Retama's Sourcebook

An ExpanD&D based setting


It has been ages since the last star graced the night skies of Retama with its appearance. Now, the 102 lights that still permeate the region's culture are gone. The only astral bodies that remain are the sun, the moon, and that which resembles a star. In form alone, as it shifts and moves, under the gaze of any that will look.

For some, a stray celestial body, searching for its vanished brethren in a uniquely vain effort. For others, something that merely looks the part, little more than an intuition convincing them of its falsehood. And yet another group, predictable as it might seem, has found it an object of worship, believing it to speak. It is thanks to them, and their dubious lunacy, that it is now referred as "The Sacred Star Of The Speaker".

Yet this is not the singular fact that distinguishes Retama from the regions to its south and north, as the creatures that reside in it are as unique as any other. And the history of magic is equally as peculiar. A land of sailors and landlubbers. A land of pacifists and warmongers. A land of aristocrats and survivalists. This place bears a sky devoid of stars, and yet has a firmament full of them underneath its soil. Retama is a land of canny duality, where not everything is as it should be, and the few things that are, are recipients of respect due to it. From the arid drylands up north, to the biting cold of the south. If one was to traverse the land, they would find themselves in quite the journey. Among its peaks and valleys, the accursed ruins of what once was great. A memory forgotten, yet still very much ever-present. The royals on the coastline, bearing hegemony over the entire territory, as they can barely still the raging war that plagues the north. Isolationists, dedicated to the protection of their own, and the logging of whatever history they know. Wanderers, jolly and pleasant, willing to trade with whomever they meet, provided they aren't among those who would wound their kin. The noble lines, ever curious and determined, though not always brave enough to pursue their goals. A never ending brood of mistakes, from whom a race was born, bearing a facsimile of life, and still as lively as any other creature in Retama.

History tells that once, an unknowable amount of years ago, all that populated Retama was beasts. An uncharted land, devoid of anything but these, now long forgone, creatures. And all until the starts above the region made their move. Dwelling among the firmament, deities, entities with a nature that can only be described as divine. Whence the first one cast their glance, all the others follow. One per star, and thus, 103. In friendly cooperation, they sought to bring a different form of life to the land. And so, they extended their hands, arms reaching the ground and plucking four creatures from among us. A serpent, a bull, a goat and a moth. In time, each of these beings became more. For the serpents, Apofis. For the bulls, Baral. For the goats, Iberia. And for the moths, something without a name, yet equally as important as all the others. They returned to the land, with forms akin to what the divines desired, and a character built by them, and them alone.

Apofis was given brood first, seducing a deity into doing so, her foresight what we now owe for centuries upon centuries of culture. Ambitious as no other, as she was the first to see a future of her kin, spread far and wide throughout the land, with far more heads than even she could count. Then came Baral. Not a jelous man, but competitive, and with a wit far sharper than his horns. He opted to approach another, a separate star to the one that brought him to life with a proposition, to mother an entire race. And while he met rejection at first, his cunning allowed him to negotiate a pact with this deity, and succesfully bring about his brood, much in a similar manner to how Apofis had brought hers. Two were left, and Iberia's pride was far too great to let herself become last, yet she didn't have Apofis's unparalelled intellect, nor Baral's boundless charisma. She did have one thing, though, and it was martial prowess, and enough ego to believe herself above the divines. Such as it was, that she challenged her creator to a duel. The accord was simple. Should he lose, Iberia would be given kin. Should she lose, however, and the deity would likely have returned to devise another creature akin to the four. And yet, in a display of amazing skill and even more so fortune, Iberia's dexterity won her a clan, and so she prospered.

That last one, she never asked for nothing. A lifetime of silence and solitude, only accompanied by the first star to fall. By his own volition, he came from the skies onto the land, just to visit the moth in a place none could see. Day after day, his duties were foregone for the sake of what other divines had begun to consider his lover. And an earthly romance among the stars, back then, was sacrilegious at best. And so, the sky lost its first star. That one known simply as "the one hundred and third". Disinterested with astral affairs, he wandered off the firmament, traveling back to the land of Retama to find his lover once more. And as though he might've been eternal, she was never meant to be. And so, once more foregoing something essential for so his brethren, he offered her a people. Not as a matter of approval, nor preservation, nor duty even. Just a gift for the one who had welcomed him time and time again.

The fifth would come many millenia later, after all the stars had been whisked away from the heavens. Born from a fool trying to play god, in a fit of misguided pride. His hubris brought about the end of his life, but it meant the start of many others.

Table Of Contents

Retama's Lot

the races of the region

Upon casting a glance on the region, the ample variety even in the eight races that populate the land should be immediately notable. From the regal pride that the Iberians conduct themselves with, and the degree in which they do so; to the veiled, and oft not so, conceit of many Apochryphs. And it's not only the natives that boast ample cultures and knowledge, as a few colonizing races have become distinct in their own ways throughout the centuries.

The separation of natives and colonizers is merely an academic one, and it rarely is noted in the land itself, or during interactions with the folk that populate Retama. Nevertheless, some would consider it of some value to distinguish those who were given to us by the now forgotten stars and those that came as the heavens fell or well after they had done so.

Either way, for these reasons, the species have began to be differentiated as the "Founding Kin" and the "Colonizing Kin". With, naturally, a special exception made for the Wretches, as they are neither founding nor colonizers.

The Founding Kin

Despite what most might believe, and what some will boldly claim, the Founding Kin bears a number of basic resemblances to their antecessors, even after millenia of growth, culture and discovery.

Despite the familiarity all the founding races have with each other, to say that they have remained cooperative, or that they even were in the first place, would be quite misleading. The Baalvarion, after being spawned from Baral, and due to the unique circumstances they found themselves in, moved towards the north, abandoning Retama for centuries. It was only once their founder died that they decided to make their way back. During that time, the Apocryphs had focused their attention on complete hegemony, which sometimes came in the form of peaceful diplomacy and sometimes came in the form of armed assaults. Nevertheless, in time, and after having become the owners of all the de-facto trade routes in Retama, their agression greatly lessened.

The Iberians, none too hapy about the actions of Apofis's kin, they stood, sturdier than a wall, and far more steadfast. In their opposition, however, their numbers were greatly decimated; and while they have recovered ever since, now boasting some of the better known military institutions and academies, they have never been able to live those days down. Finally, the Skoris, distant from all, came to find themselves in a sticky situation as the Apocryphs began their expansionist pursuit. Should they aid, or perhaps support the Iberians? Maybe remaining neutral was safer after all. For years upon years, there was never any consensus until both the one hundred and third as well as the first moth died of old age. At that point, and with a new leader, their intent was made clear. They wouldn't aid in battle, but they'd provide help to any individuals within either side that might need it, whether it was in traversing the treacherous swamps or providing succour after grievous wounds.

The Colonizing Kin

The first few arrived in Retama decades after the skies began to crumble, many only managing to catch a glimpse of the last few stars that remained on the firmament. Not all arrived through similar means, and not all stayed in the region, though, in most cases, the settlements that remain are sizable enouh to still consider those races as part of Retama.

The first to arrive came from the south, making landfall in the peninsula at the southeast of the region. There, they remained undisturbed, due to the mountain ranges born at the only entry to the area. These were Elves, a skilled breed of navigants and sailors, that began trading with the Apocryphs once their presence was made evident. The second bunch came from the north, the arid drylands and the torrid heat. In caravans of dozens, they advanced steadily towards the mainland of Retama, eventually coming to meet the Baalvarion, who took them in and provided them with as much aid as they could need. These sort were Goblins, far less violent and energic than other members of their species, with a rich history as diviners and astronomers. The final group of the colonizing kin came much later, once all the stars had fallen, brought by the Apocryphs to serve as slave labor and later freed when there was no need for them any longer. These were Kondrath, an uncanny breed of lupines, they fled their lands in the south after a misguided star destroyed their cities and culture. The Thimeans were the ones to locate them and bring them aid. Ever since, these two kins have resided near each other in almost perfect harmony, save for some friction once every few years.

And that only leaves one. The odd ones out.

The Peccarian Wretches

A kin, built exclusively as mindless servants, through the means by which the Stars once built us. Never have I ever seen such a travesty of nature, and though their thrice condemned creator now lies dead among the ash and rubbles of his pretend-kingdom, they still wander this earth. Every step they take is another spit in the faces of the Stars that left us, another offense to each and every one of us, the real children of Retama. For this very reason, these peccarian wretches must be dealt with, and erradicated in the most definitive of fashions.

"103rd Edict Of War" - Head of Council Panos Kiryllos

A Facsimile Of Life

The Peccarian Wretches were crafted through mere artifice, a mix of magic and technology powered through it. Taking a wild boar as base, it didn't take long for the Iberian to design the first prototype. With a dagger and a par of forceps, he flayed the flesh until what would become the first wretch was to his preferred shape and looks. And yet, as it stood, it was little more than a statue built of skin and bone instead of marble. And so, with the aid of a tome, filled to the brim with forbidden knowledge, he gave the thing something akin to a soul, so it could experience a twisted conception of life. This, thankfully, wasn't something its brood inherited.

Blood & Dirt

One thing that has defined the wretches throughout their history has been conflict. All out, armed conflict. First, after the cataclysm that ended the Iberian for his hubris. They broke free from his dungeons and jails, and fought against the army he had amassed over the years to freedom. Later on, they began warring with themselves, what were once aettlements containing thousands, shattered into smaller tribes, all looking to retake their birthplace some day. Finally, they found valuable opossition on the Gaur, whom they remain engaged with to this day. Nevertheless, while the smaller tribes fight against a different foe, the larger ones are still competing for dominion over the area.

Built For A Purpose

Despite being only one kin, the Iberian that manufactured them sought to have the Wretches perform a variety of duties in his lands, while he focused on his research and experiments. For this purpose, he built the Wretches with changing forms, and different skills. At a young age, the Shoats were meant to focus on subterfuge and espionage, their limber forms and bodies perfect for the task. Upon reaching maturity, their bodies would grow, bulking with muscle and fat until reaching a second stage. These Warthogs were built exclusively for fighting, short tempered, aggressive and extremely durable, they were meant to war, and they were meant to win. Those who survived all the fighting, thus, theoretically, proving themselves the best among their kin, would grow further, their bodies swelling with motherly fat, as the final stage of their life had come. The duties of these Mastodons, not to fight, not to sneak, but to breed, each and every day, until a new generation of Shoats had been brought into this world. Despite that, or perhaps for this very reason, their form is extremely durable and sturdy. Unfortunately, their greatly increased weight tends to require some sort of heeled implement, as some of the muscles in their legs tend to be rendered moot.

A War Of Attrition

After the cataclysm, and a days-long skirmish in the ruins of their creator's castle, they managed to escape, scaterring throughout the northwest of Retama. As they advanced, they found nothing but ruins, the misguided result of the Iberian's ambition. It began as something temporary. Tribes would reside among the squalor for what would be just a few weeks, then months and then entire years. In time, some ruin dwellers took it upon themselves to built something out of what little was left, and a couple of years later, any Peccarian tribe that wasn't still nomadic was building shelter in the remains of old towns, villages and cities. Despite how long ago that was, the fact remains that most of those settlements remain on ruins, despite the arduous work the Wretches have been putting to restore those locations somewhat. Their constant living among splinters, mud, blood, food scarcity and ony the gods know how many parasites, however, has made them quite sturdy when it comes to sustenance. While a handful of moldy bread would likely knock an Iberian to their knees, for a Wretch, it's a meal as welcome as any other.

But there's more to their livelyhood than just settlements, as most Peccarian communities double as warbands, whether they are nomadic or sedentary. They travel, often lead by the eldest among the lot, whether it be a female or a male, constantly looking for their next pay and, consequently, their next lunch.

Snouts & Tusks

All Peccarian Wretches bear the same appearance, as they were crafted from the flesh and blood of boars and pigs. All presenting snouts, as well as porcine ears, and while many bear an imposing set of tusks in their mouths, it's not a common trait. They only grow hair on their head, and depending on heritage, it tends to be either white and pale greys or different shades of black. When it comes to skin tones, they can go from pale pinks to deep browns, though if the Wretch has been crossbred with an orc of goblin, their skins can also take different shades of green.

Physically, they differ greatly though their ages. While they are shoats, their muscles are not particularly developed, though they are flexible and limber. Their legs, however, are atrophied, and remain that way up until the age of 4. When they transition to Warthogs, their muscle mass massively increases, and so does their height. They also grow significantly more aggressive. By the time they enter ther Mastodon stage, most of the muscle has been covered with an ample layer of fat. It is at this point that the atrophy that marks their early age returns, as their legs become unable to support their weight, requiring them a sort of heeled implement.

When it comes to names, many Wretches have none, as the concept is a relatively new thing that was only recently introduced. For the first few years, people were only referred by the duties they performed, though recently, they've taken to giving themselves more proper names. Many derived from the orcish dialect they speak.

Male Names: Ajjal, Burakh, Ergon, Kruth, Markoth, Shallac, Uzat.

Female Names: Finka, Grennah, Jordas, Namruth, Okran, Phyrra.

Peccarian Traits

Due to how they were built, most Peccarian Wrecthes are quite different from each other, mostly based on their age and development. It's perfectly possible for a Shoat to grow into a Warthog years before they are supposed to, and the same can be said for Warthogs and Mastodons. It has even happened some times that a Shoat will simply skip its Warthog phase, and grow into a perfectly healthy Mastodon. And much in the same way the growth can happen ahead of time, it's just as likely to be delayed.

Their common traits, however, are as follows:

Iron Stomach: You have proficiency in Eating, due to your many years living among decay.

Aggressive: As a bonus action, you can move up to your movement speed toward a hostile creature you can see or hear. You must end this move closer to the enemy than you started.

The Mastodons

With breeding as their only purpose, and a likely past of constant fighting, they are far sturdier than their duties would make them seem.

Ability Score Increases: Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 2 each, but your Dexterity score is decreased by 1.

Age: Within the 70 to 80 years a Peccarian Wretch tends to live to, Mastodons tend to occupy the latter third, usually starting at around 45 years of age at the earliest and their 60s at the latest.

Alignment: Despite their aspect, their old age and duties tend to leave the Mastodons quite weary and fatigued. The ones that still conserve their energy tend to be fairly stoic either way, giving them a strong tendency towards Neutrality.

Size: The smallest Mastodons tend to be around 6', while the largest can easily reach and go above 8', with weights that range from the low 200 to up to 300 Lbs. They are considered Medium creatures.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 25 ft.

Powerhouse: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Aditionally, your bulk limit is doubled.

Heavyweight: You have advantage on Constitution saving throws of any kind, as well as advantage on saving throws or ability checks made to escape grapples, and avoid being knocked prone.

Darkvision: Due to all your time living in the tunnels under the Iberian's keep, you can see in dim light within 30 ft. of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot distinguish color, only shades of red.

Languages: You can speak, write and read Common, Orc and one other language of your choice.

The Warthogs

Relentless fighters, and with a determination and will that can hardly be compared to any other races'. Once they have set their mind on something, they pursue it, often to its ultimate conclusion, whichever that might be.

Ability Score Increases: Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Age: Within the 70 to 80 years a Peccarian Wretch tends to live to, Warthogs tend to occupy the second third, usually starting at around 25 years of age at the earliest and 35 at the latest.

Alignment: Their unbridled aggression and intense territoriality has them tending towards either Chaotic or Neutral alignments, depending on whether their desires are to protect or to attack.

Size: Warthogs have a fairly standardized size, usually ranging from 5'6" to 5'10", most frequently around 160 Lbs of weight. You are considered a Medium creature.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.

Rowdy: Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 Bludgeoning damage. Additionally, while unarmed, and if both your hands are free, you can add your proficiency modifier to attacks made with your off-hand.

Excercise: Any activity or action that results in a loss of your weight drains twice more weight than usual. Optionally, anything that would result in a loss of muscle mass drains half the usual amount (1 minimum). You also gain proficiency in either Athletics or Acrobatics.

Darkvision: Due to all your time living in the tunnels under the Iberian's keep, you can see in dim light within 45 ft. of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot distinguish color, only shades of red.

Languages: You can speak Common, Orc and one other language of your choice, but you can only read and write in two of those languages.

The Shoats

Small and sneaky, Shoats have learned to adapt to their positions in the hierarchy of the Wretches. They are birthed in a sorry state, and they are put to use as soon as they are good to go. This often results on a severe atrophy on their legs, which forces them to use stilts until they grow up.

Ability Score Increases: Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.

Age: Within the 70 to 80 years a Peccarian Wretch tends to live to, Shoats tend to occupy the first third, usually starting at around 3 years of age at the earliest and 5 at the latest.

Alignment: As shoats tend to be at the same time the most ignored and the most coveted members of the Peccarian society, their attitude varies greatly, though their youth makes them uninterested on the idea of lawfulness.

Size: Shoats are the smallest by far, ranging between 4'5" to 5' of height, their weight in the low 100s. You are considered Medium

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.

Stilts: Your stilts are natural melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier, instead of the damage normal for an unarmed strike. Due to the stilts, however, neither conventional boots nor foot accessories can be worn.

Forager: As part of a short rest, you can harvest bone, flesh and hide from a slain beast, dragon or monstrosity creature of size small or larger to create one of the following items: a dagger, 1d6 darts or blowgun needles, 1d4 crossbow bolts, 1 piece of edible meat (Fat, 1Lb). To use this trait, you need a blade, such as a dagger, or appropriate artisan's tools, such as leatherworker's tools.

Scatter: If a creature within 5 ft. of you takes damage, regardless of the source, you can use your reaction to move up to half your movement speed in any direction. If you'd be in the range of a spell or magical effect, you avoid the damage as long as you move out of the range. You do not provoke any attacks of opportunity when you take this reaction.

Darkvision: Due to all your time living in the tunnels under the Iberian's keep, you can see in dim light within 60 ft. of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot distinguish color, only shades of red.

Languages: You can speak Common, Orc and one other language of your choice, but you can only read and write in one of those languages.

The Founding Kin - Apocryphs

O urs is a nation perpetuated on lies, fed to blood, kin and friends alike. Not for perpetuity, not for protection or ignorance. But for the benefit of a few, and the detriment of any who isn't them. Many a time has the Council claimed that Our Mother laid only with one Star, and thusly, as the true blood of Apofis, they have a right to rule. Yet witness your own relfection on the calm seas, on the ingots you produce. I can assure to you, whether you are friend or foe, that we are family, we all bear Her blood. And no amount of deceit by those who shed it will ever change that fact.

"Aura's Manifesto" - Aura, the exile.

Power In Variety

It is said that Apofis, once, millenia ago, saw a future where her brood would prosper, spread throughout not only Retama, but other regions as well. As such, she worked hard to ensure that her children would be varied enough to withstand the elements, regardless of where they resided.

As such, it's said she mated with three different Stars, and carried the brood of each all the way to birth. This is something that has been contested throughout the years by the Council Of Retama, a self appointed organization conformed entirely of a singular subrace. The stories of how exactly they came to power are many, and all relatively vague. The one most widespread claims that they were the ones that remained with Apofis the longest, and so, when she eventually made an attempt at ruling, many of her courtmembers were Basilians. This attempt, it should be mentioned, went far worse than many would've expected.

While Apofis had been gifted with an unmatched intelect, her coldness was ultimately what turned many sour to her rulings. While those outside of the court, belonging to all three kins, complained about her disregard for any member outside of it, the nobles closest to her conspired against Apofis, and uttered false reassurances to control her. Eventually, when she expressed a desire to dissolve the court and void her royalty, she was killed in her sleep.

Divide & Win

After the death of the longevous founder of the Apocryphs, the very Basilians that killed her knew that attempting to choose a successor would only result in the most entitled court members starting succession wars; something that would cost them any chances they might've had at hegemony over Retama. As such, the Council Of Retama was formed. Up to 10 officials, appointed between each other, were to rule over the lives of hundreds of thousands of Apocryphs. Mind you, most of these matters were carried out away from the public eye.

Shortly after the formation of the Council, the Ersatz school was founded, designed to teach aspiring members ways to keep the public soothed and other Council members happy. Ever since, the Council Of Retama has been misinforming the public in regards to many historical events. And though they never had any tight control over the narrative, nor ever tried to enforce dictatorial control, their word alone was enough to cause great division between Aecorians, Aestival and Basilians. The unfortunate result can be seen even today, in the location of their colonies. All separate from each other, to ensure minimal interaction, which inevitably leads to hostility whenever any of the three subraces attempts to interact with any other.

Gold, Fish & Coal

It's become a common saying in Retama, to say that certain things go together as well as "gold, fish and coal". Each of those three representing one of the subraces of Aprocryph.

Gold refers to the Basilians, as they are the ones that reside in what's said to be the capital of Apocryph activity. They have control over all the things that enter and leave the territory, and, to some degree, anything that wants to enter the eastern edge of the region must pass through them. Additionally, they hold many positions of power, as well as control over the Apocryph armies. This group being the one that usually gets the Aecorians and Aestival to listen to Basilians at all.

Fish refers to the Aecorians, who reside all throughout the eastern coasts of Retama. Many positioned in the southeast, covering every inch of ground, and having direct control over most of the largest harbors in the region. This simple fact has, much to their chagrin, forced them to work somewhat closely with Aestival. A practice that has softened their relations some, though not much. Their trade specializes in both fish as well as vegetable produce, though the income they recieve from fishing far outweighs what they reciveve from their plantations. They have also been known to smuggle goods into Apocryph territory under the pretense of lengthy fishing trips.

The coal is a reference to the work of the Aestival, many of them huddled in mining settlements along the mountain range that separates the rest of Retama from Apocryph territory. Their main form of trade involves minerals, metals and fuels. Items such as diamonds, which would be coveted anywhere else, are only a rarity due to the uncanny diet of the Aestival, who are only capable of digesting any type of mineral material. While many would consider them to be among the most maladjusted, to the point where one among them travelled to other Apocryph settlements nailing her manifesto to the central squares of each, they are in a relatively good position. All that eat are expected to work. Unfortunately, the mining shifts are severe, and often leave little time for the pursuit of personal interests.

A Pattern In The Scales

While all Apocryphs bear the blood of Apofis within them, the three separate stars that concieved them grant each of the subraces a sizable number of differences.

The Basilians, for starters, possess larger fangs than the other two, and slick, shiny scales covering their tails, back and arms. These scales tend to be of rather shiny and warm colors, such as amber, red and bronze. Some Basilians have been known to tint their scales so they appear to be gold or silver. The structure of their ears also varies greatly to the other two, as they have a simple curved top. Unlike the others, they also have much longer tongues, capable of reaching all the way down to their navels. As for their hair, it tends to be of fairer tones, such as blondes, auburns and whites.

Aecorians have a couple of peculiarities. Their scales are not only of much darker colors, but they generally have colder tones, such as blues or greens. Much like Basilians, scales cover their tails, back and arms. However, unlike their other kin, they don't stop growing scales at the wrist, giving them reptilian claws with a powerful grip, in certain cases even bearing webbing between the fingers. They also present fins in their forearms and all over their tail. Their ears appear much the same, with a lengthened top and finned. Tongues, shorter, and their skins somewhat darker than a Basilian's, though not as dark as an Aestival's. As for hair, it grows wavy or curled, and it can bear a variety of colors. From more natural ones to some you'll only ever find in an Aecorian.

The Aestival bear clear marks of their heritage. Their scales are not slick, but instead bulging, irregular, and with a rocky texture to them. And though it doesn't cover their hands entirely, it does go up their neck and parts of their face. Their ears are broad, pointing out, and quite sensitive as well. They have the darkest skintones among the three subraces, with tones going from olive to brown, complimenting their scales. Much in the same way, their hair tends to grow in wild manes, and usually in dark colors, such as blacks, deep reds or dark brunettes.

Even despite these differences, their naming conventions are still rather standardized, from one part of their territory to the other.

Male Names: Achaikos, Callias, Erastos, Heron, Karpos, Linus, Nereus, Paramonos, Phyrrus, Timo, Zeno.

Female Names: Arete, Belenice, Euralia, Galena, Irene, Kallisto, Lysandra, Myrhna, Nike, Sapphi, Thais.

Apocryphan Traits

Quite varied in their upbringing, there are a number of traits that all Apocryphan's share. Many of them brought down from generations, and all dating back to Apofis herself. In every case, the inheritance is obvious; since, regardless of what the Council Of Retama might claim, it would seem Apofis had more than just one single suitor.

Their common traits are as follows:

Fey Creature: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Scaled body: Your body is covered in resistant scales, giving you AC 12 + your Con modifier when unarmored, and adding +1 to your AC when armored.

Serpentine Form: You are considered one size larger when determining your stomach size, digestion, and amount of food you need to sustain yourself. Your bulk limit, carry capacity and the weight you can push, drag and lift is increased by 1.5. Due to your snake-like tail your base movement speed is 20, but you can traverse through any difficult terrain without spending any extra movement or taking damage from it.

Ability Score Modifier: Your Intelligence score increases by 2.

The Basilians

Though they often refer to themselves as royals, truth is, there's very little that sets them apart from the other kinds of Apocryphs besides how polarizing they tend to be, the names of some of the most famed and infamous Apocryphs among their history.

Ability Score Increases: Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Age: Basilians, in general, tend to live longer than other races, but surprisingly enough, lead shorter lives than both Aestians and Aecorians, their expectancy being a rough 250 years.

Alignment: While it would be easy to brand all Basilians as the same sort, the truth is, the rotten apples are what stands out the most in the bunch. They tend to follow Lawful alignments.

Size: On average, Basilians are larger than both Aestians and Aecorians, coming to a height of roughly 7' and a weight of 240 Lbs.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 20 ft.

Darkvision: Due to your serpentine descent, you can see in dim light within 60 ft. of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot distinguish color, only shades of grey.

Sharp Fangs: Your retractible fangs are natural melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier, instead of the damage normal for an unarmed strike. As part of this action, and if an enemy creature has less than (6 + 2x Your Level) health, you can attempt to swallow them whole. They must pass a DC (8 + Con modifier + Prof modifier) Strength or Dexterity save or be swallowed otherwise. After this, the creature starts to suffocate, and if it dies, it's turned into fatty food (1/10 of their weight). If you fall unconscious or are stunned, they automatically escape your stomach.

Carnivorous: Basilians are unable to digest fruits and vegetables, if they consume either they are poisoned for 24 hours. Their digestion speed for meats of any sort is doubled.

Gilded Scales: Your scales shine with the look of precious metals. You can detach up to 10 off your body to make them pass for gold coins. The trick will only work if they're accompanied by a number of actual coins equal or higher to the number of detached scales.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Draconic.

The Aecorians

Built for the sea, the Aecorians are known as skilled divers and even moreso hunters. Their skill for maritime combat, whether above or under water is almost unparalelled.

Ability Score Increases: Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Age: While most would think an Aecorian's life expectancy to be rather short, that's just a side effect of the unfortunate treatment they have recieved on the past. As is, they can last up to 300 years.

Alignment: A mixture of jolly and unserious, most Aecorians tend to fall towards the more good natured tendencies.

Size: On average, Aecorians are larger than any Aestian, coming to a height of roughly 6' to 6'5" and a weight of 170 Lbs.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 20 ft.

Cerulean: You can breathe above water and underwater, your swimming speed equals double your walking speed. On top of that, You're also naturally adapted to cold climates, as described in chapter 5 of the DMG and ignore any drawbacks caused by a deep underwater environment.

Fishmonger's Traditions: You gain proficiency with two of the following skills. Athletics, Animal Handling, Nature, Perception, Medicine, and Survival.

Omnivorous: Aecorians can eat any types of food, regardless of its nature. As a result, they're more difficult to sate than other species, having a bonus of +3 to their stomach capacity, and having a doubled digestion speed.

Darkvision: Due to your serpentine descent, you can see in dim light within 60 ft. of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot distinguish color, only shades of grey.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Deep Speech.

The Aestival

By far the most uncanny group among the Apocryphs, often viewed rather poorly by Basilians in the Council. The Aestival's body is covered in tenacious scales that resemble stone in many ways, and their diet reflects this.

Ability Score Increases: Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Age: The Aestival, though proper dieting and without the everpresent risk of a mine crumbling right on top of them, can live easily up to 400 years.

Alignment: The Aestival are said to represent another facet of Apofis's personality, showing a blatant disregard for authority. As such, they have a tendency to Neutral and Chaotic alignments.

Size: The average size of an Aestival tends to be much the same as a human, between 5 to 6' tall, with a weight ranging from 100 to 140 Lbs.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 20 ft.

Lapivore: Aestival aren't able to digest organic food, their diet consisting only of rocks, metals, ores and gems. If they eat any organic food, by their own volition or due to a charm or spell, they don't gain any DP from it. The amount of DP provided is as follows:

Mineral Materials
DP per Lb Matter
1/5 Non-precious rocks & gems.
1/2 Non-precious ores, & alcohol.m
1 Any amount of coins equivalent to 5GP.
2 Non-precious metals
3 Oil, petrol, coal or other mineral fuels.
5 Gemstones (Ruby, Emerald, Diamond...)
7 Precious ores & metals (Silver, Gold...)

Inner Crucible: Any Aestival can process the mineral produce they have digested and utilize it for a variety of purposes. As an action, you can consume 5 DP and perform one of the following:

  • Increase your unarmored AC by 2 for 1 minute.

  • Grant yourself resistance to fire and cold damage for 1 minute.

  • Gain a single use of the Dragon's Breath spell at base level.

  • Grant yourself advantage on rolls made to resist being pushed, pulled, grappled or knocked prone for 1 minute.

Darkvision: Due to your serpentine descent, you can see in dim light within 60 ft. of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot distinguish color, only shades of grey.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Primordial.

The Founding Kin - Baalvarion

I t is, from here on out, your duty as a father to ensure my daughters acquire the kowledge of life in Retama, so that they may become earthly in nature, akin to their mother. They must be cared for, by you and you alone, so that they may grow and proliferate. You will teach them of the others, and to never be fearful of them, as any child of Retama is a child of mine as well. I, in exchange for favors delivered, will teach them of those I reside among. Moreso, as your terrenal life will end, I will forever look after my daughter beyond your passing. As such, this is a pact of cooperation and companionship. From this moment on, no barriers separate us, and no features divide us. We have become one and the same.

"Pact of Two"

Baral's Deal

Upon deciding to father a kin, much in the same way Apofis had before him, Baral approached the "Star of the Spring", a once known deity representing fertility and abundance. His first approach resulted in a clear rejection, though not so conclusive as to disallow him a second attempt. On the weeks that followed, Baral focused on crafting a pact, something that would both appeal to the Spring's interests as well as granting him a brood. Once he considered it done, he approached once more, once again meeting rejection, though the star had expressed interest on his deal. As such, and using that as a way to make a first step, he inquired as to her terms, and for the next month, they both wrote a pact for the two to follow and abide by. At the start, it was far larger than either of them expected, but through constant dialogue, it was worked down to a little over a dozen pages.

The Star of the Spring had three main duties: To provide Baral with brood, to teach them of the firmament, and to look over them after Baral wouldn't be able anymore. Baral had three duties as well: To teach them of the land, to look after their terrenal living, and to ensure they would never come to isolate themselves. Besides these, they both made two petitions to the other. Baral requested the kin would carry his features and cunning, and she requested much the same, which, unknown to him, meant an all female kin with her same boundless fertility.

Before The Migration

Baral managed to get his clan just as he wanted, and despite the initial surprise, he quickly got to work. Still too young for him to be concerned about them having offspring, the doubt hung in the back of his mind, dubious of Apofis's cooperation should it become a problem. As such, he gave a clear instruction to them. Should the future of the kin ever be at risk, they were to leave Retama, to find partners elsewhere.

For a long time, and thanks to Iberia's victory, that wasn't much of a problem. Thankfully so, as the Star of the Spring seemed quite displeased with the idea. Nevertheless, following the teachings of Baral, the tribe propagated, using trade as their main system of sustenance, as well as an ideal way to find suitable partners. However, Baral noticed, as the one hundred and third fell, a foreboding feeling taking over him; and for good reason.

Well after his death, as the stars began to disappear, the Baalvarion's natality rate dropped precipitously. And thus, they marched north, passing the bushland and onto the arid lands of the desert.

A Divisive Return

It was only as the last 30 stars had began to fall that they returned, their numbers greatly bolstered and with a new group in tow. The Moirai, or Desert Goblins.

Their arrival caused commotion in the Council, as the return of the Baalvarion would mean a further loss of their hegemony. The Iberians reacted with relief, believing this meant the stars would return as well. Nothing further from the truth, however. But it wasn't just among other races that division was present, as many a Baalvarion had expressed pause on their return.

As they made their way back, infighting had broken out among the larger tribe, with three main factions standing out. Those three groups are the ones we now refer to as the Gaur, the Yak and the Auroch.

The Gaur split early on into their return, heading to the northeast of Retama, unknowing the place would soon become a warzone, turning the race into a ragtag militia. Yaks split much later, opting to forego the steppes at the far west for the safety of the mountains in the midland, which they would come to regret as the mountains proved to be a force of nature. Aurochs returned back to their birthplace, worn out by time, but otherwise untouched, and resumed their trade activities right where they'd left off, as if nothing had ever happened.

Nowadays, not much has changed since. The Gaur have grown far more assertive and intimidating, and the Yaks have learned to adapt to the mountain's dangers. The Aurochs remain the same. Just as they were when they returned, and just as they were when they left, to many a symbol of the eternal power of the now fallen stars.

No Features Divide Us

One thing that has characterized the Baalvarion above all else has been their all-female composition. Something that, inevitably, has driven them to interaction, comprehension, and acceptance. As they cannot further their kin among themselves, they must find suitable partners elsewhere. And though many Baalvarion share a number of traits, ones are far closer to what Baral looked like than others. Horns, hooves, or a bountiful physique are all possibilities of the massive patchwork of crossbreeding that the larger Baalvarion community has become. As such, there are very few dominant traits among them, given that most of the features present in a single member of the race will be features present in their parents. Hair color, skin, eyes and even facial structure and height will be entirely dependant on one's family. Nevertheless, there have been a number of traits that have grown common among each of the three subraces.

The Gaur tend to have darker skintones and hair, as well as a bulkier physique. Their fur, whenever they have it, tends to be patterned in stripes. As they completely broke contact with the rest of Retama after their war against the Wretches began, it's said that they use prisioners of war as breeding stock, keeping the strongest and killing the weakest.

The Yak, due to their living in the mountain, have been forced to have a very specific set of traits. The primary and most important are lengthy manes of thick hair, which often cascades over their face and back, providing unexpected protection from the elements. On top of that, due to lack of sun, their skins and hairs take a clearer tone. Their fur tends to be very much featureless.

The Auroch are the definition of a "melting pot", as no appearance is too uncanny for them to take. Moreso when considering that it's not even every Auroch seeking to continue Baral's legacy, many prefering to stay in the cities where their father resides. The one thing that could be argued they have in common is a demeanor. A friendlyness and a naturality when interacting with others, absent even in both of the other subraces.

Their names are usually composed. The first one being that which is given to them by their progenitors, while the second and third being the names of the progenitors themselves.

Baalvarion Traits

Despite their constant crossbreeding with other races, the Baalvarion tend to come to this world and leave this world looking much the same as their mothers did. Something widely percieved to be a result of the pact Baral made with the Star of the Spring all those millenia ago, while others prefer to handwave it as simply good fortune and a healthy serving of dominant Baalvarion blood.

Their common traits are as follows:

Ability Score Increases: Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Age: As a general rule of thumb, most Baalvarion rarely outlast the century, usually due to their activities and duties, though they can reach 170 years old with a bit luck and safety.

Size: Usually they tend to be around the same size than a human, though the horns they sport push them past 6' on the regular. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and two more languages of your choice.

On top of that, you must chose at least two of the following traits.

Horns: Your horns are natural melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Herbivore: Baalvarion are unable to digest meat, if you consume meat, you are poisoned for 24 hours. All vegetables give double the diet points they usually would, regardless of their category.

Ever Bountiful: You are always considered lactating, and renenerate pints of milk at a rate of 2 pints for 1 DP. You can go a number of days without food equal to your Constitution score and can survive without water for half as long.

Bovine Hooves: You cannot take damage from terrain or small objects on it, such as caltrops.

Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Aditionally, for the sake of expanDND content your bulk limit is increased by half.

Bullrush: If you move at least 30 feet straight toward a target, you can make one melee attack with your weapon or your horns as a bonus action.

The Gaur

The first group of Baalvarion to split from the main caravan, they now reside in the same territory as the Wretches, which has turned the place into a combat zone, and the Gaur into ruthless warlords.

Ability Score Increases: Your Strength score increases by 2.

Alignment: While the Gaur were never the most cheerful, the war they have been engaged in for centuries certainly hasn't helped matters much, now having a heavy tendency to Neutral or Evil alignments.

Warborn: You are proficient with two martial weapons of your choice.

Savagery: Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon’s damage dice and use either total.

Unstoppable: You can plant yourself in place with all your might, making you hard to subdue. You have advantage on any checks or saving throws made to move you, incapacitate you, grapple you or make you prone.

The Yak

They were the second group to part from what had once been a larger group, and while they did not end in such horrible a position as the Gaur did, the mountains still proved quite a challenge. With enough willpower, though, they eventually managed to adapt.

Ability Score Increases: Your Wisdom score increases by 2.

Alignment: Regular living in the mountains, and constantly dealing with the hardships it involves, has given them a very balanced outlook on the world, their tendencies being Neutral.

Frostborn: You have resistance to cold damage, as well as being acclimated to elevations of over 20,000 Ft and being proficient on the survival skill.

