Blood Hunter Tasha's Style Update

Optional Class Features

The following additional class features are available to blood hunters.

Fighting Style

In addition to the available Fighting Styles for the Blood Hunter, the following Fighting Styles are also available:

Blind Fighting

You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover, even if you're blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.

Thrown Weapon Fighting

You can draw a weapon that has the thrown property as part of the attack you make with the weapon. In addition, when you hit with a ranged attack using a thrown weapon, you gain a +2 bonus to the damage roll.

Mutagenic Warrior

You learn a Mutagen formula from the Order of the Mutant archetype. If a formula has a pre-requisite, you can choose that formula only if you're an Order of the Mutant blood hunter with the appropriate level in that archetype. You can concoct a single mutagen you know using this fighting style when you finish a short or long rest.

Once you consume a mutagen concocted using this fighting style, you can't concoct a mutagen with this fighting style again until after you finish a long rest.

Bleeding Blade

2nd-level blood hunter feature

Also at 2nd level, you can summon a weapon made from your blood. As part of the bonus action to activate your Crimson Rite, you create a melee weapon of your choice in your empty hand imbued with the Crimson Rite you chose instead of imbuing the rite onto a weapon you currently hold. You lose a number of hit points equal to one roll of your hemocraft die in addition to the hit points lost for activating your Crimson Rite. The weapon counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical weapons, and conditions that end your Crimson Rite also dismisses this weapon.

Hunter's Versatility

4th-level blood hunter feature

Whenever you reach a level in this class that grants an Ability Score Improvement, you can do one of the following:

  • Replace a crimson rite with another one from the same category as the one you are replacing. You cannot replace a rite granted by your order.

  • Replace a fighting style you know with a fighting style available to blood hunters.

Bane of all Depravity

9th-level blood hunter feature, replaces Grim Psychometry

Your Hunter's Bane feature now also applies to monstrosities and aberrations. You also double your proficiency bonus for these checks if the creature you are tracking or recalling information about is of evil alignment.

Far-Reaching Curse

9th level blood hunter feature

Starting at 9th level, when you amplify a blood curse, its range is doubled.

Brand of Corruption

13th level blood hunter feature, replaces Brand of Tethering

Starting at 13th level, the psychic damage from your Brand of Castigation feature increases to twice your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 2). The branded creature now suffers the damage from the brand if it deals damage to you or a creature you can see within 30 feet of you.

In addition, whenever a creature branded by you regains hit points in any way other than taking a short or long rest, it takes 4d6 necrotic damage.

Order of the Profane Soul

Otherworldly Patron

The following patrons are added to the list of patrons available: the Fathomless and the Genie.

Rite Focus

The following benefits are gained from the additional patrons at 3rd level.

The Fathomless. When you hit a creature with your Rite of the Frozen, their speed is reduced by 10 feet
until the end of your next turn.

The Genie. You can expend a use of your Blood Maledict feature as a bonus action to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see. When you do so,
your next attack with your rite weapon
deals extra rite damage equal to
your proficiency bonus.

Art Credit:

Mirai Kuriyama by


Revealed Arcana

At 7th level, your patron grants you the following spell.

The Fathomless. You can cast silence once using a pact magic spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

The Genie. You can cast phantasmal force once using a pact magic spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Unsealed Arcana

At 15th level, your patron grants you an additional spell.

The Fathomless. You can cast tidal wave once using a pact magic spell slot. You can't do so again until after you finish a long rest.

The Genie. You can cast protection from energy once using a pact magic spell slot. You can't do so again until after you finish a long rest.

Blood Hunter Orders

Order of the Corroded

Poisonous Vessel

Starting 3rd level, when you join this order, your body becomes a host for poisons and toxins. You can use your action create a vial of poison from your body. You can do so a number of times equal to 1 + your Constitution modifier, and you regain all uses when you finish a long rest. The poison loses its potency outside your body, becoming inert if not used for 1 hour.

A creature can apply this poison as an action to their weapon or ammunition, which lasts for 1 minute or until it hits with the weapon or ammunition. You can apply your own poison as a bonus action, even without producing a vial, which still consumes a use. A creature hit by this poisoned weapon or ammunition takes extra poison damage equal to two rolls of your hemocraft die + half your blood hunter level. It must also succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your hemocraft save DC or be poisoned until the attacker's next turn.

At 7th level, when you create a vial of poison or apply it to your weapon or ammunition, you can choose to replace its damage type with acid.

Rite of the Defiled

When you join this order at 3rd level, you learn the Rite of the Defiled esoteric rite.

Rite of the Defiled. Your rite damage is poison. At 7th level, when you activate this esoteric rite, you can choose to change its damage type to acid.

While the rite is active, you gain the following benefit:

  • Any creature that takes damage from this esoteric rite, grapples you or otherwise comes into direct contact with your skin or the weapon affected by this esoteric rite must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of its next turn. Once a creature is poisoned in this way, it has advantage on all saving throws it makes against this effect within the next 24 hours.

Master of Venoms

At 7th level, your body generates toxins that can neutralize other poisons. You are immune to poison and disease.

Additionally, your body produces poisons with special effects. Choose one of the poisons below. You choose an additional poison option at 11th and 15th levels. You can produce each poison with a use of your Poisonous Vessel feature once per long rest.

Cataract. The poisoned creature is also blinded.

