Mega Man

The Super Fighting Robot



Level Proficiency Bonus Features Mega Buster E-Tanks
1st +2 Mega Man DLN-001, Android Body 1d4 -
2nd +2 Energy Tank 1d4 2
3rd +2 Mega Man v1 1d4 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1d6 3
5th +3 Extra Attack 1d6 4
6th +3 Mega Man v2 1d6 4
7th +3 Mega Man Upgrade 1d6 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 1d8 5
9th +4 Mega Man v3 1d8 6
10th +4 Mega Man Upgrade 2 1d8 6
11th +4 Mega Man v4 1d8 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 7
13th +5 Mega Man v5 1d10 8
14th +5 Mega Man Upgrade 3 1d10 8
15th +5 Mega Man v6 1d10 9
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 1d10 9
17th +6 Mega Man Upgrade 4 1d12 10
18th +6 Mega Man v7 1d12 10
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 1d12 11
20th +6 Mega Man X 1d12 12

Class Features

As DLN-001, you gain the following class features

Hit Points

Hit Dice:
1d10 per DLN-001 level
Hit Points at 1st Level:
10+ your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels:
1d10 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per DLN-001 level after 1st


Saving Throws:
Dexterity, Constituion
Choose two from History, Investigation, Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Survival

Spellcasting Ability

Spell save DC
= 6 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier
= your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Megaman DLN-001

At 1st level, you are the first model of Megaman created. You gain a powersuit that takes on any form of appearance you wish and gives 14AC. You also gain the Mega Buster, a long range weapon that deals 1d4 Force damage.

Android Body

Also at level 1, your android body becomes the prime form of life compared to organics. You are immune to poison and disease. You don’t need to eat or sleep and you only need to rest 4 hours to complete a long rest.

Energy Tank

At 2nd level, you gain access to the E-Tank system. E-Tanks are portable sources of energy used to refuel your android power. You can use an E-tank to restore 1d8 Hit points and use them to fuel your Robot Master abilities. You start with 2 E-Tanks and gain more in later levels.

Megaman v1

At 3rd level, you gain your first set of Robot Master Power Chips. You can choose up to two powers from the list below:

Robot Masters
Model No. Name Weapon E-Tank Cost
DLN-003 Cut Man Rolling Cutter 1
DLN-004 Guts Man Super Arm 1
DLN-005 Ice Man Ice Slasher 1
DLN-006 Bomb Man Hyper Bomb 1
DLN-007 Fire Man Fire Storm 1
DLN-008 Elec Man Thunder Beam 1
  • Rolling Cutter: Make an attack roll to throw a circular scissor blade that deals 1d6 slashing damage. The target makes a Dexterity save and on a failure is hit a second time as the blade returns to you dealing another 1d6.

  • Super Arm: Gain +10 to Strength checks and saving throws and advantage on Athletic checks for 1 hour.

  • Ice Slasher: Make an attack roll and fire an arrowhead of ice dealing 2d10 cold damage.

  • Hyper Bomb: Throw a large bomb that explodes with a radius of 15-feet. All targets in range must make a Dexterity save and on a failure take 2d10 Fire damage.



  • Firestorm: Conjure 5 small fireballs that orbit around you. Any target within 5-feet of you takes 5d4 fire damage at the start of their turn. You can individually use each fireball as an attack dealing 1d4 fire damage. Your radius damage reduces by 1 die per fireball expended.

  • Thunder Beam: Fire three lightning beams at any target. Make a ranged spell attack and deal 2d6 lightning damage for each beam.

Ability Score Improvement

At 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You cannot increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

At 5th level, you gain the ability to make a second attack action with your Mega Buster each turn.