Tough Skin: Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level. If you're benefitting from a similar effect, you must chose between one or the other, as the effects of both will not stack.

Solid Grip: You do not suffer any penalties when climbing surfaces, and creatures trying to escape your grapples do so at a disadvantage.

The Auroch

They were the ones that left, back when the stars had started to fall. Not even them know where they went, as most records of those days were erased or lost. Now, they are equally liked and disliked by the people in Retama for very different reasons.

Ability Score Increases: Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Alignment: They maintain Baral's spirit and energy, and their duty as traders has made them naturally friendly, tending more towards Good alignments.

Meadowborn: You can move across difficult terrain without expending extra movement. While on grass, dirt or paved floors, your speed is increased by 5.

Baral's Spirit: You have advantage on initiative rolls while in plains, grasslands and other open natural environments, as well as being proficient in the Perception skill.

Ruminating: You have multiple stomachs. As such, when calculating your stomach capacity, the bonus you recieve by your Con modifier is doubled. Additionally, you have proficiency in the Eating skill.

The Founding Kin - Iberians

M y will, I dedicate to all my children. Each and every last one of them, proud and capable, just like I was. Heed my words, not as your mother, not as your founder, not even as one who bested a deity. No, for even after such accomplishments, I am no greater nor lesser than any other Iberian. Now or ever. For you are destined to greatness, and no matter what my feats might be, I am certain that you, as a people, will come to dwarf what I heights I have reached. Today, my kin stands merely on a tree, yet I harbor no doubts that it will soon stand in the shoulders of giants. Bind yourself not to victories of the past, as time will render them trivial. Instead, reach out and away, to wherever the next great victory might be.

"Iberia's Last Will"

Iberia's Victory

However unexpected, nobody could argue that Iberia had proven her prowess after besting a star in hand to hand combat. Many a divinity found these results dubious at best, some going as far as to accuse either of the two involved. Iberia was under fire for cheating, and her creator was claimed to have thrown midway through. While the defeated star paid no mind to these claims, they certainly got under Iberia's skin. It took only a few weeks for her to single-handedly best a dragon. And still the calumnies continued, quelled intermitently by those who felt her victory had been legitimate. Still, the woman made a claim to the firmament. Just like she'd proven her prowess, her brood would prove theirs. And just in time, as her creator had finally devised a line for her.

The Iberian Community

Concerned about the risks of inbreeding, the star devised a variety of smaller breeds within the larger race. He'd seen how Apofis had fixed that issue, and how the Star of the Spring had approached the problem. And as such, he took inspiration from both. Instead of giving Iberia his essence and his alone, he prepared the essences of several divinities, in most cases without them knowing. Once that was done, he began passing them down to Iberia, one by one.

It is during this time that the different subraces of Iberians began to exist. A common myth that spawns from this era is that each of the kins resides in the lands Iberia was exploring at the time they were conceived. And while that remains a myth for good reason, something that is more known were the feats she performed during those days, each marking their children in different ways. All given to her by the stars that still found her a cheater, and all demanded by her to prove her talent.

Needless to say, the first Iberian proved her skill time and again, eventually silencing most of her opposition. And while a handful remained, they were nowhere near as vocal as they once had been. Once her kin had begun to form into tribes, she'd even managed to earn the respect of several stars, and often times caroused with them.

Four Children

As time went on, and what started as small tribes began to settle, four groups became primarily distinguishable among the lot. Bearing the essence of the Star of the Boar, the Markhor proved to be the ones that inherited Iberia's deftness, with the sword and any other weapon. Their ample horns and rowdy demeanor making their dual heritage obvious to any that would take the time to observe.

The Pyreon were once believed to be Iberia's true children, as they bear both her blood as well as the blood of the Star of the Architect, he who created Iberia herself. Just like their celestial father, they have an insatiable curiosity, and highly logical minds. Many of them are now settled in what's widely considered to be Retama's capital, and the city which harbors the RAMAS, or the "Retama Academy of Magic, Arts & Sciences".

The Hyrca were quite peculiar from the get-go, having been born from the essence of the Star of Dreams. Always taciturn, yet merry in demeanor. Peaceful beyond belief, and always willing to provide for any that would need, whether they require food, drink, rest or a ceiling.

Lastly, and once the laughing stock of the rest of the firmament. Bearing the essence of the Star of Discordance, the Nubia are rather odd, and clear evidence that the Architect sought only to experiment when creating the Iberian kins. Considered cowardly, the nubia have proven that, despite their timidity, they are no less skilled than Iberia herself; and, more to it, no less crafty than Krosia.

All four grew close to each other, the differences in their upbringing and blood making them compatible. Despite their separation, they still built the largest cities in Retama, as well as having the most powerful army in the region, rivaled only by the strength of Gaur and Wretches combined. And that is without making mention of their countless discoveries, dedicated bookkeeping and talented historians.

Magic, Arts & Sciences

Nowadays, the Iberians are mostly known, and recognized, for the establishment of the RAMAS. A school that deals in all sorts of subjects, from the most arcane and esoteric, to matters of the physical realm. They boast of talented teachers and succesful students, and not only belonging to their own kin. Among those that have joined the staff are Thimeans, Basilians, Baalvarion, and even a single Alaich. Throughout its history, the RAMAS has seen plenty of talented magicians, artists and researchers through its halls, teaching them all countless ways to perfect their crafts. It is a testament to their efficiency when most of the alumni of this academy became either quite famous, or quite infamous. For, indeed, the RAMAS has had a few black sheep among its ranks. Extremely talented people that ended up utilizing their plentiful knowledge for evil rather than good.

As for the academy itself, it's size alone is testament to how much attention it attracts. Roughly as large as the Basilian capital, it has enough pupils for the dean to be considered a governor. And its size is not for show either, as its libraries are hardly comparable to any other in Retama, and so are its secrets.

Many a cult has formed itself within the walls of the RAMAS, indications of its existance lying in clasrooms now abandoned, in hallways now covered in cobwebs, and their dreadful designs in what's commonly referred to as the "Chained Quarter".

All For One

When entering an Iberian city, one will hardly see just Iberians populating it. And even if that should be the case, there's enough variety among each kin to make them all stand out on their own.

The Markhor, as an example, present lengthy, upright horns, formed in the shape of corkscrews. Their hair tends to be of dark tones, and what little fur they tend to have matches the tan overtones of their skin.

Nubia present stubby horns, small and hard to notice, usually bearing a deep dark color. This comes in contrast with their hair, which is usually of rather clear tones. Much the same can be said for their fur and eyes, going in complete contrast with their skintone, which is closer to the tans that Markhor bear.

The Pyreon's horns are turned towards the back, rather hefty as well. Their complexion is usually fair, with clear skintones and hair color, though through heritage, it's perfectly possible for these traits to be mixed.

Hyrcas are quite peculiar, with great variance on their features, the one singular standout is their hair and fur. Rarely of any color other than white, it forms into a fluffy cover, akin to cotton or wool. Always incredibly lengthy, and usually curled. Although, just like with the Pyreon, through heritage, it's perfectly possible for a Hyrca to acquire straight hair.

In regards to naming conventions, they follow a set of very standardized names. Rarely does any masculine name not end with the suffix "-us", and equally as rarely does a feminine name not end with an "-a".

Male Names: Appius, Blasius, Faustus, Iulius, Lucianus, Marius, Regulus, Tacitus, Varinius.

Female Names: Camilla, Lucretia, Marcia, Nona, Octavia, Priscilla, Salvina, Tertia, Virginia.

Iberian Traits

United despite their differences, the Iberians have become something of an authority when it comes to certain matters. Especially when it comes to interacting with the Council or obtaining information about spells, enchantments, curses and other sorts of magics, all owing to the ample development their cities sport.

Their common traits are as follows:

Ability Score Increases: Your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Alignment: While they have a strong tendency towards Good alignments, Iberians as a whole are a group much too large in the region of Retama. Some variance is bound to happen.

Age: Most Iberians reach maturity fairly quickly, reaching what's considered adulthood at around age 16, and tend to live between 70 and 80 years.

Size: The closest to a human, horns included, they tend to be a rough 5'7 average.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.

Follow The Herd: If two or more allies within 15 ft. of you have proficiency on a skill you don't have, you can add half of your proficiency modifier (rounded up) whenever you make a skillcheck pertaining to said skill.

Spry. You are proficient in Acrobatics, and both your climbing speed matches your walking speed.

Helmsplitter. Your horns are natural weapons, which you can use to headbutt an enemy. If you hit, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to your level + your Str modifier. The enemy must make a Con saving throw against your Str score. On a failed save, they are either stunned until initiative count 0 or pushed back up to 15Ft. You can only stun an enemy if they are Medium or below. You can only push an enemy if they are Large or below.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Halfling.

The Markhor

Equal parts pleasant and short-tempered, the Markhor eventually came to make up the largest part of the Iberian armies. Even if they can be quick to be overcome by anger, they always manage to handle their temper in a way that's benefitial for their allies.

Ability Score Increases: Your Strength score increases by 1.

Ram: If you move at least 30 feet straight towards a target, you can immediately make one attack against the target with your horns. When striking with your horns this way, you can either gain 1 damage per each 5Ft covered or increase the DC to resist the stun or push by 1.

Short Fuse: If you miss all attacks made during your turn, you can use your reaction to make another attack adding the number of missed attacks to the attack roll.

Ill Temper: You gain proficiency in Intimidation and Athletics, but you have a disadvantage on rolls made to resist the Charmed condition.

The Nubia

Equal parts brave and cowardly, the Nubia make up the second largest group in the Iberian collective. Most are happy to lead a regular, tranquil life, but some are foolish enough to try to find adventure.

Ability Score Increases: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Nervous: You gain proficiency in Insight and Perception, but you have a disadvantage on rolls made to resist the Frightened condition.

Flighty. Once per turn, if a hostile creature comes within 5 ft. of you while there is already another hostile creature in that range, you can spend your reaction to move up to half your movement speed in any direction. This movement can only trigger a single creature's Attack Of Opportunity.

Lithe. You can move through the space of any creature that's Medium or larger.

The Pyreon

The largest group within the Iberian collective, the Pyreon are credited with some of the most valuable contributions to the region of Retama. Particularly when it comes to recordkeeping and magics.

Ability Score Increases: Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Sharp Mind: You gain proficiency in Arcana and Investigation, but you have a disadvantage on rolls made to resist the Exhausted condition.

Scholarly Focus: Once per long rest, when you're suffering from an effect, magical or otherwise, that'd impose a disadvantage or any other type of penalty to you or any of your abilities, you can chose to ignore it for 1 hour. Once the effect of this feat ends, you gain 1 level of Exhaustion.

Well Read: You have proficiency in one set of artisan's tools of your choice as well as a language of your choice.

The Hyrca

With their wooly manes and tranquil demeanor, the Hyrca are the smallest group among Iberians. Highly flexible due to their constant intermingling, they are the sort that will do anything for the purposes of entertainment.

Ability Score Increases: One ability score of your choice increases by 1.

Simpleton: You gain advantage in rolls made to resist the Charmed, Frightened or Exhausted conditions.

Wooly coat: You are acclimated to extreme weathers according to Chapter 5 of the DMG, as well as having resistance to Cold damage.

Free Willed: You cannot be put to sleep, and you have advantage on resisting any magical effects that would compel you to perform an action.

The Founding Kin - Tealach

L over of the heavens, scorned.

Your name is sang by earth and wood.

Beacon for allies and brood.

The cost of your gift is still mourned.

Through your ashes, light is borne.

Even he who rejected you,

On your burial he stood,

Shedding the tears a lover would.

"Firefly's Elegy" - An unknown Tealach


Abandoned by her creator and ignored by the three that had been born alongside her, this one moved towards the furthest reaches of Retama, where she knew she wouldn't be bothered. Well and ready to lead a life of solitude, she crossed the swamps and settled in the southwest of the region, a place hard to reach due to the sheer cliffs on one side and the dense swampland in the other. For the first few years, she worked on creating a small hut for herself, with all the things that she would need to survive. Unnamed and unknown, she never considered her isolation anything but her own decision. Not forced by the hand of her creator, nor the relative absent-mindedness of her three partners. The life she had been granted was a boon, and the land she walked on, an alien place, with plenty of wonders to find and discover.

And so, in silence and solitude, she learned of Retama herself. The land and what it was a host of, eventually recieving a name from the entities that formed it. They viewed her as a beacon among the darkness of the bog she resided in, and thusly, they granted her the title of "Firefly", and the name of "Alaich". One, and singular, among the rest.


It was little over a decade into her self-imposed exile that the one hundred and third began expressing regret over rejecting his creation. After all, that was still a living creature he'd made, and he resolved to try and find some sort of reconciliation. The first trip was simple, as he still bore the power of the firmament within him. And while the one hundred and third's apology wasn't accepted, it seemed Alaich harbored no ill will towards her creator. Nevertheless, closure is a powerful feeling, and so he was determined to redeem himself in her eyes.

The following months were composed of constant meetings, where he'd come down for some pleasantries and return to the stars. It's known that at some point, however, their relationship took quite the step. Other deities began to see the one hundred and third as a coward, unable to stand by his own actions, and, what many deemed to be worse, was foregoing a relation with other divinities in favor of his lowly creation. It didn't take long before the constant gossip got to him.

Things came to a head when the Star Of The Scorned, jealous, attempted to have his creation killed. Something that was only halted thanks to the involvement of Iberia herself, as the one hundred and third requested her aid on the matter. Dutiful as she was, she obliged, and many believe this is the only reason why nowadays, the Tealach have a relationship of any sort with the Iberians. As for the one hundred and third, he decided to shed his status, and simply walked beyond the skies of Retama, to a place where he'd be able to abandon his elevated condition. By the time he managed to locate it, however, he'd journeyed for over a year. Still, he took the chance, and lost his divinity. Now, he had to make his way back.


Two decades had passed, and a few stars still sent beasts, monsters and abominations against her. Some out of spite, and some for sport. Iberia, through good will alone, was the only one serving as any sort of protection, as even as she'd grown older, she was still as skilled. A few Apocryphs were sent to provide aid, but they were quickly sent back as Apofis demanded a deal be made. Iberia managed to convince Baral to bargain with some of these deities, using the future of his brood as leverage. And he succeeded, as after one last assault, the entire firmament had been convinced there was no point on prolonguing this nonsense further.

No less than a month later, the one hundred and third returned to Retama. Not as a deity, but as a person. With a far longer life, and a deeper grasp of magic, but a person nevertheless.

Their reunion was met with little noise. Baral merely expressed approval of his return, and Iberia showed a fair bit of respect after hearing his tales. Alaich responded with quiet relief. And for her remaining life, that was all. They stayed together, isolated from the rest of the world, save from some ocassional visits from Iberia, which only further cemented the relationship between Iberians and Tealach.

It'd been many years since his return, and he continued looking for an apology. Now, the remaining years of her life could be counted in both hands. So, he requested once more. And once more she rejected. He continued pressuring her, unaware of her reasons until, finally, she voiced them herself. Clarifying thoroughly that she never felt rejection, and that her arrival to Retama was not an end, but a beginning. Taking the former star by the hand, Alaich showed him her relationship with the land, even explaining the meaning behind her name, given to her by the spirits that formed the region. A beacon of light in the darkness of the swamp. There was nothing to apologize for, as, to her, no harm had been done.

These words, this explanation, brought the disgraced star unbelievable joy. And, most importantly, closure. It was from this point on, that his want for pardon faded. Nevertheless, he still had something for her. A show of kindness. And so, he asked, offering her brood, as a show not only of the bond they shared, but also for the bond she shared with Retama.


For months, they colaborated with each other, and with the spirits of the swamp, dedicated to grant Alaich a kin. Upon hearing of the news, Iberia showed approval, and encouragement, even offering the couple the greatest knowledge Iberians had. But they rejected it, not out of unkindness, but out of principle.

In time, their work came to a head. They'd found a way to provide a brood to Alaich at her late age, but it would involve her death. Through thorough research of the phoenix, and it's ability to be reborn, the spirits of Retama and her significant other devised a plan. And so, on the day of her death, her remains were incinerated, and from them, the first 12 Tealach were born.

Ashen And Bright

Born from the ashes of Alaich, the first few Tealach bore pale complexions, accented with bright amber tones. These colors have become a simbol for the Tealach to Iberian, Apocryph and Thimean scholars. Even so, their appearance has changed greatly ever since. They still have chitin covering their hand and forearms, with tufts of fur around their necks, wrists, elbows ankles and knees; as well as presenting a pair of back-bowed feelers on their foreheads. On top of that, they also count with a pair of wings, all bearing patterns unique to the individual; and while these wings may start small, they grow to their full size with age. In rehards to their individual colorations, however, they vary greatly.

On the one hand, the ones known as the Star Fetchers present a more basic palette than their counterparts, their bodies rarely featuring more than two colors. With their skin almost always being a bright, ashen white, any other tones presented by their form can be found in hair, chitin, fur, wings and eyes. More often than not, however, the second color tends to be the same all throughout, giving the Star Fetchers a bicolor look.

The Ashen Children, unlike their name would suggest, bear a more complex coloration, with any possible mix of tones being likely to be found among their kin. Their skintones can range from faint purples to bright reds, much like the appearance of their chitin, fur and hair. This greater variance can be seen on their wings as well, sure to feature more complex patterns and multiple colors, unlike those of a Star Fetcher, who rarely present more than two.

In regards to nomenclature, it's said that each newborn is named by the spirits of the land, and that their name is uttered as their first word. Regardless, there are certain conventions present in Tealach names.

Male Names: Bradán, Cynbel, Drustan, Faélan, Lugos, Morcant, Nuallah, Sechlainn.

Female Names: Aideen, Boudica, Eilís, Ide, Maeve, Nessa, Saoirse, Tallulah, Úna.

Tealach Traits

After her death, and their birth, her name became the basis for her kin's. And they gave her a name in return. Or rather, two, as once the number had grown enough, two major groups formed within the swamp. One led by the former deity, and another lead by the first 12 Tealach. He referred to her as a "Firefly", whereas the 12 came to call her the "Ashen Mother". These division, however, isn't noted on nomenclature alone.

Their common traits are as follows:

Alignment: Their still somewhat partial isolation has led them to a sort of callousness for the outside world, giving them a tendency for Neutral alignments.

Age: The fastest to age, Tealach usually reach maturity as early as their 10th birthday, and their lives tend to end around the 60 to 75 year mark.

Size: Not that much shorter than a regular human, but still somewhat below average height, Tealach rarely tend to go above 5'10.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.

Bestial origins: Your creature type is both humanoid and beast.

Four Arms: You have a total of four arms, giving you climbing speed equal to your walking speed. Due to your unique frame, heavy and medium armor must be uniquely tailored to fit you. Due to the proximity of your arms, you cannot use the lower pair to wield weapons, but they can be utilized for any other purpose, such as using items.

Claws: Your claws are natural melee weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. These deal 1d6 slashing damage on a hit.

Light Attraction: During the night, dim light or in the dark, if you see a lightsource that produces bright light, you suffer a disadvantage in Perception checks as well as Wisdom saving throws. If there are 4+ lightsources, you suffer from disadvantage on your attack rolls as well. If you or an ally within 20ft of you are holding a lightsource that produces bright light, ignore the effects of this trait.

Plate & Fur: Certain parts of your body are covered by chitin and fur, giving you an AC equal to 11 + your Dex modifier when unarmored.

Darkvision: Due to your bond with the Firefly, you can see in dim light within 60 ft. of you as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot distinguish color, only shades of grey.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Sylvan.

Star Fetchers

Once led by the one hundred and third, it's been long since he died. They tend to be somewhat more aligned with the nature of the firmament, and, their colors are far more subdued and pastel.

Ability Score Increases: Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Gloomcatcher: Your body produces a faint, minty smell, capable of revitalizing anyone around you. Any friendly creatures within a 30 ft. radius cannot be frightened, stunned or charmed.

Soothing Touch: You have the Charm Person, and you are able to cast it without spending any spell slots, but you must be touching your target to do so. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Proficiency modifier before requiring a rest.


Separated from the one hundred and third once the tribe had become too large, they are more familiar and approachable, presenting brighter, more pleasant colors.

Ability Score Increases: Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Clever Communication: Whenever you make a Charisma check, you can add half your Intelligence modifier to it.

Windows to the Soul: You know the Cause Fear spell, and you're able to cast it without spending any spell slot, but you must be looking at your target in the eye. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Proficiency modifier before requiring a rest.

The Colonizing Kin - Moirai

While the name is not unknown to most, the common populace refers to them simply as "desert goblins". Quite unlike their cousins in other parts of the world, the Moirai harbor a deep and rich culture, and a profound understanding of arcana and the forces that shape it. Their time wandering the deserts and wastes in the lands north of Retama have made the lot quite durable as well.

A Life In The Dunes

Once upon a time, all the Moirai knew were dunes. A desert so vast and ample, many of them began to refer to it as the "Sandsea". And in certain parts of it, that name carried more truth than in others. During those days, the desert goblins were quite glad to wander the Sandsea from one corner to the next, making their living from trade, just like the Baalvarion. However, they had other talents besides that. Their regular travelling had allowed them to build a lengthy and comprehensive star chart of the Sandsea, and their profound understanding of the weather allowed them to successfully predict when a sand tempest would be taking place. And that was just their earthly knowledge, as their understanding of the arcana went several steps further. It was never an odd sight to find a group of Moirai setting up a tent, offering fate readings in exchange of coin wherever their caravans went. Usually quite accurate readings as well, as the most skilled with the discipline could usually slightly alter the fate of any who came to visit them. While they didn't do this often, it was always for the sake of ensuring any deviations or mistakes would not be too egregious.

From Sands To Pastures

It's unknown exactly when the Moirai came into contact with the Baalvarion, though thanks to the records they kept, it's know how exactly they were convinced to move to Retama.

Several weeks after both groups decided to journey through the desert together, one Baalvarion trader mentioned the history of their creation. Of the stars on the sky of Retama and how they brought their ancestor to life. Upon hearing this, of a region with a firmament where each star represented a higher power, the Moirai couldn't contain their intrigue. And so, they made an offer to the Baalvarion. The goblins wanted to be guided to Retama, and the strange entities that populated its night sky. In exchange, they formed a partnership with the Baalvarion, both groups working together in unison.

And so, their journey began, lasting upwards of fifteen years, and ending at the northern bushlands of Retama. Due to the infighting that had been going on among the Baalvarion, there was a sort of discomfort that the Moirai couldn't shake off, and after the Yak split, they decided to do much the same. While still in good terms with the Auroch, they separated, moving to the northeastern coast of the mainland, and resising there to this day.

A Life In Retama

After establishing themselves in Retama, the Moirai quickly began to build a network of connections and roads, aided in great part by Auroch and some Yaks, if the path was being built through the mountains. On the other hand, the scholars among the former dune dwellers began to study the firmament as quickly as they could. It is thanks to them that there are still star charts of the night sky, incomplete as they might be.

Eventually, as the stars in the sky was cut to just under half, the desert goblins began working on a different way to locate one's position separate to the night sky. Their knowledge of both arcana and divination allowed them to craft a number of somewhat unique devices and artifacts, from enchanted compasses that point to the thing you're looking for to maps that draw themselves, as well as coin-like objects that whisper the location of the nearest landmark in relation to the user. These uncanny gadgets quickly became their main trade, as despite their high cost, they were and still are highly coveted by any that makes a living out of traversing Retama.

The Wheel & The Deal

With the trade routes firmly establishes, the Moirai set out to find suitable trading partners beyond just the Baalvarion. At first, they tried to establish some sort of deal with the Apocryphs, and while several mines were more than happy to oblige, the Council stepped in and voided those deals. Their next attempt was the Iberians a few days to the west. The talks moved along somewhat smoothly, though they grew demanding rather quickly, driven by curiosity and a desire to reverse-engineer the goblin's magical artifacts. It wasn't long until the deal fell through. Later down the line, however, the Moirai made a second attempt that went significantly better. The third group they tried to contact was one they'd heard only in vague mentions, on the southeast of the continent, a group of sailor elves that had just arrived into the region. Hoping for the best, they prepared a small diplomatic party that was to cross through the mountain range dividing the north and south of Retama, and then down into the peninsula they had settled in. The trip was arduous, as the goblins were hardly accustomed to the cold in the mountains, but they ended up reaching their destination. With the Baalvarion vouching for them, the elves managed to reach a quick deal with the Moirai. Ever since, they've been in good terms with each other, the elves taking care of the oceanic trade and the goblins working on the land trade.

Moirai Traits

Diminutive, yet intensely tenacious, the Moirai share some resemblances with their kin on other parts of the world, and even other plains. One thing, though, does make them markedly different, and that is their innate talent with divination magic, as well as their worldly nature. As travellers, pathfinders and trailblazers, they retain most of the knowledge they acquired wandering through the sands.

Their common traits are as follows:

Alignment: Peaceful, but not without conflict, the Moirai tend to be fairly complex when it comes to their alignment, as even the best Moirai is liable to commit some truly grisly acts. For this reason, they don't tend to one particular alignment.

Age: About as long-living as any other goblin, their life expectancy tends to be around 60 years, reaching maturity at 8.

Size: Much like the rest of their kin, they're rarely above 4', and rarely below 3'.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.

Ability Score Increases: Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.

Fury of the Small: When you damage a creature with an attack or a spell and the creature's size is larger than yours, you can cause the attack or spell to deal extra damage to the creature. The extra damage equals your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Insistence: You become proficient with one skill of your choice. If you fail a check in any ability that you're proficient with, you can roll again. You can use this ability a number of times equal to half your proficiency modifier (rounded down) before needing a rest.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Goblin.

The Colonizing Kin - Thimean Elves

Separate from their kin in other regions, the Thimean elves were descendants of a once race of amphibians. While they maintain some of those qualities, they've moved far enough from it that they're now a distinct race from the Tritons they once were. Nevertheless, their traditions and skills have remained mostly the same, and so has their uncanny ability to settle in the most inconvenient places, being the floating city off the southeastern coast of Retama a good example of this.

From Sea To Land

Their story is long lasting, albeit somewhat blurry due to its recency. A few millenia ago, their ancestors were forced off the sea due to a strange venom that seemed to be spreading through the currents. Many died trying to prevent its spread, only to end up realizing they had no recourse but to flee into the land.

Their first few months were arduous, as they were mainly used to the underwater environment. The predators were new, and so was the very concept of climate. Rain, and storms, and hail, and draughts. All challenges the Thimean precursors eventually learned to overcome. In time, the strange venom that spread through the coastline they resided in became a ghost of the past, a high tale the elders told to scare the most youthful. At that point, their lifestyle had changed too radically for them to ever go back into the sea. One thing they never managed to get over was their knack for settling in some of the worst possible locations. As an example, the Thimean capital is built on the sides of a ravine, back in their homeland. And their largest settlements in Retama are a town built on a sheer cliff, and another built floating off the coast. Their uncanny construction habits, however, have netted them an unparalelled amount of architectural skill, as well as quite the flexible mind, as whenever a construction seemed impossible, they always find ways of making it work.

Braving The Waves

It was just a matter of time before the Thimeans decided to head off into the sea once more, the profound itch of exploration calling them to jump into the waves once more. Not to mention, as expansive as their capital was, the land they resided in offered few inhabitable places. As such, their wants and needs being the same, they decided to head out into the horizon.

While the exact timeframe isn't really known, the Thimeans set out in several different directions, with a flotilla of about 20 total ships. After over 6 months at sea, one of the detachments reached Retama, two ships making landfall to the south of Apocryphan territory, another two managing to reach the harbor of the Apocryphan capital, while the last ship continued sailing and disappeared somewhere after passing the mainland. To this day, nobody really knows what could have happened to it.

Fierce Competition

When the Thimeans disembarked on Retama, they got to work immediately, as for all they knew, they had been the only ones to find inhabitable land. However, the two parties that had sailed into the Apocryphan capital's port were immediately seized by the Council of Retama, and the Thimeans that came on them were captured and jailed. Initially, they were planned to be sold to some affluent Basilian nobles in exchange for favor, yet the plan went sideways as several lesser nobles began demanding their release. The Council wasn't willing to yield, so they moved the captives to another location. Quite the mistake, as the Thimeans managed to break out and escape, making their way to the south, where they imagined the rest of their crew had settled.

Months later, both groups came together, and while many of the elves wished for revenge on the Basilians, both Moirai and Baalvarion, who had been trading with the crew of the two ships that made landfall, convinced them to approach their revenge in a different manner. First off, they began gradually convincing Aecorians to fish for them, offering a far better living standard many got from their Basilian employers. Then, they helped the Moirai set trade routes throughout Retama, and even managed to have the Iberians to act as their representatives before the Tealach. All of that done, their next step was to offer the Aestians a better deal as well, deal which they quickly accepted. And that is how, using promises only, the Thimeans managed to stand their ground on foreign land.

Thimean Traits

Hailing from a land far away from Retama, the Thimeans came and settled using their navigational skills and their trustworthy manners alone. In all their time in Retama, while her culture may have varied, they still retain those talents, and many Thimeans are taught to maintain and respect them from an early age, to ensure their culture isn't lost in the melting pot of Retama.

Their traits are as follows:

Alignment: Elves love freedom, variety, and self-expression, so they lean strongly toward the gentler aspects of chaos. They value and protect others' freedom as well as their own, and they are more often good than not.

Age: Elves though long lived can age and die like all mortals. They reach adulthood in a century, and can live for over seven hundred years.

Size: Thimean elves range from under 4'10" to around 5'10" and have slender, yet remarkably toned builds. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.

Ability Score Increases: Your Wisdom, Charisma and Strength scores increase by 1.

Keen Senses: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.

Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put you to sleep.

Trance: Elves don't need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. (The Common word for such meditation is "trance.") While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that have become reflexive through years of practice. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.

Oceanic Ancestry: You can hold your breath for an amount of hours equal to your Con modifier (Min. 1) and you gain 30 ft. swimming speed.

Thimean Knowledge: You gain proficiency with Tridents, and you can cast the cantrips Shape Water and Thaumaturgy once per day. You can chose whether to use your Wisdom or Charisma to cast them.

Whispers Of The Water: You are always aware of the coastline's position in regards to you, and can tell with accuracy how close or far away you might be from water-based landmarks, such as rivers, lakes, springs and such.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Elvish.

The Colonizing Kin - Kondrath

The Kondrath are a fairly recent arrival into Retama, coming from the north, they crossed the sea barely over a century ago, during the last time it froze solid. The group of the canine kin that arrived was scarce at the time, telling stories of the death of their land, and the strange beings that had brought an end to it. Nowadays, however, their numbers have recovered, and share quite a benefitial agreement both with the Iberians and several Aestival communities on the western end of Apocryphan territory.

A Green Land

Several millenia ago, what most in Retama now know to be boreal lands, where very few things can stand to live in, used to be a vast mix of taiga and tundra. Reaching all the way to the distant south, several species made those lands their home. Chief among them were the Kondrath, a culture of canine-folk with some faint psionic capabilities, which they readily utilized for constant and regular improvements to their living.

Through much effort, they had managed to eek out a living both among the tall trees of the taiga, and among the rocky lands of the tundra. Much like the Wretches nowadays, the Kondrath used to live in segregated groups of tribes. Every region that was part of Kondrath territory had a singular tribe that commanded any others in the same region, and, while unpopulated, they did have a capital as well. Off in the middle of the tundra, a fairly small town built within a mound, utilized only ceremonially due to its limited size and percieved importance, as that is where the Kondrath were said to have been born.

Once every six months, the leaders of all commanding tribes would meet in this capital, and present both their achievements and needs. Such a detailed organization was what helped them prosper with minimal issues, even though disagreements often resulted in infighing. Regardless, none of the other communities would allow the two warring ones to remain in conflict much longer, something that was incentiviced thanks to rewards presented to any that would be willing to mediate between the communities, whether peacefully or otherwise. However, many things changed when, according to the Kondrath, several stars from the skies of Retama crashed into their lands.


According to the testimony written in ancient texts, four stars landed in the lands of the Kondrath. The stars of The Silence, The Snow, The Storm and The Flame. Two of them shattered upon their landing, The Flame and The Snow. The fragments of Flame, according to the Kondrath, scattered quickly, in search for safe haven to remain in. One came to reside among one of the tribes even, and it was thanks to this one that the Kondrath eventually marched towards Retama. The rest, however, remain hidden.

The fragments of the Snow weren't so lucky. As the star landed, not only did it shatter, but it completely vaporized. The tiny shards that were left covered the skies of the region, already starting to complicate things for the Kondrath, as the tribes responsible of the harvest began seeing their produce dropping precipitously. The other two, The Silence and The Storm, landed intact, though the impact had greately harmed The Silence, knocking her unconscious. This unfortunate event led to her power going out of control, condemning entire parts of the region to a deafening, maddening silence, an utter void of sound and life. Something similar had happened to The Storm, but instead of unconsciousness, he found paranoia. Dreading an attempt on his life by the residents of the land, he conjured his power to keep them off. The massive storm that ensued completely destroyed the Kondrath's tribes. In some cases in a flash, through lightnings or the dreaded Voltas. In some others, more slowly, through starvation or frostbite.

Through The Frozen Seas

The remaining members of whichever Kondrath tribes had managed to survive moved to the northern end of the region, the coasts of which had begun to freeze due to the sudden change in temperature. The cold air pushed by The Storm's barrier ended up creating a frozen platform after several years, a moment which proved to be the perfect time for the canines to flee to Retama. An already weakened kin, they only continued losing people in their journey. Some were taken by the cold, some by the famine, some by the sea, and others simply went mad as their ability to hear had been taken from them. Nevertheless, they did manage to reach the coasts of Retama, and at quite the convenient time, as the effects that The Storm's madness had had on the climate of the regions surrounding was starting to abate, the southern end of Retama returning to its normal temperatures.

Uncanny as it might have been, their first point of contact were the Tealach of the swamps. While a few Grubchildren attempted to provide help themselves, the Star Fetchers had already sent someone to both the Iberians and the Baalvarion to bring aid. The first to respond were the goat-folk, a small detachment from a sizeable religious institution carrying medical equipment as well as food. And while the Baalvarion couldn't provide much, their contacts with the Thimeans proved useful, as both the elves and their Aestival allies brought aid as well.

In time, the Kondrath came to settle in the mountains located at the southern edge of retama, protecting both Thimeans and independent Aestival mines from any potential harm the Council Of Retama might see themselves needing to send. Whether for political or economic reasons.

Kondrath Traits

Arrived from a land ruined by the disaster that struck Retama, the Kondrath are a kin of canines that has over and over again proven their skill and talents when pressed against the ropes. On top of the knowledge acquired after years of surviving the odds, they are all born with faint psionic capabilities, and depending on their skills, the markings drawn upon their fur change.

Their traits are as follows:

Alignment: While the Kondrath are planar relatives to the Khenra, they share nothing in common. A member of a tribe is expected to sacrifice all for their partners and friends, their alignment tending towards Lawful.

Age: Kondrath mature quickly, reaching adulthood in their early teens. Even without an early demise, they rarely live past 70.

Size: Kondrath have similar builds to humans. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.

Ability Score Increases: Your Strength skill increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Kondrath Weapon Training: You gain proficiency with Shortswords, Longswords, Spears and Battleaxes.

Kondrath Markings: As an action or bonus action, you can chose to ignore the effects of extreme heat and cold for an amount of hours equal to your level. While this effect is active, you also gain immunity to fire or cold damage. You can only utilize this feature once per day.

Telekinetic: You know the Mage Hand cantrip, and can cast it without the need for verbal or somatic components. When you do so, the hand can carry items that weight up to 20 pounds.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Gigant.


Transmutation cantrip

  • Classes: Bard, Paladin, Warlock.
  • Casting Time: At least 1 minute
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You use your own touch to re-sculpt your body's own fat distribution, allowing you to transfer fat from certain parts of your body to others.

Steal Nutrition

Transmutation cantrip

  • Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 reaction
  • Range: 30 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Up to 5 minutes

When a willing target in range that you can see consumes food of any category, you can syphon all the DP they gain until the spell's end to yourself.

Desecrating Touch

Necromancy Cantrip

  • Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Your hand dries out, and begins to absorb all moisture from its surroundings, drying out the flesh of any you touch. Make a melee spell attack roll. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target weighs less than you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 necrotic damage, and loses an equal amount of weight.

The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Aura's Scalding Touch (Scalding Touch)

Conjuration Cantrip

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Your hand becomes enveloped in stinging oil, scalding the flesh of any creature you touch. Make a melee spell attack roll. You have advantage on the attack roll if the target weighs more than you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 fire damage, and gains twice as much weight.

The spell's damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Oil Up

1st Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Paladin, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 60 Ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (A bottle of oil)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You envelop a willing target's body in oil, giving them advantage in rolls to avoid or escape grapples for 1 minute. Each turn they gain weight equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.

Sow The Seeds

1st Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (20 ft. cone)
  • Components: V, S, M (A handful of seeds)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You throw a spray of enchanted seeds towards your foes, that prepare their bodies for endless production. Make a ranged spell attack against all targets in range. On a hit, they take 2d8 piercing damage and swell up with fruit juice (from a fruit of your choosing) equal to the damage taken.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you roll an additional 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.

Seasoning Spray

1st level Evocation

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (30 Ft. line)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You spray a cloud of spices 30 Ft in front of you. Each creature in a 30-foot line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 poison damage on a failed save and forcing them to eat any food they are carrying, or half as much damage on a successful one.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you roll an additional 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

Alcoholic Steam

1st level Conjuration

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 Ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

When you cast this spell, you create an explosion of alcoholic gasses in a 20 Ft. cube, the center being a spot on the ground within range that you are able to see. All creatures that enter this space must make a Constitution saving throw or gain one level of Exhaustion and swell or inflate by an amount equal to your spell attack bonus multiplied by your spellcasting ability score.


