Order of the Fox

You focus your skills not in the art of killing anyone in a single, deadly blow. But instead into the arts of trickery and movement. Rogues within the Order of the Fox are within their element within crowds, working with others to take down multiple targets with swift, cunningly exicuted plans and distractions to before slipping away to the next. The crowded streets of a city are the Order of the Fox Rogues best friend, where they can become a simple blade in the crowd.


Sly Strike

When you choose this arcytype at 3rd level, your Sneak Attack feature is replaced by the Sly Strike feature, which has the same activation conditions but deals d4 instead of d6’s. However, it can be used against more then 1 target per turn (though it’s once per creature).

Tricksters Wile

Starting at 3rd level, When you activate your Sly Strike feature against a creature you may choose to employ a trick from the list below, you gain access to new Tricks as you reach certain levels in this class. Your save DC for these Features is 13 + your proficiency bonus. And you can use each trick a number of times equal to your proficiancy bonus, regaining all uses on a Long Rest.

Snakebite Venom - You coat your weapon with a potent Venom whose effects appear as soon as they vanish. The creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw or take extra 1d4 extra damage and gain the Poisoned Condition until the start of its next turn. They take half as much on a success and suffer no debuff. (The extra damage increases by 1d4 every time you gain a subclass feature in this class.)

Speechless - You attempt to strike your opponent in the throat after your attack in order to inhibit their spellcasting or otherwise silenced them. The creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or be silenced until the end of their next turn, as they become unable to cast spells with Verbal Components or otherwise speak.

Discombobulate - You employ a trick to mess with the hearing of your target, the creature must make a Constitution Saving throw or be Deafened until the start of its next turn, unable to hear anything.

Fox’s Cunning

Starting at 9th level your movement speed increases by 15 feet and you gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed. You can spend half of your movement to escape a grapple or restraint. You can make up to 3 attacks whenever you take the Attack Action on your turn so long as all three attacks are made against different targets and you move 15 or more feet between each attack. Your Sly Strike damage against subsequent targets is reduced by 1/3rd.

New Trick: Play Dead - You attempt to fool a creature into thinking you have been killed, when a creature that has been affected by your Sly Strike attacks you, you can fall prone and make a Stealth Check against your own Save DC. If you succeed the opponent will be fooled into thinking you are dead, and you gain the benefits of Successfully hiding. Once a creature has been fooled by this Trick, or sees you fool another creature, the Save DC when trying to affect that creature with this trick increases by 5.

Coordinated Scheme

Starting at 13th level you can use the help action as a reaction and are able to use it from an extra 30 feet. If you use the help action to aid an ally in an attack they may add your Sly Strike Damage to the attack as you subtly instruct them in where or how to strike, or otherwise distract the creature they are attacking. If you are within 5 feet of the attacked creature, you can then attempt a Trick against them even if they are already affected by one so long as it is a different Trick.

New Trick: Fox’s Escape - You employ some sort of obscuring Trick to disorient your enemies and allow a quick escape, or an advantageous attack, each creature within 5 feet of you must make a Dexterity / Constitution Saving Throw or be Blinded until the beginning of their next turn / end of your turn, and rendered unable to perform opportunity attacks. At 11th level the range increases to 10 feet.

Master Tactician

When you reach 17th level, you have learned to use your cunning to execute your cunning plans at any time, even in the midst of combat. When initiative is rolled, instead of rolling, you may choose where you go in initiative. At the beginning of each round of combat thereafter, you may choose to do this again.

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