Megaman v2

At 6th level, you gain your next set of Robot Master Power Chips. You can choose up to two powers from the list below:

Robot Masters
Model No. Name Weapon E-Tank Cost
DWN-009 Metal Man Metal Blade 1
DLN-010 Air Man Air Shooter 1
DLN-011 Bubble Man Bubble Lead 1
DLN-012 Quick Man Quick Boomerang 2
DLN-013 Crash Man Crash Bomber 2
DLN-014 Flash Man Time Stopper 2
DLN-015 Heat Man Atomic Fire 2
DLN-016 Wood Man Leaf Shield 2
  • Metal Blade: Make an attack roll to throw a metal saw blade at the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d8 slashing damage.

  • Air Shooter: Unleash three mini twisters at any target in range. Each twister deals 1d6 Force damage and the target must make a Dex save or be knocked prone.

  • Bubble Lead: Form a heavy bubble that drops and rolls on the ground.. The bubble can be placed on the ground as a trap that is triggered when a target gets within 10-feet. Any target in range takes 2d6 force damage.

  • Quick Boomerang: Throw a yellow boomerang that returns on hit. Make an attack roll and deal 2d6 on hit. If the attack hits, make a second attack roll for the return hit.

  • Crash Bomber: Fire out a sticky bomb that can be placed on any surface. The bomb can be triggered as a bonus action to explode hitting anyone within 10-feet dealing 2d12 fire damage.

  • Time Stopper: Cause a flash within 30-feet affected anyone in that radius. For the next round, all targets affected are stunned and unable to act.

  • Atomic Fire: Release a plume of fire underneath a target. The target makes a Dexterity saving throw and on a failure takes 4d6 Fire damage. :

  • Leaf Shield: Form a shield of 5 heavy duty leaves around you granting you +5 AC. Each time you take physical damage a leaf is broken dropping your AC by -1. You can also throw your leaf shield as a ranged spell attack dealing 1d8 slashing damage for every leaf used in the shield.

Mega Man Upgrade

At 7th level, you gain your first Megaman upgrade. Your Mega Buster can now be charged for a more powerful attack. Spend an action to charge and on the next turn add 1 damage dice to the roll. Your power armor now grants AC16 and your E-Tanks can heal you for 1d10 instead of 1d8. You also gain the following effects.

  • Increase any ability score by +2
  • Gain 1 feat

Megaman v3

At level 9, you gain your next set of Robot Master Power Chips. You can choose up to two powers from the list below:

Robot Masters
Model No. Name Weapon E-Tank Cost
DWN-017 Needle Man Needle Cannon 1
DLN-018 Magnet Man Magnet Missile 2
DLN-019 Gemini Man Gemini Laser 2
DLN-020 Hard Man Hard Knuckle 2
DLN-021 Top Man Top Spin 3
DLN-022 Snake Man Search Snake 2
DLN-023 Spark Man Spark Shock 3
DLN-024 Shadow Man Shadow Blade 2
  • Needle Cannon: Rapid fire 3 sharp needles at a target. Make an attack roll for each needle and on a hit deal 2d8 piercing damage.



  • Magnet Missile: Fire a magnet shaped missile that seeks out the designated target. Make an attack roll at advantage and on a hit the missile explodes dealing 2d10 force damage and knocking the target prone.

  • Gemini Laser: Fire a blue beam that reacts to the targets thoughts. When used on a hostile, they must make a Wisdom saving throw and on a failure they are charmed. When used on an ally, you can ease their mind and give them advantage on their next attack roll.

  • Hard Knuckle: Fire off your fist like a rocket as a ranged attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 bludgeoning damage. If the target was below max hit points they’re knocked 10-feet back and fall prone.

  • Top Spin: As a reaction, you can use Top Spin to spin like a top and halve the damage of any oncoming attack.

  • Search Snake: Release up to 3 snakes that move across the ground as traps. Any target that gets within 10-feet of a snake triggers the trap and takes 2d8 poison damage. The traps can be avoided by succeeding a Perception check. :

  • Spark Shock: Target one creature within 10-feet and force a Constitution save. On a failure, they are paralyzed. :

  • Shadow Blade: Throw a large shuriken at a target as a ranged attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 4d4 piercing damage. The shuriken remains stuck in the target and must take an action to remove it. The target takes 1d4 damage for every turn the shuriken remains embedded in them.