1st Level Abjuration

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Ranger, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, spent just before you take feeding damage from an attack or a magical effect.
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a single, empty container.)
  • Duration: 1 minute.

You momentarily phase out any food that would enter your stomach into an empty container. You cannot phase out more food than the container can hold. As long as the food is in the container, it can be consumed by other creatures. Once the effect of the spell ends, the food remaining in the container enters your stomach again.

Formia's Whistling Fire (Whistling Fire)

1st Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You touch a willing creature and conjure an aura around one of the target's weapons, whether natural or otherwise. The first time the target creature attacks with that weapon, they deal 1d6 fire damage and 1d6 lightning damage.

Aura's Pyre (Mending Pyre)

1st level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

An orb of glowing flame appears from the caster's hand, floating onto a spot within range that they can see. It begins to emanate a soothing warmth within a 10 ft. radius of it. When any creatures start their turn or enter this radius, they recover 1d4+(Spellcasting bonus) HP and gain an amount of weight equal to four times the HP recovered.

Aura's Scalding Oil (Scalding Oil)

1st level Evocation

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Druid, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (30 ft. cone)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You cast a spray of piping hot oil towards your enemies. All creatures in range must pass a Dex saving throw, taking 3d6 fire damage and gaining an equal amount of weight on a fail, and taking half damage and gaining no weight on a success.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you roll an additional 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.

Aura's Fireseed (Fireseed)

1st level Transmutation

  • Classes: Artificer, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: S, M (a single seed)
  • Duration: 1 minute

You alter the nature of the seed held in your hand and lunge at a creature. Make a melee spell attack roll, planting the fireseed within them on a hit. You can interrupt a single weapon attack they make by spending your reaction to cause the fireseed to burst. They take 1d10 fire damage and their attack is interrupted, fatenning by an amount equal to double the damage taken.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you roll an additional 1d10 for each slot level above 1st.

Vapor Juice

2nd Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Artificer, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 45 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You create a cloud of noxious fumes in a 10 ft. radius centered on a point in range you can see. Any creatures that enter or start their turn in this area swell up with an amount of fruit juice (from a fruit of your choosing) equal to their hit die plus your spellcasting ability modifier. On top of that, they are considered blinded until they exit the range. Creatures that make attack rolls against creatures at the other side of, or inside, the vapors, make those rolls with disadvantage.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the radius increases by 5 ft., and the amount of juice gained increases by 1 die for every level above 1st.


2nd Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Paladin, Cleric, Warlock.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 Minute

You become able to perform a 30 Ft. Long Jump for 1 minute. If you decide to leap onto the floor while being Burdened/Impeded/Immobile, you cause tremors up to 15Ft around the area you land on. All creatures within that area must make a DC (Con score + 2 for every bulk level above base) Dex saving throw. On a failed save, they are knocked prone. Alternatively, you can leap onto a single enemy in range. If you chose to do so, they must make a Dex saving throw and be able to move at least 5Ft away from your landing spot, or a Str saving throw and be able to lift weight equal to 1/10 of your current weight. Otherwise, they take 1d8 force damage, increasing the damage by 1d8 for each bulk level above base, and become restrained. Only medium or smaller enemies can be targeted by this leap, unless you're Immobile, in which case, you can target Large enemies too.


2nd Level Abjuration

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Paladin, Cleric, Druid.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Touch a willing target. This target regains 2d6 HP + your spellcasting ability modifier and slims by three times the result of the roll. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a slot of 3rd level or above, the healing increases by 1d6 for each slot above 2nd.

Aura's Burning Swirl (Burning Swirl)

2nd Level Evocation

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You invoke a spiral of oil in a 5 ft. area within range, casting a spark to set it off in an explosion. Any creature within 10 ft. of the spiral must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d8 fire damage, gaining an amount of weight equal to the damage dealt. On a successful save, they only take half damage and gain no weight.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a slot of 3rd level or above, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot above 2nd.

Aura's Boiling Strike (Scalding Smite)

2nd Level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Paladin, Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Warlock.
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, M (a bottle of oil)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

From your palm, you invoke a glob of scalding oil, coating your weapon with it. The first time you hit with a weapon attack during this spell's duration, your attack deals an extra 3d6 fire damage. Additionally, the target must pass a Con saving throw, gaining weight equal to double the total damage dealt on a failure. On a success, however, the target only gains weight equal to the added fire damage.

Galia's Disaster (Burden Of Relief)

2nd Level Necromancy

  • Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self (15 ft. radius)
  • Components: V, S, M (a torch, which the spell consumes)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

For as long as the caster maintains concentration, the caster can designate a number of creatures equal to their spellcasting modifier. As long as those creatures remain in range, they take half damage from all sources, but the caster gains the remaining half in Lbs. If the torch dies out, the spell ends, and as such, the caster must keep the torch raised and lit throughout the duration of the spell.


2nd level Conjuration

  • Classes: Druid, Ranger, Warlock.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (60 ft. line.)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous.

You summon a Fast and let it loose upon an enemy, as it surges forth at great speeds. Make one ranged attack roll for every creature in range. On a hit, the targets become immediately Ravenous, and fatten by an amount equal to the number of creatures in range multiplied by your spellcasting modifier.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level, you can make the fast bounce once in a direction of your choice, as long as it still has range to travel. All creatures in the rebound trajectory are counted, including you, even if they have been counted already.

Puff Up

3rd level Transmutation

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You imbue a primal power into the body of a willing target, allowing them to easily threaten others into submission. The target gains an amount of muscle, fat or inflation equal to (Your spellcasting ability modifier)d100 and, for the duration of the spell, they have advantage on all Charisma checks, and can add their proficiency modifier when making an Intimidation check. If they already have proficiency on Intimidation, they can double their proficiency. On top of that, all hostile creatures within 15 ft. must pass a Charisma save or become frightened until the spell expires.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level, you can maintain your concentration on the spell for up to 1 hour. When you use a spell slot of 7th level or higher, you don't need to maintain concentration, and the range is increased to 10 ft.

Biting Hunger

3rd Level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 90 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

A 5 foot radius centered on a point within range becomes infested by tiny black particles that gnaw at the flesh of anyone that is found in it. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On hit, the target takes 2d6 necrotic damage as well as losing an equal amount of weight. The targeted creature must then succeed a Con saving throw. Otherwise, the creatures burrow into them, dealing an extra 1d4 damage each round for 5 rounds, as well as making them lose an amount of weight equal to the damage dealt.

Dust Cloud

3rd Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 90 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You conjure an updraft that raises all the loose sand and dust and forms it into a thick cloud. The cloud is a 20-foot-radius sphere of dust and sand. The cloud spreads around corners. It lasts for the duration or until strong wind disperses it, ending the spell. Its area is heavily obscured.

When a creature enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, they take 2d6 necrotic damage and must then make a Constitution throw. On a failure, they become blinded and poisoned for 1 minute, and they contract one random disease. On a successful save, they are immune to the damage from the dust cloud for 1 hour.

The cloud moves 10 feet away from you at the start of each of your turns, raising up further due to the updraft used to create it.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the cloud's radius increases by 5 for each slot level above 3rd.

Gift Of Levity

3rd Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Warlock.
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

You touch a willing target, and grant them a gift of lightness. Until the spell ends, they have advantage in Persuasion and Performance checks. On top of that, roll a number of d20 equal to your Spellcasting Modifier. The target of this spell loses weight equal to the result of the roll until the spell ends.


3rd Level Divination (Ritual)

  • Classes: Bard.
  • Casting Time: 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Range: 30 Ft
  • Components: S
  • Duration: 1 hour

You perform a brief exotic dance in front of an audience. An audience of more than one constitutes a public dance, while an audience of one constitutes a private dance. If performing a public dance, all allies looking at you gain immunity to Frightened, Charmed, Stunned, Paralyzed and Petrified. If performing a private dance, the ally looking at you gains 1 bardic inspiration dice that expires if unused when the spell ends.


3rd Level Abjuration (Ritual)

  • Classes: Bard, Paladin
  • Casting Time: 20 minutes.
  • Range: Unlimited
  • Components: V, S, M (20 Lbs of fatty food, which are consumed by the spell.)
  • Duration: 1 hour

You set up, and prepare, a celebratory feast in honor of some event or happening that's currently taking place or has taken place recently. Over the course of a small rest, any creatures involved can partake on the food, regaining health equal to their hit die for each pound of food, and gaining the same amount of weight. On top of that, they are cured of any conditions that ail them and, if they are under the effects of a curse, they can choose to nullify that curse for an amount of hours equal to the Lbs of food they consumed.

Belly Rubs

3rd Level Abjuration

  • Classes: Bard, Paladin, Cleric.
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 10 minutes

Touch a willing creature. They immediately digest all food in their stomach, and heal for an amount equal to the Lbs digested (Max. your spellcasting score). On top of that, they gain doubled stomach capacity until the spell ends.

Seed Shot

3rd Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Ranger.
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A single seed from a fruit.)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

The next time you hit with a ranged weapon attack during this spell's duration, your attack deals an extra 2d10 poison damage. Additionally, the target swells up with an amount of fruit juice (from a fruit of your choosing) equal to the total damage dealt by the attack.

Aura's Boiling Ring (Boiling Ring)

3rd Level Abjuration

  • Classes: Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (A drop of oil)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You form a 5-foot thick ring of piping hot oil that circles around you, with the outer edge of the ring 10 feet away from you. When a creature enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. In either case, they gain weight equal to the damage taken.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can increase or decrease the ring's radius from you by 5 feet, to a maximum distance of 20 feet away from you. The ring retains its 5-foot thickness, but its radius grows or shrinks.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.

Aura's Sweltering Ground (Sweltering Ground)

3rd Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Druid.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (30 ft. radius)
  • Components: V, S, M (A drop of oil)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Placing your hands on the floor, you cause a surge of smoking oil to shatter the ground all around you. All creatures in range must pass a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d12 fire damage and be knocked prone. On a successful save, they take half damage and are not knocked prone. In either case, they gain weight equal to the damage taken.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.

Aura's Calor (Bountiful Calor)

3rd Level Necromancy

  • Classes: Artificer, Cleric, Druid.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You touch a creature that has died within the last minute. You then roll a number of your hit die equal to your spellcasting modifier. You take necrotic damage that reduces your max HP, and weight, equal to the result of that roll. The target creature returns to life with an amount of HP equal to the result of the roll, gaining weight equal to that amount. Your max HP returns to its original amount at dawn.

Formian Bolt (Whistling Bolt)

4th Level Evocation

  • Classes: Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You evoke Formia's whistling fire in your palm before projecting a sharp bolt towards a single creature within range that you can see. Make a ranged attack roll. On a hit, the creature takes 2d10 lightning and 2d10 fire damage. If the current weather is a storm, or if the target creature is standing on a spot higher than any other's, this spell deals an extra 1d10 lightning and 1d10 fire damage.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10, either lightning or fire, for each slot level above 4th.

Sweet Scent

4th Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 90 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (a sweet smelling flower or fruit)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes.

You begin to emit a thick, sweet scent within a 20 ft. radius around you. Any hostile creatures in that range are compelled to attack you, but do so at a disadvantage. For as long as the spell is active, attacks directed to those creatures are made with advantage. Whenever your turn ends while this spell is active, you swell up with an amount of fruit juice (from a fruit of your choosing) equal to your spellcasting modifier plus your level.

Flame Belch

4th level Evocation

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (30 ft. cone).
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous.

You release a sonorous emission of ectoplasmic vapors that sear whatever they touch. Any creatures in range must pass a Dexterity save or take 2d8 thunder and 4d6 fire damage, as well as deafening the targets. On a succesful save, the targets only take half damage. In either case, the targets either fatten or inflate by double the damage taken.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the thunder damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 4th.

Aura's Goldfire (Golden Flame)

4th Level Evocation

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (10 ft. radius)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Your body begins to use fat as fuel for radiant fire. For the duration of the spell, you have resistance to fire and radiant damage. The goldfire casts bright light in a 20 ft. radius around you and dim light in a 20 ft. radius beyond that.

On top of that, if a creature within 10 ft. of you attacks you, they take 1d8 fire and 1d8 radiant damage respectively. At the end of your turn, you lose weight equal to 2d8 plus your spellcasting modifier.

Galia's Blackfire (Blackfire Wreath)

4th Level Necromancy

  • Classes: Artificer, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (10 ft. radius)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Your body becomes wreathed in up to 5 gouts of black fire. Until the spell ends you have resistance to both Cold and Necrotic damage.

Once per turn, as a bonus action or reaction, you can command one gout of black fire to lash out at a single creature in range. This creature must pass a Wisdom saving throw, taking 1d8 cold and 1d8 necrotic damage and becoming both blinded and deafened for a minute on a failed save. On a successful save, the target takes half the damage and is only blinded until the start of their next turn. Whenever you utilize a gout of blackfire, it dissipates. At the end of your turn, you gain weight equal to 2d8 plus your spellcasting modifier for each gout of blackfire still active.


5th Level Necromancy

  • Classes: Bard, Cleric, Warlock.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute

A single target in range is struck with an intense paranoia. As part of the paranoia, they believe themselves to be starving, and believe others to be after their food. They must pass a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened, and are considered to be Emaciated, regardless of their weight or bulk level. At the start of each of their turns, the affected creature must spend as many actions as possible seeking out and consuming any kind of food they can find. They can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns only after their stomachs have reached their max capacity.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can target one extra creature for each slot above 5th.

Glorious Burden

5th Level Abjuration

  • Classes: Paladin.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (a holy symbol or an item carrying the mark or blessing of a divinity.)
  • Duration: 1 minute.

You take in the might of a divine in your body. As a result, your body jumps to the next bulk level, whether it is through fat, muscle or any other means. Until the spell ends, you are resistant to all types of damage, except for Psychic and Necrotic. Taking Necrotic damage from a hostile creature does not reduce your max HP if you're under the effects of this spell. On top of that, you also gain advantage on all checks and saves made relating to two ability scores of your choosing.

When the spell ends, you lose all of these benefits and, afterwards, must make a Strength or Constitution saving throw. On a success, you lose half of all the gained weight. On a failure, you keep all the added weight.

Cleansing Tide

5th Level Abjuration

  • Classes: Paladin, Cleric, Sorcerer.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (30 ft. cone)
  • Components: V, S, M (a bottle of milk that the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You send a wave of positive energy forth. All creatures in range recover 5d8 plus your spellcasting modifier HP, and gain weight equal to the amount of health recovered. This has no effect on Constructs, and Undead creatures struck by this spell take 5d8 radiant damage, and gain weight equal to the result, instead.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the healing or damage increases by 1d8 for each slot above 5th.

Consume Matter

5th Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Artificer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You touch an object or surface made of inert materials, such as rock or glass, and use your magic to slowly eat away at it, ultimately making the object disappear or creating a gap in the surface. All the matter you consume is added to your body as weight. As such, the amount of matter you consume will be equal to half the weight you gain and viceversa. Once fully consumed, the object cannot be recomposed, nor the gap refilled. You can consume matter that occupies up to a 100x100 ft. cube.

Liquor Cloud

5th Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You conjure a 25 ft. sphere cloud of alcoholic gas centered on a point you choose within range. The gas will spread through corners. It lasts for the duration or until strong wind disperses the fog, ending the spell. Its area is heavily obscured.

When a creature enters the spell's area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must make a Constitution saving throw. The creature takes 5d8 Acid damage and gaining one level of Exhaustion on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures are affected even if they hold their breath or don't need to breathe. Each of your turns, you can use your bonus action to make the cloud move up to 10 ft., but everytime you do so, the cloud's radius will be reduced by 5 ft.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the radius increases by 5 ft. for each slot level above 5th.


5th Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 120 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (a handful of sand.)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You conjure a wave of rising sand that barrels through an area within range. The wave can have a width and height of up to 15 ft. and can rush in a straight line through up to 30 ft.

Any creatures struck by the sandwave must pass a Dexterity saving throw or take 5d8 slashing damage and have their movement speed halved until the start of your next turn. On a successful save, they take half damage and their movement speed isn't halved. In either case, they lose an amount of weight equal to the damage dealt. The sand then spreads out into a 20 ft. radius circle which becomes difficult terrain.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot above 5th.

Galia's Corruption (Corrupting Wave)

5th Level Necromancy

  • Classes: Cleric, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 45 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (a bottle of milk that the spell consumes.)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You send a ripple of negative energy on a 15 ft. radius circle centered in a point you choose in range. All creatures in range take 5d12 necrotic damage, and lose weight equal to the damage taken. This has no effect on Constructs, and Undead creatures struck by this spell recover 5d8 HP instead.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage or healing increases by 1d12 for each slot above 5th.

Galia's Disastrous Teleportation (Disastrous Teleportation)

5th Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Artificer, Bard, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 15 ft.
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

This spell instantly transports you and up to six willing creatures of your choice that you can see within range, or a single object that you can see within range, to a destination you select. If you target an object, it must be able to fit entirely inside a 10-foot cube, and it can't be held or carried by an unwilling creature.

The destination you choose must be known to you, and it must be on the same plane of existence as you. Your familiarity with the destination determines whether you arrive there successfully, as well as other effects. The DM rolls d100 and consults the table.

Familiarity Mishap Similar Area Off Target On Target
Permanent circle - - - 01-100
Associated object - - - 01–100
Very familiar 01–05 06–13 14–24 25–100
Seen casually 01–33 34–43 44–53 54–100
Viewed once 01–43 44–53 54–73 74–100
Description 01–43 44–53 54–73 74–100
False destination 01–50 51–100 - -


"Permanent circle" means a permanent teleportation circle whose sigil sequence you know.

"Associated object" means that you possess an object taken from the desired destination within the last six months, such as a book from a wizard's library, bed linen from a royal suite, or a chunk of marble from a lich's secret tomb.

"Very familiar" is a place you have been very often, a place you have carefully studied, or a place you can see when you cast the spell.

"Seen casually" is someplace you have seen more than once but with which you aren't very familiar.

"Viewed once" is a place you have seen once, possibly using magic.

"Description" is a place whose location and appearance you know through someone else's description, perhaps from a map.

"False destination" is a place that doesn't exist. Perhaps you tried to scry an enemy's sanctum but instead viewed an illusion, or you are attempting to teleport to a familiar location that no longer exists.

On Target. You and your group (or the target object) appear where you want to. All teleported creatures, including you, must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature inflates with air by an amount equal to your Spellcasting score.

Off Target. You and your group (or the target object) appear a random distance away from the destination in a random direction. Distance off target is 1d10 × 1d10 percent of the distance that was to be traveled. For example, if you tried to travel 120 miles, landed off target, and rolled a 5 and 3 on the two d10s, then you would be off target by 15 percent, or 18 miles. The DM determines the direction off target randomly by rolling a d8 and designating 1 as north, 2 as northeast, 3 as east, and so on around the points of the compass. If you were teleporting to a coastal city and wound up 18 miles out at sea, you could be in trouble. All teleported creatures, including you, must make a Constitution saving throw at a disadvantage. On a failure, the creature inflates with air by an amount equal to (your spellcasting modifier)d10.

Similar Area. You and your group (or the target object) wind up in a different area that's visually or thematically similar to the target area. If you are heading for your home laboratory, for example, you might wind up in another wizard's laboratory or in an alchemical supply shop that has many of the same tools and implements as your laboratory. Generally, you appear in the closest similar place, but since the spell has no range limit, you could conceivably wind up anywhere on the plane. All teleported creatures, including you, inflate with air by an amount equal to (your spellcasting damage modifier)d10.

Mishap. The spell's unpredictable magic results in a difficult journey. Each teleporting creature (or the target object) takes 3d10 force damage, and the DM rerolls on the table to see where you wind up (multiple mishaps can occur, dealing damage each time). All teleported creatures, including you, inflate with air by an amount equal to the force damage dealt multiplied by your spellcasting score modifier.

Willing Flesh

6th Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S, M (any sort of bladed implement.)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You split your flesh and utilize it to bring out a gelatinous ally. You can summon any number of Ooze creatures of any kind (At the DM's discretion), provided that their total combined CR is lower than half your level rounded down. After performing the summon, you lose weight and health equal to the average HP of the largest ooze you summoned. The oozes disappear when their HP reaches 0 or when the spell ends.

The ooze creature is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the creature, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you), as long as they don't violate its alignment. If you don't issue any commands to the ooze creature, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions. All oozes you summon move and act on the same turn.

If your concentration is broken, the ooze creature melts down into 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 ft. radius puddes, depending on their size category. These puddles are difficult terrain, and any creature that enters or starts their turn in them must pass a DC15 Dexterity save or have their movement speed halved until the end of their next turn. On top of that, they also gain weight equal to your spellcasting score every time they fail that save.

Full Body

6th Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Cleric
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You accelerate the metabolism of a single creature in range that you can see, allowing them to regain 8d12 health while losing an amount of weight equal to three times the result of the roll. The target's stomac is emptied and their DP is reduced to 0.

Hostile Takeover

6th Level necromancy

  • Classes: Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (An item belonging to the humanoid you seek to possess, or a depiction of it)
  • Duration: Until dispelled

You can attempt to possess any humanoid within 100 feet of you that you can see (creatures warded by a protection from evil and good or magic circle spell can't be possessed). The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, your soul moves into the target's body, carrying all your weight beyond your initial weight with it, and the target's soul becomes trapped in your body. On a success, the target resists your efforts to possess it, and you can't attempt to possess it again for 24 hours.

Once you possess a creature's body, you control it. Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the creature, though you retain your alignment and your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You retain the benefit of your own class features. If the target has any class levels, you can't use any of its class features.

Meanwhile, the possessed creature's soul can perceive from your body using its own senses, but it can't move or take actions at all.

While possessing a body, you can use your action to return from the host body to your own if it is within 100 feet of you, returning the host creature's soul to its body. If the host body dies while you're in it, the creature dies, and you must make a Charisma saving throw against your own spellcasting DC. On a success, you return to your body if it is within 100 feet of you. Otherwise, you die.

If the spell ends, your soul immediately returns to your body. If your body is dead when you attempt to return to it, you die. If another creature's soul is in your body when it is destroyed, the creature's soul returns to its body if the body is alive and within 100 feet. Otherwise, that creature dies.

Aura's Blistering Investiture (Blistering Investiture)

6th Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Until the spell ends, boiling oil whirls around you, and you gain the following benefits:

  • You are immune to fire damage and have resistance to feeding damage.
  • Any creature that moves within 5 feet of you for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there takes 1d10 fire damage, gaining an amount of weight equal to the damage dealt.
  • You can use your action to create a 20-foot sphere of boiling oil centered on a point you can see within 60 feet of you. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d10 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. In either case, they gain weight equal to the damage taken. If a Large or smaller creature fails the save, that creature is also pushed up to 10 feet away from the center of the sphere.

Iberia's Investiture (Spirited Investiture)

6th Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Until the spell ends, dense, thick sweat covers you, and you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain advantage when resisting spells or other magical effects.
  • Any creature that moves within 5 feet of you for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there takes 1d10 poison damage, gaining 1 level of Exhaustion.
  • You can use your action to create a 15 ft. radius explosion sphere of alcoholic gas centered on a point you can see within 60 feet of you. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw. A creature takes 2d10 acid damage and gains 1 level of Exhaustion on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If a Large or smaller creature fails the save, that creature is also pushed up to 10 feet away from the center of the sphere.

Chilling Investiture

6th level Necromancy

  • Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Your body is surrounded by faint, freezing vapor. Until the spell ends, you have the following benefits:

  • You have immunity to necrotic damage, and resistance to cold damage.
  • The ground in a 10-foot radius around you is icy and is difficult terrain for creatures other than you. The radius moves with you.
  • Your cold aura extends up to 60 ft. away from you. Any enemies in range make saves to resist the Frightened condition at a disadvantage.
  • You can use an action to make freezing vapor rise from the ground in a 20x20 ft. cube within 45 ft. of you, centered on a spot you can see. All creatures that enter or start their turn in area must pass a Constitution save or take 4d6 Cold damage, have their movement speed halved for 1 minute, and inflate with vapor by an amount equal to the damage taken. On a successful save, the targets only take half damage.

Galia's Chaotic Investiture (Chaotic Investiture)

6th Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Until the spell ends, uncanny purple vapors emanate from you, and you gain the following benefits:

  • You are immune to the next damage type you're hurt by, and gain resistance to the damage type you're hurt by after that. Both of these effects apply to the attack that deals the damage.
  • Any creature that moves within 5 feet of you for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there takes 1d10 damage of the type you're immune to. You gain an amount of weight equal to the damage dealt.
  • You can use your action to cast up to 4 missiles of chaotic energy. Make a ranged attack roll against up to 4 targets in range. On hit, a creature takes 4d6 damage of either the type you're immune to or the type you're resistant to, your choice. You gain weight equal to the damage dealt.

Body As A Temple

7th Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 minute
  • Range: 300 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (a ring or hollowed out shape crafted from precious metals that's worth at least 1 GP)
  • Duration: 24 hours

You utilize your body as a channel to conjure an extradimensional dwelling within yourself that lasts for the duration. The entrance takes the form of a golden ring, or hollowed out shape, placed on your navel. You and any creature you designate when you cast the spell can enter the extradimensional dwelling as long as the portal remains open, and they can touch the ring. You can open or close the portal at will. While closed, the portal is invisible.

Beyond the portal is a magnificent foyer with numerous chambers beyond. The atmosphere is clean, fresh, and warm. While you're hosting any creatures, you gain weight equal to 1/10 of their individual weight. However, until this spell ends, all your bulk limits are doubled. On top of that, you have complete immunity to any weather or terrain hazards and are undetectable provided you're standing still. You can communicate with your guests telepathically.

You can create any floor plan you like, but the space can't exceed 25, 50, 75 or 100 cubes, depending on your bulk level, each cube being 10 feet on each side. The place is furnished and decorated as you choose. It contains sufficient food to serve a nine course banquet for up to 100 people. A staff of 100 near-transparent servants attends all who enter. You decide the visual appearance of these servants and their attire. They are completely obedient to your orders. Each servant can perform any task a normal human servant could perform, but they can't attack or take any action that would directly harm another creature. Thus the servants can fetch things, clean, mend, fold clothes, light fires, serve food, pour wine, and so on. The servants can go anywhere in the mansion but can't leave it. Furnishings and other objects created by this spell dissipate into smoke if removed from the mansion. When the spell ends, any creatures inside the extradimensional space are expelled into the open spaces nearest to the entrance.


7th Level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 150 feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

A massive, searing sandstorm bears down on a 20 ft. radius cylinder centered on a spot you can see within range. This area is heavily obscured, imposing disadvantage on any attacks made by any creature inside the sandstorm. All creatures caught in the storm must pass a Constitution saving throw or take 4d10 slashing damage. Any creatures that enter or start their turn on this area beyond this point take 1d10 poins of slashing damage. Whenever the sandstorm deals any damage to a creature, the target creature loses weight equal to double the damage dealt.

When the spell ends, the sand settles on the ground as difficult terrain, and any creatures that enter it or start their turn on it lose 1d10 lbs.

Power Word Gain

7th Level Enchantment

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You speak a word of power that results on a single target in range suddenly gaining weight at an unstoppable rate. If the target's Bulk Level is Burdened or above, they gain weight equal to (your spellcasting score modifier)d100. Otherwise, the spell has no effect on it. A target is also unaffected if it is immune to being charmed.

The target's speed can be no higher than 10 ft., and they lose any flying and climbing speed they previously had. The target also has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. Finally, if the target reaches Immobility, it cannot cast spells that require a Somatic component.


7th level Necromancy

  • Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 45 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (A religious icon, a blank stone slab, or a bodypart of a dead person.)
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You focus your energy on a dying creature to attempt to absorb its spirit into yourself. The target creature must make a Constitution save. On a successful save, the spell fails if the creature has over a tenth of its health, and the creature regains an amount of HP equal to its hit dice multiplied by your spellcasting modifier. On a failed save, the spell fails if the creature has over an eighth of its health. When the spell succeeds, you absorb the target's spirit into yourself, instantly killing them. If you do so, you regain half the creature's max HP as Temporary HP, and regain HP equal to the remaining half Additionally, you fatten, swell, inflate or bloat by an amount equal to the creature's max HP. Alternatively, you can force the spirit into another creature within 30 ft. of it that you can see, imposing the afforementioned effects on said creature.


7th Level Transmutation

  • Classes: Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Until dispelled

By means of a spell, you suddenly teleport a creature or an object in range that you can see into your stomach. This object cannot be detected through the use of divination spells or scrying sensors created from divination magic. Your base weight is increased by the weight of this creature or object.

If the target is a creature, they are placed on a state of suspended animation, time ceases to flow for it, and cannot be digested for as long as this effect is active.

You can end this spell whenever you want, or set a condition for the spell to end early. The condition can be anything you choose, but it must occur or be visible within 1 mile of the target. Examples include "after 1,000 years" or "when the tarrasque awakens." This spell also ends if the target takes any damage.


8th Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 90 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (A handful of sand)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

You call upon a powerful sunlight, that rains searing heat upon the range of this spell. Choose a number of creatures in range that you can see up to half your spellcasting modifier (rounded down). They must pass a Constitution saving throw or take 6d8 radiant and 6d8 necrotic damage. On a succesful save, they take only the radiant or necrotic damage (your choice). In either case, they lose weight equal to double the damage dealt. For as long as the spell is active, you can spend an action to use this spell's effect against any creature in range that you can see.

Any food present in the inventories of your targets rots immediately, and all water in range vaporizes over the span of 1 minute. Non-magical plants that aren't creatures wilt and die.


8th Level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 150 ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You use the body of a creature in range that you can see as a focus of lipomantic energy, releasing it and causing a sonorous blast. The target creature must pass a Constitution saving throw or take 7d12 thunder damage and become deafened for 1 minute and stunned until the start of your next turn, taking half the amount of damage and not becoming deafened or stunned on a success. Any creatures within a 10 ft. radius of it must make the same save, with the same effects. In either case, the targets gain weight equal to the damage dealt.

Galia's Oil Torrent (Oily Deluge)

8th Level Conjuration

  • Classes: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 90 ft.
  • Components: V, S, M (a bottle of oil or slab of butter.)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You conjure a storm of grease and oil, causing a torrential rain on up to 9 10x10 squares, all centered on points you can see. The strength of the rain forces all flying, corporeal creatures to the ground.

The ground in those areas becomes difficult terrain, and all the creatures that enter it or start their turn on it must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they are knocked prone, and gain weight equal to double your spellcasting score. On a succesful save, their movement speed is halved, and gain weight equal to your spellcasting score.

The terrain, and any creatures or objects, soaked in oil, become highly flammable. Whenever you hurt a creature soaked in oil with fire damage, they take two extra dies of fire damage, and gain weight equal to the damage dealt.

Fierce Consumption

9th Level Evocation

  • Classes: Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (60 ft. cone)
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

You create an all consuming void in front of you. For the spell's duration, the void and any space within range of it are difficult terrain, and nonmagical objects fully inside the sphere are destroyed if they aren't being worn or carried.

When the void appears and at the start of each of your turns until the spell ends, unsecured objects within range are pulled toward the void, ending in an unoccupied space as close to it as possible.

Any creature in range must pass a Strength saving throw, at a disadvantage unless they are Large or above. On a failure, they take 4d12 force damage and are pulled towards the void. When a creature enters the void for the first time or starts their turn there, takes 8d12 force damage and is restrained until it exits the void. A creature can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC, ending this restrained condition on itself or another creature in range that it can reach. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this spell is turned to DP (1/10 of their max HP).

Power Word Fill

9th Level Enchantment

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You utter a word of power that's capable of satisfying any creature beyond their wildest desires. Their stomach is instatly filled to capacity, they gain DP equal to (your spellcasting modifier)d20 and weight equal to double that amount. They are immune to feeding damage, and they can't gain or lose any weight from any source as long as their DP is higher than 0. These effects end after a long rest.

Power Word Hollow

9th Level Enchantment

  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 60 ft.
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You utter a word of power that's capable of emptying any creature well beyond starvation. Their stomach is instatly emptied, they lose DP equal to (your spellcasting modifier)d20 and weight equal to double that amount. They are vulnerable to feeding damage, and gain and lose double the weight from any sources as long as their DP is below 0. These effects end after a long rest.

Galia's Vow To Eternity (Vow To Eternity)

9th Level Necromancy

  • Classes: Cleric, Druid, Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 hour
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V
  • Duration: Until dispelled

You place yourself in a hybernation in which your metabolism is slowed down to a crawl. While you are in this state, you cannot be detected, wounded or killed by any means short of a Wish; and this spell cannot be dispelled by any means short of a Wish. For each year that passes, you lose 1 Lb. The effect of this spell ends when you reach your base weight.

Galia's Denial (Grim Denial)

9th Level Necromancy

  • Classes: Wizard.
  • Casting Time: 1 reaction, that you take whenever you would die for any reason.
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

Whenever you're in a situation where you would die or become unconscious, whether from an attack or a magic effect, you vanish from reality for an instant, returning back with all your HP after avoiding your demise. You return to your base weight after using this spell. If you were already at your base weight or within 100 Lbs of it, you reappear at a weight equal to half your Emmaciation limit.

Character Backgrounds

Ruin Keeper

Upon the fall of the kingdom on the northwest of Retama, and the release of the Wretches to the world, all the inhabitants of that region fled. Some sailed south through the sea, while others simply ran towards the ithsmus connecting that to the mainland. As a result, hundreds of settlements were abandoned, left to rot, and the passing of time took their toll on them.

By the time the Wretches decided to form tribes, and settle, those places had been reduced to little more than ruins. And now, with their new inhabitants, they needed repairs. As such, the job of Ruin Keeper was born. Mostly occupied by Shoats not yet capable of fighting, or Warthogs and Mastodons who simply cannot serve any other purpose for whichever reason, they have become a vital part of the few communities that reside in these settlements. Even if, to the eyes of the larger tribes, those performing this job would be little more than meat for the stocks.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival

Other Proficiencies: Carpenter's Tools & Mason's Tools

Equipment: Ragged Clothes, a Hunting Trap, 10 wooden planks, 20 stones, 3 medium-sized animal pelts or 1 Large animal pelt.

Feature: Construction

Provided you have carpenter's tools and wood, or Mason's tools and stone, you can perform repairs and reinforcements on a small to medium sized structure. When you use this ability, you can reinforce the walls or supports of a structure to sustain up to 4d6 x your Prof mod damage.

Suggested Characteristics

The duties of a Ruin Keeper aren't few, and they aren't simple either. Many of them tend to double as guards and Warband members, due to the great lack of personnel certain tribes suffer from. For these very reasons, Ruin Keepers tend to have a set of common traits.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 I'm not afraid of hard work. In fact, I prefer it.
2 I look after other Ruin Dwellers as if they were infants.
3 Good manners don't help when the ceiling is about to collapse.
4 If it's broken, it must be fixed.
5 I'm always working on some project or another.
6 Living among the squalor isn't as awful as some people make it out to be.
7 My language is more foul than an Otyugh nest.
8 No better way to get to know the locals than a friendly bar brawl.

d6 Ideal
1 It's the duty of a Ruin Keeper to strengthen the bonds of the community, and their houses standing. (Lawful)
2 I'm commited to people, not any particular ideal. (Neutral)
3 If I need it, I'll use it. And if not, it can be used by someone else. (Chaotic)
4 One day, I'll be the best at my craft. (Any)
5 If you can't pay me for the ceiling I built, I'll take some of your walls as payment. (Evil)
6 When a people follows orders blindly, they embrace a kind of tyranny. (Chaotic)
d6 Bond
1 I keep the ruins standing in hopes of repairing the broken parts of my own self.
2 I have sworn vengeance against the creatures that destroyed my previous dwellings.
3 Should I take good care of my tools, they will take good care of me.
4 My subpar construction skills once killed a few ruin dwellers. I still seek redemption from that.
5 Some day, I will build a proper house, and it will not only be a manor, but it will be my manor.
6 A Wretch kept me from harm way back when. I owe them and their family much for that.
d6 Flaw
1 Tools are more reliable than people. I'd much rather keep my hammers and axes than an unskilled stranger.
2 I have no crafting skills to speak of whatsoever.
3 If I say I'm doing something, I'm doing it. Consequences can wait.
4 I can patch this up infinitely better, and for a far lower price.
5 Shoody work irritates me to the point of either distraction or genuine anger.
6 I measure people by how skilled they are with the tools I use.

Ruin Dweller

Upon the fall of the kingdom on the northwest of Retama, and the release of the Wretches to the world, all the inhabitants of that region fled. Some sailed south through the sea, while others simply ran towards the ithsmus connecting that to the mainland. As a result, hundreds of settlements were abandoned, left to rot, and the passing of time took their toll on them.

More than one Wretch found their home among the torn down squalor of the former towns and cities. All once places of moderate comfort, reduced to incomprehensible piles of wood and rubble. Many tried to put the remains of those places to use, despite the ceiling of such being as much a risk as a feral beast. As such, any creak and groan was treated with the utmost respect.

Skill Proficiencies: Survival & Perception.

Other Proficiencies: One set of Artisan's Tools, excluding Carpenter's Tools or Mason's Tools.

Equipment: Ragged Clothes.

Feature: Sixth Sense

Due to your precarious living conditions, you've learned to listen for any potential dangers lurking in the night. When sleeping, you cannot be surprised by any creatures with Dexterity scores below your Passive Perception. On top of that, if any creatures do try to surprise you while you are asleep, you instantly know how many of them are there and where they are located, though you don't know what the creatures are.

