Version 0.1

The Giant Dwarf

A dnd 5e race based on Ornn from League of legends

By Infinity_Angel


A Giant Dwarf is essentially a mix between a fire

elemental, earth elemental and a giant dwarf.

They have huge curling horns on their head. It resembles the horn of a ram. The more markings a Giant Dwarf has on its horns the older it generally is. There are notable differences between females and males. Females generally have smaller horns than males. Also, males have excessive facial hair all over their face. Females also have facial hair but not as much.

Lifestyle & History

Giant dwarves are group beings they live in huge underground caves where the temperature becomes increasingly hotter the further down one goes. In these deep caves they construct forges and mines. giant dwarves are not commonly known very well throughout the world and are a rare find. Mainly because the caves giant dwarves live in are at least five miles deep and sometime go down to 15 miles.

Giant Dwarf Features

Ability score improvement

You Constitution and Strength scores both increase by 2. However, your Dexterity score decreases by 2.


A giant dwarf has an average lifespan of about 400 Years. Giant dwarves are considered young if they are under the age of 50.


Most giant dwarfs are generally neutral by nature. Only consulting with themselves and their near kin.


Giant dwarves have the same posture as dwarves. However, they are a lot bigger than a common dwarf. A giant dwarf is about 6-7 ft. tall and weighs around 225 pounds. Females are generally half a ft shorter and weigh 25 pounds less than males. Your size is medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor.


Accustomed to life underground. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 ft of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can only discern shades of red / orange. Other colours are perceived shades of grey.

Giant Dwarven Resilience

You have advantage on saving throws against fire, and you have resistance against fire damage.

(Optional: When your character level reaches 9, this resistance turns into immunity)


You can speak, write and read Common, Dwarvish. You can also understand primordial

Metal Cunning

Giant dwarves built huge mines and forges. From a young age, giant dwarves are taught all things about materials such as gold and iron and other metals, as well as anything regarding gems.

You have excessive knowledge of gems and metals, as well as how to work them.

Internal Heat

Over the long time Giant Dwarfs have existed their bodies became somewhat stone and their blood boiling hot to the point it is almost magma. Your blood gets heated by their internal temperature, it very quickly cools off if it would leave your body.

Glowing Body

At 50 years old giant dwarves produce enough internal heat to not freeze to death on the surface. From the age of about 100 they generate enough internal heat to comfortably live on the surface. Giant dwarves from the age of 50 emit a feint orange / red glow in a 10 ft radius. From the age of 100 this glow becomes twice as strong shining the same glow but in a 20 ft radius. This is considered dim light with an orange / red glow. Additional to glowing, the body of a giant dwarf also gives of heat naturally.

Glowing hands

Giant dwarves can heat up their hands at will, to light unworn or carried things on fire such as campfires or torches. This also causes unarmed strikes deal fire damage instead of bludgeoning damage

Giant dwarven combat training

You are proficient with the Light Hammer, Warhammer, War pick and Pickaxes.