Legendary Classes

Welcome to Legendary Classes! The next major update for Legendary Player Characters, a supplement for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition that intends to give rules for buffing up players so one on one games (1 DM and 1 Player) is much more possible!

Now of course, let me start by saying the obvious: This class breaks all typical 5e balancing conventions, it should not be used in regular play, nor should it be compared to regular 5e classes.

Legendary classes are meant to make a single player worth the equivalent of 3 players (Without just tripling damage output and HP) So it's going to be significantly more powerful than the regular version of the class.


Why would you use this? Why would you play D&D with two people when it's meant for a larger group? There's a myriad of reasons really, but below are a few good ones.

  • It's easier to schedule and prepare for, instead of having to manage the schedules of six different people, you've reduced that total to two, making it much easier to arrange sessions for D&D.

  • This helps with protagonist syndrome... In a normal campaign, no one player should outshine the others, and you'll often hear horror stories of players who try to take the spotlight... In solo games with one player and one DM, that is not a problem! The singular player can shine as bright as they want without worry of making other players feel useless.

  • It can simply be a lot of fun. I've played solo games a lot with my partner, and before I began making Legendary Player Characters, it was... Really difficult to actually run encounters and make characters without things feeling really bad, because D&D isn't made for solo play.

Of course as mentioned, there's far more reasons than just those three. If you don't think you'd like this, then that's perfectly fine! Solo play isn't for everyone. I personally prefer it and that's just how I play the game, everyone plays in their own way.

For anyone else who prefers solo style or is interested in giving it a try, then this class and the full Legendary Player Characters document are right up your alley!

Legendary Player Characters

As mentioned to the left of this text, this is meant as a supplement for the Legendary Player Characters document. You can find the links to the full 127 page document below!

Google Drive


It is not mentioned in the class specifically, but this class does still use Legendary Actions. Nothing has been changed about the Legendary Action rules from the LPC document, and the legendary actions you can choose for this class can be found at the end of this document!


When calculating encounters for a player with this class, consider them to be equivalent to three characters of the same level.

I recommend using milestone leveling with this system, however if you do not and want to use XP, then you should reward a third of the xp they would normally gain (So they don't level rapidly)

If the PC is using Auric Emotions or Signs of Labors in tandem with this class, treat them as three and a half characters. If they are using both in tandem with this class, treat them as four characters.


Legendary Classes are special, even aside from their increased power. Their maximum level has been increased from 20 to 30, and not only that-but every legendary class will have rules for leveling beyond 30. To an infinite amount.

Again I strongly recommend using milestone leveling, as I do not have a good experience total required for levels beyond 20 (Especially once you begin going into 31+)

You can find what features the Legendary class gains for every level beyond 30 on the same page that their legendary actions are listed.


Assume the following for multiclassing:

  • You may multiclass as normal up to level 30.

  • Once you hit level 31, you begin receiving the Leveling Beyond 30 features for your particular class. You do not receive any features they would receive at an earlier level.

  • For example, a level 10 Legendary Rogue and level 20 Legendary Sorcerer wouldn't receive Legendary Sorcerer's 21-30 features when they begin leveling beyond 30, nor would they receive Legendary Rogue's 11-30 features.

Legendary Artificer
Level Proficiency
Features Upgrades
1st +2 Apt Actions, Masterwork, Semi Proficiencies 3
2nd +2 Artificer Specialization, Wondrous Innovations 3 2
3rd +2 Brilliant Discoveries, Master of Tools 3 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 3
5th +3 Magic Item Mastery 4 3
6th +3 Specialization Feature 4 3
7th +3 Legendary Ability Score Improvement 4 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 4
9th +4 Brilliant Discoveries (2) 4 4
10th +4 Specialization Feature 5 5
11th +4 Magic Item Mastery (2) 5 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 5 5
13th +5 Studied Credentials 5 6
14th +5 Specialization Feature 5 6
15th +5 Legendary Ability Score Improvement, Brilliant Discoveries (3) 6 6
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6 7
17th +6 Magic Item Mastery (3) 6 7
18th +6 Specialization Feature 6 7
19th +6 Hastened Magic Items 6 8
20th +6 Ability Score Improvement 7 8
21st +7 Brilliant Discoveries (4) 7 8
22nd +7 Safe Attunement 7 9
23rd +7 Legendary Ability Score Improvement, Magic Item Mastery (4) 7 9
24th +7 Ability Score Improvement 7 9
25th +8 Exalted Mind 8 10
26th +8 Specialization Feature 8 10
27th +8 Brilliant Discoveries (5) 8 10
28th +8 Ability Score Improvement 8 11
29th +9 Magic Item Mastery (5) 8 11
30th +9 Soul of Artifice 9 11

Class Features

Your Class gains the following features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 2d8
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 16 + two times your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d8 (9) + two times your Constitution modifier per Artificer level after 1st.


  • Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields
  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Firearms, Hand Crossbows, Heavy Crossbows
  • Tools: Thieves' Tools, Tinker's tools, two types of artisan's tools of your choice

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose 3 from Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, Perception and Sleight of Hand


When you choose this class at 1st level, you have committed to developing a powerful item known as your masterwork. You may choose from the options listed later in this document, and you should treat your choice like a subclass-it cannot be changed once you choose it.

Your masterwork has a variety of rules and abilities that are associated with it, these specific rules are listed in its section.


Every masterwork has many upgrades you can choose from to further customize how your masterwork functions. These upgrades are listed in its section, if an upgrade has a level prerequisite, you must be at least that level in this class to select it.

You start knowing three upgrades, and you learn more as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Upgrades Known column in the artificer class table.

Some upgrades may allow you to select them multiple times, however if an upgrade does not directly state you can take it multiple times, it can only be taken once.

Redistributing Upgrades

Over the course of 8 hours (Which may be done over a long rest), you may move change one of your upgrades to another you meet the prerequisites for.

Masterwork Section

The Masterworks and their upgrades are located at the end of this document in order to better keep it organized and avoid clutter.

If you are viewing this on Homebrewery, you can click this text to immediately be brought to the Masterwork section

Otherwise, you can manually scroll to page 19.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Any two simple weapons of your choice
  • (a) A light crossbow and 20 bolts
  • (a) Studded Leather Armor or (b) Scale Mail
  • Thieves' Tools and a dungeoneer's pack

Apt Actions

Artificers have a special feature known as Apt Actions, many of their Masterwork upgrades and even some Innovations will use these actions in place of regular actions or bonus actions.

You start with one Apt Action, and gain additional ones once you reach certain levels in this class: At level 5 (2 total), level 11 (3 total), level 17 (4 total), level 23 (5 total), and level 29 (6 total)

Apt actions represent an artificers genius intellect allowing them to use their incredibly unique equipment-if a creature does not have apt actions, they are unable to use any of the Artificers items that require using one.

Apt Actions may be used similarly to both regular actions and reactions. Some features may have you use them on your turn, while others may have you use them in response to a certain condition being met.

At the start of your turn, you regain all expended apt actions.

Artificer DC and Attack Rolls

Wenever an artificer feature would force a creature to make a saving throw, the DC is equal to 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Intelligence Modifier.

If an artificer feature (Such as an upgrade or innovation) requires you to make an attack roll, you have a bonus to the attack roll equal to your Proficiency Bonus + Your Intelligence modifier. You add your intelligence modifier to the damage roll of attacks made in such a way unless otherwise specified.

Semi Proficiencies

Additionally at 1st level, you choose a number of skills equal to the amount you normally get upon choosing your starting class (3 as an Artificer) you gain semi proficiency in these skills. Meaning you add half of your proficiency bonus (Rounded down) to checks made with them.

Additionally, choose one saving throw you lack proficiency in. You gain the same bonus to rolls made for that particular saving throw.

If you ever gain proficiency in a skill or saving throw you had semi-proficiency in, you may move your semi-proficiency to a new one of the same type.

You only gain this feature if Artificer is the first class you choose. You can not have two instances of this feature from separate classes.

Artificer Specialization

Beginning at 2nd level, you have dedicated yourself to a specific field of research, the options for which are listed later in the document. Your choice grants you features now and again at levels 6, 10, 14, 18 and 26.

Wondrous Innovations

Additionally upon reaching 2nd level, you have begun to develop special items known as Innovations. Innovations are special tools or gizmos that are separate from your Masterwork. Innovations could be a plethora of things-they could be unique potions, gadgets, explosives, or anything of that sort!

You start knowing 3 Innovations, and you learn more as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Innovations Known column of the Artificer class table.

If an innovation has a level prerequisite, it is referring to your level in this class.

Over the course of a long rest, you may exchange one innovation you know for another that you meet the prerequisites for.

Brilliant Discoveries

At 3rd level, you have started to make groundbreaking discoveries. You may choose a Combat Trait from the options listed later in this document. Some features have a level prerequisite, in order to choose that feature, you must have at least that many levels in the Artificer class.

Upon reaching the following levels in this class, you may select an additional Combat Trait that you meet the prerequisites for: 9th level, 15th level, 21st level and 27th level.

Master of Tools

Also at 3rd level, no one else can compare to your mastery of tools. If you are proficient in a set of tools, you also have expertise in that set of tools.

Additionally, over the course of 1 hour (Which may be done over the course of a short or long rest) You may transform one set of artisan's tools you possess into another set of artisan's tools you are proficient in.

For any other creature, the tools are treated as their original form, and they retain their original gold cost.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, 20th, 24th and 28th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Alternatively, you can choose a feat.

When you reach 7th level and again at levels 15 and 23, you gain a Legendary Ability Score Improvement. You may either gain the benefits of a regular ASI as per the rules up above, or you may take a Legendary Feat, which are listed in the Legendary Player Characters document.

Magic Item Mastery

Upon reaching 5th level, you have begun to study magical items to figure out how they work. You gain the following benefits:

  • You may attune to one additional magical item, every 6 levels you gain in this class (11, 17, 23 and 29) You may attune to another additional magical item.

  • If you craft a magic item with a rarity of common, it takes you a quarter of the normal time and costs you half the gold. At 11th level, this applies to uncommon items as well. At 17th level, this applies to rare items as well. At 23rd level, this applies to very rare items as well. At 29th level, this applies to legendary items as well.

Studied Credentials

Starting at 13th level, no magic item is off limits to you. You ignore all class, race, spell and level requirements on attuning to or using a magic item.