Suggested Characteristics

A ruin dweller has no duties, but also no rights. It's a difficult way of living, where there are very few guarantees, and where only the most resourceful are given a chance at survival.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 I hide scraps of food and trinkets away in my pockets.
2 I eat like a Wretch, and my manners leave much to be desired.
3 If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
4 My belongings are with me at all times, even when I sleep.
5 I have a hard time grasping the concept of personal hygene.
6 Mold is just a different type of garnish, don't be so picky.
7 I say yes, even if I mean no.
8 I can't help but measure everything by its monetary value.

d6 Ideal
1 Even those who live among rubble deserve their due respect. (Good)
2 Ruin Dwellers must help other Ruin Dwellers. (Lawful)
3 Eventually, their cities will be ruins too. It's an unavoidable truth. (Chaotic)
4 I can survive this, I can survive anything. (Any)
5 The coddled in their ivory towers have no idea of what's coming to them. (Evil)
6 I will one day reside in a proper house, in a proper town. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 My fellow Ruin Dwellers are the most important thing to me, even if I'm far away.
2 I am the last survivor of my tribe, and I must ensure that our legacy is carried on.
3 Ruins as they might be, they are still my home, and I will fight to protect them.
4 I owe my life to the Ruin Keepers that saved me, helped me, and provided for me.
5 Nobody should have to go through what I have gone through.
6 It's about comfort, not about survival.
d6 Flaw
1 Survival is more valuable than friendship.
2 There's only one person in this world I can fully trust, and that is myself.
3 A handful of gold is the most money I've seen, and I will make sure I can keep seeing more.
4 I lie, and usually without even me noticing it.
5 To forget my sorry state, I've given myself to my vices, fully and irrevocably.
6 Considering what I've gone through, surely whatever's ahead can't be that bad. Right?.

Warband Member

Upon the fall of the kingdom on the northwest of Retama, and the release of the Wretches to the world, all the inhabitants of that region fled. Some sailed south through the sea, while others simply ran towards the ithsmus connecting that to the mainland. As a result, hundreds of settlements were abandoned, left to rot, and the passing of time took their toll on them.

One of the many ways Wretches found to integrate themselves with the warring situation in the northern end of Retama was by forming small warbands, usually composed of all the members of a given clan. While some are sedentary in nature, most are nomadic, owing to the fact that it's easier to go find work than to wait for it to come to you.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics & Survival.

Other Proficiencies: Any two martial weapons.

Equipment: A single piece of Adventuring Gear costing 3 GP or less, a notebook detailing previous works, traveller's clothes & 10 GP.

Feature: Dutiful

After all your time as a member of a warband, you've learned that there's no better way to get paid than to carry out the job to it's most absolute completion. Whenever you would be paid for carrying out a task, you can use your knowledge to negotiate for better pay. This pay may come in the form of coin, goods or other items.

Suggested Characteristics

Warband members live under a code that's rather vast. Nevertheless, their grim work gives them few freedoms, even if the tennets of their position may be vague.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 I am skilled, and confident in my skill. Or at least that's what I believe.
2 I've picked up countless short stories on my travels, and I remember almost all of them.
3 My partners are my family, and if you harm them, you harm me.
4 Words are worthless, acts are invaluable.
5 Either I'm playing fair, or I'm not playing at all.
6 I will stare down a swamp gorger if I have to.
7 Simplicity is king.
8 All the things I did during my time in a warband are engraved in my memory.

d6 Ideal
1 My allies are my family, and I will never let them down. (Good)
2 In a sense, I am bringing law to those who never follow it. (Lawful)
3 The law is just another way to stifle freedom. (Chaotic)
4 If we work together, nothing can stand in our way. (Any)
5 The only truth in the world is might. (Evil)
6 I'm loyal to individuals, not ideas. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I would lay down my life for my allies.
2 I cannot forget the defeat my warband suffered, nor those who defeated us.
3 I own something that connects me to my clan, my warband.
4 Some of my clanmembers looked up to me as a sort of leader, and I could fulfill that role, should I find them.
5 My honor is my life.
6 Those who killed the rest of my clan will regret not killing me as well.
d6 Flaw
1 To flee is for cowards, and cowards are the death of every warband.
2 I became a bit too used to alcoholds in my time in a warband.
3 I'm short-tempered, and rather belligerent.
4 Some of the creatures I've faced still make me tremble.
5 I make mistakes on battle, and the last one cost me dearly.
6 I've lived through much more than any of my partners, how could I possibly be wrong?.

Peccarian Exile

Upon the fall of the kingdom on the northwest of Retama, and the release of the Wretches to the world, all the inhabitants of that region fled. Some sailed south through the sea, while others simply ran towards the ithsmus connecting that to the mainland. As a result, hundreds of settlements were abandoned, left to rot, and the passing of time took their toll on them.

While most Wretches live in smaller comunities, there is one that is formed by the union of multiple clans. It's ruled with an iron hand, and every member of this colony serves a very specific role. Unwillingness or inability to perform one's given role tends to result in exile or execution of the offenses are minor. Major offenses, however, often see the criminal immobilized, to serve as either breedstock for slaves or soldiers.

Skill Proficiencies: Two abilities of your choosing.

Other Proficiencies: One tool or simple weapon of your choosing.

Equipment: Whetstone, shackles, a waterskin, a bedroll and ragged clothes.

Feature: Lessener

Whether out of sheer luck or because you managed to fenagle your way into escaping a harsher sentence, you have been exiled. And you're able to extrapolate that to other aspects of your life. Whenever you'd face trouble from the authorities or any such group, either your luck or your tongue ensure that anything you suffer from this will be significantly less harsh than it would've otherwise been.

Suggested Characteristics

While running away from your comunity is something that many would call foolish, it's hard to argue that many exiles simply didn't have a better choice.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 Laws aren't duties, they are closer to suggestions.
2 I have a deep hatred for those in possitions of power, and I'll do my damnedest to make sure they know that.
3 I know too much, but nobody has to know that.
4 I've lost everything I had, but that just means I have a chance to rebuild.
5 You never really know when any of the tools around you will prove useful.
6 I much prefer when someone else picks up the slack instead of me.
7 I've been known to exagerate the story of my exile.
8 Exile never bothered me, it was a convenient excuse to go exploring.

d6 Ideal
1 I try to provide help to whoever may need it. (Good)
2 People deserve a fair treatment, regardless of where they reside. (Lawful)
3 Exile is just the ultimate reward. (Chaotic)
4 My time is short and the land is large. Adventure is all I care about. (Any)
5 Those with value are exiled, those without it are better off as meat (Evil)
6 I only really know to look after myself, and I'm rather good at it. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I feel indebted to those that argued in favor of my exile, instead of my execution or slavery.
2 I watched the executions and the stocks. The images and sounds will never leave my mind.
3 I owe much to one of the other prisioners, who's been enslaved.
4 I was never a fit for the colony, so I'm looking for my place somewhere else.
5 The suffering I, and many others, went through is due to the chieftains. And they will pay.
6 I admire other Retama's other kins, and I want to learn as much about them as possible.
d6 Flaw
1 I harbor a deep hatred for one race or another, which is hard for me to overcome.
2 I can't trust strangers. I don't know what they could do to me.
3 I must admit, I find members of certain races incredibly attractive.
4 I cannot stand others talking about my own race.
5 I'm a bit too used to others doing my job, and old habits die hard.
6 I wanted to leave and I did. And that's just how I do things.

Apocryph Royal

For the longest time, Apocryph society has been heavily split between its three kins. Even after the efforts of Aura to improve the relations between them, their common hatred for each other prevaled. Aecorians, Aestival and Basilians reside separately, rarely willing to involve themselves in the other's affairs, and some have even come to claim that the only reason a civil war hasn't broken out yet, is due to the influence of both Iberians and Thimeans. Two groups the Council has long wanted to rid themselves of.

The definition of royalty greatly depends on who you ask. No members of one subrace will ever admit to the claims of such made by others, regardless of blood, status or owned land. Which is not to say that no true royals exist. The status of royalty is simply distributed between several families of varying sizes, which, once upon a time, were supposed to rule over the land. Not as individuals, but as a group. Their right to power, however, was rendered moot when the Council assassinated Apofis, an event that some royals still resent.

Skill Proficiencies: Chose two between: History, Religion, Animal Handling, Insight, Persuasion.

Other Proficiencies: One musical instrument of your choosing and one language of your choosing.

Equipment: Royal house brand (As a ring, pendant or any piece of jewelry), Fine clothes, and a set of trading goods worth up to 30 GP.

Feature: Noble Stance

You come from a good family, and that is something others can tell at first glance. Due to this, you are quite the polarizing figure. Those who like you will make show of it, but so will those who detest you Those that are simpathetic to your cause, or friendly with you, will generally be more helpful and will show greater willingness to cooperate. However, those that are against your cause, or hostile towards you, will be significantly less willing to yield.

Suggested Characteristics

A noble upbringing tends to present a certain set of characteristics, the result of a training that tends to stick to even the most disobedient individuals, whether for the better or for the worse.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 I strive for, and expect, perfection.
2 I have faith in my abilities. Sometimes a bit too much.
3 Plebeians know I am nobility, and if they don't, I'll be sure to tell them.
4 Wrong me, and I will make sure the rest of your life is hell.
5 There's beauty in even the most twisted of creatures.
6 I live to drink, eat, dance and love.
7 I treat my allies as if they were my own family.
8 Dirty work is not suitable for me, but for the people I pay to do it in my stead.
d6 Ideal
1 I am owed respect, and so is any one individual, regardless of kin or duty. (Good)
2 My word, once given, is my bond. (Lawful)
3 I can handle whatever the land throws at me, and I don't need the help of my family. (Chaotic)
4 My duties lie with my family, and nobody else. (Any)
5 Power is the only truth. (Evil)
6 I commit myself to people, not ideals. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I'll do anything to ensure my family finds me worthy.
2 I've dedicated my wealth and skills to my city and its people.
3 Knowledge, wealth and contacts are nothing compared to appearance. And I am absolutely stunning.
4 I harbor feelings towards one member of a family my own doesn't take too kindly to.
5 My loyalty to the Council, and its representatives, is unwavering.
6 I protect those who cannot protect themselves.
d6 Flaw
1 Those of non-noble backgrounds are beneath me.
2 I hide a secret that could ruin my entire family, should it ever come to light.
3 Addiction is for the less fortunate. I prefer to call it "indulgence".
4 By my words and actions, I often bring shame to my family.
5 I honestly believe everything would be much better if I was in a position of power.
6 My support or disdain for certain figures has granted me many enemies and few friends.

High Sea Angler

For the longest time, Apocryph society has been heavily split between its three kins. Even after the efforts of Aura to improve the relations between them, their common hatred for each other prevaled. Aecorians, Aestival and Basilians reside separately, rarely willing to involve themselves in the other's affairs, and some have even come to claim that the only reason a civil war hasn't broken out yet, is due to the influence of both Iberians and Thimeans. Two groups the Council has long wanted to rid themselves of.

One of the many tasks common in Aecorian society, not only for the money it brings, but also for its lengthy tradition, is sailing off the coasts of Retama to fish. Often times, it's a relatively simple duty, hough any that want to partake in it must have a number of skills and talents; as a storm can turn a pleasant sailing trip into a journey of no return.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception.

Other Proficiencies: Water vehicles, Navigator's Tools.

Equipment: Fishing rod & hook, a mark of the ship or company you belonged to, Traveller's clothes & a leather pouch containing 10 GP.

Feature: Bait & Hook

Given your long lasting duty, you have become able to utilize your talents to provide for yourself and your allies. During short or long rests, provided you're near a body of water, you can cast your rod to catch 2d6 Lbs of fish. You also have the ability to conserve those fish, turning them into fatty food that will take months to expire.

Suggested Characteristics

An old profession as it might be, high sea angling is a task that has been perfected through the years, and any of the people that practice it present a number of common features.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.
2 No better time for levity than when everything is going sideways.
3 The sea brings me joy whenever I see it.
4 Those who know me any, know how reliable I can be.
5 My language is more foul than an Otyugh nest.
6 What's a lie or two if they make for an entertaining story?.
7 No better way to make friends than a drunken brawl, I say.
8 I have plenty of cautionary tales related to the sea.

d6 Ideal
1 We always caught more fish when we worked together. (Good)
2 If the whole crew puts in the effort, we will all get to reap our rewards. (Lawful)
3 Take what you see, and generous don't be. (Chaotic)
4 I've always wanted to own a ship for myself. (Any)
5 Practice breeds perfection, and those who don't practice don't deserve my attention. (Evil)
6 I'm comitted to crew and captain, ideals are fleeting. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I'll never forget my first fishing trip.
2 Pirates jumped us, sacked our ship and supplies, and abandoned in the open waters, but I made it back to shore, and I will have my revenge.
3 Most of what I obtain will be going to my community.
4 I'll visit seas all throughout the world and know of their catches.
5 A powerful individual cheated me out of my due pay, and I'll see those debts settled.
6 I've sworn loyalty to my captain or leader, and none else.
d6 Flaw
1 I'm used to following orders unquestioningly.
2 Drinking became a vice of mine long ago.
3 I'm way too used to holding grudges, and I hardly forgive.
4 Seeing others do things I wouldn't makes me act irrationally.
5 I have a tendency to purloin small objects and coins.
6 My boastful pride has caused harm before, and it surely will again.

Coal Miner

For the longest time, Apocryph society has been heavily split between its three kins. Even after the efforts of Aura to improve the relations between them, their common hatred for each other prevaled. Aecorians, Aestival and Basilians reside separately, rarely willing to involve themselves in the other's affairs, and some have even come to claim that the only reason a civil war hasn't broken out yet, is due to the influence of both Iberians and Thimeans. Two groups the Council has long wanted to rid themselves of.

It's rare to find an Aestival that hasn't worked in a mine at some point. Rarer still is one that has no family or friends that have. So ingrained is mining as an industry in Aestival society. Regardless of how dangerous or poorly paid a site might be, pretty much everyone is expected to be employed at these locations, whether in the tunnels or outside of them.

Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Investigation.

Other Proficiencies: One of the following: Jeweler's Tools, Mason's Tools, Potter's Supplies, Smith's Tools.

Equipment: Chisel & hammer, Dungeoneer's pack and one leather pouch containing a number of minerals worth 15 GP.

Feature: Diamond in the rough

You have thorough knowledge of minerals, untreated gemstones in particular. Whenever you are offered, or loot, gems of any sort, you immediately know its base value and can barter to sell them for exactly that amount. On top of that, you can see gemstones that might be lying around in the floor, walls or other such places with ease, whether they are in the darkness or in the light.

Suggested Characteristics

The very risks that mining forces one to undertake tend to heavily affect their behavior in numberous ways, though all of these effects make themselves manifest in tense situations.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 I've dealth with far more monsters in the mine than I can count.
2 Nothing bothers me for long.
3 You never know when or not an ore vein will be around the corner.
4 Handiwork is deserving of respect. Those unwilling to practice it, less so.
5 I've been known to be excessively frugal in the past.
6 Sometimes, I can get too carried away when talking about my job.
7 I'm resentful towards authorities, and I don't mind munching on some gold or gemstones on their dime.
8 Work is what I do, and anything else besides that doesn't deserve my attention.
d6 Ideal
1 Whatever I discover is to be shared with all. (Good)
2 The land is to be respected, and its laws are absolute. (Lawful)
3 If I need it, I'll take it. If not, I'll give it to someone else. (Chaotic)
4 Eventually, I'll have earned enough to retire in peace. (Any)
5 I have dug these minerals out, and as such, they are for me to do what I please. (Evil)
6 My business are none of yours, and yours are none of mine. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 The tunnels have a beauty, and it's partly my duty to preserve it.
2 The glint of a precious gem attracts my eye more intensely than any ore, coin, land or power.
3 I will hit a massive gold vein one of these days, you'll see.
4 I'm looking for a very specific item, buried deep underground.
5 I'm secretly in love with the overseer of the mine I worked at.
6 I've been constantly hearing stories about the Underneath, and I want to find a road to it.
d6 Flaw
1 I'm somewhat fearful of a common creature, which I see much too frequently in the mines.
2 Always go left, that's how I've always gotten out of the tunnels.
3 I'm afraid of the dark.
4 I value my digging tools over people. They are far more reliable.
5 I've gotten used to sleeping in the claustrophobic darkness of the tunnels.
6 I have an obsession with riches, and a plan to make myself a millionare.

Frontier Base Defector

The Baalvarion have had a lot of influence throughout Retama over the years. More than the Iberians or Apocryph. A fact brought on partly by their distribution throughout the region and the duties they have undertaken. Not just the merchantile side, who in their duties to transport goods from one side of the region to the next, became the de-facto means by which other cultures could keep in touch with the rest of Retama. The Gaur's war machine has also greatly helped in keeping invaders in check, though they have likely scared off many allies as well. As for the Yak, their monasteries and settlements have provided refuge to countless travellers seeking to adventure through the mountain ranges of the region.

The frontier base is a military exmplacement, located in Retama's north, among the wastes that give way to the Dryhoof Canyon. The only reason Peccarian raiders haven't reached the mainland. Nevertheless, many have issues with some of the practices employed at the frontier base, chief among them the capture of male Wretches and their subsequent use as breeding stock.

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Animal Handling.

Other Proficiencies: A single Martial weapon or Leatherworker's & Smith's Tools, and Land Vehicles.

Equipment: Backpack, a bag with 20 Caltrops, an insignia of rank and a leather pouch containing 5 GP.

Feature: File And Rank

Your time at the frontier base, and the rank you have accrued while working there, mark you as one who is deserving of respect. Commonfolk and military officials you outrank will be more likely to obey and aid you, provided they don't have any issues with the frontier base's practices.

Suggested Characteristics

Work at the frontier base is arduous and exhausting, not only on the physical level, but on the psychological as well. It takes a specific set of traits to survive the intensity of that place.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 Death's a fact of life.
2 I can't forget the smell of blood.
3 My speech is curt and decissive.
4 There's no surrender.
5 Idle chatter makes my head hurt.
6 I can stare down a hellhound.
7 I play by the book.
8 Once a bad seed, always a bad seed.
d6 Ideal
1 I helped stave off invaders. (Good)
2 The duty of the frontier base is unquestionable. (Lawful)
3 There's no living without conflict. (Chaotic)
4 I was just trying to survive. (Any)
5 War is my job, and I relish it. (Evil)
6 I was simply using the frontier base to gain rank and become well known. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 My family cast me out, and the people at the frontier base were the only ones to accept me.
2 I made a grievous mistake that lead to several recruits dying.
3 The stories I heard about the frontier base's victories inspired me to join it.
4 I fell in love with someone on the battlefield. Maybe a friend, maybe a foe.
5 A senior officer raised me and trained me, and I owe her nothing but respect.
6 I deserted to protect the life of a slave captured during one of the frontier base's operations.
d6 Flaw
1 I like fighting, but not harming.
2 Failure is never an option.
3 My years in the frontier have made me very detached from civilian life.
4 My vices have kept me sane this long.
5 I tend to use dark humor to cope with my actions, often to the point of making others uncomfortable.
6 Nothing scares me, but I'm often terrified of what I can do.

Nomadic Mountaineer

The Baalvarion have had a lot of influence throughout Retama over the years. More than the Iberians or Apocryph. A fact brought on partly by their distribution throughout the region and the duties they have undertaken. Not just the merchantile side, who in their duties to transport goods from one side of the region to the next, became the de-facto means by which other cultures could keep in touch with the rest of Retama. The Gaur's war machine has also greatly helped in keeping invaders in check, though they have likely scared off many allies as well. As for the Yak, their monasteries and settlements have provided refuge to countless travellers seeking to adventure through the mountain ranges of the region.

There are three major mountain ranges in Retama. The first is in the midwest, splitting Baalvarion territory from Iberian land. When the Yaks settled there, they built a series of temples and safe havens among the crags, which are now commonly utilized by travellers, and their own, to quickly traverse the land.

Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival.

Other Proficiencies: Cartographer's Tools or Calligrapher's Supplies.

Equipment: Traveller's Clothes, 10 Torches, Tinderbox, Climber's Kit and a pouch containing 5 GP.

Feature: Longwalker

All your travels have granted you ample knowledge about the best ways to reach your destination. Either the least dangerous or the quickest. When covering long distances in land, either by foot or with a vehicle, it takes you 25% less time to reach your destination, and you know where the roads or paths you're travelling through lead to with certainty.

Suggested Characteristics

Traversing the land requires fortutude from those that walk the paths and roads, regardless of their reasons for doing so. After all, the mountains are one of the greatest threats in the Region by themselves alone.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 The roads are open, the paths are ready, and I just have to go wherever they lead me to.
2 Any opportunity to show off my dexterity or endurance is a good one.
3 Everything will happen whenever it has to. Until then, I'll take my time.
4 All my travels have gifted me countless stories that I'm always ready and willing to tell.
5 I'm somewhat forgetful, particularly with names or my own belongings.
6 I can't help but stop every step of the way to admire the nature around me.
7 Even after all my journeys, I still miss my home.
8 Meeting new people is one of the wonders of life, and I can strike conversation with nobles and farmers alike.
d6 Ideal
1 There are very few joys in this world greater than discovery. (Good)
2 I wander the lands not for fun, but to perform a duty. (Lawful)
3 I'll go wherever I want, whenever I want, and nobody will ever stop me. (Chaotic)
4 Through walking the roads, I hope one day I'll be able to understand myself. (Any)
5 Nobody can bring me to justice as long as I keep moving. (Evil)
6 I go where I'm needed. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I won't forget my home.
2 Seeing other's happiness fills me with joy.
3 I was accused of a crime, and banished from the town I lived at.
4 I'm trying to find someone, but I'm not entirely sure where they might be.
5 I grew bored with my mundane living, and so I simply hit the road.
6 All of this is part of an elaborate plan to start my own merchantile company.
d6 Flaw
1 There are reasons why I left my old life, dangerous reasons that are best kept hidden.
2 I like to brag about the places I've been, regardless of how mundane they might be.
3 I tend to try and impose my joy onto others, even if that might not be welcome.
4 Despite all my time on the road, I'm still dangerously naïve.
5 Very few things stay in my memory for any length of time.
6 Large cities are a mess, and the further I am away from the, the better.

RAMAS Student

At the current moment in time, Iberians have the uncontested hegemony over Retama, their territory covering the entire middle section of the region, meaning any shipments or travelers simply have to go through them. While the instances of Iberians doing something egregious are somewhat uncommon, it still has resulted in some animosity. Nevertheless, with their control of the two largest cities in Retama, it doesn't seem like they'll lose this position any time soon.

The Retama Academy of Magic, Arts & Sciences is a century old institution. A place with unequaled renown in the entire region, where anyone can enter, regardless of creed, race, or status. It's student population is such, and so varied, it has formed a small citadel around itself, many of the services often ran by alumni.

Skill Proficiencies: Pick two from the following: Athletics, Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, Animal Handling, Medicine, Performance.

Other Proficiencies: Pick two tools of any type, one instrument and one playing set.

Equipment: Commoner's Clothes, RAMAS emblem, ink & Quill, a blank notebook, a backpack and a leather pouch containing 5 GP.

Feature: Academic

Your position within the Academy lends you access to countless sources of knowledge and information. Provided you can present your RAMAS emblem, you'll have full access to any library, and most merchants will offer you slight discounts on items that are related to the subjects you're studying.

Suggested Characteristics

While it's said that anyone can become a student of the RAMAS, it takes a special one to remain within the academy. It doesn't ask for payment, but it demands plentiful effort.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 I like to quote influential figures whenever the situation is appropriate. And whenever it's not as well.
2 I like to take meticulous care of my possessions, as I have a great aversion to filth.
3 Sometimes my passion is mistaken for obsession. The rest of times, there's no mistake.
4 I don't talk a lot, because I become engrossed in my thoughts.
5 I speak down to others whenever talking about a field I believe myself to be knowledgeable in.
6 "If I aim my crossbow 3º up, and with the wind blowing 4.2 knots southwest, then the bolt's trajectory... what do you mean 'just shoot'?"
7 I insist on checking any place with the mildest historical value we come accross.
8 I present everything I say as a guess, to avoid looking bad if it turns out to be wrong.
d6 Ideal
1 Any person deserves my knowledge, regardless of who they are. (Good)
2 We must protect our past, lest we repeat it in the future. (Lawful)
3 I'll study any topics I desire, forbidden or otherwise. (Chaotic)
4 I will become an authority in my field of study. (Any)
5 One day, my knowledge will make me unstoppable. (Evil)
6 What I study, I do of my own interests. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I share knowledge with other students at the RAMAS.
2 My studies will uncover the truth of past events, even if some organizations might be against the idea.
3 I seek to blend several fields of study to create something entirely new.
4 My studies are entirely focused on a singular subject, which will one day help me sort out a certain issue I have.
5 My old study at the academy has been taken to the Chained Quarter, after a rather unfortunate experiment.
6 Any knowledge entrusted to me, I will protect and carry to my grave.
d6 Flaw
1 I might have falsely claimed to have made certain discoveries in the past, but this time it's absolutely true, I guarantee you.
2 Any items or pieces of knowledge I want, I might very well keep for myself. Or for a scholar at the Academy.
3 I like to practice any topic I study, whether the results of the practice might be harmful or not.
4 I have a rival at the Academy, and the thought of them often clouds my judgement a great deal.
5 I am fearful of a creature, factor or situation I come accross frequently in my field of study.
6 I claim to know far more than I actually know, but nobody else has to know that.

Foot Soldier

At the current moment in time, Iberians have the uncontested hegemony over Retama, their territory covering the entire middle section of the region, meaning any shipments or travelers simply have to go through them. While the instances of Iberians doing something egregious are somewhat uncommon, it still has resulted in some animosity. Nevertheless, with their control of the two largest cities in Retama, it doesn't seem like they'll lose this position any time soon.

While most Iberians are inclined to join the Academy, many of those who don't simply enlist into the army. Foot soldiers make up the bulk, composed of both newcomers and veterans, and with talents that go beyond combat. In many of the military victories they have obtained, during the few times they've had to make use of their army, foot soldiers have been the ones to tip the scales in the Iberians' favor, which has earned them equal parts respect and fear.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics & Intimidation.

Other Proficiencies: Pick one of the following: Cartographer's Tools, Cook's Utensils, Leatherworker's Tools, Smith's Tools & Weaver's Tools.

Equipment: An ornate dagger, an insignia denoting your role in the army, Commoner's Clothes & a burlap pouch containing 10 GP.

Feature: Military Expertise

While foot soldiers are known for winning wars, their primary duty is elsewhere, in providing support for other units. As such, any help you provide an allied creature when they're using tools adds a +2 bonus to their checks.

Suggested Characteristics

The general Iberian population is vast and varied, though the intense training program the military imposes on new recruits tends to result in a fair bit of homogeneity.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 I try to always be respectful and polite, keyword being "try".
2 I have a fairly short fuse, and a tendency for misunderstandings.
3 Communicating with my brothers and sisters in arms is never an issue. Communicating with civilians, though...
4 My time in the army has left me with plenty of cautoinary tales.
5 No point on overcomplicating things. If you need something dead, a sword ought'a do it.
6 Surrender is more preferable than death.
7 Even though it might not be my job anymore, I still feel it's my duty to protect others.
8 If I decide I'm doing something, I'm doing it. Period.
d6 Ideal
1 My duty remains to keep people safe. (Good)
2 I'm loyal to the army and its tenets. (Lawful)
3 The world is always changing, and as such, I must adapt. (Chaotic)
4 Sometimes, to save a life, you take another. (Any)
5 The strong should rule over the weak. (Evil)
6 Going to war for ideals is a pointless pursuit. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I would still lay down my life for the people I fought with.
2 The captain of my unit took me in and practically raised me.
3 There's no honor in death. At least not for me.
4 Someone saved my life in the battlefield, and I will never forget them.
5 My closest friends have helped me keep my thoughts together.
6 My allies are worth dying for.
d6 Flaw
1 I'm fine, even if I'm not, but I look and act like it, which means I'm fine.
2 Those who have no knowledge of martial arts or combats deserve little respect from me.
3 Even after the war is over, I simply cannot forgive those of the army I fought against.
4 The laws are what keeps us from becoming beasts, and they must be respected. For better and worse.
5 I'm supposed to be above others, which is why my mistakes ought to be harshly punished.
6 Fake it 'til you make it is applicable to all skills and situations.

Swamp Guide

Tealach are a kin that rarely wishes to interact with others, which is both a cause and a consequence of them residing in the massive mires on the southwest of Retama. Pitch black at night and hardly traversable, marching through is often claimed to be far more arduous than trying to pass through the mountains. Not only owing to the terrain itself, but also the uncanny, terrifying creatures known as Swamp Gorgers. For these reasons, the folk that pass through the swampland, often have no other alternatives.

One custom that has remained since the days of Solais, brought along by the good relations between Iberians and Tealach, was the guidance of Iberian travelers through the bogs, kept safe by one or several pathfinders. To this day, that tradition remains, and many an Alaich earns a living, as there is no shortage of traders and adventurers that need to cross the swamps for one reason or another.

Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Animal Handling & Survival.

Other Proficiencies: One language of your choice.

Equipment: One vial of antitoxin, a hooded lantern, 3 flasks of oil, Traveller's clothes, a signal whistle, and a pouch containing 5 GP.

Feature: Wildspeak

Swamp guides are taught to commune with the swampland around them, in order to foresee dangers and keep their clients safe. As such, you can identify and read Druidic, but you cannot speak it nor write it.

Suggested Characteristics

A swamp guide is oft focused on the continued survival of the groups they lead, a duty that, want it or not, tends to mold one into a set of paradigms, as useful as they can be harmful.

Personality Trait
d8 Personality Trait
1 I take lengthy notes on any event, regardless of how minute or inconsequential.
2 I'm particularly good at hiding, provided I've had the time to properly do so.
3 I usually tend to have an escape route planned out for every situation, in case things go awry.
4 It's preferable to hang back when there's a scuffle. I would much rather have my foes in front of me
5 Despite its dangers, the wilds soothe me.
6 Wealth or good manners can't protect you from a Swamp Gorger.
7 I have a tendency to pick up small, flimsy objects and nervously toy with them, sometimes to the point of breaking.
8 I'm extremely serene, even after things have turned sideways.
d6 Ideal
1 My guidance is for all to recieve, nobody is to be kept from their destination. (Good)
2 Logic and reason still govern the wilds, though to a lesser degree. (Lawful)
3 The best part of being a guide is finding new roads through the swamp. (Chaotic)
4 It's imperative that one is able to comprehend themselves. (Any)
5 Without me, these people would all die, and they owe me dearly for that. (Evil)
6 Nature and the wilds are more important than any city or civilization. (Neutral)
d6 Bond
1 I cannot leave a harmed animal behind; I must save it or put it out of its misery.
2 An injury to the unspoiled wilderness of my home is an injury to me.
3 Nothing is more important than the other members of my group.
4 I'd rather die than retire. This job is my life.
5 The spirits of the land have shown me visions of a coming disaster, and I have to intervene.
6 There are very few places in Retama where nobody will come looking for you. The swamps are one of them.
d6 Flaw
1 You don't get to tell me what I can and cannot do.
2 I am much too strict when it comes to applying my personal philosophy.
3 Grudges come to me with ease, for the smallest of things.
4 I talk to animals, thinking they understand me, even though they may not.
5 My secrets are mine, and I don't have to share them with anyone else.
6 While I appear collected, I tend to get overwhelmed quickly, and I will crack under the pressure at some point.

New Artificer Subclass

E ven before they came to Retama, the Moirai were already a kin dextrous in the usage and handling of oils, quicklime and black powder. In time, with practice, they learned how to add other compounds to their thermal weaponry, to increase its efficiency and damage. Upon their arrival on the region, the uncanny magics developed by the founders and practiced still by many, gave them a completely new set of toys to play with. The results speak for themselves to this day.


A Saboteur isn't a frontline combatant, but one that acts from a distance, focused on removing threats. The methods used to attain this purpose vary, though explosive devices tend to be the one constant. Often times, the shells are laced with enchantments, or filled with special compounds, both of which can greatly alter the effects of the detonation, and whatever will happen to those caught in it.

Tool Proficiency

When you adopt this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Alchemist's Supplies and Potter's Tools. If you already have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with one other type of artisan's tools of your choice.


At level 3, upon choosing this subclass, you gain the ability to craft a number of bombs equal to your Intelligence modifier on each rest. At this level, you can craft the following shells.

  • Contact Shell: The bomb explodes upon making contact with any object. It deals 3d6 force damage. Make a ranged attack on the target.
  • Primed Shell: The bomb explodes when you detonate it as an action or bonus action. It has a 5 ft. range and deals 2d10 force damage. Primed Shells cannot be detonated if you're further than 45 ft. away from them. All targets in range must pass a Dexterity save, taking half damage on a success.
  • Match Shell: The bomb explodes at the end of the round. It has a 10 ft. range and deals 3d6 force damage. All targets in range must pass a Dexterity save, taking half damage on a success.

You can throw these shells as an action, you have proficiency on ranged attacks using the shells, and you can throw them up to a number of ft. equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifiers plus your Intelligence modifier x 5. All creatures in range must make a Dexterity save, taking full damage on a failed save and half damage on a successful one. To craft these shells you must have a set of Potter's Tools on you.

Enchanted Casing

At level 3, you can carve enchantments into your bombshells to grant them different effects. A bombshell can only be enchanted once, and you can enchant a number of bombshells equal to your proficiency modifier. You have access to 2 of them at level 3, and gain 1 more at 5th, 9th & 15th level. These effects apply if the shells hit, or the targets fail to pass the corresponding save.

  • Sahb. The explosion's range is increased by 5 ft. All Medium or smaller creatures in range are pulled in 5 ft. towards the detonation point.
  • Bukhar. The explosion's range becomes a cube, and increases by 10 ft. You create an area of dense, obscuring mist, rendering all creatures within blinded. The mist lasts a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier. The damage die is reduced by 1 category (EG: d8 to d6)
  • Farad. The explosion's range becomes a 15 ft. cone. All creatures in range are knocked prone.
  • Samita. The explosion's range is increased by 5 ft. It creates a silencing field on the explosion's area that lasts for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier. The damage die is reduced by 1 category (EG: d8 to d6)
  • Batiya. The explosion's range is increased by 10 ft. It creates a space where time flows differently, halving the movement speed of all creatures that start their turn in or enter the explosion area. It lasts for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier. The damage die is reduced by 1 category (EG: d8 to d6)
  • Jue. The explosion's range is increased by 5 ft. All creatures in range become Ravenous for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier.
  • Daeif. The explosion's range is increased by 5 ft. All creatures in range lose 1 AC for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier.
  • Khat. The explosion's range becomes a 30 ft. straight line. An impassable force wall is created on the explosion area. Creatures and attacks cannot pass through this wall, and any creatures within it or trying to enter it are expelled 10 ft. away from it. This wall lasts for a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Altered Composition

Upon reaching the 5th level, you gain the ability to alter the compounds found within the bombshells as you craft them. Altering the components of a single bombshell substitutes the effects given to it by its previous components for the ones given to it by the new components. To be able to alter the components of a bombshell, you must have a set of Alchemist's Supplies on you.

The components can be damage nullifiers, which reduce all damage to 0 and eliminate the required save, and damage converters, which simply alter the nature of the damage dealt:

Damage Nullifiers
Component Effect Amount
Fruit Pulp Bloat 10d6, double on a surprise hit.
Animal Fat Fatten 10d6, 10d12 on a surprise hit.
Anaerobic Crystals Swell 10d6, 10d12 on a surprise hit.
Helium Inflate 10d6, double on a surprise hit
Thin Sand Slim 10d6
Numbing Agents Shrink 10d6
Damage Converters
Component Damage type
Poisonous Herbs Poison
Oxide Acid
Bearings Piercing
Iron Shavings Slashing
Magnetite Dust Lightning
Black Powder Fire
Compressed Gasses Thunder
Liquid Nitrogen Cold

Explosive Proficiency

At 9th level, your bombshells have acquired greater destructive power. The damage dealt by each shell is increased by 2 dice. Contact shells can be thrown twice as far. Primed shells gain the "Siege Weapon" property, dealing double damage to structures. Match shells gain an extra 5 ft. of range.

On top of that, you can craft additional bombshells equal to half your proficiency modifier (rounded up), and have advantage on Dexterity saves made to avoid the explosions caused by your own bombshells.


Upon reaching the 15th level, you gain the ability to use your bombshells for a variety of purposes and a multitude of situations.

  • Whenever a creature comes within 10 ft. of you, you can use your reaction to throw a Contact shell at them, as you move up to 10 ft. in any direction. The bomb deals half damage, and reduces their movement speed to 0.
  • Whenever a creature attacks an allied creature, you can use your reaction to throw a Contact shell at them. The shell deals mimimal damage, but cancels the attacker's action.
  • Whenever a creature comes within 10 ft. of a Primed shell, you can use your reaction to make it detonate instantly. The target makes the save to avoid damage at a disadvantage.
  • You can detonate a Primed shell within 10 ft. of you to create a momentary distraction, allowing you to disengage as part of the same action. The shell deals minimal damage.
  • You can touch a creature to attach a Match shell to them. The creature bearing the shell automatically loses the save to avoid damage.
  • You can delay the explosion of a Match shell up to a number of turns equal to your Intelligence modifier. For each turn you delay its explosion, it gains 5 ft. range and 1d6 damage.