Mega Man Upgrade 2

At 10th level, you gain your second upgrade. Your power armor now gives you natural resistances against all non-magical physical damage. You can also use an E-Tank in order to make a bonus action attack with your Mega Buster.

Mega Man V4

At level 11, you gain your next set of Robot Master Power Chips. You can choose up to two powers from the list below:

Robot Masters
Model No. Name Weapon E-Tank Cost
DWN-025 Bright Man Flash Stopper 2
DLN-026 Toad Man Rain Flush 3
DLN-027 Drill Man Drill Bomb 3
DLN-028 Pharaoh Man Pharaoh Shot 2
DLN-029 Ring Man Ring Boomerang 2
DLN-030 Dust Man Dust Crusher 2
DLN-031 Dive Man Dive Missile 3
DLN-032 Skull Man Skull Barrier 2
  • Flash Stopper: Emit a bright flash within a 30-foot radius. All creatures in range make a Constitution save and on a failure they are blinded and lose -5 to their AC. Creatures with no eyes or form of sight are unaffected by Flash Stopper.

  • Rain Flush: Summon an acid rain in a 60-foot radius. All targets must make a Constitution save and on a failure take 4d10 acid damage. On each turn a target remains in the radius they take an additional 2d10 acid damage.

  • Drill Bomb: Fire a drill bomb at a target. Make an attack roll and add +5 to the attack. On a hit the bomb explodes dealing 4d6 Fire damage. The drill bomb bypasses shields, cover, and barriers.

  • Pharaoh Shot: Charge a ball of solar radiation and release it at a target. Make an attack roll and on a hit deal 8d6 fire damage. You can spend an action to continue the charge and release the attack on your next turn making the damage 6d8 fire damage instead.

  • Ring Boomerang: Throw out a ring that boomerangs around an opponent hitting them several times. Make 4 individual attack rolls and each one deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage. If all 4 attacks hit the target is knocked prone.

  • Dust Crusher: Create a bomb made of scrap metal. Make a ranged attack roll at a target and on a hit the target takes 6d4 Fire damage. Upon explosion, the scrap metal splits into shrapnel able to hit up to 4 targets within range. The targets make a Dexterity save and on a failure take 2d10 slashing damage. :

  • Dive Missile: Fire a torpedo that locks onto its target. Choose one target in range and fire the missile making a ranged attack roll at advantage. On a hit, the target takes 4d6 fire damage. :

  • Skull Barrier: Conjure five mechanical skulls that float around you in a constant motion. Your AC increases by five and targets have disadvantage on attacks toward you. Each time you take damage one of the skulls breaks making you lose 1 AC for each skull.

Megaman v5

At 13th level, you gain your next set of Robot Master Power Chips. You can choose up to two powers from the list below:



Robot Masters
Model No. Name Weapon E-Tank Cost
DWN-033 Gravity Man Gravity Hold 5
DLN-034 Wave Man Water Wave 4
DLN-035 Stone Man Power Stone 3
DLN-036 Gyro Man Gyro Attack 3
DLN-037 Star Man Star Crash 5
DLN-038 Charge Man Charge Kick 3
DLN-039 Napalm Man Napalm Bomb 4
DLN-040 Crystal Man Crystal Eye 3
  • Gravity Hold: Control the gravity in a 60-foot radius. All targets in range make a Constitution save and on a failure are knocked prone. The gravity then reverses launching a target 1d20 x 10 feet in the air. The targets fall to the ground taking fall damage equal to the amount of feet fallen.

  • Water Wave: Create 3 individual pillars of water in front of you. You are considered in half cover while behind the pillars. You can make an attack roll to send a pillar at a target and on a hit deal 2d10 cold damage.

