# Alchemy and Herbalism System Every realm has its fair share of foliage and plants. Each species of bush, vine, and flower has been exposed to at least some mild magic. Be it magic created by material plane druids or a touch from the Feywild reaching across planes and changing the conentration of certain elements within. Given the oppurtunity anybody who has a green thumb can devote themselves to learning the different attributes of the many plants that inhabit the planes. Those who master this art can create special concoctions in a matter of minutes and in a few days manage to make infinitely powerful poisons. ## Searching for Herbs To search for herbs, a player must meet one of the following prerequisites: * Proficiency with Herbalism Kit and Nature, Medicine or Survival * Proficiency with Healer’s Kit and Nature, Medicine or Survival * Proficiency with Poisoner’s Kit and Nature, Medicine or Survival If one of the former prerequisites are met the PC may search for useful herbs. Use the table below to tell how many herbs he/she has found per hour. ##### Herbs Found |1d20 Roll|Quantity Found| |:----:|:-------------| |1-3|0| |4-6|1| |7-9|2| |10-12|3| |13-15|4| |16-18|5| |19-20|6| |21+|6+1d4| The Outlander background gives the PC an extra +2 to search for herbs and can also search for herbs while traveling at a slow pace although at a disadvantage. The same as above for PCs with the Natural Explorer class feature (Ranger), though they have to be searching on their favored terrain, those with natural explorer do not suffer the disadvantage when travelling at a slow pace. Also, depending on where the PC is searching, there is a relevant modifier Consult the following table. If a PC casts Locate Animals or Plants (or a similar spell) before searching for herbs, they may choose one herbal trait to search for, found in the following section. A number of herbs they locate equal to the spell’s slot level may automatically be of the specified type. ``` ``` ##### Location Modifier |Modifier|Location| |:----:|:-------------| |Desert/Tundra|-20| |Urban Area|-5 |Rural Area|0| |Forest|+1| |Dense Forest|+2| |Enchanted Forest|+3|
PART 1 | Searching for Herbs
\page ## Herb Effects After finding and harvesting herbs there is an expertise required to discover the traits of the found herbs. A Nature, Survival or Medicine Check of 10 or higher grants knowledge of the herb’s trait(s), upon an attempt to learn the trait(s) of an herb you consume the herb. Once you learn the trait(s) of an herb, you maintain that knowledge. It is best to write this knowledge down in order to keep track. ##### Herb Effects |1d12 Roll|Trait|Description| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |1|Reviatlizing|Heals| |2|Ruining|Damages| |3|Blessed|Cure Diseases| |4|Plagued|Causes Diseases**1**| |5|Purifying|Cures Poisons| |6|Poison|Causes Poisons**2**| |7|Narcotic|Temporary Decrease to one Ability Score**3**| |8|Vitamin|Temporary Increase to one Ability Score**4**| |9|Stabilizer|Reduces Difficult of Brewing| |10|Distiller|Enhances Effects of Brew| |11| Strange Trait|See Strange Trait Table * | |12|Roll Twice|Roll Again, Twice, the Herb Has Both Traits| **1** Diseases are decided by the DM, these can be taken from the core rulebooks or something as common as a rash like poison ivy. **2** Poison can damage, grant the poisoned condition, or both. The Table on the next page can be used to randomize the effect. **3** Roll a 1d6 to decide which ability score this affects. **4** The “Strange Trait” Table is for the herbs that are used namely for recreational use. ##### Strange Trait |1d6 Roll|Effect| |:----:|:-------------| |1|Re-Roll| |2|Hallucinogen| |3|Upper| |4|Psychadelic| |5|Downer| |6|Roll Twice, Herb Has Both Effects| ```` ```` ##### Poison Effect |1d6 Roll|Effect| |:----:|:-------------| |1|Re-Roll| |2|Damage| |3|Poison| |4|Damage| |5|Poison| |6|Both| Along with the traits of the herbs that you can find and the amount, there are qualities. As with everything a masterful herbologist is capable of discerning the quality of herb at a glance. Anyone who knows their herbs realizes they can make an easy coin using their skills to label quality herbs. The following table can be used to randomize the quality of ingredients. ##### Herb Quality |1d12 Roll|Herb Quality| |:----:|:-------------| |1-2|Non-Existent or Previously Harvested| |3-4|Pitiful| |5-6|Lesser| |7-9|Average| |10-11|Grand| |12|Supreme|
