```metadata title: Gaias Growth item - The heart of the world tree description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` # The Heart of the world tree ## Passive ### symbiosis Gaia gains X% worth of her summoning Bonus to herself. X being 1/4th her level ### Forest of green Gaia's amount of summons allowed is increased by Half her level ## 1-15 Seedling ### Bodyguard if gaia is hurt by any means and gaia has a summon within 5 ft of her the summon can as a reaction choose to take the damage for her, taking all effects that would have been procced by the same feature that made gaia take said damage ### Bark as tough as Steel Gaia's summons ac increases by her proficiencyBonus and hp by 4x proficiencyBonus ### Strength in numbers Gaia's ac and saving throws increases by the amount of her summons within 30 ft of her to a limit equals to 2x her wisdomMod ## 16-30 Sprout ### Grand General of Nature Gaia gains an adiditional action, she may only use this action to command her summons and cannot use her main action do the same. ### knowledge and wisdom of nature all class features that requires a certain ability score/mod can use wisdom for the stat. (I. e spell casting and such) ### ageless summons feats that increases bonuses for raised dead now works for her summons ## 31-45 young tree ### Roots as deep as the earths core Gaia adds her wisdom Modifier to a the ac and to hit of a summon. \column ### healing sapp any healing gaia does towards plants or fey are treated as if she rolled maximum on the dice ## 46-60 Mature ### Bountiful harvest if gaia uses the Mystic Harvest feature from the circle of the sower subclass of druid. she creates an amount of fruit equals to half her wisdom modifier. and the fruit spoils after 1 day or when gaia takes a long rest ### summoner of the arcane abjuration and enchantment spells gaia casts count as conjuration spells ## 61-75 Twilight ### We are going to be best of friends any creatures that becomes summons through the [buddy system] subclass gains the benefit of the [my favorite] class feature ignoring the limit ### Barrier of Bark any kind of temporary HP gaia gains is multiplied by 1/3rd gaia's wisdomMod ## 75-80 Elder ### Natures Might Gaia's summoning bonus is doubled