
Senjutsu (Sage Mode)

Unlocking the power of Senjutsu is a normally unheard-

of feat. The power to harness the worlds naturally occurring energy supply is a monstrously difficult task and not to be taken lightly in any sense of the word. Senjutsu involves the process of drawing natural energy into one’s self and compartmentalizing it, and progressively blending it with their own chakra to create Senjutsu Chakra, or Sage Chakra. This power is one of absolute power and with unlimited potential. Those who have undergone the challenges presented when learning to harness such a power have come out in one of two ways. Either dead or with more power then most others within their class of skill. Sages are usually the bearers of change. The protectors of the natural order. They are usually the ones standing in between disaster and peace in most eras of Shinobi history.

The use of Senjutsu is a powerful tool, that can be used for both plot & mechanical Relevance. Both the DM and the Player can benefit from including this into the narrative. Senjutsu has been designed to fit into any story. Senjutsu is a Mid to Late game class mod that if provided to players should come with consideration for providing other players with a class mod as well to keep balance within the party. Due to the amount of power Sage mode provides it is not intended to be used by characters who are below 11th level. Characters who gain this powerful class mod, should only do so after arduous training, and from serious narrative reasoning behind it. This is not a power freely handed out due to the immense strain it can put on the user. This is a powerful Class Mod and should not be handed out freely without careful consideration into enemy choice, team composition and Campaign power levels.

Gaining Sage mode

Gaining Sage mode should be from a series of trials in which, players should be aware, the potential death of their character could occur while grasping as this newfound power. This should not be something that is planned for during character creation, nor should it be handwaved with a second-hand explanation. Power of this magnitude should come from serious narrative complications and implications. Gaining Senjutsu is one that does not come from character choice, but is instead initiated by Sage Beast, or another Sages intervention. This requires the DM to initiate such an event as it entirely out of the players hands. There are a few steps in between learning of the existence of sage mode and actually learning to harness it. Learning to harness such a power requires the following.

Senjutsu learning DC's
Step Skill Check Skill DC Downtime Requirement
1 Acrobatics 25 4 weeks
2 Ninjutsu 30 4 weeks
3 Insight 25 4 weeks
4 Chakra Control 30 4 weeks

While following each step of the process, you must succeed each skill Check twice. You may make a skill check for each week spent performing the given tasks. If you fail any of the tasks, your shinobi suffers one of the following conditions;

  • Arcobatics: After falling so many times from such a high place with chakra retardant surfaces, with no way to brace your fall, you have shattered multiple limbs. You require 4 weeks of Downtime performing a Full Rest each week to recover.

  • Ninjutsu: After failing to grasp the concepts of Ninshou, and how to manipulate Nature energy your mentor instructs you to take a break from this to recover a bit. You cannot attempt to practice Senjutsu for 3 weeks.

  • Insight: After failing to recognize the difference between Nature Energy and other darker malevolent forces in the world, your body has become slightly corrupted by this mixed intake of Chakra. You lose the ability to Mold Chakra. You require 4 weeks of the Medical Ninjutsu Regenerate casted on you every day at S-Rank.

  • Chakra Control: After failing to correctly mold and mix the nature chakra inside of your body, you lose yourself as your body converts into whatever creature, or nature affinity you were most connected with while training. If you have not failed any of the previous skill checks, your mentor can save you once. Doing so, they cannot do it a second time. When your body converts into whatever creature or nature affinity you were most connected with while training, your body literally becomes that creature or nature type. You lose your self-consciousness. (For example. If you fail this skill check, while learning to become a Toad Sage. Your body converts turning you into a Toad.) Once this happens there is no going back, and nothing can save you. You are lost as nature energy changes you beyond repair.

leveling Up Sage Mode

Leveling up Sage mode is a difficult and time- consuming process. Unlike normal shinobi classes that

require the player to gain XP to reach their next level, Senjutsu (or Sage Mode) requires the user to consistently use the form & abilities that come with it, in both combat and through passive downtime training. But to do this a person would need to also assume the risks of potentially failing such a training process. A practitioner of Senjutsu must attain the form, conjure and use a total of 250 Sage Chakra to reach the next level of Senjutsu. For each Sage Chakra you use, this increases your Sage Chakra proficiency, as seen on the Senjutsu (Sage Mode) Class mod table. This requirement increases as you gain Levels in Senjutsu (Sage Mode). Once you reach the next level of this class mod, your Sage Chakra Proficiency resets to 0 for the purposes of leveling up to next level of this class.

