
By Foxtail Foundry

Stride through the planes with spirits in hand

background image





Though many rangers from anywhere have plenty of time away from civilization to cultivate their own experiences, a Planeswalker is one who goes beyond that, walking the fine edges between the Material Plane and the Outer Planes. These fine lines often have the elemental planes bleed into the Material Plane, often causes a mass of chaotic effects. Within these outer reaches, a ranger must do all they can to survive - often calling upon the elementals themselves.

Planeswalker Magic

3rd-level Planeswalker feature

You learn an additional spell when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Planeswalker Spells table. The spell counts as a ranger spell for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of ranger spells you know

Planeswalker Spells
Ranger Level Spells
3rd Absorb Elements, Resistance
5th Rime’s Binding Ice
9th Wind Wall
13th Conjure Minor Elementals
17th Wall of Stone

Form Sprite

3rd-level Planeswalker feature

Your ties to the elements allows you to call upon some of its power. As an action, you can summon an elemental sprite that uses one of the following elements:


The sprite is tiny in size and you choose its appearance and elemental type when you summon it. The sprite chosen stays by your side and grants various benefits based on its type. A summoned sprite lasts for 1 minute or until dismissed (no action required), and you can change its elemental type as a bonus action.

You can only have one sprite active at a time, unless a feature states otherwise.

A sprite can be dispelled if affected by some form of antimagic, such as dispel magic or antimagic field.

Elemental Attunement

Your sprite passively grants you a measure of its power that you may use. You gain a bonus cantrip based on your sprite’s current element. As there are multiple options for each element, you can only select one cantrip, though you may swap this cantrip to the other cantrips within the element as a bonus action. Cantrips gained from this feature are treated as ranger spells for you and do not count against your known cantrips if applicable.

Element Cantrip
Acid Acid Splash, Primal Savagery+
Cold Frostbite+, Ray of Frost+
Fire Control Flames, Fire Bolt
Force Eldritch Blast+, Mage Hand
Lightning Booming Blade+, Lightning Lure+
Necrotic Sapping Sting+, Toll the Dead+
Poison Infestation+, Poison Spray
Radiant Dancing Lights, Sacred Flame
Thunder Thaumaturgy, Thunderclap+

Planar Infusion

3rd-level Planeswalker feature

In addition to your attunement, your sprite also bolsters you with the elements. While you have your sprite summoned, you gain certain benefits based on the chosen element of the sprite.

Element Feature
Acid Once per turn when you deal acid damage to a creature, you can prevent it from regaining hit points by any means until the start of your next turn
Cold Once per turn when you hit a creature with an attack, you can reduce their movement speed by 10 feet until the start of your next turn
Fire Your sprite casts bright light out to 15 feet and you have advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight

+Replacable with a more thematic cantrip listed at the end






Force When you hit a creature with an attack on your turn, you can push it up to 5 feet away from you in a straight line. A creature cannot be affected by this feature more than once per round
Lightning Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with an attack, you can cause lightning to arc to another creature of your choice within 10 feet of the original target. That creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take 1d8 lightning damage on a failure
Necotic Once per round when you deal or take damage, you can regain a number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus
Poison Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with an attack, you can weaken it until the start of your next turn
Radiant Healing you do through spells you cast is increased by an amount equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of +1)
Thunder You have a flying speed equal to half your walking speed. This benefit works only in short bursts; you fall if you end your turn in the air and nothing else is holding you aloft. Additionally, you can only fly to a maximum height of 30 feet.

In addition, once per turn when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can deal an additional 1d6 damage based on the sprite’s element (a Thunder sprite deals thunder damage, a Necrotic one necrotic damage, and so on). This damage increases to 1d8 when you reach 11th level in this class.


7th-level Planeswalker feature

The power of the elements bolsters your defense against them. While your sprite is active, you gain resistance against a damage type based on your sprite’s element, as listed below.