Hastened Magic Items

Upon reaching 19th level, you can quickly use the powers of magic items. If a magic item you are attuned to requires you to use an action to use its effect, you may instead use its effect as a bonus action.

You cannot use this feature to cast a spell gained by said magic item.

Safe Attunement

Beginning at 22nd level, even the most dangerous of magic items is little threat to you. If a magic item has a curse, you can choose to ignore it while you are attuned to it.

Additionally, you may attune to or unattune to a magic item as an action.

Exalted Mind

At 25th level, your mind is beyond what many others can even dream of achieving. You may add your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) to any ability check you make that does not already include your Intelligence modifier.

Soul of Artifice

Finally at 30th level, you are one with your craftsmanship, which grants you the following benefits:

  • You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws you make for every item you are attuned to.

  • If you are reduced to 0 HP but not killed outright, you may end your attunement to one item you are attuned to (No action required) To instead be brought to 1 HP. Once you use this feature to end your attunement to an item, you cannot attune to that item again until you complete a long rest.

  • Your proficiency bonus increases by 1, to a total of 10.

Alchemist Specialization

Chemicals and potions are the most fascinating aspect of science to you, you have decided to explore these concepts in depth and see just how far you can push it.

Renew Concoction

Upon choosing this archetype at 2nd level, you are capable of making potions on the fly. As an action while you are holding alchemist's supplies, you may regain an expended usage of a Formula or Potion innovation.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) You regain all expended uses upon completing a long rest.

Alchemists Proficiencies

Additionally at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with alchemist's supplies, if you already have this tool proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in another set of artisan's tools of your choice.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in the medicine skill. If you are already proficient in this skill, you instead gain expertise.


Upon reaching 6th level, you are adept at creating potions off limits to most other Artificers. At the end of a long rest, provided you possess a set of alchemists supplies, you may create any potion of common rarity.

Only you can gain the benefits of imbibing this potion, and it loses all potency after 24 hours.

At levels 11, 17, 23 and 29, the rarity of potion you can create with this feature increases by one tier.

Quick Quaff

Beginning at 10th level, you are able to use potions with ease. By expending 1 apt action on your turn or at the end of another creatures turn, you may quaff a potion you have on your person. This potion can be one created from Potioncraft, an innovation, or simply one you found while adventuring.

Superior Potioncraft

At 14th level, your ability to craft potions is truly sublime. Whenever you craft a potion using Potioncraft, you may instead craft two.

Additionally, potions crafted via Potioncraft retain their potency for a number of days equal to half your Intelligence modifier (Rounded down, Minimum of 1)

Fast Mix

Upon reaching 18th level, you are able to regain your concoctions far more easily. You may now use Renew Concoction on your turn by expending 2 apt actions.

Master Alchemist

Finally at 26th level, few others can match your potioncrafting. Whenever you craft a potion using Potioncraft, you may instead craft three.

Your potions crafted via Potioncraft no longer lose their potency as a result of time passing (It's important to note that only you can gain the benefits of imbibing them however)

Engineer Specialization

Designing specialized gadgets and using explosives are your two favorite things in life, you have decided to focus on them with your specialization, becoming more skilled in their design and usage then many others are.

Recycled Invention

Upon choosing this archetype at 2nd level, you are capable of quickly reusing your past experiments. As an action while you are holding tinker's tools, you may regain an expended usage of an Explosive or Gadget innovation.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) You regain all expended uses upon completing a long rest.

Engineers Proficiencies

Additionally at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with mason's tools and smith's tools, if you already have one of these tool proficiencies, you instead gain proficiency in another set of artisan's tools of your choice.

Safe Destruction

Starting at 6th level, you are safe from your innovations. Whenever you use an Explosive or Gadget innovation that deals damage, if you would be caught within the area of the innovation, you suffer no damage.

Superior Innovations

Beginning at 10th level, your innovations are hard to escape the effects of. When you use an Explosive or Gadget innovation that forces creatures to make a saving throw, you may subtract your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) from the saving throw of one of these creatures.

Controlled Detonation

At 14th level, you are well equipped to protect others from your destructive capabilities. When you use an Explosive or Gadget innovation that effects creatures in an area, you may select any number of creatures within the area to automatically succeed on their saving throw against the innovation.

If the innovation dealt damage, the chosen creatures suffer no damage, even if they would normally still suffer damage on a successful save.

Master of Reuse

Upon reaching 18th level, your recycling comes as second nature to you. You may now use Recycled Invention on your turn by expending 2 apt actions.

Endless Destruction

Finally at 26th level, you can administer endless destruction. Choose one of the following innovations: Booming Grenade, Breaching Bomb, Element Eater, Emergency Parachute, Jump Boosters or Propelling Bomb.

If you do not already know the chosen innovation, you learn it, and it does not count against your innovations known.

When you use Recycled Invention to regain usage of the chosen innovation, it does not expend a usage of the feature.

Magitech Specialization

All Artificers are well versed in magical items, but few actually take the time to research spells themselves. You are one of those Artificers who have dedicated themselves to this exploration.

Magical Study

Upon choosing this subclass at 2nd level, you have begun to emulate the prowess of wizards. You gain the Wizard classes spellcasting ability, being considered a caster of a level equal to half your artificer level (Rounded down) For example, if you were a 7th level Magitech, you'd have the spellcasting equivalent to a 3rd level Wizard.

You follow the Wizards spellcasting rules exactly as written, gaining a spellbook and being able to prepare spells from it as a normal Wizard would, you can also scribe spells into it as a Wizard would.

You can click this text to be brought to the full Legendary Wizard document

Magitech Proficiencies

Additionally at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with calligrapher's supplies, if you already have this tool proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in another set of artisan's tools of your choice.

Additionally, you gain proficiency in the arcana skill. If you are already proficient in this skill, you instead gain expertise.


Upon reaching 6th level, you are adept at creating scrolls containing spells. At the end of a long rest, provided you possess a set of calligrapher's supplies, you may create a spell scroll containing any spell you have in your spellbook.

The spell cannot be of a level greater than half your proficiency bonus (Rounded down)

Only you can use this spell scroll, and it disintegrates after 24 hours.

Swift Scroll Usage

Beginning at 10th level, you are able to use scrolls much more easily than others can. Once per turn as a bonus action or by expending 3 apt actions, you may cast a spell using a spell scroll you are holding.

If you use this feature, you cannot use your action or bonus action to cast any spells.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) You regain all usages upon completing a long rest.

Superior Scrollcraft

At 14th level, your scrollcrafting abilities are greatly improved. Whenever you craft a scroll using Scrollcraft, you may instead craft two.

Additionally, scrolls created via Scrollcraft will remain for a number of days equal to half your Intelligence modifier (Rounded down, Minimum of 1)

Even More Swiftness

Upon reaching 18th level, you are extremely used to using scrolls to cast magic. If you cast a spell of 2nd level or lower using Swift Scroll Usage, it does not consume a usage of the ability.

Master Scrollcrafter

Finally at 26th level, you are a master of your craft. Whenever you craft a scroll using Scrollcraft, you may instead craft three.

Additionally, scrolls crafted via Scrollcraft will no longer disintegrate after a certain amount of time (Only you can use the scrolls still however)

Operative Specialization

With how many different tools and skills many Artificers have at their disposal, it's no wonder that they'd be sought after for specific missions. You are an Artificer who eagerly accepts these missions, ready to do whatever is necessary.

Innovation Mastery

Upon choosing this archetype at 2nd level, you are more well equipped to use innovations then many other artificers are. If an Innovation allows you to use it by expending 2 or more apt actions (Such as Acidic Delight or Freezing Concoction) You may use it by expending 1 less apt action.

You also learn 2 additional innovations of your choice, which do not count against your innovations known.

Operatives Proficiencies

Additionally at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with disguise kits and poisoners kits, if you already have either of these tool proficiencies, you instead gain proficiency in a set of artisan's tools of your choice.

Superior Movement

Beginning at 6th level, you are quite quick on your feet. Once per turn, you may expend 1 apt action to take the Dash or Disengage action. If you take the dash action, you are unable to use your normal action to take it this turn as well.

If you possess both this feature and the Apt Movement combat trait, then you are capable of using your normal action to dash even if you use an apt action to do so.


At 10th level, you can throw together your innovations even without the needed tools. Whenever you finish a long rest, you may regain usage of your expended innovations even if you do not possess the needed tools in order to regain their usages.

When you use an innovation whose usage was recovered via this feature, roll 1d20. On a roll of 5 or lower, the innovation has no effect and malfunctions.

Apt Usage

Once you reach 14th level, your aptitude with innovations is apparent. If an innovation requires an action to use and does not allow you to use apt actions instead (Such as Molotov or Sickening Smog) You may use it as either an action or by expending 3 apt actions on your turn.

Innovation Mastery does not apply to this feature.

Apt Recovery

Beginning at 18th level, you know what's important. As a bonus action, you may regain 2 expended Apt Actions.

Truly Apt

Finally at 26th level, you are much more apt than other artificers. You gain an additional Apt Action (6 total now, 7 total at 29th level)

Puppeteer Specialization

Strings and puppets, Artificers who follow this specialization are often toymakers in their spare time. They manipulate string to take control over their foes and manipulate everything to their whim.

Thread Bender

Upon choosing this specialization at 2nd level, you are capable of manipulating fine threads to interact with the world around you. So long as you are holding weaver's tools, you may manipulate threads in the following ways:

  • You may expend 1 apt action on your turn to pull an object smaller than you within range towards you provided it is not being worn or carried.

  • You may use a bonus action to force a creature within range to make a Strength saving throw, on a failed saving throw they are pulled up to 15-feet towards you.

  • As a reaction while you are falling, provided there is a wall of some other surface within your threads range, you may cause your threads to latch onto the surface to prevent your fall.

These threads can extend out to a range equal to 10 feet times your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 10 feet)

Puppeteers Proficiencies

Additionally at 2nd level, you gain proficiency with weaver's tools and woodcarver's tools, if you already have either of these tool proficiencies, you instead gain proficiency in a set of artisan's tools of your choice.

Dance My Puppets

Beginning at 6th level, you can make anyone into a puppet. As an action or by expending 2 apt actions, you may target a creature within your threads range and force them to make a Dexterity saving throw, on a failed saving throw, your threads attach to them.

The threads remain attached until the creature leaves the threads range, the threads suffer any kind of slashing damage or until you use this feature again.