Senjutsu (Sage Mode)
Level Min Character level Sage Arts Known Sage Chakra proficiency Features
1st 11 2 200 Sage Affinity, Sage Chakra, Sage Mode, Sage Arts
2nd 13 3 300 One With Nature
3rd 15 4 400 Sage Affinity (2), Sage Mode (2)
4th 17 6 500 Sage Trance
5th 19 7 - Sage Mode (3)

Class Mod Features

When You gain the Senjutsu Class mod You gain the following class mod Features.

Sage Affinity

Beginning at the 1st level of the class mod, you gain the ability to choose a sage Affinity.

You can choose a sage affinity if you have the corrosponding summon contract with the tribe of sage beasts or any one you want if your dm is cool .

Sage Chakra

To gain sage chakra you must reduce your movement speed to 0 and use your action to make a chakra control check againist a DC 15. You gain 10 sage chakra if you beat the check, and an additional 10 sage chakra for every 5 you get over the original check. You can attempt to gain sage chakra while moving, but you must make the check at disadvantage.

If you fail a Chakra Control check to draw in Nature Energy, you suffer 1 rank of exhaustion. Exhaustion gained in this way does not apply any of its normal penalties unless you have gained more than 4 Ranks of it through this method and does not recover unless you take a Full Rest.

You can store an amount of Sage Chakra equal to your current chakra point total or half your maximum chakra point amount, which ever is higher.

Sage Mode

You enter sage mode once you have gained at least 1 sage chakra.

  • While in Sage mode all jutsu you cast must have thier chakra cost paid with Sage Chakra

  • You can only use sage chakra, while in sage mode

  • While in Sage mode all jutsu are automatically upcasted by 1 rank.

  • While in Sage mode, you gain an AC Calculation of 10 + dex + Int + half prof. Bonus + your level in this class mod if you are wearing no armor or light armor.

  • Your Passive Perception is increased by 2 times your level in class mod

At 1st level

  • For every 1 Sage Chakra you spend casting any jutsu or paying the cost of any feature or feat, you treat the chakra spent as 1.

  • Jutsu you cast that uses Sage Chakra increase their save DC or to hit by +1 and their Damage dice by 1

  • You add half of your Proficiency bonus (Rounded Down) to all saving throws you are not proficient in for the duration.

  • Sage chakra remains in your body for up to 10 Minutes before it harmlessly disperses from your person.

At 3rd level

  • For every 1 Sage Chakra you spend casting any jutsu or paying the cost of any feature or feat, you treat the chakra spent as 2 instead of 1.

  • Jutsu you cast that uses Sage Chakra increase their save DC or to hit by by +2 instead of +1 and their Damage dice by 2 instead of 1.

  • You instead add your full proficiency bonus to all saving throws you are not proficient in for the duration.

  • Sage chakra remains in your body for up to 30 minutes before it harmlessly disperses from your person.

At 5th level

  • For every 1 Sage Chakra you spend casting any jutsu or paying the cost of any feature or feat, you treat the chakra spent as 3 instead of 2.

  • Jutsu you cast that uses Sage Chakra increase their save DC by +3 instead of +2 and their Damage dice by 3 instead of 2.

  • Sage chakra remains in your body for up to 1 hour before it harmlessly disperses from your person.

  • You instead add your full proficiency bonus to all saving throws you are not proficient in for the duration.


Sage Arts

Beginning at 1st level you gain the ability to gain sage arts. The arts arts fall into one of 3 categories. Abilities, Passives and Techniques. You gain the benefits of your Sage Arts while gaining the benefits of Sage Mode. You Cannot switch these once learned.

The sage arts are found below the Sage Affinities

Sage trance

Beginning at 4th level you gain the following benefits,

  • When gaining sage chakra you no longer have disadvantage while moving and you have advantage while still.

  • Once per Long rest you can use a full turn action to make the skill check to gather sage chakra a number of times equal to your prof. bonus.

Sage Affinities

Amphibian Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits.

  • Your unarmed strikes uses 2d8 for damage.
  • Taijutsu and Unarmed attacks you make with a range of 5 feet (or Touch), have their range increased by 5 feet.
  • Taijutsu or Bukijutsu that affects an area increases the size of their area by 5 feet.