Element Damage Resisted
Acid Acid
Cold Fire
Fire Cold
Force Force
Lightning Lightning
Necrotic Radiant
Poison Poison
Radiant Necrotic
Thunder Thunder

Greater Sprite

11th-level Planeswalker feature

Your sprite grows stronger, allowing you to make use of more of its powers. The Planar Infusions for each element grows stronger certain ways:

Element Feature
Acid The affected creature also becomes seared until the effect wears off
Cold The slowing increases to half the creature’s movement speed
Fire You are immune to being blinded and can see through heavy obscurement provided you are within the sprite’s light
Force Push force increases to 10 feet
Lightning Lightning damage increases from 1d8 to 1d12, and the creature the lightning arced to to is shocked until the start of your next turn if they failed their saving throw
Necrotic If any additional healing from this infusion would go over your hit point maximum, it is converted to temporary hit points. Additionally, the healing increases from your proficiency bonus to twice your proficiency bonus
Poison When you weaken a creature with this infusion, you can also force it to make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC, becoming poisoned until the weaken ends on a failure
Radiant Whenever you finish a short or long rest, you may decide to grant yourself a +1 bonus to your AC, to your saving throws, or to your ability and skill checks until the start of your next short or long rest
Thunder You can now hover while using the flying speed and do not need to end your turn on the ground. Your maximum flying height also increases from 30 feet to 60 feet with this flying speed

Additionally, the duration of sprites you summon with Form Sprite increases from 1 minute to 10 minutes.





Boundless Elements

15th-level Planeswalker feature

Your control over the chaos allows you to gift some of it to others or create an outburst. As part of the action used to summon a sprite, you can instead assign it to aid an ally within 60 feet of you. The target creature gains the benefits instead of you, including the bonus cantrips (using your spell save DC and spell attack modifier when they cast the cantrips) and can use the features associated with the sprite for the duration, or until they move more than 60 feet away from you, at which point the sprite returns to your side. You can reassign the sprite to another target within 60 feet of you as a bonus action.

Allies with a sprite assigned to them cannot change the element of the sprite unless you use your bonus action to do so.

Swarm of Sprites

15th-level Planeswalker feature

When you summon a sprite, you can choose to summon a number of sprites equal to your Wisdom modifier + half your proficiency bonus (rounded down). You gain the elemental benefits of each sprite for their duration. You can assign any number of sprites summoned this way to your allies as well.

Once you’ve used this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest or until you expend a spell slot of 4th level or higher to use it again.









Optional Features

Various homebrewed features that can be used in order to enhance Planeswalker’s theme further.

Ranger Variations

Some ranger variants don’t give the ranger Extra Attack, so if that is the case and you plan to

use Planeswalker, add this feature as part of

its progression.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

20th Level Capstone

If using the Conclave Capstone optional feature from my Ranger tweaks, here is the capstone.

Embrace the Elements

20th-level Planeswalker feature

You are always one with the elements. When you summon a sprite with your Form Sprite, you can summon additional sprites equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of one). You must select a different, unique element for each sprite. As with Boundless Elements, you gain the benefits of each sprite, and can freely assign them to friendly creatures.

Additionally, all sprites you summon now last for 1 hour or until dismissed, being unable to be dispelled.

Compatibility with Fade’s Ranger

The bonus damage from Planar Infusion instead changes the bonus damage of your Favored Enemy to the damage type associated with your sprite’s element.

Alter the text for the bonus spells to say that they are always prepared and do not count against the number of spells you can have prepared at any given time.

Alter the spell slot text in Swarm of Sprites to “…or until you expend 4 spell points to use it again.”





Further Clarifications

For the sake of saving space, some more specific things are not mentioned in the main brew, so as such, they are placed here. For all intents and purposes, these are meant to be part of the main brew and not simply intentions, so this is RAW, not RAI.

Bonus Action Swapping

Many features in this brew say you can swap its properties as a bonus action. No, you can’t couple everything into one bonus action, that’s not how it works.

Embrace the Elements and Swarm of Sprites

If using Embrace the Elements, the additional sprites summoned through Swarm of Sprites is on top of the extra sprites from Embrace the Elements, so you have two times your Wisdom modifier + half your proficiency bonus if you use Swarm of Sprites with Embrace the Elements.

Multiple Sprites and Bonus Damage

If you are benefitting from multiple sprites at a time through some means and use the bonus damage from Planar Infusion (or are deciding the damage type for Favored Enemy if using the compatibility for my overhaul to Ranger), you simply choose whichever one of your sprites you have summoned to determine the damage for that instance. For example, maybe you have a Fire sprite and a Thunder sprite, so this turn you want to deal fire damage and select that, then for your next turn opt for thunder damage.

Multiple Sprites and Infusions

If you have multiple of the same sprite through some means, their infusions and benefits (such as Elemental Attunement and Planesward) don’t stack - you can only benefit from one instance of each element at a time. As such, if you have two Necrotic sprites following you at the time, you only benefit from one of them.

Maximum Flying Height

Quoted from my combat overhaul:

“Unless a feature, spell, etc. says otherwise, by default, creatures that can fly can only fly to a maximum height of 60 feet from the ground.