  • Power Stone: Summon up to 4 stones from the ground as they orbit around you. Any creature within 5-feet must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 4d6 bludgeoning damage each. Melee attacks against you are taken at a disadvantage. Each time you take damage one of the rocks breaks reducing the damage by 1 die.

  • Gyro Attack: Fire out a green propeller blade at a target. Make a ranged attack roll and on a hit the target takes 2d10 slashing damage. If another creature is within 10-feet of the chosen target you can make a second attack roll to target one of those creatures.

  • Star Crash: Creature a barrier of 5 golden stars around you. Your AC increases by 5 and targets have disadvantage on attacks against you. You can throw the shield at a target with a ranged attack roll and on a hit they take 5d8 slashing damage for each star thrown. You can only take Star Crash if you already have Leaf Shield or Skull Barrier. Star Crash replaces the two.

  • Charge Kick: As a reaction, you drop to the ground and do a sliding kick to any target within 10-feet. The target makes a Dexterity saving throw and on a failure they take 2d10 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. You can spend 2 E-Tanks to charge the kick to make a force field which deals an extra 2d10 Force damage. You are immune to any effects or spells that could trigger by you moving through or passed them while using this reaction. :

  • Napalm Bomb: You throw a bomb that bounces across the ground and explodes in a 30-foot radius. Every creature within 30 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d6 Fire damage on a failure, or half as much on a successful save. This weapons damage bypasses resistances or immunities. :

  • Crystal Eye: Conjure up to 3 crystal orbs and make ranged attack rolls with each of them. The first two orbs deal 1d12 bludgeoning damage while the third deals 1d8. Only 3 crystal orbs can be made at a time but you can choose to only use one of them and keep the others as bonus attacks on another turn.

Mega Man Upgrade 3

At 14th level, you gain your third upgrade. Your Mega Buster now has a critical range of 19-20 and you can now spend an E-Tank while charging your buster to deal a bonus 1 damage die. Your power armor now grants you 18AC and your E-Tanks heal you for 1d12.

Mega Man v6

At 15th level, you gain your next set of Robot Master Power Chips. You can choose up to two powers from the list below:

Robot Masters
Model No. Name Weapon E-Tank Cost
DWN-041 Blizzard Man Blizzard Attack 4
DLN-042 Centaur Man Centaur Flash 5
DLN-043 Flame Man Flame Blast 4
DLN-044 Knight Man Knight Crusher 3
DLN-045 Plant Man Plant Barrier 4
DLN-046 Tomahawk Man Silver Tomahawk 3
DLN-047 Wind Man Wind Storm 4
DLN-048 Yamato Man Yamato Spear 3
  • Blizzard Attack: Create 4 snowflakes on all four sides of you. You can make a ranged attack roll and target up to 4 individual creatures. On a hit, they take 2d12 cold damage. If a creature is within 5-feet of you when you create the snowflakes they take 2d12 cold damage and the snowflake is consumed.

  • Centaur Flash: Freeze time within a 30-foot radius. All targets in range immediately take 4d12 force damage then must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer the effects of the Slow. When Centaur Flash is used, you are frozen in place as if you are paralyzed. You can continue to make the save on each of your turns.



  • Flame Blast: Conjure up to three fireballs and hurl them at a creature. Each target makes a Dexterity saving throw and on a failure takes 6d8 fire damage. If the target succeeds, they take no damage and the fireball hits the ground and becomes a flame pillar that lasts 1 minute and deals 4d6 fire damage to any creature within 10-feet of it.

  • Knight Crusher: Throw up to 2 spiked balls in different directions. Make a ranged attack roll and on a hit deal 4d10 bludgeoning or piercing damage. If any creatures are within a line range of the target they must make a Dexterity save and on a failure take damage as well.

  • Plant Barrier: Create a barrier made of 8 giant flower petals. Your AC increases by +8. If a target lands a melee attack on you the barrier drops completely.