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • All jutsu you cast deal another die of damage
  • The DC of your jutsu is increased by 1.

Avian Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits.

  • You are always under the effects of Wind Release Feather fall and Zephyr Strike or Wind Release: Wind Friction Shatter. You do not get to go back and change this selection.
  • You gain a +10 to your passive perception and Dark Vision up to 300 Ft.
  • You become immune to the blinded condition

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • All Jutsu with the Wind release Keyword gain another 2 die of Damage
  • You gain a flying speed equal to half your movement speed

Carnivoran Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits.

  • Select 3 damage types. You gain Resistance to the chosen damage types. You cannot change these later.
  • You become immune to the deafened & Fear condition.

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • Jutsu, you cast, or melee weapon attacks you make, cannot have their damage reduced by any means other than resistance or Immunity.
  • Jutsu, you cast, or melee weapon attacks you make, cannot have their DC reduced by more than 4.

Dragon Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits.

  • Fuinjutsu can be cast without Hand signs (HS) or Chakra Seals (CS).
  • All Jutsu with the Fuinjutsu Keyword gain another 2 die of Damage.
  • You can not have disadvantage on a saving throw againist a jutsu with the Genjutsu keyword

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • Ninjutsu with the Sensory keyword that you cast, has their sensory range doubled.
  • You and Jutsu you cast cannot be seen with Chakra Sight.
  • Fuinjutsu, you cast cannot be reacted to by Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, or Arts.

Oxen Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits.

  • You are always under the effects of Earth Release: Bedrock Skin as if casted at C-Rank.
  • You have Immunity to the Dazed and Weakened Condition.
  • As an action by moving at least 30ft you can move through creatures of equal size or 1 size higher spaces pushing them to the side. Creatures who’s space you pass through must make a Dexterity saving throw, being knocked prone and being pushed 10 ft away from you

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • All Jutsu with the Earth release Keyword gain another 2 die of Damage
  • Your movement speed can not be reduced below 30 ft.
  • When you knock a creature prone they take xd6 bludgeoning damage (where x is your level in this class mod).

Lion Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits.

  • You are always under the effects of Fire Release: Flame Armor as if casted at C-Rank.
  • You can make a bite attack as a bonus action, that deals 2d6 peircing damage plus your stregth mod
  • You have immunity to the Burned and Corroded Conditions.

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • All Jutsu with the Fire release Keyword gain another 2 die of Damage
  • All melee attacks you do gain have their crit chance increased by 1.

Insectoid Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits.

  • You melee and ranged weapon attacks are always under the effects of Poison Weapon Technique.
  • Attacks you make, or jutsu you cast, that deal poison damage, or causes the Poisoned or Envenomed conditions cannot be reacted too.
  • Poison Damage you deal ignores resistance and Immunity, and deals triple damage to creatures who are vulnerable.

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • You are Resistant to Poison damage and Immune to the Poisoned Condition.
  • When you would take poison damage, you are instead healed an amount of Hit points equal to the damage you would take.
  • When you would deal poison damage, or inflict the poisoned or envenomed conditions, creatures cannot gain resistance, instead reducing their saving throw by an amount equal to your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) level.

Feline/Tiger Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits

  • You are always under the effects of LIGHTNING RELEASE: ABSORB LIGHTNING
  • You have immunity to the shocked and slowed Conditions
  • If you spend a turn standing completely still the next turn your movement speed is doubled.

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • All Jutsu with the lightning release Keyword gain another 2 die of damage
  • Oppunity attacks made againist you have disadvantage
  • Your movement speed is increased by (10 times your level in this class mod)

Primate Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits

  • You are always under the effects of Dancing Blade Risk.
  • You ingnore difficult terrain
  • You can cast Bukijutsu, ignoring the weapon and/or damage type requirement. (This does not count for Bukijutsu that requires a Melee or Ranged weapon specifically. For example, you cannot use Dancing Blade Risk with a Ranged Weapon, but you can now use it with a quarter staff.)

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • All Jutsu with the Taijutsu Keyword gain another 2 die of damage
  • When you cast a Bukijutsu with the Finisher Keyword and score a critical hit, you automatically deal maximum possible damage.

Reptilian Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits

  • Your melee and ranged attacks have an +1 to their critical threat range.
  • You treat critical hits against you, as regular hits once per turn.
  • While in sage mode all bukijutsu and taijutsu gain the medical keyword.