Diluted. This poison lasts for 3 hits instead of one. Alternatively, the poison coats 3 ammunition.

Hallucinogen. The poisoned creature is also incapacitated.

Infatuation. This poison deals no extra damage. The poisoned creature is also charmed for 1 minute.

Mumble. The poisoned creature is also deafened and cannot speak.

Rabid. The poisoned creature makes a weapon attack against the closest friendly creature as a bonus action on their turn, using their movement if needed.

Sickening. The poisoned condition caused by this poison lasts for 1 minute. The poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw to end this condition.

Unguarded. This poison deals no extra damage. The poisoned creature is also under the effects of a zone of truth spell for 1 minute.

Art Credit: Hassan of the Serenity
by ジョンディー

Brand of Terminality

Upon reaching 11th level, your Brand of Castigation allows you to bring your foe ever closer to death. Attacks you make against a branded creature score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Supernatural Toxicity

Starting 11th level, You and all poison you produce ignore immunity to the poisoned condition and treat immunity to poison damage as resistance, unless the creature is a construct or undead.

Blood Curse of Lethargy

Starting at 15th level, your blood curse drains the energy from a creature. You gain the Blood Curse of Lethargy for your Blood Maledict feature. This does not count against your number of blood curses known.

Neural Breakdown

At 18th level, you learn to use a supernatural poison, one that magically shuts down a creature's bodily function. When you hit a creature with rite damage, you can choose to paralyze the target. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become paralyzed and take necrotic damage equal to two rolls of your hemocraft die. A creature immune to poison is not immune to this effect. The condition persists until they succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your hemocraft save DC. You can only affect one creature at a time this way.

Blood Curses

The following blood curse options are added for the Blood Maledict feature:

Blood Curse of Lethargy

Pre-requisite: 15th-level, Order of the Corroded

As a bonus action, you cause a creature you can see within 30 feet of you to become inexplicably tired. The creature must succeed a Constitution saving throw or have their speed halved and be forced to choose between using an action or bonus action, not both, on their next turn.

Amplify. This curse lasts for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the cursed creature can make another Constitution saving throw. On a success, this curse ends.

Blood Curse of the Maladroit

When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you attempts to use an item or make an attack roll, you can use your reaction to make them mishandle their equipment. A creature using a natural weapon cannot be the target of this curse. The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or suddenly drop their item or weapon, using their action without activating the item or using one of their attacks without dealing damage. They are unable to pick up the item or weapon until the end of their turn.

Amplify. The target also falls prone and cannot get up until the end of their turn. A creature that uses natural weapons can be targetted if this curse is amplified and fall prone if they fail their Dexterity saving throw.

Blood Curse of the Reckless

As a bonus action, you make a creature you can see within 30 feet of you to become frenzied, unable to protect themselves. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be unable to take the Disengage or Dodge action and have its AC reduced by 2 until the end of your next turn.

Amplify. The cursed creature's AC is further reduced by one roll of your hemocraft die.

Blood Curse of Self-Loathing

As a bonus action, you curse a creature to attack itself. The creature must make a melee weapon attack against itself. If the attack hits, they take extra psychic damage equal to one roll of your hemocraft die.

Amplify. The cursed creature has advantage on the attack roll.

Blood Curse of Shared Pain

When a creature you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to link their pain to another. Choose a different creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The target of the curse receives half the damage of the same damage type received by the attacked creature.

Amplify. This curse instead deals damage equal to the damage received by the attacked creature, and it counts immunity as resistance.

Other Poisonous Vessel Applications

The poison created by the Order of the Corroded's Poisonous Vessel feature can be applied in different ways, not just through injury, at your DM's discretion. The dosage absorbed affects how long the poison lasts. 1 dose lasts a few seconds to a minute. 2 doses lasts a few minutes. 3 doses lasts an hour. 4 doses lasts a day or 24 hours.

Ingest. You can drug food or drink using one vial of the poison. The number of vials is the number of doses the creature ingests when eating or drinking the drugged item. Poison used this way lasts 2 hours in the drugged item before becoming inert.

Inhale. You can create an aerosolized version with 10 minutes of work using 3 vials, lasting as if 2 doses were applied. 5 vials lasts as if it were 3 doses. The poison gas affects an area with a radius of 10 feet and stays in the air for 1 minute.

You can combine the effects of your Master of Venoms poisons with your ordinary poisons to use them in this way.

The poison causes the poisoned condition to those affected. If they receive a dose of 3 or more, they take poison damage equal to one roll of your hemocraft die every 10 minutes. They can expel the poison by making a Constitution saving throw against your hemocraft save DC, unless the dose they received is 4 or greater. If they receive a dose of 4 or more, only a lesser restoration spell cast at a spell slot equal to a third of your blood hunter level or a greater restoration spell can expel the poison.

You can also create the antidote for your poison with a minute of work. You can create as many antidotes as you can, but they become inert after you finish a long rest.


The following feat is available for all classes.

Mutagen Adept

You learn 2 Mutagen formulas from the Order of the Mutant archetype. If a formula has a pre-requisite, you can choose that formula only if you're an Order of the Mutant blood hunter with the appropriate levels in that archetype. You can concoct a single mutagen you know using this feat when you finish a short or long rest.

Once you consume a mutagen concocted using this feat, you can't concoct a mutagen with this feat again until after you finish a long rest.