Seekers & Slayers

A Role Play Board Game

The world is undone, The Gods have left. With there departure a new age has begun. An age of Mortals…

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Seekers & Slayers

A Role Play Board Game




Role play games are games we play where we use our imagination to create an enviroment and situation for avatars to live in. Board games are stuctured games that have rules to follow and objectives to win the game. When combined you have a Role Playing Scenario with stucture and rules with a chance to beat the objective and advance to the next level.

How its played. You start by building an avatar. What is an Avatar? An Avatar is an extention of yourself in the fantasy world you will play it. He or she can be any combination of options that make up who he or she is. Once build you join a squad of like minded adventures. This squad will work together to solve the missions your Architect creted for you. Who is the Architect? The architect is the creator of the scenario, he has spent time before the game to map out the mission. What is a Mission? A Mission is an adventure that takes the Actors through diverant scenes to work through the objective.

Game play starts with you avatar game piece placed in the starting area on the game board map designated by you architect. Your game piece will be a colored token. You also place your time token on the outer time track of the board in the starting square. The architect then reads or explains to you the actors of the avatars, what, where and who you are. You could start out in the an Inn not knowing anyone and the events draw you all together. Or you could all be joining an oganization that places you together, Or even a group of friends that always wanted to adventure and this is that day. either way this part of the game should be done as a colaboration to decide how the squad knows each other or not. A startup session main objective is you build the Avatars and craft the base story for the game.

Game play is handled in by taking actions in order on the time tracker. Each play starts the game by rolling his order dice and moving the time avatar a number spaces he rolled plus or minus any modifiers they have to the roll. No two time avatar pieces can be on the same space so they contunie to move until they hit an empty space. He then takes his actions, a move action and a regular action on the map section of the board. After he is finished he rolls the order dice and moves this time piece again. The Architect also has a large time piece that moves after each player moves his time piece off the current time square. This time piece is taller and gold so you can find it easily. When it is time to move it it simply moves to the next active square or square will a time tracker on it. Avatars are not the only items tracked on this track. Monsters also are placed on this track and act when there time is current. Spells also sometimes go off later that the current time and they are smaller tokens the same color as the actors other tokens. These are the only tokens that can occupy the same space as other tokens.

The game is also a card game in that all parts of your avatar are cards. The monsters you fight are cards the items you have are all cards. Incuding Gems, Coins and Magic Items. You build your avatar by selecting your Career, Belief, Speices, Past, Path, Nationality and Personality traits. These cards give you your Stats. Your Avatar sheet has a worksheet for the stats the cards generate. You place them on the sheet and add them up for your totals. The stats are your modifers for rolls in the game your architect will ask you for.

As you complete a missions you gain a level and can upgrade your avatar. You can gain more Path actions or spells. You can upgrade a ability score.