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • You gain 30 feet of Blindsight, and 60 feet of tremor sense.
  • When you have half or less hit points, you regain hit points equal to three times your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) level per turn until you reach maximum hit points. This does not trigger, if you have less than 1 Hit point.

Rodent Senjutsu

While in Sage mode, you gain the following benefits;

  • You are always under the effects of Body Flicker, Chakra Leaping and Sensing Technique.
  • You gain a bonus to your Dexterity saving throws equal to your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) level.
  • For every 20 feet of movement you spend on your turn, you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls of Melee attacks.

beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • You are always under the effects of Nondetection.
  • You can cast Jutsu with the Mobility (M) component regardless of your current condition.

Turtle Senjutsu

While in sage mode, you gain the following benefits

  • You are always under the effects of Water Release: Water Sensing Sphere and Water Release: Water Shield.
  • You have advantage on concentration checks to contuine concentrationing on jutsu
  • While standing completely still your ac increases by an amount equal to your class mod level

Beginning at 3rd level in this class mod;

  • All Jutsu with the water release Keyword gain another 2 die of damage
  • Jutsu you cast with the Water Release Keyword are always treated as if they are near a sufficient source of water.

Sage Arts

Sage Blooded

While in sage mode you gain the following benefits

  • Increase your Sage Art DC by +1

  • Jutsu, you cast deals additional damage, equal to your proficiency bonus, if it doesn’t already.

  • Arts you cast deals additional damage, equal to twice your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) level.

  • When you clash with a creature using a Jutsu or Art, you add your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) Level to the clash check.

Sage's Strength

While in sage mode you gain the following benefits

  • Your str stat is increased by 6 up to a max of 24.
  • Add your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) level to Strength saving throws or ability checks. If you already gain a bonus to your Strength saving throws this way, you instead add 1d4 to Strength Saving throws.
  • You can grapple, lift and carry Huge or smaller creatures with no penalties.

Sage's Agility

While in sage mode you gain the following benefits

  • Your Dex stat is increased by 6 up to a max of 24.

  • Add your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) level to dexterity saving throws or ability checks. If you already gain a bonus to your Strength saving throws this way, you instead add 1d4 to Strength Saving throws.

  • Increase your Speed by 15 feet.

Sage's Fortitude

While in sage mode you gain the following benefits

  • Your Con stat is increased by 6 up to a max of 24.

  • You gain Temporary Hit points instead of increasing your maximum hit points from increasing your Constitution Modifier. Damage you take is reduced by your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) level so long as you have these Temporary hit points.

  • Add your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) level to Constitution saving throws or ability checks. If you already gain a bonus to your Con saving throws this way, you instead add 1d4 to Strength Saving throws.

Sage's Knowledge

While in sage mode you gain the following benefits

  • Your Int stat is increased by 6 up to a max of 24.

  • Add your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) level to Intelligence saving throws or ability checks. If you already gain a bonus to your Strength saving throws this way, you instead add 1d4 to Strength Saving throws.

  • You recognize all jutsu of any Nature Release you currently have before its cast so long as you can see the hand signs.

Sage's Wisdom

While in sage mode you gain the following benefits

  • Your Wis stat is increased by 6 up to a max of 24.

  • Add your Senjutsu (Sage Mode) level to Wisdom saving throws or ability checks. If you already gain a bonus to your Strength saving throws this way, you instead add 1d4 to Strength Saving throws.

  • So long as you can hear or see a creature, you can sense their emotional state, able to tell what they’re feeling at the moment.

Sage's Will

While in sage mode you gain the following benefits

  • Your Cha stat is increased by 6 up to a max of 24.

  • While you are in sage mode you have a 30 ft arua. Creatures in this arua gain a plus 1 to all d20 rolls.

  • So long as a creature can see or hear you and you are not hostile towards them or they’re hostile towards you, the creature will feel a positive or negative (Your choice) emotional state when around you, slightly influencing their actions by this.

Sage Art: Abilities

Senpo: Peerless Accuracy

Once per turn you can spend 5 sage chakra you grant yourself a plus 5 to hit on a single attack or you can spend 5 chakra to reroll a missed attack roll. You can only gain the benefits of one of these features during any single turn.