By expending 1 apt action on your turn, you may force the creature these threads are attached to to move up to 10-feet in a direction of your choice without provoking attacks of opportunity.

Immense Attachment

Upon reaching 10th level, your threads grow stronger. The range at which your threads can extend out to is now equal to 20 feet times your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 20-feet)

Additionally, you may now attempt to attach your threads to someone as per Dance My Puppets by expending a legendary action at the end of another creatures turn.

Fight your Friends

At 14th level, you are able to force your puppets to stirke. As an action or by expending 3 apt actions while your threads are attached to a creature via Dance My Puppets, you may force them to make a melee or ranged attack against a target of your choice within range.

They use their own to hit and damage modifiers for this attack.

Thread Master

Beginning at 18th level, you have become more adept at manipulating your threads. The range at which your threads can extend out to is now equal to 30 feet times your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 30-feet)

Additionally, you may now have a number of creatures affected by Dance My Puppets at a time equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1)

Puppet Shield

Finally at 26th level, it's hard to harm you while your strings are attached to someone. When you would suffer damage other than psychic damage, you may choose a creature with threads attached to them via Dance My Puppets (No action required)

That creature suffers the damage instead, and you suffer no damage. They are then freed from the threads.

Wondrous Innovations

Upon reaching 2nd level, you gain access to a special set of items known as your Innovations! Innovations are special tools or gizmos that the artificer can build to assist them. You start knowing 3 innovations, and learn more as you gain levels in this class (As shown in the Innovations Known column of the Artificer class table)

Every innovation falls into one of four categories: Explosive, Formula, Gadget and Potion. These categories don't mean too much, however some Artificer features (Such as specific subclasses) may specify an innovation category they interact with.

All innovations are only usable a limited number of times and you regain usage of them upon completing a rest. In order to regain usage of them, you must have a set of Tinker's tools (If the innovations are explosives or gadgets) or Alchemist's Supplies (If the innovations are formulas or potions) in order to regain usages of them.

If an innovation offers buffs/benefits to you, it can not stack with itself (For example, you could not drink multiple Packaged Might potions to gain its benefits multiple times, it would only grant you its buff once)

If an innovation requires a melee or ranged weapon attack, you are considered proficient in the attack.

Selling or Stockpiling Innovations

It's important to note that theoretically the Artificer could stockpile these innovations and just have hundreds after a few weeks, or even sell them to make a ton of gold... That's not the intention of the class.

It's assumed that any unused/remaining innovations when you complete a rest are rendered inert and you must remake them, meaning they are unsuitable to sell or stockpile.

As a DM you could decide to lift this restriction, but it is unadvised.

Acidic Delight


As an action or by expending 2 apt actions on your turn, you may throw a vial of bubbling acid towards a target within 30-feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers 3d4 acid damage and becomes drenched in acid. At the start of each of a drenched creatures turns, they suffer 1d4 acid damage.

A creature remains drenched until the acid is washed off (Such as through rain or being submerged in water) or until they or a creature within 5-feet of them uses their action to scrape the acid off.

For every 4 levels in the Artificer class you have, the initial damage deals an additional 1d4 acid damage. For every 7 levels in the Artificer class you have, the drench damage deals an additional 1d4 acid damage.

You have one of these vials to throw, once you throw it, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional vial to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Adept Lenses


As an action, you may activate these lenses, gaining a +2 bonus to all investigation and perception checks you make for the next minute.

For every 3 levels in the Artificer class you have, you gain an additional +1 bonus to investigation and perception checks.

You may use this gadget twice, once you expend all usages, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional two usages to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Booming Grenade


As an action, you throw a grenade to a point you can see within 60-feet of you, all creatures within 15-feet of that point must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, suffering 3d8 thunder damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.

This explosion can be heard up to 300-feet away. For every 5 levels in the Artificer class you have, this deals an additional 1d8 thunder damage.

Once you throw this grenade, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional grenade to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Breaching Bomb


As an action you may place an explosive on a surface you can touch, which the explosive sticks to. Provided you are within 60-feet of the explosive, you may use an apt action on your turn or at the end of another creatures turn to detonate the explosive.

All creatures and objects within 5-feet of the explosive must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, suffering 5d6 fire damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.

Objects suffer double damage from this explosive. For every 5 levels in the Artificer class you have, this deals an additional 2d6 fire damage.

Once you detonate this bomb, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional bomb to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Corrosive Concoction


As an action you may pour this concoction over a surface within 5-feet of you, if the surface is nonmagical, this concoction melts a 5-foot wide and 5-foot deep hole into the surface. Your DM may rule that some surfaces are non-corrosive and this fails on such a surface.

Once you pour this concoction, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional concoction to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Combustive Smog


As an action, you may cause a cloud of gas to waft out from a location within 60-feet of you (You could've created this gas via a device or throwing a vial containing the gas) The gas occupies a 30-foot radius sphere, and the area is heavily obscured.

The gas remains for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (At least 10 miles an hour) disperses it.

If any fire damage happens within the smog (Such as from a spell, weapon or explosive) all creatures and objects within the smog suffer the fire damage and the smog disappears.

Once you create this smog, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional usages between rests for each subsequent taking.

Creeping Gas


As an action, you may cause a cloud of gas to waft out from a location within 60-feet of you (You could've created this gas via a device or throwing a vial containing the gas) All creatures within 15-feet of the location must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, on a failed saving throw, they become Frightened of the first creature they see until the end of their next turn.

While frightened this way, a creature must use their action to dash as far away from the source of their fear as possible (They will not put themselves into harms way in order to do so however)

Once you project this gas, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional usage between rests for each subsequent taking.

Distilled Talent


As an action, you may quaff this potion or administer it to another creature within 5-feet of you, the receiving creature gains a +2 bonus to all acrobatics and performance checks they make for the next minute.

For every 3 levels in the Artificer class you have, they gain an additional +1 bonus to acrobatics and performance checks.

You have two of these potions, once you use all of them, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional two potions to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Element Eater


You create a gadget that can devour elemental energy made against you. Whenever you suffer acid, cold, fire, lightning or thunder damage while the device is on your person, you may use your reaction to gain resistance to the triggering damage.

You may use this device two times, and you regain all expended uses upon completing a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional two usages between rests for each subsequent taking.

Emergency Parachute


As a reaction while you are falling, you may deploy an emergency parachute. The parachute slows your fall down to 60-feet per round, and you do not suffer falling damage when you land.

You may deploy this parachute three times, and you regain all expended uses upon completing a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional three usages between rests for each subsequent taking.

Flash Bomb


As an action, you throw a bomb to a point you can see within 30-feet of you, all creatures within 10-feet of that point must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, becoming blinded and deafened until the end of their next turn on a failed saving throw.

You have two of these bombs, once you use both of them, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional two bombs to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Freezing Concoction


As an action or by expending 2 apt actions on your turn, you may pour a chilling substance over a target within 5-feet of you. That target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, suffering 2d10 cold damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.

If the target isn't immune or resistant to cold damage, their movement speed is reduced by 5-feet for every 4 points of cold damage they suffered.

For every 5 levels in the Artificer class you have, this deals an additional 1d10 cold damage.

Once you pour this concoction, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional concoction to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Healing Draught


As an action, you may quaff a healing draught or administer it to another creature within 5-feet of you, the receiving creature recovers 2d4+2 hit points.

For every 3 levels in the Artificer class you have, the healing is increased by 1d4+1.

You have three of these draughts, once you use all of them, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional three draughts to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Jump Boosters


When you would make a jump, you can expend 1 apt action to double the distance you can jump. For every 4 levels in the Artificer class you have, this multiplication is increased by one (For example at 4th level you triple it, at 8th level you quadruple it, ect)

You may use this gadget three times, once you use all of them, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional three usages between rests for each subsequent taking.

Machine Disruptor


As an action, you may send out a pulse of energy that causes constructs to malfunction. All constructs within 60-feet of you must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or become Stunned until the end of your next turn.

You may use this gadget once, once you do so, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional usage between rests for each subsequent taking.

Mental Defense


As an action, you may quaff this potion or administer it to another creature within 5-feet of you, the receiving creature is immediately cured of any effect causing them to be Charmed or Frightened.

Additionally, for the next minute, that creature gains a +2 bonus to all saving throws they make to resist being Charmed or Frightened. For every 4 levels in the Artificer class you have, this bonus is increased by +1.

You have one of these potions, once you use it, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional potion to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Mind Scrambler


As an action, you may place a device on a creature you can touch within 5-feet of you, that creature must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw, becoming Paralyzed on a failed saving throw. At the end of each of the creatures turns, they can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a successful one. This effect automatically ends after a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1)

For every 4 Artificer levels you have, the amount of rounds a creature can be affected by this device is increased by an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1)

Once you use this device, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional device to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Molasses Tincture


As an action or by expending 2 apt actions on your turn, you may throw a sticky tincture at a creature within 20-feet of you. On a hit, the target suffers 2d6 acid damage and they become covered in the sticky substance, having their movement speed reduced to 0.

Their movement speed remains 0 until it is washed off via rain or being submerged in water, or until they or a creature within 5-feet of them uses their action to scrape the substance off.

For every 6 Artificer levels you have, this deals an additional 1d6 acid damage.

You have two of these tinctures to throw, once you throw all of them, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional two tinctures to use between rests for each subsequent taking.



As an action, you throw a molotov to a point you can see within 30-feet of you. The ground within 10-feet of that point then becomes engulfed in flames. Creatures who start their turn in the flames or enter it for the first time on their turn must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, suffering 2d6 fire damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.

The fire lasts a number of rounds equal to half your Intelligence modiifer (Minimum of 1, Rounded up) Or until it is extinguished by something such as water.

For every 5 levels in the Artificer class you have, this deals an additional 1d6 fire damage.

Once you throw this molotov, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional molotov to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Obscuring Cloak


As an action, you may activate this cloak, gaining a +2 bonus to all stealth checks you make for the next minute.

For every 3 levels in the Artificer class you have, you gain an additional +1 bonus to stealth checks.

You may use this gadget twice, once you expend all usages, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional two usages to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Packaged Brawn


As an action, you may quaff this potion or administer it to another creature within 5-feet of you, the receiving creature gains a +2 bonus to all athletics checks they make and has their carrying capacity increased by 100 lbs for the next minute.