PART 2 | Herb Traits
\page # Brewing Potions The entire point to collecting herbs is to harness their effects in concentrated, often liquid, form. These concoctions are known as potions. Potions are often known to take months to reach proper distillation. This guide helps newcomers to the trade begin distilling and utilizing potions as quickly as possible so as to increase their chances of mastering the trade. Potions are created by combining the following: * 2 or more herbs with the same trait(s). * An Herbalism, Healer's, or Poisoner's Kit. * 8 oz. of Alchemical Water * 1 oz. of Powdered Silver (Required only when mixing a spell potion) The table below utilizes an Alchemy Modifier as well as the above crafting ingredients to create potions. An Alchemy Modifier (AM) is similar to a spell attack bonus or a skill bonus, though it is only used for brewing. **AM = (INT Modifier or WIS Modifier) + Proficiency Bonus** Mixing a potion takes ten minutes of downtime before the PC may roll for success on the table below. Also, regardless the success or failure of the brewing the herbs used are consumed. **2 or more herbs used successfully create an 8 oz. potion.** When a PC mixes two herbs of different qualities the resulting quality of the potion is the average quality of the two or more herbs rounded down. Before brewing be sure to address the last section of this chapter **Distilling and Stabilizing Brews.”** The table below shows the DC requirement to successfully brew a potion of the specified quality. ##### Potion Quality |Potion Quality|Alchemy DC| |:----:|:-------------| |Pitiful|11| |Lesser|14| |Average|17| |Grand|20| |Supreme|25| Ifyou fail to meet the required DC, the potion may have indeterminate effects on the surrounding area. Use the table below for ideas on how to handle failed alchemy. ```` ```` ##### Herb Effects |1d6 Roll|Failed Brew Effect|Damage| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |1|Explosion of Glass Bottle|2d6 Piercing Damage| |2|Poisonous Gas Released|Blinded and Poisoned for 10 minutes| |3|Transmutation|A random body part of everyone within 10 feet of the brew changes into that of a random animal| |4|Portal|Summons a random small or smaller creature with a CR of 3 or lower| |5|Fake|Potion seems brewed correctly though the effects are the opposite of those intended.| |6|Roll Twice|Roll twice more and take both effects.|
PART 3 | Brewing Potions
\page ## Potion Effects
The following table is to help the DM decide the effects of a brewed potion after it has been successfully created. There are two versions. The resulting potion is the stacked traits of all herbs used. ##### Potion Effect |Herb Quality|Heal|Cure Disease|Enhance Ability|Reduce Ability|Cause Disease| Cause Poison|Other Drug| |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |Supreme|4d4+AM|Legendary|Advantage for 30 Minutes|Disadvantage 30 Minutes|Legendary Disease|Deals 4d4+AM Damage and/or Poisoned for 1 Day|DC21 Con |Grand|2d4+AM|Rare/Potent|+3, 20 Minutes|-3, 20 Minutes|Rare/Potent Disease|Deals 2d4+AM Damage and/or Poisoned for 8 Hours|DC 19 Con |Average|1d4+AM|Uncommon|+2, 15 Minutes|-2, 15 Minutes|Uncommon Disease|Deals 1d4+AM Damage and/or Poisoned for 1 Hour|DC 17 Con |Lesser|AM|Common|+1, 10 Minutes|-1, 10 Minutes|Common Disease|Deals AM Damage and/or Poisoned for 10 Minutes|DC 15 Con |Pitiful|AM/2|Lesser|0|0|Headache/Discomfort|Stomach Ache|DC 13 Con|
