Monastic Tradition

Way of The Dharma

Monks of the Way of Dharma have dedicated their lives to finding true inner peace and separating themselves from Duhkha. They learn techniques to calm and heal themselves or others.

Subclass Features
Level Feature
3rd Release of the Body
6th Release of the Mind
11th Cooperative Ascension
17th Enlightenment

Release of the Body

Starting when you choose this tradition at level 3 you gain a pool of healing power containing hit points equal to your monk level x 10. The pool replenishes upon a long rest.

As an action, you can spend 1 ki point to touch a creature and draw power from the pool to restore a number of hit points to that creature, up to the amount of hit points you have remaining in your pool. Alternatively, when you spend a ki point to use flurry of blows you may replace 1 unarmed strike with a healing touch without expending a ki point.

Release of the Mind

At 6th level, you have taken your first steps towards separating from Duhkha. When making a saving throw against being Charmed, Frightened, Incapacited or Possessed, you now roll with advantage.

Additionally, as an action you may spend 1 ki point and 15 hit points from your pool of healing power to cast Lesser Restoration on a creature you touch with no components. Alternatively, when you expend a ki point to use flurry of blows you may replace 1 unarmed strike with Lesser Restoration without expending a ki point (hit point cost still applies).

Cooperative Ascension

At 11th level, you have gained the ability to manipulate ki in others to help them further on the path to enlightenment. As an action you may expend 2 ki points to cast the Calm Emotions or Suggestion spell with no component.

Additionally, as an action you may spend 2 ki points and 25 hit points from your pool of healing power to cast Greater Restoration on a creature you touch with no components. Alternatively, when you expend a ki point to use flurry of blows you may replace 1 unarmed strike with Greater Restoration at the cost of 1 additional ki point (hit point cost still applies)


At 17th level, you have achieved enlightenment. You now glow radiantly, shedding bright light 5 feet in every direction and dim light an additional 5 feet. You are in tune with all of your surroundings gaining truesight out to 15 feet and are now immune to being Charmed, Frightened, Incapacited or Possessed; you also gain resistance to psychic attacks.

Additionally, as an action you can expend 10 ki points and 75 hit points from your pool of healing power to cast Invulnerability on a creature you touch.