Prestige Classes


For many, heavy burdens means lesser mobility. However, for the Peccarian Wretches, each pound is just a testament to their endurance, and their might. For only the ones that succeed in battle become bountiful, and grow. As such, they have developed a careful style. Designed to provide good mobility, while not sacrificing much in the way of prestige, or even armor.

The Ruiner
Level Features Additional Mobility
1st Boar's Rush 0 ft.
2nd Tackle & Launch 5 ft.
3rd Trample 5 ft.
4th One Step Stop 5 ft.
5th Moldbreaker 10 ft.
6th Bulldoze 10 ft.
7th Raze-through 10 ft.
8th Tremors 15 ft.
9th Impervious Momentum 15 ft.
10th Unburdened Ruin 15 ft.


In order to develp yourself as a Ruiner, you must meet the following prerequisites, in addition to the multiclassing prerequisites for your current class.

  • Strength of 15, to account for the might it takes to lift one's own body, and direct it once momentum has started.

  • Constitution of 15, to account for the sturdiness one needs to ram through walls, and take down entire structures with their body alone.

  • Character Level 9, to account for the experience needed to properly internalize the attitude of a Ruiner.

  • Special Tasks: You must have seen, or fought, a Ruiner. Victory is not necessary, only survival. Alternatively, facing off against huge packs of Wild Boars, or even large packs of Bullhogs, will teach one how to shift their body's weight in the appropriate way to get the most out of it. You may also need to overcome an additional challenge to reach the 10th Level of this class.

Class Features

As a Ruiner, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d12 per Ruiner level
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per manicurist level after 1st


  • Armor: Heavy Armor, Shields


The Ruiner Prestige Class does not grant any additional equipment.

Boar's Rush

Upon taking your first level on this class, you gain an understanding on ways to move your body forwards, in such a way that both your momentum and your weight will enhance the power of your strikes.

If you make a melee attack after spending movement, you gain a +1 bonus to the damage roll for every 10 ft. you have moved. Additionally, if this movement is a single straight line, this bonus is applied to your attack roll as well.

Tackle & Launch

When you gain a second level on this class, you become able to use your momentum and weight to knock any opponent off their feet, and maybe even send them flying.

When you use your Boar's Rush, and its attack hits, you can force your opponent to make a DC (8 + Prof. mod + Strength mod) Dexterity save, with the DC increasing by 1 for every 15 ft. you've travelled, with an additional +1 bonus for each bulk level above base.

If your opponent fails the save, they are launched off in the opposite direction a distance equal to the distance you have travelled. If there are any solid objects along the way that would prevent them from travelling that full distance, both the target and the object take 1d10 damage for every 5 ft. the target didn't cover.

If your opponent succeeds the save, you can still choose to push them away up to 15 ft., though they take no damage if an object stops their trajectory.


Upon reaching the 3rd level on this class, you become an unstoppable force, as obstacles in your way are either pushed aside, or destroyed.

When you use your Boar's Rush feature, you can pass through the space of creatures with a Size Category equal or below your own. Any creature whose space you pass through, you can force to make a DC (8 + Prof. mod + Strength mod) Dexterity save. If they succeed, they're pushed up to 10 ft. away from you. If they fail, they take half the damage dealt to the target of the attack. Additionally, if they succeed, but they cannot move out of your space, they take damage equal to your Strength modifier, plus an additional +1 bonus for each bulk level above base.

Retama's Almanac


Uncommon - Mundane

Cast Iron Chopper - 1 gp, 1 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Hand axe.

1d6 Slashing - Light, Thrown (30/80 ft.), Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, the blade of this weapon is jagged due to the materials it's composed of. As such, consecutive attacks to the same creature deal +1 damage for each consecutive slash (Max. 5).

Bolted Femur - 2 gp, 6 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Greatclub.

1d8 Bludgeoning - Versatile (1d10), Heavy, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon simply consists of the femur of a large beast with iron studs bolted onto the head for added damage.

Weighted Chain - 2 gp, 5 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Whip.

1d6 Bludgeoning - Reach, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon is composed of a plumb weight at the end of a sturdy chain. If a creature without proficiency with this weapon makes an attack with it and misses, the creature is incapacitated until the end of their next turn.

Three-pronged Plow - 4 gp, 2 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Spear.

1d6 Piercing - Reach, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon is a regular farming plow with sharpened points and bandages around the handle. This weapon doesn't damage skeletal creatures.

Lumber's Axe - 4 gp, 3 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Battleaxe.

1d8 Slashing - Heavy, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon is a simple axe with an edge rusted by regular use, and a handle held together with leather straps and bandages. When attacking a plant creature, you gain +1 to your attack and damage rolls.

Old Boat Hook - 3 gp, 2 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Halberd.

1d6 Slashing - Versatile (1d8), Reach, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon takes the form of an old, scrappy boat hook. Whenever you hit a creature, you can use your bonus action to pull them 5 ft. towards you.

Iron Anchor - 5 gp, 17 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Maul.

1d12 Bludgeoning - Heavy, Two-handed, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon is an old, cumbersome iron anchor. While wielding it, your movement speed is reduced by 10 ft., but you have advantage on rolls made to resist being pushed or pulled.

Work Hook - 6 gp, 2 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Sickle.

1d4 Piercing - Finesse, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon is a surprisingly well maintained work hook. Edgeless, but with a sharp point, as well as a wristguard and a leather handle. As long as you have this weapon equipped, get an advantage on Athletics checks that involve pulling and climbing and Acrobatics checks that involve hanging or climbing.

Bola & Chain - 5 gp, 5 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Flail.

2d4 Bludgeoning - Light, Thrown (10/40), Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon takes the form of a simple chained bola, the chain wrapped around your hand. Once per turn, you can throw your Bola & Chain at a creature. If you do so, make a ranged attack. On a hit, the target creature is restrained until they pass a DC15 Strength check, which they can make at the start of their turn.

Rotting Shortsword - 3 gp, 4 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Shortsword.

1d6 Piercing - Light, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon is a regular shortsword, with the blade rusted due to frequent use, and specked with blood that was never cleaned. All damage inflicted by your damage modifiers is inflicted as Poison damage.

Crude Catchpole - 10 gp, 8 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Halberd.

1d6 Piercing - Heavy, Reach, Two-handed, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon takes the form of a lengthy polearm presenting crude iron spikes both in the interior and the exterior with an opening at the top. As an action, you can try and grab a medium or smaller enemy on reach with the catchpole. To succeed, you must win an Athletics check against their own Athletics check. They then become grappled until they succeed in an Athletics check against your own. You become unable to attack with this weapon as long as you're holding an enemy. To move you must succeed an athletics check against the grappled enemy's. On success you are able to move both yourself and the enemy half your movement speed. On a fail, the catchpole breaks.

Leashed Cudgel - 4 gp, 8 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Mace.

1d8 bludgeoning - Heavy, Thrown (15/45), Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon appears as a cudgel with a spiked iron head and a woodden base, with a lengthy leather leash parting from it. If, for any reason, you were to be disarmed while wielding this weapon, you can spend your reaction to ignore that.

Torn Banner - 10 gp, 4 lbs

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Lance.

1d6 Piercing - Reach, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon has been crafted from the remains of a warbanner, and given a spiked point. You can use an action to give a number of allies equal to your Charisma modifier a +2 to their next attack roll. After you use this ability, you must take a long rest before using it again.

Braided Flail - 10 gp, 2 lbs

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Flail.

1d6 Slashing - Finesse, Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon takes the form of a flail composed of braided ropes with hooked blades at the end, all tied around a single wooden handle. Striking an enemy with Natural Armor reduces their AC by 2. This effect can only be applied once per creature.

Pullback Arbalest - 14 gp, 5 lbs

Martial weapon, Ranged weapon, Crossbow.

1d8 Piercing - Two-handed, Loaded, Ammunition (30/120), Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon appears as a a pinewood crossbow, with the bow taking a concave shape instead of a convex one. If a ranged attack performed by this weapon hits a creature within 60Ft, the attack penetrates that enemy, being able to hit up to one more creature as long as it's in the trajectory of the attack and within 60Ft.

Copper Shotgun - 16 gp, 8 lbs

Martial weapon, Ranged weapon, Firearm.

1d10 Piercing - Two-handed, Heavy, Loaded, Ammunition (180), Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon is composed of a lengthy copper barrel and a pinewood stock. If a creature with a Strength score of 15 or below fails an attack with this weapon, they must pass a DC15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are disarmed, and the shotgun flies away 20 ft. in a random direction.

Warband Rifle - 15 gp, 6 lbs

Martial weapon, Ranged weapon, Firearm.

1d6 Piercing - Versatile, Loaded, Ammunition (40/240), Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon takes the form of a stout flintlock rifle with a short cast iron barrel and a burnished oakwood stock bearing the signet of whichever warband owns, or owned, this rifle. When you fire this weapon while wielding it in one hand, you can fire it as an action or bonus action. When you fire this weapon while wielding it in both hands, you can increase the effective range to 320.

Skewer Slinger - 20 gp, 10 lbs

Martial weapon, Ranged weapon, Crossbow.

1d12 Piercing - Two-handed, Heavy, Loaded, Ammunition (80/460), Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon is a large oakwood crossbow capable of firing bolts significantly larger than a normal crossbow would. You need 15 Strength to wield this weapon. This weapon can only be reloaded by spending an action or a bonus action.

Repeater Pistol - 15 gp, 5 lbs

Martial weapon, Ranged weapon, Firearm.

3d4 Piercing - Light, Loaded, Ammunition (40/240), Special

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this weapon appears as a hefty pinewood flintlock with three barrels and three triggers. You can pull each trigger separately, dealing 1d4 damage on a hit, or all three at once. Reloading all three barrels at once consumes an action or a bonus action.

Steel Shortspear - 8 gp, 3 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Spear.

1d6 Piercing - Light, Finesse, Reach, Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this spear has a more limited reach than many others, though the handle is still lengthy enough to poke at foes a decent distance away.

Blackjack - 5 gp, 2 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Club.

1d4 Bludgeoning - Light, Finesse, Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this is a hard leather club with wooden notches on its head. If you land a sneak attack on a medium or smaller enemy, you can chose to halve the damage dealt and instead stun them for a number of turns equal to the other half of the damage.

Crude Saber - 12 gp, 4 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Scimitar.

1d6 Slashing - Finesse, Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this is an old saber, and although well maintained, the wear and tear is still very much noticeable. If you miss every attack made during your turn while wielding this weapon, it breaks and cannot be used again.

Brass Gladius - 10 gp, 3 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Shortsword.

1d6 Piercing - Finesse, Versatile (1d8), Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this shortsword is rather stout in design, and lacks a handguard. When wielded in two hands, it deals Slashing damage.

Riding Whip - 13 gp, 1 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Whip.

1d4 Bludgeoning - Finesse, Light, Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this is a simple riding crop outfitted to be useful as a weapon. You gain +2 to your attack rolls against beasts.

Brazen Cestus - 13 gp, 1 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Unarmed.

Unarmed Slashing Damage - Finesse, Light, Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this bladed, brass gauntlet covers the knuckles of the wielder.

Flamed Knife - 10 gp, 2 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Dagger.

1d4 Piercing - Finesse, Light, Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this dagger has a flamed blade, making it ideal for opening lasting wounds. Every consecutive attack you make with this weapon against a single enemy, without missing, adds +1 to the damage modifier (Max. 5).

Parrying Dagger - 20 gp, 2 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Dagger.

1d4 Piercing - Finesse, Light, Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this dagger has a short, cylindrical blade and a handguard with raised ends, making it ideal for deflecting attacks. You need 15 Dexterity to wield this weapon properly. If you have proficiency with this weapon, and you're wielding it, you can add half your proficiency modifier to your AC (up to 18).

Hunting Ax - 16 gp, 4 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Hand Axe.

1d6 Slashing - Finesse, Light, Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this weapon takes the form of an axe with the edge divided in the middle into two convex parts, as well as a pinewood and leather handle. This weapon's base damage is 1d8 when striking an enemy under the effect of Hunter's Mark, whether you were the caster or not.

Cut Musket - 17 gp, 4 lb

Martial weapon, Ranged weapon, Firearm.

1d6 Piercing - Light, Loaded, Ammunition (180), Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this musket has been adapted to fit one hand, looking like a basic flintlock with a longer and thinner barrel. You suffer no penalties for firing this weapon in short range.

Sawback Crossbow - 15 gp, 7 lb

Martial weapon, Ranged weapon, Crossbow.

1d8 Piercing - Heavy, Two-handed, Loaded, Ammunition (60/240), Special

Commonly utilized by Iberians and Baalvarion, this weapon takes the form of a regular pinewood crossbow with a sawback bayonet attached to the front. You can use an action to attack a large or smaller enemy within 5 Ft of you with the bayonet. They must succeed at a (DC 8 + prof + Str modifier) Str saving throw or be pushed back 5Ft away from you. Whether they succeed or not, they take 1d6 piercing damage.

Khanjar - 19 gp, 2 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Dagger.

1d4 Slashing - Finesse, Light, Special

Commonly utilized by Moirai, this dagger presents a curved edge, making it ideal for slashing. If you are proficiency with this weapon, you can utilize your Charisma modifier for the attack roll instead of Dexterity or Strength.

Naboot - 10 gp, 4 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Quarterstaff.

1d8 Bludgeoning - Reach, Special

Commonly utilized by Moirai, this quarterstaff is composed of palm wood, with numberous Moirai carvings throughout its length. If you strike a single creature three times in a single turn, they are Stunned until the start of their turn.

Palm Gun - 16 gp, 3 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Firearm.

1d6 Piercing - Light, Loaded, Ammunition (30/120), Special

Commonly utilized by Moirai, this is a gun, crafted from oakwood and brass, and small enough to fit inside a hand. You have advantage on Sleight Of Hand checks made to hide this weapon.

Desert Boltcaster - 14 gp, 7 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Crossbow.

1d6 Piercing - Two-handed, Loaded, Ammunition (60/180), Special

Commonly utilized by Moirai, this crossbow features a smaller size than several others, composed of light palmwood and presenting Moirai carvings along the handle. If you move 20 ft. or more, you can fire a shot right away as a bonus action.

Steel Flyssa - 12 gp, 4 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Shortsword.

1d6 Slashing - Light, Finesse, Special

Commonly utilized by Moirai, this shortsword has a slightly curved edge and a needle-sharp point. You can make an attack against an enemy within 10 ft. of you with this weapon. If the attack hits, you deal piercing damage instead of slashing.

Shamshir - 16 gp, 5 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Scimitar.

1d8 Slashing - Finesse, Versatile (1d10), Special

Commonly utilized by Moirai, this scimitar has a heavily curved blade, making it rather unfit for stabbing. Nevertheless, when it comes to attacking opponents on a mount, few things compare.

Bronze Sagaris - 14 gp, 5 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Battleaxe.

1d8 Slashing - Versatile (1d10), Special

Commonly utilized by Moirai, this axe presents a large bladed disk for a head, earning it some comparisons to maces. If a Small sized creature attacks a Medium or Large creature and hits, the target's movement speed is reduced by 10 ft.

Bandit's Blunderbuss - 20 gp, 6 lb

Martial weapon, Ranged weapon, Firearm.

Xd6 Piercing - Two-handed, Ammunition (30/180), Special

Commonly utilized by Moirai, this shotgun has a pinewood stock and a large brass barrel. This weapon fires all that's loaded into it every shot, dealing 1d6 damage for each loaded piece of ammunition (Max 5). As such, it can only be fired once before requiring a reload. This weapon can be loaded once as an action or as a bonus action.

Clip-Shot - 16 gp, 4 lb

Martial weapon, Ranged weapon, Firearm.

1d8 Piercing - Two-handed, Loaded, Ammunition (60/240), Special

Commonly utilized by Moirai, this rifle presents an oakwood stock and an engraved steel barrel. If you make an attack against a creature under this weapon's effective range, you make it without adding any modifier instead of with disadvantage.

Sandstalker Pistol - 20 gp, 5 lb

Martial weapon, Ranged weapon, Firearm.

1d4 Piercing - Light, Loaded, Ammunition (80/320), Special

Commonly utilized by Moirai, this pistol has been crafted with a rather jumpy firing mechanism and a very sensitive trigger. If a creature within the weapon's effective range is targeted by a melee attack, you can spend your reaction to fire at the attacker. Whether you hit or miss, you impose disadvantage on the attack. You cannot do this if you've attacked with this weapon during this turn.

Incenser - 7 gp, 4 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Whip.

1d6 Bludgeoning - Reach, Special

Commonly utilized by Rhopalo, this weapon takes the form of a cast iron incenser with poisonous herbs burning within it. Your attacks deal 1 point of poison damage, whether they hit or not.

Hand Scythe - 10 gp, 3 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Sickle.

1d4 Slashing - Light, Finesse, Special

Commonly utilized by Tealach, this peculiar sickle presents a lengthier blade than others. While you're wielding this weapon, you have advantage on checks made to gather herbs, mushrooms or other vegetables.


Rare - Mundane

Bandit's Side Dagger - 27 gp, 3 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Dagger.

1d4 Slashing - Light, Finesse, Special

A dagger often wielded by bandits, its curved shape allows for fine cuts with a few quick turns of the wrist. This weapon deals 1d8 Slashing damage when used to attack as part of an Attack of Opportunity.

Barbed Club - 30 gp, 5 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Club.

1d4 Bludgeoning - Light, Special

A metallic club bearing countless spikes on its head. Often utilized by Wretches and Gaur during their encounters. If you would make an attack with advantage, you can lose said advantage and instead increase this weapon's damage to 1d8.

Notched Javelin - 30 gp, 5 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Javelin.

1d6 Piercing - Thrown (30/120), Special

A peculiar javelin bearing notches at either side of the blade, claimed to greatly aid in keeping the weapon's momentum. When you hit a creature by throwing this weapon, if your Strength score is higher than either their Constitution or Strength score, they are pushed back 10 ft.; and if it is higher than both, they are knocked prone.

Sandstalker Shortbow - 35 gp, 3 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Shortbow.

1d6 Piercing - Ammunition (60/320), Two-handed, Special

Brought from the desert by the Moirai, this bow is very appropriately built according to their size, which can make it hard to handle for larger hands. If you're Medium sized or smaller, you suffer no penalties when firing this bow at short range, and can ignore 3/4 cover.

Seafarer's Arbalest - 25 gp, 2 lb

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Hand Crossbow.

1d6 Piercing - Ammunition (30/120), Light, Special

The result of a partnership between Aecorians and Thimeans, this crossbow has been built to be equally as useful above and under water. When firing this weapon above water, its max range is increased to 320. When firing this weapon underwater, you gain advantage on the attack.

Channeled Greatsword - 40 gp, 10 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Greatsword.

1d12 Slashing - Versatile (2d6)

A sizable greatsword with a hollow channel around its core, for the purposes of making it lighter and easier to wield.

Ropera - 32 gp, 5 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Rapier.

1d8 Piercing - Finesse, Special

A lengthy rapier with a steel wristguard that can be incredibly powerful in the hands of a skilled fencer. Once per turn, when you make an attack with advantage, you can make a second attack right after it as part of the same action, this one without advantage.

Magnetite Catchpole - 45 gp, 14 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Halberd.

1d10 Slashing - Heavy, Reach, Two-handed, Special

A catchpole with a circular, bladed head, capable of opening and closing thanks to a magnetite mechanism in the handle. As an action, you can try and grab a medium or smaller enemy on reach with the catchpole. To succeed, you must win an Athletics check against one of their own. They then become grappled until they succeed in an Athletics check against your Strength score. You become unable to attack with this weapon as long as you're holding an enemy. To move you must succeed an athletics check against the grappled enemy's. On success you are able to move both yourself and the enemy up to your movement speed. On a fail, you can move yourself and the enemy up to half your movement speed.

Scraping Battleaxe - 45 gp, 14 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Battleaxe.

1d8 Bludgeoning - Heavy, Versatile (1d10), Special

An uncanny axe sporting small, curved spikes all throughout the head. Whenever you hit an armored creature, whether it is Natural or Artificial, they permanently lose 2 AC. A single creature can only lose 2 AC from this effect.


Very Rare - Mundane

Springtrap Longspear - 65 gp, 6 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Longsword/Spear.

1d8 Slashing - Versatile (1d10), Special

1d6 Piercing - Finesse, Reach, Special

This weapon takes the form of a regular steel longsword with a strange mechanism on the handle. Upon triggering this mechanism, the weapon goes from a shortsword into a spear, the handle extending to increase the weapon's reach.

Magnetized Whip - 65 gp, 5 lb

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Rapier/Whip.

1d8 Piercing - Finesse, Special

1d6 Slashing - Finesse, Reach, Special

This weapon takes the form of a whip composed of bladed plates attached to each other through the use of magnets, with a cylindrical woodden pommel. The pommel has a mechanism that, when triggered, straightens the whip's blade into something akin to a rapier.


Uncommon - Mundane

Craneal Shield - 2 gp, 1 lbs

Armor, Shield.

AC +2

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this shield has been crafted from the faceplate of a large creature. Any hostile creatures that can see you while you're wielding this shield have disadvantage on rolls made to resist the Frightened condition.

Chained Targe - 2 gp, 4 lbs

Armor, Shield.

AC +2

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this shield is compossed of a simple wooden plate, covered by four hefty chains, all converging in the middle. When you Shield Bash an enemy with this shield, they take an additional 1d6 + (Str modifier) Bludgeoning damage.

Silver Platter - 20 gp, 1 lbs

Armor, Shield.

AC +1

Commonly utilized by Peccarian Wretches, this shield is made from a common silver plate with straps tied around it. Marginally useful in battle, but it grants you an extra +2 AC when being attacked by an undead creature.

Peccarian Bone Armor - 10 gp, 5 lbs

Armor, Light Armor.

AC 8 + Strength & Constitution modifiers

Showing an uncanny quality of craftsmanship, this armor is let down by the shoddy materials with which it's been built, often leaving more to the wearer's own physique than the moderarely sturdy patchwork of bones utilized as protection. The fact that it's rather revealing certainly doesn't help matters either.

Iberian Mail - 27 gp, 20 lbs

Armor, Medium Armor.

AC 14 + Dexterity modifier (Max. 4)

Crafted en masse to support those populating the lower ranks in the Iberian army, it's a rather unoriginal, if effective, piece of equipment. Due to how much Iberians favor mobility, however, the legs are for the most part uncovered. This armor imposes disadvantage on Stealth checks unless your feet are hooves.

Basilian Half-plate - 30 gp, 25 lbs

Armor, Medium Armor.

AC 13 + Constitution modifier (Max. 2)

While this piece is somewhat more expensive than some alternatives, it doesn't offer as much protection as several others would. This, like any other piece of equipment issued by the Council of Retama, has been built "by Basilians for Basilians". As such, it's no wonder they are among the few to make good and proper use of this sort of armor. If you're an Apocryph, you gain +1 AC while wearing this armor.

Aecorian Scale - 20 gp, 10 lbs

Armor, Light Armor.

AC 11 + Dexterity modifier

An uncanny sort of armor utilized by Aecorian fishers. Despite its lightness, it's very well suited for maritime battles. The netting that forms it allows it to not become cumbersome underwater, and the sea dragon scales provide decent protection without weighing down the rest of the set. You gain 10 extra ft. of swimming speed while wearing this armor.

Kondrath Pelts - 30 gp, 18 lbs

Armor, Medium Armor.

AC 14 + Dexterity modifier (Max. 3)

Worn by many Kondrath, not only due to tradition, but also due to its deceptive resistance. While the pelts might not necessarily be able to handle a well placed strike, the chainmail they cover will. Adding to that is the hefty protection they provide to the harsh cold of their homeland. While you're wearing this armor, you gain resistance to extreme cold as is described in chapter 5 of the DMG.

Mastodon's Armor - 75 gp, 40 lbs

Armor, Heavy Armor.

AC 17

A strange, yet incredibly useful armor worn by the largest and most experienced among the Peccarian Wretches. It's composed from scavenged pieces of armor, giving it quite the ragtag look, with any cracks and broken seams covered up with small, oakwood roundel shields. While on hand-to-hand combat, it's not that useful, it's primarily designed to keep their wearers safe from ranged attackers until they get a chance to move in upclose. This armor's AC is considered 19 against ranged weapon attacks.


Common - Magic

Sandstalker Weapon

Ranged weapon, Minor tier

Any ammunition fired by this weapon leaves a trail of sandy, amber particles behind it. These weapons were utilized by Moirai Sandstalkers during sandstorms to disorient their opponents.

Chordian Weapon

Generic variant, Minor tier

These weapons emit a faint hum that grows more notable when the wielder is in danger.

Mage's Eye Weapon

Generic variant, Minor tier

Weapon's enchanted with a small gemstone called a "Mage's Eye". Whoever touched the weapon last will always have an innate knowledge of where it's located.


Uncommon - Magic

Tainted Chalice - 4 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Special.

1d6 Acid - Reach

This peculiar weapon takes the form of a silver chalice with encrusted jewels. The chalice is always full of a thick, dark purple fluid, and any amount that is drained will be restored instantly. Attacking with this weapon consists on splashing the liquid on the body of the target, making them gain weight equal to the damage they have taken. You can use either Wis or Cha modifiers, instead of Str, for the attack and damage rolls. Alternatively, you can take a bonus action to take a sip of the chalice. Upon doing so, roll a 1d4.

Result Effect
1 Gain 1d6 HP and Weight
2 Gain 1d6 Lbs
3 Gain 1d6 Lbs
4 Take 1d6 Acid damage & Weight

Apocryphan Weapon

Melee weapon, Major tier, Requires attunement

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Weapons crafted with an old apocryph enchantment, said to invoke the spirit of Apofis herself. When you make an attack with this weapon, you can speak the command word to turn the blade or head into a snake until the end of your attack. If you do so, the attack deals exclusively Poison damage and has a 25% chance to inflict the Poisoned condition on the target.

Krosian Weapon

Generic variant, Major tier, Requires attunement

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Krosia was once known as one of the more contentious stars. A narcissistic liar, but always more self-serving than egotistical. Many of the tales involving her speak of her countless attempts at manipulating others to do her bidding. For better and worse.

Curse: These weapons take the form of regular steel weapons. The curse doesn't trigger until the wielder lands one critical miss or three misses in a row. This applies to skill checks, saves and attacks. Once the curse is active, the wielder is compelled to keep the weapon with them at all times, and are unwilling to part with it. While attuned to this weapon, you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with weapons other than this one.

While this weapon is in your person, you gain weight equal to the damage you take, regardless of the source.

You can break the curse in the usual ways. The weapon then becomes a +1 weapon with no other properties.

Moonlure Weapon

Generic variant, Major tier, Requires attunement

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

It's said that certain moonglass weapons bear the glow of its devious mother, an alluring sheen that erodes the mind of those who stare at it for too long.

Curse: These weapons take the form of regular Moonglass weapons. The curse doesn't trigger until the first night you're wielding this weapon. You begin to hear faint whispers all around you, which can easily break your concentration. You have disadvantage on Wisdom and Concentration saves, and if you are resistant to charms, you lose that resistance.

You can break the curse in the usual ways. The weapon then becomes a +1 weapon with no other properties.


Rare - Magic

Gilded Mace - 7 lbs

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Mace.

1d8 Bludgeoning - Versatile (1d10), Heavy

This weapon takes the form of a large ball-pane hammer anointed with a holy seal in its face. This weapon deals all its damage modifiers as Radiant damage, and it doubles the damage added by modifiers when striking an undead creature.

Althanic Weapon

Ranged weapon, Major tier, Requires attunement

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Althanis, who once upon a time titled himself as the "Star Of Arbitration" is one of the four stars said to have made their way into Retama's Underneath, a hellish plane located somewhere under the region. Weapons bearing his mark have no minimum range, and their max range is increased by 120 ft. Once per turn, when you make an attack with this weapon, you can speak its command word. If the target of the attack has damaged you or your allies in the previous round, you can make the attack with advantage, adding an extra damage dice as lightning damage.

Morabian Weapon

Generic variant, Major tier, Requires attunement

You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Morabia, once a star associated with fertility, was among the first to attempt to wreack havoc on Retama upon her fall. Now known as "The Mother Of Chains", while Morabia's stories are remembered with fondness, she herself is not.

Curse: These weapons can take the form of any enchanted weapons. The curse does not become active until you attune to the weapon. Once you do, the weapon binds itself to you, and cannot be removed by any means short of a Wish. You gain three times as much DP from any sources, and cannot lose weight as long as your DP is positive.

You can break the curse in the usual ways. The weapon then becomes a +1 weapon with no other properties.


Very Rare - Magic

Reclaimer - 6 lbs

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Flail.

1d8 Bludgeoning

A peculiar flail, bearing three spiked heads at the end of three sturdy chains. All tied to a flaking earthspine handle, kept together with bandages. Once per turn, you can strike yourself with the Reclaimer, taking 1d8 Bludgeoning damage. For the next attack, you deal an extra 2d8 damage.

Black Iron Hammer - 8 lbs

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Mace.

1d8 Bludgeoning - Heavy

A mace crafted from black iron, bearing a hollow head, where a flame rages. Whenever you strike an enemy, you deal 1d6 extra fire damage. If the flame gets snuffed out, this weapon deals that damage as necrotic instead. You can turn on the fire again as an action, provided you have the appropriate materials or spells able to light fires.

Waning Moon Sword - 3 lbs

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Scimitar.

1d8 Slashing - Finesse

A luna ore sword with a heavily curved blade that resembles a waning moon. You can use Strength, Dexterity or Charisma for attack and damage rolls. On top of that, whenever you attack an enemy, and provided you have movement left, as part of the attack you can move up to half your speed in any direction without provoking attacks of opportunity. If this movement leaves you within 5 ft. of a different enemy, you can use your Bonus action to attack it.

Old Boy's Hammer - 3 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Small Hammer.

1d6 Bludgeoning - Light, Thrown (20/40)

This weapon takes the form of a rather basic steel-headed claw hammer, with the handle made of pinewood, sporting bloodied bandages at the base. If either you or your target is below 50% health, this hammer deals 1d8 damage instead. If both you and your target are below 50% health, this hammer deals 1d12 damage instead.

Snowpiercer's Axe - 3 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Handaxe.

1d6 Bludgeoning - Light, Thrown (20/40)

This weapon takes the form of a simple handaxe with the head locked onto the handle by leather and fabric strips. The handle itself is composed of black iron, with several tally marks at the base. If either you or your target is over 50% health, this axe deals 1d8 damage instead. If both you and your target are over 50% health, this axe deals 1d12 damage instead.

Moonblight Weapon

Melee Weapon, Major tier

You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.

Certain luna ores carry with them a venom, perpetuated among the stars since the first day they stood in the firmament. A poison they had no reason to worry about thanks to their divine status. Now, though, it has started to catch up to many of them.

Curse: These weapons take the form of regular luna weapons. The curse does not become active until the first night after you've equipped this weapon. Every night, you swell with Moonberry juice until your bulk level reaches the halfway mark between Impeded and Immobile. While in this state, you cannot lose weight through any sources, nor lighten your load by taking in air nor cultivating muscle. Your attire does not grow with you, and your body constantly secretes Moonberry juice. When sun rises again, you lose 90% of the weight you gained, the remaining 10% staying as harmless fat. Until the curse is broken, you're unwilling to part with the weapon.

You can break the curse in the usual ways. The weapon then becomes a +2 weapon with no other properties.


Legendary - Magic

Iberia's Estoc - 3 lbs

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Rapier.

1d12 Piercing - Finesse, Reach

Whether this is a facsimile, or the actual weapon once wielded by Iberia, nobody really knows. One thing that is certain is that the power it holds is undeniable. When you're wielding this weapon, whenever you use a reaction, you can make an attack against any creatures in range as a free action right after. On top of that, if an enemy attacks you and misses, you gain advantage on all attacks made against it for the next round.

Desert's Shout - 3 lbs

Martial weapon, Melee weapon, Firearm.

2d8 Bludgeoning - Heavy, Two-handed, Loaded, Ammunition (30/120)

Brought by the Moirai, this is what remains of the galleons that used to fight in the sandseas of the far north. A cannon easily the size of an adult Baalvarion, it's mouth is fashioned after the head of a strange creature, bearing a halo around its circumference. If you have 20 Strength or lower, you fire this weapon with disadvantage. Otherwise, whenever you fire this weapon and land a hit, all creatures within a 10 ft. radius of the point of impact must make a Dexterity saving throw ot take the attack's damage as fire damage. If you've targeted a creature whose body is larger than 5 square ft., they must make the Dexterity saving throw once, multiplying the damage they have taken from this attack by how much of them is within a 10 ft. radius.

Morabia's Bindings - 3 lbs

Simple weapon, Melee weapon, Whip.

1d8 Slashing - Finesse, Reach

One of the chains that Morabia left on this plain during her rampage, before being banished to Retama's Underneath. When you attack with this weapon, after dealing damage, you can attempt to restrain the target as part of the same action, provided they are a Large or smaller creature. For this Athletics contest, you can utilize your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier. If you win this contest, the enemy is permanently restrained for 3 rounds, and only after that can they attempt to break their bindings. If you attack an enemy that is restrained, regardless of what might be restraining them, any hits are considered to be critical hits.


Common - Magic

Sandstalker Armor

Light Armor, Minor tier

Armor bearing this Moirai enchantment produces a constant emission of sandy dust, which aided the Moirai Sandstalkers remain obscured during sandstorms.

Fumos Armor

Heavy armor, Minor tier

Fumos is a natural magical enchantment applied to materials obtained from locations where the three stars of the Lovers are said to have landed. They emit a trail of faint, grey wisps, akin to the thin flames produced by the spell "Galia's Blackfire".


Uncommon - Magic

Armor of the Psychic Mark

Generic variant, Major tier, Requires attunement

You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

Bearing ancient Kondrath sigils and enchantments, these types of armors provide resistance to Psychic damage, as well as granting the wearer 1 Psy point at the start of the day.

Ananthic Armor

Light & Medium Armor, Major tier, Requires attunement

You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

Ananthe was one of the many stars that fell, once located in a distant part of the firmament, completely absent of stars in its proximity. Many of his tales tell of a clumsy child, unable to accept any good will and ultimately squandering it, albeit never with ill intent.

Curse: These armors take the form of regular Silverblack armors. The curse doesn't trigger until the first night you're wearing this armor. If you would gain HP from a spell or another magical effect, all the HP you would've regained is instead added to you as fat.

You can break the curse in the usual ways. The armor then becomes a +1 armor with no other properties.


Rare - Magic

Antidratic Armor

Medium & Heavy armor, Major tier, Requires attunement

You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

The armor bears an uncanny pattern of rhomboid grooves. If this armor breaks for any reason or is disintegrated, it splinters into hundreds of small, metallic rhomboids. These shapes will orbit around your body, automatically moving to wherever you'd be struck next, allowing you to maintain your AC. This effect remains only as long as you're attuned to this armor or you put on a different suit of armor.

Armor Of Mylos

Medium & Heavy armor, Major tier, Requires attunement

You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

Mylos, also known as the "Star Of The Speaker", was a silver tongued one, and rather shameless as well. Most of the tales involving him present him as a lecherous pervert with very few redeeming qualities.

Curse: These armors take the form of any enchanted armors. The curse does not become active until you take damage. Your armor instantly shatters into metallic hexagons that will orbit around your body, allowing you to maintain your AC. While the curse is active, you cannot wear any other type of clothing, armor set or accessory, such as boots, gauntlets or capes. If you try to do so, the metallic fragments will tear the new equipment to tatters. Until the curse is broken, you cannot take off this armor.

You can break the curse in the usual ways. The armor then becomes a +1 armor with no other properties.


Very Rare - Magic

Stasis Armor

Generic variant, Major tier, Requires attunement

You have a +1 bonus to AC while wearing this armor.

Crafted from a mixture of Retama's most uncanny materials, and enchanted to ensure usability, this armor places the wearer in a state of partial stasis. While you're wearing this armor, the flow of time affects you differently. Your age expectancy is doubled, you gain advantage in rolls made to resist conditions or diseases, you take no falling damage, and your max health cannot be reduced.


Legendary - Magic

Baral's Half-Plate

Medium armor, Major tier, Requires attunement

AC: 15 + Str modifier

Baral wasn't a known fighter, but he was nevertheless given an armor by the Star Of The Spring. Enchanted with her kindness and good will, when you attune this armor to you, you can chose one of your ability score modifiers. Whenever you take damage, you can spend your reaction to regain HP equal to half the damage dealt. You can use this feature a number of times equal to the ability score you chose when attuning this armor.

Iberia's Legendary Quilt

Light armor, Major tier, Requires attunement

AC: 10 + Dex modifier + Prof

Iberia's quilted armor was crafted by herself, and while at the start it was a rather unspecial armor, it's often said that her many feats ended up imbuing the armor with some of her greatness. Tinted a deep red and with a mark she created for herself embroidered by hand, once per turn when you land a critical hit, you regain 30 ft. of movement, as well as a second action and bonus action and a reaction if you had spent it.

Starchart Armor

Heavy armor, Major tier, Requires attunement

AC: 22

It's hard to say exactly who crafted this armor, but the fact that it has remained impolute after all these years is a testament to its masterful craftsmanship. It presents a detailed engraving of Retama's old night sky in both its front and its back. You are immune to radiant and necrotic damage. When you attune to this armor, you can increase all bonuses provided by a single ability score modifier of your choosing by half (rounded up). To benefit from this effect you must be wearing this armor.

Mundane Items

Aecorian Fire - 2 gp, 1 Lb

Adventuring Gear

Clay balls filled with a mixture of explosive materials and oil. For the purposes of attacking, this item counts as an Improvised Weapon. You can make a ranged attack roll against an enemy. If it hits, they take 1d8 fire damage, plus an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to your Dexterity modifier. This item can also be counted as ammunition for the Sling.