## Distilling and Stabilizing Stabilizing Agents are herbs capable of decreasing the difficulty of combining or enhancing potions, by an amount determined by the herb quality as seen on the table below. ##### Stability |Quality|DC Alteration| |:----:|:-:| |Pitiful|-1| |Lesser|-2| |Average|-3| |Grand|-4| |Supreme|-5| Distilling agents are the opposite side of the same coin as Stabilizing Agents. Depending on the potion they are used in distilling agents can produce one of the two following outcomes. * Increase Damage * Increase Duration of Effect. ```` ```` ##### Distilling |Quality|Damage Enhancement|Duration Enhancement| |:-:|:-:|:-:| |Pitiful|+1|+1 Minute| |Lesser|+3|+5 Minutes| |Average|+5|+15 Minutes| |Grand|+10|+30 Minutes| |Supreme|+15|+1 Hour|
PART 3 | Brewing Potions
\page ## Brewing Spell Potions The prerequisites to making a potion are as follows: * One of the following Herbalism, Healer’s, or Poisoner’s Kit. * 1 oz. Powdered Silver * 8 oz. Alchemical Water * Components for the desired spell, if the spell has no components then it cannot be brewed. * A spell focus cannot be substituted in place of the components. * Ability to cast desired spell, including a free spell slot of desired level. Just like brewing a regular potion it takes 10 minutes of downtime to utilize the components and create the brew. Once the PC has created the brew they must cast the spell on the brew in order to successfully do this the PC must make an Alchemy Skill check equal to: **DC=17+Spell Slot Level** If the PC fails the check consult the Failed Brew Table above. All components are destroyed whether the spell is a success or a There are two types of spell potions: * **Ingested:** any spell that was centered on one target is now achieved through drinking a successful spell potion. * **Splash:** any spell that takes the form of an attack must be thrown at a target in order to achieve the desired effect. When a splash potion is thrown it counts as a ranged dagger attack and deals the extra potion effects.
## Alchemy Merchandise To an adventurer, the sale of herbs should be less beneficial than using them. However, some shops might stock certain useful herbs or crafting supplies. These might be dedicated Alchemy or Herbalism shops in larger cities, but typically, basic alchemy and herbalism supplies would be sold in a store that carries standard material components for spells. Below is a table of suggested herb prices in gold, for a small Alchemist’s shop in a medium-sized city or town. ##### Herbs |Quality|Cost in Gold Pieces| |:-:|:-:| |Pitiful|1| |Lesser|3| |Average|5| |Grand|10| |Supreme|15| Along with the being able to buy some herbs in local trading markets you can also find some extraneous supplies used in brewing potions. ##### Alchemy Supplies |Cost|Name|Description| |:--:|:-:|:-:| |5 CP|Empty Flask (8 oz.)|A small vial, able to hold the contents of one potion. Can be reused.| |1 SP|Empty Pint (16 oz.)|A medium vial, able to hold the contents of two potions. Can be reused.| |2 SP|Empty Quart (32 oz.)|A large vial, able to hold the contents of 4 potions. Can be reused.| |4 SP|Empty Gallon (64 oz.)|A storage container, able to hold the contents of 8 potions. Can be reused.| |15 GP|1 Barrel (4,096 oz.)|A large storage container meant for hospital use only. It is able to hold the contents of 512 potions. Cannot be reused.| |1 GP|Spell Components|This is the typical cost for one spell’s worth of components.| |5 GP|16 oz. Powdered Silver|An excellent reagent used to penetrate the essence of magic in order to store it efficiently without fear of the magic going flat in storage.| |5 GP|1 Gallon (64 oz.) Alchemical Water|Highly purified and mildly corrosive liquid that allows for the quick blending of nearly all materials placed within it.|
PART 4 | Miscellaneous
\page ## Credits * **Swamp Flower** Unkown Artist * **Alchemist** The Dungeon Muser * **Potions** Unkown Artist * **Homebrewery By:** Vecna_the_Swift * **V 2.0** PSA: I am thoroughly sorry that my credits page is cluttered with *unkowns* you can blame Pinterest for its terrible source culture.
PART 5 | Credits