Senpo: Peerless Power

You can spend 5 sage chakra to grant yourself a plus 5 to a clash check, alternatly you can spend 10 sage chakra to give yourself a plus 10 to a clash check

Senpo: Peerless Force

As a bonus action, by spending 5 Sage Chakra you grant yourself a +3 bonus to a single Save DC you force a creature to save against. You can spend an additional 5 Sage Chakra to further increase this bonus by an additional +3.

Senpo: Peerless Evasion

As a bonus action by spending 3 Sage Chakra you grant yourself a +3 bonus to your AC until the end of your next turn. You can spend an additional 3 Sage Chakra to further increase this bonus by an additional +3.

Senpo: Peerless Resistance

As a bonus action or Reaction, which you take when you would take damage, by spending 5 Sage Chakra you reduce the next single instance of damage you take by 10. You can spend an additional 5 Sage Chakra to further reduce damage this way by an additional 10.

Senpo: Peerless Perception

Once per activation by spending 10 Sage Chakra, you gain the benefits of Kagura’s Mind Eye for the duration of your Sage Mode. When gaining this jutsu’s benefits in this way, the range is instead 100 miles and you gain 60 feet of blindsight.

Senpo: Peerless Cruelty

Once per turn, by spending 5 Sage Chakra when a creature fails a saving throw to resist a condition caused by you, the conditions effects are amplified.

  • Bleeding- The DC to end this Condition is doubled and increase bleedings damage die to 1d8.
  • Burned- The DC to end this Condition is doubled, remove the conditions burn stack maximum and increase the damage die to a d12.
  • Chilled- Increase the damage die to a d10, remove the conditions chill stack maximum, and increase the Dexterity penalty to a -2.
  • Corroded- The DC to end this Condition is doubled, Increase the penalty to ability checks and attack rolls to -2 and increase the damage die to a d8.
  • Envenomed- Increase the damage die to a d10, remove the conditions envenomed stack maximum, and this condition now lasts until removed, or for Sage Modes duration.
  • Shocked- Increased the damage die to a d10, increase the penalty to a -2, and remove the conditions shocked stack maximum.

Sage Art Techniques

Save Art: Techniques do not have unique Saving throw DCs or to hits, but instead use your Normal DC or to hit based on the Arts keywords.

SAGE ART: Mountain Carving Ball

  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: 15 ft
  • Duration: Instant
  • Components CM
  • Cost: 18 Sage Chakra
  • keywords: Ninjutsu, Senjutsu

Description: You use Sage Chakra to generate a massive 15-foot diameter ball of chakra. When you cast this Senjutsu, you may give this jutsu a Nature Release Keyword of a Nature Release you know. You impart enough Sage Chakra into this ever-spiraling ball of energy to easily carve a mountain, or wipe away a small village.

You make a Melee Ninjutsu attack against a creature in range. On a hit, the target creature takes 20d10 force damage. All Creatures, excluding you & the original target, in a 90-foot sphere, centering on the original target must succeed a Dexterity saving throw, taking 20d6 force damage and are thrown back to the edge of the 90-foot sphere on a failed save, or half as much damage and only pushed back half as far on a successful one. If you gave this jutsu a Nature Release Keyword that you know then it gains the corresponding Damage.

After the conclusion of this jutsu, the surrounding area, up to 500 feet out will be devastated by the concentrated force of this jutsu. All solid ground and terrain 500 feet out centering on your attacks impact space, is now counted as difficult terrain.

SAGE ART: Gods Punishment

  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: 90 Feet (120-foot radius sphere)
  • Duration: Instant
  • Components HS, CM
  • Cost: 14 Sage Chakra
  • keywords: Genjutsu, Senjutsu, Visual, Audio

Description: You use Sage Chakra to create a single bestial or elemental like entity of your description and design that carries an orb. The entity coils itself around the orb before it glows a blinding white light and oscillates to create a deafening sound. All creatures, excluding you and up to 5 creatures of your choice, must make a Wisdom saving throw. being blinded and deafened on a failed save for 1 minute. Creatures affected by this genjutsu also gain vulnerability to the first instance of bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage they take. When an affected creature takes damage, they immediately make a Wisdom saving throw to end this Arts effects.