For every 3 levels in the Artificer class you have, they gain an additional +1 bonus to athletics checks and their carrying capacity is increased by an additional 50 lbs.

You have two of these potions, once you use all of them, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional two potions to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Physical Barrier


As a reaction to being hit by a weapon attack, you may project a barrier against the attack. You gain a +3 bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn (Including against the triggering attack)

For every 5 levels in the Artificer class you have, this bonus increases by +1.

You have three usages of this barrier, once you expend all of these usages, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional three usages between rests for each subsequent taking.

Propelling Bomb


As an action, you may throw this bomb to a point you can see within 60-feet of you. All creatures within 10-feet of this point must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or be pushed 20-feet in a straight line away from the point on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.

Huge or bigger creatures are pushed half the distance on a failed save, and not pushed at all on a successful save. For every 4 levels in the Artificer class you have, the distance pushed is increased by 5-feet.

You have one of these bombs, once you use it, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional bomb to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Sickening Smog


As an action, you may cause a cloud of gas to waft out from a location within 60-feet of you (You could've created this gas via a device or throwing a vial containing the gas) The gas occupies a 20-foot radius sphere, and the area is lightly obscured.

The gas remains for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (At least 10 miles an hour) disperses it.

Creatures within the smog are considered to be Poisoned, if they leave the smog, they remain poisoned until the end of their next turn.

Once you create this smog, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional usages between rests for each subsequent taking.

Sticky Bomb


As an action or by expending 3 apt actions on your turn, you may throw a sticky bomb at a target within 30-feet of you, making a ranged attack roll. On a hit, the target suffers 1d4 bludgeoning damage and the bomb sticks to them.

At the start of your next turn, the bombs detonates, dealing 3d12 fire damage to the creature and all other creatures within 5-feet of them. For every 5 levels in the Artificer class you have, this deals an additional 1d12 fire damage.

Once you throw this bomb, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional bomb to throw between rests for each subsequent taking.

Universal Cure


As an action, you may quaff this potion or administer it to another creature within 5-feet of you, the receiving creature is immediately cured of any disease they are suffering from, or from the blinded, deafened or poisoned conditions (Recipients choice)

This cannot cure the blinded/deafened conditions if they were gained as a result of losing the body parts they needed to see/hear.

You have one of these potions, once you use it, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional potion to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Zoom Serum


As an action, you may quaff this potion or administer it to another creature within 5-feet of you, the receiving creatures gains a +5 bonus to their movement speed for the next minute.

For every 3 levels in the Artificer class you have, they gain an additional +5 bonus to their movement speed.

You have two of these potions, once you use all of them, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. You may select this innovation multiple times however, gaining an additional two potions to use between rests for each subsequent taking.

Combat Traits

Below you will find the features you are able to select from your Brilliant Discoveries feature at levels 3, 9, 15, 21 and 27.

Apt Movement

Once per turn, you may expend 1 apt action to take the Dash or Disengage action. If you take the dash action, you are unable to use your normal action to take it this turn as well.

Create Homunculus

At the end of a long rest you may focus on a gemstone worth at least 25 gold pieces and create a homunculus using it. The gemstone serves as the creatures heart.

The homunculus is friendly to you and any creature you designate, it takes its own turn in initiative and obeys your verbal commands. If given no commands, it defends you to the best of its abilities.

You must expend your bonus action to command it to attack, any other commands do not require you to expend any actions however.

If you or the homunculus dies, its body melts, leaving behind only its gemstone heart. Your homunculus uses the below statblock:

Homunculus Servant

Tiny Construct, your alignment

  • Armor Class 10 + PB
  • Hit Points 1 + 4 Times your Artificer level (Has a number of D6 hit die equal to your Artificer level)
  • Speed 20 ft., fly 30ft

4 (-3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 10 (0) 7 (-2)

  • Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 10 + (PB x 2)
  • Languages Same as Yours
  • Proficiency Bonus Same as Yours

Evasion. If the homunculus is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.

Masters Encouragement. The homunculus may add your proficiency bonus to all saving throws it makes.


Elemental Spew. Ranged Spell Attack: PB + Your Intelligence Modifier to hit, reach 60 ft., one target. Hit 5 1d8 + PB acid or fire damage (Your choice)

Force Strike. Melee Spell Attack: PB + Your Intelligence Modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 2d6 + PB force damage

Enhanced Defense

At the end of a long rest, you may touch a suit of armor or shield within 5-feet of you and infuse it with power. The item gains a bonus to the AC it grants equal to one third of your proficiency bonus (Rounded down, minimum of 1)

This bonus lasts until you use this feature again. If the item already has such a bonus, this feature cannot cause the bonus to exceed one third of your proficiency bonus (Rounded down, minimum of 1)

Enhanced Weapon

At the end of a long rest, you may touch a weapon within 5-feet of you and infuse it with power. The weapon gains a bonus to its attack and damage rolls equal to half your proficiency bonus (Rounded up)

This bonus lasts until you use this feature again. If the item already has such a bonus, this feature cannot cause the bonus to exceed half your proficiency bonus (Rounded up)

Flash of Genius

When you or a creature you can see within 30-feet of you makes an ability check or saving throw, you can use your reaction to either add your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) to the roll.

Alternatively, you can choose to subtract your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) from the roll.

You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) You regain all expended uses upon completing a long rest.


You learn 2 innovations of your choice, these can be new innovations or ones you have already selected. The innovations chosen do not count against your innovations known.

You may select this feature multiple times, choosing an additional 2 innovations for each subsequent taking.

Lesser Craft

When you gain this feature, choose a Wondrous item of uncommon rarity or lower. At the end of a long rest, you may craft this wondrous item, automatically attuning to it if it requires attunement.

Only you can benefit from this item, and it returns to a space within 5-feet of you if it is ever further than 30-feet away from you.

If you craft this item again, your old one disintegrates.

You may select this feature multiple times, choosing an additional Wondrous item you are able to craft with this feature for each subsequent taking.

Lesser Scrollcraft

At the end of a long rest, provided you possess a set of alchemists supplies, you may create a spell scroll containing a cantrip. If you have at least 15 levels in this class, you may instead create a scroll containing a spell of 1st level.

Only you can use this scroll, and it disintegrates after 24 hours.

If your specialization is Magitech and you are at least 6th level in this class, you instead create an additional scroll as per your Scrollcraft feature.

Lesser Potioncraft

At the end of a long rest, provided you possess a set of alchemists supplies, you may create any potion of common rarity. If you have at least 15 levels in this class, the potion can be uncommon.

Only you can gain the benefits imbibing this potion, and it loses all potency after 24 hours.

If your specialization is Alchemist and you are at least 6th level in this class, you instead create an additional potion as per your Potioncraft feature.

Magical Identification

As an action you may touch a creature or object within 5-feet of you. If it is a magic item or an object imbued with magic, you learn its properties and how to use them, whether it requires attunement to use, and how many charges it has, if any. You learn whether any spells are affecting the item and what they are. If the item was created by a spell, you learn which spell created it.

If you instead touch a creature using this feature, you learn what spells, if any, are currently affecting it.

More Upgrades

You learn 1 upgrade of your choice for your masterwork, which does not count against your upgrades known.

You may select this feature multiple times, gaining an additional upgrade for each subsequent taking.

Quick to Help

Once per turn you may expend 1 apt action to take the Help action.

Resilient Body

Your HP maximum increases by an amount equal to three times your level in this class. Everytime you gain an Artificer level, your maximum HP increases by an additional 3 HP.

You may select this trait multiple times.

Moderate Craft

Prerequisite: 15th Level

When you gain this feature, choose a Wondrous item of rare rarity or lower. At the end of a long rest, you may craft this wondrous item, automatically attuning to it if it requires attunement.

Only you can benefit from this item, and it returns to a space within 5-feet of you if it is ever further than 30-feet away from you.

If you craft this item again, your old one disintegrates.

You may select this feature multiple times, choosing an additional Wondrous item you are able to craft with this feature for each subsequent taking.

Greater Craft

Prerequisite: 27th Level

When you gain this feature, choose a Wondrous item of very rare rarity or lower. At the end of a long rest, you may craft this wondrous item, automatically attuning to it if it requires attunement.

Only you can benefit from this item, and it returns to a space within 5-feet of you if it is ever further than 30-feet away from you.

If you craft this item again, your old one disintegrates.



You have seen the flaws in your own physical form and have decided to correct them. Whether you correct these flaws by implanting machinery into yourself, or if you graft the biology of other creatures onto yourself, your form has been vastly improved.

Malleable Form

You have begun to modify your body with the various upgrades available to this masterwork. Before anything else, choose whether your augmentations are Biological or Mechanical, your features change depending on your choice, as shown below.

You should flavor your upgrades to match your type of augmentation (For example, if you took a Flamethrower upgrade, then mechanical could be you installing a flamethrower into your arm, while biological could be you producing a combination of compounds within your body that then ignites)

Biological Augmentation

Other creatures have such impressive traits compared to what you can do... You've decided to steal these traits for yourself, grafting them onto your body and improving your flesh.

Fleshy Nature. The Monstrosity creature type is added onto any other creature types you may have.

Additionally, you gain a climbing or swimming speed (Your choice) equal to your walking speed.

If you choose swimming speed, you are capable of breathing both air and water. If you choose climbing speed, you can climb difficult surfaces (Such as on the ceiling or along smooth surfaces) without making an ability check.

Mechanical Augmentation

Where flesh has failed, you succeed with steel. Your body has undergone heavy mechanical improvements to go beyond the limits of flesh.

Constructed Nature. The Construct creature type is added onto any other creature types you may have.

Additionally, you no longer need to eat, sleep or breath. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you may spend 8 hours performing light activity.

Beautiful Form

Prerequisite: You do not have horrific form

Your form is beautiful to behold, you gain a +2 bonus to all persuasion checks you make, however you suffer a -1 penalty to all intimidation checks you make.

You also have advantage on saving throws made against the charmed condition.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, increasing the persuasion bonus by +2 and increasing the intimidation penalty by +1 for each subsequent taking.

Enhanced Eyes

Prerequisite: None

You enhance your eyes, gaining Darkvision out to a range of 60-feet. If you already have darkvision, it is instead increased by 60-feet. You also gain proficiency in the perception skill if you do not already have it.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, if you have selected it two times, your darkvision can now see through magical darkness.

Environmental Acclimation

Prerequisite: None

Choose one of the following features:

Cold. You become naturally adapted to the extreme cold, and are immune to its effects. You also gain resistance to Cold damage.

