The Way of The Ten Rings

Monks of this tradition are masters of control, spirit and mind through the use of their mystical rings. They become deadly foe on the fields of battle through the use of mystically enhanced martial arts whilst deepening their connection to harmonic ki.

Allignment of Weapons

Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you gain mystical rings of ancient decendants. You gain 10 rings, 5 worn on each arm. If all 10 rings are on your person, you gain +2 to AC. If you have 5+ rings, you gain +1 to AC.

You can shoot your rings as ranged weapons with a normal range of 30ft and a long range of 60ft. They count as unarmed strikes and do damage equal to your martial arts dice.

If they hit your target, they drop within 5 ft. of them, if they miss they stop at 60ft. You cannot spend ki points for Flurry of Blows after making a ranged attack with the rings.

Opponents may pick up your rings. All your rings return to you magically when you take a short rest.

Extension of The Soul

At 6th level, you begin to feel your mystical and spiritual connection deepen with your weapons. You gain weapon proficency with your combat rings

You can extend the rings to strike your opponents when performing a melee attack. As long as you have 5+ rings you can use them as a monk weapon with a +5ft range. If you have all your rings, your melee strikes increase +10ft instead.

You can use your rings to use your deflect missile ability to protect an ally within your ring's close range. You cannot spend ki to return the attack. You must have a ring on you to do this, and the ring falls at the feet of your ally after you use this ability.

Your rings count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.

You may use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Dexterity when making a ranged attack roll with your rings.

Advancement of Combative Mind

By 11th level, your mastery of your mystic weapons begin to show. Your rings gain a normal range of 60ft and a long range of 120ft. Add your Wisdom modifier to the damage done on any ranged attack with the rings.

You gain a better understanding of your rings. When making a ranged attack with your rings, you can spend multiple ki (Max. 3) to throw an additional ring per ki spent. These count as seperate attacks.

You can use your deflect missile ability on ranged spell attacks. You must have 5+ rings on you to do this, and can only do it a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier. You cannot spend ki to return the attack. You regain uses of this ability equal to 1d4 per long rest.

As an action, you may pull all of the rings within their long range back to yourself. Anyone or any creature holding onto a ring(s) must make a Strength check against your spell save DC to hold onto the ring(s).

Monastic Origins

There may be many reasons as to why your Monk gained these rings and gained a connection with them. They may be part of your sanctuary's sacred weaponry, or instead they have been left to you by your former teacher in a dusty chest. The apperance might also influence their origin. Your rings may be finely crafted gold with spiritual symbols inlayed in them. They could be old mystical wood, crafted by a malevolent god, intended to torture those who adorn them. Or they could simply be a metaphysical projection of your body in the form astral rings, crackling with multiversal energy.

Mastery of Harmonic Battle

At 17th level, you gain full control of the rings and they become apart of your astral spirit.

All of your attacks, including melee attacks, deal force damage.

If you have 5+ rings on you, you may treat 25ft of your movement as flying speed but begin falling at the end of your turn if you're in the air.

Your ring comes back to you immediately after use.


Homebrew by Kieran