  • Silver Tomahawk: Throw out a silver tomahawk and make two ranged attacks at a target. On each hit the target takes 2d8 slashing damage as the tomehawk circles back around. As a bonus action, you can catch the tomahawk on the return then make a melee attack against a target dealing 2d8 slashing damage. :

  • Wind Storm: You create 3 powerful twisters that travel in a 50-foot line that’s 15-feet wide. Any creature caught in the range must make a DEX save and on a failure takes 2d12 thunder damage or take half on succss. All targets in range are knocked prone. :

  • Yamato Spear: Fire sharp spear heads from your Mega Buster instead of its normal energy. Your attacks now deal a bonus 3d6 slashing damage and reduce a targets AC by -1 each time they’re hit by a Yamato Spear (Max. 5)

Mega Man Upgrade 4

At 17th level, you gain your 4th upgrade. You can now make 2 attacks with your Mega Buster each turn and your charge has become a bonus action instead of a full action. Your E-Tanks can heal for 2d8. Your power armor now grants you 20AC and resistance to all forms of physical damage and immunity to one type of damage of your choice.

Mega Man v7

At 18th level, you gain your next set of Robot Master Power Chips. You can choose up to two powers from the list below:

Robot Masters
Model No. Name Weapon E-Tank Cost
DWN-049 Freeze Man Freeze Cracker 5
DLN-050 Junk Man Junk Shield 4
DLN-051 Burst Man Danger Wrap 3
DLN-052 Cloud Man Thunder Bolt 3
DLN-053 Spring Man Wild Coil 5
DLN-054 Slash Man Slash Claw 3
DLN-055 Shade Man Noise Crush 4
DLN-056 Turbo Man Scorch Wheel 4
  • Freeze Cracker: Fire a blast of ice that explodes into 6 separate shots on contact. Make a ranged attack and on a hit deal 2d12 cold damage. Then make six individual attack rolls against other targets dealing 1d10 cold damage for each hit.

  • Junk Shield: Create a barrier of junk that orbits around you. All targets within 5-feet take 2d10 bludgeoning at the start of their turns. Melee attacks against you deal half damage. This lasts for 1 minute.

  • Danger Wrap: Release a large bubble with a bomb inside. A target must make a Dexterity saving throw or be trapped inside of the bubble with the bomb. They are considered incapacitated and the bomb goes off on their next turn dealing 4d12 fire damage. The bubble can be pushed into another target before the bomb goes off causing both targets to take 2d8 bludgeoning damage.

  • Thunder Bolt: Fire a ball of lightning at a target bypassing any cover, shields, or barriers. The target makes a Dexterity saving throw and on a hit takes 8d6 lightning damage and half on a success. They then must make a Constitution save and on a failure they are paralyzed.

  • Wild Coil: Create two spring pads. You can use one spring pad to force a Dexterity save on a target. On a failure, they’re launched 1d20 x 10 feet in the air and take fall damage equal to the number of feet fallen. As a reaction, you can use the second spring to avoid an oncoming attack.

  • Slash Claw: Release a powerful blade of energy in front of you. Make a melee attack roll and on a hit deal 2d12 slashing damage. IF the target is 1 or more sizes smaller than you they take crit damage.



  • Noise Crush: Fire off a soundwave in a 15-foot cone. All targets in range must make a Constitution saving throw or take 10d4 Force damage. You can charge this attack to make the targets take their save at a disadvantage and deal 10d6 damage on a failure instead.

  • Scorch Wheel: Create a wheel of fire that rotates around you. Targets within 5-feet of you suffer 2d8 fire damage at the start of their turns. You gain immunity to fire while the wheel is around you. As an attack roll, you can throw the flame wheel at a target dealing 12d6 fire damage and 4d4 fire damage to any target within 10-feet of them.

Mega Man X

At level 20, you’ve become the ultimate fighting robot and obtained the newest model as Mega Man X. Your Mega Buster can now change its damage type to any and it ignores all resistances and immunities. Your power armor grants you resistance to all damage except psychic. Your Power Chip attacks now cost half as many E-Tanks as they did previously.