Pot of Oil - 1 gp, 1 Lb

Adventuring Gear

Clay balls filled with a particularly flammable oil. For the purposes of attacking, this item counts as an Improvised Weapon. You can make a ranged attack roll against an enemy. If it hits, they take 1d8 + Dex modifier Bludgeoning damage, and the target is drenched in oil until they wash themselves off. While a target is drenched in oil, they take double the amount of Fire damage. Alternatively, if they have resistance to fire, they just lose said resistance. In either case, they gain weight equal to the damage dealt. This effect also applies whenever they take fire damage. This item can also be counted as ammunition for the Sling.

Corrosive Bomb - 5 gp, 1 Lb

Adventuring Gear

A translucent glass bottle holding a murky amber liquid within. For the purposes of attacking, this item counts as an Improvised Weapon. You can make a ranged attack roll against an enemy. If it hits, they take 1d8 Acid damage, plus an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to your Dexterity modifier. The target gains weight equal to the amount of Acid damage dealt, and loses 1 AC for the rest of the encounter. This item can also be counted as ammunition for the Sling.

Noxious Pot - 3 gp, 1 Lb

Adventuring Gear

A thick, shoddily crafted pot, containing poisonous gasses. For the purposes of attacking, this item counts as an Improvised Weapon. You can make a ranged attack roll against an enemy. If it hits, they take an amount of Bludgeoning damage equal to your Dexterity modifier. A cloud of poison forms within a 10 ft. radius of the target, dealing 1d4 damage to any creatures that start their turn in or enter the area. The cloud dissipates after 1 minute or when a gust of wind blows it away. This item can also be counted as ammunition for the Sling.

Magic Items


Brightmurk Lantern

Wondrous Item, 6 Lbs

Crafted and utilized by Tealach, this lantern is composed of cast iron with a core of brightmurk. This weapon sheds bright light in a 20 ft. radius and dim light in a 20 ft. radius beyond that. This item is constantly emitting light, and even if the lantern breaks, its brightmurk core will continue to emit light. This lantern has 3 charges. You can spend 1 charge to summon a CR0 Beast-type creature. The creature is neither hostile nor friendly, and it disappears after 1 hour.

Wanderer's Map

Wondrous Item, 0.2 Lb

A set of maps depicting different parts of Retama, or Retama as a whole. They all feature a very notable red mark, sometimes in the shape of an X or a circle. The shape's position on the map corresponds to the map's position, and thus the person that carries it.


Wondrous Item, 3 Lbs

A clay pot, featuring scale-like markings on its side, of obvious Apocryph design. Breaking this pot through any means creates a source of light for 1 hour. It sheds bright light in a 30 ft. radius and dim light in a 20 ft. radius beyond that, with the light being a deep orange color.


Wondrous Item, 0.5 Lbs

A small, circular stone of a pale tone. It's surface is perfectly smooth and free from imperfections. You can rub it on your skin to remove any imperfections you might have, such as scars, freckles, moles, zits and such. They break after one use.

Orb Of Communion

Wondrous Item, 5 Lbs

This item resembles a palm-sized glass orb, of a deep green color. This item has 3 charges, visible within the orb as 3 bright spots. You can spend 1 charge to immediately commune with someone. Their face appears in the orb, and though you can hear what they are saying, they cannot respond. To do this, you must know the full name of your target, or their first name and have a personal belonging. This item breaks if all the charges are expended. This item regains all charges at dawn.

Dieting Pot

Wondrous Item, 3-10 Lbs

A regular clay pot presenting a painting of leaves and grass around it. Any food stored in this pot for over 1 minute becomes Slimming, regardless of its original category. The pot can hold an amount of food equal to its weight.

Philanderer's Lens

Wondrous Item, 0.7 Lbs

A monocle with a lens bearing a faint amber coloration. Whenever you look through this monocle, you are able to see through up to two layers of fabrics, hides, leathers or pelts. This item cannot see through metals, rocks or woods.

Star Shard

Wondrous Item

A small piece of a vibrating, bright material. Not enough to shed light in any significant radius. As an action, you can toss the star shard at an enemy. Once it's loose, it will turn itself into a small magic bolt, dealing 1d4 force damage to whichever creature you threw it at.


Wondrous Item, 2-6 Lbs

A clump of grease, held together with a weak enchantment. You can rub this against your skin to gain the effects of the Oil Up spell for 1 minute. You gain an amount of weight equal to this item's Lbs when its effect ends.

Ammo Pipe

Wondrous Item, 1-5 Lbs

A strange, metallic shaft able to fit firearm ammunition inside of it. The amount it can fit is equal to 10x the weight of the item. Placing ammo inside of the item does not increase the weight of the item.

Restorative Balm

Wondrous Item, 1 Lbs

A sticky, viscous balm that fixes damages in any non-organic object. It's able to fix weapons and armor as effectively as cracked tiles or broken windows. To be able to properly apply it, the damage must be small enough for the balm to cover it.

Skimmed Baalvarion Milk

Potion, 1 Lbs

Baalvarion milk, treated after production to lengthen the amout of time it'll take to expire. Drinking it heals 2d4 + Constitution modifier HP and regains an amount of HP equal to half that ammount.

Full Baalvarion Milk

Potion, 1 Lbs

Baalvarion milk, treated after production to lengthen the amout of time it'll take to expire. Drinking it yields 2d4 + Constitution modifier DP and regains an amount of HP equal to that ammount.

Sneezing Powder

Wondrous Item, 1 Lbs

A small leather sack containing 1d4+1 charges of a spicy, stinging dust. You can chuck 1 charge at a creature within a 30 ft. cone as an action or bonus action. The target must pass a DC13 Constitution saving throw or be overpowered by a sneezing fit, being considered Stunned until the start of their next turn.

Magic Items


Red Key

Wondrous Item, 0.5 Lbs

A cast iron key bearing a deep coloration, as well as a long, sharp spike on its head. This key can open any lock, but to do so, you must stab your palm with the key's spike, taking 1d6+4 Piercing damage. After using this key once, the spike breaks, rendering it useless.

Bottled Warmth

Potion, 2 Lbs

A small, green glass bottle holding a warm, orange fluid with an oily texture. When you drink this potion, you regain HP equal to 4d4 + Your Con modifier. You also gain an amount of weight equal to the HP regained.

RAMAS Emblem

Ring, Requires attunement

A signet ring bearing the emblem of the "Retama Academy of Magic, Arts & Sciences", granted to all the spellcasters that graduate. While you are wearing this ring, whenever you are forced to make a concentration save, you can use your spellcasting modifier instead of your Constitution.

Sandstalker cloak

Wondrous item, Requires attunement

A short, amber cape bearing Moirai patterns. This item has 3 charges. You can spend one to cast the "Misty Step" on yourself, creating a small sandstorm instead of mist. Whenever you use this effect, you lose an amount of weight equal to one of your hit dice. On top of that, while you are wearing this cloak, your sight cannot be impeded by sand, dust or smoke. If you spend all 3 charges, this item loses all of its properties. It regains all charges at dawn.

Kondrath Markings

Wondrous item, Tatoo

Several curved shapes, painted directly on the skin or fur of the one attuning to them with a pale green paint. It's said these pigments help in enhancing the psionic potential of anyone. When you recieve these markings, you gain access to 2 Psychic talents, and you can cast them up to 2 times a day each. To cast these talents, you must use either your Wisdom or Intelligence, and any required saving throw follows the base formula (8 + Spellcasting mod + Prof).

Magic Items


Crown Of The Harvest

Wondrous Item, Requires attunement

An uncanny circlet, composed of brass and white gold, said to be something left by the Star Of The Spring after she fell from the firmament. This circlet has 4 charges. You can expend one charge to make the ground around you fertile, and force plants to grow. The plants can be grown anywhere within a 50 ft. radius, anywhere you can see. The plants grown can be edible fruits, thorned bushes, climbable vines, or grasping roots. If you spend all 4 charges, the item loses its magical abilities for 10 years, and they cannot be regained by any means short of a wish. You regain 1d4 charges at dawn.

Banishment Crest

Wondrous Item, Requires attunement

A strange metal crest, with a peculiar shape, composed of 3 concentric circles, the smaller ones floating within the circumference of the others through magical means. Whenever you would be forcibly banished or pulled to a different plane, one of the circles in the crest disappears in your stead. The circle remains gone for 24 hours, and returns at the end of that cycle. If you trigger the effect of this amulet a 4th time, the amulet disappears and you lose your attunement to it.

Fresh Moonberry

Food, 1 Lb

Freshly picked Moonberry, a juicy, periwinkle colored fruit. Eating this item restores your HP by 2d12 + Your Constitution score. After eating it, you must pass a DC15 Constitution saving throw (DC20 at night), becoming afflicted with the Moonblight curse if you fail.

Dried Moonberry Bits

Food, 1 Lb

Conserved slices of Moonberry. Eating this item restores your HP by 2d10 + Your Constitution modifier (Min. 1). After eating it, you must make a DC15 Constitution saving throw, gaining weight equal to double the amount of HP you've regained on a fail. If you succeed, you gain weight equal to half the amount healed instead.


Food, 2 Lb

A smooth, plump, white hand filling fruit. Despite its appearance, it has a rather dry texture once bitten into. Eating this item restores your HP by 2d8 HP as well as curing any conditions you're suffering from, and you inflate with both air and liquid by an amount equal to double the health regained.

Bottled Frost

Potion, 1 Lb

A small, pale blue glass bottle, holding a cold periwinkle fluid with a syrupy texture. When you drink this potion, you regain one spell slot of 1 level below your proficiency modifier. You also gain an amount of weight equal to 2d4 x The level of the spell slot regained.

Burden Of The Mighty

Wondrous item, Requires attunement

An item that appears as a regular cloth, leather or iron belt.

Curse: This item is cursed. Attuning to it curses, but you can remove the belt. Removing the belt doesn't remove the curse, it can only be removed by breaking the belt with your own bulk, or by using "Remove Curse" on it while it's unequipped. While you are attuned to the belt, you gain 10% of your base weight every hour, with the number jumping to 20% if you have removed the belt.

Removing this item's curse turns it into a regular belt with no properties.

Band of Lightness

Ring, Requires attunement

This ring is composed of three separate silver rings, held together by very fragile colden strings. While you're wearing this ring, your weight is reduced to its previous bulk level. If your bulk level is the base, your weight reverts to your base weight. If you remove this ring, you revert to your actual weight. If this ring breaks, you revert to your actual weight, and gain the difference between your actual weight and your weight while under the effects of the ring. This ring breaks whenever you take damage from a critical hit.

Magic Items

Very Rare

Sack of Consumption

Wondrous Item, Requires attunement

Though it might appear as a regular burlap sack at first, it bears three marks sewn in red, black and orange string, those being the base for its magic. When you're attuned to this item, all the contents inside the sack are considered to be inside your stomach, and are digested over time. Due to the magical conduit, you only obtain DP equal to a 10th of the weight of the sack's contents once digested.

Tainted Cowbell

Wondrous Item

This item looks like a regular, bronze cowbell until anyone touches it, point at which its curse triggers.

Curse: Upon touching this item, you are forcibly attuned to it, and it binds itself around your neck. The cowbell rings once every long or short rest. Whenever you take one, roll a 1d6 and apply the following effects. If the result is an effect you have already rolled, make the roll again or pick an effect yourself.

Roll Effect
1 You grow a pair of horns and bovine ears.
2 Your feet are turned into hooves.
3 You gain 2d100 Lbs and can speak with cows.
4 You grow patches of fur in your legs, arms and back.
5 Your face stretches outwards, becoming more bovine in appearance.
6 You gain 2d100 Lbs as well as the "Powerful Build" trait.

Once you've suffered all of the curse's effects, you simply gain weight equal to your level whenever it rings.

You can break the curse in the usual ways. The item then becomes a mundane cowbell with no other properties.

Star powder

Wondrous Item, 0.1 Lbs

A bright powder held within a small satchel. You can use an action to sprinkle this powder over you or a willing creature. After doing so, and for 1 Hour, the target's Wisdom score is considered to be 20 for saving throws, skill checks, and any other effects that would rely on it. At the end of the effect, the target gains 1 level of exhaustion.

Worldly Novella

Wondrous Item, Requires attunement, 2 Lbs

Uncanny books, often with empty pages or halfway written through. Bound in leather and with a clasp bearing a sizable, jeweled orb on it's cover. Many come with some relatively detailed descriptions of worlds and locations, though there's more than one with not a single page written.

When someone touches the jeweled orb on the cover when the book is closed, they are immediately teleported to the world described in the Novella's pages. They cannot leave the novella until the book's owner allows them to do so, or until the novella has ran out of pages. The book's owner can telepathically communicate with any creature inside their novella, and the creatures can communicate with the author through the same means. The author can determine the actions of characters in the novella, but not of any individual trapped in it by any means short of a wish.

The world present within the novella is entirely dependant on how it is described in its pages. A world with less detailed descriptions will look uncanny and cartoonish, while a world with lenghty and clear descriptions will appear almost real. Describing a world with esoteric terms, however, will create a mix between the two, resulting in a world with a deeply eldritch appearance. The author, or whoever owns the book, can write in the novel's pages during any short or long rests. Any creatures with a Wisdom score below 10 incur 1 Indefinite Madness if the world within the novella does not look believably realistic.

Magical Materials


A type of clay commonly seen in the southwest of Retama, among the swamplands. It absorbs light during the day, and glows brightly during the night, provided it has been unsheathed to allow for both scenarios. You can adorn the handle of a weapon, or pieces of armor, for 40GP each.


Palewood is an infrequent type of tree often found in high places, such as mountains or cliffs, rarely featuring any leafs, and with branches growing in fractal patterns. Likely to be a leftover of the fall of the stars. It's said the wood is naturally drawn to the sky, making any weapon crafted from it weight half as much, additionally removing the "Heavy" property from weapons that have it. You can outfit your weapon with a palewood handle for 60GP.


A jet black, and smooth material, presenting powerful electromagnetic field. Weapons can be outfitted with a fragmented magnetite edge, or handle, which increases the range of it by 10 ft. Alternatively, armors can be adorned with magnetite fittings, which allows metallic items that weight less than 1 Lb, and are within 5 ft. of the wearer, to attach themselves to the armor. If over 10 Lbs of metallic scrap attaches to it, the wearer gains 1 AC until the next attack that hits them. Both of these can be done for 75GP each.


Moonglass is composed from the leftovers of the lengthy refinement process Luna ore is subjected to. Despite its namesake, it's deceptively sturdy, being able to withstand roughly the same amount of punishment iron can, without being metal. It's a transparent material that glows faintly, making it visible almost exclusively in the dark. Attacks made with this weapon cannot be hindered by a reaction, unless both you and your target are in the dark. Your weapon can be outfitted with a head or edge of this material for 80GP.


Earthspines are strange phenomenons that manifest in areas where stars fell. Natural, enchanted alloys that surge from the ground in massive, flaked spikes. The shavings can be collected and refined into an incredibly tenacious material. If you're wielding an Earthspine weapon and no shields, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC to a max of 20. If there are multiple pieces of equipment providing an equal or similar benefit, you must chose between one of them. You can outfit your weapons with an earthspine edge or head for 80GP.


Luna ores are the result of a centuries old transformation, located only in the places where several stars fell. The powers that left these divinities after falling from the heavens filtered into the ground, and created this strange material. During the night, you regain one roll of your hit dice times your proficiency modifier Temporary HP. This effect triggers only once per night, and only if the moon is visible. You can give your weapons or armors Lunasteel decorations for 200GP.

Larkspur Pelt

Larkspurs are a type of beast that were born from the remains of a fallen star. They are hunted, and leather is produced from their hides. They are said to be able of imbuing energy into their wearers. Whenever you gain a level of Exhaustion, you can stave off its effects for up to 3 hours. You can craft armor or outfit your current armor with Larkspur pelt for 30GP.


Heavenstring are lengthy threads, composed of the pollen of palewood trees. They're known to coalesce into strings, capable of catching clouds, and they are believed to be the cause of the strange cloud formations on the skies of Retama. Any armors crafted with the addition of Heavenstring weight half as much, don't impose disadvantage on Stealth checks, don't impose any sort of movement penalties regardless of the terrain, and raise the wearer's bulk limits by 20 Lbs. You can weave heavenstring into your armor for 50GP.


Made of the strange, yet sturdy material, these armors are quite receptive to certain spells, and are able to amplify their power. Whenever you make a roll to regain HP, you gain temporary HP equal to the addition of both the highest and lowest rolls. You can put silverblack fittings in your armors for 75GP.


Lumenplate is the result of refining Weaverworm silk and mixing it with Luna ore. The end result tends to feature an intricate weave, parts of which glow eerily from time to time. This armor emits bright light in a 10 ft. radius and dim light in a 10 ft. radius beyond that. Your senses cannot be hindered while you're wearing this armor, meaning you are immune to blindness and deafness, and can see through magic darkness, fogs, clouds of smoke and other magical or non-magical effects that would obscure your view. You can outfit your armors with lumenplate for 100GP.


Racial Feats


Prerequisites: Peccarian Wretch

It's a common rite in Peccarian societies to feast after great battles, with the belief that the nutrition to be gained from the feast will heal the wounds of the combatants. While in any other situation, it'd be far fetched, the design of the Wretches makes it much less so:

  • Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Whenever you consume food, you regain HP equal to half the DP of the food you consumed.


Prerequisites: Peccarian Wretch

Living among dirt, filth, mud, and decay has the uncanny ability to grant you an ample variety of resistances if you do it for long enough. In the case of the Wretches, not only have the spent centuries, but they were also ready-made for those living conditions:

  • Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You cannot be poisoned from eating food, and you are resistant to diseases and the poisoned condition. Additionally, any damage you'd take from poisons of any kind is halved.


Prerequisites: Peccarian Wretch

While some people would describe a Wretch's body odor as disgusting, it usually isn't as bad as it's made out to be. Whenever it's present, though, it's an undeniably strong smell, even if not necessarily unpleasant:

  • Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have disadvantage on Persuasion checks, but you gain advantage on Intimidation checks. Additionally, you can utilize your Strength modifier instead of your Charisma when making Intimidation checks.


Prerequisites: Mastodon

There are certain advantages to being a barren Wretch. None of them will ever outweigh the ostracization and humilliation other wretches will make you suffer, but at least you won't get as fat:

  • Increase your Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain advantage on Initiative rolls.


Prerequisites: Warthog, Shoat

Though it is uncommon, cases of Shoats and Warthogs being bountifully fertile have been found. They usually tend to be much bulkier than the rest of their group, though it does not come at a disadvantage:

  • Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Your carrying capacity is doubled, as is the weight you can push, drag, or lift.Additionally, your Bulk limits are increased by half.
  • If you are a Shoat, your legs are fully developed, and you don't need to use stilts, gaining one trait of your choosing from either the Warthogs or Mastodons.

Light Scalework

Prerequisites: Apocryph

The scales covering the bodies of all apocryphs are well known for their defensive capabilities, though they are also the thing that tends to weight them down. Some, however, manage to thin out their scales enough to escape their burden:

  • Increase your Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Your unarmored AC given to you from your Scaled Body trait is reduced to 10 + your Con modifier. However, you gain 15 Ft. of movement speed.


Prerequisites: Apocryph

Despite how little respect each of the three apocryph subraces has for both the others, hybrid Apocryphs are surprisingly common. Though the results of the hybridization take some time to manifest themselves. Granted, that might just be related to the abuse of power exerted by Basilian nobles:

  • You gain all traits from an Apocryph subrace different from yours, including languages and diet. On top of that, you're considered to belong to that subrace as well for all intents and purposes.

Shielding Scalework

Prerequisites: Apocryph

It's oft said that "that which doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". While in most circumstances, it tends to be trite, certain apocryphs have managed to apply that principle onto themselves, their scales growing sturdier and harder to penetrate:

  • Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d6. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. You can use this feat a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier before requiring a rest.

Draining Gluttony

Prerequisites: Basilian

Basilians are already known for being able to dislocate their jaws and devour creatures whole, certains have gone a step further, gaining the ability to absorb certain aspects of the creatures they ingest:

  • Increase your Constitution by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • When you swallow a creature whole, you can either gain resistance to 1 elemental type said creature was resistant to, or regain HP equal to 1/10 of said creature's HP.


Prerequisites: Aecorian

Due to their close relationship with the sea, Aecorians have a natural preference for humidity and moisture. This manifests to the extreme on some of them, as applying water to wounds can often result on greatly enhanced healing abilities:

  • Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You can drink any amount of water from any source of drinkable water to regain a number of HP equal to the DP you'd gain by performing that action. Water is considered to be a slimming drink.


Prerequisites: Aestival

While it is well known that Aestival use their high internal temperatures to break down mineral materials into nutrition, usually, the materials have to be raw. Some, however, have strengthened their stomach to be able to handle and digest processed matter:

  • You can now consume any piece of equipment you find, provided it is composed of metal. The DP yield equals that found on the Lapivore trait. However, if the item is enchanted, it's DP yield is increased by 1 for each rarity above "Common".
  • Whenever you'd be hit by a weapon or piece of ammunition primarily composed of metal, you can use a reaction to make an unarmed attack roll. If the result of your roll is higher than the opposing attack roll, you stop the attack by biting into the weapon or eating the ammo. You may disarm the attacker at the DM's discretion, and you gain half the DP you otherwise would.

The Milk Of Kindness

Prerequisites: Baalvarion

There are rumors circulating around that claim that there are some Baalvarion out there that have grown virtuous to the point where their breastmilk has curative properties. That is the sort of thing that would sound like hogwash anywhere else, and yet, they are out there. The only thing that's not quite true is the implication of virtue:

  • You can now store twice the amount of milk you otherwise would, and all milk you produce is fatty.
  • Whenever a creature drinks your milk, they regain HP equal to half the DP gained. However, they immediately gain an amount of weight equal to the DP gained.


Prerequisites: Gaur

It's not common among the more militaristic sects of the Gaur to not give mercy to any. Not even those who are downed. The particularly vicious ones, however, teach the Gaur methods to utilize their mass to cause great damage:

  • One per turn, if you move at least 30 feet straight toward a target and then hit it with a melee weapon attack on the same turn, you can choose to make them roll a Strength save against the damage dealt. If the damage is bludgeoning, they're stunned. If the damage is slashing, they're incapacitated. If the damage is piercing, they are knocked prone.
  • If your Bulk Level is Burdened or above, the target makes this save at a disadvantage.

Warding Mantle

Prerequisites: Yak

Due to the conditions they have to endure, Yaks are known to be rather thickly built. However, there are some that have managed to employ their fat as a way to avoid grievous wounds:

  • When your Bulk Level is Burdened or above, you gain a +2 to your unarmored AC, and a +1 to your armored AC. Both to a max of 22.
  • You gain immunity to cold damage, and you can use a reaction to grant cold immunity to 1 creature within 5 ft. of you until the end of the round.


Prerequisites: Auroch

An auroch is raised in the roads of Retama, marching to the furthest corners of the region and back. During those travels, it's not uncommon to pick up a number of talents and abilities. Chief among them, a sixth sense for traps and ambushes:

  • Increase your Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have advantage on Perception checks and saves made to avoid traps. Additionally, attacks targeting you made by enemies you can't see don't gain advantage.
  • You cannot become lost in natural surroundings except through magical means.

Spirit of the RAMAS

Prerequisites: Iberian

It's well known that Iberia herself laid the groundwork for the RAMAS's existance way back when, a torch that was picked up and carried by many iberians, of all kinds, after her. The very spirit that enabled its glory can be still seen in many of her progeny:

  • Increase your Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Whenever you make a check with a skill you are proficient in, you can add your Intelligence modifier to it. You can use this effect once before requiring a short or long rest.


Prerequisites: Markhor

Among the children of Iberia, one stands out for having driven their race forth. Primarily in the military front, though their short temper and rival-prone attitudes have also resulted in many other advances. To this day, a Markhor's competitive spirit is their best ally:

  • Increase your Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Whenever you fail a skill check against a skill check made by your opponent, you can choose to add half of their ability modifier to your own check.

Still Standing

Prerequisites: Nubia

While most are likely to peg the Nubia as cowards, idiots or any other such pejoratives, it's usually them who tends to come through when it really matters:

  • Once per day, you can turn one critical failure into a critical success, or one failure into a success.


Prerequisites: Pyreon

Brainy and calculating, the Pyreon are ones to often bring their thoughtful nature into any subject possible. From combat, to study of a particular subject, and even matters as trivial as small talk. Their prodigious memory can be a great boon:

  • Increase your Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You can chose to keep one single bonus to attacks, saving throws or skill checks for up to 1 minute, even when the effect that would provide that bonus would end on you. You can use this effect once before requiring a long rest.

Sleeping Aide

Prerequisites: Hyrca

It's said that yawns are contagious, and Hyrca can certainly make that a fact. Whether for the purposes of helping those they travel along, or for the sake of impeding those that stand against them:

  • You can yawn, as a bonus action, in front of a number of creatures equal to your proficiency modifier. Non-allied creatures suffer disadvantage on their next roll, as their senses have been momentarily dulled. Creatures that cannot be forcibly put to sleep are immune to this effect. You can use this effect during short and long rests. On short rests, all the creatures you target gain 2 free hit die. On long rests, all the creatures you target gain Temporary HP equal to 2 rolls of their hit die.


Prerequisites: Tealach

While most Tealach are known for using their wings for the sake of boosting their magic abilities, some have trained themselves to the point where they're able to fly with relative freedom:

  • Increase your Strength by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You have a flying speed of 30 ft. To use this speed, you can't be wearing medium or heavy armor. Additionally, if you're Burdened , your flying speed is halved, dropping to 0 if you're Impeded or above. If you're under the effects of the Inflated condition, however, your flying speed is increased to 50 ft.


Prerequisites: Star Fetchers

It's extremely uncommon that a Star Fetcher ever comes to develop the ability to twist spells cast against them, but it's not impossible. One that has particularly close ties with the Firefly, or knows well of her practices, can achieve that feat with enough practice:

  • Increase your Wisdom or Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Whenever a spell you're the target of misses you, or you resist it, you can spend your reaction to gain 1 spell slot of a level equal to the level of the spell cast against you. You cannot gain spell slots above the levels you have access to, nor gain spell slots over your limit. You can use this effect once before requiring a short or long rest.

Grubchild's Elegy

Prerequisites: Grubchildren

Some Grubchildren have come to understand the innate powers that their plated shells hold. However, when it comes to being able to properly wield those very same powers, the number is greatly reduced:

  • Increase your Wisdom or Intelligence by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Once per turn, you can imbue a weapon or natural weapon you are wielding with the energy that fills the air of Retama. Whenever you attack with this weapon, you can use your Spellcasting modifier instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifiers. Additionally, the weapon's reach becomes 30 ft., and it deals Force damage. This effect lasts only until the end of the round, and you can use it a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier before requiring a long rest.


Prerequisites: Moirai

A skill practiced by the moirai sandstalkers, that is still passed down from generation to generation. Even though the sandstalkers might have outlived their usefulness, and the terrain the moirai tread nowadays might not be the best to utilize this talent:

  • Increase your Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • Once per turn, when an enemy within a radius equal to half your movement speed makes a ranged, melee or spell attack roll against you, you can move in any direction provided you have movement left this round, imposing disadvantage on the attack. If you finish your movement within 5 ft. of them, you can immediately make an Attack of Opportunity. If you're using this effect on sandy terrain, the radius increases to your movement speed. You can use this effect once before requiring a short or long rest.

Eyes of an Elf

Prerequisites: Thimean

The elvish thimean are known for being skilled sailors and traders, almost as much as they're known for being thieves and pirates. However, one skill they all share is their fantastic eyesight. And even then, most don't even bother to get the most out of it:

  • Increase your Wisdom by 1, to a maximum of 20.
  • You gain proficiency in the Perception skill. If you are already proficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency bonus to checks you make with it.
  • Your passive Perception and passive Investigation increase by 5 whenever you're using your eyesight to detect things that are at a lower elevation than you.

The Wilds Of Retama

The Arid North

The north of Retama is a notoriously arid region, presenting light bush as it's primary vegetation in the areas closest to the mainland. However, the further nort one goes, the light brush will quickly give way to a savannah, extending into a desert well past the borders of the region. It is in this climate that both the Gaur and the Wretches reside, with the former taking the tongue of land that connects the north to Retama, while the latter lie secluded further to the east.

Gaur's Divider

A military fortress built by the Gaur with two purposes. Keeping any invaders away from the region, and keeping any of the inhabitants of Retama well and away from them. Known to be their largest settlement, with weapons being its main form of trade, and one of the few reasons that Peccarian raiders have not entered the mainland just yet. The surrounding region is relatively flat, hough dotted with shallow hills. Very absent when it comes to wildlife, though, as the Gaur have made short work of anything that could even be considered a threat. As-is, the greatest danger in the area is the lack of water. Nor such a significant issue thanks to Auroch caravans, however.

Gaur's Divider serves as a capital of sorts, being the place where the Gaur command is located, and from where orders are rung out throughout the entirety of Retama. Despite this, there are very few non-Gaur residing here, and the few that are, live there with their partners.

Frontier Base

Much smaller than the Divider, though still a military base nevertheless. Built at the entry to a lengthy canyon, past which the Wretches reside. While the vegetation is sparse, there is some amount of it, or at least surrounding the crags, as the canyon itself is completely devoid of life. Often becoming a regular location for combat between Gaur and Wretches, some have come to call the place cursed, said to drain the life of anything that's found within it.

The purposes of the Base are relatively simple. On the one hand, to stave off Peccarian raiders, and in the other, to capture survivors and utilize them as breeding stock. Anyone entering this location is sure to find nothing but Gaur. Intensely disciplined, and rather assertive as well.


If there's one place that could ever be referred to as the capital of the Peccarian territory, this is it. An ample settlement composed entirely of shacks and built within an ample cave system. The place is governed by between 4 and 6 chieftains, brought to power through a surprisingly complex system. What's even more surprising is that, during the elective process, killing one's opossition is seen as a sign of weakness by the Peccarian populus, leading many to believe the Wretches may not be as uncivilized as it's commonly believed.

The settlement itself is divided into several districts, marked by their position on the cave. The deeper, the safer, and thusly, the closer to the chieftain's private district. Surprisingly unguarded, not that it matters much, as all the elected chieftains have more than proven their skill in combat.

The Womb

Uninhabited, this is the place where the Wretches were spawned. A keep owned by an Iberian researcher, once a member of the RAMAS.

After the Wretches broke out, the place was left abandoned, and in time, several other of the Iberian's creations escaped their confinement as well. Now, despite how much time has passed, it stands. Far less affected by decay than most would've thought, though the nesting habits of the Iberian's spliced monsters have altered some areas of the keep quite a bit.

Moreso the massive network of tunnels underneath, which once served as both mines and a jailhouse for any individual the Iberian's Militia kidnapped, most of which were Gaur. Considering this, and knowing that the Iberian researcher utilized his slaves as meat to create the Wretches, it's theorized that the Peccarian Wretches might be a derivate of the Gaur.

Retama's West

Baral's Rest

Despite it not being exactly a city, is what most people would consider to be the capital of Auroch territory. A small area presenting an artificial rock formation around a monolith, said to be marking the place where Baral rests. Twice a year, every Auroch band meets in this location, forming what's known to be the largest merchant gathering in the entirety of Retama. Anything that cannot be found in this market is either impossible to obtain or doesn't exist in the first place.

This merchant fair lasts roughly a week, and often sees a high number of traders from all around Retama. As it takes place on the ample, flat steppes, any attendees tend to show up in caravans. One wagon takes care of the bedding, another takes care of the meals, a couple are dedicated to storage, and any other wagons beyond can be retrofitted for whatever is necessary.

During this time, even if no inns are built anywhere around Baral's rest, the outfitted caravans themselves act as inns. Not only for the people that formed part of them, but for any other merchant that may not have a kitchen or bed of their own. Much in the spirit of the fair itself, these favors tend to get paid in goods rather than coin; and often times, a good trader will already have bed and meals ready ahead of time, utilizing goods acquired elsewhere to pay for those services.

Most regulations placed on the fair focus on the circumstances under which the more questionable goods can be sold. Slaves, for example, must undergo a thorough supervision first. And certain, harder to acquire items, have to go through much the same process, in order to ascertain whether or not they might have been stolen. A matter often looked into by guards hired by the many caravans composing the fair, in exchange of a little extra coin that every trader is happy to pay. As it turns out, nobody minds paying if it means their goods, and thusly their livelyhood, will stay safe during their time at Baral's Rest.


By every possible measure, Dubhaile is a shantytown, built among the trees in the deepest part of the swamp. Composed in its entirety of rickety walkways and log bridges, Dubhaile has become somewhat of a legend due to how hard its streets are to traverse. Or how easy, if one knows the proper routes.

Despite its location, this village is relatively safe from many of the dangers that roam the bogs, the main concern being smaller insects or bugs that might potentially carry diseases and such. Even then, Dubhaile's medical practitioners have enough experience with those critters to make any issue a trivial one. Anything beyond that is kept away by Dubhaile's skilled guards, as well as the wards they have lifted around the town. Wards that, while they might require regular maintenance, are a good method to keep Swamp Gorgers away.

Beyond that, the town is relatively quaint, with a static leadership, primarily dependant on the favor of the previous leader. As a general rule, however, any one Tealach who has done plenty for the community is likely to become the next governor of Dubhaile. This is not always applicable, however, as even a single villager raising concern can quickly result in that person being removed from charge if the population doesn't find them adequate enough.

Many consider quite ironic how safe this town is, despite being in one of the most dangerous parts of Retama. Crimes, large and small, are very few and far between. Many would chalk it up to the Tealach being a simple people, though the truth is slightly different. Due to the small size of the place, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that everyone knows each other. As such, the community is quick to deter any that could do something that'd result in trouble. At times, however, there've been events where the community has spurred people into action. For better and for worse.

The Patchwork

Temple Of Formia

Built among the peaks in the west of Retama, it's the largest Yak settlement present in the location. Serving as both temple, settlement and shelter, it has saved the lifes of many mountaineers, and become the home of countless others.

While many would consider this a town of sorts, it's run in its entirety by the monastic order that it shares shelter with. As such, it's the head of the Temple who is considered to be the town's governor; though, at times, the head of the order has placed acting governors from among the populus. An uncommon practice, but one taken by religious leaders that find themselves unfitting, or unwilling, to run a settlement.

Despite being in Iberian territory, the temple itself, and therefore, the town, is affiliated with the Auroch. For this reason, the section of the mountains where it's located is treated as Baalvarion territory. Even when it could be said that the Baalvarion don't really have territory, given their nomadic tradition.

Baral's Passing

Among all the settlements populated by Gaur, this can easily be said to be the most peaceful one. Primarily acting as a road guard, those posted in this settlement rarely have to take part in massive battles, their primary conflict being the bandit raids they regularly go on.

While the place might be primarily inhabited and governed by Gaur, located in Iberian ground, and operating under Iberian rules, it's considered to be an independant town. That is, not tied to any of the territories that surrounds it. As such, they regularly take jobs and requests from all the species that reside in Retama, and rarely turn any down. More often than not, Baral's Passing is considered to be less of a town and more of another military settlement. Nevertheless, it has enough civilians to be regarded as a regular town, even if most of those civilians were soldiers or mercenaries themselves at one point in the past.


Located seaside, Narlam is the largest of the two towns located in the territory that was lent to the Moirai by Iberians, many centuries ago. Primarily a mechant town, the place is known for the vast caravans that come in and out of it on the regular. Despite it's relatively small size when compared to Kastros or Iberia, it's population is unusually high. This is owing to the height of the Moirai, who are the majority population in this city. As they are shorter than other races, many parts of their city present more compact structures, that can house more inhabitants in the same amount of space a single family of any other species would fit in.

Due to the culture of the Moirai, there are trading conventions held in the outside of the city walls once every three months. While attendance to these is lower than the trader's meetings at Baral's Rest, the amount of merchants that come to these events is still rather large. Another advantage Narlam's fairs have over those held at Baral's Rest are the overall lower prices, as the traders don't need to pay extra to bodyguards. The city itself tends to take care of security. Furthermore, as Tammuz has quite a variety of inns and taverns, the need for traders to bring their own beds and food is removed; something that greatly enhances the city's income.


A far smaller town, focused entirely on industry. Located around its southern edges, a variety of mines can be found. And a sizable number of logging companies work on both the greenery to its north and west. While the industry isn't active all year round, the earnings they make from their produce is enough that they can afford those periods of inactivity.

However, due to it's unfortunate position at the head of Retama's Throat, crime is rather high. Primarily brought on by numerous bandit gangs that utilize the tunnels in the Throat to hide. To make matters more complicated, the Throat is neutral ground, as no kin has made claim on the territory. As such, if anyone was to send a significant force into those grounds, it would very much open them to countless diplomatic issues. A situation that limits Tammuz's course of action, forcing them to place as many guard posts at the entrance of the Throat as possible. Nevertheless, the mountains are high, and the caves span countless miles in every which way, making the guard posts useless against any thief who knows their way through the caverns.

The Southern Coast


The well-known Retama Academy of Magic, Arts & Sciences. Large enough that, if it was a city, it would've been recognized as the second largest in the region. However, as far as Iberian governors are concerned, the RAMAS has never been anything but an academy. Presenting an ample campus, and employing over 2000 teachers of all disciplines and species, the complex is large enough to have an underground wing.

