bones when a bunch of shouting picked up out on the docks outside. I got my watchman's badge up and grabbed my riotsword thinking another drunken brawl broke out but when I got to the crowd I realized those were shouts of joy. Turns out some sailorman had sliced up the first of his catch and found a gold piece inside! Crazy part is, his mates had the same luck. Before long about a hundred kipper lay cut up and tossed about and a whole crowd was celebrating their new wealth. I still don't reckon it. A whole school of swimming gold!"**                                                -*Zath Cinderflaw, Glimmersteel*
**"Walking through the Stagthicket the other day I swear I saw a walking, weeping tree! I wasn't drunk neither. It paid me no heed and just lumbered by, branches rattling in the wind. Thick black sap ran from its "face" like tears. Needless to say, I won't be going back to that grove!"**                                                -*Jhendra Goldbloom, Gallowtree*    
##     Featured Submisssion **"I was playing with my frends wen a big dragon ataked the town with a lot of jiants but a majic man made a storm and killed a lot of the jiants and a guy shot one. Aunt Augrek was there to and she killed a jiant with airrows. I want to be a gard like her wen i grow up. Mommy wants me not to but I will cus there awsume."**                                                      -*Randar Basinclad, Foxwood*
Thanks Randar! Do you have an interesting tale, tidbit, or tiding that you think is worthy of being printed in our next issue of gossip? Then send it to us! If it's particularly intriguing, you might just find your own words featured in this very section and shared by outlanders and bards across Verronwealth! * *Please seal all submissions with green wax and include the line "ATTN: YENNELE SPRIGWILLOW" upon the envelope.*
**"I heard the echoes of a mournful-sounding horn being played in the mountains while I was tending my fields the other day. No one else heard it but it was clear as day. Such emotion on each note gave the thing an almost enchanting quality. It was beautiful. I must seek out the musician who played it there amongst those rocks."**                                                          -*Rihven Norros, Bromwich*
**"I met a man in the Lucky Moon Lodge who had come from a far off land in search of an ancient Elvish artifact. He claimed it was a ring that could control the ebb and flow of the changing seasons through the will of the wearer. Can you imagine if such a thing existed? I would never have to deal with a dreadfull snowfall again!"**                                                       -*Arilla Chendrey, Sallowfield* \page
# Prices (Per Person) ###### Excursions are selected from what is currently available and from what your *Grimalkin* wanderguide considers safe and sensible in your current state. More information and booking arrangements can be found at any licensed *Grimalkin* office.
##### Official *Grimalkin* Travel Packages | Package | Cost | |:----:|:-------------| | **Tour of the North**: An all-inclusive journey across all four of Northern Verronwealth's major towns, a stopover at each of its three main villages, and a half-moon-long guided expedition into Silverlark Meadow. The cost covers food, drink, shelter, guide, various excursions, use of riding horse, carriage travel when available, use of a selection of weaponry and one-on-one training with your selection, and complimentary magnetstone and map. *This is the journey of a lifetime!* | **2,975sp** | | **Fledgling Adventure**: An excellent choice for the first-time explorer. This expidition includes stays at Gallowtree and Bromwich, a daytrip into Silverlark Meadow, various excursions, and archery lessons at Hollybrook Family Farm. The cost covers food, drink, shelter, guide, use of a riding horse, and use of a bow and arrows. | **530sp** | | **Saddles and Spirits**: NEW! For seasoned travelers with an interest in the Astral, this spectral journey includes a tour of Sallowfield and a horseback journey through through the Sallow's bloodiest battlefields that ends with a night festival at the Bartercrypt. The cost covers food, drink, shelter, guide, use of a riding horse, selection of common sumazah and hallowing, Ethereal focus crystal, various excursions, and magnetstone. | **715sp** | | **Pines by the Sea**: A journey for the nautically-intrigued, our famous Pines by the Sea expedition includes a tour of Gladelight and Gladelight Tower, a hike through the Brinegrove, various coastal excursions, a moon aboard an actual NTC merchant vessel, a tour of Glimmersteel, and an exciting simulated battle between a kraken and brave NTC outlanders! The cost covers seafaring, food, drink, shelter, guide, use of a riding horse, fishing lessons, and cask of Gladelight Ale. | **1,190sp** | | **Timberland Trail**: A forestry-focused trip, this shorter expedition is perfect for busy explorers who are pressed for time back in the real world. Includes a tour of Foxwood, stay at the Lucky Moon Lodge, and camping in the Vinehollow and the Stagthicket. The cost covers food, drink, shelter, guide, carriage travel when available, handaxe, various excursions, potion brewing lesson, lantern, magnetstone, and map. | **240sp** | | **The Protagonist**: Why should anyone but you dictate the path you walk? An expedition for the truly-veteran explorer, The Protagonist is a chance to brave the wilderness and test your mettle. After arriving in Goodberry and receiving a tour of the current local rituals and festivals, you will be given supplies and set loose on the Northern Shores for three moons. The cost covers adventuring gear, use of a riding horse, two healing potions, use of a sword and shield, magnetstone, lantern, tent, bedroll, and map. | **195sp** |
## Legalities * *Grimalkin Carriage Company and any affiliates thereof are not liable for any damages, injuries, or deaths that occur during any sponsored activities or expeditions.* * *All animals, gear, and vehicles provided by Grimalkin Carriage Company and any affiliates thereof are protected by scrying spells. Any attempts of vandalism, theft, or dispelling magicks will be met with a fine up to 500sp per instance and/or imprisonment.* * *Excursions offered are subject to change based on a variety of factors. Grimalkin Carriage Company in no way promises a specific excursion will be available; only that an excursion will be available. If, by chance, no excursions are available; then the customer will be given a partial refund equal to the cost of the missed excursion plus an additional 25sp inconvenience allotment per instance.* * *The Grimalkin Carriage Company is an official subsidiary of the Nautilus Trading Company, which is the Royal Mercantile Guild of Verronwealth. The Grimalkin Carriage Company enjoys all privileges, powers, and protections extended to the Nautilus Trading Company by His Majesty High King Ruven Verron.* * *Wanderguides employed by the Grimalkin Carriage Company may choose to end their expeditions at any time and for any reason. In the event that this occurs, an internal investigation will be launched and customers will be compensated on a case-by-case basis that takes into consideration a myriad of factors.* * *Any relics or artifacts found during activities conducted by the Grimalkin Carriage Company are subject to inspection by NTC agents. Harmless pieces will be returned to the finder as property. Pieces deemed dangerous will be confiscated by law and given to agents of the Royal College of Spellcraft and Enchantments to be dealt with.* * *The Grimalkin Carriage Company holds the right to deny service to any person or persons for any reason at any time without investigation or consequence.* * *All activities conducted by the Grimalkin Carriage Company or any affiliates or customers thereof inside the region of Verronwealth are subject to standard Verronian laws and guidances. No exceptions.*