Heat. You become naturally adapted to the extreme heat, and are immune to its effects. You also gain resistance to Fire damage.

You may select this upgrade twice, choosing the other option if you select it a second time.

Evolution of Fortitude

Prerequisite: None

Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score decreases by 1. This cannot increase your Constitution score beyond your Intelligence score.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Evolution of Grace

Prerequisite: None

Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Strength score decreases by 1. This cannot increase your Dexterity score beyond your Intelligence score.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Evolution of Insight

Prerequisite: None

Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Constitution score decreases by 1. This cannot increase your Wisdom score beyond your Intelligence score.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Evolution of Might

Prerequisite: None

Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Charisma score decreases by 1. This cannot increase your Strength score beyond your Intelligence score.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Evolution of Presence

Prerequisite: None

Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score decreases by 1. This cannot increase your Charisma score beyond your Intelligence score.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Extended Arms

Prerequisite: None

You lengthen your arms, increasing the range at which they can reach by 5-feet (This also applies to attacks made with melee weapons using your arms)

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Horrific Form

Prerequisite: You do not have beautiful form

Your form is horrific to behold, you gain a +2 bonus to all intimidation checks you make, however you suffer a -1 penalty to all persuasion checks you make.

You also have advantage on saving throws made against the frightened condition.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, increasing the intimidation bonus by +2 and increasing the persuasion penalty by +1 for each subsequent taking.

Improved Vitality

Prerequisite: None

Your hit point maximum is increased by an amount equal to two times your level in this class. Everytime you gain a level in this class, your hit point maximum is increased by an additional 2 points.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Motor Improvement

Prerequisite None*

Your movement speed is increased by 10-feet.

You may select this upgrade up to three times.

Oozing Body

Prerequisite: None

You develop a special compound within your body to harm those who would dare stand against you. Whenever you suffer piercing or slashing damage, you may expend 1 apt action to deal 1d6 + Your Intelligence modifier in damage to all other creatures within 5-feet of you.

This damage can be either acid, fire, lightning or poison. You make this choice when you gain this upgrade.

Superior Hearing

Prerequisite: None

You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws made against the deafened condition, you also gain this bonus on any perception checks you make that rely on hearing. Additionally, you gain resistance to thunder damage.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, increasing the bonus by +2 for each subsequent taking.

Superior Sight

Prerequisite: None

You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws made against the blinded condition, you also gain this bonus on any perception checks you make that rely on sight. Additionally, you gain resistance to radiant damage.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, increasing the bonus by +2 for each subsequent taking.

Toughened Flesh

Prerequisite: None

Your AC can never be lower than 17.

You may select this upgrade up to 4 times, increasing the AC limit by 1 for each subsequent taking (18 for the second time, 19 for the third time, 20 for the fourth time)

Visual Mimicry

Prerequisite: None

As an action, you may create an illusion around yourself. The illusion remains until you are reduced to 0 HP or you end it early as an action.

You make yourself--including your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on your person--look different. You can seem up to 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You can't change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is up to you.

The changes wrought by this upgrade fail to hold up to physical inspection. Attempting to physically inspect them results in the inspector realizing they are an illusion.

To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your Artificer DC.

Volatile Organ

Prerequisite: 5th Level

You install an organ that generates energy within you. On your turn you may expend any number of apt actions to exhale energy within a 15-foot cone in front of you. All creatures within the cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, suffering 2d8 damage for each apt action expended on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.

This damage is either acid, fire or lightning damage. You choose when you select this upgrade.

Grafted Wings

Prerequisite: 10th Level

You have grafted wings onto yourself, gaining a 30-foot flying speed. You cannot use these wings while wearing armor or clothing not made to accommodate them. Even if heavy armor is made to accommodate them, you cannot use this flying speed while wearing heavy armor.

If you are at least 20th level in this class, you may select this upgrade a second time, granting you the ability to hover while using this flying speed.

Rejected Frailty

Prerequisite: 10th Level

You have rejected the frailty of your form, you no longer suffer additional damage from critical hits. Additionally, whenever you roll a hit die during a short rest, you may take the maximum result instead of rolling.

Shifting Form

Prerequisite: 15th Level

As an action you may change your form, transforming your appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any.

You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also can't appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if you're bipedal, you can't use this feature to become quadrupedal, for instance.

This transformation lasts until you use your action to return to your normal form, or until you die.

Undying Fortitude

Prerequisite: 20th Level

When you would be reduced to 0 HP, you can instead make a Constitution saving throw, with the DC being equal to 5 + the damage taken. On a successful saving throw, you are instead reduced to 1 HP.

Charged Gauntlets


You have designed a powerful set of gauntlets used to enhance your strength and crush your enemies. The gauntlets appear as you wish, whether they are bulky hunks of metal and machinery, or slim leather gloves adorned with runes.

Brain is Brawn

Over the course of 8 hours, you may fashion yourself a pair of charged gauntlets provided you have a set of tinker's tools. No other creature can gain the benefits of these gauntlets even if they are wearing them.

While wearing these gauntlets, whenever you would use your Strength score for anything involving your arms, you may instead use your Intelligence score (This includes Strength based attack rolls, carrying capacity, ability checks, saving throws, and anything else strength based you can think of!)

Pure Power

Your gauntlets are melee weapons with which you are proficient in. You can use them to make attacks as you would with any other melee weapon, their damage die is 1d12 and they deal bludgeoning damage.

If you are wielding a melee weapon in one of your hands, you may choose to treat their damage die as 1d12 rather than their usual damage die.

Amplify Force

Prerequisite: None

Whenever you make a melee weapon attack, the attack deals an additional 1d4 damage.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish. For each subsequent taking, the damage die increases by 2 stages (1d4 to 1d8 to 1d12) If the die is already 1d12, you instead gain a new 1d4 bonus die and repeat the process for it.

Barrier Projection

Prerequisite: None

As a reaction to taking any damage other than psychic damage, you may project a barrier around yourself, granting you temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) + Your proficiency bonus.

These temporary hit points absorb as much of the triggering damage as possible, and then vanish at the end of the current turn.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, increasing the temporary hit points gained by your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) + Your proficiency bonus for each subsequent taking.

Cloaking Attachment

Prerequisite: None

As a bonus action, you may turn your gauntlets invisible. While invisible from this feature, they are also intangible, creatures who shook your hand for example would only feel your hand and not the gauntlet.

Your gauntlets remain invisible until you end it early as a bonus action, until you are no longer wearing your gauntlets, or until you die.

If your gauntlets were within an object or creature and they no longer become invisbile, the object or creature suffers no damage, and the gauntlets harmlessly move to be no longer inside them.

Concussive Fist

Prerequisite: None

After hitting a target with your gauntlets, you may force all creatures in a 15-foot cone behind the target to make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature suffers damage equal to half the damage the initial target suffered on a failed saving throw, or no damage on a successful one.

The cone originates from the struck targets location.

Excavating Improvement

Prerequisite: None

You have upgraded your gauntlets to be able to dig through solid material. You may dig through material as tough as solid stone at a rate of 5-feet per round, leaving a 5-foot hole that other creatures can pass through in your wake as you do so.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, increasing the rate at which you can burrow through solid material by 5-feet per round for each subsequent taking.

Grip Mechanisms

Prerequisite: None

Whenever making Sleight of Hand checks, you may use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Dexterity modifier. You also have advantage on saving throws made against effects that would cause you to lose something you are holding.

Growing Might

Prerequisite: None

Whenever you make a Strength check or saving throw while wearing these gloves, you gain a +1 bonus to the roll.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Heracles Program

Prerequisite: None

Your carrying capacity is increased by an amount equal to 30 times your Intelligence score.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Iron Grip

Prerequisite: None

While you are conscious, you cannot be disarmed of anything you are holding in your gauntlets. Creatures can also not escape your grapples through nonmagical means.

Lock Mode

Prerequisite: None

You cannot be disarmed of your gauntlets against your will, and no other creature can remove them without your permission.

Maintain Elevation

Prerequisite: None

As a reaction while you are falling, you may outstretch both of your arms and activate boosters within your gauntlets, causing you to stop falling. You begin hovering at the point in the air you activated this feature at.

You cannot gain vertical elevation, and you cannot move unless you have a solid surface to kick off of. You remain hovering until you end this effect on your turn (No action required) Upon which you resume falling again unless something else is holding you aloft.

Offense Protocol

Prerequisite: None

At the end of a long rest, you may choose to sacrifice a number of apt actions up to half your proficiency bonus (Rounded up) For every apt action sacrificed, you may make an additional weapon attack when you take the attack action.

Sacrificed apt actions are unusable and considered to always be expended, you regain them at the end of your next long rest, and the number of attacks you can make returns to normal.

Plasma Pulse

Prerequisite: None

Your gauntlets can launch pure concentrated energy from their palms. As an apt action, you may make a ranged weapon attack against a target within 100-feet of you (You use your Intelligence for the attack and damage rolls)

On a hit, the target suffers 1d10 + Your Intelligence modifier in force damage.

You may also make this attack whenever you would normally be able to make an attack (Such as when taking the attack action, or during an attack of opportunity)

Propelling Charge

Prerequisite: None

Once per turn as an action or by expending 3 apt actions, you store energy in your gauntlet and then boost yourself forwards with said energy. You move up to 30-feet in a straight line, this movement stops early if you collide with a creature or object. You may choose to make an attack with your gauntlets against what you collide with.

During the movement, your elevation does not change if there is no ground beneath (For example, if you used this movement to go over a 10-foot wide hole, you would not fall into the hole) If you are not on solid ground at the end of the movement however, you fall.

Ranged Power

Prerequisite: None

When you make a ranged weapon attack with a ranged weapon you are holding, you may choose to not add any ability score modifier to the attack and damage rolls of the weapon attack (You still add your proficiency bonus and any other modifiers)

If you choose to do so, the attack deals additional damage equal to twice your proficiency bonus.

Shocking Gauntlet

Prerequisite: None

Your gauntlets emit heavy electrical energy, whenever you deal damage using the gauntlets themselves, you may convert that damage to lightning damage.

Warrior Program

Prerequisite: None

You are proficient in any melee weapon you are wielding with one or both of your gauntlets.

Overcharged Gloves

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Attacks made using your charged gauntlets are now considered magical for the purposes of overcoming immunity and resistance to damage. Your charged gauntlets now also gain a +1 bonus to their attack and damage rolls.

