```metadata title: Hunter's Tools description: '' tags: [] systems: [] renderer: V3 theme: 5ePHB ``` ## Hunter's Tools *Wonderous Item, Common* : 1d6 Slashing - Finesse, Light, Trick. - 8lbs. : This set of 3 tools come with a Handaxe and Blade doubling as a Shield. : Trick. This weapons offhand blade also can be quickly Rotated on a Wrist mount, and serve as an off hand shield, it's back end enforced and strengthened to deflect blows. The Main Handaxe is lightened and curved with an Insertion Slot for the Shortswords handle atop it, as well as fitted on an Extendable Handle. --- As a Bonus Action, you may either Rotate the offhand blade to function as a Shortsword or Shield. --- Or you may detach and insert into the Handaxe and extend the Handaxe's handle to transform it as a Glaive.