SAGE ART: Great God Gate

  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: 300 ft.
  • Duration: 1 Minute
  • Components HS, CM, CS
  • Cost: 20 Sage Chakra
  • keywords: Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Senjutsu

Description: You use Sage Chakra to conjure a Summoning circle 500 feet in the sky above a target you can see within range. You conjure 5 red torii that fall down from the summoning circle slamming down around and on top of the intended target. The target creature must succeed the following;

  • Strength Saving throw: Taking 13d6 force damage and being grappled, restrained, and knocked prone on a failed save or half damage and no additional effects on a success. A creature can make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs your Ninjutsu Save DC to end the grappled, restrained and prone conditions.

  • Constitution saving throw: On a failed save, they cannot mold chakra for 1d6+2 of their turns.

If the target of this Art has failed both saving throws, they must then make the following;

  • Intelligence saving throw: On a failed save, they temporarily become unable to cast Arts, Ninjutsu, or Genjutsu for the same duration that they cannot mold chakra.

SAGE ART: Hell Port

  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: 300 ft.
  • Duration: Instant
  • Components M, CM
  • Cost: 12 Sage Chakra
  • keywords: Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Senjutsu

Description: You use Sage Chakra to magnify your speed and strength simultaneously. You move at such a speed, it could be seen as teleportation, tripling your movement speed until the end of the current turn.

When you would move, you instead teleport to your target location.

If you teleport to a space within 5 feet of a hostile creature, you may immediately, make a melee taijutsu attack. On a hit, you deal your twice your unarmed damage + 3d12.

If there are two or more creatures within 5 feet of where you teleport, you can choose to make a single attack against each one.

You can attack a creature using this art, no more than twice in a single turn. Until the end of your turn, the target can be targeted by Jutsu or Senjutsu with the Finisher keyword regardless of the range of the Jutsus or Senjutsu with the Finisher keyword has.

Magnify Art. You can magnify your Sage Art beyond its base power. By increasing its Sage Chakra cost by 8, you increase the number of attacks you make by 2.


  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: Touch
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
  • Components : HS, CM, CS
  • Cost: 25 Sage Chakra
  • keywords: Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Senjutsu

Description: You use Sage Chakra to enslave objects with no life functions such as the earth, water, metals, or even sections of wood, giving you the ability to make drastic alterations to the immediate area. An area in size, equal to a 100-foot cube, that you touch, gain seemingly sentient movement at your discretion. For the duration of this Art, you can do the following as either an Action, Bonus action or Reaction;

  • You can raise or lower an area no larger than a 40-foot cube’s elevation. Alternatively, you can create or fill a trench up to 40 feet long or deep.

  • Erect or flatten a wall up to 25 feet tall, 5 feet thick, and 15 feet long.

  • You can enter any inorganic structure so long as it is large enough to hold you and move through it, as you would through water. You move at half speed while moving through this inorganic structure and you gain 25 feet of tremorsense centered on the structure.

  • Make any area of ground in within the cube difficult terrain for your enemies.

  • Have the ground and other inorganic objects within the cube attack your enemies. Select up to 5 creatures, each of the target creatures must succeed a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save they take 8d8 slashing damage or half as much on a success.

  • Make a patch of ground no larger than a 15-foot cube soften and malleable as it attempts to swallow your enemies like quicksand, or soft putty. Affected creature(s) must succeed a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) vs your Senjutsu save DC, being retrained on a failed save. A Creature restrained in this way can use an action to remake their ability check to escape being restrained in this way.


  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: Touch (Special)
  • Duration: Special
  • Components : HS, CM, CS
  • Cost: Special
  • keywords: Ninjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Senjutsu

Description: You use Sage Chakra and Fuinjutsu to create a powerful sealing tag. You place this sealing tag on any surface you can reach. This tag cannot be placed on a creature. Once placed, the sealing tag erects a barrier that varies on its strength based on how much Sage Chakra was committed to this Arts casting. Spend Sage Chakra in multiples of 15 up to three times. For every 5 Sage Chakra spent this way, the Barrier grows in size, strength, and potency.

  • 15 Sage Chakra: A barrier is erected from the sealing tag in a 30-foot radius sphere, centered on the sealing tag. This barrier lasts for 10 minutes, even if you exit Sage mode. If the walls of this barrier cuts through a hostile creatures space, it pushes them to the outside of the wall. If a creature attempt to move through the barrier without the casters permission, it must make a Charisma Saving throw. On a failed save, it cannot push through the barrier. Additionally, for the duration, any offensive attack, jutsu or Art cast, that would attempt to pass through your barriers walls, must deal at least 50 damage to penetrate the barrier, otherwise, it cannot extend into or through the barrier.