These benefits also apply to any weapon wielded by your gauntlets. If the weapon already has such a bonus, you choose one of the bonuses to use.

You may select this upgrade a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (Rounded up), increasing the bonus to attack and damage rolls by 1 for each subsequent taking.

Rocket Fist

Prerequisite: 5th Level

You may now make attacks using your gauntlets against any creature within 30-feet of you, as the gauntlets propel towards the target then return to you (These attacks cannot be made using weapons your gauntlets are holding, simply the gauntlets themselves)

Lasting Defense

Prerequisite: 10th Level, Barrier Projection

When you use Barrier Projection, you may cause the temporary hit points gained to last until the start of your next turn. You may do so a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) You regain all expended uses upon completing a long rest.

Supreme Clap

Prerequisite: 10th Level

Once per turn as an action or by expending 3 actions, you may clap your hands together and release a mighty boom. All other creatures within 30-feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, suffering 3d12 thunder damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.

Creatures who fail this saving throw also become Deafened until the end of your next turn.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, increasing the damage by 2d12 for each subsequent taking.

Mighty Grip

Prerequisite: 15th Level

You may wield two handed melee weapons in one hand provided they are being wielded in a hand with a gauntlet on it.

Spell Absorption

Prerequisite: 15th Level

As a reaction to seeing a creature within 30-feet of you casting a spell, you may attempt to absorb the spell into your gauntlets. Make an Intelligence check contested by the spellcasters own check (Using their casting ability score for the check)

If you exceed their check by 5 or more, their spell fails and you absorb the spell into your gauntlet. At any point, you may cast the spell stored, using your Intelligence as the casting ability. You cannot store spells that have costly material components or material components that are consumed.

You cannot absorb spells with this feature of a level higher than your proficiency bonus. You cannot absorb a spell with this feature while you already have one absorbed.

Power Armor


You have turned a regular suit of armor into your ultimate creation: A suit of power armor. Your power armor has an appearance of your choice, typically based on the armor you used to create it.

Does it fully cover your body? Is it adorned in magical runes? Is it steampunk? Does it look futuristic? All are options when deciding how your power armor looks.

Fashion Power Armor

Over the course of 16 hours, you may turn a regular suit of armor into your power armor. This time is spent augmenting the armor with various upgrades and improvements, turning it into something wondrous to behold.

No other creature can don your power armor, as it is made specifically to fit you. You are also the only creature who can benefit from the armors special abilities.

You are proficient in your Power Armor, regardless of whether you had proficiency in the armor used or not.

Light Power Armor

You have turned a set of light armor into your power armor, which gives it the following properties.

AC. Your armor class is equal to 12 + Your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier (Your choice) while wearing this armor.

Medium Power Armor

You have turned a set of medium armor into your power armor, which gives it the following properties.

AC. Your armor class is equal to 15 + Your Dexterity or Intelligence modifier (Maximum of 2) while wearing this armor.

Strengthen. While wearing this armor, your carrying capacity is increased by an amount equal to 15 times your Intelligence modifier.

Heavy Power Armor

You have turned a set of heavy armor into your power armor, which gives it the following properties.

AC. Your armor class is equal to 18 while wearing this armor.

Bulky. While wearing this armor, you have disadvantage on Stealth (Dexterity) checks.

Strengthen. While wearing this armor, your carrying capacity is increased by an amount equal to 30 times your Intelligence modifier.


Prerequisite: None

By expending 1 apt action on your turn, you my engage or disengage a total airlock in your power armor. While engaged, the armor produces its own air and you are capable of breathing in any environment.

After a number of hours have passed equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) The armor runs out of air, and having the airlock engaged suffocates you.

These hours need not be consecutive. Once you finish a long rest, the timer is reset.

Artificial Strength

Prerequisite: None

You have granted yourself increased power while your armor is donned. Your Strength score increases by 1 while you are wearing your power armor, or by 2 if you have Heavy Power Armor.

This upgrade cannot make your Strength score exceed your Intelligence score. If your intelligence score is somehow reduced below its normal value, your Strength score is not reduced, as it uses your intelligence scores original value.

You may select this upgrade multiple times, increasing your strength score appropriately.

Bomb Launch

Prerequisite: None

You have installed a variety of explosive devices within your armor that you can send out easily. As an action or by expending 2 apt actions, you may lob an explosive to a point you can see within 60-feet of you.

All creatures and objects within 10-feet of the point must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, suffering 2d6 + Your Intelligence modifier in fire damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.

Objects suffer double damage from this ability.

Defense Matrix

Prerequisite: None

You have created a special matrix within your armor to protect you from harm. This matrix has a pool of hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1) times your Artificer level

Whenever you would suffer damage other than psychic damage, you may expend an apt action to cause your matrix to suffer the damage instead, subtracting the damage from your matrix's hit points.

If this reduces your matrix to 0 HP, you suffer any remaining damage. Your matrix regains all hit points upon completing a long rest.

You may select this upgrade multiple times, increasing the matrix's hit points by an amount equal to half your Intelligence modifier (Rounded down, minimum of 1) times your Artificer level.


Prerequisite: None

You have installed shocking wiring throughout your armor. In response to being hit by a melee attack from a creature within 5-feet of you, you may expend 1 apt action to deal lightning damage to them equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1)


Prerequisite: None

Your armor has an injector slot, which you may load with a potion as an action (This potion can be an innovation or a regular potion) At any point on your tur, you can activate the injector (No action required) Gaining the effects of the loaded potion.

You can select this upgrade as many times as you want, gaining an additional injector for each subsequent taking. You may activate as many injectors you want during your turn.


Prerequisite: None

You have affixed your armor with rocket thrusters to allow for flight. This grants you a flying speed of 15-feet, with a bonus property depending on your armor type.

Light Power Armor. You can hover while using this flying speed.

Medium Power Armor. No additional property.

Heavy Armor Armor. If you end your turn while using this flying speed and nothing else is holding you aloft, you fall.

You may select this upgrade multiple times, increasing your flying speed by 15-feet for each subsequent taking. The flying speed granted from this upgrade cannot exceed your base walking speed.

Lesser Plasma Pulse

Prerequisite: Power Gauntlets

Your armor can launch pure concentrated energy itself. As an action or by expending 2 apt actions, you may make a ranged weapon attack against a target within 100-feet of you (You use your Intelligence for the attack and damage rolls)

On a hit, the target suffers 1d6 + Your Intelligence modifier in force damage.

You may also make this attack whenever you would normally be able to make an attack (Such as when taking the attack action, or during an attack of opportunity)

Nautical Movement

Prerequisite: None

While submerged in liquid, you may expend 1 apt action to either begin sinking or ascending within the liquid. You ascend/sink at a rate of 30-feet per round, and the movement takes place at the end of your turn (It does not count against your movement for the turn)

You continue sinking/ascending until you reach the bottom/top of the liquid, or until you end it early on your turn (No action required)

Power Gauntlets

Prerequisite: None

You have installed powerful gauntlets into your armor, granting you the ability to unleash powerful punches with them. The gauntlets have a damage die and different properties depending on the type of armor used to create your power armor:

Light Power Armor. 1d6, Light, Finesse

Medium Power Armor. 1d8, Versatile (1d10)

Heavy Power Armor. 1d12, Two-Handed

You are proficient in these gauntlets and they have a reach of 5-feet. You may use either Strength or Intelligence for attacks made with these gauntlets.

You may attack with these gauntlets as you normally would with any melee weapon. You may also make a single attack with them on your turn by expending 2 apt actions.

Quick Change

Prerequisite: None

As an action, you may shunt your power armor off into an extradimensional space where it is safe. As a subsequent action at any point, you may immediately don your armor, it enveloping around you from this extradimensional space.


Prerequisite: None

Your power armor gains a +1 bonus to its AC.

You may select this upgrade a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (Rounded down)

Seeking Dart

Prerequisite: None

As a bonus action or by expending 1 apt action on your turn, you may fire a seeking dart towards a target you can see within 60-feet of you. That target suffers 1d4+1 force damage.

This is blocked by any ability that would prevent damage from the Magic Missiles spell (Such as the Shield spell)

Shield Integration

Prerequisite: None

You integrate a shield into one of your armors arms, which may be done over the course of a short rest. As a bonus action, you may deploy or retract the shield. While deployed, you gain the shields benefits as if you were normally wielding it, however you cannot be disarmed of this shield.

If you lack proficiency in shields, you are proficient with the shield integrated into your armor.


Prerequisite: None

You have installed a visor into your armor, which you may pull down or up as a bonus action. While the visor is down, you ignore the Sunlight Sensitivity trait if you have it (But not hypersensitivity)

Additionally while it is down, you have advantage on saving throws against being blinded, and you can see through light obscurement with no penalty.

Weapon Integration

Prerequisite: None

You integrate a weapon into one of your armors arms, which may be done over the course of a short rest. As a bonus action, you may deploy or retract the weapon. While deployed, you may attack with the weapon as if you were wielding it normally, however you cannot be disarmed of it.

You cannot integrate two handed weapons into your armor. If you integrate a ranged weapon into your armor, the armor creates ammunition that disintegrates after missing its target or dealing damage (This causes the weapon to ignore the Loading property if it has it)

If you lack proficiency in the integrated weapon, you are proficient with it while it is integrated in your armor.

Damage Tolerance

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Choose a damage type other than bludgeoning, piercing, slashing or psychic damage. You gain resistance to the chosen damage type while wearing your power armor.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, choosing a different damage type for each subsequent taking.

Fire Wave

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Once per turn as an action or by expending 3 apt actions, you may cause your armor to spew out flame in a 15-foot cone. All creatures within that cone must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, suffering 6d6 fire damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.

Geometric Zone

Prerequisite: 5th Level

By expending 2 apt actions on your turn, you may create a geometric zone around you, which encompasses a 30-foot cube. While within the zone, you ignore all nonmagical difficult terrain, and your walking speed is increased by 15-feet.

As a bonus action while within the zone, you may teleport to any unoccupied location also within the zone.

The zone remains for 1 minute or until you use its bonus action to teleport, and once it disappears, you cannot recreate it until 1 hour has passed.

Automated Pilot

Prerequisite: 10th Level

If you fall unconscious while within your power armor, you do not fall prone and may continue moving as normal. You cannot take actions of any kind, only move. You still make death saving throws as normal (If applicable) and die if you receive the appropriate amount of them.