When flying off of areas higher than a given creature’s maximum flying height, the creature can remain flying at that greater height so long as it remains within 15 feet of some surface, such as a ledge or cliff. However, it slowly descends downwards at a rate of 30 feet per turn until it meets its maximum flying height if it does not end its turn on that ledge or cliff, unless something else is holding the creature aloft, or it can hover.”

Thematic Spells

If replacing the cantrips in Elemental Attunement with the more thematic cantrips, here is the list of spells.

Original Cantrip Replacement
Primal Savagery Acrid Mist
Frostbite Frost Formation
Ray of Frost Frost Fangs
Eldritch Blast Q-Bolt
Booming Blade Storm Arrow
Lightning Lure Arc Lightning
Sapping Sting Bone Toss
Toll the Dead Clutch of the Crypt
Infestation Nettle Sting
Thunderclap Dissonant Cacophony




Conditions Dictionary

List of custom conditions that are not present in the base game. Refer to here for when a new condition is noted on, usually in bold.


A bleeding target takes 1d6 damage at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute. This damage can not be reduced by any means.

If a target is bleeding, it or another creature can use their action to make a DC 14 Medicine (WIS) check to staunch the bleeding, thus removing the condition. Any healing will also remove the bleeding condition.

Undead, constructs, and creatures that don’t have blood are immune to bleeding.

Condition: Expose

A creature that is exposed is marked as such until the exposed target is hit by an attack or combat ends. When an exposed target takes damage, the mark is activated, causing the exposed target to take an additional 2d10 force damage, and the target is no longer exposed.

If the activating attack would also apply expose on an already exposed target, the older expose is activated first, then the new application of expose is placed onto the target.

Condition: Freeze

A frozen creature is encased in ice, reducing its movement speed by 10 feet and causing the next attack made against it while frozen to deal an additional 2d8 cold damage. Both effects end at the start of the inflicter’s next turn.

If the creature is coated in flames, such as a fire elemental, it is immune to this condition. The condition is also removed early if the affected creature takes any fire damage.

Condition: Hemorrhage

A hemorrhaging target takes 2d6 damage at the start of each of its turns until healed. This damage cannot be reduced by any means.

If a target is hemorrhaging, it or another creature can use their action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check to staunch the bleeding. Staunching the bleeding of a hemorraging creature does not remove the condition, instead it prevents them from suffering the damage of the condition until the end of the affected creature’s next turn. Any healing will also remove the hemorrhaging condition.

Undead, constructs, and creatures that don’t have blood are immune to hemorrhaging - instead, effects that would inflict hemorrhaging on those creatures deal an additional 2d8 damage.

Condition: Seared

A seared creature suffers from great burns, reducing its movement speed by 5 feet and causing it to suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls. This condition lasts until the end of the inflicter’s next turn, or until the affected creature is healed, unless stated otherwise.

Constructs cannot be seared. If an attack that would sear a Construct hit, it simply deals an additional 1d8 fire damage instead to the Construct.

Condition: Shocked

A creature that is shocked cannot take reactions.

If an attack or effect would shock a Construct, the Construct takes an additional 2d8 lightning damage.


A staggered creature stumbles around, confused and weak, and as a result has its movement speed halved and suffers disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes. The duration of stagger lasts for 1 round or the staggered creature is healed, unless stated otherwise.

A creature that is Undead or a Construct cannot be staggered.

Condition: Stasis

A target affected by stasis has its time greatly dilated, having its movement speed halved until the start of the inflicter’s next turn. In addition, if the target was moving when it was affected by stasis, it immediately stops its movement.

Objects affected by stasis cannot be moved by any means until stasis ends on it.

Condition: Weakened

A creature that is weakened takes a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls and has its movement speed reduced by 10 feet. These effects remain until the start of the inflicter’s next turn, unless stated otherwise.

Undead and Constructs are immune to being weakened.





Artists and their works used in this document.

Cover Logo - Ice Fox by ???

Cover Background - Fantasy Floating Island by MagicAlly25

Page 2 - Ice Fox by qingbai

Page 3 - Kitsune Kid by Nievaris

Page 4 1 - 138 by AmaryllisNO

Page 4 2 - Isaac by NetEase Games

Optional Features - Vulpinal Agathion by Sarah Stone

Clarifications - Mistral Umaimon by FadeShock

Conditions - Fracture by Volinfer

Artist Credit - Soma Schicksal by Jeff-Drawing

Back Cover Logo - Foxtail Foundry Logo by FadeShock