The RAMAS makes most of its income from wealthy donors and expeditions, as most of the artifacts and treasures found by these tend to be auctioned off after all proper research has been done. Many people have raised their concerns for this practice, yet it remains unchanged to this day. For their part, every dean of the academy believes they have been doing a good job in keeping dangerous objects and findings away from the general populus; placing them under tight vigilance in the Chained Quarter.

As for the outside of the campus itself, the place has such a high student count, a sizable citadel has been built around it. While at one point, the academy's deans were reticent to the idea, they eventually reached a deal with those seeking to settle nearby. As long as they were able to provide for their students, they would be allowed to place their businesses around the RAMAS. Needless to say, there have been a few changes to that deal since it was first placed. While at the start, students would be given discounts, nowadays, no discouts are provided. Instead, each shop pays a tax to the academy, which the RAMAS then distributes among the students for personal spending.


Built by the Thimeans on the face of a cliff, Hallr is the third largest city in Retama, after both Iberia and Kastros. Populated almost entirely by the elven race, as the idea of living on a sheer cliff appeals to very few other than them, the town is well known for its active fishing industry and for it's rampant crime. Anything, from a simple mugging or pickpocketing, to murder or kidnapping, is not a far-fetched thing to come accross in the streets of this town.

Hallr is split into two sections. The Flats and The Falls, the former referring to the part of the city that is on flat land, while the latter refers to the countless scaffolds and tunnels located on the cliff's face. While the majority of the population resides on The Flats, most of the crime takes place on The Falls, due to how easy the city can be to traverse for anyone with a little agility and perspicacy. It can be an arduous task to keep up with a thief if they know that jumping on a roof two bridges down will take them somewhere you'll not be able to reach in at least an hour.

While The Falls' security leaves much to be desired, The Flat is well known to be a hotspot for adventurers and mercenaries, as most of all requests and tasks tend to pass through Hallr at one point or another, making it relatively easy to find work in. Moreso with the high crimerate and with its proximity to the tail of Retama's Throat, just up north of the Kondrath Hold.

The Falls themselves are divided into three segments. The Harbors, all the way at the base, are entirely dedicated to recieving ships and transporting shipments. Well outfitted with rather crude machinery, by Retama's standards, but maintained frequently enough that it has never caused trouble. Further up is the Wooden District, composed entirely of wooden scaffolds and houses, all sustained thanks to the districts both above and below. Further above, and connected directly to The Flats, it's the Stone District, with houses and streets carved directly into the cliff's face. An ample section, and full of corners and crevices to hide in, though the houses found here are notoriously hard to break in, due to few entrances and the limited size of any other than the main door.

Kondrath Hold

The town, lent by the Iberians, where the Kondrath have settled since their arrival in the region. With a fairly mixed population presenting Kondrath, Iberians and Thimeans. Despite it being a leased city, it's still fully governed by Kondrath, and many parts of it have been altered to better fit the race.

Much like Hallr, this township is well known to be a good spot to find work, and much for the same reasons as Hallr. Adding, as well, that the Kondrath are well known for being a rather active race, well willing to provide help to any offering an appropriate amount of pay. As it's in the southern end of Retama's Throat, one would think it to be a dangerous place, but the Kondrath's dilligence has done plenty to clean its streets and its surroundings. Not only owing to the work they themselves have done, but also the many mercenaries and warbands that frequent the area. After all, it doesn't matter who does it provided it gets done.

Apocryph Territory


The capital of Aprocryph territory, and the second largest city in Retama. Built within a large array of ample, sturdy walls dividing the three sections of it. One located outside, commonly referred as the "Akalyptos". Despite whay one might think, it's the smallest of the two, spanning the entire curvature of the wall, and with a population mostly composed of Aestival and Aecorians. The low security and high crime have lead to the creation of several populist militias, though very few have flourished, let alone borne fruit. Nevertheless, the ones that have were, unfortunately, pulled into the inner district's sphere of influence. Not to a crippling degree, but enough that a bribe sizable enough will keep militias and guards alike looking the other way.

The inner city, known as the "Profylos", is primarily inhabited by Basilians, and topped off by Kastro's crown jewel and dwellings of the Council of Retama; a palace known as the "Synedrion". While security in the inner district is high, so is corruption, with any that are favored by Council members being viewed far more favorably than those who are not. However, there's one thing in Kastros more important than the Council, and that is none other than money. Should you have enough, you could even bribe an assassin to take out your target instead of you. This has turned the Profylos into a place of profound intrigue, with spywork and political assassinations being rather common, which in turn has tunred the general populus rather astute and keen. It's certain than within the 24 hours of a murder taking place, the entire district will know who ordered it and why.


Primarily inhabited by Aestival, it presents the largest excavation sites in the entirety of Apocryph territory. While many of these sites are simple mines, there's a surprisingly large amount of archeological digs located in its surroundings, primarily focused on the mountainside. Much to the Council's chagrin, these digs are funded and staffed by people sent by the RAMAS. However, the taxes they have to pay to properly transport materials has soothed the councilmember's displeasure some.


Partway through Apocryph territory, this location is known as a sort of trading hub due to how easy it is to reach from most towns and settlements. On top of that, the mines to the west of the area are among the richest and most varied of Retama. The workers here, however, are notoriously demanding. And for good reason, as history has shown the Council is more than glad to shortchange any that serve them. Of course, any councilmember could order a mass incarceration and susbtitute the workers for more willing ones, but history has also shown that it won't be long before those workers grow demanding as well.


The seaside town of Ichtagoras is the main fishing harbor in Apocryph territory, with most of its industry centered around the practice. Primarily inhabited by Aecorians, the place is very well known for its mollusk farms, which make use of the rising tides to trap the critters in smaller, more controllable pools. To many people's surprise, it's also commonly referred as the culinary capital of Retama, as the quality of the seafood served here is incomparable to that of any other location. Quite unfortunately, there are very few Aecorians in this town that will be willing to serve anyone other than their own kin, which they don't consider Basilians or Aestival to be.


A commercial harbor, it's known to be what the Aecorian community used as leverage against the Council when both Aecorian and Aestival rebelled against them. Populated by both Aecorians and Thimeans, Limani has quite the different ambiance to the rest of the Apocryph territory, with a more cheerful population in general. However, there are two sides to every coin, and this town is no exception, as the more criminal elements of the Thimean culture have often used their connection with Limani to smuggle goods away from, or into, Hallr. And as the Council continues to express disinterest on the goings on down here in the south, some powerful Thimean crime lords have gained a foothold on Limani. A foothold that is only sure to expand.


Located in the middle of the region, and the de-facto capital of Retama, Iberia is the largest city both in the entirety of Retama as well as within Iberian territory.

A sprawling citadel, surrounded by sturdy walls on all side and located in a valley, making it a very easily defendable location. Primarily inhabited by Iberians, as would be expected, but presenting a vast amount of cultures among its streets. Both among the lower districts and the higher ones.

To many, Iberia is the model of a perfect city, not only for it's amazing defenses and top notch fortifications, but for it's organization and amenities. As an example, the sewer system running underneath Iberia is known to be one of the most intricate and well built in the region, spanning from the districts closest to the valley's entrance all the way from the higher districts, built in the mountainside. And despite the fact that it's relatively unchecked, it also surprisingly well protected, with points of access placed in guarded locations, so as to make subertfuge as difficult as possible. All thanks to the vast amount of Iberians that are conscripted to the army on the regular, of course.

Another thing of note is the differentiation between districts. While Kastros, as an example, is divided into an inner and outer district, in Iberia, a district is divided by the sorts of activities that are performed within it. As such, there's a market district that, while small, holds a flea market sale once every week. While the variety of goods to be found there isn't particularly terrific, and neither is their quality, the accessibility keeps prices low. It's also a surprisingly good way for some citizens to get rid of goods they don't need any longer, and for others to obtain things they might need. Close by, there's a separate district entirely populated by guilds and, most importantly, their crafters. If you're looking for an easy way to have your own store, one of the simplest ways to obtain it is to affilliate yourself with any of those crafting guilds and proving that you're able to maintain a location of your own.

Higher up than the others, and built mountainside, is a district entirely dedicated to worship. With countless shrines to each and all the stars that once formed the firmament, even though there's very few that worship the fallen deities anymore. Nowadays, most prefer to worship either their founders, or other gods, even though they might have a relatively minor presence in Retama. Another thing to note about the religious district is the amount of temples and shrines it presents, even harboring the monasteries of a number of religious orders, the Festivitas being the most prominent among them.

Of course, there's no city without a district that could be considered more high class than the rest. Filling this spot is the one known as the arts district, recognized by its wide streets, and the poetry frequently carved into the stone pavement. Well known for the unusual looks of its buildings, as well as the countless bardic acts and theatrical plays taking place both in the streets and indoors. The place is also host to regular expositions, though access to these is more often than not limited to those that can afford to purchase said art to begin with. Interestingly enough, the few stores that can be foudn in this area are tailors, offering highly decorated, and prohibitively expensive, attire.

Over at the west end, and kept hidden through the mere act of not acknowledging it, lies the red light district. Far less seedy than many would think, as most of the locations benefit from the patronage of several wealthy individuals, many of which can be seen frequenting the arts district. While independent acts are uncommon, they can be found here and there, usually offering services related to more infrequent kinks. However, the highest quality services will always be found on acts funded by nobles, many of which aren't above tasting their own merchandise, though they do it in private.

Finally, there's the central district, located on a hill and, technically, raised above all others. Separated from the rest with a wall, the central district is composed entirely of a castle. Back in the day, this used to be the district where the nobles lived, which has earned them the name of "Castellians", though nowadays, most castellians live in other parts of the city, more in tune with their personal interests. The castle itself has been taken over by the army, and it serves as barracks, as well as training grounds. It should be noted, as well, that the northern wing of the castle has been reserved for Iberia's acting mayor. While the first person to take office in this location didn't think of it in such a way, eventually, someone realized there was no safer place to keep the head of Iberia.

Worship & The Founders

The Nature of the Stars

Hanging high, above the skies of Retama, lies an ocean. Vast, dark and cold; its tides constantly shifting around the firmament. The sun's presence lowers the waters, allowing the hallowed glow of the sun to beam down on the region. However, as the day marches forwards, the moon pulls the tide forth. The waters rise, dimming the skies and signalling the arrival of the night.

While the sea rises, it does not completely cover all ground, allowing smaller isles of terrain to remain above the surface. These few plots of permanently dry land served as a bastion for the few souls that resided on that ocean, and in time, those very creatures began building. One by one, each of the many shores in the Firmament were seized up and inhabited, the light the residents created becoming a blip on the night sky. And as others began to imitate the first settlers, the sky became bright with stars.

In time, all the possible land out of the ocean's reach was occupied. The entities that resided on these spaces were not mundane, though it'd be difficult to refer to them as divinities. They were primeval beings, however, and as such, bore knowledge only privy to them. The most valuable of such, their ability to separate a mortal shell from an ethereal form. Something that they used on themselves to avoid the dreadful waters of the Firmament, and what allowed them to create the four founders.

The creation process was simple, as the might and prominence of the Stars naturally brought the many creatures wandering the Firmament towards their isles. From that point, it was easy, for the few willing, to pluck said creatures' spirits and mold them to what they wished. After that, it was just a matter of finding a suitable host to place those in, and the world above the Firmament proved to be just ideal; an unexploited, virgin land, for the Stars to place their experiments.

The Four Founders

Much as written history places the Four Founders as the only successful results of the Stars' melding of ethereal forms and mortal shells, they were something closer to their last attempt at an oft failed experiment. The results of which can still be seen prowling the wilds of Retama, present in the form of Swamp Gorgers, Wandering Hills, Barkmen and other such creatures. While At the start, every Star was entranced by the idea of creating something new from spirit and shell, most grew quickly disillusioned. This was brought either to a lack of desired results, or to the creation of aberrant creatures, of which the creator might've come to regret. As time went on, only a handful of Stars took the practice seriously. The stars of Ores, the Architect, the Baker, Penance, the Breeze, and the Wilderness were the only ones still laboring on these tasks when the Founders were created. All of which took a variety of approaches when creating their creatures.

The Star of Ores created Apofis, utilizing the materials that he found and composing a statue of her. With a mixture of gold, leather, fine woods and clay, he placed a tailor-made spirit within her. The Star of the Wilderness created Baral, through the crossbreeding of a number of earthly creatures. Once he found his ideal vessel, he placed a spirit within and brought his creation to the land. The Star of the Architect constructed Iberia, following an extremely detailed blueprint, in an attempt to discover whether or not he could truly engineer a living being. The Star of Penance built the one who was eventually called Solais, almost by accident. Unaware of the others' actions, and concerned that his creation would die in the ghastly waters of the Firmament, he sent Solais onto Retama and avoided contact all the way up until he simply could not.

The rest is well known history.

The Worship of the Stars

While in the modern era, very few still follow the Stars, or their memory; it was common practice in the earliest days of Retama. Among the 102 that were regularly given praise, there were a few that stood out above all others.

  • Krosia, of Discordance: A known liar, as well as self-serving, though rarely to the point of egoism. Any that knew her were well aware that each and every one of her actions always had an ulterior motive. She was known as the patron of thieves and bandits, with countless wayshrines anointed with her brand. Her symbols are a red eye and a flaming tongue.

  • Althanis, of Arbitration: Severe to a fault, he was a stickler for laws and rulings. Not one known to joke, or be humorous in any way, though his constant study of mortal and divine law were nothing to laugh at. In the day, Altanis was the patron of judges and juries, and many modern courthouses still bear statuettes of him. His simbols are a book wrapped in silk and a tetrahedron.

  • Morabia, of Mothership: Many would have referred to her as polyfacetic, her behavior shifting depending on who she spoke to. Those closest to her would be treated to sweet, darling words, yet cloying in form and function. Those she was less keen on would rarely hear her utter anything but the harshest insults. Worshipped by mothers, though her primary following were scorned lovers and widows. Her symbols are silver chains and a golden kiss mark.

  • Mylos, the Speaker: Unlike his peers, Mylos was a star well known in the land, as he would often come down from the Firmament to interact with the people of Retama. Silver-tongued and cunning, Mylos hardly displayed any shame, and there are countless stories of his escapades with Iberia. Known as the patron of lovers, bards and charmers all throughout the land. His symbols vary in shape, though they are all usually phallic in nature, designed and popularized by him.

  • Ananthe, of Solitude: A so-called Star Child, Ananthe resided on a separated part of the Firmament. An isle a long distance away from any others. As such, his interactions were minimal, and his living was peaceful, yet solitary. Orphans and people who had lost their loved ones often looked up at him, if only to feel that they were not that lonely. His symbols are a tower and a ship broken in half.

  • Cerzia, the Spring: While she was well known to be Baral's partner and lover, the Star of the Spring was closely associated with bountiful goods as well as fertile lands. Known to travel to the land to guide the Baalvarion to natural sources of water during their merchant journeys. Her symbols are wheat and natural springs.

  • Kapalka, of Silence: Bearing three masks upon her visage, she had a significant amount of power among the Stars. She only spoke when spoken to, and only said what was asked of her. Despite this, she was incredibly resourceful and intuitive. Many people, Stars or otherwise, requested her advice in times of hardship. Her symbols are any and each of her three masks.

  • Freja, of Victory: Youthful in attitude and demeanor, she was known for her competitiveness. Quick to gain friends, quicker to gain rivals, and slow to gain enemies. Worshipped by high-rollers and athletes, many sports fields and gambling houses bear her icons alongside their walls. Her symbols are a feathered fan and a chalice.

  • Doma, of Curiosity: Inquisitive, and often overbearing, Doma was known for his quick thinking and speedy deductions. A researcher like no other, he would often barrage other Stars with questions for the purposes of obtaining information. Known as the patron of researchers, scholars and anyone with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. His symbols are an open hand and a spyglass.

  • Callion, the Architect: A very rarely seen Star, as he preferred to spend his days focused on his countless works. None were works of passion, even if his toil could not be described by any other word. Whenever he'd be seen, it'd be to brag about his new construct or discovery. Once followed by prospectors and constructors alike, blueprints are still drawn on the paper he was said to employ. His symbols are a stick of graphite and a bridge.

  • Vilcor, of Disease: Once, easily identifiable on the sky by it's sickly-green glow. Taciturn, yet still somewhat jolly, even if most other Stars were very much uninterested on exchanging anything with him, let alone pleasantries. While those wishing to spread sickness and malady over the land were a large part of his following, folk healers and the ailing also worshipped him. His symbols are a torn leather cloak and a rugged, oakwood cane.

  • Ionica, of Indulgence: What started as a humble Star, through strength of character and will, eventually became one of the better regarded ones in the Firmament. At least among other Stars. In Retama, she was worshipped by few, up until her radiance grew alongside her, point at which countless aristocrats and nobles began to follow her. Her symbols are a single, gold coin, and a slice of mince pie.

  • Caldarius, the Flame: A Star terribly entertained by conflict. So much so, it held festivities in its isle whenever a war broke out in the lands of Retama, for him, and others alike, to watch. This led the star to shine brightly during battle, which eventually resulted in him gaining a large following in the military. His symbols are a fist holding a torch and a brass gladius.

The Ordeal

It began happening after the Star of Penance abandoned his status as a deity to live with his creation, as he sailed to the furthest ends of the Firmament to find a way to exit into the land above. While catalogued in his journal, it remains unknown, both by the surviving Stars and the population of Retama.

The Penance's first action was to find a way to enter Retama, and so, he asked one who would surely know. Cerzia was the first he approached, and she refused to answer. Knowing of Baral's conviction, he attempted to bargain, but he wasn't able to achieve much with his lack of leverage. He then approached Doma, one who would surely know of a way into the land; and though he replied the Penance's questions, his answers were somewhat unsatisfactory. Doma, however, brought up Mylos's numerous escapades with Iberia, and suggested that the Penance ask him. And so, they met, in the island owned by the Speaker.

To the Penance's surprise, Mylos listened to his proposition in silence, without jabs or quips. Once he was done, the Speaker gave an evasive answer, though he explained that a temporary leave was easy enough, even offering the Penance the gateway he'd been using. However, no Star can survive in the land for long, as it's not the place they belong to. In his talk, Mylos mentioned a passage located in a distant part of the Firmament, different from the one he and Cerzia had been using. And while the Penance was intrigued, the Speaker said nothing else about that place. Thus ended the encounter.

In the following years, the Penance marched down to Retama through Mylos's portal, studying the effects that his presence in the land had on him. While he was absent, the rumors of the Penance mingling with his own creation began, and it didn't take long for them to spread. While most stars expressed disgust and even pity, a handful seemed appreciative of the fact. Cerzia, despite her callousness, congratulated the Penance. Vilcor sent a small, quaint letter, celebrating his success. Both Ionica and Ananthe bore some jealousy, each for different reasons, but either delivered their best regards nevertheless. And while the Penance was subjected to a week of mockery by Mylos, the Speaker seemed to be joyous of the fact that his intervention had resulted in two lovers uniting. The Penance knew that the rumors weren't exactly true, though he couldn't bring himself to deny them.

Everything came to a head when Morabia, prompted by a handful of other smaller Stars, began pulling some strings to have the Penance's lover killed. It's well known that Iberia's intervention halted the attempt, but what's not common knowledge is that Mylos's denouncement of Morabia's actions deterred her from attempting a second assault. Doubly so since he had the backing of the afforementioned Stars, as well as Doma and Krosia. The latter's reasons for doing so were brought into question, though she never gave a straight reply. Although, by that point, it didn't matter. The Penance was already sailing for the island Mylos had told him about. At this point, the light emitted by his isle in the Firmament had dwindled significantly, but it hadn't been entirely snuffed out.

In time, he came to what he pressumed was his objective. In a tiny islet, barely composed of a shoreline. In the center, the Penance could see a strange phenomenon. Waving in the air, what looked like translucent fabric appeared to fade in and out constantly. Not something he was unaware of, as during his journey, he'd seen other places like this. At the time, and even at this point, he didn't quite understand the significance of their presence. And still, he knew what they could do. Trusting the words of the Speaker, he marched forwards, passing through the fabric-like figure.

For just an instant, he felt as if his entire body was composed of silks and velvets, slowly unravelling as he passed from the Firmament to the land. The sensation was replaced shortly after, however, by violent tears. Skin being ripped from muscle and bone, as the things that made him a deity were wrenched away from him. By the time the Penance exited through to the land, his body had been battered; bruises and lacerations covering what once was divine skin. Wounds that were quickly regenerating, though the fact that they were present was already telling enough.

It is from this point that the former Star sought to return to Retama, making his way there as a person, even if his past powers still lingered. A new journey began, where he marched back towards what the Stars had called his lover. The pace was slow and arduous, though the night sky was still mottled with astral bodies; the only guide he could rely on, and had. As his trip continued, he took time to reflect on the strange phenomena he'd seen when fleeing the Firmament. Those uncanny fabric-like formations. They appeared as clouds, but they were nothing as simple as that. In recording his thoughts, he noticed an interesting pattern, for as he sailed the Firmament, he referred to the land as being "above him". Now, as he stood on solid ground, he could see the isles of all his former companions over his head. In silent reflection, he concluded that both the Firmament and the land were in opposition, as two sides of the same coin. One prevented from plunging onto the other by a barrier, that he had crossed. Recalling what he'd felt in moving from one place to another, the Penance determined that said barrier had a greater purpose than keeping worlds apart; noting that he was unsure if whether the worlds were separated by the barrier, or the barrier existed due to the separation of the two worlds. The Penance's studies continued as he entered Retama, and reunited with his lover.

Many years later, by mere chance, the Penance glanced up at the night sky, finding the glow that his isle provided to be gone. Looking at the Firmament from where he stood, he noticed that the glow of many other Stars seemed to be dimming as well, albeit he chalked it up to being a clouded night. A few weeks later, the image of the waves battering against the islet he'd found the passway to the land returned to him, and so, he looked up once again. The Firmament still looked more obscured than it should have been. It was at this point that the Penance understood something. The time of the Stars' reign would come to an end. He was unsure if it would be brought by the tides rising to engulf their lands, or if their havens would be ground down to nothing by the ocean. Nevertheless, he was unconcerned about the process, only certain of the end result.

Rising Tides

Though it was barely notable at the start, the Penance's prediction began proving true quickly. It was noticed at first roughly a century after he left, and the first consequences came shortly after. Part of an island crumbled, taking a chunk of the resident's constructions alongside it. Unsurprisingly, things just continued to worsen beyond that point.

Though it took many decades, the first death came, and it proved to be a significant blow for the morale of the Stars at the time. Cerzia, well aware of what was happening, and unwilling to wait for the cold grasp of the Firmament's sea to take her, took swift action. Through her usual means, she travelled to the land, sought Baral's grave, and upon reaching it, plunged a dagger into her chest.From this point on, many Stars began realizing that their time would come eventually, if they didn't act.

A number of them simply decided to rush through into the land, which resulted in a large number of issues for them, as their mere presence was antithetical to what surrounded them. Malsur, the Storm, who accidentally ended up in Kondrath territory, lost the ability to control his power; his mind being plunged into madness as a result. Something similar happened to Morabia, who attempted to remain in hiding for the first few months. This didn't last long, as she quickly grew paranoid and possessive, eventually culminating in an attack on Kastros that saw her defeated and banished to the Neath. Altanis and Ionica were another two that ended up in the Neath, though they both journeyed there of their own volition. Krosia, who had been keeping a close eye on the Penance, followed his trail to the islet he'd found, passing through. As a result, she got to keep some of her powers and sanity, though she disappeared shortly after. Caldarius attempted to use his might and relations to gain ruling over the other Stars, though he was betrayed and expelled partway through his campaign. Kapalka remained in her isle, all the way until it crumbled to dust, plunging her into the depths of the Firmament's bottomless sea. The last one of mention is Doma, who decided to set sail in order to escape the destruction of his abode, as well as to explore. He came accross another passway, and entered the land. Nothing more is known of him beyond that point.

While all of this was going on, there were a number of Stars very much invested on avoiding their own demise. Chief among them were Freja, Mylos and Callion. The Architect quickly took to designing a vessel that would be able to contain them for all eternity, while Mylos and Freja marched on to other islands to convice the Stars inhabiting them to provide aid. The Stars of Ores and the Baker joined without a second thought, though most others needed more time to convince. This early cooperation resulted in the ship they'd be using to enter construction much earlier than Callion had predicted. As a result, he could focus his time on making general improvements, as well as increasing the available space on it. However, by the time the ship was complete, it quickly proved to be insufficient. In its present state, he calculated it would be able to hold roughly forty Stars comfortably. And even though that might seem like a large number, it was less than half of the living Stars at the time.


Upon concluding the ship's construction, came the time of determining which Stars would be making it aboard. While Callion expressed regret over not enlarging the ship further, or even creating a second one, the time they had was short; and certainly not enough to undertake either of those rennovations.

Given the sensitivity of the situation, it was clear that they had to find an impartial party to make a choice. And so, they approached Ananthe. Due to his solitude, he knew very little about other Stars, aware only of their title and abilities. As far as everyone could agree on, he was the best thing any of them had on that front. Predictably enough, the young star rejected the proposal at first, though Mylos quickly convinced him to change his mind. And so, the election process began. It was simple at the start. A place should be given to the one who built this arc, so he may repair it should it ever come to harm. Thusly, Callion simply deserved a spot. Following this, those who most actively aided in its construction should be given a spot as well, as it'd be unfair to give preference to those that chose selfishness over selflessness. Thusly, the Stars of Ores and the Baker were given a spot. And then, the certainties ended.

Ananthe then went one by one, recalling the talents of each Star, and reasoning what good they could bring to the ship. Freja was given a spot in due to her cheerful demeanor, as she'd be likely to lift the crew's spirits. Mesca, of Cures, came next, since she'd be likely to heal whichever ailments a Star could contract. Vilcor was considered in her stead, however, as far as Ananthe knew, he would simply bring disease to the Ark. And so, one by one, the forty stars to embark on the vessel were elected. However, as Ananthe was marching up the board, he quickly stopped and turned back. Between whimpers, he offered his spot to any Star that could convince him to hand it over. One by one, all of the Stars that would be left to their fates attempted to convince the young Ananthe. A handful attempted to attack him, though others quickly deterred those. As each Star gave their arguments, it came to Mylos. He simply stared at Ananthe in the eye, bowed, and said a single word. "Please". Either knew what was going through each other's heads, and an act as simple as that told Ananthe all he needed to know.

And so, the Speaker was given the spot that Ananthe would have taken. Others expressed anger, disappointment, many attempting to shame the young Star for his choice. It didn't last long, unfortunately, as Ananthe quickly boarded his boat and returned to his distant isle. All the others did much the same, to await the inevitable. Some grew impatient, and ended their lives before the sea could take them, while others either went in denial or remained stoic. It didn't matter in the end. One by one, the remaining islands crumbled into the Firmament's ocean. Now, those inhabiting the land would only see a single star looking up. The Ark in which the forty survivors had found shelter in.

In the coming years, the inhabitants of Retama quickly came to forget the Stars, and their worship was abandoned by most. A new set of divinities took shape, those being the Four Founders.

The Eighteen Faiths

Though the time of the Stars might be over, and even if most of the inhabitants of Retama worship their Founders, other religions have begun spreading on the region. Brought through trade and migrations, they are known as the Eighteen Faiths.


  • Alignment: Lawful neutral
  • Category: Founder
  • Domains: Community, Order, Tempest.
  • Pantheon: Apocryph
  • Symbol: A golden scale, an ivory fang or a silken bandage.

Primarily worshipped in Apocryph territory, and mostly by apocryphs, predictably enough. Even then, each of the different kins has placed her under different domains. For the Basilians, she's an icon of order, and a sign of their authority. For the Aecorians, she represents the might of a tempest, one that every sailor must face, survive, and return to. For the Aestival, she's a mother and tutor, a figure of protection and unity.


  • Alignment: Neutral good
  • Category: Founder
  • Domains: Nature, Knowledge.
  • Pantheon: Baalvarion
  • Symbol: The wheel of a caravan.

To many's surprise, Baral's majority following is composed of Thimean and Moirai traders, with only a small percentage of Baalvarion professing any sort of belief in him. Seen as an icon of safe travels and good dealings, and there's been several nobles that have produced gold coins with his icon on their face.


  • Alignment: Neutral good
  • Category: Star
  • Domains: Nature, Life.
  • Pantheon: Firmament
  • Symbol: A crown of flowers.

Even after her demise, Cerzia is still well recognized and worshipped throughout the land. Her main following is found among the Baalvarion, as her daughters still pay her respects. Nevertheless, there are smaller contingents of worshippers located on the surroundings of Dubhaile and the mountainous parts of the region.


  • Alignment: Lawful good
  • Category: Founder
  • Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Light, War.
  • Pantheon: Iberian
  • Symbol: A flamed, baskethilt sword.

To say she's revered throughout the land would be something of an understatement, as her following stretches far beyond her own kin. The Gaur up north, as well as many Wretches worship her, and more than one Kondrath has found solace in her myth and teachings. Her most devout can be frequently heard uttering prayers for protection.


  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Category: Star
  • Domains: Death, Grave, Night.
  • Pantheon: Firmament
  • Symbol: A moon with an eight pointed star behind it.

Genderless and unknowable, this is the name that was given to the moon that controls the tides of the Firmament. Though its worship is scattered, most of its following is infamous. This is a simple byproduct of Fengari being revered by members of the Noxa order. Nevertheless, its name is still something of a taboo in most circles.


  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Category: Worldly
  • Domains: Grave, Knowledge, Nature.
  • Pantheon: Thealach
  • Symbol: An open geode with flames rising from its interior.

An uncommon worship, most often found among Tealach. The target of their praise are the countless preternatural spirits that inhabit the land of Retama. Perhaps primordial, or perhaps just ancient enough to know better.


  • Alignment: Neutral evil
  • Category: Worldly
  • Domains: Arcana, Death, Trickery.
  • Pantheon: Thimean
  • Symbol: A top-down potion bottle with an eye as its cork.

Though they are not too much of a big deal in Retama, the mention of Samhain in any Thimean circles is likely to get one ejected. Their presence is something every Thimean is aware of and has come to fear. One day, a potion seller might approach you, offering you boons you've never known you wanted, giving you a way out of the most odious situations. And in that day, every Thimean knows what they must remember. "Samhain doesn't trade. Samhain only loans. And one day they'll come to collect."


  • Alignment: Lawful neutral
  • Category: Worldly
  • Domains: Light, Order, Tempest.
  • Pantheon: Baalvarion
  • Symbol: A flaming wisp between two horns.

Though she was no greater than her Baalvarion kin, the magics she discovered and habits she poineered earned Formia a small following. Her and her crew settled in the mountain, with the objective of providing aid to any that might need it. Nowadays, millenia after her death, her worshippers still follow this simple task.


  • Alignment: Chaotic neutral
  • Category: Star
  • Domains: Night, Trickery.
  • Pantheon: Firmament
  • Symbol: An stylized red eye, or a burned tongue.

"An unwelcome guest in the world, the host shall meet you soon. Eternity was given in pact, and yet she never delivered boon. As above, so below, buried beneath a thousand rooms. Everlasting, violent and cruel, much like her very own goons."


  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Category: Star
  • Domains: Life, Trickery.
  • Pantheon: Firmament
  • Symbol: Phallic iconography of any sort.

One of the few stars that can still be seen coming down to the land. He mostly only appears to members of the Pravitas order, to dole out advice, good and bad; and to regale himself with earthly pleasures. In rare ocassions, he's been known to intervene in worldly affairs, however, yet these are few and far between.


  • Alignment: Lawful evil
  • Category: Worldly
  • Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, War.
  • Pantheon: Peccarian
  • Symbol: A broken baskethilt sword with the two parts of the edge crossing.

Once a renowned scholar, Claudius Andronicus is a figure of fame and infamy. While many of his discoveries have greatly improved life on Retama, some of his less fortunate experiments resulted in horrors that can be hardly spoken of. More to it, he was called delirious, for wanting to replicate what the Stars had done, creating a race of his own. While he succeeded, the Wretches he'd made killed him not long after. Some of them still worship Andronicus as a saint, however.

The Fluke

  • Alignment: Chaotic evil
  • Category: Worldly
  • Domains: Tempest.
  • Pantheon: Moirai
  • Symbol: A swirling vortex of sand.

Whether a living creature or not, the Moirai worshipped this entity. In their eyes, this being takes the form of a colossal sandstorm and a sky devoid of clouds. A bringer of draught and ruin, yet meeting it, let alone being caught by it, was only a chance encounter. Thus its name, "Fluke".


  • Alignment: Lawful neutral
  • Category: Star
  • Domains: Order.
  • Pantheon: Neath
  • Symbol: A tetrahedron.

Now operating in the searing heat of the Neath, Althanis still administers judgment and punishment to all that require it. Though he doesn't bear the might he once had, the nature of the torrid caverns below Retama has allowed him to keep a vast amount of power still. One he utilizes to deliver harsher penances, as he is now unchecked by other stars.


  • Alignment: Chaotic neutral
  • Category: Star
  • Domains: Life.
  • Pantheon: Neath
  • Symbol: A slice of mince pie.

Now residing in the Neath, and much larger than when she left, she's still revered by those who have, and those who wish to have. Acting as something of a wishmaker, she grants boons to those who give her offerings. Unfortunately, due to carelesness or sloth, it's impossible to tell whether her gifts will be helpful or not; or even how helpful they'll be. Rumors, however, claim that offering a mince pie guarantees the best results.


  • Alignment: Lawful good
  • Category: Star
  • Domains: Life, light, war.
  • Pantheon: Firmament
  • Symbol: A feathered fan.

Still a goddess of festivity, Freja's power remains unwaning. In no small part thanks to the Festivitas order, who always seem to be around to celebrate successes and lighten failures. While excess was never a part of her tennets, her overindulgence aided her on settling after the Ordeal; something that her following has picked up on, and imitates.


  • Alignment: True neutral
  • Category: Worldly
  • Domains: Death, Knowledge, grave.
  • Pantheon: Iberian
  • Symbol: A stylized iberian skull.

Much like Andronicus, she was once part of the RAMAS, though her lack of skill eventually had her expelled. In time, she would come to find a teacher and rival in an exiled Aestival. Through patience and pragmatism, she would eventually create a number of powerful spells, yet she was afforded no recognition. After constant, failed attempts at besting her rival, she made a vow to return from beyond the grave. Something that resonates with many iberians, who still wait for her return.


  • Alignment: Lawful good
  • Category: Star
  • Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Life.
  • Pantheon: Firmament
  • Symbol: A bowl of milk or soup.

Those worshipping Mesca often prove, or believe themselves to be, skilled healers. Utilizing any technique known to them, their single purpose is to provide cures to any ailment they know. Mesca herself is known for concocting medicine from simple ingredients, and often involving food to some degree or another. At the end of the day, malnourishment is as dangerous to one's health as any disease.


  • Alignment: Lawful good
  • Category: Worldly
  • Domains: Community, life, light.
  • Pantheon: Kondrath
  • Symbol: A braided depiction of flame within an oven.

Back when the Kondrath still resided in the frozen lands south of Retama, they revered a simple act. The gathering of one's family around the warm light of an oven. In time, this simple practice spawned a belief, from which came the festivities. Nobody truly knows how old the tradition is, but in the coldest day of the year, it's not uncommon to see Kondrath gather in honor of Aith.

Retama's Bestiary


Small plant, any chaotic alignment

  • Armor Class 17
  • Hit Points 55(10d6 + 20)
  • Speed 40ft.

8 (-1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 10 (0) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Dex +5
  • Skills Acrobatics +5
  • Damage Vulnerabilities cold, necrotic
  • Damage Resistances fire, radiant
  • Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, exhausted, frightened, unconscious
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., 10 passive perception
  • Languages Sylvan, Abyssal
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Slippery. The pumpkinhead has advantage on rolls made to resist or escape the grappled or restrained condition.

Quick Witted. After escaping from the grapple or restrained condition, the pumpkinhead can cast a single cantrip as a bonus action.

Spellcasting. The pumpkinhead is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It knows the following spells:

Cantrips (at will): Scalding touch, Desecrating touch

1st level (4 slots): Fattening jest, Fireseed

2nd level (3 slots): Fat feedback

3rd level (2 slots): Boiling ring


Seed Spit. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 45ft., one target. Hit 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage. If the pumpkinhead hits an enemy with this attack, they swell up with an amount of juice equal to the damage dealt.

Environments: Forest, Grassland, Swamp.


Medium beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 60(7d8+28)
  • Speed 25ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 2 (-5) 10 (0) 5 (-3)

  • Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +4, Con +6, Wis +2
  • Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, exhausted, frightened, unconscious
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., 10 passive perception
  • Languages
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the larkspur can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature it can see.

Pack Tactics. The larkspur has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the larkspur's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Provoked. Whenever the larkspur takes damage from an attack, it enters a provoked state. In this state, it's movement speed is increased to 45 ft., and it gains advantage on any Perception (Wis) checks made to detect any creature that attacks it.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.

Multiattack. The larkspur can use its bite and claw actions twice in a single turn.

Environments: Grassland, Hill, Mountain.

Larkspurs in pursuit

A larkspur is an uncanny creature, ovine in nature, yet presenting a fanged mouth and hooves divided into three sections; all of which are deceptively sharp. It's known their diet is extremely varied, going from berries and herbs to meats of any sort. And while it's not a common ocurrence, the energic demeanor they are most known for is in full display whenever they are attacked. Even after their agressor might flee, larkspurs have been known to engage on pursuit for several days, without stopping for food, water or rest.


Small beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 27 (6d6+6)
  • Speed fly 30ft.