  • 30 Sage Chakra: As above, but the barriers radius is a 60-foot radius sphere, it lasts for 1 hour even if you exit sage mode, and the barriers wall, as it expands from the sealing tags space, all creatures of your choice, are pushed to the barriers edge, creatures who make a Charisma Saving throw as a result of this art, makes it at disadvantage, and finally, any offensive attack, jutsu or Art cast must deal 100 damage to penetrate the barrier. 12

  • 45 Sage Chakra: This barrier is erected from the sealing tag in a 90-foot radius sphere, centered on the sealing tag. This barrier lasts for 24 hours, even if you exit Sage mode. As the barriers walls expands from the sealing tags space, all creatures of your choice, are pushed to the barriers edge. Creatures cannot pass through the barriers space without the casters permission unless their level is higher than your Senjutsu Save DC. Finally, any offensive attack, jutsu or Art cast, that would attempt to pass through your barriers walls, must deal at least 250 damage to penetrate the barrier, otherwise, it cannot extend into or through the barrier

SAGE ART: Light Fang

  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: Self (60-Foot Cone)
  • Duration: Instant
  • Components : HS, CM
  • Cost: 15 Sage Chakra
  • keywords: Ninjutsu, Senjutsu

Description: You use Sage Chakra to generate a beam of light sharp enough to cut through anything. This beam moves at the speed of light and is almost impossible to dodge. Creatures in front of you, in a 60-foot cone, who’s passive perception is less than 25 must succeed a Dexterity saving throw at Disadvantage. If their passive perception is 25 or greater, they make the Dexterity saving throw normally.

On a failed save, a creature takes 15d10 slashing damage or half as much on a successful save. If a creature passes the save by 10 or more, they instead take no damage.

SAGE ART: Splitting Sky

  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Bonus Action
  • Range: 5 feet
  • Duration: Instant
  • Components : CM, M
  • Cost: 10 Sage Chakra
  • keywords: Ninjutsu, Senjutsu

Description: You use Sage Chakra to magnify your strength and kick so hard that you can use the air itself as a step to launch yourself into the air, but not before you attempt to uppercut and bring your enemy with you.

Make a melee Taijutsu attack, against a creature. On a hit, you deal four times your unarmed damage and you launch the target creature 100 feet into the air as you follow behind them. A creature, other than you, takes falling damage if they are unable to prevent themselves from falling.

Until the end of your turn, the target can be targeted by Sage Arts or Jutsu with the Finisher keyword regardless of the range of the Senjutsu with the Finisher keyword has.

SAGE ART: Weapon of Mass Destruction

  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: 90 ft.
  • Duration: Instant
  • Components : HS, CM, W (Melee)
  • Cost: 14 Sage Chakra
  • keywords: Bukijutsu, Fuinjutsu

Description: while wielding a melee Weapon you swing it downward in the direction of your target, releasing a violent wave of Sage Chakra. All creatures in a 90-foot cone originating from you must succeed a Dexterity saving throw, taking 15d10 force damage on a failed save or half as much on a success.Also, structures, constructs, and terrain take triple damage.

SAGE ART: Weapon of Narrow Destruction

  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Action
  • Range: 120 ft.
  • Duration: Instant
  • Components : HS, CM, W (Ranged)
  • Cost: 14 Sage Chakra
  • keywords: Bukijutsu, Fuinjutsu

Description: while wielding a ranged Weapon, you target one creature within that weapons range and fire or throw your weapon turning it into what looks like a shooting star. The target creature, and all creatures in a 10-foot wide, 120-foot-long line must succeed a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, taking 15d10 force damage and half as much on a success. Also, structures, constructs and terrain take triple damage

SAGE ART: Sage's Saber

  • Classification: Senjutsu Art
  • Casting Time: Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
  • Components : HS, CM, W (Any)
  • Cost: 6 Sage Chakra
  • keywords: Bukijutsu, Fuinjutsu, Senjutsu

Description: You use Sage Chakra to turn any weapon into a Sage weapon. You do not need to spend chakra to maintain concentration on this Art. For the duration, while using this Sage Weapon, its Damage die becomes 3dX, and if it’s a melee weapon, it gains the Reach 2 weapon property or if it’s a ranged weapon it gains the deadly weapon property.