Sediri Humans

When humans were first taught the ways of arcane magic by the High elves; they were instructed on the mythical, mist-shrouded island of Sedirlende. Ever since, those who grew up there have been in some way, infused with the same magic as the elves who taught them, leading to an unprecidented natural affinity for the arcane arts among human-kind. It was on Sedirlende that the first mage college was created and the study of wizardry first refined among early humans. It is said that the Sediri humans who dwell there are lucky beyond reason, can perform mystical sleights of hand and may even boast long lives because of their connection to the energies infused in their homeland. At the very least; the luck they are known for swings both in their favour and against them in equal measure.

The "Blinkers"

For some unfortunate to meet a "blinker" their apperance may cause an instinctive gasp.

When the Avalonian empire first started it's planet-wide war with the other empires and civilisations of Albionoria; they found themselves at a shortage of spellcasters willing to put their lives on the line for the bloody conflicts they had provoked. Turning to their neighbours in Sedirlende, the Avalonian navy formed a blockade around the whole island and starved the small nation for not willingly surrendering wizards, trained at the mage college as front line battle-mages in service to the empire. Eventually, several months into starvation due to lack of supplies; the Sediri Mageocracy relented and struck up a deal with the Avalonian empire. They would form an alliance, and willingly become an autonomous nation within it's imperial sovereignty, providing taxes and meeting the other needs of the empire. They decided that; in order to prevent conscription on the island, that the Sediri would surrender it's ciminals to serve their sentences as military slaves if they have magical potential. These war-mages were bound, not by restrictive chains and ropes, but instead, had magical tattoos inscribed on their faces. While a handler chanted a spell; the war-mage criminals would be able to cast their magic, but if they stopped, the Sediri mage's mouth would become a charged bomb. If they cast any spell outside of supervision, their lower jaws would explode; usually killing the mage, or at least ensuring that their spellcasting days were over. Needless to say; many escape attempts still occured, and many horrific scars lined the faces of those who attempted frreing themselves. They gained the nickname "Blinkers" because the first spell that any wizard would usually attempt in order to free themselves would be Blink, so that they might teleport to freedom.

Those who survived their jaw erupting into a magical explosion, often found mechanical or surgical means of re-fitting a jaw of some kind. Learning to speak again with a new, inorganic jaw usually means that these wizards are unable to cast spells at all, or are at the very least, re-learning their spellcasting abilities.

Credit: Arcane Forge

Sediri Traits

Your Sediri character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Age. The humans of Sedirlende are, just that...humans! As a result, they mature and age just as humans do, although their innate connection the magical island of their birth tends to grant them an extra decade or two of healthy life; leading to Sediri humans regularly reaching the age of 100.

Alignment. The people of Sedirlende are resilliant, creative, humerous and rebellious. As a result, they tend to lean towards a Chaotic alignment, and more often than not aim to be Good.

Size. Sediri humans generally reach 5-6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Gift of the gab. You have proficiency in the persuasion skill.

Spirit Resilliance. You are anything but a lightweight when it comes to intoxication. You have advantage on Saving throws to resist poison and are resistant to poison damage.

Luck of the Sediri. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Languages. You can speak, read and write common as well as Elvish or Sylvan.

Subrace. Although the humans of Sedirlende are as varied in personality, apperance and interests as any other creature; they can generally be categorised into two main groups. Choose one of these two subraces: The Enchanted or the Tenacious Sediri.

Enchanted Sediri

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Island of Magic. You know one cantrip of your choice from the Bard spell list. When you reach 3rd level, you learn one 1st level spell of your choice from the Bard spell list. When you reach 5th level, you learn one 2nd level spell of your choice from the Bard spell list.

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for all of these spells.

Tenacious Sediri

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.

Bar Brawler. You have proficiency in unarmed combat, and your unarmed attacks deal 1D4 damage. When you use improvised weapons in combat, you may add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll as well.

The Homebrewery

Although I consider myself an illustrator, I am by no means a graphic designer and would have no clue on how to priduce a booklet by myself that looked this wonderful. This homebrew was presented due to the hard work of the people at and I would highly recommend looking at their work and using this fantastic homebrewing tool if you'd like to make monsters of your own or anything else for 5e!

Shameless Self Plug

If somehow, this creature has made it's way to you and you are not a viewer of my videos over on Youtube, I would hate to miss the opportunity to share my work with you. You can find my videos over on where I draw at least one monster per week and talk about their lore, history and mythology as well as all of their real world influences, a pinch of biology and a smattering of linguistics. There's even a timelapse of me drawing and talking about this particular creature, so I hope you'll check it out.

Thanks so much for reading!