Damage Wall

Prerequisite: 20th Level

Choose a damage type you have resistance to other than bludgeoning, piercing, slashing or psychic. You gain immunity to the chosen damage type while wearing your power armor.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, choosing a different damage type for each subsequent taking.

Dense Plating

Prerequisite: 20th Level

You have resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage while wearing your power armor.

Thunder Cannon


Firearms are often associated with artificers as their signature weapon, and for most this is true. You are no exception to this, in fact, you take it to the extreme. You have developed your own signature firearm that you use to unleash hell upon your foes.

Craft Cannon

Upon gaining this feature, you create a special weapon known as a thunder cannon, choosing one of the two models below (Arm Cannon and Hand Cannon) Only you can use your thunder cannon, and if you lose it, you may rebuild it over the course of a long rest by expending 50 gold pieces worth of materials.

Your thunder cannon generates its own ammunition, meaning you do not need to load it or carry separate ammunition for it. You are proficient in your thunder cannon, and it uses your Dexterity modifier for its attack and damage rolls.

Regardless of how many attacks you can make in one turn, you can only make one attack with your thunder cannon per turn.

Hand Cannon

By sacrificing range and power, you have allowed your thunder cannon to be able to be wielded in one hand.

Damage. 1d8 + Your Dexterity modifier piercing

Range. 45/180 feet

Thunderous. When you hit with an attack using this weapon, you may deal 1d6 bonus thunder damage to the target. Every 2 levels after you gain this feature (3, 5, 7, ect) This bonus damage is increased by 1d6.

After dealing this bonus damage, you cannot use it again until the start of your next turn.

Weight. 3 lbs

Wielding. You may wield the hand cannon in one hand.

Arm Cannon

A thunder cannon that packs more range and firepower than the hand cannon, but is bulkier and more cumbersome.

Damage. 1d10 + Your Dexterity modifier piercing

Range. 120/480 feet

Thunderous. When you hit with an attack using this weapon, you may deal 1d6 bonus thunder damage to the target. Every 2 levels after you gain this feature (3, 5, 7, ect) This bonus damage is increased by 1d6.

After dealing this bonus damage, you cannot use it again until the start of your next turn.

Weight. 15 lbs

Wielding. The arm cannon must be wielded in two hands in order to effectively attack with it.

Building Multiple Thunder Cannons

Theoretically, you do not need to wait until your current thunder cannon is destroyed in order to build a new one. You can build a new one at any time by expending the necessary time and gold.

When building a new one, you may choose to use the same upgrades, or use different ones. You may even choose for it to be a different model (If your first was a hand cannon, you could choose for your second to be an arm cannon)

Regardless of how many thunder cannons you have built however, you cannot ignore the attack restriction imposed on your thunder cannons, and you may only apply Thunderous once per round.

Booming Shots

Prerequisite: You do not have Silencer

When you deal thunder damage to a creature using your Thunderous feature or one of this weapons upgrades, that creature becomes Deafened until the end of their next turn.

Close Range

Prerequisite: Hand Cannon

Being within 5-feet of a hostile creature does not impose disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.


Prerequisite: None

As an action or by expending 2 apt actions on your turn, you may force all creatures in a 15-foot cone or 30-foot long line that is 5-feet wide (Your choice when you use this ability) to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, they suffer thunder damage equal to your Thunderous damage, or half as much on a successful one.

You cannot use this feature if your weapon has already uses its Thunderous trait since the start of your last turn. After using this feature, you cannot use your weapons Thunderous trait until the start of your next turn.

Extended Range

Prerequisite: None

You extend the range of your thunder cannon. If you have a Hand Cannon, its short range is increased by 45-feet and its long range is increased by 180-feet. If you have an Arm Cannon, its short range is increased by 120-feet and its long range is increased by 480-feet.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Extra Charge

Prerequisite: None

When dealing your Thunderous damage, you may roll an additional die.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Leaking Thunder

Prerequisite: None

When a creature within 5-feet of you hits you with a melee attack while you are wielding your Thunder cannon, you may expend 1 apt action to deal 1 thunder damage to them for every die your Thunderous feature has.

Lightning Mode

Prerequisite: None

Your Thunderous feature now deals lightning damage, and its damage die is increased to 1d8. All upgrades that deal thunder damage (Such as Discharge) now deal lightning damage.

If an upgrade would force a creature to make a Constitution saving throw, it now forces them to make a Dexterity saving throw.

Melee Form

Prerequisite: None

Over the course of a long rest, you may fuse a melee weapon into your thunder cannon. As a bonus action or by expending 1 apt action, you may transform your thunder cannon into its fused weapon, or back to its normal form.

You may use the fused weapon as normal while it is transformed. If you lacked proficiency in the fused weapon, you gain proficiency in it while it is fused.

If the melee weapon was magical, it retains its magical properties only while it is in that form, your thunder cannon gains no benefits from its enchantments in its normal form.

You cannot fuse two handed melee weapons into a Hand Cannon, and you cannot fuse finesse melee weapons into an Arm Cannon.


Prerequisite: None

By expending 1 apt action on your turn, you may fire an extremely weak shot from your thunder cannon (This does not count against your thunder cannons singular attack for the turn) For this attack, your thunder cannons short and long range are halved.

On a hit, the target suffers piercing damage equal to your Dexterity modifier (Minimum of 1) and an additional 1 thunder damage for every die you have for your Thunderous feature. This attacks damage is doubled if the attack critically hits.


Prerequisite: None

Once per turn when you make an attack with your thunder cannon, you may propel yourself up to 10-feet in the opposite direction. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity nor count against your movement for the turn.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, increasing the maximum distance you can propel yourself by 10-feet for each subsequent taking.


Prerequisite: Arm Cannon

You install a scope on your thunder cannon, at the start of your turn you may peer through your scope (No action required) You remain peering through it until the start of your next turn.

While peering through your scope, all of your movement speeds are reduced to 5-feet. However, you no longer have disadvantage on attacking creatures within your weapons long range, you instead have advantage.


Prerequisite: You do not have Booming Shots

The damage die of Thunderous is decreased to 1d4, however your thunder cannon now makes no noise when fired, and if you are hidden and miss with an attack using your thunder cannon, you remain hidden.

If you have the Lightning Mode upgrade, the damage die of Thunderous is instead decreased to 1d6.

Stable Firing

Prerequisite: None

Being prone no longer imposes disadvantage on ranged attack rolls made using your thunder cannon.

Critical Enhancement

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Your thunder cannon has its critical hit range increased by 1 (From 20 to 19-20 for example)

Enhanced Cannon

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Attacks made using your thunder cannon are now considered magical for the purposes of overcoming immunity and resistance to damage. Your thunder cannon now also gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls.

You may select this upgrade a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus (Rounded up), increasing the bonus to attack and damage rolls by 1 for each subsequent taking.

Area Burst

Prerequisite: 10th Level

After you hit a target with a ranged attack using your thunder cannon and apply your Thunderous damage, you may force all other creatures within 5-feet of the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the suffer half of the Thunderous damage the initial target took, they suffer no damage on a successful saving throw.

Encompassing Thunder

Prerequisite: 10th Level

After missing with a ranged attack using your thunder cannon, you may deal thunder damage to the target of the attack, rolling half the number of die you normally have for Thunderous (Rounded down)

You must have Thunderous available to use this feature, and if you use it, it consumes your usage of Thunderous

Thunderous Release

Prerequisite: 10th Level

As an action or by expending 3 apt actions you may target a creature within your thunder cannons short range. Provided your Thunderous feature is available, that creature suffers thunder damage equal to your Thunderous damage.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use your Thunderous feature again until the start of your next turn.

Electric Flight

Prerequisite: 15th Level

As an action or by expending 3 apt actions while your Thunderous feature is available, you may immediately fly a distance up to two times your walking speed, discharging electrical energy from your thunder cannon to fuel this flight.

If you end this flight in the air, you fall if nothing else is holding you aloft. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity, nor does it count against your movement for the turn.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use your Thunderous feature again until the start of your next turn.

Double Up

Prerequisite: 15th Level, Hand Cannon

After making an attack roll with your thunder cannon against a target within the weapons short range, you may make an additional attack with your thunder cannon against a different target within 15-feet of the initial target.

Only one target may suffer your Thunderous damage as per normal.


Prerequisite: 15th Level

When you take the attack action and make an attack with your thunder cannon, you may make a second attack with your thunder cannon as apart of the same action.

You may also apply Thunderous twice per round rather than only once, however the second application deals half the damage dice (Rounded down)

Piercing Line

Prerequisite: 15th Level, Arm Cannon

After hitting a target with your thunder cannon, if the attack roll would've hit any other creatures in a 15-foot line behind the struck target, they suffer half the damage the initial target suffered (Including any Thunderous damage)

Thunderous Recharge

Prerequisite: 20th Level

If your Thunderous feature is unavailable, you may expend your bonus action or 2 apt actions in order to regain usage of it.

War Engine


You have fashioned a powerful construct made for war. This construct is your loyal defender and completely under your control-some artificers also refer to these creations as iron defenders or guard golems.

War Engine

Upon gaining this feature, you create a War Engine (It's statblock is shown below)

Your war engine acts on your turn in initiative and is completely under your control, you may allow it to move up to its speed on your turn (No action required, this movement does not need to be consecutive)

Your war engine does not have actions/bonus actions of its own however, instead, you command it to use the actions within its statblock by expending apt actions on your turn.

Many upgrades will increase your war engines ability scores in some way. Your war engines ability scores cannot exceed your Intelligence modifier however.

War Engine

Medium Construct, your alignment

  • Armor Class 15 (It does not add its Dexterity modifier to this)
  • Hit Points (Engines Constitution Modifier + 8) times your Artificer level (Has a number of D6 hit die equal to twice your Artificer level)
  • Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 5 (-3) 6 (-2) 3 (-4)

  • Damage Immunities poison, psychic
  • Senses passive Perception 8
  • Languages Understands your languages, but cannot speak
  • Proficiency Bonus Same as Yours

Built Mastery. The war engine may add half your proficiency bonus (Rounded down) to all saving throws it makes.


(1 Apt Action) Recall. Provided you and your War Engine are on the same plane of existence, you may cause your War Engine to teleport to an unoccupied space within 10-feet of you.