11 (0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 4 (-4) 13 (+1) 5 (-3)

  • Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, exhausted, unconscious, prone.
  • Senses darkvision 90 ft., 11 passive perception
  • Languages
  • Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)


Needle. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 60ft., one target. Hit 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.

Environments: Hill, Mountain.


Medium beast, neutral

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 60 (8d8+24)
  • Speed 30ft.

17 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+4) 5 (-3) 15 (+3) 5 (-3)

  • Skills Perception +5
  • Damage Resistances fire, radiant
  • Condition Immunities blinded, deafened.
  • Senses darkvision 90 ft., 11 passive perception
  • Languages
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Balefire. Whenever the balefur takes damage from a creature, its attacks gain 4 (1d8) fire famage against that creature alone. On top of that, the balefur's mane is wreathed in white flames, dealing 4 (1d8) radiant damage to any creatures within 5 ft. of it, and giving it resistance to fire and radiant damage. This effect lasts for 1 minute.


Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 10 (1d12 + 4) slashing damage.

Baleful Tail. Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 15ft., up to two targets in range. Hit 7 (1d6 + 4) fire damage.

The balefur can only use this attack while it's under the effects of Balefire.

Environments: Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain.


Medium plant, evil

  • Armor Class 16 (Natural armor)
  • Hit Points 90 (8d8+24)
  • Speed 30ft.

18 (+4) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)

  • Saving Throws Strength +6
  • Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic
  • Damage Resistances poison, acid
  • Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, stunned.
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., 11 passive perception
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 4 (1100 XP)

Barkskin. Barkmen's AC cannot go below 16. However, a barkman's Dexterity modifier is treated as a 2 for Saving Throws only.

Splinters. Hitting a barkman with an unarmed, bludgeoning attack deals 2 (1d4) slashing damage to the attacker.


Multiattack. Barkmen can use its Bark Javelin twice in a single turn. If the attack hits, it can then use Vine Cast or Reel In as part of the same action.

Bark Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 40ft., one target. Hit 10 (1d12 + 4) piercing damage.

Vine Cast. Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. On hit: The target is restrained, and must pass a DC16 Strength saving throw to break the vines.

Reel In. The barkman pulls a single creature struck by its Bark Javelin or restrained by its Vine Cast up to 30 ft. towards it.

Environments: Forest, Swamp.


Small fiend, unaligned

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 60 (17d6)
  • Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 18 (+4) 11 (0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6
  • Damage Vulnerabilities cold
  • Damage Resistances fire, necrotic
  • Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, stunned.
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., 11 passive perception
  • Languages Abyssal
  • Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Divine Conduit. Ionica can see everything the flocker sees and can instantly recall the flocker to its side at any time.

Pack Tactics. The flocker has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the flocker's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Innate Spellcasting. The flocker's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: Feed, Find food and drink, Detect evil and good


Scalding Touch. Melee Weapon Attack. +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d8 + 3) fire damage, and the target fattens by an equal amount.

Divine Inspiration (Recharge 5–6). The flocker inspires all allies within 10 feet. For 1 minute, all inspired creatures have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Environments: Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark.


Tiny undead, unaligned

  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points 72 (16d4+32)
  • Speed Unlimited

10 (0) 16 (+2) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 6 (-3) 4 (-3)

  • Condition Immunities charmed, blinded, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, diseased.
  • Senses blindsight 90 ft., passive Perception 11
  • Languages -
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Hyperactive. The fast cannot perform actions. However, it rolls for initiative twice, and thus gets two turns per round. The fast can only move in straight horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines, and is stopped by inorganic surfaces, such as stone or metal, but it can pass through living beings. The fast's AC increases by 1 for every 10 ft. travelled.

Fulfillment. Whenever the fast moves through the space of another creature, the fast takes 22 (4d10) damage, and the creature loses an equal number of DP. If the creature's DP drops below 0, they are considered Ravenous until their DP returns above 0. When the fast dies, it explodes on a blast of ectoplasm, and all the creatures within a 30 ft. radius bloat by an amount equal to the DP the fast has drained.

Environments: Urban, Underdark.

Wandering Hill

Large monstrosity, neutral

  • Armor Class 18 (Natural armor)
  • Hit Points 95(9d10+45)
  • Speed 15ft.

20 (+5) 10 (0) 20 (+5) 5 (-3) 18 (+4) 8 (-2)

  • Saving Throws Strength +8, Constitution +8
  • Damage Resistances non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, slashing.
  • Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, stunned, paralyzed, petrified, exhausted, poisoned, prone, unconscious.
  • Senses tremorsense 90 ft., 11 passive perception
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 8 (3900 XP)

False Appearance. As long as it remains immobile, the wandering hill appears as a simple bump on the ground.

Magic resistance. The wandering hill has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Stoneskin. A wandering hill's AC cannot go below 18.

Fungal Growths. When picking up a mushroom from the back of a wandering hill, roll a 1d6 and apply the results.

1-2. The mushroom is a simple, slimming mushroom.

3-4. The mushroom puffs out spores, causing any creatures within 5 ft. to swell with 2d6 Lbs of air.

5-6. The mushroom pops in a splatter of strange sap, causing any creatures within 5 ft. to gain 2d6 Lbs of fat.


Multiattack. The wandering hill can use its Slam attack twice per turn.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack. +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage. Any creatures within 10 ft. of the target, except for the wandering hill, must pass a DC15 Dexterity save or be knocked prone.

Environments: Forest, Grassland, Hill, Swamp.

Wandering Harvests

Wandering hills are uncanny creatures, bearing a stone-like shell in their back, often covered in moss and mushrooms. Said mushrooms are coveted by chefs throughout Retama for their unique taste. However, the mushrooms must be handled with care, as both their spores and sap can cause a number of unwanted effects.


Small aberration, evil

  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points 128(15d6+75)
  • Speed 5ft.

5 (-3) 5 (-3) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 5 (-3)

  • Damage Vulnerabilities necrotic
  • Damage Resistances radiant, psychic
  • Condition Immunities poisoned, blinded, deafened, stunned, paralyzed, petrified, incapacitated, prone, unconscious, diseased.
  • Senses truesight 60ft., tremorsense 120ft., 18 passive perception.
  • Languages Deep Speech
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Luna Emission. The lunaspore emits a cloud of bright fog within a 10 ft. radius of it. Any creatures that start their turn in it or enter it take 10 (2d10) radiant damage, and swell with moonberry juice by an amount of Lbs equal to the damage dealt. The cloud can be dissipated by a strong gust of wind.

Luna Sap. The lunaspore regains 15 HP at the start of each of its turns. If the lunaspore takes piercing, slashing or necrotic damage, it starts to ooze luna sap, and the regain effect is negated. The attacker, unless they used necrotic damage, swells up with 15 Lbs of moonberry juice.

Luna Weapons. The lunaspore's attacks deal an extra 10 (2d10) radiant damage, and cause the target to swell with moonberry juice by an amount of Lbs equal to the damage dealt.


Multiattack. The lunaspore can use its Lumenbile Spit action three times in a single turn.

Lumenbile Spit. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 30ft., one target. Hit 11 (1d12 + 5) acid damage.

Environments: Forest, Swamp, Underdark.


Medium aberration, Neutral evil

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 46 (7d8+14)
  • Speed 25 ft.

11 (0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 17 (+3)

  • Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, exhausted, unconscious
  • Senses passive Perception 13
  • Languages Deep Speech, Undercommon.
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Polyfacetic. This creature can imitate the voice and speech patterns of any other creature it has seen, and can speak any languages they did, even if the faceless doesn't understand them. Additionally, the faceless has advantage on Deception checks against creatures that cannot see it.

Pareidolia. If a non-aberrant creature sees the faceless under bright light, they begin to hallucinate faces on surfaces and natural patterns. For 1 hour, before making a skillcheck or a save, they must make a Concentration save first. If they fail, they automatically fail the following roll.

Innate Spellcasting. The faceless's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:

At will: decay (2d4), flabshock (2d8), hex, fattening jest.

3/day each: burning swirl, fastball, alter self.

1/day each: pulse wave, fat feedback.


Rend. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage. On a critical hit, if the target is wearing robes or clothes, but no armor, their attire is torn to shreds.

Environments: Swamp, Underdark.

Emerald Green

Medium beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 75 (10d8+30)
  • Speed 30 ft.

15 (+2) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 3 (-3) 16 (+3) 3 (-3)

  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
  • Languages -
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Scalework. The emerald green's AC cannot be below 16.

Keen Smell. The emerald green has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.

Natural Camouflage. The emerald green has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made in the forest. Creatures who attack a target that cannot see them have advantage on their attack roll.


Multiattack. The emerald green can take its acid spew action two times per turn.

Acid Spew. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 45 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) acid damage, and the target fattens by an amount equal to twice the damage dealt.

Venom Bile. The emerald green vomits a torrent of poisonous liquid. All targets within a 25 ft. cone centered on it must make a DC14 Dexterity saving throw or take 10 (3d6) poison damage, bloating with juice of a fruit of the DM's choosing by an amount equal to four times the damage dealt. On a successful save, the targets only take half damage, and they bloat only by twice the damage dealt.

Environments: Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp.


Large beast, any Lawful alignment

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 85 (10d10+30)
  • Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 21 (+5) 12 (+1)

  • Saves Strength +5, Intelligence +7, Wisdom +7
  • Skills perception +7, Insight +7, Nature +7, Medicine +7
  • Senses Tremorsense 60 ft., passive Perception 17
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Fertile Presence. The terrain within 250 ft. of the springbearer is fertile and can easily bear fruit. The terrain within 50 ft. of the springbearer grows lush with flowers over the span of 1 hour. Any trees or plants that can grow fruit within 50 ft. of the springbearer do so over the span of 1 hour.

Natural Purity. The springbearer naturally cleanses any non-living sources of disease and corruption within 30 ft. of it.


Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (3d8 + 3) piercing damage.

Trample. The springbearer moves up to its speed, rushing towards a target in a straight line. Both the original targets and any other creatures in range must make a DC13 Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (5d8) bludgeoning damage, taking half damage on a save.

Environments: Forest, Grassland, Hill.

Fumos Golem

Medium construct, unaligned

  • Armor Class 16
  • Hit Points 78 (12d8+24)
  • Speed 0 ft. Fly 30 ft. (hover)

13 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 19 (+4) 10 (0)

  • Condition Immunities blinded, deafened, exhausted, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, unconscious
  • Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
  • Languages -
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Magic Synthesis. At initiative count 0, if the golem has hit a creature with its bash attack, it regains one 1st level spell slot. Additionally, it can spend any number of spell slots to recover a spell slot equal to the sum of the levels of the spell slots consumed.

Spellcasting. The golem is a 6th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). The golem has following spells prepared:

Cantrips (at will): rimewind, scalding touch

1st level (4 slots): feed, fireseed, chasing winds

2nd level (3 slots): fatness arrow, drenching mote, burning swirl

3rd level (3 slots): fat feedback, dust cloud, torrential tribute


Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning & 7 (2d6) force damage.

Environments: Urban.

Fruit Drake

Tiny dragon, unaligned

  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points 65 (10d8+20)
  • Speed 15 ft. Fly 30 ft.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 6 (-3) 13 (+1) 6 (-3)

  • Saves Dexterity +4
  • Condition Immunities exhausted, incapacitated, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious.
  • Senses passive Perception 11
  • Languages -
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Flyby. The fruit drake doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.

Frugivore. Whenever the fruit drake is struck by any attack, spell or magical effect that would make it bloat with fruit juice, it regains HP equal to the bloat amount instead.

Oozing Maw. Whenever the fruit drake hits a bite attack, it deals an extra 7 (2d6) poison damage, and bloats the target by an amount equal to four times the poison damage dealt.


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Environments: Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp.

Black Bart

Medium elemental, unaligned

  • Armor Class 13
  • Hit Points 65 (10d8+20)
  • Speed 50 ft.

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 8 (-1)

  • Saves Dexterity +4
  • Condition Immunities exhausted, incapacitated, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious.
  • Senses passive Perception 11
  • Languages -
  • Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Pack Tactics. The black bart has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the bart's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.

Darkmeld. If the black bart is in the darkness, it's treated to be under the effects of the non-detection spell. If the black bart is under dim light, attacks against it are made with disadvantage.


Multiattack. The black bart can use its bite attack twice per turn.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing & 7 (2d6) necrotic damage to their max HP.

Feretoric Suffusion The black bart spews an uncanny pale fluid from both its maw and eyes in a 30 ft. cone centered on it. All non-undead creatures must make a DC14 Dexterity save or take 13 (3d8) radiant damage. If the targets have their max HP reduced by necrotic damage, they fatten by an amount equal to double the difference between their current max HP and their regular max HP.

Environments: Forest, Grassland, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark.

Yellow Jacket

Small beast, evil

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 66 (12d6+24)
  • Speed fly 40 ft. (hover)

8 (-1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 2 (-5) 11 (0) 3 (-4)

  • Condition Immunities poisoned, blinded, deafened, incapacitated, prone.
  • Senses 10 passive perception.
  • Languages -
  • Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Aggravating Buzz. The yellow jacket makes a sharp buzzing noise as it flies. Any creatures within 10 ft. of it have disadvantage on all skillchecks, as well as Concentration saves.


Multiattack. The yellow jacket can use its Sting action two times in a single turn.

Sting. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing & 3 (1d6) poison damage. The target of this attack swells with honey by an amount equal to the damage dealt.


Erratic Flight. As a response to an attack, the yellow jacket can move 5 ft. in any direction, avoiding the attack.

Environments: Forest, Grassland, Hill, Swamp.

Jade Beetle

Small monstrosity, any neutral alignment

  • Armor Class 13 (Natural armor)
  • Hit Points 45 (6d6+24)
  • Speed 20 ft.

16 (+3) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 2 (-5) 11 (0) 3 (-4)

  • Condition Immunities poisoned, blinded, deafened, incapacitated, prone, unconscious.
  • Senses darvision 60 ft., 10 passive perception.
  • Languages -
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Harden. At the end of each of the jade beetle's turns, its AC is increased by 1.

Charge. If the beetle moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a ram attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.


Clash. As a response to a melee attack, the jade beetle uses its sturdy horn to attempt to repel the blow, adding it's Str score modifier to its AC until the attack ends.

Cocoon. When the jade bettle's AC reaches 18 due to its Harden ability, it encases itself in a sturdy cocoon for 1d4 turns. The cocoon has 16 AC, resistance to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage, and double the HP the jade beetle had when entering it plus the jade beetle's Con modifier multiplied by the number of turns it will remain as a cocoon. If the afforementioned number of turns pass and the cocoon isn't destroyed, an Ironclad Bettle grows out of it.

Environments: Forest, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Underdark.


Medium undead, any evil alignment

  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points 67 (7d8+35)
  • Speed 30 ft.

20 (+5) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 10 (0) 10 (0) 8 (-1)

  • Saves Strength +7, Constitution +6
  • Condition Immunities charmed, blinded, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned, diseased.
  • Senses blindsight 90 ft., passive Perception 10
  • Languages -
  • Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Turn Immunity. The husker is immune against effects that turn undead.

Damage Transfer. While attached to a creature, the husker takes only half the damage dealt to it (rounded down). and that creature takes the other half.

Brittle Form. Huskers attach to creatures by enveloping their target's bodies with their own. A husker cannot attach to creatures that are Large or above. If a creature gains over 100Lbs while a husker is attached to it, the husker takes 27 (5d10) damage and is forced to detach itself from that creature.


Multiattack. The husker can use any two actions per turn, provided it's able.

Tackle. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., all creatures in range. Hit 10 (1d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage, and the target is pushed back 5 ft.

Encase. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one creature. Hit 9 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is Medium or smaller, the husker grapples and attaches to it. The husker can detach itself by spending 5 ft of its movement. A creature, including the target, can take its action to detach the husker by succeeding on a DC18 Strength check.

Upsurge. The husker moves up to half its movement speed in a straight line. This movement is treated as hovering, and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Environments: Urban, Underdark.


Medium plant, evil

  • Armor Class 14
  • Hit Points 85 (10d8+40)
  • Speed 20 ft.

17 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 4 (-3) 17 (+3) 8 (-1)

  • Damage Resistances acid, poison, cold
  • Condition Immunities deafened, exhaustion, poisoned, prone, stunned
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
  • Languages Sylvan
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Grasping roots. A 10 ft. radius area around the squash is covered in strange roots. This is treated as difficult terrain, and whenever a non-plant creature starts their turn in it, they must pass a DC16 Strength save or have their movement speed reduced to 0.

Innate Spellcasting. The squash's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC16, +6 to hit). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring only somatic components:

At will: sow the seeds (Lv. 3)

3/day each: seed shot

1/day each: blueberrify


Multiattack. The squash can use its vine lash up to four times per turn. Alternatively, it can use its irrigate action and any other two actions.

Vine lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage, and the target bloats with juice equal to the damage dealt. If the target is within 10 ft. of the squash, the bloat amount is doubled.

Sputter. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 45 ft., one target. Hit 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage, and the target bloats with juice equal to the damage dealt. If the target's movement has been reduced to 0 by the effect of the grasping roots, the squash has advantage on the attack roll.

Irrigate. The squash cannot use this ability if it has moved this turn. It's movement speed is reduced to 0 until the start of its next turn, and it regains 11 (2d10) HP.

Environments: Forest, Grassland, Hill, Swamp.

Sticky Globule

Small ooze, unaligned

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 90 (13d6+39)
  • Speed 10ft., climb 10 ft.

16 (+3) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 1 (-5) 6 (-2) 2 (-4)

  • Skills Perception +5
  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing.
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone.
  • Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive perception 8
  • Languages -
  • Challenge 5 (1800 XP)

Amorphous. The globule can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.

Translucence. While the globule remains motionless, it is considered to be invisible.

Ambusher. In the first round of combat, the globule has advantage on attack rolls against any creature it surprised.

Corrosive Emissions. The globule's boddy bubbles, emitting splatters of acid that spill over a 10 ft. radius around it. Any creatures within reach take 5 (1d10) acid damage, and gain weight equal to the damage dealt. On top of that, any nonmagical weapon or armor worn by a creature within range corrodes. At the end of each turn, the equipment takes a permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty drops to −5, the equipment is destroyed. Nonmagical ammunition made of metal that hits the globule is destroyed after dealing damage. The globule can eat through 2-inch-thick, nonmagical metal in 1 round.

Sticky White Stuff. The globule oozes a sticky white substance in a 15 ft. radius around it. This area is considered difficult terrain, and the speed of any creature within it cannot be higher than 10 ft.


Multiattack. The globule can use any two actions in a single turn.

Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d6 + 3) acid damage. A single piece of equipment worn by the target degrades by -1, and they gain weight equal to the damage dealt.

Spray Glue. Ranged Weapon Attack. +5 to hit, reach 30ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d6 + 3) acid damage, and the target is restrained (DC13). While restrained, they gain weight equal to the damage dealt at the start of their turns.


Polymerization. Whenever the globule fully corrodes an item, it can use its reaction to permanently grow one size category. Its attack die double while enlarged, and its HP increases by 50%, regaining an amount equal to the HP increase, and its AC increases by 1. The globule can use this ability while enlarged, but to enlarge itself further, it needs to consume twice as many items than the previous stage.

Environments: Urban, Underdark.

A Convenient Trap

While sticky globules are not that dangerous in the wild, their properties have led to many a researcher to aquire some, as they are surprisingly useful when it comes to protecting archives. Moreso when there are small hallways involved, as their unique traits allow them to slow intruders and gradually disarm them. For these reasons, sticky globules have become a mainstay in the trapped hallways of many Retama mages.


Huge ooze, unaligned

  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points 189 (18d12+72)
  • Speed 5 ft.

15 (+2) 10 (0) 19 (+4) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)

  • Damage Vulnerabilities fire, lightning
  • Damage Resistances non-magical bludgeoning, slashing, piercing, necrotic
  • Condition Immunities charmed, blinded, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, stunned
  • Senses blindsight 45 ft., passive Perception 11
  • Languages -
  • Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Thick Mass. The Refuse is composed of a thick, dense goo. Whenever a creature hits it with a melee weapon attack, they must make a DC15 Strength or Dexterity save or become disarmed.

Pulpy Residues. The Refuse secretes a dense substance from its body. All creatures within 10 ft. of it have their walking speed reduced to 5 ft., and they are unable to take the Dash action for as long as they remain in range. On top of that, whenever a creature in range would fatten, inflate or bloat, they do so for double the amount.


Multiattack. The Refuse can attack once with its pseudopods and once with its bodyslam.

Pseudopods. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one creature. Hit 9 (2d6 + 2) acid damage, and if it hits, the target creature is pulled 5 ft. towards the Refuse. If the creature would be pulled into the space the Refuse occupies, they must pass a DC15 Strength save.

On a failed save, the creature enters the Refuse's space, and the creature fattens by 10 (3d6) Lbs and is restrained. The restrained creature takes 21 (6d6) Acid damage and fattens by an equal amount at the start of each of the Refuse's turns. When the Refuse moves, the restrained creature moves with it.

A restrained creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a DC15 Strength check. On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the Refuse.

Bodyslam. The Refuse moves up to its movement speed in any direction. While doing so, it can enter Large or smaller creatures' spaces. Whenever the Refuse enters a creature's space, the creature must make a DC15 Dexterity saving throw. On a successful save, the creature can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the side of the Refuse. A creature that chooses not to or cannot be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed saving throw.

On a failed save, the Refuse enters the creature's space, and the creature fattens by 10 (3d6) Lbs and is restrained. The restrained creature takes 21 (6d6) Acid damage and fattens by an equal amount at the start of each of the Refuse's turns. When the Refuse moves, the restrained creature moves with it.

A restrained creature can try to escape by taking an action to make a DC15 Strength check. On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of the Refuse.

Environments: Urban.

Ironclad Beetle

Large monstrosity, any neutral alignment

  • Armor Class 18
  • Hit Points 115(10d10+60)
  • Speed 30ft.

20 (+5) 15 (+2) 22 (+6) 5 (-3) 14 (+2) 5 (-3)

  • Damage Resistances non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, slashing.
  • Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened, prone.
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
  • Languages
  • Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Uncanny Blood. At the start of each of its turns, the Ironclad Beetle gains an amount of temporary HP equal to its Con score. This ability doesn't trigger if it has any temporary HP from this effect.

Growth Hormones. Whenever the Ironclad beetle takes bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage, any creatures within 5 ft. of it are splattered by its blood, being fattened by an amount equal to the damage dealt. If this happens when the Ironclad Beetle doesn't have any temporary HP, its Uncanny Blood doesn't activate on the next turn.

Charge. If the beetle moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 13 (2d12) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.


Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 15 (2d10 + 5)

Forced Growth. The Ironclad beetle hunkers down, calling upon the strange properties of its blood, and immediately regaining half of all the damage it took the previous turn.

Nature, handmade

While many would reel at the idea, both the Jade beetle and the Ironclad beetle were designed and created through magic. The work of a Basilian wizard that had grown tired of dealing with the Aestival, and seeked to find out whether he could create a creature capable of naturally growing some very needed mineral materials.

After many months of research, and several failed experiments, of which the Balefurs are among, the Jade Beetle was created. Able to produce jade naturally on its sturdy shell. The mage was overjoyed, and quickly attempted to scale up his experiments. To no avail, however, as the Council seemed rather unimpressed by his advances. Nevertheless, he continued his testing. This time, he was trying for a more common material, iron. As iron was a much more coveted resource than jade, he would need to produce far more many beetles, or a single, much larger one. And so, utilizing jade beetles as a source, he began to work.

His first success came on a cocooned jade beetle, as he changed the creature's chitin composition from jade to iron. His second success came after pumping an inordinate amount of growth hormones into the cocooned jade beetle. His third success came once the beetle came out of the cocoon, completely covered in a chitin very much composed of pure iron.

This was the moment where his successes ended, as a second after, he had been mauled to death by his own creation.

Nowadays, while not being the most common, jade and ironclad beetles proliferate, prefering to stay in dark, moist places to breed. And though their numbers are severely limited, to come accross an ironclad beetle is still an experience many travellers dread.

Swamp Gorger

Huge monstrosity, evil

  • Armor Class 15
  • Hit Points 173(15d12+75)
  • Speed 20ft.

20 (+5) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 2 (-5) 17 (+3) 5 (-3)

  • Damage Resistances bludgeoning
  • Condition Immunities poisoned, deafened, stunned, incapacitated, prone, unconscious.
  • Senses tremorsense 120 ft., 13 passive perception
  • Languages
  • Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)

Aggressive. As a bonus action, the swamp gorger can move up to its speed toward a hostile creature it can see.

Blood Frenzy. The swamp gorger has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points.

Stench. Any creature other than a swamp gorger that starts its turn within 5 feet of the swamp gorger must succeed on a DC15 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the start of the creature's next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to the stench of all gorgers for 1 hour.

Consumption. The gorger regains 20 HP at the start of its turn as long as there's a creature inside of it. The gorger only dies if it has 0 HP and doesn't regain HP.


Frightful Presence. Each creature of the gorger's choice that is within 120 feet of the gorger and aware of it must succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the gorger's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.

Multiattack. The gorger can use it's frightful presence, followed by any two actions. If its Tentacle Lash hits, it can use its Reel In action afterwards as a free action.

Tentacle Lash. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 50ft., one target. Hit 15 (2d10 + 5) and the target is grappled (escape DC20). Until this grapple ends, the creature is restrained.

Reel In. The gorger pulls a single creature struck by its Tentacle Lash or restrained up to 30 ft. towards it.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 15 (2d10 + 5).

If the target creature is grappled, restrained, prone or unconscious, the gorger devours the creature whole. While in the gorger's stomach, the creature takes 10 (2d10) acid damage each turn. To escape, the creature must pass an Athletics (Str or Dex) check against the gorger's constitution score. The gorger can hold up to 3 medium size creatures in its stomach. While inside the gorger's stomach, all creatures in it make attacks with advantage, but all their equipment is corroded, and breaks in 5 (1d10) turns. If the gorger is below half health, the escape DC becomes 15.

The Terror Of The Swamp

Known by all inhabitants of Retama, the Gorger is the single most vile creature in the entirety of the region. Physically, it can be described as a gigantic stomach with a mouth, lined with sharp fangs, and a myriad of tendrils to grasp its prey and devour it. A vast layer of fat is the only thing that separates its stomach from its skin, covered in light fur, with a sickly grey tone. It's able to utilize the creatures it consumes as immediate sustenance, and its regenerative abilities are bar none, provided it has had something to eat.

While very few have come face to face with this creature, primarily due to the fact that nobody has even the slightest bit of interest in the idea, the ones that have rarely come unscathed. Its appetite has no equal, and gorgers have been seen consuming dragons, and even other gorgers. This monstrosity's appetite is impossible to sate, as it seeks to devour anything it comes across. Thankfully, it's presence is limited to Retama's swampland, as it would be too hard for it to move its body anywhere else.


Medium humanoid (Any race), any alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (Scale Mail)
  • Hit Points 60(10d8+20)
  • Speed 30ft.

17 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 15 (+2) 13 (+1)

  • Skills Athletics +5, Perception +4
  • Senses passive Perception 14
  • Languages Any language (Usually Common)
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Sensitive. Guards can make a DC15 Perception check to gain the effects of Detect Magic for up to 1 hour. Guards can use this ability at will.

Tenacious. When an guard attacks a creature that's under its Max HP, the creature takes an extra 4 (1d8) points of damage.


Mutiattack. A guard can make two attacks per turn using any of its weapons.

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 ti hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 80ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Ruin Keeper

Medium humanoid (Peccarian), any alignment

  • Armor Class 14 (Hide armor & Shield)
  • Hit Points 60(10d8+20)
  • Speed 30ft.

17 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (0)

  • Skills Athletics +5, Investigation +3, Survival +4
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
  • Languages Common, Orc
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Handy. A Ruin Keeper's damage dice for attacks made with improvised weapons is a d6 instead of a d4.

Fleeting Expertise. A Ruin Keeper can make a DC15 Investigation check to gain proficiency on a single skill that a friendly creature has used in the last minute. This effect lasts one minute.


Pummel. Melee Unarmed Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 8 (2d4 + 3) piercing damage. This attack's damage increases to 2d6 if the Ruin Keeper is wielding an improvised weapon.

Quick Thinking. While unarmed, a ruin keeper can spend an action or bonus action to arm themselves with an improvised weapon quickly scavenged. If they are within 5 ft. of a creature, they can then make an attack as part of the same action. If the object is small enough, such as a stone or a tankard, the effective range increases to 30 ft., but the object is lost after throwing it.

Swamp Guide

Medium humanoid (Tealach), any alignment

  • Armor Class 16 (Leather & Shield)
  • Hit Points 60(10d8+20)
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 8 (-1)

  • Skills Stealth +5, Nature +5, Perception +6, Survival +6
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
  • Languages Common, Sylvan
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Special Equipment. A swamp guide carries a Brightmurk Lantern, a Wanderer's Map and 5 Flamepots.

Pause And Listen. When the swamp guide stays still, and as long as no creatures that it can see are moving, it automatically succeeds at any Perception checks.

Spellcasting. Swamp guides are 6th-level spellcasters. Their spellcasting ability is Wisdom (Save DC14, +6 to hit with spell attacks.) Swamp guides have the following spells prepared.

Cantrips (At Will): Light, Message, Minor Illusion.

1st Level (4 Slots): Alarm, Cause Fear, Guiding Bolt, Speak with Animals.

2nd Level (3 Slots): Calm Emotions, Healing Spirit, Suggestion.

3rd Level (3 Slots): Catnap, Daylight, Magic Circle.


Multiattack. Swamp guides can use their Shortspear to attack twice per turn.

Steel Shortspear. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.

Pravitas Mage

Medium humanoid (Iberian), any chaotic alignment

  • Armor Class 13 (Leather)
  • Hit Points 60(10d8+20)
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Intelligence +6, Wisdom +6
  • Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
  • Languages Common, Halfling
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Broadened Malice. Whenever a creature gains or loses weight/muscle or inflates from a spell cast by a Pravitas mage, the Pravitas can double the damage dice for the purposes of the effect only.

Unashamed. Pravitas mages are immune to charms and cannot be forcibly put to sleep.

Spellcasting. Pravitas mages are 8th-level spellcasters. Their spellcasting ability is Charisma (Save DC15, +7 to hit with spell attacks.) Pravitas mages have the following spells prepared.

Cantrips (At Will): Steal Nutrition, Scalding Touch, Flabshock.

1st Level (4 Slots): Sow The Seeds, Alcoholic Stream, Scalding Oil.

2nd Level (3 Slots): Vapor Juice, Weighing Ward.

3rd Level (3 Slots): Seed Shot, Sweltering Ground.

4th Level (2 Slots): Alluring Feast, Fatball.


Simulcast. If the Pravitas mage hits a spell attack with a cantrip, it can cast a second cantrip as part of the same action.

Khanjar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.

Iberia's Unknown History

While this is information that is readily available in any library or archive, there's few that are aware of Iberia's strange interests. While she was known far and wide due to her feats of strength, her steady dominion of relatively complex magics marked her as an able spellcaster as well. Though more often than not, she would use said spells for the sake of satisfying certain needs. Rather uncommon ones, present on herself and others. This was the birth of the Pravitas order, a member of which eventually came to create the Ambrosian sorcery.

Noxate Juggler

Medium humanoid (Iberian or Moirai), any evil alignment

  • Armor Class 15 (Leather)
  • Hit Points 65 (10d8+20)
  • Speed 30ft.

14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 18 (+4) 10 (0)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6, Wisdom +6
  • Skills Acrobatics +6, Sleight of Hand +6, Perception +6, Survival +6.
  • Senses passive Perception 16
  • Languages Common, Halfling, Draconic.
  • Challenge 3 (700 XP)


Multiattack. Noxate jugglers can throw their spellbombs up to two times per turn, though they cannot toss two of the same bomb in a single turn.

Spellbomb: Grease. (Recharges 1-2) Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 50ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. On a hit, it spreads a puddle of highly flammable grease on the floor, drenching any creatures within 10 ft. of the point of impact. If a creature drenched in grease is hit by fire damage, they take one extra dice and are fattened equal to the damage dealt.

Spellbomb: Cough. (Recharges 2-3) Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 50ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. On a hit, it spreads a dense powder that sends everyone within 10 ft. into a coughing fit, stunning them until the end of the round. The targets inflate by an amount equal to the damage dealt at the start of every turn until the end of the round.

Spellbomb: Acid. (Recharges 3-4) Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 50ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. On a hit, it spreads a dense acid goo that erodes through the equipment of any creature within 10 ft. placing a -2 penalty on it. The targets are fattened equal to the damage dealt multiplied by the number of items affected.

Spellbomb: Glue. (Recharges 4-5) Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 50ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. On a hit, it spreads a blotch of thick glue, reducing the movement speed of any creatures within 10 ft. to 15. The targets are fattened equal to the damage dealt multiplied by every 5 ft. of movement lost.

Spellbomb: Alcohol. (Recharges 5-6) Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 50ft., one target. Hit 6 (1d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. On a hit, it spreads a cloud of alcoholic gas, and every creature within it gains 1 level of exhaustion. The targets are fattened equal to the damage dealt multiplied by their exhaustion level.


Backflip. As a reaction to an attack, the juggler can add his Acrobatics modifier to his AC.

Escape Bomb. As a reaction to an enemy getting within 5 ft. of them, the juggler can immediately throw a bomb at them and move up to 10 ft. away. The bomb doesn't deal damage, but both them and any creature in range suffer the bomb's effects. This movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity.

Pride & The Council

The Noxa were once upon a time a powerful order of assassins. Composed primarily of Iberians, they were well known for their unusual ways of fighting, sometimes being far more focused on the form than on their function. Nevertheless, they always got the job done. Unfortunately, they made the mistake of taking a job made by a Basilian councilmember.

From that point onwards, the Noxa were gradually taken over by the Council's internal politics and infighting. Until, several decades after that first job, the order split in two. The ones that maintained the Noxa name became the de-facto dogs of the Council, contacted every time they needed someone to disappear. Most of the ones that parted simply went their own ways, hoping to never be contacted again. However, some attempted to bring back the group to their former glory. Attempts that, once everything was said and done, yielded no fruit.

Noxate Fronter

Medium humanoid (Baalvarion or Peccarian), any evil alignment

  • Armor Class 18 (Chitin Armor)
  • Hit Points 111 (13d8+52)
  • Speed 30ft.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 10 (0)

  • Saving Throws Strength +6, Constitution +6
  • Senses passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common, Dwarvish, Orc.
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Bodyblock. If a Noxate fronter is within 5 ft. of a creature, said creature cannot make ranged attacks.

Overpower. If a hostile creature attempts to grapple or restrain a Noxate fronter, if they are within 5 ft., the Noxate fronter immediately knocks them prone.


Multiattack. A Noxate fronter can take up to three actions per turn.

Channeled Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 10 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.

Hunker Down. The Noxate fronter braces themselves for any upcoming blow, gaining resistance to the next attack they take, regardless of what it is.


Repel. If a Noxate fronter is targeted by a ranged attack, they can redirect it to another creature within 5 ft. of them.

Warding. If a creature within 5 ft. of the Noxate fronter is targeted by a ranged attack, the Noxate fronter can spend their reaction to redirect the attack to them.

Noxate Pursuer

Medium humanoid (Iberian or Thimean), any evil alignment

  • Armor Class 17 (Quilted Vest)
  • Hit Points 111 (13d8+52)
  • Speed 30ft.

10 (0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (0) 14 (+2)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +6, Intelligence +6
  • Skills Acrobatics +6, Investigation +6.
  • Senses passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common, Halfling, Elvish.
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Fast Reflexes. If a Noxate pursuer hits an attack of opportunity against a creature, the target's movement is immediately reduced to 0.

Hot Pursuit. Noxate pursuers can take the Dash action as a bonus action.


Multiattack. A Noxate pursuer can use their Venom action followed by any two attack actions.

Venom. Once a turn, and until the end of the round, roll a 1d4. The Noxate pursuer applies one of the following poisons to their weapon.

1 - Blueblood. Adds 4 (1d8) poison damage to the damage roll and the targets bloat with blueberry juice equal to the damage dealt.

2 - Vapour. Adds 4 (1d8) force damage to the damage roll and the targets iflate with vapor equal to the damage dealt.

3 - Consuming. Adds 4 (1d8) acid damage to the damage roll and the targets shrink or slim by an amount equal to the damage dealt.

4 - Boiler. Adds 4 (1d8) fire damage to the damage roll and the targets are fattened equal to the damage dealt.

Falx. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.

Needles. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 60ft., up to 4 targets. Hit 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.


Chase Down. If a creature disengages or runs away from a Noxate pursuer, the Noxate puruser can move up to half their speed to chase said creature. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Noxate Strongarm

Medium humanoid (Kondrath or Peccarian), any evil alignment

  • Armor Class 17 (Splint armor)
  • Hit Points 75 (10d8+30)
  • Speed 30ft.

18 (+4) 10 (0) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 11 (+1) 18 (+4)

  • Saving Throws Strength +6, Charisma +6
  • Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +6.
  • Senses passive Perception 11
  • Languages Common, Gigant, Orc.
  • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Intense Presence. Any creature that the Noxate Strongarm has intimidated becomes frightened of the Strongarm for 1 hour.

Collection. When the Strongarm successfully grapples another creature, it can use an action or bonus action to disarm them, keeping or tossing the weapon up to 45 ft. away from it.

Snatch. After attacking, the Strongarm can attempt to grapple a creature within 5 ft. of it as a bonus action.


Multiattack. The Strongarm can make up to three attacks with their cleaver.

Cleaver. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 60ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.