(1 Apt Action) Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: PB + Strength Modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 1d8 + Strength Modifier bludgeoning damage

Rebuilding and HP recovery

Your War Engine may recover HP during a short rest by expending its hit die provided you have tinker's tools on you during the short rest.

It may recover all of its HP during a long rest provided you have tinker's tools on you during the long rest.

If your War Engine is completely destroyed or lost, you may rebuild it over the course of a week and by expending 100 gold pieces worth of materials.


Prerequisite: None

By using your bonus action on your turn, you may activate a set of boosters on your war engine. While these boosters are active, your war engines speed is doubled. The boosters remain active for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1)

Once you activate these boosters, you cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.

Burning Engine

Prerequisite: None

Your war engines core burns hot. All creatures within 15-feet of your war engine ignore the effects of extreme cold, the effects of extreme heat trigger twice as fast however.

Additionally, whenever your war engine deals fire damage, it deals additional fire damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1)


Prerequisite: None

You are capable of mounting your war engine by expending half of your movement on your turn, you are unable to do so if you are of a larger size category than it however.

You treat your war engine as if it were a regular mount... However, if your war engine is of a size category larger than you, you may choose to enter it completely as an action. While inside your war engine this way, you have total cover against all attacks and effects.

While inside your war engine, you are incapable of affecting other creatures with your innovations or spells, however your war engine is still capable of doing so. If your war engine is reduced to 0 HP while you are inside it, you are ejected to an unoccupied space within 5-feet of it.

Command Improvement

Prerequisite: None

Choose either the Dash, Disengage, Dodge or Help action. You may now command your war engine to take the chosen action by expending 1 apt action.

You may select this upgrade up to 4 times, selecting a different action for each subsequent taking.

Dense Plating

Prerequisite: You do not have Light Plating

You install heavier plating in your war engine, decreasing its speed by 5-feet but granting it a +1 bonus to AC.

You may select this upgrade up to 3 times.

Detection Enhancement

Prerequisite: None

Your war engines passive perception is increased by 5, it may also expend 1 apt action to command it to take the search action.

You may select this upgrade up to 3 times.


Prerequisite: You do not have Upsize

You decrease the size of your war engine, decreasing its size category by one (From Medium to Small for example) Its movement speed increases by 10-feet.

It also gains a +3 bonus to its Dexterity score, however its Strength score suffers a -1 penalty.

Durable Tuning

Prerequisite: None

Your war engine gains a +2 bonus to its Constitution score, you may also choose a damage type other than bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage. It gains resistance to the chosen damage type.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, however you can only gain the benefits of the damage resistance portion of this up to 3 times.

Grace Tuning

Prerequisite: None

Your war engine gains a +2 bonus to its Dexterity score and gains proficiency in either Acrobatics, Stealth or Sleight of Hand. If it already has proficiency in a chosen skill, it instead gains expertise.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, however you can only gain the benefits of the skill proficiencies portion of this up to 3 times.

Imbue Magic

Prerequisite: None

Your war engine gains one attunement slot, it follows the normal rules for attunement. If it would attune to a weapon, it gains proficiency in the weapon.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Light Plating

Prerequisite: You do not have Dense Plating

You lighten the plating in your war engine, reducing its AC by 2. However, your war engine may now add its Dexterity modifier to its armor class.

Might Tuning

Prerequisite: None

Your war engine gains a +2 bonus to its Strength score and its carrying capacity is increased by an amount equal to 15 times its Strength score.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

More Appendages

Prerequisite: None

You install two additional appendages onto your war engine. These appendages do not grant them additional actions, however they may be used to hold things, interact with objects and grapple creatures.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.


Prerequisite: None

Whenever you are hit by a weapon attack while your war engine is within 5-feet of you, you may expend 1 apt action to cause your war engine to be hit by the attack instead.


Prerequisite: None

By expending 1 apt action, your war engine or another construct within 5-feet of it regains 2d6 + Your Intelligence modifier hit points. You cannot use this feature if your war engine is at 0 hit points.

You may use this upgrade three times, you regain all expended uses upon completing a long rest.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, gaining an additional 3 usages between rests for each subsequent taking.

Talent Add-On

Prerequisite: None

Your war engine gains proficiency in two skills of your choice. If it's already proficient in either skill, it instead gains expertise.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish.

Turret Shot

Prerequisite: None

You install a turret on your War Engine, granting it a +2 bonus to its Dexterity score. It also gains the following action:

(1 Apt Action) Turret Shot. Ranged Weapon Attack: PB + Dextereity Modifier to hit, range 40/160 ft., one target. Hit 1d8 + Dexterity Modifier piercing damage.


Prerequisite: You do not have Downsize

You increase the size of your war engine, increasing its size category by one (From Medium to Large for example) All melee weapon attacks it makes deal an additional 1d4 damage.

It also gains a +2 bonus to its Strength score and a +1 bonus to its Constitution score, however its Dexterity score suffers a -1 penalty.

Artificial Mind

Prerequisite: 5th Level

Your war engines Intelligence score becomes 10, its Wisdom and Charisma scores become 8. It may now also speak one language of your choice that it understands.

You may select this upgrade as many times as you wish, for each taking beyond the first, your war engine instead gains a +2 bonus to its Intelligence score, and a +1 bonus to its Wisdom and Charisma scores.


Prerequisite: 5th Level

You install a flamethrower on your war engine, granting it a +1 bonus to its Dexterity score. It also gains the following action:

(2 Apt Actions) Flame Spew. All creatures in a 15-foot line that is 5-feet wide must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (Use your Artificer DC), suffering 4d6 fire damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a successful one.

You may expend as many apt actions on this ability as you wish, for every apt action beyond the initial 2 you expend, this deals an additional 2d6 fire damage.

Drill Attachment

Prerequisite: 10th Level

You attach a mighty drill to your war engine. Your war engine gains a 30-foot burrow speed. It is capable of burrowing through material as tough as solid stone at a rate of 5-feet per round, leaving a 5-foot hole that other creatures can pass through in its wake as it does so.

Jet Propulsion

Prerequisite: 10th Level

You install wings or jet boosters onto your war engine, granting it a flying speed of 30-feet. If you have the Cockpit upgrade, your war engine is incapable of using this flying speed if you are riding it and it is not at least one size category greater than you.

Martial Teachings

Prerequisite: Artificial Mind

Choose one of the following classes: Barbarian, Fighter, Monk or Rogue. Your war engine gains the 1st level features of the chosen class and is considered 1st level in that class.

This doesn't give it any hit die or proficiencies from the class, just the base features (Such as gaining Barbarians rage, or Rogues sneak attack)

If the feature scales off of class level in some way (Such as Fighters mastery die size, Sneak attack die from Rogue, ect) Then your war engine uses your Artificer level to determine what level in that class it is for the purposes of said scaling feature.

You may select this upgrade twice, selecting a different class for each taking.

Legendary Actions

Here you will find the Legendary actions that only an Artificer of the appropriate level can learn (If an Artificer specific Legendary action requires 2 actions, you must be a level 11 Artificer to know it for example)

Apt Recovery

Cost: 0 Actions

You expend 2 apt actions at the end of another creatures turn to regain usage of one expended legendary action.

Brilliant Action

Cost: 3 Legendary Actions

You turn raw materials into a working product of the materials used, as per the Fabricate spell.

Products constructed by this feature last a number of rounds equal to your intelligence modifier (Minimum of 1). After which time they collapse into a pile of their raw materials.

Legendary Aptitude

Cost: 1 Action

You use a feature that requires 1 apt action to use, you do not expend an apt action for this.

Magical Usage

Cost: 3 Actions

You use the effects of a magic item you are attuned to, this effect must be usable as an action and cannot involve casting a spell in any way.

Leveling Beyond 30

Here you can find what the Legendary Artificer gains for every level beyond 30 they are! It is intentional that their proficiency bonus stops increasing.

  • Every 4 levels beyond 30 (34, 38, ect) a legendary artificer gains a regular ASI.

  • Every third ASI a legendary artificer would gain after level 30 (42, 54, 66 ect) is instead a legendary ASI.

  • Every even level (32, 34, 36, 38 ect) you gain a +1 to one ability score of your choice.

  • Starting at level 31 and every 3 levels afterwards (34, 37, 40 ect) You learn an additional innovation.

  • Starting at level 35 and every 5 levels afterwards (40, 45, 50 ect) You learn an additional upgrade for your masterwork.

  • You continue to gain additional attunement slots as per your Magic Item Mastery (Meaning at levels 35, 41, 47 and every six levels thereafter)

  • Your HP increases as per normal.

  • Your new ability score maximums for Strength, Constitution and Intelligence is equal to your Artificer level if they were not already higher.


Version 1.0 (April 15th 2023)

The tenth overall legendary class and the first release of Artificer

  • Released with 5 Subclasses: Alchemist, Engineer, Magitech, Operative and Puppeteer

  • Released with 27 Wondrous Innovations

  • Released with 21 Metamagics

  • Released with 15 Combat Traits

  • Released with 5 Masterworks (All having at least 20 upgrades): Augmentation, Charged Gauntlets, Power Armor, Thunder Cannon and War Engine

  • Released with 4 Legendary Actions

Credits and Thanks!

Artist Credit

I am no artist, just someone with a lot of homebrew ideas and a vague ability in graphic design. All artwork I use in this document is credited below, please show respects to the artist and if the original artist sees this and feels I did not properly credit them/does not wish for their artwork to be used, contact me at u/Zellorea and I will rectify this as soon as possible.

Stain Credit

In all of my homebrew I use watercolor stains created by u/flamableconcrete aka Jared Ondricek. These brews and PDFs would not look nearly as nice without his creations, so huge thank you to him! You can find all stains I use on his website, watercolors.giantsoup.com.

Other Homebrew

You may recognize me for other homebrews such as the Siphoner class and my project to turn every league of legends champion into a subclass, if you want to be alerted as soon as all of those are publically available, join the discord!


Patron Thanks!

This homebrew was supported for by my patrons on https://www.patreon.com/Zellorea. If you wish to support me or encourage me to make more things like this or update this in the future, that's the best way to do it!

A thank you to my current supporting patrons! Their names are listed below as a show of my immense appreciation towards them.

  • Living Legend: O-5

  • Living Legend: Trains

  • Renowned Hero: Cynical Sorcerer

  • Renowned Hero: InsaneInsanity

  • Mercenary: Deathknight

  • Folk Hero: Nate Meyer